Chapter 106: Jeanie, the Fallen Angel

In Pentagram City. Blitz, Barbie, Mimmy, and Randall are walking down the sidewalk of the city after having some lunch and plan to do some shopping.

"I have to admit Randall, that was a great place for lunch," Barbie says.

"Glad you think so. I heard it's one of the best in the city," Randall says.

"I have to agree. It's a very nice place to go to," Blitz says.

Mimmy happily says, "The place is great."

"Thanks guys," Randall says with a grin.

"Well, now that we have some lunch, what should we do now?" Barbie asks.

"I know a good place where we can get some ice cream," Randall says.

Mimmy happily cheers, "Yay! Ice Cream!"

"Maybe we should wait, I'm still kind of full from lunch," Blitz says.

"Good point," Randall says, "The ice cream shop is at the mall so we can do some shopping or explore around for costumes for Verosika's Halloween Party."

"Sounds good to me," Barbie says.

"Sure," Blitz says.

Mimmy happily nods her head in response.

As the group continue walking down the sidewalk, Mimmy ears' begins twitching to the sound of a grunt and groan sound.

Mimmy stops and turns to the alley, "Daddy, do you hear something?"

"Hear what, Mimmy?" Blitz asks.

"I'm... not sure," Mimmy says, unsure.

Blitz and Mimmy look into the alley, listen carefully, and hear the groaning sound again.

"See daddy, I told you," Mimmy says.

"You're right," Blitz says, keeping Mimmy close.

Barbie and Randall walk back to them, to see what is the matter.

Randall asks, "What's up, guys?"

"We heard someone in the alley," Mimmy says.

The group walk over and are shocked to see someone lying down on the ground. From the looks of it, she appears to be some humanoid girl. She appears to have long white hair that goes down to her waist and is tied in a ponytail by a black scrunchy, cyan grayish skin, and all she's wearing is a purple dress and pink flats on her feet.

Randall rushes over and asks, "Hey, are you okay?"

Randall tries to shake the poor woman, but she grunts and groans as she slowly opens her eyes to reveal white scleras and pink irises. She ends up falling unconscious again.

"Shit," Randall mutters.

"Is she okay?" Blitz asks, worried.

"I don't know," Randall says.

Barbie rushes over and kneels down to her, "Let me check on her."

Barbie checkers her pulse, "She seems stable."

Then checks her eyes, arms, legs, and other parts of her body for any injuries. Soon, she finds a really bad gash on her head, and there appears to be gold yellow blood.

"Oooh, she has a really bad head injury, and a very hard one," Barbie says, worried.

"We should get her to the doctor," Blitz says.

But Randall says, "No, that's not a good idea."

Everyone turns to Randall with a confused look.

"How come?" Mimmy asks, concerned.

Randall then places his finger on the blood. He then lifts his finger to reveal the golden blood that is now on his fingers. Observing the blood, Randall realizes who this mysterious girl is.

"Thought so," Randall says.

"What is it, Randall?" Blitz asks.

"Well, I'm not familiar with them, but I think this girl is an angel," Randall says, "I can tell because of the blood's color. And Sarg explains that Angel's blood is a golden yellow color."

"So this girl is an Angel?" Barbie asks, shocked, "How the fuck did she got here?"

Blitz grows worried, "Do you think she fallen?"

"It's possible. It's not a good idea to bring her to any demon hospital. If word gets out about a Fallen Angel here, who knows what happens," Randall says.

"Then the only thing we can do is treat her injuries ourselves," Blitz says.

"But where can we do that without anyone seeing us?" Randall asks.

Blitz has an idea, "We could take her to Stolas' palace and treat her there."

"Best option we have," Blitz says.

Blitz lifts his ring, "Don't worry, I can get us there, fast."

He then rubs the ring and it allows him to open the portal to Stolas' palace. Randall then picks up the girl, holding her in deep concern. With that, they all rush through the portal and to the palace.

Sometime later...

After arriving at the palace, Blitz and Barbie are in one of the spare bedrooms giving the mysterious fallen angel girl medical treatment. The girl has bandages wrapped around her head to cover the head injury and has small bandages and wraps around other parts of her body from scrapes and bruises.

Randall, Mimmy, Stolas, and Octavia sit and watch

Mimmy walks over, "Daddy? Auntie Baribe? Will she be okay?"

"Well so far, as long as she stays in bed, she will make a full recovery," Blitz says.

"But she's kind of banged up a bit," Barbie says, "She did end up with a bad head injury so it's possible she might have a concussion. Never thought we were giving medical treatments to an actual angel."

"None of us have," Randall says.

Seeing her, Randall begins to have small blushes on his face.

"Still, what's an angel doing here in Hell?" Octavia asks.

"It's possible that she must have fallen in some way and ended up here. Question is, when?" Stolas says.

"I wonder about that too. From the looks of it, she seems to be in Hell for quite a while," Blitz says. "It's best we let her get some rest. It could take a few days for her to recover, but I'm not sure when she'll wake up.

Blitz turns to see the woman, who is actually confirmed to be an angel. It's shocking because she remembers meeting Lute and she looks different from her, and yet, similar to her as well. Even has a similar appearance to Vaggie, Charlie's girlfriend.

"First time I've seen an Angel unconscious in the street," Barbie says.

"Hmm, it's kind of odd that she doesn't have a halo, or wings," Octavia says.

"Yes. Which is quite concerning,"Stolas ays.

Mimmy asks, "Well she will be okay, daddy?"

"She'll be okay. She just needs some rest" Blitz says.

"Still, I'm worried about the fact that an angel is in Hell," Barbie says.

"Maybe, but since she doesn't have a Halo or wings, it assumed that she might have fallen at some point. From the looks of her clothes, she must have been in Hell for sometime," Blitz says.

Then turns his head, "What do you think Randall?"

However, Randall isn't answering.

Blitz turns to Randall, "Randall... Randall..."

Randall snaps out of his daze, "Oh uh, sorry about that. I was distracted."

"I see," Blitz says.

Noticing the blush, Barbie asks, "You okay, there? Your face is turning red?"

"Oh uh, it's nothing Barbie," Randall quickly says.

"Okay," Barbie responds, not fully believing him.

Randall then asks, "Hey guys, do you mind if I stay here, for the night."

That catches everyone off guard.

'Really?" Barbie asks.

"Well, someone has to watch over her in case she wakes up," Randall says.

"As long as you're sure about that?" Barbie says.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt for you to watch over her. She might panic to find herself in a building full of demons," Stolas says.

"I think it's a good idea. One of us should stay and watch over her," Blitz says.

"As long as you're sure," Barbie says.

"I'm sure, guys. Don't worry, I'll let the others know about it," Randall says.

"Okay," Blitz says.

And Randall does just that, and watches over the mysterious fallen angel all day, until late in the evening, and late at night. Randall then makes sure to text Razor that he'll be staying at Stolas' place for the night and most likely be back to the apartment tomorrow. Randall waits, and waits, and waits. He continues watching over the angel, and only leaves the room to grab a bite to eat or use the restroom. Either way, he never leaves the mysterious angel's side.

Early the next day...

Randall is seen sleeping on the chair with a blanket wrapped around himself. The angel is still sleeping in the bed until she begins slowly moving her head as she lets out grunts and groans in pain. The angel slowly opens her eyes to reveal white sclera with ocean green eyes, as she places her hand on her head, feeling the bandages wrapped around it.

She slowly moves her head as she softly says, "Where... what... What happened...? Where... where am I...?"

Slow slightly lifts herself up and notices a tube and needle is attached to her right arm. She looks up to notice the bandages wrapped around her head. She then turns her head to see Randall, which makes her yelp, becoming startled. Randall wakes up soon after.

Randall then notices the angel is awake, "Oh you're up."

However, the Angel scoots away, but begins to feel a little light headed.

Randall rushes over, "Hey, it's okay. You shouldn't move around so much. You still have that head injury."

"Head injury?" The angel questions.

Randall gently has the angel laying down, "Just lay down and relax a little, alright."

"Okay... I guess," The angel says, sounding a bit uneasy.

She then asks, "where are we?"

"We're at a friend's place," Randall answers, "You had a bad head injury and would most likely have a concussion, which is why you're light headed."

"I see," The angel says.

"Anyway, the name Randall. What's your name?" Randall introduces himself.

"Jeanie. My name is Jeanie," The angel says.

"Nice to meet you, Jeanie. It's a very nice name," Randall says, flustered.

Jeanie giggles, "You're kind of odd."

"Glad you think so. I'm always quite the odd ball," Randall says, and shows a grin on his face.

He then asks, "How did you get hurt anyway?"

"Oh well um, I was chased by a group of demon gangsters and one of them hit me hard on the head with a metal baseball bat," Jeanie says.

"Oooh, that's gotta hurt," Randall says as he cringes.

"Yes. Those creeps were trying to rob me. I managed to get away, but I got very dizzy and collapsed in the alley," Jeanie explains.

"Make sense," Randall says, "I mean, I've got hurt by a bat before and it's painful."

"Oh dear," Jeanie says, concerned.

"Yep. It happens when I'm an assassin dealing with killing humans because Sinners want us to kill them back. And so many humans are not normal," Randall says.

Jeanie becomes stunned, "That's terrible! In all kinds of ways!"

"I get it, it's bad that I kill humans, but a lot of them we kill are murderers, psychos, drug dealers, cannibals, or have done a lot of bad stuff on Earth," Randall says.

"Yikes," Jeanie replies.

"Don't worry, I'm with a lot of different friends and we do it together. It's hard, but glad I have great friends," Randall says.

"I suppose that's good," Jeanie says with a small smile.

"Yeah. We may be demons, but some of us do have morals and principles, and not all of us are savages," Randall says.

Jeanie giggles, "You're a bit weird, but you seem nice enough."

"Thanks," Randall says.

He then asks, "Jeanie, if you don't mind me asking, how did you end up in Hell?"

"What do you mean?" Jeanie asks, curious.

"Well, it's not everyday we find an Angel that has fallen. Then again, that hasn't happened in a very very long time, well, not since Lucifer, and no one angels we know of," Randall says.

This causes Jeanie to be reluctant, "Well um, it's kind of difficult to explain."

"How so?" Randall asks.

"It's well... it's because of what I am, and the reason why I've become a fallen angel," Jeanie answers, sadly.

"Well, it can't be any more than what the sinners has done, murder, rape, trafficking drugs, people, illegal stuff, and other kinds of crimes I can think of," Randall says, "And besides, we're all flawed, but it's not always a bad thing."

"I guess so..." Jeanie says, still reluctant, "It's just, what I did was so bad. It's in a way, murder, but I feel as though it's a lot worse."

"What do you mean?" Randall asks, curious.

Jeanie sadly sighs and says, "I'm... I'm an Exorcist..."

Randall's eyes wide in shock, "Wait, you're a what?"

"An Exorcist. An Angelic Exorcist, an Exterminator, one of the many different angels you see for years in the Pride Ring," Jeanie says and she sits up, looking upset.

She begins to feel dizzy and falls down on the bed again.

"Hey hey, no need to get upset by it. I'm just surprised because well, you don't look like one," Randall says.

Jeanie blushes a bit, "I can understand it. We always wear masks and uniforms when we go down to Hell, so it doesn't occur to you that we look similar to humans, but with wings and halos"

"Yep. That sounds about right. Plus, you actually look pretty," Randall says, but quickly covers his mouth in shock. He quickly says, "I uh, sorry that was not meant to come out. I mean uh... Well you actually look pretty for an Angelic Exorcist."

Jeanie blushes with a smile as she says, "Thank you."

"But still, why did you fell? And what was your life like? I can understand that you don't want to talk about it, but I do like to know you," Randall says.

"I guess it's understandable," Jeanie says.

She then explains, "The truth is, my life was actually pretty simple when I was a human."

"Really? So Exorcists were humans?" Randall asks.

"Some of us are," Jeanie says, "There are many Exorcists who were born in Heaven to become Exorcists while some of us were born as humans and died to become angels. For me, I was a normal good girl until I got sick and passed away from an illness. When I got to Heaven, they decided that I was to become an Exorcist, and I've been one for well, around 50 years or even less than that."

"That long huh," Randall says.

Jeanie nods her head, "Yes. Of course, I was sworn to keep it a secret. No one but the Exorcists can know about it."

"My friend mentioned that part. He learned about it when he was in Heaven," Randall says.

Jeanie is surprised, "A demon in Heaven?"

"Yes. It's a long story," Randall says.

"I see, but still, I was given that job and I have to do it, but I hate it. Killing demons every year doesn't seem right to me, but I had to do it, even though I was against it. I continue to perform as an Exorcist and kill any demon I see, Sinners, Hellborns, all kinds of demons. The reason why some are more brutal is because demons who made some of the angels live a living Hell are down here, especially towards Sinners," Jeanie explains.

"Wow. That's harsh," Randall says.

Then Randall asks, "But still, what caused you to fall? I mean, you've got to give in to something to make it happen?"

Jeanie lowers her head in sadness and lets out a deep sigh.

She then says, "Mercy..."

"What?" Randall questions.

"I fell because I showed mercy to a Hellborn infant," Jeanie sadly answers.

"Wait? What? Just for that? I mean, how is not killing a soul considered a sin?! It makes no sense!" Randall asks, shocked.

"There's more to it than that," Jeanie says, sounding reluctant.

"What do you mean?" Randall asks.

Jeanie then explains, "It happened years ago, over three decades ago. The Extermination took place early and me and a few Exorcists, along with Lute were chasing a female Imp who had something bundled up in her arms. The next thing we knew this portal opened right in front of us and sucked us all through it. We realized that it sucked us all to Earth. However, the Imp wouldn't give up and continued running away and suddenly lost her for a little while."

As Jeanie explains the story, Randall eyes wide in shock to hear it, and it sounds very familiar.

"What happened after that?" Randall asks, sounding worried.

Jeanie then explains, "Well, Lute and the others were able to find the female Imp and chased after her, but I realized she doesn't have the bundle anymore. I've left the group to find the bundle until I come across a family cabin. That's when I realized the female Imp has a baby Imp bundled up and left it behind to lure us away. At first I was planning on continuing my work, but... I saw how the human family was more than willing to accept the Imp as their own and how happy the baby is," And soon tears begin to form, "I... I didn't have the heart to end the baby's life. I've decided to leave the baby Imp with the family. But by the time I've joined the group, Lute has already ended the female's Imp life. We left without anything else, but not before returning the corpse to Hell, and we returned to Heaven once the bell rang."

"Shit..." Randall says, stunned.

"Once I returned to Heaven, I've decided to keep this to myself for a long time. I thought that since Lute had never seen the baby's face, she, not even Adam will realize what I've done and that the Imp child will be safe on Earth," Jeanie says.

"But she and Adam did find out," Randall says.

Jeanie nods her head, "Yes, and they weren't happy when they found out. Lute successfully destroyed my halo and cut off my wings. I managed to escape and fell to Hell before she had the chance to take both of my eyes out, just like what she did to another Exorcist a few years ago for showing mercy to a demon. I've been in Hell for two years now."

Shocked by the discovery, "Fuck. That Lute doesn't sound like an angel at all."

"That's right. She is brutal, merciless, something that you don't expect from an angel. She even called me a traitor for what I did," Jeanie says.

Randall places his hand on her shoulder, "Well, don't worry, everything will be okay. You're with us now."

"Thank you. The truth is, I don't regret my actions of sparing the infant Imp's life, especially how happy the family and the baby were. It's like they were meant to be together. All I prayed for was for the Imp to have a good life. I only wish I knew what happened to him," Jeanie says.

Randall chuckles, "Funny you should mention it, the Imp infant you allowed to live on Earth, is more than okay."

"Really?" Jeanie asks, surprised.

"Yes. In fact, he's actually my friend Blitzo Abercrombie," Randall says.

This has Jeanie more surprised, "Really?"

"Yes. In fact, he's been doing fine since he's been on Earth, and ended up finding his way to Hell," Randall says.

Jeanie sighs in relief, "I'm very glad to hear it."

"In fact, he and Barbie were the ones who treated you because we thought it would be risky for you to get treated at a hospital," Randall says.

"Really?" Jeanie asks.

"Yeah. they're also worried about you," Randall says.

Jeanie saddens, "But they might not be pleased to learn that I'm one of the Exorcists, knowing that Lute killed the boy's mother."

"I'm sure they'll understand once they know the whole story," Randall says.

"Are you sure?" Jeanie asks, still worried.

"I'm sure they will," Randall says with a nod, "And I'm sure they'll be grateful to learn that you were also part of the reason his life was spared."

"I hope so," Jeanie asks.

"I know so," Randall says with a smile.

Sometime later...

After everyone arrive at the palace and meet Jeanie in the Goetia's guest room. Like how she explains her life to Randall, Jeanie explains everything to the group, especially the part on how Jeanie was part of the reason Blitz is left on Earth.

"Really? That's what happened?" Berry asks, shocked.

"You used to be an Exorcist?" Drew adds, stunned.

"What the fuck?!" Razor asks, shocked.

"This is unexpected," Velma says.

Jeanie lowers her head in shame, "Yes. Trust me, I've never been happy being an Exorcist, but I didn't have much of a choice. Because I was assigned to the job, and I have to listen to what Adam and Lute say, so yes. Of course, I still decided to spare the life of an Hellborn infant, and was declared fallen from the incident."

"Yikes. All because you decided to spare the life of a Hellborn," Razor says, shocked.

"Yes," Jeanie says.

"That sounds bad. It's worse than Blitz telling us about the Exorcists keeping all this a secret from the other angels," Berry says.

"Yes. We were sworn to secrecy. I was reluctant to tell you partly about the secret," Jeanie says.

"Well at least you don't have to deal with them now," Randall says.

"No fuckin kidding!" Barbie angrily says, "When my brother told me what this lieutenant did I was upset about it. Only to hear it coming from you and learning what happened makes me want to tear that bitch a new one!"

Jeanie sweat drops, "Uh, I don't think you should be picking a fight with Lute. In fact, I'm positive."

"I have to agree, Barbie. I've met Lute, and she seems dangerous," Blitz says.

"You met her?" Jeanie asks, shocked.

"Yes. Of course, at the time, I had an uneasy feeling about her, and remember that she was there when the Early Extermination happened," Blitz says.

He then smiles at Blitz, "But, I'm actually very grateful to you."

"To me? Why?" Jeanie asks, confused.

Blitz nods, "Of course, I am. You basically spared my life that day. You must have plenty of opportunities to finish me off, but you decided not to, even if it means going against Adam and Lute. I'm really grateful."

"Thank you, Blitz. It was very hard, but I don't regret that decision," Jeanie says.

"Glad to hear you have remorse over it," Barbie says, "Still can't believe you're part of the angel army who kill thousands of demons, but I have to appreciate being able to stand against them and such. However, it won't be easy for me to know what happened. "

"I understand," Jeanie says.

Barbie calmly smiles, "But, glad to know you're willing to make up for it."

"Thank you. I suppose," Jeanie says.

She then wonders, "Still, I have to wonder what to do now?"

"What do you mean?" Randall asks.

"Well, the truth is, I don't really have a home, and simply move around from place to place around the Pride Ring. I did it because I worry how demons act if they know what I really am," Jeanie says.

"Hmm," Randall thinks, and says, "Well, how about you stay with us?"

"Really? Are you sure?" Jeanie asks.

"Yeah. Razor and I have plenty of room in the apartment," Randall says.

Then turns to Razor, "What do you think?"

"Well, I suppose we have some space in the apartment, but as long as she's okay with it," Razor says.

"As long as you guys don't mind having a girl staying with you guys," Jeanie says.

"We don't mind at all," Randall quickly says.

"I guess we can do that," Razor says.

"Thank you," Jeanie says.

Randall smiles, "I'm really glad, and I uh, I promise to help you in any way I can."

"Thank you," Jeanie says.

The two smile at each other, and everyone can agree that Jeanie will make a very unique addition to the group.

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