Chapter 101: Wish Upon an Angelic Wishing Star Part 2
The happy reunion of the Abercrombie Family leaves the Cherubs in tears of the happy reunion Blitz has with his family.
"It's really great to see you again," Blitz says.
"We're happy to see you too," Marina says.
The family soon let go of the embrace and are happy to see each other again.
"You sure gave us a surprise, huh Blitz," Charles says.
"Yeah. It's kind of a long story," Blitz says.
"It sure was," Cletus says.
The Abercrombie Family turn to see the three Cherubs.
"Hey Cletus. Collin. Keenie. Didn't expect to see you three today?" Malcolm says hello and waves.
"Well, we ended up meeting Blitz while walking in the streets alone, so we decided to give him a hand," Keenie says.
"Since we know your house and you all we decided to bring him here," Collin says.
"And we knew you all would be happy and surprised to see Blitzo here," Cletus says.
"We certainly are surprised," Lucy says.
"Well, let's all head inside, have some breakfast, and talk about those uh, development," Charles says.
"I think it's a good idea. I have a lot to tell you about what happened in my life," Blitz says.
With that, Blitz, his family, and the Cherubs walk into the house and Malcolm closes the door behind him.
Sera is in one of the meeting rooms and is having a talk with Selena, the archangel who has granted Blitz's wish.
Selena says, "And so after looking into Blitz's heart, I believed that he deserved to have his wish come true to be able to see his family for one day."
"I understand your reasons, and I do have to agree Blitzo has a very good heart despite him being a demon. Especially being raised by good people who are now in Heaven," Sera says.
"Yes. I might have got carried away about it and not think things through," Selena says.
"It's quite alright. Fortunately for Blitzo, he managed to meet three Cherubs who he associated with and was able to find his family safely," Sera says.
"And you said you've already sent Adam and Lute to check on him?" Selena asks.
"Yes," Sera says, "I believe that Blitzo won't cause any trouble and mischief, however, I do think it's best to keep a watch over him to make sure he doesn't get himself into trouble."
"I guess it makes sense," Selena says.
Then Sera says, "And the truth is, when I first saw Blitzo from the sky, something about him seemed mysterious. I plan to have a chat with him later so I can get a better look at him. You may go, Selena. I'll let you know when I approach him. I feel you should have a talk with him as well.
"Of course, Sera," Selena says and takes flight.
Sera soon grows concerned, "I hope Blitzo will be okay. It was just a whole day. What kind of trouble can one Imp get into."
Back at the Abercrombie House...
The Abercrombie family and the cherubs are having breakfast as Blitz explains his story. Blitz has finished explaining what's been happening for the many years on Earth and how he met his friends from IMP, how his pet kitten became his daughter, and how he's been dating Stolas. Well, dating the Goetia Prince really caught them by surprise. Blitz also explains about the situation
"Of course, I didn't expect my wish to see you again would come true and I ended up in Heaven. Luckily, Cletus, Collin, and Keenie found me and were able to bring me here," Blitz says.
"This is very unexpected," Charles says.
"I have to agree. So this Cascade Gateway Disaster is part of the reason why you ended up on Earth where I found you," Lucy says.
"And you ended up becoming friends with demons who run a hitman company? It's kind of unexpected for you of all people to work for one. Then again, you didn't have much work related to the killing," Marina says.
Malcolm giggles, "And to think you ended up falling in love with a demon prince. I didn't take you being gay, bro. Not that there's anything wrong with it."
"Yeah. It was unexpected too. However, I really love Stoals, and Stolas really loves me. He's smart, kind, brave, also pretty powerful and generous. He helped teach and took care of me and Mimmy when we started living with him," Blitz says.
Keenie giggles, "I have to admit, Mimmy seems really cute. I surely didn't expect Mimmy to be a little pet kitten before becoming a Hellcat."
"It sure was unexpected given the last time I saw an animal getting contaminated by demonic drinks," Blitz says.
"I can imagine," Cletus says, "But still, you sure have had a lot of adventures since the last time we saw each other."
"Still, it sounds like you've made very good friends," Charles says.
"And you were able to learn a lot about your birth family," Marina says.
"Yeah. My father was named Cash Buckzo, my mother was Tilla, and my twin sister is Barbie Wire. From what I was told and ended up remembering after the incident with those demon hunters called DHORKS," Blitz says.
Malcolm and Collin snicker and cover their mouths.
"DHORKS? Really?" Malcolm questions.
Collin says, "That's kind of funny."
"Yeah. I'm not sure what it means, but Randall keeps calling them dorks without the h," Blitz says.
Keenie sighs, "That lizard."
"Yes, It was kind of odd, but I'm not the one who came up with the name," Blitz says, "And from what I remembered, my father and mother got separated during an Early Extermination. My mother had me and my father had me, and before they had the chance to kill us the portal opened up and sucked us in. Sadly the Exorcists were able to kill her, but before she could do so, she managed to save my life and hide me in the hollow log where you found me."
"Speaking of which, what is this Extermination you're talking about?" Lucy asks.
"And what are Exorcists?" Keenie asks.
"Wait, you don't know about the Extermination?" Blitz asks.
Everyone shakes their heads and answers, "No," in response.
Blitz is shocked, "You mean, you don't know about the Early Extermination in Hell?"
"Yearly? You mean this happened before?" Cletus asks.
Blitz nods, "Yes. The others explained to me about the Extermination. I actually witnessed it myself. It was terrible. Sure I was safe in Stolas' mansion, but I took a look outside the window to see the Angelic Exorcists killing demons left and right."
"Angelic? You mean Angels?" Marina asks, shocked.
"Yes. From what my friends and even Stolas explain, exorcists are angels who descend to Hell killing any demon in sight. They are very brutal when it comes to killing demons from Sinners to Hellborns. It's been a yearly event for centuries in order to keep Hell's overpopulation from getting too large. They don't stop until the bell rings," Blitz says.
Everyone is shocked to hear it.
"Oh my god! That's horrible!" Collin says and begins to panic.
But Keenie slaps him in the face, "Collin, don't panic, it's not good to panic."
Collin takes a deep breath and says, "Okay. I'm calm. I'm calm now."
"Good," Keenie says.
"How awful," Lucy says.
"That is utterly barbaric," Malcolm says.
"I have no idea all this happened in Hell," Collin says.
Blitz thinks about it, "That seems very strong. The Extermination was a yearly occurrence in Hell, and yet, none of you know about it. I wonder if everyone else in Hell knew."
"That does seem kind of strange," Lucy says.
"Very strange," Cletus says, and thinks a bit.
Then Keenie grows concerned, "Do you think Adam might know?"
"Adam?" Blitz asks.
"Adam is actually the first man to be born on Earth, and is also the leader of the Angel Army. It's possible that he, along with his lieutenant, Lute, may know about the Extermination. Of course for a decision such as this, he would need to talk to one of Hell's leaders," Keenie explains.
"This is very concerning. I wonder why they kept it a secret," Collin wonders in concern.
Blitz then answers, "Maybe the angels involved didn't want you all to worry, especially how overpopulating Hell has been over the years."
"Maybe," Cletus says.
"Still, it's horrifying to know Angels have been killing demons for years and none of us were aware of it. In fact, it's very hard to believe," Lucy says.
"I understand, mom. I'm shocked to learn you have no clue of this," Blitz says.
"Well, it just shows there's still a lot of mysteries in the world," Charles says.
"That's true, dad," Blitz says.
Lucy then says, "Well, now that we know that you'll be spending the day with us, we should do something fun for it."
"Mother's right. We should do something fun together. Heaven has a lot of great places to go and things to do. I can even introduce you to some of my friends, Emily," Marina says.
"Who's Emily?" Blitz asks.
"Emily is a seraphim, she is so kind. And I may have told her a lot about you as well. She is so nice and sweet. I think you like her," Marina answers.
"She sounds really nice," Blitz says.
"She's really a very sweet girl," Lucy says.
Then Marina says, "Still, we gotta show you around. I think you'll like it here."
"Sure. I would like to see what Heaven has to offer. Of course, it didn't really help that I'm in my pajamas, and roaming around the streets in my bare feet and such," Blitz says.
Lucy giggles, "I think we have some spare clothes for you to borrow."
"Thank you mom," Blitz says.
Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door.
"Who could that be?" Charles questions.
"I'll get it," Lucy says, and walks towards the door.
Once at the front door, Lucy opens it to reveal Adam, who says, "Hey Circus folks, how are things!"
"Oh, hello Adam," Lucy says, "I didn't expect to see you today."
"Well i was in the neighborhood and I caught wind that an Imp who is actually your uh, son here," Adam says walking inside the house and into the living room.
Lute follows from behind with silence.
Once in the living room, Adam spots Blitz, "And here's the demon of the hour."
"Uh me?" Blitz questions.
"What other demon is there around here," Adam says.
"You do have a point," Blitz says.
He then asks, "Who are you?"
"Right right, you may or may not know who I am, but I am Adam, leader of the angel and number one bad boy in Heaven. Not literally on the bad boy think," Adma says, "I fuckin rock."
"Wait, you're Adam. Leader of the Angel army?" Blitz asks.
"That's right. I'm the original dick, just call me dickmaster," Adam says with a smirk.
A bit dumbfounded, Blitz says, "I see. You sure are very different from what people say or write in the bible."
"Maybe, but I'm still the first man to appear on Earth. Every living human came from me," Adam says.
"Uh yeah," Blitz replies, sheepishly.
Then turns to see Lute, "And uh, who would you be?"
"Lute. Lieutenant of the Angel Army," Lute says.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Blitz says.
Lute glares at Blitz, "Charmed."
Blitz recoils back a bit, and starts to feel rather uneasy about Lute, and not just from the glare she's giving him. Then the Cherubs fly in front of Blitz.
"Oh, you don't need to worry about Blitz. Despite him being a demon, he's a good person," Cletus says.
"And he's very kind too," Keenie says.
"I see. However, I suggest he does not cause any problems. He always created a commotion when he suddenly showed up here," Lute says.
"Yes. It was a surprise for us as well, but we're glad to have Blitz here," Charles says.
"Glad you all are happy about it while everyone else in Heaven are freaking out," Adam says, "Then again, some are amazed to see a former performer here."
"Oh, you know about that too?" Blitz asks.
"Yep. Word gets around fast for the past few decades," Adam says.
He then says, "Anyway, gotta get going, places to go and things to do. See around Blitzo."
And with that, Adam takes his leave. Lute follows behind him, but not before turning to see Blitz and gives him a vicious glare, which makes Blitz feel very uneasy and looking rather scared. Then Lute walks out of the house and Lucy closes the door. Once they're gone, everyone sighs in relief.
"That was too close," Cletus says.
"Yes. I was worried Adam might try to do something," Lucy says.
"Don't worry, I'm sure Adam wouldn't harm Blitz," Collin says nervously, but doesn't seem too sure.
Marina soon notices the uneasy and nervous expression on Blitz's face, "Blitz, are you okay?"
"Noty really," Blitz answers, sounding nervous.
Lucy then helps Blitz take a seat on the sofa.
She then asks, "Blitzo, is something wrong?"
"Well, there is something. It's hard to explain, but I have this odd feeling about Adam's Lieutenant, Lute. I don't why, but I felt as though I've seen her somewhere before," Blitz says.
"You've met her?" Keenie asks.
"I'm not entirely sure, but I felt like I've seen her, a long time ago," Blitz says.
Then Marina realizes something and asks, "Blitz, remember the dreams you have of you and your birth mother being attacked by frightening flying creatures."
"Yes. It was also discovered later on that those creatures were really angelic exorcists. And that's when I learned that my mother has sacrificed her life in order to save mine," Blitz says and lowers his head in sadness of the memory.
Cletus then grows concerned to ask, "Your mother was killed by an angel?"
"From what I understand, yes," Blitz says.
"Do you think it could have been, Lute?" Marina asks.
Blitz grows even more worried, "I hope not. It would be shocking and frightening if it was her."
Lucy hugs Blitz and reassures, "I understand, that must have been a frightening experience, but it all happened a long time ago, and you don't need to worry about it. And if anything were to happen, we'll be there for you."
Blitz nods.
Charles then says, "Well then, how about we finish breakfast so we can spend the whole day together."
Everyone soon agrees on the idea.
Sometime later...
The Abercrombie Family along with the Cherubs are walking along the streets of Heaven for some fun activities. And thanks to Lucy and Marina, Blitz has some new clothes. Blitz is wearing black pants, a red shirt with a collar and white buttons. He also wears black boots.
"Thank you for helping me get some new clothes," Blitz says.
"It's no trouble, Blitz. It's a good thing I've taken sewing as a hobby so I can get some of the old clothes to fit," Marina says with a smile, "Of course, red and black are definitely your color."
"Yes. you and mom really like sewing, kind of reminds me when we started cosplaying with our cousins," Blitz says,
"I remember," Malcolm says.
Then Blitz asks, "So what do we do first?"
"There's a lot to do in Heaven. There's a petting zoo, food courts, shopping mall, and ice cream parlors. In fact, there's a lot of places that are similar to Earth, but more Heavenly," Keenie says.
"I see. Everyone looks so happy here. It's like they never have to face any danger here," Blitz says.
"That's right," Cletus says.
Blitz then whispers to Cletus, "It's like the you know what doesn't exist here."
Cletus nods in response.
Suddenly, they hear a voice, "Hi Marina. Hello everyone."
Everyone looks up to see another angel descending towards them. Once landing on the ground, everyone looks to see the angel before them. The angel is a slim young woman with silver-like skin, and mid-thigh-length hair with bangs styled in a somewhat messy way, colored in a gradient of periwinkle with noticeable white tips. Her eyes have light blue sclera, white-outlined darker-colored pupils, and deep-purple eyelashes, while her three freckles are white and are located on each of her cheeks and her nose. She also has six white feathered-wings on her back and has a light blue halo decorated with small, tiara-like spikes hovering above her head. She princess-inspired clothing which consists of a light periwinkle gown, featuring a darker-colored stripe around the high-frilled collar, darker-colored trimming and details on the short light blue puffed sleeves, a darker-blue star-pattern on the chest, and darker-blue triangular-like patterns on the hem with small diamond shaped between the mounds. In addition, she accessories with a light blue sash worn around her waist. She also wears a set of fingerless pale-periwinkle opera gloves which covers most of her arms, which appears to be skin-tight and act as long sleeves for her dress. For footwear, she wore blue ballerina-like shoes.
"Hi Emily," Marina says.
"Hi Marina," The angel, Emily happily says, "Hello to you too, Charles, Lucy, Malcolm."
"Hello," Everyone responds.
And Keenie happily says, "Hi Emily."
"Hi Keenie. Collin. Cletus. It's good to see you too," Emily says.
"It's good to see you too, Emily," Collin says.
Emily giggles with a smile, "So what are you all doing today?"
"We're actually showing our little brother around," Marina says.
And then presents Blitz to Emily and begins the introduction, "Blitz, this is my friend, Emily. The seraphim I've told you about. Emily, this my brother, Blitzo. But we all call him Blitz. He's the brother I talked about."
Emily soon squeals in excitement, "So you're the little brother Marina told me about, and the Imp performer I've heard about. Hello my name is Emily, though you can call me Em! Emmy, E, whatever you want, I go by whatever," and giggles in response. "Anyway, it's nice to meet you and welcome to Heaven."
"It's nice to meet you too, Emily," Blitz says.
"So I assume you all have fun plans going on," Emily says.
"That's right. We're going to show Blitz around and have some fun, you wanna come with us?" Marina asks.
"Of course, I would love to. As long as Blitz doesn't mind," Emily says.
"I don't mind at all. I do like to get to know my sister's friend," Blitz says.
"You are going to love it in Heaven, there's so much to see," Emily says.
With Emily in the group everyone begins to explore around Heaven. Of course, it's a little concerning when many angels give Blitz strange looks, but those who have recognized Blitz from Earth, are actually amazed and surprised to see him here.
Their first stop is at the shopping mall. They look around to see clothing stories, appliances, electronics, and other kinds of items. Of course, the family helps Blitz make some purchases, but not anything too big, like snacks, a tote bag, pencils, and also small items.
"Over here we have the beauty salon, and over there we have a play area," Marina says.
"Play area?" blitz asks.
"Yes. They're for the many angel children who are born here," Keenie says.
Then Cletus also says a little sadly, "Sadly, there are also many of the children who have passed on at a young age."
"That's very sad to hear it," Blitz says.
"Do not worry, Heaven has done all they can to help the souls of children be comfortable here," Collin reassures, "It's difficult for them to adjust to Heaven because they've died at a young age, especially during the more difficult times on Earth. However, Heaven has done all they can to help them adjust and be able to be happy here."
"That's very kind of them," Blitz says.
"Yes. We're glad as well. In fact, some children's souls of Heaven end up becoming guardian angels for the Earth Children," Emily says.
Then Emily then asks, "You all wanna go to the zoo next?"
"That sounds like a nice idea," Malcolm says.
Sometime later...
Everyone is at the zoo full of cute fluffy, soft, and sweet animals like sheep, cats, dogs, rabbits, and even some wild life like koalas, pandas, and other animals. They arrive at a petting zoo full of bunnies, lambs, and other farm-like animals, even little chicks.
"Aww, they look so cute and adorable," Marina says, petting and snuggling a rabbit.
Blitz pets a little chick, "Yeah. The animals are really cute. They do seem different from the animals I've seen on Earth and Hell."
"I have to agree. I've even seen little turtles with wings," Lucy says.
"Yes. you should see some of the land horses, unicorns, and flying horses we have down the road from here. They're very beautiful and elegant," Malcolm says.
Suddenly, they soon notice that Blitz is gone, and Collin is holding the chick instead.
Keenie giggles, "You lost him at land horses..."
"You're right, Marina. Your brother, Blitzo really loves horses," Emily says and giggles.
Then the three girls started giggling.
"Come on, let's go find him," Lucy says.
Moments later...
Blitz has indeed found the horses, unicorns, and flying horses. Some of them are waiting, sleeping, grooming, and even being close to their young foals. Blitz watches the herd of horses with sparkles in his eyes.
Soon, someone walks over from behind him and lets out a giggle, "I can see you're really taken with the horses we have here."
"Um yeah," Blitz says, blushing a bit, "I really really love horses."
When Blitz turns to see who is behind him, he is surprised to see the tall slender angel, that angel is Sera, the high seraphim, along with Selena, the archangel who granted Blitz's wish.
"Hello Blitzo. We're glad to see you're having a good time," Selena says.
"Hello," Blitz says, "But how do you know my name?"
"We heard quite a lot about you. I'm Sera the High Seraphim, and this is Selena, the Archangel, and is the one who made your wish possible," Sera says.
"It's nice to meet you, um, your majesty," Blitz says and bows in respect.
Sera giggles, "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too, Blitzo," Selena says.
Then Blitz, "It's nice to meet you too, Selena," then Blitz asks, "So you're the one who granted my wish."
"That's correct. I've heard your wish, looking into your heart, and believe you deserve to have your wish come true," Selena says.
"Well, thank you. It was unexpected, but I'm sure happy to see my family again," Blitz says.
"And where are they?" Sera asks.
"Over here," Lucy calls out.
Blitz and the two angels turn to see everyone walking towards them.
"Hi Blitz, how are the horses?" Malcolm asks.
Blitz blushes a bit, "Eh, I had a good time. Sorry for uh, running off like that."
"That's okay. We know how much you love horses," Lucy says with a giggle.
Emily soon notices the other angels, "Hi Sera. hi Selena. What are you both doing here?"
"We heard about Blitz being in Heaven, and Sera and I decided to say hi," Selena says, "and to apologize for the little mishalf."
"That's okay, Selena. I know you were trying to help," Blitz says, "And I did get to see my family again and made some new friends."
"That's good to hear," Sera says.
"How did you enjoy your day?" Selena asks.
"I had a great day," Blitz says.
"We certainly had a lot of fun today," Charles says.
"And it's great to spend time with my little bro again," Malcolm says ruffles Blitz's head.
Sera smiles, "I'm glad to hear you all are having a good time today."
"We certainly are," Blitz says.
Everyone giggles with smiles on their faces. Sera can't help, but smile to see everything is okay despite a demon in Heaven. However, Sera senses something different about Blitz. She can tell that Blitz has a good heart, but there's also something else different about him, something angelic, but it's hard to say.
Time has passed...
The family and the Cherubs return to the household while the Seraphim and Archangel return to their duties. The Abercombie and the Cherubs have finished having dinner as they talk and chat with smiles on their faces. Suddenly, Blitz notices his bracelet beginning to glow.
"Huh. The bracelet is glowing," Blitz says.
Malcolm sighs, "I guess it means it's almost time for you to go."
"I guess so, but I really enjoyed our day together," Blitz says.
"So did we. It was unexpected, but we're really happy to see you again," Lucy says.
"Yeah. I hope we get to see you again someday," Marina says.
"I do as well, maybe someday you can visit Hell so I can introduce you to my friends," Blitz says.
"Hmm, I think that's something for the leaders of Heaven to decide, it might not be safe to have a group of angels around," Charles says.
"Well, we'll just have to wait and see," Keenie says.
Soon, the bracelet creates a beam of light that fires towards the wall, and creates a portal back to the front of the cabin.
"Well, I guess it's time for me to head back. I'm sure the others are worried," Blitz says.
Lucy then hugs Blitz, "Goodbye Blitzo, I hope we do get to meet again, and make sure you're safe."
"I will mom," Blitz says and hugs his mom.
Charles, Marina, and Malcolm join in on the group hug, and the Cherubs shedding tears again. The family let go of the family hug and Blitz begins walking towards the portal as he waves and says goodbye to his family and friends of Heaven. The angels say their goodbyes as well as Blitz walks through the portal back to earth and the family cabin. Once blitz walks through the portal, it soon closes and the bracelet Blitz is wearing loses its glow and disappears into sparkling glowing dots and they fly into the sky.
Blitz sadly smiles and says, "Well, that's that."
Suddenly, Blitz hears a familiar voice, "Blitz."
Blitz turns to see Stolas walking out of the cabin and runs over to him in relief. The Goetia Prince pulls Blitz into a hug and sighs in relief.
"Hey Stolas," Blitz says, and hugs him back, "I'm glad to see you too."
"I'm glad, but you made us worried sick," Stolas says and looks at Blitz.
"I know. I'm sorry, I didn't know it was going to happen," Blitz says.
Stolas sighs, "What matters is that you're alright, but still, you had us all worried sick."
"He's not the only one," Barbie's voice speaks up.
Blitz and Stolas turn to see Barbie walking towards them with Mimmy in his arms, Sarge, Loona, and the rest of the group following behind them.
"I get that an archangel wanted to grant you your wish, but she could have least let us all including you know about it ahead of time," Barbie says, annoyed.
"I know, I'm sorry. It was really unexpected," Blitz says.
"Well, the most important thing is that you're okay, and it seems you didn't run into trouble in Heaven," Moxxie says.
Stolas then asks, "So did you get to see your family?"
"I did, "Blitz says with a smile, "And it was one of the best things to happen. And I'm really glad to see my family again after so long."
Blitz and Stolas then hug each other.
"I'm glad you were able to have a good time with your family as well, darling," Stolas says.
Barbie says, "Yeah. I'm glad too."
"I'm kind of wish I could meet them," Mimmy says.
Blitz then walks to Mimmy and pats his head, "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll see them again, someday."
Mimmy smiles and nods her head.
Back in Heaven...
Emily, the Abercrombie Family, and the three Cherubs are talking among themselves with a smile about the day they have.
Meanwhile, Sera is working on her paperwork, but is also distracted.
Sera says to herself in thought, "There is something different about Blitz. I can tell that he is an Imp demon, but there is something angelic about him. I don't want to pressure him, but it will be best to allow his family to watch over him and hope nothing bad happens to him. However, I have this concerning feeling that he might be involved... I can only pray and hope for his safety..." and continues to work on her duties and hope for the better.
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