Chapter 100: Wish Upon an Angelic Wishing Star Part 1
One day, in the family cabin, Blitz, Mimmy, along with Stolas, Octavia, and everyone from I.M.P are in the cabin having a little vacation for a few days. Everyone is in the cabin living room as they have snacks, chat, and play a few card games.
Randall then places the cards down on the table, "Ha. Revolution."
"Fuck! How the hell did you get that?" Barbie says, irritated, "You better not be cheating with your underhanded tactic.
"Hey 'I'm not cheating. Besides, that's how the rules work," Randall angrily says.
"Come on you two, can't you both not argue," Moxxie says.
"Hmm, wonder what I should play?" Millie wonders.
Sarge then places the cards and says, "Well I know which cards to play," And brings out his cards, "I call this a reverse revolution."
Octavia and Loona laugh.
"Looks like my dad got you there, Randall," Loona says, laughing.
"Yeah yeah," Randall says, annoyed.
At the couch, Berry and Razor are snuggling with one another all lovey dovey. Then the two begin to kiss.
Octavia reacts in disgust, "Blech, can you both not do it in front of us?" and covers Mimmy's eyes from it.
"Yep. It just shows that couples can act way too mushy," Loona says.
And then turns to Blitz and Stolas, "Just like these two."
Blitz and Stolas lean to each other with love as well and snuggle with each other.
Then turn to Moxxie and Millie, "Including these two."
Moxxie and Millie snuggle each other as they twirl their tails together.
Randall sighs, "You can say that again," Then turns to Drew, "That's right, Drew. A couple of single guys don't have a man or a girl."
"I suppose," Drew says, and turns to see Velma.
Velma, who is busy typing on her computer, looks at Drew and shyly waves. Drew blushes and waves as well.
Randall notices it, "Well Drew, looks like you've got your eye out on Velma."
That causes Drew to blush and turn to Randall, "Would you be quiet, Randall?"
Randall laughs, "Aww you're blushing."
"Zip it, Randall!" Drew cries out, embarrassed.
Everyone soon begins laughing with smiles on their faces. Even Loona, Octavia, and Mimmy are giggling at it.
Blitz then gets up from his seat and says, "I'm going to go out for a walk."
"I'll join you. It's a very nice day outside today," Stolas says.
Then asks, "Anyway, does anyone else wanna come?"
"I'm good, dad," Octavia says.
"I'm fine," Loona says.
"I'm good," Stolas says.
"I think we're all going to stay," Millie says.
"Okay. We'll be back a little later," Blitz says.
Blitz and Stolas soon leave the cabin and begin on their walk.
"I really enjoy coming with you to the cabin. It's very nice, especially the woods," Stolas says.
"I'm glad you like it. I love the woods too. It sure brings out a lot of memories. It all started when my adopted mother found me. Even when we started traveling around the world with the circus, we've always come here to have a good time. Camping, swimming, hiking, and other fun events," Blitz says.
"Yes. I remember you mentioning it. In fact, from my understanding, this forest has so many memories for you and your family," Stolas says.
"Yes," Blitz answers with a smile, "It really does."
Blitz then remembers the good times Blitz has with his family, hiking, swimming with his brother and sister, sitting by the campfire at the lake cooking hot dogs and marshmallows, and looking up at the stars to see them glittering in the sky.
Blitz sighs, "I really wish I could see my family again."
Then turns to Stolas, "Stolas, I know it's much to ask, but do you think it's possible for me to see them in Heaven."
"Well, it would be very difficult for you to meet them, especially since Angels and demons are usually kept in their own world," Stolas says.
"I suppose you're right," Blitz says with a sigh, "The Cherubs wanted me to be able to see my family and be able to get me up there, but even if it were possible for them to get me there, would the other angels agree to it? Especially since I kind of got myself involved with a hitman company."
Stolas giggles, "Oh, I don't think they'll judge you. Despite you working at that company, you're a very kind demon. Of course, for some, they kind of considered you to be human."
"I suppose, but I still wish I could see my family again. If they are in Heaven, I really wish to see them," Blitz says.
"I'm sure you'll be able to see them someday," Stolas says.
Blitz then says, "I hope so, but I'm really glad to be with you, and all my friends and my other family members."
The two lovers laugh as they continue on their walk.
Later that night...
Everyone in the cabin is already asleep in the bedrooms or in the living room. Stolas is also asleep in one of the beds, but Blitz is the only one who isn't asleep. Instead, he is sitting on his bed as he holds a photograph of himself with his parents, brother, and sister. Blitz sighs and still misses his family, even though he's glad to have many friends. The Imp gets out of bed and walks over to the window to open it to let in some cool air as he looks out at the night sky.
Blitz then notices a specific star in the sky. The star in the sky practically glows brighter than the other stars in the sky. That star is known as the wishing star. And then an idea occurs to him, it may seem silly, but it's worth a try.
Blitz places his hands together, closes his eyes, and says, "Star light, star bright, First star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might Have the wish I wish tonight. I wish I could spend a day with my family up in Heaven," Blitz yawns and says, "I really wish I could see my family again, one last time."
Blitz then closes the window and returns to bed for the night. Blitz lets out a yawn as he lies down, closes his eyes, and soon drifts off into a deep blissful sleep.
Late into the night, everyone is fast asleep in their bedrooms. Blitz and Stolas are also fast asleep in the room. Through the window, the wishing star twinkles a bit before it begins to glow a light blue color. Then, a dot of light leaves the star and descends towards the closed window. Suddenly, the window opens, allowing the star to travel through it. Soon, the dog glows brighter and twinkles with elegance and grace.
Appearing from the dot is a beautiful woman who has pure white snow hair and light cyan blue skin. Her dress color is similar to the night sky and sparkles that make them look like stars. She also has blue slip-on shoes. She has a white stair hair clip and is holding a wand with a glowing white star on it. The being also has light cyan blue angel wings and a halo, meaning that she's an angel.
The angel quietly walks towards the side of the bed to see Blitz.
With a gentle smile, the angel says, "Blitzo Abercombie. I've heard your wish, and I look into your heart. Despite being in Hell's environment, you still have a good heart, bring happiness to others and stand up for what's right, you deserve to have your wish come true."
She then waves her wand and performs the spell. "By sun's dawn, you shall awaken in front of the gates of paradise, and by the sun sets, you shall return to the home you've once came. The heart desires to see the ones who have come to live in our world, will have a day with you shall keep," And performs the spell on Blitz.
She then makes two pieces of paper and pen appear, and writes a note on both of the papers. She then places one on the furniture on Stolas' side of the bed. And the other note is placed in the pocket of Blitz's pajamas. She then places a golden bracelet with a star on his right wrist.
She then says, "Good night Blitzo, may your dreams and wishes be blessed."
And with that, she changes herself to a dot of bright light once more and flies off into the night.
The next day...
Everyone is down stairs in the living room, after getting dressed. Some are watching television. Barbie, Berry, and Moxxie are cooking breakfast.
Millie stretches and yawns, "I had a good sleep last night, but still a little tired."
"Me too. I just didn't feel like getting up this morning," Razor says.
"I'm tired too. I just want to wrap myself in a blanket and sleep in it," Randall says.
Suddenly, they hear Stolas calling out, "Blitz! Blitz, where are you?! Blitz!"
Everyone looks to see Stolas entering the living room, and is looking concerned.
"Is there something wrong, dad?" Octavia asks.
"I can't find Blitz anywhere. I've searched all over the cabin and he's not around," Stolas says, "Have you seen him this morning?"
"Uh, I didn't see him," Velma says. Then turns to Barbie, "Have you seen him, Barbie?"
"No, not since last night. He's usually here by the morning," Barbie says.
"None of us have," Drew says.
"Did Blitz leave a note or a message to see if he had to leave somewhere?" Sarge asks.
"I'll go check," Stolas answers and walks back up the stairs.
Stolas walks into his room and about to reach his phone, but notices a note on the furniture.
"Hmm, what's this?" Stolas questions.
Stolas picks up the note, opens it, and speeds read it.
When he finishes it, Stolas is in shock, "WHAT?!"
That ends up catching everyone's attention and fear that something is wrong.
Blitz is still asleep, but the bright light is making it impossible to do so. The imp slowly opens his eyes and lets out a yawn. Blitz slowly pushes himself up to a sitting position and rubs his eyes.
When he slowly opens his eyes, Blitz is in shock of a surprising sight. He soon finds himself on what appears to be a golden road. In front of him are large fluffy clouds and a large golden gate. Blitz stands up on his two feet and looks around in shock.
"Wha-what is this place? Where am I?" Blitz asks himself.
He then takes a deep breath to calm himself, "Okay, last night I was sleeping in my bed with Stolas, and now I've suddenly woken up in front of wherever it is," He then turns to the golden gates, "Maybe someone past those gates could help me."
He walks over to the front gates to see a front desk.
Just then, appearing from behind the front desk is a pale-skinned slim angel with curled, short pale-blonde hair, turquoise eyes with no pupils, and sharp-styled eyebrows colored royal blue. As an angel, he sports a white halo above his head, and a pair of large feathered wings on his back which are celeste blue and cream-colored. He wears a light blue vest over a pale yellow shirt with the long sleeves sporting dull golden cuffs, and a light blue skirt with dull golden detailing that forms into a cross at the hem over a high-collared. He also wears a pastel red bowtie, and for footwear, he wears dull golden flats.
The angel happily says, "Hiya! Welcome to Heaven! Can I get your name, please?"
"Oh I uh, um, it's Blitzo Abercrombie.
"Blitzo Abercrombie, hmm," The angel says, and mumbles the names from the list.
He then says to Blitz, "I'm not seeing you on my list here, that's so odd."
Blitz sheepishly says, "That is understandable since I'm not dead or anything."
"Not dead?" The angel says, confused, but seeing Blitz, he comes to realize, "Oh my... you're... you're an Imp, a Hellspawn," and is really shocked. And then becomes nervous, "Yeah, hoooo, hehehe. Yikes, am I right? Are you sure you're in the right place? Because I think you might be a little lost," and flies down from the desk to Blitz.
"Honestly, I think I am lost. I mean, it's kind of hard to explain," Blitz says, "I was sleeping in my bed last night and when I woke up I ended up being here."
"That's quite unusual," The angel says.
Blitz is just as confused.
Then the angel notices something in Blitz's pocket, "Maybe that note in your pocket might give you an idea."
"Note?" Blitz says, confused. He looks down to his shirt pocket to notice a note sticking out.
"What's this?" Blitz says, confused.
He then takes out the note and reads the note.
"Hello Blitzo,
By the time you've woken up, you've already reached the Gates of Heaven. I've heard your wish, and looked into your heart, and decided to make your wish come true. The bracelet on your hand is a timer and a pass so you can be in Heaven to reunite with those who passed. When the sun begins to set, the bracelet will open the portal to return you home. Use your time wisely, and have a good time in Heaven.
"Bracelet?" Blitz questions and looks to notice on his wrist.
The angel asks, "May I see them?"
"Of course," Blitz says and passes the angel the letter.
The angel reads the letter and then looks at the bracelet on Blitz's wrist.
"Well, it seems that you're checking out. Of course, we've never had a hellspawn in Heaven before. Of course, if it's Selena's doing, then you have permission to be here," The angel says.
"Selena Blitz questions.
"Selena is one of the Archangels and grants wishes to those who are good of heart. She must have granted your wish because despite you being a demon, you have a pure heart," The angel says, "And where are my manners, I'm St. Peters. The Gatekeeper in Heaven."
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Blitz says.
"It's a pleasure, Mr. Abercrombie. Welcome to Heaven and I hope you enjoy your day," St. Peter says.
The gates open to reveal to Blitz the world of Heaven, a beautiful, clean paradise that is the complete opposite of Hell. Even the angels look completely different than the demons.
"Wow," Blitz says, amazed.
Blitz walks through the gates and enters Heaven. St. Peter flies inside to see Blitz walk into the city of Heaven. Once knowing Blitz is alright by himself, St. Peter returns to his post to watch for any more angels who might ascend to Heaven.
The Imp continues to walk along the streets of Heaven to see how different Heaven is to Hell, it's bright, very beautiful, and very clean. Plus, the beings living here are all either angelic born beings or those who used to be humans from Earth. Of course, like Hell and Earth, even Heaven adapts with the times like technology, cities, modern attire, and other essentials. Either way, Heaven is very different from Hell and Earth. Blitz looks around to see so many different angels of shape, size, and color, many also look very human. He also sees the little Cherubs and animal angels flying around. Blitz is astonished to see Heaven right before his eyes.
As Blitz walks around the city, many of the angels are dancing, singing, walking, and having a good time. But then, many begin to have their heads turn towards Blitz, many are surprised, shocked, and some are even worried. But some actually begin to get excited and surprised to see Blitz, especially among the angels who used to be human. They even stop their usual activities to stare at Blitz as he walks along the streets like it's normal.
Soon, a pink sheep-like angel flies off to notify one of the higher ups about this development. She soon reaches what appears to be a courthouse. In one of the rooms, there is a very tall, slender and beautiful angel.
She has cedar-brown skin, white freckles and a white streak going down her nose, and hip-length curled hair colored in a silver-like ombre. Her eyes have white irises, blue-gray sclera, deep-purple pupils, and deep-purple thick lashes projecting from them. Atop her lashes are a pair of holographic-like lashes, which are colored in a slightly paler shade of deep-purple. She also has six feathered wings which are pale-periwinkle and white on her back, a white halo that is decorated with large crown-like spikes and blue gem-like circles, and a second halo which hovers above the first one. For her attire is a queen-inspired clothing which consists of a two-layered, periwinkle-gray gown with a high-frilled pale-periwinkle collar, white and periwinkle-gray bouffant sleeves with white detailing, along with most of the bottom and hem colored in a pale-periwinkle and white with diamond designs around it.
"Your highness," The lamb demon calls out.
"Yes. What is it?" The angel asks.
The lamb angel says, "Sera, it's urgent. An Imp has somehow found their way to Heaven."
"An imp?" Sera responds, shocked and confused.
In the streets of Heaven...
Blitz is still walking along the streets of Heaven.
"Gosh, I didn't realize how big Heaven is. How am I supposed to find my family around here?" Blitz asks himself.
He sighs, "I think I'm going to need some help."
"Is that you Blitz?" A familiar voice speaks up.
Blitz turns to see three familiar Cherubs: Cletus, Keenie, and Collin.
"Cletus, Keenie, Collin, boy am I glad to see you," Blitz says.
The three cherubs fly tio Blitz.
"We certainly didn't expect to see you here," Keenie says.
"What are you doing in Heaven?" Cletus asks.
"Well, it's hard to explain. I'm not sure where to start..." Blitz says, still a bit confused of the situation he's in.
He then explains, "My friends and I were at my family's cabin, and last night, I made a wish upon a star to see my family in Heaven, but when I woke up I found myself in front of the gates of Heaven. I found a note that Selena, an archangel granted my wish to be able to spend a day in Heaven with my family. St. Peter gave me access because I have the bracelet that will open the portal for me back home and it gave me permission to come here."
The three Cherubs are shocked to hear it.
"Wow. That's really shocking," Cletus says.
"This is surely a surprise," Collin says.
Keenie smiles, "Well, I think it's amazing. You'll be able to see your family again."
"Yeah. I'm really happy to hear it, but I don't know my way around here. Plus, I think everyone is staring at me," Blitz says.
The Cherubs look around and notice what they mean. Many angels and cherubs are staring at him.
"Yes. We kind of see your point," Collin says.
"Yes. We should get going," Cletus says.
Collin asks, "But where?"
Then Keenie has an idea, "I know, why don't we take you to your family's place."
"Really?" Blitz asks, with a smile.
"Sure. We know where they live," Collin says.
"Follow us, you're going to have a great time in Heaven," Cletus says.
"Okay," Blitz says.
With that, Blitz follows the Cherubs to where his family lives and is very excited. They soon hurriedly passed two angels. And one of them is having a drink.
One of them is a taller angel that wears a mask similar to that of an angelic Exorcist, but normal-looking eyes and golden facial expressions. The mask also held a pair of horns similar to an Exorcist, albeit longer, smoother, and with a golden ornamental attachment on the tips. He also had a pair of large and golden wings on his back. In contrast to other angels that have appeared thus far, the halo was bright gold in appearance, and has two spikes pointing up and down from each other, though these spikes are located at the front of his halo as opposed to the likes of Lute's halo, which has its spikes in the middle, joined by a small dot. He wore a smooth white and golden cloak that appears to have a large 'A' symbol emblazoned on the front. His visible hands were black in appearance, and had gold-tipped spikes on the back of his collar.
Next to him is a female angel. She's a white-skinned angel with pale yellow eyes and white hair that has been cut into an asymmetrical bob with an undercut. She also appears to have gray eyeshadow that extends to her eyebrows. She wears a long-sleeved gray minidress with a feather-like high collar colored in a gray gradient, a white sash-belt, black leggings, white arm-length gloves and matching heeled thigh-high boots with a single gray stripe at the cuffs, underneath which they wear an additional pair of long dark gray gloves and thigh-length stockings.
The tall gold and white colored angel is Adam, leader of the angel army, and the female angel next to him is Lute, his lieutenant and one of the angelic Exorcists.
The two immediately pause to see Blitz, a hellborn in Heaven.
"Holy fucking shit balls, am I seeing who I think I'm seeing?" Adam asks, shocked.
"What is that Imp doing here in Heaven? How did he even get up here?" Lute questions.
"Who fuckin cares? I'm dealing with this, right now!" Adam says and begins to make his approach towards Blitz.
But Lute stops him, "Wait! You want to start a fight on the promenade in front of everyone?"
"Better than waiting for the fucking extermination!" Adam says.
But Lute immediately grabs Adam by his collar and pulls him to shush him harshly, "SHHH. Sir, what was the Seraphim's one rule?"
"Uuughhh, 'No one but the exorcists can know about the exterminations'. I know, fine," Adam says annoyed and takes a sip of his drink, "Don't fucking shush me, bitch."
Just before they can settle this, Sera suddenly appears behind them both, as she says, "You should listen to your lieutenant, Adam."
And teleporting them to an office-like building with just one sway of her wings. The light goes white on the screen before reappearing to show Adam and Lute being confronted by a stern Sera.
Adam turns around and looks at Sera with shock.
Adam yelps, "Fuck! Sera! You can't sneak up on a guy like that, jeez."
"Forgive me your highness, but what is an actual demon hellborn doing in Heaven?" Lute responds.
"Sadly, I do not know. I was informed about it myself not long ago. So I've decided to search and he wasn't hard to find. However, I've sensed Selena's magic on him, so I suspect she must be involved," Sera says.
"Selena? The archangel? What does she have to do with it?" Adam questions.
"I do not know, but I have a feeling it has to do with the Imp's good nature," Sera says.
"Good nature?" Adam says and scoffs, "Yeah right. That Imp has been illegally living on Earth for over thirty years. Not to mention being on Earth without some disguise."
"Well, it couldn't be helped, especially after what happened thirty years ago during the Early Extermination," Sera says.
Lute, despite being calm grows bitter to hear it, "I wish to not be reminded of that incident. We still don't know how all those portals appear. We had to round all the angels, demons, and even humans who end up in other worlds. And to think, this one demon managed to stay on Earth for a long time."
"You're just mad that despite you and the girls being able to kill that female Imp, she managed to hide her baby and lure you away from it.. And to think that baby Imp, who managed to escape death because of her mother, was taken in by humans and stayed there for thirty years. Congrats to him, I guess," Adam says.
"But sir, it's strictly against the law for demons and angels to roam around Earth without any form of jurisdiction. The cherubs were able to be on Earth because they are ordered to go there when needed," Lute says.
"True, but he's lucky that none of us actually did anything about it. Not even Lucifer or the other Sins for that matter," Adam says.
"You are correct. Thirty years have passed, I believe there isn't much we can do," Sera says.
"Like what, we can't punish him or something," Adam says.
"That is correct. There isn't much we can do on our end, and I'm not sure if Lucifer or the other Sins can do much on their end. As of now, Blitz is considered an Earth citizen because of how long he's been there," Sera says.
"What can we do, your highness?" Lute asks.
"Well, it's best we watch over the Imp while he's here. I'm going to question Sereia about him. You two will keep an eye on him. I do believe Blitzo has no ill intentions, but I don't want him to get himself into trouble. So you two are to watch over him and don't cause any harm to him," Sera says. Then leans towards Adam, "Understand."
"Yeah yeah. We'll watch over the Earthling Hellspawn," Adam says.
"Good," Sera says. She sighs, "I hate to think of what might happen if any of the demons or Luifer were to discover Blitzo Abercombie is in..."
Back on Earth at the Abercrombie Family Cabin...
"HEAVEN?!" Barbie exclaims in shock. Then shakes Stolas rapidly, "What the fuck do you mean my brother's in Heaven?!"
"I understand you're upset, but that's what it said on the note I found in the room," Stolas says, still being shaken by Barbie, "Can you please calm down?"
Barbie stops shaking Stolas and tries to calm down.
"But how in the world did Blitz end up in Heaven? I mean, it sounds impossible," Velma says.
Stolas presents the note, "Well, from what the note said, an archangel named Selena heard Blitz's wish and knows the good deed Blitz has performed over the years despite being in Hell with us for sometime, and he deserves to have his wish come true. Blitz wishes to see his family who are in Heaven for one more day, so before we woke up, Blitz was instantly teleported in front of Heaven's gates."
"But is there anything we can do to get him back?" Moxie asks.
"I'm afraid not. The good news is that when the sun begins to set, the bracelet she has given to Blitz will open the portal back here," Stolas says.
"So until then Blitz will be stuck up there. Who knows what the angels will do if they see him," Loona says.
"Well, as long as he wears the bracelet, he'll be fine. It's kind of like a day pass," Stolas says.
"I hope so. Considering the last time we've ran into angels," Millie says.
"True, but Blitz actually became friends with those three Cherubs," Randall says.
Then Berry remembers, "You're right, if Blitz gets lucky they'll help him get back, or even find his family in Heaven."
"Well, maybe this will be good for Blitz. After all, he's been missing his family a lot," Stolas says.
Barbie then says, "Makes me wish I could have gone with him so I can meet his family."
"Me too," Mimmy says sadly.
"Do not worry, I'm sure Blitz is going to have a good time. Though I do worry on what the rulers of Heaven would think of it, but as long as Blitz stays out of trouble, he'll be fine," Stolas says.
He then says, "I really hope you'll be okay alone in Heaven, Blitzy. We're all very worried about you."
Back in Heaven...
Blitz and the Cherubs arrive at a very nice house that seems similar to the design of a circus tent. Blitz recognizes the colors and appearance to be similar to that of the circus tent of the Abercrombie Circus.
"This is it. The Abercrombie Household," Cletus says.
"So this is my family's home?" Blitz asks, surprised and has signs of hope.
"That's correct. Lucy, Charles, Malcolm, and Marina live here," Keenie says.
"You must be happy," Collin says.
Blitz smiles and says, "I- I am, I'm... I'm finally going to see my family again." He then says, "But, maybe I should have got something for them. At least, something."
"I think they'll understand," Collin says.
"That's right. Besides, I think they'll be more happy to see you again," Cletus says.
"I suppose you're right," Blitz says.
Blitz then approaches the front door of the house. He then takes a calm deep breath to calm himself.
He then prepares to knock on the door as he says, "Here we go."
In the house, there is Lucy Abercrombie, an angel in her human form, with her white angel wings and halo, who is making something in the kitchen. She is mixing pancake batter. Then she hears a knock on the door.
"Coming!" Lucy calls out.
The door knocks again.
Lucy walks over to the door, "I'm coming, I'm coming."
Lucy soon opens the door to see Blitz.
Blitz smiles and waves, "Hi mom."
Lucy is so shocked and on the verge of tears to see her little boy before her eyes. She draws her bowl that spills the batter and hugs Blitz soon after. Soon, Charles, who is also an angel in his human form walks over.
Charles calls out, "What's that noise? Everything okay, honey?"
Seeing his father, Blitz calls out, "Dad!"
Seeing his son has Charles in shock and shed tears of joy as well, "Blitzo?!"
He then approaches and gives him a hug as well, "Blitzo, it really is you. I can't believe you're here."
Soon, Malcolm and Marina appear as well. Both of them are angels and Marina's condition looks more like fish scales in this form.
"Mom? Dad? Is something going on?" Marina asks.
"What's all the commotion?" Malcolm says.
Blitz sees them and calls out, "Malcolm! Marina!"
"Blitzo?!" Marina says, surprised.
Then the two siblings approach and hug him as well.
"Blitz, it really is you! You're here!" Malcolm says.
Blitz hugs his family and has his tail wrap around them for a group hug.
"I really miss you so much," Blitz says.
"We miss you too," Lucy says and she gives Blitz a gentle kiss on the forehead.
"We all miss you," Charles says.
The Cherubs soon begin to shed tears to see the happy reunion. Cletus even begins to cry. Blitz is so happy to see his family again after so many years.
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