Chapter 1: The Foundling in the Snow
On a cold and snowy day, snow begins to fall from the sky. There is also a large forest, and the trees are covered in snow and not leaves because of the winter season. Bushes, large rocks and boulders, fallen logs and trees are all covered in snow. Some of the tree branches are also covered in icicles. And the ground is covered in a large blanket of snow. The snow continues to fall as the wind gently blows a cold breeze. It is very quiet in the forest, a little too quiet.
Suddenly, there is a loud sound of a gun firing somewhere in the forest, and the sound of something flapping. The forest is so silent, that the noises can echo around the area. Somewhere in the forest, there is a mysterious woman wearing a black coat, with a hood covering the face, running away as she breathes heavily. The mysterious being runs as fast as she can, holding something in her arms.
A closer look shows that the being has a red face, black horns with thin white stripes on the head, yellow sclera and red irises for her eyes, shows a bit of black, shaggy hair, and judging by the face, the being appears to be a female. The mysterious female continues to heavily breathe as she runs away in fear and clutching on to what looks like a baby basket in her arms, and something covered in a blanket. The woman continues to run through the snow and clutching on to the basket with all her might.
She turns around to see mysterious flying figures following her. The flying creatures appear to have a fairly uniform appearance, each being black, white and gray humanoids with the only color being on their faces. They possess two large goat-like horns on their head, above which sits a halo with a central gem and three smaller crystals on both sides. Along with two large wings on their backs, allowing them flight. Their faces are covered with an LED screen mask capable of various expressions.
The mysterious woman gasps in shock and runs faster as she holds the basket in her arms. Sadly, the flying creatures are able to catch up to her and try to attack. They try to use their spears and guns to kill her and the bundle in her arms. The woman quickly dodges the attack and continues running. The woman trips and falls down the hill because of the snow. The woman continues to fall and lose sight of the frightening flying figures. The woman reaches the bottom of the hill and continues running away as the snow falls from the sky and the wind continues to blow. Soon, the woman is able to lose the frightening creatures, but fear they will arrive.
The female being looks around as she heavily breaths in concern and rocks the basket in her arms. Soon the mysterious woman finds a hollow log. She looks at the inside of the basket in sadness and tears in her eyes. She has to make the hardest decision of her life. She rushes to the hollow log and kneels down to the opening. She removes the blanket a bit and gives what is in the basket a kiss. She then removes something from her neck and places it in the basket. She then covers the basket full, and places the basket inside the hollow log. The woman then turns to hear wing flapping and the sound of gun firing. The woman then runs away as the flying creatures chase after her. Soon enough, they are no longer in sight.
A little while later, somewhere in the woods, Lucy, the wife of the Abercombie family is walking in the snow. Lucy is a beautiful woman with light tan color skin with multiple white clothes on her face, like on her cheeks, and one around her right eye. She looks like she is in her thirties. She is wearing light red and bright red snow clothes with purple snow shoes, and purple earmuffs over her head, showing her lovely past shoulder length black hair, and lovely hazel color eyes.
Lucy looks around to see the snow all around her. The snow is not deep, but it's still a bit hard to walk on. She looks around to see the glittering icicles hanging on the trees as the snow sparkles as the sun shines down on it. The trees also sparkle with a little snow on the beaches, despite not having leaves.
Lucy sighs, "What a beautiful day to walk in the snow. The snow sparkles, almost like diamonds, on the ground and on the trees."
Lucy continues to walk across the snow as she sees the beautiful scenery. Suddenly, she begins to hear a strange sound. The sound is kind of loud, and sounds kind of far away.
Lucy looks around, "What's that?"
Lucy decides to follow the noise to figure out where it's coming from, and what is making the noise. As she walks along the forest, she hears the noise getting louder. Which means, she is getting closer. She continues to walk through the snow and hears the noise.
Lucy says to herself, "It seems the sound is getting closer. It almost sounds like a..."
Suddenly, the noise lets out a, "Waaaaah! Waaaah!" along with whimpering and sobbing.
Lucy soon ehars the noise and it causes her to become shocked. Hearing the sound, she thinks the noise can only come from one source. Lucy then picks up the pace and hurries down the forest and hears the noise getting louder, meaning she is getting closer. Soon enough, Lucy comes across a large clearing, where the noise is the loudest.
Lucy looks around in concern, "Where is the noise coming from? Where?"
Lucy frantically looks around to find the source. Suddenly, she stops to see something catching her eyes. She turns her head to the right to see a large hollow log close by, and sees something beige sticking out.
"Huh?" Lucy replies, confused.
Lucy slowly walks over to the beige object in the hollow tree, and hears the sound coming from inside it. Lucy kneels down when she reaches the hollow tree and looks inside the hollow tree. When she looks inside, Lucy gasps in shock. What she sees is a moses styled baby basket with a light blue blanket inside.
"Oh my," Lucy replies shocked.
She looks around to see if there's any signs of others around. So far, there doesn't seem to be anyone around, and the only footprints around are her own.
"The poor thing," Lucy says, sadly.
She then reaches her hands inside the hollow tree and takes the basket out of the hollow tree. She then places it in front of her to notice something moving under the blanket, as it lets out a 'Waaaaah!' seeing the small moving being inside, she can tell that whatever the being is, is a little life that has been out in the cold for who knows how long. Lucy slowly reaches her hand out and gently removes the blanket. When she looks to see the baby, Lucy becomes surprised, but then expresses a gentle smile on her face.
Inside the basket, still crying and shedding tears is a little creature. Judging by the appearance, the baby is a boy with crimson skin with a short tail that has a triangular point and has a black spot at the tip. His little forearms and hands are tiny, but broad, and his little feet look like tiny boots. His head is a little long, narrow, and with tiny curved black and white striped horns. He has a heart-shaped skull symbol on the center of his forehead. The little baby is wearing a bright red one piece pajama as he seems to be holding what looks like a black choker with a red skull.
"Aww, poor thing, "Lucy says sadly and gently picks the baby up in her arms.
She then rocks the baby as she gently says, "There there, it's okay."
Then gently shushes, "Shhhh. Shhhh, shhhhhh."
Then says, It's okay, sweetie, it's okay. There there."
Soon, the baby's whimpering and sobbing begins to slow down as he becomes quieter, and begins to calm down. The baby soon opens his eyes which are red eyes with yellow sclera. Around his eyes are black lines with thick circles of black. The baby looks up to see the gentle smile of Lucy. The baby giggles and tries to reach his tiny hands out to her. Lucy giggles in reply and places her finger in front of him. The baby takes it and giggles with a smile, still holding the choker.
"There you go. You have a sweet smile," Lucy happily says.
She then looks around in concern, "I wonder where its mother is."
Lucy looks around to see that there are no tracks. No sign of life. Not even a sign of a campfire. She starts to wonder if the baby has been abandoned or something might have happened to the parent.
Lucy then looks at the baby, "Don't worry, you're going to be okay. You wanna come home with me?"
The baby sucks his thumb a bit and coos with a smile.
"I'll take that as a yes," Lucy says.
And with that, Lucy places the baby back in the basket, covers him with the blanket, picks up the basket, and walks away with the baby in the basket.
On the other side of the forest, there is a large one floor cabin with a strong dark gray sturdy roof. There is a red door at front, with a porch on the side next to a lake and river that is covered in ice.
At the front of the cabin, there is a man around his thirties with light tank skin, shaggy brown hair, and brown eyes and wears glasses. He is wearing blue winter clothes, including black boots for the snow. He also has rather large ears. The man's name is Charles, who is Lucy's husband, and a father of two children.
He sits on the chair close to the porch as he watches his two children playing in the snow.
The first child is a young boy named Malcolm around seven years old. He has shaggy black hair and blue colored eyes, and fair skin. The boy is wearing green, dark green, and black winter clothes, including a scarf and a hat.
The second child is a girl named Marina who is five years old. She has fair skin, and soft and straight brown hair with amber colored eyes. She is also wearing pink, purple, and white color winter clothes with earmuffs. Her cheeks, and some parts of her skin look rather like white colored scales.
The two kids are busy making a snow castle for them to play in. They finished making the wall of their snow castle, and now are making the door. Charles watches to see his children having a lot of fun playing in the snow. He soon notices Lucy is walking back from her walk. Malcolm and Marina notice as well as they're in their snow castle.
Marina happily says, "Yay. Mommy's back."
"Hi mom," Young Malcolm says.
The two children leave their snow castle through their little exit and run to see their mom. Charlies stands up from his chair and walks over to see his wife. The kids reach their mother and give her a hug around her waist or legs.
"Hello Malcolm. Hi Maria. How are you both doing?" Lucy says with a smile.
"We made a snowman, and now we're making a snow castle," Marina happily says.
"That's good to hear," Lucy happily says.
Then Charlie walks over as he says, "Hello Lucy, you enjoyed your walk." Then gives Lucy a kiss on her cheek.
"I had a good walk, and well, I have found something," Lucy says.
She then places the basket on the ground and shows it to her family. Curious, the three look to see the basket and curious on what's inside. Lucy then removes the covers to reveal the baby creature who is fast asleep in his little basket. Soon, the baby wakes up as he lets out a yawn. Charles and the two children gasp in surprise to see the little baby in the basket.
A little skeptical by his appearance, Charles says, "Well honey, I must admit, that is well..."
"That's freaky looking alright," Malcolm says.
Marina says in surprise, "Malcom, that's mean."
"Well it's true. I mean, what is it?" Malcolm replies.
Lucy giggles as she takes the baby out of the basket, "He's a baby."
She then passes him to Malcolm. The child takes the baby in his arms.
"Well, I suppose he looks like one, and uh..." Malcolm says, unsure.
The baby reaches to Malcolm's hair and ruffles around it. The baby giggles, making Malcolm smile as well.
Maria looks at the baby and says, "He's so cute." Then turns to her mother, "So where's its mama."
"I'm not sure, but I've decided to become his mother," Lucy says, holding the baby back in his arms.
"Are you sure honey?! I mean, this isn't some dollar that is found on the sidewalk, this is a living breathing baby. Besides, we don't even know where he came from," Charles says.
"I don't care where he came from. All I know is that he needs us, Charlies," Lucy says, rocking the baby.
"Look how he's reaching out to you," Lucy says.
She then passes the baby to Charlie as the baby laughs and giggles. Charlies holds the baby in his arm and allows him to hold his finger.
Charles chuckles, "Yeah. He is a cute little guy, and even though he has sharp teeth, he actually has a sweet smile."
"Does that mean we can keep him?" Lucy asks.
"You've already decided, haven't you?" Charles questions.
Lucy nods her head, "Yes. I want to."
"Can we really keep him mom?" Malcolm asks.
But Marina asks, "But how do we know if it's a boy? It could be a girl."
"It doesn't look like a girl," Malcolm says.
Charlie then asks Lucy, "Was he alone?"
"I'm afraid so. I found him in a hollow log in the middle of the woods. There doesn't seem to be anyone for miles. I'm worried that something might have happened," Lucy says.
"Do not worry, we'll raise the little guy. Besides, we all are different in our own way. And having a new member will be fun," Charlies says.
Then Malcolm asks, "So what are we going to call him?"
"Hmm, I'm not sure," Lucy says.
Suddenly, Marina says, "Wait, I think he already has a name."
Maria takes out the small blue blanket and holds it out to see a name sewn into it in dark blue writing. The name written on it is, 'Blitzo.'
"Blitzo, that's quite an unusual name," Charles replies.
The baby begins cooing and smiles.
"Blitzo. I think it's a nice name," Lucy says.
Then taps the baby on the snout, "Blitzo it is."
The baby giggles with a smile on his face.
Charles looks to see the sun is starting to come down.
"I think it's time we all get inside. Besides, the little guy could use something to eat, and get some warm clothes," Charles says.
Later in the night, after having dinner, the family are in the living room having some hot chocolate and the baby is having a bottle of warm milk. After getting baby Blitzo some baby pajamas from the attic, it's confirmed that the baby is indeed a boy. Marina and Malcolm are happy because they have a new baby brother. The children are drinking hot chocolate as they watch T.V, and Charlies is going over some sketches and pictures of what looks like a circus tent with some train cars, and other diagrams , budget lists, and other essentials.
Lucy turns to Charles and asks, "How are the plans going?"
"Doing good. The Abercrombie Bros Cirque De Eccentrical is doing good, but there's still a lot of planning to do. Budgets, performers, the kind of performance we need, and. Phew. There's still a lot," Charles says.
"Indeed, but you and your brother have done magic shows since you were children, and have done a few performances," Lucy says.
Charles chuckles, "Yes, you're right. That is also how you and I first met."
"Yes dear. I remember you were acting as a lion as Matt pretends to be the lion tamer," Lucy says.
"Yes. Those were the days, and now we're going to put up our own circus. To show everyone that our differences can be our great asset," Charles says.
"I know you and Matt will do great with the circus, and it's good that we're all taking part in it," Lucy says.
"Yeah. I can't wait to do my act when I get older. I'll be the human pretzel," Malcolm says.
Malcom then begins to bend himself back and moves his arms to positions that are humanly impossible.
"I like to be known as the mermaid with legs, and I can decorate my skin to sparkle like mermaid scales," Marina says.
Lucy giggles and says, "That sounds very nice. I hope that we'll make the circus worth it once we get started."
"I do hope so soo. Matt and I worked so hard to make it happen, and want to make sure everything works out. There are still some things to do, but it will be worth it," Charles says.
Charles then yawns and says, "All this work is making me exhausted."
Soon, the kids and the baby begin to yawn as well.
"And it looks like the children are getting tired, too. It's time for bed," Lucy says.
"Aw mom," Marina says.
Malcolm asks, "Do we have to?"
"Yes. It's time for us to get to sleep for the night," Lucy says.
"Yes mom," The kids reply.
Since they're already in their pajamas, the kids are already in their rooms and are fast asleep. Charles is already laying in bed as Lucy rocks little Blitzo to sleep. Sadly, Blitzo begins to whimper and cry in fright. Lucy looks outside to see the snow storm is blowing outside and is frightening him.
Lucy rocks Blitzo in her arms to calm him down, "Shhh. There there, it's okay, Blitzo. It's okay. Don't cry, I'm here."
Lucy continues to rock him, and soon, she begins to sing.
Come stop your cryin' it'll be alright
Just take my hand, hold it tight
The baby soon begins to calm down, but whimpers a bit.
I will protect you from all around you,
I will be here, don't you cry
Lucy then walks over to the baby basket and takes out his blanket. Then wraps Blitzo in the blanket.
For one so small, you seem so strong
Lucy then walks over to the bed and gently removes the covers from her side.
My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm,
She then sits on the bed as she holds the baby in her arms.
This bond between us can't be broken,
I will be here, don't you cry
Then Lucy snuggles her forehead against little Blitzo.
'Cause you'll be in my heart,
yes you'll be in my heart,
Lucy then lies down as she lifts him up in her arms, making him giggle.
From this day on now and forevermore
She then places the baby, lying down on the bed. Soon, the baby begins to get sleepy as Lucy kisses him on the forehead.
You'll be in my heart,
No matter what they say,
Soon, the snow storm begins to die down, as the wind becomes peaceful. Lucy then tucks herself and little Blitzo with the covers.
You'll be here in my heart,
Soon, Lucy and baby Blitzo begin to fall asleep in the bed with Charles.
You'll Be In My Heart: Tarzan
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