Birthday Special: Happy Birthday Blitz Part 1

An early and somewhat quiet morning at the Goetia Mansion, Octavia and Mimmy are having breakfast in the kitchen. Soon Blitz walks in and holds a daily planner book and looks at it.

"Morning daddy," Mimmy says.

"Morning Blitz," Octavia says.

"Morning girls, how are you doing this morning?" Blitz replies.

"We're fine," Octavia says.

She then asks, "So Blitz, what are you doing?"

"I'm just writing some notes in my planner. It's just December so the holidays are coming up," Blitz says.

"Oh right, you probably celebrated Christmas when you lived on Earth," Octavia says.

"That's right. My family always goes to the cabin for a Christmas Party. Depends if family and friends from the circus and outside are coming," Blitz says.

"That sounds nice," Blitz says.

Soon, Barbie and Stolas walk in, still in their pajamas and looking tired.

"Morning Stolas. Morning Barbie," Blitz says.

Barbie yawns and walks to the fridge, "Morning Blitz. Still a bit sleepy." and walks to the counter to get herself some coffee.

"Still tried, huh," Blitz replies.

"Yep," Barbie replies and lets out another yawn.

Stolas also yawns, "Indeed. I had to stay up late to finish some paperwork and other duties."

"I see," Blitz says, and places his planner on the table.

Octavia looks to notice the date December 20th is circled, decorated with a couple of stickers of balloons, a party hat, and a cake.

"Hey Blitz, is something going on that day?" Octavia asks.

"What?" Blitz questions.

"One of the boxes on the calendar is decorated with stickers," Mimmy says, pointing to the date.

Blitz looks at his daily planner to see the date they're referring too.

Blitz thinks a bit and says, "Have I not mentioned it to you guys before?"

"No," Mimmy answers.

"Not at all," Octavia says.

"Well, I guess with everything happening since I first got here and all the craziness we've got ourselves into," Blitz says, "But the truth is December 20th is my birthday,"

"Really? Your birthday?" Stolas asks, sounding surprised, but interested.

"Yeah. My adopted parents decided to make this specific day my birthday because it's the day my adopted mother found me," Blitz says.

"That makes sense," Barbie says, calmly.

However, deep down, Barbie feels rather uneasy.

"Still, your birthday is actually a week away," Stolas says.

He then asks, "Do you have any plans?"

"Well, with all that has happened throughout the year, I haven't thought too much about it," Blitz says.

"What do you usually do for your birthday?" Barbie asks.

"When I was a kid, when it's one of our birthdays including the performers, we had a party after our shows and even we sometimes did private performances for ourselves. Sometimes we go out for dinner, go on vacation, and sometimes go to the family cabin for a quiet birthday party," Blitz explains.

"Sounds like you had a good time on your birthdays," Octavia says. "Dad and my birthday are very different."

"My birthdays, including Fizzarolli, and others from the circus are the same thing," Barbie says.

"That sounds nice, but still, after what happened, I guess I haven't thought of what to do for my birthday," Blitz says. He then takes his leave, "For now, I need to get ready for work, Sarge told me that we have a lot of paperwork today."

"Okay, I'll meet you at the foyer," Barbie says.

"Alright, I just need to get a few things from the room and I'll meet you there," Blitz says.

Soon, Blitz is no longer in the room, leaving the rest of the group here.

Stolas thinks for a minute and says, "I suppose Blitz is right. With all that has happened, when he first came to Hell and all the uh, scuffles he had, he must have not been able to think about it." and soon begins thinking.

"I guess you're right. Then again, it's been a long time and I've never been able to have a birthday with Blitz, and our birthday was supposed to be on the same day," Barbie says.

"Maybe. Then again, my birthdays get boring as I get older, except when I'm able to spend time with my dad," Octavia says.

"And your mom's no fun," Mimmy adds.

"Well, she loves throwing parties, so she's usually in charge of my birthdays as well. Although, my idea of a birthday is way different than her ideas of one," Octavia says.

Barbie says, "You mom sounds really rotten, and I haven't even met her."

"It just shows how difficult my life is with my mother, especially hearing her and dad arguing under the same roof," Octavia says.

Octavia soon notices Stolas has lost focus on the conversation. Barbie and Mimmy also notice that Stolas has his talon under his chin and is deeply in thought.

"Is Mr. Stolas okay?" Mimmy asks.

"I think so, but my dad hasn't said much since Blitz left," Octavia says.

Octavia gets off her seat and walks towards him, "Hey dad, you feeling okay?"

Stolas snaps out of his thoughts and turns to his daughter, "Oh, sorry Via. I was just thinking of something. In fact, I was just thinking that we do something special for Blitz. For his birthday."

"Really? What do you have in mind?" Barbie asks, curiously.

Stolas lowers to Barbie, "I can't say all this out loud in case Blitz overhears. So what I was thinking is that we..."

Stolas then gestures to Octavia and Mimmy and the girls walk over. Soon, Stolas whispers to the girls about his plan. After hearing the idea, Barbie, Octavia, and Mimmy smile, liking the idea.

"That's actually a great idea," Barbie says.

"Yeah. I think we should do it," Octavia says.

"Yay!" Mimmy says.

Then Stolas says, "Great. Barbie, I like you to inform Sarge and the others when you and Blitz get to work. Meanwhile, I'll be making a few calls as well."

"Sure Stolas," Barbie says.

"And remember, this will be our little secret," Stolas says.

The girls nod their heads in reply.

Shortly after, Blitz walks back into the kitchen with his backpack.

"Hey Barbie, I'm back. Are you ready to get going?" Blitz asks.

"Sure Blitz," Barbie says.

Barbie then heads out the kitchen and Blitz follows.

Blitz turns to the others, "We'll see you all after work."

"Bye Blitz, have a good day," Stolas says.

"Bye," Octavia says.

"Bye bye daddy," Mimmy happily waves.

Soon, the two demons take their leave for work. In the meantime, Stolas, Octavia and Mimmy have some plans to do today.

Later that evening, after a day at work, Stolas, Sarge, Loona, Barbie, and the rest I.M.P are in the meeting room. A place where Stolas holds important and secret meetings, so no one will be able to overhear the conversation. Everyone is sitting on chairs at different sides of the large rectangular table. Stolas and Baribe are sitting at one of the shorter ends.

Stolas clears his throat and says, "Alright, now that everyone is here, I would like to discuss something of great importance."

"Eh, you don't need to do the formal stuff. This is a meeting among us, your pals, associates, you're not putting on one of your Goeita meetings," Randall says.

Then Barbie smacks Randall on the head, "Can you not be rude for one day?"

"Sorry," Randall says, sarcastically.

Velma rolls her eyes and says, "Oh good grief."

"But your highness, why did you gather us here?" Moxxie asks.

"And where's Blitz?" Millie asks, curious.

"Oh, Octavia and Mimmy are keeping Blitz busy while we have this meeting," Stolas says.

"Why?" Razor asks.

"I think he's getting to that," Velma replies.

"Correct," Stolas says.

He then says, "Earlier today, Barbie and I have recently learned that December 20th is Blitz's birthday."

"Really? Isn't Blitz's birthday the same day as Barbie?" Randall questions.

"It is, but this is the birthday his adopted parents have decided because it's also the day that Lucy found him that winter," Barbie says. Then sighs, "And around the time of that Early Extermination."

"I see," Velma replies.

"Really? That's like a week away!" Millie says, excited.

"Hmm, well I did expect his birthday would be close to Extermination Day, I didn't expect it to be this close, especially during that uh, Exterminations all those years ago," Moxxie says.

But Barbie says, "Alright, can we not talk about it? Extermination Day is not my favorite time of year."

"I don't think it's anyones," Randall mutters, narrowing his eyes.

Sarge then questions, "Stolas, is there a reason you asked us to come here? You've mentioned it had something to do with Blitz's birthday."

"I'm curious about it myself, and why is Octavia and Mimmy distracting Blitz?" Loona questions.

"Well, I was thinking that we can throw Blitz a Birthday Party," Stolas says.

"Really?! A party?!" Millie asks, excited. "Blitz will love it!"

"Will it be a big party?" Moxxie asks.

"Well, maybe not like how the Goetias or other royals throw a party, but it will be a fun party for Blitz," Stolas says.

"I think it's a great idea," Drew says.

"Where's the party going to be at?" Berry asks.

"I was thinking of having the party here, in the ballroom," Stolas says.

"Works for me. You throw parties there all the time. Plus, the big is fuckin huge, it can fit all kinds of party," Randall says.

"I think it is a good place to throw a party," Moxxie says.

"Grand. Now, Blitz's birthday is in a week so we need to work fast for the celebration. We need a guest list, decorations, catering, entertainment, or and we must not forget presents, and maybe..." Stolas continues on and on about what Blitz's party needs.

Millie whispers, "I think Stolas is really into this birthday party."

"I think it's because it's his boyfriend's birthday that made him motivated," Berry adds.

"I kind of understand the feeling. I really get into the spirit when it comes to Millie's birthday," Moxxie says.

Sarge then turns to Stolas who is still talking.

"And let's not forget some security. We don't want to risk anyone crashing the party," Stolas adds.

"So Stolas, is there anything we can do to help?" Sarge asks. "I suspect that's the reason you invited us over."

"Oh uh, yes. That is the reason. Especially since I've just recently learned of his birthday and I want to do something special for him," Stolas says.

Then turns to the others, "I could really use your help with this."

"I don't mind helping," Sarge says.

"Yeah. I don't mind helping," Loona says, "Maybe I can ask Vortex and Bee if they want to come, or help out with the party food."

"Sounds cool. If anyone knows about throwing parties and great party food, it's her," Randall says.

"I like to help," Berry says.

"Me too," Drew says.

"And maybe Avery and Peach can help too, especially with the decorations and outfits," Berry says.

"Sure. This could be fun," Randall says.

Then Barbie glares at Randall, "You better not do anything stupid like one of your pranks."

"I am not," Randall says, feeling offended.

"Still, it sounds like we got a lot to do for this birthday party," Razor says.

"Yeah. We gotta get presents," Randall says.

"And get the ballroom ready for the party," Berry says.

"And get the guest lift set up," Drew says.

"And who are we going to invite to the party?" Loona asks.

"Well, obviously we can invite Blitz's family and friends from the circus, but it's concerning if we bring them to Hell," Moxxie says.

"I've already thought of that idea. That's kind of the reason why I wanted an increase in security," Stolas says.

"Security for a birthday party?" Loona questions.

"We can't risk having anyone breaking into the party, especially with some of the guests being humans," Stolas says. "And with all the uh, dangerous we've had recently."

"That's true," Drew replies with a nod.

"How can we forget," Moxxie replies.

"I'm sure that my family would love to come," Mille happily says.

"Don't worry Stolas, just leave everything to us. Plus, it will be nice to be able to have a birthday party with Blitz after being separated from him for so many years," Barbie says.

"We'll all help," Sarge says.

"Grand," Stolas says, "Then we can begin with the preparations. And just so you all know, this is going to be a surprise, so Blitz cannot know. Octavia, Mimmy, and I will do everything we can to distract him from the ballroom. Of course, we need to keep all this from Blitz. I want all this to be a surprise."

Everyone nods their heads in agreement.

"Well then, we shall get started," Stolas says.


Blitz is inside his and Mimmy's private room and looking over one of his photo albums. Octavia is also interesting to see the different photos in his album and the stories behind the pictures.

Octavia points to one of them, "So what's this one? The one with you and Mimmy."

"That was the picture of when I officially adopted Mimmy, and she's been with me sense," Blitz says.

Mimmy happily says, "I like that picture. It happened after you saved me."

"Yeah. Dad actually told me about how you found Mimmy and ended up saving her life," Octavia says.

"Yeah," Blitz says.

Mimmy nuzzles Blitz as she happily purrs with glee.

Mimmy then notices an older picture. This picture has a picture of Blitz as a child with his mother, Lucy, his dad, Charles, and his other brother and sister, Malcolm and Marina. Blitz is holding a small carousel. There are horses, each of them is a different color with poles, and a tent above. Blitz has a bit of a smile on his face in the picture.

"Daddy, what's this picture?" Mimmy asks.

"Oh this picture, well you see..." Blitz says.

Before Blitz can answer, they hear a knock on the door.

"Come in," Octavia says.

The door opens and Stolas walks in.

"Hi Stolas, how was the meeting with the others?" Blitz replies.

"It went well, Blitz. I see you and the girls are keeping yourselves busy," Stolas says.

"Daddy was showing us his pictures," Mimmy says.

"And he was going to tell us about this one," Octavia says, pointing to the photo.

Stolas walks over and looks at the album to see the photo. The photo of Blitz, his parents, and his brother and sister. Along with Blitz holding a miniature carousel.

"Aww, you look so cute Blitz," Stolas gushes.

Blitz blushes a bit, "Um yeah. This was actually taken on my fifth birthday."

Stolas soon notices the carousel, "What's that carousel you're holding?"

"Oh, it's actually my old music box. My mom and dad got it for me. It plays really nice music as the carousel circles around. I used to listen to it every night before I got to bed. And practically listens to it all day. It drives my brother nuts because I've been listening to the music box and watching the horses all day long. Especially when I take it with me everywhere I go," Blitz explains.

Stolas and Octavia can't help but laugh.

"You really took that carousel everywhere you go?" Stolas questions.

"What can I say, I was a kid back then, and it was a great present," Blitz says.

"What happened to the carousel?" Mimmy asks.

Blitz sadly sighs, "Sadly, I don't have it anymore."

"What happened?" Octavia asks.

"Well Via, after the fire, I've learned that it caused a lot of damage, even to some of the train cars. Sadly, my family's car was one of the cars that got damaged, and my music box was broken beyond repair," Blitz says.

"Do you ever miss it?" Stolas asks.

"I do sometimes, but I was more upset about what happened to my family at the time. I've never got a new one after that," Blitz says. He then sighs, "Part of me was thinking of getting a new one, but it can't really replace the memories I've had with it."

But then Blitz smiles, "But hey, that happened a long time ago, so there's nothing to worry about now."

"Okay," Mimmy says.

"Sure," Octavia says.

Stolas then begins to think about what Blitz talks about, and looks at the photograph again.

Just then, Mimmy asks, "Daddy, can we eat? I'm getting hungry."

"Dinner should be ready soon, Mimmy," Octavia says.

Then stands up, "But I'm tired of being in the room."

"Me too, can we play outside?" Mimmy replies.

"Sure. I'll go with you. We can play ball," Blitz says, and uses his magic to levitate the ball to him.

"Let's go!" Mimmy happily says.

The three then begin to leave the room.

Blitz turns to Stolas, ""You wanna come with us?"

"I'll be out at the moment," Stolas says.

"Okay. I'll meet you outside," Blitz says and leaves the room.

Stolas remains in the room as he thinks about what Blitz explains about the music box. He then picks up the photo album to see the photo of Blitz's family and the carousel music box in young Blitz's hand. This causes a brain spark in Stolas' mind.

Stolas closes the album and says, "Yes. I think I know what to get for him. I'm sure he'll love it." Then Stolas leaves the room to have fun with the others before continuing with the party preparations.

For the entire week, Stolas, Sarge, and the others have been working on Blitz's birthday party, as well as keeping it a secret from Blitz himself.

In Drew and Berry's home.

Berry calls Avery on her phone, "Hey Avery, how are you doing today? Listen, I have a special favor to ask you. Well, and a couple of requests."

On the other line, Avery answers, "A birthday party for Blitz, huh? That sounds wonderful. Peach and I are free on that day and are happy to come."

"Thank you Avery, we would like to have some help with the decorations and a new outfit for Blitz," Beach says.

"Peach and I will be more than happy to make Blitz a new outfit. We're also happy to help with the decorations," Avery says.

Peach smiles to hear it.

"Thank you. I hope to see you at the party," Berry says.

"I'll see you around," Avery says.

Then the two hang up their phones.

Back in the Goetia Mansion, Barbie is outside calling to Fizzarolli on the phone.

"Hey Fizz, how are you doing?" Barbie asks.

"Doing fine," Fizzarolli says, over the phone. "So how are things going?"

"Well, the thing is..." Barbie says.

She then explains to Barbie about Blitz's birthday party.

"A birthday party, huh. That sounds like fun," Fizzarolli says over the phone.

"Yes it does, but it kind of bothers me that his birthday happened on the day of the early extermination," Barbie explains.

She sighs and says, "I mean, I'm glad that I'm able to spend my brother's birthday, but it bothers me that it is also on the same day my dad and I lost him and my mother."

"I understand that bothered you, but that happened in the past," Fizzarolli says.

He scratches his chin and says, "Still, it's understandable that this specific day wasn't a pleasant memory, but I think you should make this into a good thing. You have Blitz back and are able to celebrate his birthday and be able to spend time with him."

"I guess you're right," Barbie says and shows a calm smile on her face, "I'll be able to celebrate my brother's birthday and be able to spend time with him." She then snickers, "Of course, a certain Goeita Prince would also want to spend time with him too."

Then says, "But still, I'm also calling if you and Ozzie wanted to come. I'm sure Blitz would like to have you there."

"I think Ozzie and I are free on that day. Ozzie and I will be able to get a good gift for him, and maybe for him to have some fun with his prince," Fizzarolli says.

Barbie chuckles, "I think I know where you're going with it, but no. Don't give him an sextoys. You'll make him blush."

"I know. I'm just teasing. Even Ozzie knows about not giving him a present like that. Blitz might blush so much that his face will be even more red," Fizzarolli says and laughs.

Barbie giggles as well.

"But still, I'm sure Ozzie and I will give him something he can use. And also Ozzie and I would love to come. I'll ask Ozzie and see if we have a free schedule that day, but I think we're free," Fizzarolli says.

"Glad to hear it," Barbe says. She then softly smiles and says, "And thanks for the advice."

"No problem," Fizzarolli says, "So, what do you plan on giving him?"

"I think I have a good idea on what to give him. I'm just glad that it's one of the things that survived the fire," Barbie says.

"I think I know which one you're talking about. I'm sure he'll love it. Besides, it will be a good present for him, especially what's inside of it," Fizzarolli says.

"Yeah. I'll see you at the party, and make sure to send you an invite as soon as possible," Barbie says.

"Thanks. I'll see you then," Fizzarolli says.

Barbie then hangs up the phone and calmly breathes, glad to be able to get her worries out of the way. She then walks back in the mansion to get some sleep to help prepare the party.

One day in the meeting room, Sarge, Moxie, and Drew, help Stolas with some of the birthday preparations, the food, drinks, and other needs for the party. Meanwhile, Barbie and the others of I.M.P are at the ballroom helping the servants with the tables, chairs, and the space in the ballroom. Avery and Peach are also there to help with the decorations. Millie also asks her family if they're willing to come, they're happy to come and are interested to meet Mimmy who is now a Hell Kitten.

During the time, Loona, Octavia and Mimmy are helping keep Blitz occupied. Since they also do the preparations during work, Sarge and Loona distract him with paperwork and send him out to do errands.

One day in the living world, Stolas is walking around the human world in his human form to search for a present for Blitz. He knows what to get him, but has trouble finding the music box.

"Hmmm, I suppose looking for that specific music box is not easy. From what Bitz told me, that specific music box is rather old," Stolas says. "Blitz is not too picky, but I want the present to be perfect for him."

Stolas continues to think about the carousel music box Blitz had as a child. What's more, it had wonderful memories. To Stolas, finding a good music box will be good. Stolas soon walks into a store. It's a rather large store that's known for making music boxes and other devices that make music. Stolas looks around and finds some unique and nice looking music boxes, each of them is different from the other. Just then, Stolas stops to see an interesting looking music box.

He smiles and says, "Yes. This is perfect."

And with that, Stolas purchases the music box and has it carefully wrapped to be placed in a special protected box.

Time has passed, and all the preparations for the birthday party are set. There's decorations of streamers, balloons, a few tables with table clothes that will be covered in food tomorrow. There's also a separate table where the presents and eating tables are at. Everyone excluding Blitz is glad to see their work is one.

"Wow. The ballroom looks great," Millie says.

"It's taken a week to set this up, but it was really worth it," Randall says.

Berry then holds out a present box, "And we all got our presents for Blitz."

"I would like to thank you all for helping me all this together," Stolas says.

"It's no trouble Stolas. We're glad to help," Razor says.

"Now we just need to wait until tomorrow and the party will be ready by tomorrow evening," Moxie says.

"But how are we going to get Blitz out of the palace?" Loona asks.

"Dad already got that covered," Octavia says.

"Indeed. I plan on taking Blitz out tomorrow in the Human World. It will keep Blitz away long enough for the party to be set and ready," Stolas says.

"Wow. You thought of everything," Moxxie says, surprised.

"Yeah. That's very impressive," Randall says.

"Thank you. I really wanted to look great for Blitz," Stolas says.

"Yeah. And we're also glad to hear that everyone will be coming for tomorrow," Millie says.

"And that everyone is ready for tomorrow," Berry says.

"Good to hear. Now then, I think it's time we call it a night. By tomorrow evening, Blitz will have the best birthday he can ever have," Stolas says, and is very excited about it.

After saying their goodbyes, everyone returns home for the night. They'll need to have lots of rest before the party.

Late in the night, Stolas has finished with some royal tasks and paperwork. He wants to make sure he's got some of his more serious tasks out of the way so by tomorrow, he gets to spend time with Blitz. Stolas continues writing in one of his books with his quill and ink until he finishes. Once he's done, Stolas places his quill down, closes the books and leaves his study to get some sleep for the night.

Shortly after, Stolas is in his closet, wearing only his robe and reaches to the back corner of the closet. Stolas then kneels down and takes out a present box. It's wrapped in a night sky wrapping paper decorated with white stars of pegasus constellations, and it has a red ribbon wrapped around it.

Stolas smiles and says, "And by tomorrow, I'll be able to give you your gift. I just know you'll love it."

Stolas then places the present box back in its spot hiding, and leaves the closet as he opens and closes the door upon exiting. Soon after, Stolas is now sleeping in his bed next to Blitz. Stolas is really excited to celebrate Blitz's birthday tomorrow, and has a whole day planned for him, and hopes he loves it.

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