[EXTRA] Chapter Forty-three

With the passage of a few weeks, Angelique began feeling better. She no longer had to remain at bedrest. Hence, she could move around and also help out in the cafe.

Now, she was in her second trimester. Many more visible changes were coming to light. One of it was the evident baby bump. She had also started getting occasional cravings for particular foods. As she was basically a saintess who hardly got angry, her mood swings weren't tough to handle.

One night, Angelique kept switching the direction she faced on the bed. It was way deep into the night but she couldn't fall asleep after opening her eyes. Guiltia was fast asleep beside her. She wanted to sleep on her back like Guiltia was doing. Her back was hurting and yet she couldn't sleep that way, for it wasn't good to sleep in that position when pregnant. And so, she kept changing to her sides.

Though the blonde vampire was asleep, he could hear a familiar sound. He heard the soft sob again. His instincts made him open his eyes. By the time his eyes adjusted to the surroundings and he got rid of the sleep in his eyes, he could feel his wife rolling from one side to the other, sobbing to herself. It alerted him.

"Angelique? What's wrong?" He got up on his elbows to view her properly.

The female faced his direction, her eyes full of tears. She sniffed. "G-Guil..."

"Why are you crying?" He inquired.

"G-Guil, I..." She sniffed again. She looked into his eyes with her red, teary ones. "I want to eat a tomato basil sandwich with coleslaw and marinated chicken with a potato salad."

"....A what?"

Another sob escaped her throat. "And vanilla ice cream with strawberry syrup and waffles."

The baffled man quickly understood that she was having food cravings. "....Okay, I'll get it. But what is there to cry about? You could've told me when you started craving for these."

Angelique let him wipe her tears. "B-But, but you were sleeping.... and I didn't want to disturb you.."

"It's my responsibility to provide you with your needs when you are going through all these. So don't hesitate from next time." Saying that, Guiltia got up from the bed. "Rest here until I prepare your meal."

She quickly sat up on the bed. "I'm coming with you. I don't wanna be alone."

She had gotten stubborn over the pregnancy period, so he knew better than to reject her. He slowly guided Angelique down the stairs.

Guiltia was indeed a protective man of his family. After Angelique had entered her second trimester and her stomach started showing pretty well, Guiltia forbade her to use the stairs alone. She was already fatigued and fragile in this state. Thus, someone must be with her when she moves up or down. Though the woman thought it was unnecessary, she couldn't go against his strict orders.

Once they went downstairs and she sat on one of the chairs by the counter, she was slightly out of breath. She kept a hand on her stomach while she caught her breath. You're getting heavier with each day.

Meanwhile, Guiltia opened the fridge to look for the ingredients Angelique wanted. "We're out of basil and tomato."

Puffing out her cheeks, she whined, "No, that won't do. I want my tomato basil sandwich with coleslaw and marinated chicken with a potato salad."

A small sigh escaped his lips. "...Fine. The convenience store should be open at this hour. I'll go get it."

"You're going out?" Her pout disappeared, replaced by an innocent face. "Take me with you."

"Angelique." He picked his jacket hanging near the door. "It's not even time for sunrise. You should rest at this hour."

"No. I want to be with you. I want to go out too." Since she wouldn't budge, he ended up bringing her along with him. Since they were vampires, they didn't feel uncomfortable walking through the dark and empty roads in the middle of the night. Guiltia held her hand all the while they were outside.

After they returned and Guiltia made her food, Angelique could finally eat in peace. Seeing that huge smile on her face while she ate made everything worth it. She looked absolutely adorable, stuffing her mouth with huge bites of her food. As long as she was happy, he was too.

With her stomach full, Angelique fell into a blissful sleep the moment she lied on the bed. A smile tugged on Guiltia's lips as he put the blanket over her.

He kept a protective hand on Angelique's stomach and slowly stroked it. He liked feeling their child inside her. It felt better without his gloves.

The blonde leaned down and kissed her stomach. "Don't trouble your mother too much while she is carrying you."

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

During Angelique's fifth month, one afternoon, when Guiltia was free of OZ's gigs, he took Angelique out for shopping. They were looking to buy maternity clothes, now that Angelique's regular clothes didn't fit her growing body.

In the mall, while Angelique went through the different shops, Guiltia was behind her, holding the bags. He wouldn't let her carry the bags, although the clothes were quite light. The two didn't feel the gazes of two people who stared at them from behind.

A moment later, the couple heard some loud footsteps coming in their direction and a familiar voice.

"Jack! Don't run in the mall! And don't drag Saga!"

Looking at the direction of the source, Guiltia and Angelique saw three members of Lost Eden. Jack was excitedly skimping towards the toy store and dragged Saga with him by the hand. Behind them was a pissed looking Mist, holding bags of what seemed to be snacks, instruments and other necessities.

Spotting the vampire couple, Jack stopped before them. "Angelique! What are you two doing here?"

"Hello, Jack-kun, Saga-sama!" Angelique greeted them with a wide smile. "I'm here shopping for maternity clothes."

Finally, Mist caught up to them. The brunette grabbed Jack by the collar. "How many times must I tell you to not run like this in public places?! You also had the audacity to drag Saga around like this!"

"Calm down, Mist," Saga finally spoke.

"But Saga-"

"-seeing how you're always nagging like a mother, Mist, you should've been the one to buy maternity clothes." Jack stuck out his tongue at the other vampire.

"What!?" Mist was even more pissed than before. He was about to scold the kid vampire when Saga's comment blew him off.

"...Kid's got a point."

"Saga! Even you?!"

Seeing their banter, Angelique let out a delighted laugh. "It's really good to see all of you after months."

"Angelique..!" Mist finally noticed the female. Jack and his antics didn't let him notice the female. Seeing her, he let out a soft smile. "It looks like you're doing well."

"Yes, both me and the baby."

"Woah, your stomach has gotten so big," Jack commented, eyes slightly large in wonder.

"Hehe, that's because I'm more than halfway past the pregnancy."

The three vampires, namely Saga, Guiltia and Mist were more likely to sense people's presence around them. Since they are out in public, any fan who recognised them would undoubtedly stare at them. Among this crowd of people, staring in their direction wouldn't be strange. Perhaps that's why they failed to catch the two teenagers staring at the group of five. And that's something they would regret later on.

"Hey, hey, isn't that Guil from OZ?"

"Oh gosh! It's not just him but also Lost Eden!"

Two teenage girls, no more than 15, were whispering to themselves. From their excitement, it was evident that they were fans of both groups.

"But who's that girl with Guil?" Girl 1 pointed at Angelique. "Look at her being so chummy with everyone!"

"I know right!" Girl 2 nodded. "I think it's her bags that Guil is holding. No way, is she his girlfriend!? A plain girl like her!?"

"No way! From behind, there's nothing special about this girl. In fact, look closely. She looks so fat!" Girl 1 gritted her teeth. "But what is making Mist and Guil both smile at her!?"

"Even Saga looks friendly to her! THE cool and badass Saga!"

The two girls gasped when Jack suddenly hugged her. It also made their temper flare.

"Who does she think she is!"

On the other side, seeing the curious look in Jack's eyes, Angelique asked him, "Do you want to feel the baby?"

"Sure." Jack put his ear on her stomach, his small arms around her. From the outside, it would seem like he's hugging her when he was just curious about the baby inside her. "Does it move?"

"No, not yet."

"The baby is supposed to start moving after the 20th week. So we'll have to wait for 2 more weeks, presumably," Guiltia added.

"Take care then, Angelique. We hope both you and the baby remain safe," Mist said as the three members of Lost Eden slowly left the place to the toy store just ahead of them.

When Guiltia was also about to head to their destination, Angelique clutched the sleeve of his navy blue shirt. "Hey, Guil, Guil," she called out vigorously. She pointed in the direction of the food court when her husband looked back at her. "I'm in the mood for fish and chips suddenly. Get one packed for me, please?"

Guiltia was, more or less, used to her sudden cravings. "Alright. Wait here until I get it."

"Okay, I'll take a seat over there."

The two fan girls watched Guiltia and Angelique's exchange and the former going away. Angelique also began moving towards the resting area.

"Even if she's his girlfriend, we can't do anything about it," Girl 1 clicked her tongue. "But we can't let her go so easily. She's mingling with OUR idols!"

"I know. Let's go."

The two girls paced towards Angelique from behind. The two girls were on two sides of her. Just when she reached the sitting area, Girl 2 harshly bumped Angelique's shoulder from the left side. Before Angelique could react, Girl 1 tripped her right leg by putting hers there.


It all happened in a flash. Due to Girl 1 tripping her legs and the bump harsh enough to make her lose her balance by the other girl, Angelique lost her footing. Her body fell forward and in the process, her head hit the metallic chair.To make matters the absolute worst, when falling, she hit her stomach with the side of the metallic chair before her body hit the floor.

A throbbing and sharp pain spread all through Angelique's body.... even to her stomach.

"GUIL!!!!!!!" She shrieked. Fear and pain paralyzed her and her body suddenly ran cold.

It was at that moment that the two culprits finally noticed what horrified them. Their faces turned pale.

"S-She's pregnant!??"

"S-Shit!! W-What did we..!?!!"

A commotion started gathering around her. Guiltia was about to order her meal when he heard his wife's shriek. As soon as he heard it, he rushed to the spot where he had left her.

"Angelique!!!" Guiltia rushed to her side the moment he saw her. The situation he found her absolutely terrifying for him. Angelique was lying on the floor. There was a small cut on her forehead which was bleeding. Putting aside the cut, Angelique was clutching her stomach in pain.

"Angelique!" His eyes got filled with horror. He lifted her head in his arms. She was crying in pain.

"G-Guil... Guil, it hurts!!" She cried out.

"I... Let's go to the hospital. Don't worry. You're going to be okay, Angelique." Guiltia knew he had no time to waste in such situation. Angelique was crying out in pain. For Angelique, who never voiced her discomfort or pain to cry like this, must mean that she's seriously hurt.

On the other side, after seeing Guiltia rush towards Angelique, the two girls shared a horrified look and slowly started slipping away. They successfully went away from the crowd while everyone's focus was on Angelique. Just as they were about to move faster, both of their hands were grabbed at once.

"And where do you think you're going?" The one to capture those girls was none other than Mist. Behind him were Saga and Jack. "I witnessed what you two did to Angelique." The furious look in the brown haired male's eyes made them tremble in fear. Saga also had a look scary enough to make them hold their breath.

"W-We didn't know s-she was pregnant...!"

"I-It was a mistake! P-Please let us go..."

At that moment, they saw Guiltia on his way out while holding Angelique.

"Saga, please hold on to these girls." Handing over the two culprits to the black haired man, Mist rushed to Guiltia, offering a ride in his car since it will take longer for the ambulance to reach them.

Mist drove his car as lawfully fast as he could. Behind his seat, Guiltia held his wife in his arms, trying to soothe her as much as he could. For the first time, Angelique wasn't calming down. She was hurt badly.

Never in his life had Guiltia felt more frustrated than now. Angelique was crying and their unborn child was also in danger, yet he couldn't do anything for them except speaking reassuring words.

At last, when they reached the city hospital, Angelique was taken away by Doctor Hikari to check up on her. Guiltia stared at the direction she was taken away. Mist was right behind him.

"How.....did this happen?" The blonde clutched his head with a hand and leaned against the wall. Everything was going so perfectly for them. Angelique was smiling when he had left her only for a while. But now....

"Guil!" Ange's voice came from behind them. He had rushed to the hospital when he heard from Robin, who had heard from Jack about the incident. The boy was panting and horrified as he ran towards them. "Where's Angelique?! How is she?!"

Mist replied in Guiltia's stead. "The doctors are checking her."

"The baby! Is it fine?!" Guiltia didn't reply. Mist looked away before speaking in a quiet tone. "No news, but surely both of them will be fine."

"How...." Ange pressed his head against Guiltia's back. "How can someone hurt her like this....?"

Mist's eyes turned grave. "Those two girls had every intention of hurting Angelique, whether they knew about the baby or not."

"But why-" Ange couldn't complete his sentence due to the low growl let out by Guiltia beside him.

"...I won't leave them...." He clutched his fist so hard that his knucles went white as sheet. He turned around and was about to go when Ange stopped him.

"Guil, don't!"

"Ange. Move."

Guiltia's voice was as icy and sharp as a blizzard. It was scary, but Ange knew he had to stop him without drawing attention on them. "Guil, calm down for a second! Your eyes, they're red."

"Angelique wouldn't like you to create any scene or to harm anyone." When Mist mentioned her name, his red eyes turned back to his lavender orbs. The rage slowly evaporated, replaced by his concern. He dropped his head on Ange's shoulder. His eyes were hidden by his hair.

"It's because of me...." Guiltia whispered. "I failed to protect her....."


"They were my fans and they hurt her because she's my wife."

"Guil, it's not-"

Just then, Doctor Hikari made her entrance. "Both Angelique and her baby are fine," she said. "You brought her at the right moment. If you were some more late, then I fear..." Shaking her head, she continued, "But you have to be a lot more careful now. She is already very delicate and any accident can put her at risk of losing the baby."

Once the doctor allowed him to visit Angelique, Guiltia entered her cabin. She had been made unconscious during the treatment because she was in such fear and panic. He walked to his sleeping wife soundlessly. He hesitantly rested his hand atop her stomach. What kind of father was he if he let his child get hurt?

"Angelique......" His fear of losing Angelique, their baby or any of his dear ones always lurked at the back of his mind and this incident had it at its peak.

Clasping her left hand in between his cold ones, he kneeled by her bedside after his knees gave out. The anxiety and worry from before caught up to him and he closed his eyes.

"You're safe...." He felt the cold metal of her wedding ring on his cheek along with the warmth of her hand. This warmth proved to him that she was there with him. She's an immortal since she's a vampire but he was still afraid that she could disappear at any moment.

He kept his lips pressed against the back of her hand. "...... You're safe…"

To be continued...

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