[EXTRA] Chapter Forty-one

Hello again! Uhh... so... I wasn't supposed to continue writing but well, I couldn't stop myself since I had their future planned out and stuff. Everything might not make sense so yeah..... The extra chapters are gonna be 5-6 in number and I'll try to upload them weekly. I'll try to publish 'em all by the end of this year but no promises haha....

Anyways, enjoy I guess?

"Achoo…!" The sound of a soft sneeze echoed yet again. The source whined and held the blanket tighter. She grumbled, "And I thought vampires aren't supposed to fall ill easily…"

"The rules might apply differently to female vampires. Still, you shouldn't have been careless enough to fall asleep in the bath, Angelique." Ange pointed out while he entered Angelique's room with a food tray containing soup and a glass of water. He heard her childish grumble and decided to express his exasperation. "How can you even fall asleep in a tub of cold water in the middle of winter?!"

"It wasn't cold when I fell asleep though…" she grumbled again. "Hngh… my headache is killing me!"

With a sigh, her twin brother placed her tray down on the nightstand beside her bed. "I've brought medicines. Take them once you finish eating."

After pulling a chair beside her bed, Ange sat down and helped his sister sit up. Angelique rubbed her eye to get rid of the haziness and sleepiness. "...Will the medicines even be effective? I've never taken one after becoming a vampire…"

"Hopefully it will be. I asked Elizabeth this beforehand and he said it should work, considering your body still acts like that of a human's."

"Mhmm…" Female vampire anatomy is so complex… My body is no longer that of a human but it still acts as one.

Angelique took the bowl of soup before looking at Ange. "Where's Guil?"

"He's busy downstairs. You know, it's the afternoon rush hour."


"Eve and Robin are busy serving the customers so only I could come."

Angelique smiled faintly. "Thanks. You can go back now. I'll take the medicine after completing my meal."

"....Alright then." Ange stood up and looked back at her one more time before he exited her room. "Go back to sleep right after eating. It might help with the headache."


.  .  .  .  .  .  .

Hearing the door creak open, Angelique woke up. She slowly opened her eyes to find that it was already dark outside. Hearing footsteps, she turned to the person who entered the room.

The sight of the person made her smile brightly. "Guil…!" She watched him sit beside her, her eyes never leaving his figure for even a second.

Guiltia put a hand on her forehead to feel her temperature. "It's still there it seems…" Retracting his hand, he let out a sigh. "...How many times have I asked you to look out for yourself? Is it that difficult to heed by?"

Angelique smiled softly and shifted closer to him. "I'm sorry… are you angry at me?"

With an inaudible sigh, he shook his head. "I can't, even if I want to. But from now on, pay attention to what I say." He told the last part sternly.

"Hmmm…" Angelique held his hand and brought it to her cheeks. The cool sensation of his skin felt nice. She felt gleeful at the sight of his wedding ring on his ring finger. Even if it was a common sight, it never failed to make her happy.

She intertwined their fingers and smiled at him with loving eyes. The fever was making her crave for his attention and love. And of course, her husband knew what she wanted.

Guiltia leaned his forehead against hers and let out a quiet sigh. His voice was low and deep. "I don't like seeing you in bed….. Maybe it's because so little is known about female vampires but every time you lay down for a while longer, . . . I end up feeling anxious."

"Guil…." Angelique understood what he meant. When she got turned, she was out for three weeks. She could only imagine how he must have felt when she laid motionlessly. Squeezing his hand slightly to affirm that she'd always be there with him, she lightly smiled. "You're such a worry wart, Guil."

Her cheeks were warm and pink as she grazed his nose with the tip of her nose. "I'm not one to get sick so often. And even if I'm sick, I'm not weak enough to have to stay in bed all day."

…….or so she said.

Three months passed since then and it was April already. Winter left and spring arrived. Along with it was Ange and Angelique's birthday. After the day of celebration, Angelique didn't look too good.

Angelique sighed while preparing dinner as her hands went to tenderly rub her stomach on their own. This action didn't go unnoticed by Eve, who was cooking with her. Eve glanced at her. "I've been watching you today, Angelique. You don't seem to be too comfortable. What's wrong?"

An inaudible sigh escaped her pink lips as she shook her head. "My stomach…. has been upset since this morning."

Concern flashed in the purple headed vampire's eyes. Before he could get too worked up over her, she quickly added, "I'm sure it'll go away quickly. I must have eaten more than I could digest yesterday."

"That's unlike you actually," Robin, who had been listening to their conversation from the kitchen counter, intervened. The pink haired guy placed his chin on his palm and leaned against the counter. "You hardly eat more than you need to."

"Well, Eve-san's feast was absolutely amazing last night. Besides, he and Guil prepared so many delicious foods for us so I ought to try everything," Angelique reasoned. "In the end, I might have had a little more than necessary."

".....If you say so…" Eve tried to dispel the worry in his eyes. The three went back to their respective works after the conversation and the matter was soon forgotten. Forgotten for the night, that is.

The next morning, Angelique skipped breakfast because she wasn't feeling well. Her stomachache hadn't dispersed. Of course, when she only had fruits at dinner, it raised some questions and concerns.

"Are you still not feeling well, Angelique?" Eve asked, to which she shook her head.

"Don't worry, Eve-san. I'm fine." She yawned into her hand. "It's just that I don't have an appetite."

"Are you sure? You look pale though."

"Maybe it's because I didn't get enough rest? I am feeling sleepy actually..." She mumbled.

Eve was convinced at that for now. "Then take some rest in the afternoon. There won't be a rush of customers during that time."

"Mm." She nodded and went back to working in their cafe.

"...li...Angeli.....up...." Angelique whimpered when she heard someone call her and gently nudge her. Unwillingly, she opened her eyes to her husband. He was knelt by her side beside the couch where she laid.

As the female stared at him with sleepy eyes, Guiltia spoke in a soft voice, "Eve said you have been asleep for a while. You should wake up now. It's already dinnertime."

Rubbing her eyes, she slowly sat up on the couch. "...Already? I should prepare...-" She tried to get up from the couch but fell back on the couch after losing her balance.

"Angelique? What's the matter?" Guiltia became concerned immediately. He sat beside her on the couch, holding her hand.

"....I suddenly felt dizzy." She leaned her head on her husband's shoulder and closed her eyes again.

"Dizzy?" Guiltia repeated. "Could it be that you have a fever?" Removing his gloves off his right hand, he brought it to his forehead. "...Your temperature is normal."

". . . . It could be because I tried standing up so abruptly right after waking up." She mumbled, voice laced in sleepiness.

Guiltia frowned ever so slightly. "Angelique, tell me, are you truly alright? You have been looking out of it these days."

"Yeah, I'm fine..... I simply feel tired and sleepy..." Once she felt the dizziness go away, she proceeded to stand up, only to be stopped by Guiltia.

"You can leave dinner to us tonight. So, rest."


A few days later, Angelique finally felt better. She wasn't feeling completely fine but better enough to move and work around. She did feel slightly nauseous and a stomachache at times but she seemed to have regained her previous strength.

One night, as Angelique was brushing her raven hair, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was just getting ready for bed and was in her nightdress. She shifted her body at different angles and observed her reflection. Sensing her being strange, Guiltia looked up from his book to watch her.

". . . What are you doing?" He asked her.

"Have I gained weight, Guil?" She asked back, not removing her eyes from her reflection.

Now that was a question he didn't expect. "No, I don't think so."

"Hmm...." Shrugging, she kept her brush down and headed to the bed where he sat leaning against the headboard. "I feel like I have though. My clothes don't fit me as they used to."

Guiltia raised his brow. As she sat on her side of the bed, his eyes trailed down before he could stop himself. Well, she certainly seemed to have increased in certain areas, he could tell.

His eyes remained on her bosom till he came to his senses. Clearing his throat, he closed his book and kept it to the side. "You shouldn't be concerned over such trivialities. Gaining some weight isn't a stressing matter."

"You're right." But I wonder how I gained weight when I haven't had an appetite lately.

As they laid down together after switching the lights off, Guiltia felt Angelique move towards him. The female hugged his arm and nuzzled her face against his shoulder. He looked at her with eyes holding pure adoration for her. "What's the matter?"

"I'm suddenly....craving for your warmth..." A faint blush was present on her cheeks as she spoke softly in the dark.

A playful glint appeared in Guiltia's eyes. "Oh? Are you attempting to entice me?"

"What? No, that's not what I was..." She quickly explained herself. " Her cheeks gradually got pinker. "We haven't really..... d-done anything... in a while... so I was m-missing your touch.." The last time we did something was on Valentine's day before we both got busier...

Chuckling at her words, he turned to his side to face her. Guiltia twirled a strand of her hair before putting it behind her ear. "So you want me to do something to you...?"

"...! S-Saying it like that..." Her cheeks got a darker shade of pink.

"What? Don't you like it…" He had a smirk on his lips. "...when I touch you in your…. sensitive places..?"


Her breath got caught in her throat when Guiltia suddenly moved closer to her neck. His hot breath on her exposed skin made her whimper ever so slightly. His whisper was enough to make her body heat up.

"...I was thinking of holding back since you haven't been completely healthy, but you have changed my mind."

"Mmh..." Angelique shut her eyes when she felt Guiltia's lips graze her collarbone. He could hear the loud thumping of her heart as he moved his hand over the curve of her hips.

He lightly trailed his fingers over her body. His fingers moved tantalisingly all over her burning body. Whimpering, Angelique's hands went behind his back and gripped his shirt. Her breathing had gone heavy just from his light caresses.

"Your body seems more sensitive than usual." He got on top of her. "See how sweetly you are reacting to my touch?" He nibbled on her earlobe, making her squirm beneath him. His teasing touches, added with his husky whisper, had already begun making her mind hazy.

Guiltia's fingers went over to the tie of her dress on the front and pulled at it, a sexy glint in his eyes. The tie came undone easily at his pull. "Let me check if you have gained any weight. After all, I know your body even better than you."

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

After spending a romantic night with her husband, Angelique was supposed to get better. But there was no improvement in her health.

When Angelique was all alone in the home in the morning, she threw up everything she had eaten at breakfast. She was glad that all four members of OZ were out on a gig so they wouldn't have witnessed her in such a vulnerable state. She didn't want them to worry about her even more.

There's definitely something wrong with my stomach. I've been feeling ill since I ate my omelette... This happened last week too. Maybe I still haven't recovered from my food poisoning..?

It didn't stop at that. Angelique wanted to make sushi for everyone but she couldn't even stand the smell of fish. The smell made her even more nauseous.

She didn't seem to have recovered from her illness even when the weekend came. The cafe was closed that day so the female vampire decided to focus on music and compose some songs.

Figuring that she needed Guiltia's advice in some parts, she decided to head over to the rooftop where he was. She was feeling just fine until she opened the door to the roof.

"..!!!" Ugh, my head...

The moment the sunlight hit her, her vision blurred. For a moment, she only saw white. She dropped the music sheets from her hold and the papers splattered across the floor. She staggered and took a step back. The door frame acted as her support to lean on.


Guiltia let out in surprise. He saw her stagger and lean against the door frame right in front of his eyes. His wife was definitely not fine. He got up from the piano stool and headed in her direction.

"Angelique, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" He quickly held her after he carefully moved past the scattered sheets. Those sheets were important to his wife, so he could never trample over them.

Angelique's eyes were still closed, even now when she leaned into the man's arms. She grunted quietly. "....Guil.... I feel... dizzy..."

No sooner had she said that, Angelique was lifted up in his arms. Guiltia picked her up in a bridal carry without any delay. He had one hand secured under her knees and the other on her back, holding her securely. "I'll take you to bed."

Angelique didn't protest when he brought her to their room while carrying her and then laid her down on the bed. Her eyes were closed as she held her hand, hoping to stabilize herself. The time she tried to recover from the dizziness, Guiltia stayed quietly by her side.

When she felt better enough to open her eyes, the blonde helped her sit up. Handing her a glass of water, he sat beside her and rubbed her back. After a moment of silence, Guiltia finally opened his mouth.

"How are you feeling?"

"...Better.. the dizziness is gone..."

Guiltia narrowed his eyes as he recalled the scene from earlier. Even if Angelique never spoke about how she felt, Guiltia knew that she hadn't been doing well. He knew about her sudden dizzy attacks, nauseousness, loss of appetite and weakness.

"Angelique." His voice was calm, not betraying his inner whirlpool of thoughts. "You've been like this for about..... two weeks now."

"Mm.... I thought it was the food poisoning but maybe that's not it."

"Yeah..." Guiltia had been thinking about her health. He had connected two and two together and could only come to one conclusion. The pieces created only one possible picture in his mind.

Guiltia took a good look at Angelique. He didn't know how to say it but knew he had to say it, even if there was a possibility that he was mistaken. She is his wife so she had the right to know what he came up with.

"Angelique." Guiltia called her again.

"Yes?" This time, she looked up at him.

He cleared his throat. "It might not be a simple case of food poisoning."

"Yeah, I think so too."

"But..." Guiltia had Angelique's full attention as he spoke his next words in a calm tone.

"Could it be that you're pregnant?"




To be continued...

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