Chapter Twenty-six

The noise of the rain harshly pouring was deafening to ears. The sky was hidden because of the dark clouds. It wasn't possible to determine whether it was day or night.

Raindrops kept falling on Guiltia, leaving him completely drenched. The scenery... the atmosphere... everything was terrifyingly familiar to him. The sight that laid out in front of him was also familiar. 

Guiltia fell to his knees, energy leaving his body at the display. The blood on the ground drenched his pants. This blood was not that of a vampire, but that of a human.

He remembered. This was exactly like the time of Yutaka and Kotomi's death. However the body laying in front of him was not Yutaka or Kotomi's. It further agonized his broken heart. 

"Angelique..." Why? Just why was Angelique covered in blood? Why was she laying there motionless? How? What happened? Whose blood was it? So much blood... It couldn't be Angelique's!

Angelique's grey orbs, the light gradually disappearing from there, stared into Guiltia's blurred lavender eyes. He didn't notice himself crying. Just what in the world happened!? No, more importantly, he had to save her. He didn't knew how she was hurt but he HAD to save her!

"Hang in there, Angelique!" Guiltia cradled her body protectively. He winced at how cold she was. The rain wasn't helping to keep her warm either. "Don't close your eyes!"

On the other hand, the girl gradually grew limp and cold in his arms. "Humans. . . . and vampires. . . . can't be together. . . . . for eternity. . ."

Amidst the black clouds in the sky, the Scarlet moon appeared and glowed a bloody red.

His teardrops fell on her pale cheeks. Before her eyes closed for the final time, she whispered, ".....we can never be... happ..."

"Haah...!!!" Guiltia gasped loudly and his eyes snapped open. Swear trickled his body and damped his shirt. The sound of his laboured breathing rang in his ears.

"Haah....haah...." He sat up quickly and looked around. It wasn't raining outside. He realized it was dawn.

A dream...It was all a dream.... a true nightmare. The worst kind of nightmare that could ever happen. It was still vivid in his mind: Angelique's cold body, his hand soaked in her blood, the life slowly disappearing from her body-everything.

The male grunted and swiped his hair back. He didn't want to recall it. The nightmare was about Angelique's death.... Angelique....

For a second, he froze. Was it really a dream? What if he blackened out after she-

Before finishing that thought, he leapt out of his bed. He needed to confirm the fact that Angelique was here, alive. Without seeing her with his own two eyes, he wouldn't be assured.

Guiltia's legs dragged him downstairs. A part of his brain reasoned that she won't be there likely. Her exams had just ended, so she didn't have any reason to be up yet. Despite this, he prayed that she would appear downstairs, smiling at him like always. Let it be that she couldn't sleep for some reason.

Just as Guiltia had expected, Angelique was there by the kitchen, yawning in her hand while preparing her coffee. Hearing footsteps, she tilted her head around.

"Oh? Gu-"

She was cut off when the male suddenly grabbed her by her arms. His grip was strong, thus holding her firmly in place.

"...!" Her breath got caught in her throat.

"Angelique..! You're here, right...!?" He sounded desperate. She caught the apprehension in his eyes.

Letting go of her initial surprise, she nodded. "Y...Yes, I'm here."

His grip tightened and Angelique could swear she saw her trembling. Guiltia moved his face closer to her until their faces were nearly a hand away. He needed to believe that she was right here.

"!!!" Meanwhile, Angelique gasped quietly at the sudden proximity. They were.... too close.

"....You're really here, aren't you...?" His voice quieted down.


Seeing that she was indeed real, the tension left his body. With a deep sigh, the blonde rested his forehead on her shoulder. Her quickened heartbeat again proved her existence.

Meanwhile, Angelique remained there frozen. She had woken up early out of habit and wanted to read the new recipe book she found. However, she hadn't expected to witness Guiltia in such a vulnerable state. Vampires aren't supposed to wake up this early.

"" His uneven breathing didn't escape her attention. Neither did the fear in his expression. Could it be...

"Guil-san, did you have a nightmare?"

"..." She took his silence as an affirmative answer. He always keeps his cool. What dream can shake him this much?

"...Would you like to share it?"

". . . . No." Maybe it wasn't sensible of me to ask. Silently, she wrapped her hands behind his back in an attempt to comfort him and all he could do was close his eyes and savour her presence.

When Guiltia finally pulled away, Angelique guided him to take a seat. She brought him a glass of water.

"I apologise for my sudden actions." Guiltia apologised while keeping his gaze on the glass in his hand.

"No problem." She shook her head with a weak smile. "More importantly, are you alright now?"

"....I believe so."

Angelique got up from the seat beside him. "I'll draw a hot bath for you. You might really catch a cold like this."

". . . . Okay."

After she exited the room, he tightly shut his eyes, hoping for that scene to disappear from his mind and replace it with anything, just not that. He clutched the piece of his shirt which was over his heart. It hurt unbearably so. To lose her.... the fear of losing her.... it was so unbearable. Perhaps this was the fear she had suffered from when he was on the brink of death.

"Angelique..." His voice was hoarse when he called her name. The nightmare had made him painfully aware of a fact; even though he didn't want to admit it.

Humans and vampires couldn't be any different. Humans were fragile and mortal, not like vampires who lived for eternity. Death was inevitable for humans. And Angelique...was a human.

Angelique will wither but Guiltia will be alive. A time would come when he would have to watch her pass away; it could be in any unexpected moment. He just couldn't....

He can't tolerate that... How could he when he loved her? But she would leave him one day. And the more he loved her, the more it hurt. If he was going to be this hurt, like during Yutaka and Kotomi's death, he wouldn't have fallen in love.

He shouldn't have loved her. This feeling for her, no matter how happy it makes him now, was bound to bring him sorrow in he future. Yeah, how could he, the cold Guiltia Brion, hold romance in his mind. He can't love her. He should forget these unnecessary feelings as quickly as he could.

But even now, he sought her. It was likely that unless he put a distance between them, he wouldn't get over her. Guiltia absentmindedly stared at the direction she had gone off to.

Distancing himself from her- It should be easy for him.....right? 

.  . .  . . .  .

"Congratulations on getting accepted!"

Angelique's efforts were rewarded and she got accepted into Saotome Academy. In celebration, the guys decided to throw a feast for their dear friend.

"Congrats, Angelique." Ange tightly clutched her hands with a dazzling smile. "I'm so, so happy for you! Grandma would've been really proud of you right now."

"Thanks!" She smiled back at her brother and squeezed his hands. Then she turned her head and beamed at the other three males. "You guys too, thank you!"

"You did really well, Angelique. It calls for a celebration." Eve put a party hat on top of her head.

"Yup! You survived that harsh battle. You should be proud of yourself." Robin winked.

"Eve-san, Robin," she chuckled gleefully, "thanks for all your help!"

Guiltia walked up to her. Suddenly her heart started pounding hard. Guil-san... He was the one to hold her hand and pull her out of her dreamless world. The one who helped her find a dream, gave her the necessary push to grow, gently guided her at each step, her mentor...

There was a small smile on his face. "Congratulations, Angelique."

"Thank you, Guil-san!"

However, that was it. There were no further interactions between the two of them all night. It left a pang of longing in her heart. Huh..? Was I expecting him to be more affectionate....?

She concluded that it was nothing out of ordinary. Guiltia was a calm, quiet and mature person. So it shouldn't have been out of ordinary for him to remain silent these days. . . .I've become so greedy for wanting more of his affections...


"So I was wondering about adding these dishes to the menu." Angelique pointed at something in her recipe book. "What do you all think?"

"Good idea." Robin grinned. Ange and Eve agreed too. 

"What about you, Guil-san?" She turned to the blonde who had been silent throughout the discussion.

After a moment of silence, he replied, ". . . Do as you see fit."

Eh? "Is there a flavour you like in particular?" She asked again, hoping for some insight instead of being dismissed.

"No. You're more knowledgeable in this matter. I leave this matter to you."

". . Okay. . ." Is the nightmare from a few days ago still bothering him? He has been more silent since then.


"Guil-san, do you want to taste-test the tart?"

The man didn't look up from his book. "No, I'll pass."

But it's coffee-flavoured..? Before she could feel somewhat down, Eve's offer to taste it took her attention.


"Guil-san, is there something you'd like for dinner?" Angelique asked while the man was heading upstairs.

"...I don't have an appetite tonight." Without looking back, he moved on.


"Guil-san, will you come with me to the store?"

"I think Ange will be more suitable to help out with groceries."

Like this, Guiltia attempted to put a distance between him and Angelique.

.  . .  . . .  .

"It's finally done...!" Angelique slumped on the chair, tired from all the efforts she put in.

It was Valentine's Day and Angelique had already planned what to do. It's not just a day where one gives chocolates to one's lover. It was a day to cherish dear ones and show one's appreciation.

That's why Angelique wanted to show her gratitude and appreciation to everyone who had helped her till then: OZ, Lost Eden and Eclipse. She wanted to give them homemade chocolates filled with her feelings.

In order to do so, she woke up during sunrise to prepare the treats. Everyone had different tastes. So she had to prepare different treats for them to truly enjoy what she had prepared. For Eclipse, she prepared chocolates that would go well with wine.

Initially, she wanted to make chocolate treats containing alcohol after learning that some chocolates contain alcohol. But then she could taste-test them. Besides, she was too young to handle alcohol. These made her give up on this idea and choose chocolates that Dimitri and Hyde could enjoy with wine.

As for Lost Eden, she relied on Robin's help. Her friend had gotten necessary informations on the members of Lost Eden's preferences. Saga prefered chocolates containing different spices, Mist prefered chocolates that were not too sweet or black chocolates, Jack liked something that was extra sweet and as for Elizabeth, something that was healthy for skin.

She knew what the members of OZ liked. Ange liked anything that she made with her heart. Eve too. Robin had the same preference as his brother and for Guiltia, she decided on coffee flavoured chocolates.

 I think they turned out great. I hope the others also think so. She looked at the different colourful wrapped boxes. Their music has always supported me, lifted up my spirits and made me happy. Now that I actually have the chance to do so, I want to thank them for everything. May my feelings reach them.

She had just completed part of her work for the day. Now she had to deliver the treats to everyone. She'll give her housemates once they all wake up. Eclipse luckily has a plan to visit their cafe in the afternoon so she can give their share then. In the evening, Lost Eden will be holding a fan meet and greet event and she will be going there.

Luck truly was on her side today, wasn't it?

Or was it not?

Angelique stroked Pannya's back, a pout barely visible on her lips. Something is definitely wrong with me.

She looked at the other side of the cafe where Dimitri, Hyde and Guiltia were seated. More precisely, her attention was solely on Guiltia. Or maybe something's wrong with Guil-san.

The three former members of the old Eclipse were having a discussion. Dimitri and Hyde had brought a proposal of performing together with OZ and Lost Eden. Though the duo had yet to speak with Lost Eden about it, they seemed confident that the three groups will end up performing together for one night.

While it was news worth jumping around, her heart wasn't exactly feeling ecstatic. Is it just me or Guil-san actually seems cold lately?

She thought back on the past few weeks. Guiltia undeniably seemed strange. She noticed they had not shared any conversation except necessities. Neither did they spend any time together.

"I wonder what's wrong..." She whispered after sighing.

"Pannya?" The cat had noticed Guiltia's subtle change in attitude and the longing glances Angelique sent towards him. The cat's intelligence wasn't to be underestimated. It had known the male for so many years. And she was the daughter of its previous owner.

"Pan...pannya....pan..." It wanted to comfort her with the right words. Unfortunately, it can't speak human language only for being a cat. 

The raven noticed Pannya's futile struggles. "Hm? What's the matter, Pannya?"

Robin, who was eating the chocolates given by Angelique earlier, found his attention drifting to the pair. "Oh? Is Pannya trying to talk to you?"

They also caught Eve's attention. He was more than happy to declare, "Pannya once tried to talk with me as well."

"Really?" She smiled. "I wonder what you're trying to tell me."

Eve took a seat next to her with a brief sigh. "Back then, Guil suggested asking Elizabeth to create a potion which will turn Pannya into a human or will allow it to talk. Poor Pannya got scared and ran away."

The cat in her arms flinched at the memory. "Beth-sama can do something like that?"

"Who knows? Since he is well versed in magic, Guil joked about it."

Having heard their conversation, the blonde male in question turned around with a blank face. "I wasn't joking back then."



Pannya hissed at him and tried to hide further into Angelique's arms.

.  . .  . . .  .

Angelique's breaths turned into puffs of snow. She walked over the snowy roads with a bubbly heart. Going to Lost Eden's meet and greet had definitely improved her mood by a thousand times.

She would've jumped around if it was not dangerous to do that on a snowy road. Yup, Lost Eden is the best! Saga-sama, Beth-sama, Jack-kun and Mist-sama even thanked a humble fan like me!! Hnngh!!! It makes me so happy! 

Plus, I got to shake Mist-sama's hand and watch them perform! She clasped her gloved hands and grinned to herself.

"Oh...!" She noticed a familiar back in the distance. Even if his face was out of sight because of his hat, the charisma he was exuding was recognizable. 

Without thinking, she started running to him. She didn't even know why she started running. They were going to the same home, after all. But still.... to cross paths with him here... it simply made her so happy and giddy. She wasn't aware that he had gone out today.

"Guil-san..!" She finally caught up to him after that run. It wasn't the correct choice to run on the slippery snow but she didn't really think this much. All she cared about, no matter how trivial of a thing it was, was to reach him.

Hearing his name, Guiltia looked behind. "Angelique?" He hadn't expected to meet her on his way home. Was Lost Eden's event over?

She was having trouble breathing and kept gasping for breath. The cold wind and the breathlessness left a hue of red on her face. Her nose, cheeks and her lips had turned red. And the way she smiled bashfully at him with those shining eyes.... she looked exceptionally beautiful even in this state.

Did she run only to reach him? That's so adora- He cleared his mind off such unnecessary thoughts. He wouldn't let himself being swayed by his feelings- he had promised himself. He would forever shut these feelings to protect himself. Even if she came to dislike him…

When her heart stopped thumping like crazy, Angelique questioned, "Where are you coming from, Guil-san?"

"Dimitri and Hyde brought me to see the arena they chose."

He's talking about the joint live. "Has it already been finalised? I think Eclipse still hasn't asked Lost Eden regarding this." They had started walking on the way home.

"Yes. They plan to meet Lost Eden tomorrow."

..... I'm sure Dimitri-sama and Hyde-sama have something up their sleeves since they're so sure Lost Eden will join them. It's Eclipse we're talking about. She internally chuckled. "A live with OZ, Lost Eden and Eclipse- it's too awesome to think about!"


She noticed something which made her halt for a second. She and Guiltia... were not walking side by side. How odd.... The smile on her face started to falter. They usually walked next to each other whenever they were together. But now, he was a few steps in front of her.

It shouldn't be a big deal. . . . . but. . . he's quiet. He is a man of few words but even I know the extent of it. He's not THIS quiet.

She looked at his back ahead of her. He was so close and yet it felt like he was so far from her. The others think he's being his usual self. Is it just to me that he's being like this...?

She bit her lower lips and looked down. She wasn't entirely naive to not notice the sudden distance between them. At first she thought it was her imagination. Slowly, she realized their relation wasn't as close as it used to be.

Why..? There remained a silence between them. The happiness and joy that was present in her heart until a few minutes ago was replaced with a heavy feeling. Did I do something to offend him...? Is he angry at me...?

At that moment, all she wanted to do was hug him from behind and apologize. But she didn't know what to apologize for. This drift between them felt so unbearable.... almost as if her heart was being crushed.

I don't want us to be like this.

Before she knew what she was doing, she stepped ahead and clutched a piece of his coat between her fingers.

To be continued...

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