Chapter Thirty-seven
The wedding ceremony of Guiltia Brion and Angelique Yuki took place a year later.
As per both of their wishes, it was a fairly small ceremony. The invited guests were their acquainted vampires only and that included, Eclipse, Lost Eden and also some of the vampires they had been acquainted with in Harajuku along with the members of their backup music band.
Their wedding took place in the resort OZ generally used for recording their songs. It was a much more comfortable place for all of them compared to a church or event hall amidst humans. A banquet hall had been booked by the couple prior to the main day.
The preparation for their big day was a new challenge for them. Guiltia wasn't aware of matrimonial ceremonies of current age and he was pretty sure those weren't the same as the ceremonies back in his time in France. He learned more about the current ones from magazines while he helped his bride-to-be, who handled most of the preparations.
Their first task after having their marriage registration accepted was getting their wedding rings. It was an important task because they would be wearing those rings throughout their lives. After some effort, they found the right rings for them. Both the rings were similar in design, though Angelique's one was more feminine with tiny stones on it. When put together, the rings came out as a lovely set.
Next were their clothes. Elizabeth helped quite a lot in picking their clothes. He helped Angelique find the dress most suited for her: a pure white dress with floral pattern and lace works on the arms. Guiltia's choice of white tuxedo made him look like a prince charming straight out of a fairytale. And when the bride stood next to him, flower bouquet in her hand, it was a picture perfect scene.
They had gone over the other works carefully as well for the sake of perfecting their wedding. Due to their efforts, as well as the rest of OZ's, the wedding ceremony went without a hitch.
Ange had handed Angelique to Guiltia with a request to stay with her happily. Countless stars dazzled in the clear sky overhead as the pair exchanged vows; this time in front of everyone. As they sealed their promises once again, they got blessed with everyone's wishes.
There was a jovial atmosphere in the after party. Angelique was conversing with Elizabeth and Mist; Saga, Jack, Robin and Ange were grouped together; and Guiltia, Dimitri, Hyde and Eve were talking together.
Henceforth, everything was to go on smoothly as well, even during the end of the party when only OZ, Lost Eden, Eclipse and Angelique were left in the hall ............................. or was it not?
"Good morning, little boys and my little princess."
The entire populace was frozen at the familiar high pitched voice. A small mistake on the catering service had led to such a dangerous err.
"Oh my, it's a wedding ceremony, isn't it?" She gleefully looked around.
Guiltia immediately shoved his bride behind him and tensed up. He stood in front of Robin and the twins to keep them out of this woman's sight. With a low grunt, he gritted his teeth at the walking threat.
It was the same case for every group. Saga was protectively hiding his bandmates behind him; and Eclipse was on their guard, wearily watching each of her moves.
"Goodness me, you all seem to be scared. What could the reason be?" Carmilla flashed a closed eye smile. "We're meeting after such a long time. Come on everyone, smile. It's a happy occasion."
Everyone waited with batted breath at what the ticking time bomb would do. Everyone except Angelique, that is.
"Carmilla!" She poked her head from behind Guiltia with the brightest smile ever. "It has been a while!"
"Hello to you too, Angelique." Carmilla waved her hand when he saw Ange doing the same and waving at her. Her gorgeous smile widened when she took a better view of Angelique.
"What a beautiful bride you are, Angelique. How much you have grown since the last time we met! It must have been destiny that awoke me from my slumber today."
"You two, don't go near her." Guiltia cut off. "She's harmful."
Angelique's brows formed a frown. "No, she's not. She won't harm us." She then turned to the princess with a smile. "Carmilla is my friend. You don't have to worry too much, Guil."
"My little princess is right. I won't do something as rambunctious as ruining my friend's wedding. You may be at ease."
Of course, no one except the twins trusted her, making her sigh heavily. "If everyone is going to be wary then it will be difficult to talk to Angelique."
An idea struck her brain. "It seems like I have to steal the little princess once more."
As soon as those words reached Guiltia's ears, he became alerted that something was going to happen. To make things worse, Angelique was stubborn when it came to Carmilla. She truly believed that the vampire princess wasn't a bad person. He didn't care if she was right or not. What he needed to do was to keep her safe.
Just as he gripped Angelique's hand to pull her, Carmilla's eyes glowed red as she used her powers.
"Ah..." All of a sudden, dizziness hit her and all her strength escaped from her body. She touched her forehead while staggering a step.
"Let us meet in our dreams, my princess."
Guiltia caught Angelique when she fainted. "Angelique!!"
"No need to be concerned. She is just sleeping."
Like Carmilla said, Angelique was breathing softly with a serene look on her face. The relief that hit her husband was short lived because this was Carmilla they were talking about. How can he trust that trickster?!
"Carmilla!" Guiltia's eyes turned red from the burst of emotions when he growled lowly. Robin and Ange felt scared from the coldness of his voice. Looks like the room's temperature even decreased to some degrees because of his silent fury. "What have you done to her?!"
The female remained unfazed by his attitude. "Exactly as I've said. I won't hurt such a sweet girl. She'll wake up in due time." A big smile appeared on her face. "Now it's time for me to depart. I'm off to meet the princess waiting for me. Goodnight, little boys."
Carmilla's presence disappeared as she fell asleep on her own. Hyde caught him from behind when Eve's body was about to hit the floor. A second later, Eve came to consciousness, blinking his eyes at the bright lights.
Once Eve was quickly fed mayonnaise by Elizabeth and got enlightened about Carmilla's antics, he quickly reassured Guiltia that Carmilla was probably right when she said that Angelique was sleeping. Carmilla didn't lie like that. Elizabeth also assured the troubled Guiltia that she was indeed sleeping. He could tell so from his magic.
Still worried, Guiltia lifted her limp body into a princess style carry. "Excuse us. We're heading back to our room."
. . . . . . .
". . . . . Where am I?" Angelique looked around. When she opened her eyes, she was standing in the middle of a flower garden in her wedding dress. The sky was free from any clouds and thus created a bright scenery. Where's Guil and everyone?
"Welcome, Angelique." A voice from behind suddenly beckoned her. Turning around, she found Carmilla sitting by what looked to be a tea table in the garden. "Come here and join me."
For a second, she was stunned by her beauty. Carmilla in a long lavender coloured dress was beautiful enough to make her fangirl. Woah...! She's too beautiful! No wonder she's a princess.
"What are you doing here, Carmilla?" She questioned. "More importantly, where are we?"
"In your dream, dear. I used my powers to enter your mind and join our consciousness."
She did remember Guiltia doing something similar once so she didn't question it further. As told, Angelique sat down on the chair opposite to Carmilla, who was now pouring tea on two cups.
With a calm smile, Carmilla started, "Did you know that a June bride is destined to be a happy bride? It's a tradition that has been passed down for millennials." She had the expression of a delighted sister. "According to this saying, happiness is sure to bless you two for eternity."
"That's a really wonderful saying." May this tradition apply not to us but to everyone else too. I hope Carmilla and the others remain happy for eternity.
"Congratulations on your marriage, Angelique." Carmilla placed a cup in front of her. "Yup. Now that I look closely, you're certainly a radiant bride."
"Thank you." Her compliment caused the human to flush pink. "You look absolutely beautiful too!"
"Why, thank you." She giggled. "It hasn't even been a decade since we met and you've already become a married woman. Human lives sure are swift."
"A lot of things have happened since then," Angelique's eyes dazzled with nostalgia. "Everyday has been interesting."
"I'm certainly curious about what happened at that time. How did you manage to sweep the cold vampire, Guiltia Brion, off his feet? Every time we meet, he simply glares at me."
He's the one who swept me off my feet. A bashful giggle escaped her lips. "There's so many things I want to share with you, Carmilla."
"Now that you've married a vampire," Carmilla rested her chin on her palm as her eyes were shrouded in mystery, "have you decided on what to do?"
Not understanding the meaning behind her words, she tilted her head questionably. "What do you mean?"
"Will you turn into a vampire?"
"Women can't be turned, Carmilla."
"What if I say there's actually a way? A way that only circulates between the royal family?"
At that, Angelique's eyes widened. She had thought Carmilla was joking but the way Carmilla was speaking with such surety was making Angelique doubt her initial thought.
". . I always wondered how you were a vampire despite being female," Angelique muttered. "But I've never heard of women being turned."
"The vampire world is shrouded in mystery, even more than before with the number of ancient vampires decreasing. The new vampires aren't aware of many powers and knowledge as such."
Carmilla explained, "Out of every vampire in this world, the royal family's knowledge is the most outstanding. As a pureblood princess, it's to be expected that I know about the secrets of our world more than most other vampires."
"That's...." Angelique had been listening to her intently as she held back her breath. "The vampire society is really mysterious, isn't it?"
"It is. Even now, I haven't been able to grasp answers to many questions."
Something else bugged the raven haired woman. She decided to voice it. "What do you mean by 'pureblood'?"
"A vampire born from parents who are both vampires of ancient lineage. That's a pureblooded vampire." When noticed the unasked curiosity in her eyes, Carmilla proclaimed, "Yes, both my father and mother were vampires."
At this, Angelique really couldn't hide her shock. So it seemed there were other female vampires except Carmilla. If Carmilla is a princess then. . . . her mother would be the queen of vampires.
"It shouldn't be surprising actually. There are two sides of a coin. Both men and women alike can be vampires." The princess sighed. "The reason for the limited number of female vampires is a long story. I'll share it another time."
"Well then, will you turn into a vampire now that you know women can be turned?" Carmilla brought the spotlight back to the main question.
"...!" It caught Angelique completely off guard. "A" She looked absolutely lost at the new revelation. "..... It's too sudden. I. . . I don't know. . . I've never considered it....."
"You don't have to give an answer now. Tell me once you've made up your mind." Carmilla informed kindly.
"Um...... okay." She nodded. All this time, I thought I will continue living as a human.
Carmilla's purple eyes became hazy and wistful while she remembered some past events. "I've witnessed a handful of unions between vampires and humans. Hardly any women chose to become a vampire. While they spent their limited time without any regret, the loneliness left behind kept haunting their beloved vampires."
The memories of our time together would give Guil strength when I'm no longer here- that's what we believe. But… Can he really take the blow if I pass away suddenly?
"But how does a woman become a vampire in the first place? Is there any special way? Guil once tried to turn my mother into one but failed."
For the first time that day, Carmilla's face darkened. "I guess you have a right to know before you make any decisions."
It must not be a pleasant process if she's making that face. Should I have kept quiet regarding this...?
Carmilla's unamused tone told her the gravity of the turning process. "Simply put, one has to give up her humanity to become a vampire. Unlike males, it's such a cruel process that many pass away in the process after not being able to withstand the pain."
Angelique's face went pale. "...It's that painful?"
"Painful isn't enough to describe it." Her lips stretched out in a sad smile. "Your heart crystallises to immortalise your body and then your body gradually stops circulating like that of a human. Some even end their lives before their hearts finish being crystallised to escape the hellish pain."
"Why..... do they have to suffer this much?" Her grey eyes trembled from the horror.
"Who knows?" The princess answered with a shrug. "Maybe it's because they still bear their human characteristics in order to give birth to vampires? There's much difference between the bodies of men and women vampires. Miraculously, even though her organs are supposed to stop ageing and developing, she still holds the ability to give birth. Her womb is similar to that of a human woman."
"Either way, this is the reason why there are so few female vampires. Most of them belong to ancient lineage and are so rare that the saying 'women can't be vampires' goes around the current society." Carmilla put an end to the solemn discussion.
"....." Angelique remained quiet, not knowing what to say after hearing all that.
"Oh my. I didn't mean to scare you." Carmilla exclaimed once she took notice of her silence. "However it's a great challenge, Angelique."
"Do you want to keep living as a human or do you want to pursue eternity with your husband? One day you'll have to make the choice." As Carmilla said that, their surroundings started getting hazy. "Looks like the time to say goodbye has arrived."
"What?" Angelique swiftly clutched Carmilla's hand. "You're leaving so soon?"
The latter couldn't help chuckling. "Your husband is waiting for you. I promised to return you in time." Moving towards her, Carmilla cupped her cheeks. "I look forward to meeting you again, my princess. And our meeting may come earlier than expected."
"Huh...?" The surrounding was gradually losing all its colour. "...I look forward to our next encounter, Carmilla."
Carmilla's figure started to grow invisible. "Remember, Angelique. The choice to turn is yours. Think about it carefully and when you make a decision which you won't regret, summon me. After all, only I have the power to-"
Angelique failed to hear Carmilla's final words as she saw white.
. . . . . . .
Angelique opened her eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling. When she twitched her hands, she noticed her left hand being occupied. Feeling her hands move, Guiltia quickly shot his eyes open.
"Angelique! You're awake at last." He sat up beside her and looked down at her.
". . How long did I sleep?"
"For two hours. Tell me, are you really alright? Carmilla didn't hurt you, did she?" He inquired.
"No, she didn't. I'm absolutely fine." Angelique tried to sit up when she realised she was still in her wedding dress. Though, Guiltia had removed her hair accessories and others to let her sleep comfortably. She noticed Guiltia hadn't changed out of his clothes completely. His suit and vest were on the sofa and the first two buttons of his shirt were undone. His face was still painted with concern.
"I'm sorry to make you worry." She lightly caressed his cheek with her right hand. He must've carried me to our room.
"If you're really apologetic then be more careful next time. There's no telling what Carmilla will do next time." He told her the last part sternly.
"She won't harm me. I'm sure of it." Angelique interjected. "I think she's lonely and bored from being alone. That's why she likes to prank everyone."
"You won't budge on it, I see." Guiltia sighed. "I don't know her enough to acknowledge or deny this so I can't say anything about it."
Sensing that this topic had ended, Angelique looked at the digital clock to find it was midnight now. It's that late already. Even though I slept for two hours, I'm still feeling tired.
"I'll change out of my dress." Angelique told him while she tried to get off the bed.
"Wait." Guiltia held her from behind. "I'll take it off for you."
"H-Huh?!" Her hair got swept to the side and his fingers touched the tip of the zipper of her dress. "B-But my c-clothes..!"
"I've taken out the robe for you. It's more comfortable," he answered. Her body shivered when he slowly kept exposing her back to the cool air of the room.
"Aah...!!!" Angelique gasped when Guiltia planted his lips on her exposed back. He didn't pull away and continued dragging his mouth down to her waist while unzipping her dress.
Her voice was shaking when she breathed his name. "G-Guil....."
Pressing one last kiss on her waist, he spoke out. "I won't go further. I know you're worn out from today's events. I'm quite exhausted myself as well. Besides, we have the whole week to ourselves so there's no need to rush."
"I'll change out of mine as well before hitting the bed." With that, he pulled away.
"E-Eh...?" She blinked and turned around, clutching her dress to keep it from falling on the floor. Guiltia's sexy smirk directed at her made her blush.
"However, prepare to be punished from tomorrow for putting yourself in danger like that."
"!!!!" There was no denying that she was actually looking forward to the sweet punishment awaiting her.
Just like that, after changing into the robes provided by the hotel, both of them laid down and held each other close. The tiredness of the day hit them and they fell into a blissful sleep.
To be continued...
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