Chapter Thirty-nine
Angelique's regenerative state finally came to an end when she twitched her closed eyes, gathering the strength to open her eyelids. After weakly lifting her eyelids, her gaze was hazy for a few seconds before settling in.
She blankly stared at the ceiling. The lights were actually hurting her eyes, which hadn't been opened in a while. This is...... Guil's room. . Where is he?
She just wanted to look around but it looked like there wasn't enough strength for her to move freely without feeling recoil. She groaned for the ache all over her body. Her soft huff of pain managed to reach the ears of a sound-sensitive vampire.
Guiltia shut his book with a start and jumped from his seat. His breathing came to a halt. Did the moment he had been anticipating so painfully finally arrive? His legs quickly took him to the other side of the room.
"Angelique." So many emotions rushed through his mind when he saw her gingerly rubbing her eyes. He was immediately by her side.
"...Guil?" Her voice came out dryer than she had expected. Not to mention it was so quiet that it would dissolve in air without reaching him. But her voice, no matter how small it was, had reached him.
Seeing that she still hasn't removed her hands from over her eyes, he guessed what was wrong. Swiftly, he closed the lights and parted the curtains for moonlight to illuminate the room.
"Is this fine now?" He asked while keeping his voice low. At the moment, her body was extremely sensitive. It was for the best to keep things tender.
"Mm." Guiltia's lavender orbs met her scarlet ones. Those eyes were proof that she had become a vampire completely.
In the dim moonlight, she felt better; so was her eyesight. The haze faded and she could make out the figure of her beloved.
"Guil...." Although her eyes weren't hurting anymore, the same couldn't be said about her throat. It felt so dry. She opened her mouth, revealing her fangs. No words were coming out unfortunately. Was she that fatigued? And her stomach was unsatisfied too. Like it was begging her to fill her stomach.
Guiltia, who sat down next to her, noticed her symptoms and asked, "Are you thirsty?"
She gave an affirmative nod. He carefully lifted her up to a sitting position and kept supporting her back. She winced at the throbbing pain as the comforter fell to her lap. My limbs hurt.....
While supporting her with one hand, he brought his other forearm to her mouth. ??? Quizzically, she lifted her gaze at him.
"Right now you need blood instead of water."
"...!" B-Blood...? Now that he had mentioned it, the scent of his blood hit her nostrils. He wasn't wounded or bleeding so how was she able to smell it just because he placed it near her face? She couldn't ignore how appetising it smelled.
Her stomach growled. The thought of drinking blood made her apprehensive but her body knew to react better. Her throat was burning and if she didn't fill her empty stomach, she was going to pass out.
Reflexively she opened her mouth and brought her fangs to his skin. As she was hesitating about how to cut it, Guiltia's gentle voice guided her.
"Slowly sink your fangs into my skin and drink. It will come to you naturally."
Just as he said, she followed through and used her fangs to pierce his skin. The clumsy bite in the middle of his forearm made him wince for a second before he felt her slowly fill her need.
The taste of Guiltia's blood wasn't what she had expected. It tasted so sweet and delicious that before she knew it, all her hesitation flew out of the window and she continued downing her sustenance. A few gulps of blood rejuvenated her and replenished her strength.
Meanwhile, Guiltia's breathing started to pick its pace. Feeding on him was starting to create its effects on his body. The last time she hungrily fed on him felt different. He was too stressed to feel anything that time. But now that she was carefully feeding on him, his body and mind was reacting differently. A light shade of pink coloured his cheeks.
As his blood filled her stomach, she felt herself growing weary. Having a full stomach was making her sleepy. Trusting that she had enough of her fill, she pulled her mouth away. The wound left on his forearm by her teeth were healed instantly. As she stared at it in wonder, Guiltia wryly smiled.
"You'll learn to do that in due time." He gently laid her down. "Now that you've consumed blood, you'll regain your strength shortly after a rest."
The tiredness and weakness was lulling her to sleep. There were a lot of questions inside her but decided to ask them when her mind won't be drifting like this.
When the male was putting the comforter over her body, she managed to clutch his index finger. The request in her eyes was obvious. With a caring smile, he pulled his finger back before holding her small hand in his.
"You can rest at ease. I won't go." His voice was the last thing she needed before falling asleep again.
Guiltia's eyes were trembling when he kissed her forehead. The OZ mark on his left hand glowed significantly as his emotions nearly overflowed. "....You're awake, Angelique..... I'm so relieved......"
. . . . . . .
The next day, more precisely, the next afternoon, Angelique reopened her eyes while feeling much better than the previous night. Guiltia had been in his room, waiting for her to wake up. He was keen enough to block the setting rays of the sun by using his curtains. The small ray that peeked from between the curtains was enough to enlighten the room.
"How are you feeling, Angelique?" Guiltia asked. One of his hands rested on her back and the other held her hand to help her sit up.
"Better... Although it still hurts to move around." She offered a small smile. "Um... how long was I asleep for?"
"You were in a regenerative state for three weeks."
She widened her eyes. "Three weeks...? Then... What about the last time I woke up?"
"It was last night, after midnight. That's about sixteen hours from now."
"I've been sleeping for that long?" She gaped.
"Your body needed the rest. Compared to last night, you look much better." He pointed out, "Your eyes were red last night but they have returned to their original colour now. It means your condition has improved."
Red eyes... ". . . . Have I succeeded in becoming a vampire?"
"You fed on me yesterday. That should prove to you that you have indeed become one."
"Oh..." She stared at her palms with mixed emotions. "I'm a vampire now..."
At that moment, the door opened and the one to come in was none other than Ange. His eyes shot up wide when he found Angelique awake and sitting.
"Angelique...!" His left eye reddened from the outburst of his emotions. "You're really awake...."
Guiltia could feel the young man's feelings as the OZ mark on both of their hands glowed, Ange's one being brighter. Understanding he needed to give the twins space, he got up. "Ange, remain here. I'll let the other two that Angelique has woken up."
Ange took Guiltia's previous position of supporting Angelique after the latter man left the room.
"Good morning, Ange. . . . . . Or maybe it's good afternoon." She joked to lighten the mood.
". . Guil said you woke up briefly last night. I could feel his emotions surging through me from our bond. I came to check on you so I didn't expect you to be awake right now..." He rested his forehead on her right shoulder and sighed. "I knew you'll wake up eventually but I couldn't help worrying.... I'm glad you're safe...."
Ange..... "Sorry for worrying you. As you can see, I'm fine now." She steadily wrapped her hands around his back. Guil must've been worried sick too. He looked so tired.
"Did you know, Guil always spent his free time next to you?" Ange spoke out. "He didn't want you to be alone when you woke up. That's why one of us was always assigned here."
"Really?" Her heart got warm at their thoughtfulness. "Thank you."
"That said," the brunette pulled away from the hug. "It's hard to believe you're a vampire now. I still haven't turned completely."
"Currently, I don't feel that much of a difference in my body. But I do feel irritated from too much brightness."
"That's why the curtains are closed. You'll probably go through some difficulties but you'll get adjusted to your new life soon."
They could hear footsteps coming from outside and the door suddenly opened to reveal Robin, Eve, Guiltia and Pannya at his toe.
"Angelique!" Robin and Eve exclaimed. Soon enough, she got surrounded by her dear ones as they felt relief wash over them at the fact that she was awake safely.
"Pannya-" The panda-like cat got picked up by Robin.
"You can't do that, Pannya. She's still weak." The cat sulked at that.
"Elizabeth will check your condition tomorrow. Though he wanted to come tonight, Lost Eden has a live to perform," Eve informed. "He also advised you to follow some rules for now: Don't expose yourself to the sun for long, especially during the sunrise. And make sure to regain your strength first before moving around."
"There's many things you need to get accustomed to after being turned. You'll have to get used to it one step at a time," said Guiltia.
"Guess we're a big vampire family now." Robin grinned. "Let's also consider everyone from Lost Eden and Eclipse."
"I agree." Eve chuckled happily when he thought of everyone being a family.
"About that..." Ange suddenly gained everyone's attention. The male stared at his palm before momentarily clenching it into a fist. "It's sudden but I want you all to hear it. Now that Angelique has become a vampire, I think it's time for me to turn into a full vampire as well."
"...!" Has the time finally arrived? He was hesitant to turn before because of Guil's constitution. But Guil's body has gotten better and Ange himself has grown up to be a responsible adult.... I believe Guil's attempt to turn Ange won't fail this time.
Ange's grey orbs fixated on Guiltia. "Once Angelique has settled down comfortably, I want you to turn me, Guil."
A satisfied smirk curled up on Guiltia's face. "Very well."
. . . . . . .
As said, Elizabeth checked up on Angelique the next day. He checked her condition carefully and enthusiastically inspected her. He found nothing wrong with her but still advised her to go to him for a follow up every month.
Angelique started her rehabilitation slowly with the help of OZ everyone. The first week went by trying to regain the strength in her body. For the moment, she couldn't stand the sunlight. It made her uncomfortable and dizzy; thus compelling her to stay inside during the day. Her sleeping schedule also required changes then as she was supposed to live a nocturnal life. Though, it came naturally to her. She felt especially tired during dawn and morning. It wasn't difficult to stay up later than she was used to.
With help, she learned to hide her fangs and other vampiric features. Her strength got enhanced notably as well, even though she could still be considered the weakest among them.
Perhaps it was because she was a female vampire that she felt constant weakness in her early days compared to Ange and Robin when they had been turned. Every week, she needed to consume blood from Guiltia, who willingly offered himself to be fed upon. He was the only one allowed to feel this euphoric sensation from his wife. This continued for two months until she no longer needed to depend on blood like the rest of them.
One evening, Angelique, accompanied by Robin and Guiltia, went to Rougelian for a follow-up on her condition. What she hadn't expected was for the whole gang of Lost Eden to be there.
"It's unusual to see everyone here," Angelique claimed.
Saga didn't speak and continued to chill on one of the sofas while Jack was sitting really close to him, playing games on his console. Joyfully chirping, Robin hopped on the space next to Jack and pulled him into a hug, thus pulling him away from Saga.
Mist approached her. Having Guiltia stand next to her didn't bother him much now. With time, and music, he had learned to tolerate the man Saga no longer chased after.
"Good evening, Mist-sama." Mist politely returned her cheerful greeting, as well as Guiltia's acknowledgment.
"It's good to see you in good health, Angelique. Frankly speaking, I was finding it hard to believe that a woman can be turned into a vampire. Miraculous events do occur, I suppose." He pushed up his glasses with his index finger. "Regardless, congratulations on becoming a vampire."
From behind, they could hear Jack's smirking voice while he was still being held in Robin's embrace. "Guess you're a rare species now."
The female chuckled lightly. "I guess so."
Mist chided the younger vampire for his choice of words. "Jack, that's an impolite way to speak."
"Eeeh? But that's the truth. Even Angelique agreed."
"Just because she was modest doesn't give you the right to prick her like that."
As Mist and Jack were engaged in what seemed to be a 'parent and son' bicker, Saga opened one of his eyes tiredly and directed his words towards the sole female.
"Whatever kind of vampire you become, just don't turn out like Carmilla." This advice, also a request, was meant by him wholeheartedly.
"Honestly..." Elizabeth sighed as he arrived to guide the couple upstairs. "It doesn't seem like it but they actually came with the intention to meet you."
Angelique grinned. "I'm flattered!"
. . . . . . .
"Sorry but we're clo- Ah! Eclipse!" Eve just switched the cafe's sign to 'closed' when the door abruptly opened. The Eclipse duo, Dimitri to be precise, made their grand entrance by loudly making their presence known.
"Is the cafe still available for us, I wonder?" Hyde questioned, fully knowing the answer.
"Welcome, Dimitri-sama, Hyde-sama!" No sooner had Angelique greeted than a big bouquet of daffodils got handed to her.
"No matter if you're a vampire or a human, I'm certain little lamb will remain our little lamb." Dimitri looked proud to exclaim this.
"This is from us to congratulate you on your new life." Hyde translated his partner. "To think you'd go to the extent of becoming a vampire for the sake of Guil..fu fu.... He's certainly a lucky fellow to have met a dedicated lover such as you."
"He has changed over the years, hasn't he?" The fondness in Dimitri's green eyes reminded of a big brother's adoration for his younger sibling. "He has come out of the hollow shell he had been living in."
"And what do you mean by that?" The four present turned their attention to the man who came down the spiral staircase just in time to hear their conversation.
"Dear Guiltia, he means that you look alive after remaining lifeless so long. For once, I agree with him." The sly grin that Guiltia was so used to seeing appeared on Hyde's face. "Was it OZ's music or Angelique's love that pulled you out of your lifeless state?"
Unconcerned by his friend's intent to tease him, Guiltia arrived beside Angelique to take over the preparation of their drinks. He didn't want her to overwork herself. "What if I say it was both the power of OZ's songs and Angelique's unconditional love? Ange's, OZ's songs restored my feelings for music."
He kept his eyes fixed on the woman next to him while adding the next part. "Angelique has charmed me multiple times with her traits. She showed me the feelings of love which I thought I was incapable of bearing and taught me to cherish the present I have. She has revived the dormant heart inside me."
"My my..." Hyde gaped in his hand and stared at them in amusement. Having Guiltia be so honest with his thoughts was once in a blue moon occurrence. Beside him, Dimitri was a second away from whistling at them. On the other side of the room, Eve stopped wiping the tables and enjoyed their conversation. His friend had graduated from being an emotionless vampire to a vampire who had a future to look forward to.
Angelique tried to suppress the embarrassed blush emerging on her face at his straightforward and blunt answer. She quickly excused herself from there by saying Pannya was supposedly looking for her. Eve went inside shortly after to give the three brothers their privacy.
Dimitri pointed out. "It's the first time I've heard you speak so freely about what's in your heart."
Hyde was in the mood to tease Guiltia tonight after hearing his confession. "You look stuck in your honeymoon phase."
Guiltia sighed shortly. "It has been two years since we got married, Hyde. Three years legally."
"Oh please. One or two years mean nothing to us immortals. Your eyes every time you look at her are proof enough." Hyde snickered elegantly. "But yes, the two of you look like a married couple in every aspect."
Dimitri couldn't let his partner be the only one to pull Guiltia's leg. "So then when do you intend to expand your family? Three years of marriage is certainly a good period in human life to consider a third member. Let it be known that I'll be the best uncle to the mini Guil or mini little lamb!"
"Don't poke your nose in other people's business, Dimitri." There wasn't any malice in Guiltia's voice as he chided his friend. Quietly, he placed two glasses of champagne in front of them and filled a third glass for himself. He knew those two were in the mood for jollification when they came here. "Unlike humans, we have an eternal life ahead of us so we have plenty of time to consider that option."
Dimitri smiled wistfully and rested his chin on his palm. "Back when we were in Eclipse, I would never have imagined that you would tie the knot with someone, much less with a human." Former human, now.
With his glass in his hand, Guiltia sat down on the stool beside the bluenette. "Angelique has formed a connection with me on her own. If there's anyone I would want to tie myself with, it's Angelique."
"You've certainly changed, haven't you, Guil?" The male could identify Hyde's smile to be genuine. "Let us toast to the beginning of your new life."
"We wish you happiness, Guil. To a bright future..."
Three glasses clinked.
. . . . . . .
"It has been six months and I still can't get used to seeing the Scarlet moon. It's too strange to see two moons in the sky." Angelique stared at the sky before drawing the curtains. She tilted her head to glance at the man sitting behind her. "I used to wonder what you guys were seeing. And I think I'm starting to understand what you used to say."
She sat down on the chair next to him while he read his book. "What do you mean?"
"Whenever I look at the Scarlet Moon, I feel a strange pull towards it." She placed a hand over her heart to emphasise her words. "Moreover, when I think of composing, the melody comes to me immediately. It's like I can convey my thoughts more clearly using melodies than words."
"Music is a component of a vampire. The song comes from your heart naturally."
"I suppose it has gotten easier to write new songs. Earlier I had to think a lot to come up with a song I'm satisfied with. But now the melodies come to me before I search for them." She chuckled dryly. "It's almost like a cheat code. Besides, my agency was quite satisfied when I mailed them some new songs after the long sick leave I took."
"Speaking of, you're going to return to work soon, no?"
"Yup. I feel better than ever and my body has adjusted perfectly." She placed a finger under her chin thoughtfully. "Though it still feels strange to feel so fresh and energetic at night. I would've felt worn out and sleepy by this hour."
"That will take some time, I believe. Ange wasn't troubled by his body's clock because of being a dhampir. Similarly, Robin has always been simply too energetic to feel any effect of the change."
She nodded, completely agreeing. The corners of her lips tugged upwards in a grateful smile. "You let me feed on you every time I become weak. I'm sorry. It must've been painful.... and thanks for giving me strength, Guil."
"It wasn't painful." Guiltia corrected her. "I want you to get better so this much is nothing."
"But I've fed on you quite a lot of times. You're not suffering from a shortage of blood, are you?"
"I'm not." He interjected. "You don't have to worry."
Seeing her small frown, he closed his book and kept it on the coffee table in front of them. "It had been a while since someone drank from me so it felt strange at first. However, it was my pleasure to be your prey."
He cupped one of her cheeks in his hand. "I'm your husband so I should enjoy its effects."
Effects? She quizzically stared at him. "Does it feel different to be fed upon?"
"Yes..." He stroked her cheek with her thumb. "Drinking would make you rejuvenated and alive again. However being fed upon doesn't hurt at all."
"Guil...." If that's the case then… She leaned towards him, her palms pressed against the seat bore her weight. "Will you drink from me?"
"What?" He raised a brow at the sudden proposal.
She proceeded to explain. "I think it'll be better for you to drink some blood after letting me drink that much. And um . . . . I want to experience how it feels to be fed upon."
"Angelique, is your health good enough now?" His eyes narrowed in concern.
"I'm sure I'm quite well now." She offered herself with a bright smile. "Then, will you?"
His hands slid down to her hips. "Come here."
She moved closer as per his order and found herself sitting on his lap within a second. He secured his arms around her.
"Umm.." Sitting atop him had elevated her height, making her look down to meet his eyes. ".....Aren't I heavy?"
"Are you aware how unbelievably light you are?" He cupped her cheeks and kissed her affectionately.
Breaking off the kiss, his hands went to her white shirt. Skilfully, he unbuttoned the top three buttons of her chiffon shirt, enough to expose her neck. She drew in a sharp breath when his warm breath skittered across her exposed shoulder and neck. She wasn't sure if it was the sudden chill or the tickle of his words skating across her skin that made her shiver.
"...Guil...." She whispered.
Her breath hitched with every stroke of his fingers over her nape. Hadn't her heart been crystallised so why could she feel it thumping so noisily?
"...Angelique," his low deep voice filled her ears, "it will sting for a second before being replaced with pleasure."
She could feel his lips hovering over her neck. Closing her eyes, she tilted her head to the side in order to make it easier for him to bite. Her hands gripped his arms as she waited with quickened breaths.
Guiltia paused for a moment to bare out his fangs and his eyes glowed red. Softly, he pressed a kiss on her neck to unnerve her.
Finally, Guiltia dug his fangs into Angelique's neck. He licked the trickles of blood that came out from the wound. "!!!"
Her body flinched when he pierced her skin. Just as he had said, the ache disappeared a moment after he started to drink slowly.
"....Haah.....ah...!" She couldn't hold the soft moans from escaping her throat. Shots of pleasure were clouding her mind. Her back arched and she unconsciously pulled his body closer with her hands around him.
"...ahhh...!!" No one had warned her it would feel like this. A feeling as intense as the ones she had felt when Guiltia made love to her spread throughout her body. Every time he sucked her neck, she was left trembling.
"Ahhh...Guil...! G-Guil......!" Tears pooled at the corner of her eyes. All she could think was how good it felt.
Guiltia lost control over himself for a moment. The moment he tasted her blood, it felt like an aphrodisiac. The intoxicating taste had left him hypnotised. Her blood tasted like the sweetest of nectars. It trickled down his throat and instead of satiating him, it only increased his thirst and desire.
He took another slow and long sip of her blood and savoured it. Her blood tasted different from all other blood he had till then. Was it because she was a woman? Because she had blood of vampire royalty inside her? Or was it because she was a human until recently?
It was possible that none of these reasons applied here and the actual reason her blood tasted so luscious was because it was her blood.
His low grunts were nothing but an indication of the pleasure he was experiencing. Her blood was a love potion and he couldn't get enough of it.
He gulped another mouthful of her blood. The tiny bit of his senses that were working reminded him that perhaps he had drunk enough for the first time. No matter how much he was enjoying it, he should stop before she fainted. But from her moans and tight grip on him, he was sure that she was under the same exhilarated pleasure as he.
Reluctantly though, he licked the holes and pulled away. As expected, he found both of their eyes shining red. Angelique was left numb with pleasure and clung to him. He worked to stabilise his breathing as well.
"It's strange. . . ." He spoke with a husky voice. "No matter how many times I take you, it leaves me craving for more."
". . . . .Then take more," she answered in a raspy whisper of her own. She was blushing profusely and yet the embarrassment wasn't stopping her from voicing her desire. She cradled his face in her palms with a fire in her eyes. "Make me yours, Guil... Love me more..."
Guiltia smirked at her bold request. The sweats glistening on his forehead, accompanied by the same burning flame in his eyes, made him sexier than ever.
"Have I ever told you. . . just how seductive you look with your eyes red?" Untying her hair, he ran his fingers through her raven locks. "Earlier. . you said you had plenty of energy left. There are hours left till dawn. . . . . shall I give you more of what you desire?"
The female pressed their foreheads together. She had a reply to his suggestive words. Her trembling eyes and beet red cheeks allured him further. ". . . I'm sure I'm not the only one with this desire."
Guiltia loved her bashful side and equally loved it when she was being bold. Saying no more, he stood up while picking her in a princess carry. Both of them flopped down on the bed, with Angelique being trapped under him.
The blonde man leaned towards the other side of her neck. Before his fangs met his flesh, he locked their eyes together.
"Will you give yourself to me tonight?"
Smiling dazzlingly, she pulled him closer. "I will. As many times as you like. For eternity."
Hearing him promise this made him want to swear himself to her as well.
"Then I will continue marking you as mine for eternity."
In a passionate night like no other, their bodies and souls entangled as one.
To be continue...
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