Chapter Thirty-eight
Guiltia frowned. "Angelique, is something the matter? You've been looking thoughtful ever since we came back."
One evening, Guiltia decided to voice out his concern when he and Angelique were on the roof together. Angelique, who was tending to the flowers, looked startled.
"Why do you say that?"
"I know there's something weighing on your mind. If it's too burdensome then share its load to me." He turned around to sit on the piano bench while facing her.
Of course... This matter involves him too. He should also know. . .
"Actually... it's something Carmilla told me." She met his curious lavender orbs. "Women can be turned into vampires."
"She must be-" He got cut off before he could finish saying what was on her mind. "She's not joking. She was serious, I could tell."
"Angelique, clearly she has tricked you. You're aware of how I failed to turn Kotomi into a vampire."
"Turning a female is a different process. A much cruel process." She pleaded, "Hear me out first, please?"
". . . . When Carmilla appeared in my dreams, we had a talk about female vampires. She told me many things I wasn't aware of before. Like, the vampire royal family, purebloods, the secret of turning women and the consequences of it. Apparently, women, who decide to turn, have to give up their humanity and suffer hellish pain. Many have lost their lives at the time of turning."
She elaborated further while he quietly listened to her. He could conclude that she wasn't lying when she looked so torn at the cruelty of the transformation.
"That's why. . . . I've been thinking about this." Her quiet voice made him narrow his eyes. He had a bad feeling he knew what was coming. "Now that I know the secret behind female vampires, she told me to make a decision that I won't regret."
"If I continue to stay as a human, I'll ultimately pass away, leaving you behind. . . If I become a vampire, I can stay with you forever; the only trouble is the turning process."
His expression was stoic. After hearing her out, something was gnawing inside him.
She smiled dryly. "I've been considering these possibilities for.... one month? And I think I've come to my conclusion."
Guiltia didn't want to hear it.
". . . . . I want to become a vampire."
He was quick to react with a stern look. "No, I won't allow it."
"Guil?" He stood up from his seat and walked in her direction. Once he was near her, he loomed over her in an act of intimidation.
"I won't allow you to become a vampire," he repeated himself.
Of course, his trick didn't work on his wife. "Why? Is it because you don't trust Carmilla?"
"That's one reason but I won't let you endanger your life for something so uncertain."
"But it's the only way for me to be with you all!" She protested. "If I become a vampire, I'll have eternity just like all of you."
He glared coldly. "If your reason is eternity, then I'm against this idea even more. The world of eternity is not suited for you. Your place lies among humans."
"You're being unreasonable." She frowned. "Eternity isn't my target. I want to become a vampire to be with you guys."
"No matter the reason, I won't allow you to do something so risky. You're not thinking this thoroughly. According to Carmilla, the transformation process might even kill you."
"I'll be fine. I won't back down or give in to the pain. I'll keep enduring till my body undergoes transformation."
At that, Guiltia sighed irritably. "You're being too naive, Angelique. Have you ever considered the fact that you might die if you keep being so stubborn?"
"I've been contemplating everything for a month. And I'm determined to see this through," she added firmly. She was telling him that she wouldn't budge from her decision.
"You're being selfish now, considering how you're only listening to your wishes."
"Meanwhile, you're not trusting me in the least."
Guiltia's glare had gotten harsher. "I won't let you become a vampire, Angelique, and that's settled. You don't argue regarding this any further."
"I never agreed to it." Angelique was losing both her calm and her patience. "I made my decision even before telling you, Guil."
"I haven't agreed to yours either." They understood how neither of them would give the other any space.
Guiltia turned around, face twitched in annoyance. He left Angelique alone on the rooftop and retreated to his room. On the other hand, Angelique finished her work on the rooftop. No words were exchanged between them during dinner and eventually, they had retired to their respective bedrooms instead of sharing one like always.
. . . . . . .
Three days had gone by like that. Silence existed between Guiltia and Angelique. None had gone back on their decisions. Their silent fight kept on prolonging, making the trio worried. Those two hardly fought, or was it actually their first fight? Angelique had the perseverance of a saint so she wasn't one to be easily angered and if Guiltia had a temper, Angelique could easily cool it. Again, on the rare occasions when Angelique felt grumpy, Guiltia knew just how to soothe her.
Eve, Robin and Ange had thought that both of them would cool down after passing the night on their own. However, three days passed and they still weren't looking them in the eye. Now they were at a loss at what to do. They didn't even know why they were fighting in the first place!
And so, on their third night of fighting, dinner was silent like the previous ones. After finishing his meal, Guiltia had headed up to his room and Angelique went back to do the dishes after completing hers. This left Ange, Eve and Robin alone.
"Looking at them like that makes me lose my appetite." Robin whined while keeping his voice low to keep it out of Angelique's earshot. "It was far better when flowers were actually blooming around them."
Eve sighed, exasperated. "How long do they intend to continue this?"
"I'm worried though. What actually happened between them to cause such a stir?" Ange mumbled. "They were perfectly normal until a while back." The pink haired boy shrugged.
"We left them time to sort things out on their own. But I think it's time for us to step in." Eve looked serious. "We can't let them be like this."
"Mm. Let's talk to them."
"Then, Eve-san and I will talk to Guil-san. I'm sure as long as Eve-san is with me, he won't be able to scare me away, even if he's annoyed."
"I'll talk to Angelique," Ange claimed.
"Let's meet in Robin's room once we have found the core of this problem." Eve dismissed their little meeting.
The trio themselves felt unsure of what to do after hearing both sides out. They had gotten over the initial shock of the revelation of it being possible to turn women into vampires. Either way, they knew that no one was wrong in this fight. Both of their reasons to be stubborn regarding their decision were valid.
Still, Ange had enough of Angelique and Guiltia ignoring one another's presence for days.
After Angelique returned from work at night, Ange dragged her by her hand without any warning and made her sit next to Guiltia on the couch.
"Ange?" She questioned the strange action of her brother.
"Angelique." Ange strictly looked at her before moving his gaze to the man next to her. "Guil."
"What's the matter, Ange?" Guiltia asked with a frown.
Without answering, the brunette took a deep breath and released it shortly. "Listen to me first."
Saying that, Ange began singing his first solo song 'Wing With Wind', a song that was equally special to both Angelique and Guiltia. It was a song that pushed her towards her dream and allowed Guiltia to find the courage to move forward. They didn't know what to say and quietly listened to his warm voice.
Once Ange sang the last note, he stared at the couple strongly. Finding them silent provided him with the opportunity to speak. "How long do you intend to stay like this? At this point, both of you are being stubborn and I'm sure you know it. Shouldn't you two talk out the differences and at least see from each other's perspective?"
"An-" Angelique got cut off.
"Angelique, you're dismissing Guil's concerns and his thoughts. And Guil-" His gaze fell on his vampire parent. "You're pushing your decision on her and not even trying to listen to her."
Finally, he sighed. "Talk it out tonight." His eyes left them no room to argue.
After getting lectured by Ange, the couple felt wronged. For the rest of the night until they were alone, they didn't dare to meet the other's eye out of guilt.
Amidst the silence, the pair took a seat on the chairs inside Guiltia's room. Being in the privacy of the room would help them express themselves better than with everyone present.
". . . . Back there, Ange acted like a mature adult." Guiltia was the first to break the silence slowly. "I wonder if he's aware of what a responsible and strong leader he has become over the years."
She looked up from her lap. He had a wry smile while his eyes gave off some of his pride that he was feeling inside. She had to agree with him though.
". . He has become someone to be proud of. I was always looking after him but now it feels like he's the one to look after me." As her weak laugh faded, she sighed. "But he's right."
Angelique fiddled with the hem of her skirt. "I didn't consider your feelings at all. I'm sorry."
"The fault also lies with me." Guiltia added shortly. "I've been too adamant with my decision."
Seeing that both of them had accepted their own shortcomings, they shared a small smile of reconciliation.
Angelique quietly brought up the topic of their argument. "Can we talk about it again? It's really important so let's not lose our cool this time too."
"I've been meaning to too....... To be honest, I was afraid that you would secretly call Carmilla and ask her to turn you before we even consulted this."
Angelique frowned. "You know I'd never go through a decision when you're so against it."
"I know." Smiling weakly, he reached out for her right hand and left a fleeting kiss. "I'm sorry for not trusting you, Angelique."
She shook her head. "...You were worried about me..... But you see, I don't want to change my mind regarding this."
"It's a life threatening process, Angelique. That's my main reason for trying to stop you." His lavender eyes were sombre. "When we started our relationship, you were the one who told me to cherish the present instead of worrying over an unknown future."
"Now there's a possibility for us to be together for eternity, Guil."
"It's not for certain." He reasoned. "You might lose your life. You might end up losing the time you could've had as a human. You might lose your life before your time actually ends." He took a breath to stable his mind. "I can't have you risking your life."
He's right... "Even now I don't know how much time I have left. None of us know my lifespan. A human's life is fleeting- you know that better than anyone."
"Even so, I might lose you faster this way..."
She gripped his hand in between hers. Back then, her mind was stressed and clouded with her resolve to turn herself. Was that why she didn't notice the fear evident in his eyes?
"I won't lose, Guil. I won't lose to any pain and give up my life to end the suffering. I want you to trust me on this." Her firm will was visible. "No matter how dangerous or painful the path is, if it leads us to a future with you then I will always choose it."
"I'm your wife, Guiltia Brion. I have sworn to stay beside you. That's why I absolutely won't leave you. I'll be fine, Guil. Trust me."
From her words, the vampire male felt her unwavering resolve. Without any more words, he folded his hands and rested his forehead atop it.
He shut his eyes and whispered, "Aren't you scared?"
". . . . . . You'll be surprised to know. After saying all that, I'm still...."
Then it dawned upon Guiltia. Just because Angelique had decided to go through it didn't mean she didn't have her fears. All this time, she had kept it inside. Having realised that, he moved to the space next to her and pulled her close. Connecting their foreheads, he closed his eyes.
How come he hadn't realised how foolish she actually was? Knowing her, she'd desperately try to push down her fears in an attempt to come to the best decision.
"You're unbelievable." He murmured.
"I can't help it." Angelique clutched his hands. "I want to do this.... but the prospect of everything still scares me." The volume of her voice reduced to a whisper.
"I won't be a human anymore...... And eternal life.... sometimes these seem so scary."
"Eternity isn't very delightful, I have to admit." He said honestly. "It's tiring to watch people you know pass away and the times to change. Quite a number of vampires I stumbled upon regretted their choice of choosing an eternal life."
"...But as long as I have you, I can get through the loneliness of eternity."
"...I want to hear your decision again, Angelique. Whatever it is, I will lend you my support." He put distance between them to look into her eyes. "Do you want to retain your life as a human? Or do you want to become a vampire."
There wasn't any hesitation in her answer.
"I want to become a vampire."
. . . . . . .
Guiltia had accepted Angelique's desire to become a vampire. However, they had decided to wait a while longer. She wanted to grow and age more before her body stopped developing completely. Finally, at the age of twenty-four, Angelique deemed it the correct time to let go of her mortal life.
Guiltia had sat through Angelique and Carmilla's talk regarding this matter. The latter was delighted and satisfied with her decision. According to Carmilla, only a female could turn another female so Carmilla was the one to turn Angelique. The vampire princess was quite happy to make Angelique her vampire child.
The Scarlet moon seemed oddly near that day. But it must've been Guiltia's imagination because of his over-thinking. That night seemed so strange to him. It was one indeed; it was the night Angelique will cease being a human. The idea itself sounded hard to digest.
The night breeze hit his cool cheeks as he brought his hands together in front of him in an act of prayer. Alone on the roof, he prayed to the moon.
"Scarlet Moon... I've always thought of you as a cruel existence for you bound in this hopeless prison.... That's what I used to believe. But you can be merciful at times." He shut his eyes tighter, hoping for his prayer to reach the moon. "Just as you've shown me mercy, bestow your grace on Angelique too. Grant her an eternal life and watch over her.... please."
"Back when we first met, I wouldn't have imagined such a day would come." Carmilla appeared in Guiltia's room with a goblet in hand. Angelique remained sitting on the bed while watching Carmilla approach her. Next to her sat her husband who no longer hid his anxiety. Robin and Ange silently stood a distance from them.
"Let me remind you again,child," Carmilla's voice held seriousness in them as a ghost of a frown finally appeared on her beautiful face. "You will experience excruciating pain and seek blood. Unless you are sated, you will remain acting no less than a beast in thirst of blood."
Hearing all these details again made Angelique flinch. But she won't back down. Firmly, she nodded.
"You shall be fine after waking up from your recuperating state." The solemn expression disappeared and Carmilla's usual laidback smile came back. "I'll have to go to sleep after using my powers. I'm sure no matter how mean the child of the Bathory clan is to me, he will help you in need."
"Thank you, Carmilla." Angelique flashed a grateful smile. "I mean it, really."
Carmilla chuckled. "I look forward to the fun times we'll spend as vampires. And that goes for the little boys too. Now then...."
Closing her eyes, she mumbled some spells under her breath in what the rest deduced as an ancient language. The red liquid in the goblet glowed darker before regaining its original crimson colour. When the vampire princess opened her eyes, her expression looked fatigued. She handed her the goblet. "Drink it."
Angelique still freshly remembered the pure dread that had hit her when she learned the process of transformation. Carmilla did say that a woman had to give up her humanity in a cruel way but that wasn't what she had expected.
By 'giving up her humanity' meant.....
Even now, Angelique's grey eyes reflected the same horror from back then. Everyone had noticed the shadow of dread that fell on her face. No one could blame her though. It would've been terrifying if she hadn't looked this perturbed.
Angelique's hands were shaking visibly as she took the goblet. Nausea attacked her at the sight of blood in the chalice and she covered her mouth with her free hand. Instinctively, Guiltia steadied her by holding her by the shoulders.
"Breathe, Angelique." He murmured.
Satisfied to see how much the human girl's husband cared for her, Carmilla closed her eyes into a pleased smile. "It's time for me to fall asleep. I wish you luck, my little princess."
Ange and Robin were there to catch Eve's unconscious body and bring him to his room. They didn't need to be told that Angelique didn't want to be seen in her vulnerable state. If the newly awakened vampire proves to be difficult for Guiltia, only then they will enter the room. Till the long night passed, all the two young men could do was pray for her safety.
"G-G-Guil. . I d-don't think I can....." Angelique tightly shut her eyes as her long raven hairs covered her eyes. "... I can't drink blood!"
She gripped the goblet with more strength. "It's too.... it's too inhumane! It's Carmilla's blood. How can I....!!?"
"Then will you give up, Angelique?" Guiltia asked rationally. He knew what she actually wanted. In her stage of mentally stressed out, she was losing sight of her intention and will.
For the sake of being with Guil, Ange, Robin and Eve-san forever...
In his arms, the man felt her shaking her head. Once she stopped trembling, she gathered her guts. In a single go, she took the mouthful amount of blood from the goblet and gulped it all down, all the while not opening her eyes.
The drink glided down her throat as the now empty goblet slipped from her hands and hit the ground.
"Mmph..!!!" Angelique pressed both of her hands over her mouth as her conscience pricked her like thorns. Tears pooled in her eyes and she felt as if she had committed the worst sin as a human. The scent, the taste, the feeling of blood was still vivid from her mouth to her throat and that made her feel so..... disgusted at herself. After all, her act right now was enough to say she was no longer a human.
Without speaking, Guiltia rubbed her back. He recalled the times she had broken down at the thought of drinking another's blood. That's one of the reasons why it took her two years to decide to turn herself. Though, it didn't look like she had steeled her heart enough to bear the burden of her action.
Finally, the consequences of downing the blood started kicking in.
"Ah...!" Angelique gasped loudly when a sharp crack rang in her ears. She screamed in pain when another sharp echo. Internally, she knew what the source of the noises were.
Her heart.
She curled over and clutched the front of her blouse. Her heart was gradually stopping its pumping and a stabbing pain erected from the centre of the organ.
Guiltia immediately held her close. His panic was evident in his trembling eyes. However, his assurances didn't reach her ears.
"It hurts! It hurts...!" The tears kept unbidden finally began to fall from her eyes freely. Loud snaps and clinks rang in her mind, driving her crazy. She didn't want to hear her heart being crystallised!
She gasped for breath since it felt like her lungs had stopped working along with her heart. Her heart was continuously getting stabbed! Stabbing pain and then crystallising, stabbing pain and then crystallising- the process was making her nuts.
"It'll go away soon, Angelique. Just hold on a little more." Guiltia kept whispering those words even though he knew it was hopeless since his words weren't reaching her.
"It hurts...!" She kept crying in pain. The price of immortality was too high! First she had to give up her humanity by drinking blood and now she had to feel her heart stopping and crystallising as the pain etched itself all over her body, reminding her without a break that she was no longer a human.
She writhed her body in his arms, trying to free herself from his protective embrace, from this incomprehensible suffering. She couldn't breathe. It was as if the air had been knocked out of her lungs. Her desperate pants for air served to hurt Guiltia, who was trying his level best to soothe her.
Angelique cried out when her heart finished crystallising. But the unpleasant sensation didn't stop there, for now it started spreading throughout her body to immortalise her veins and blood vessels.
Her futile attempts of struggle faded as she soon felt immobilised by the pang. Starting from her chest, the same ache attacked her back, her hands, her legs and her neck. She had to vividly feel her whole body reject humanity and turn into that of a vampire's.
Guiltia felt her body temperature gradually getting low. It was to be expected considering how her heart had stopped pumping and supplying blood all over her body. Yet it managed to make him disquiet and alarmed. Someone who was always warm to touch had gone so cold...
Angelique couldn't feel her limbs except for the tortuous feeling of her insides getting crystallised and losing their opportunity to mature. Her thrashing stopped and all she could do was bawl her eyes.
".....It hurts so much...... Guil...." Now it was difficult for her to even cry out loud. She was out of breath and the pain was gradually moving upwards, towards the blood vessels of her brain.
"Hang in there, please. . . It'll be over soon...." Her body was losing its strength from the torment and it scared him truthfully. Contrary to her previous flailing, her body was now limp. Holding her to his chest, so preciously like she was some sacred object, he wiped her cold sweats that had dampened her forehead.
A cold ran through her spine when her vision started changing. Her eyesight got hazy at first, and then the constant flashes of red petrified her. She saw red. Just as the man noticed the faint vampiric glow in her eyes, she shut her eyes, finding the bloody red too frightening.
And then her consciousness began to fade. The crystallisation of the blood vessels of her brain must've started. It was simply torture. She thanked the heavens for her slowly losing her mind because, at least, it freed her the horrifying pain.
Guiltia felt his blood go cold when he noticed how Angelique had gone completely limp and cold in his arms. He prayed- he profusely prayed that she just passed out and nothing really happened. However, a minute hadn't gone by after the woman opened her eyes, displaying her now bright scarlet orbs.
The tears had stopped falling from her eyes. Guiltia assumed that her body had finished being immortalised. It should be something to feel relief for but the hollow, soulless look in her eyes froze him.
....Her eyes no longer looked humane.
Instead, there was a predatory glint in them. Her chest rose up and down as her lungs finally restarted normally. But she still felt uncomfortable. Really uncomfortable. The restlessness in them yet her sudden silence alarmed him.
A deep exhale left her lips which sounded antsy. Her throat was burning. It felt like her throat was on fire, desperately begging her to get rid of the discomfort. She needed to drink something. More specifically, she needed blood.
Despite seeing red, she could make out the shape of a prey. A prey..... a supply of blood... Oh just how thirsty she was..!
When she opened her mouth, an inaudible, low growl left her throat. At that moment, he noticed her fangs, eager waiting to cut through flesh for the first time.
It wasn't Angelique.
Guiltia realised so when her predator mode switched on. She growled and jumped at him. Her hands would've ripped his shirt open had he not pinned her hands behind her after the top three buttons flew away.
Right now, Angelique was out of her mind. In her stead, a beast remained before him, hungry and thirsty for blood. He recalled Carmilla's words which had warned him of this incoming outcome. What he hadn't expected was for her to transform a complete predatory beast.
The wild glint in her eyes said how she intended to drink out every last drop of his blood. He was a prey and she was hungry. But even if her unconscious newly awakened vampire self wanted to do all that, he was aware that she wouldn't be able to do so since her body won't be able to take much.
Meanwhile, she howled and struggled to free her hands. He couldn't help admitting how her strength had increased tremendously. Usually, she wouldn't have been able to move an ounce had he ever pinned her like that. Her strength was puny in comparison to his enhanced strength. But now he had to grip her hands with some force as she wriggled with every ounce of her power. It wasn't enough to top his power though.
"...You want blood, right?" The male cocked his head to the other side. The shirt, being almost open, exposed her neck for easy access. "Take what you need. Make it through, Angelique."
Guiltia winced when hunger got the best of her and she sank her fangs on his flesh without even trying to release her hands. Her mouth greedily sucked his skin, his blood filling her with peace.
Obviously it stung the way she was forcibly drinking from him but he tolerated it when he thought about just how much pain she was into. His grip on her wrists loosened and she took this opportunity to tightly hold him in his place in an attempt to prevent her prey from running away.
The loud sucking and gulping noises and the scent of blood filled the room. Guiltia felt a single drop of blood escaping his wound and trailing down his chest which was followed by more droplets. He was getting lightheaded when she finally got sated and instantly fell into a slumber.
Angelique's whole weight was on him while he closed off the two small puncture holes on his neck. Carefully picking her up, Guiltia placed his wife's unconscious body under the covers. He sighed heavily.
The suffering stopped, hadn't it...? She had overcome the hurdles and hellish path, hadn't she? She had successfully been turned into a vampire, hadn't she?
The relief kicked in and he slumped down beside her rather ungracefully. His wife had pulled through. She hadn't given up just as she had promised. With his thumb, he wiped her lips to clean the hints of his blood remaining there.
He himself was terribly worn out after the events of the night. All of his stress and concerns turned to fatigue and his eyelids became unbearably heavy. He passed out right after burying his eyes in her shoulder, hugging her waist.
Now all he needed was to wait for her to wake up.
To be continued...
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