Chapter Thirty
A day rolled by since Angelique and Guiltia confessed their feelings properly. As a result, their strained relationship got mended and things returned to normal. More precisely, things had become better since then.
Cafe Prism was closed after a busy day. And it would remain closed for the next day as well. The five of them had exciting plans for the following day. Having finished dinner,
"I'm so excited for tomorrow!" Ange was brimming with excitement.
"Me too! It's our first time going to an amusement park!" Angelique joined him. The twins looked as if they would start jumping around from their excitement.
It had begun when OZ was requested to star in a promotional magazine for Yomiuriland, an amusement park. When Robin had learned that Ange, Angelique and also Eve had never visited an amusement park, he fixated that the five of them would enjoy their visit to the park after completing their work.
Robin grinned. Leaning into his chair and puffing his chest, he bragged, "Well you see, I've been visiting amusement parks since I was little so you can trust me to lead the day."
"We'll be counting on you, Robin." Eve claimed.
"That makes me wonder. . ." The pinkette suddenly perked up and looked at Guiltia. "When did you go to an amusement park, Guil-san?"
"I'm curious too." Eve added. "Guil certainly doesn't seem like a person who visits a park just for enjoyment."
With a straight face, the man in question replied, "Yutaka once brought me along with him and Kotomi." Remembering the event that had happened so long ago made him realise how similarly Yutaka had reacted after hearing Guiltia had never gone to an amusement park prior.
"Woah! You went with dad and mom?" At the mention of her parents, Angelique exclaimed. "I'd love to hear the entire story."
In the face of her brilliant smile, Guiltia's poker face melted into a ghost of a smile. "In that case,I will share it later."
A smug grin appeared on Robin's face at the warm amicable air between the two new lovers while Ange and Eve joyfully smiled. They didn't want to interrupt their little moment but it was getting late.
"We should head to bed now. I don't want to oversleep tomorrow," Ange reasoned and got up.
"Hmm... I'd like to learn more about the different attractions of the park." Robin stood up and stretched his limbs. "I'll look it up on the internet."
"I'm afraid you'll forget to sleep in time." Eve stopped him. "I'll join you to make sure you don't stay up too late. Besides, I also want to know more about the park."
"Okay!" Robin and Eve said their goodnights before leaving the living area. Ange followed after them.
Angelique put a hand over her mouth and stifled her yawn. She was still getting used to staying up a little bit late for being with the vampires more. "I think I'll head back as well."
"Me too." Closing the book he held, he got on his feet and the two started walking back to their rooms. Once they were in front of Ange and Angelique's shared room, they were ready to part ways.
"Goodnight, Guil-san." She was about to enter the room when Guiltia stopped her.
"Wait." She turned around to face him.
. . . !!! Angelique's heart nearly leaped out of her chest when Guiltia leaned closer and softly pressed his lips on her left cheek. The sudden action left her blushing a lovely pink. G-G-G-Guil-san!!?!?
When Guiltia pulled away, their eyes met. He had an unusually gentle smile on his face. "Goodnight, Angelique."
"E-Eh..? A-Ah yes. . . " After she entered her room, she leaned against the closed door and stayed there like a statue. The sensation of the small kiss still remained, making her feel all the more flustered. She brought her fingers to lightly graze her left cheek.
. . . Guil-san kissed me... No, wait. Last night, he kissed my hand too.
"Angelique, why are you standing there?" Ange, who had been busy preparing their beds to know what had happened outside the room, questioned.
"O-Oh! No reason." She quickly dismissed any growing worry.
T-That's right. It's really common to share kisses like that l-lovers. . . . . 'Lovers'......
"???" Ange stared at his sister quizzically, not understanding why her face was becoming red with each passing moment.
. . . . . . .
The weather was perfect for an outing. The visitors of Yomiuriland, some with families and some with lovers, were enjoying a lovely time on a refreshing day.
"Wah...!!" Ange and Angelique exclaimed together, now that OZ was done with their photoshoot. Since the girl was busy admiring how cool they looked, she had forgotten to appreciate the amusement park.
There are so many attractions. It's so hard to choose one!
"Where should we go first?" Ange looked at the rest, having difficulty choosing one attraction as well.
Guiltia's expression softened. "It's only noon. You can check all the rides you want till evening."
"That's right." Robin nodded. "Let's each pick which one you want to go the most. Here, I have a map."
As Robin unfolded and displayed the map, everyone ended up choosing where they wanted to go.
"Let's start with Ange!" Robin exclaimed.
And so, the group of five arrived in front of the merry-go-round as per Ange's request. Wah!! It's so cute!
The two elder vampires found his choice absolutely adorable. The childish innocence excluded by the three youngsters was very endearing.
Instead of joining them, Eve and Guiltia opted to warmly gaze at them enjoying the ride. They deemed themselves 'too old and mature' to ride on the cute horses and dogs.
"Okay, my turn!" Robin exclaimed. The five of them ended up bringing everyone to spinning cups. Instead of cups, there were various sweet delicacies.
The five of them got on the ride this time. Ange and Robin got into a cup and Guiltia, Eve and Angelique got into another.
As Angelique reached for the control, her right hand brushed against Guiltia's, who had also extended his hand to handle the ride.
Oh..! Her hands momentarily froze before she moved it away. Dusts of pink coloured her cheeks while she didn't meet his gaze. Why am I shying away now..?!
While Angelique struggled to control her emotions, Guiltia didn't fail to notice her shyness. A quiet chuckle escaped his lips. On the other hand, Eve remained oblivious of everything.
"It's Eve-san's turn. Where do you want to go?"
"Um..." Eve hesitantly pointed his index finger towards a huge track. "That."
"Rollercoaster? A bold ride - as expected of Eve-san!"
After waiting in the line for a while, they managed to get the last three seats. Ange and Robin sat in pairs just like Eve and Angelique. Guiltia sat behind the later pair.
Having gone through Angelique and Guiltia's choice, they continued walking around.
"Look! There's a dessert stall." Robin pointed his index towards the shop which had caught his attention. "I want ice-cream!"
The four people walked behind the running boy, thinking it'd be nice to get something to eat. In the end, everyone selected their desired dessert from the menu.
"Guil, won't you take something to eat?" Ange questioned the blonde man who had ordered only cafe au lait.
"No, this is fine."
"Then would you like to share my crepe?" Angelique offered. Guiltia thought about it. If it was Angelique who was offering it, how could it be rejected? He might as well as taste her strawberry crepe.
"...Sure." He leaned down close to her and ate a small portion from where she had previously consumed. "...It's too sweet."
Eve chuckled at his friend's reaction. "Guil really isn't too great with sweets."
On the other hand, Robin stood there baffled. Guiltia and Angelique.... just shared an indirect kiss! So how can they act as if nothing happened?! But it seems that both of them were actually unaware of it.
Now that he thought about it, the two had hardly spent any time together. Even if the three of them were with the couple, it could still be counted as a date. Their first date! Robin couldn't let them waste such an important opportunity! But at this rate, the day will end without them getting to spend any quality time.
There was still time left. Looks like it was time for Robin to play Cupid.
"Where should we go next?" Ange and Angelique asked at the same time due to their shared excitement.
"I have a great plan." Robin smiled, pointing his index finger up. "Let's divide into two groups: Guil-san and Angelique in one while the three of us in another."
"Eh? Why?" The girl questioned the sudden proposal.
Robin's answer was straightforward. "That way you two can enjoy your first date."
D-D-Date...?! Her cheeks got coloured in a lovely pink. A date with Guil-san!?
Meanwhile, Guiltia liked the prospect of a date with Angelique. He got on board with Robin. "Alright. Let us be on our way then."
Going out with the five of them was fun but he really hadn't spent quality time with Angelique in a very long time. Coincidentally, Ange and Eve also agreed to the plan quite enthusiastically, believing that it would bring good to the newly formed couple.
As the girl was still finding it unbelievable, she didn't notice Robin whispering something to Guiltia.
"Don't forget it, Guil-san. The final ride MUST be the ferris wheel!"
"I got it." Soon, the two groups parted ways, properly beginning Guiltia and Angelique's first date.
. . . . . . .
Angelique still didn't know what to say or how to react as they walked around. She had zero experience in this field. What were they supposed to do on a date actually? Was she supposed to cling to his arm while they were walking and flirt? N-No, that's not it for sure!
"Where do you want to go, Angelique?" Guiltia opened his mouth for the first time. Just like her, he had been contemplating how to spend their time in an enjoyable way.
"Um..." She looked around and apparently found something interesting. "...the ghost house?"
Guiltia followed her line of sight and saw the spooky looking house. He certainly had not expected her to choose that one. "Are you not afraid of ghosts?"
"No." As someone who grew up in the countryside, she lived in a quiet environment. She genuinely looked intrigued in the attraction. "Grandma used to say that ghosts are actually nice spirits who reside in the forest behind our home and protect our town."
She then looked at him with the most normal expression ever. "I don't see why ghosts are considered scary. They're actually really nice, aren't they?" People cosplay as ghosts in a ghost house. It's a shame since I wanted to meet real ghosts and thank them for always protecting our town.
She believed in the words of her late grandmother wholeheartedly and Guiltia wasn't going to tell her that ghosts aren't real. With his poker face, he affirmed her words.
Once they entered the dark and gloomy house, Angelique looked around, trying to adjust her eyesight. It was then that the man smoothly took her hand in order to escort her.
"Are you having trouble adjusting to the darkness?" Guiltia asked.
"N-No..! Not that much."
"That's good."
He's holding my hand... It's really considerate of him to do this since we might accidentally get lost or separated here. . . . and it's making me incredibly happy. Her shoulders, which had been tense ever since she had heard the word 'date', finally began to loosen. Silently, she returned a similar hold on his hand.
Like her, Guiltia felt really pleased the entire time they were inside that spooky house for being able to hold her hand. Instead of being scared, the two felt enamoured with one another and came out while wearing smiles.
Even after getting out of the haunted house attraction, Guiltia hadn't pulled his hand back. A-Are we going to hold hands the whole time? She internally squeaked at the thought of public display of affection. However, at close inspection, there were a lot of couples holding hands in this beautiful afternoon.
"Woah! It's so beautiful!" She couldn't hold back her awe at the dazzling, jewel-like decoration all around the amusement park. It was a special attraction of this park.
"It is." Guiltia couldn't help agreeing. He had witnessed many extravagant displays but this one was truly eye-catching. The lights also illuminated Angelique's smile.
He felt truly blessed to be able to witness this moment with her, to hold her hand like this and to stay beside her. Happiness that he never expected himself to feel surged throughout his body.
"There's going to be a sea lion show?!" Angelique exclaimed after noticing a sign board. Wow, that's so adorable!
Picking up on her excitement, Guiltia asked, "Shall we watch it?"
"Yes!" The two walked side by side, hand in hand. Hehe... I hope we also look like a couple from the outside.
. . . . . . .
I still don't know fully what we are supposed to do on a date specifically. I'm really inexperienced as a lover so I don't know much. But. . to have fun together, to feel happy like this- that's what it means to go on a date, right?
"Woah! So pretty!" Angelique's cheerful voice was music to Guiltia's ears. Just as Robin had advised, Guiltia had saved the Ferris wheel for the last after going through many other attractions.
"Everything looks so small!" It was her first time getting into a ferris wheel and she couldn't stop admiring the view. "Guil-san, the lights seem like stars, don't they?"
"You're right." Guiltia could realise why Robin insisted on the ferris wheel being the last ride of the day. The sun had nearly set, thus creating the perfect atmosphere to be alone. And in his eyes, Angelique sparkled more than ever right now.
"I don't think I've ever had this much fun in my whole life," Angelique suddenly proclaimed. She turned to look at the man next to her.
"Thank you, Guil-san! I won't forget this day for the rest of my life!"
"...!" The luminosity of her smile rendered him speechless. He loved her. He truly loved her. Despite him continuously pushing her away, she didn't leave him. And now, she was here with him, smiling at only him. It was great that the shadow of pain which was reflected in her eyes a few days ago had vaporised and her cheerful smile had returned.
Ah....! In the blink of an eye, she found herself in the embrace of the man she loved. His head rested on her shoulder so she couldn't see his face.
"Me too."
"I will always remember this day as well." He tightened his grip around her shoulders. It was a miracle that they are together. As he promised to cherish her more, he felt a pair of hands resting on his back. She was hugging him back. They continued to stay in the embrace as their cabin slowly rose to the top. . . . It's so warm...
Guiltia was the one to slowly pull away. However he didn't move away completely and stayed near her.
"Angelique." He called her name in a low voice while gazing into her grey eyes intently.
His next words caught her completely off guard. "Can I kiss you?"
"!!!" She almost choked on her words. K-K-K-Kiss!?!!?
"I-I-I-" She stumbled over her words. She quickly averted her gaze as her cheeks heated up more. ....If it's with Guil-san then I-I want to...
"Mm..." She answered with a small voice of affirmation.
The adorable display made him smile gently. One of his hands went from her shoulder to behind her back. Gingerly, he brought the other one to graze her cheeks.
!!! His touch made her slowly face him. Once she faced him completely, she found herself unable to look away. The way he looked at her was undeniably heart pounding.
Guiltia gently brushed his thumb over her lips. That action made her heart go crazy. She awkwardly rested her hands on his shoulders. Before he moved his face towards hers, she opened her mouth, confessing a fact.
"U-Um Guil-san, the truth is I've never k-kissed anyone before. S-So, I'm not sure what to do..."
The male found it adorable how she had stated the obvious with such panic. Smiling, he assured her, "It's alright. I will lead you."
Hearing him, she relaxed more. Guiltia's face came closer and closer. She closed her eyes reflexively when he tilted his head a bit. They could feel each other's breath on their lips. Taking in her lovely expression once more, he closed his eyes and slowly closed the distance between them; just as their cabin reached the peak.
Their first kiss was surprisingly gentle and tender. Guiltia softly pressed his lips on hers. At first, he directed the kiss before Angelique hesitantly followed his lead.
She tasted vaguely of strawberries; probably from the crepe she had earlier. The sweetness, combined with the softness of her lips, was truly heavenly. With this, he had finally claimed her as his.
The kiss left her heart fluttering. Warm fuzzy feelings spread all over her body as she melted in the kiss. She never thought a kiss could make her feel so blissful. Though she was feeling terribly shy, Angelique wanted this moment to last forever.
The longevity of the kiss wasn't too long. It wasn't too short either. Guiltia pulled away just before she suffered from shortage of breath.
We kissed. . . Angelique was still left in a daze from their shared kiss. The sensation of his lips was ever present on her lips. She lifted her gaze and their eyes met.
Guiltia fell in love with the view that only he was privileged to see. The bashful smile along with blushing cheeks that Angelique presented him captured his heart. He smiled back at her, conveying how much the previous kiss made him happy.
Before they knew it, they gave into the temptation of sharing another kiss.
Their time alone in the cabin of the ferris wheel came to an end soon. However, the magical time they had spent would forever remain etched in their hearts.
To be continued...
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