Chapter Ten

"Hey Angelique, do you hear something?" Ange asked his sister once they exited their room.

"Hmm?" Angelique perked her ears up and followed him down the stairs. "Oh, yeah."

The faint sound grew louder as they gradually descended the stairs. What's making such a ruckus in the morning?

"It's coming from outside," the boy pointed at the door.

"Pannya?" She recognized the source of noise. "What's up with Pannya?"

The first thing they saw after Ange opened the main gate was a moving cardboard box. They could hear their cat's voice from inside it.

As soon as Ange removed the lid of the box, the cat bounced out from the box and hit Ange's face. The brunette collapsed on the floor from the impact. "Ow..."

"Ange, are you okay?"

The panda-like cat had a better sense of balance than him because it swiftly landed on Angelique's arms from the previous impact.

"Pannya." It swayed its tail freely, happy to have been out of there. 

"Are you alright, Pannya?" She patted the cat in her arms. "It must've been rough being inside that box."

"Pannya." As if agreeing, it swayed its tail faster.

Ange, now having sat on the floor, rubbed his nose. "What were you even doing in that box?"

His question made it jump out of her arms and run towards the box, as if it tried to show them the contents. Though it quickly got picked up again.

"Come on, Pannya. If you do that, you'll fall into it again," she scolded. 

The cat's purpose got served when Ange's eyes lit up after looking inside the cardboard box. "These are..."

"Hm? What's in there?" Eh? Why's Ange's name written there?

Smiling broadly, her brother jerked his head to face her. "It's here!" She only tilted her face in question.

By the time Ange took the box inside and placed it on top of a table, the room got filled with the other members.

I wonder if Pannya was looking for food inside the box. Angelique giggled at her thought while she served Pannya its food. 

Guiltia, who had been nearest to her by the counter, noticed her laugh. "What are you smiling about?" He asked.

With a bright grin, she turned to him. "Pannya is so adorable, right, Guil-san?"

Having lived with the cat for so many years, it was obvious that Guiltia wasn't unaware of its charm. He couldn't help smiling. "Yeah."

Meanwhile, Robin stared inside the box. "These are..."

"They're from Elizabeth," Eve recognized. From Beth-sama?

"Ah, our outfits." Guiltia announced.

Her brother had been the most excited to see his outfit. He grabbed his designated package which had been on top of the pile and ran to his room. "I'm gonna go try my on!"

Robin didn't lag behind. He also grabbed his package and ran upstairs. "Ooh! Me too!"

Unlike the younger two, Eve was calm and silent in taking his outfit upstairs. That left only Guiltia to pick up his share. But he hadn't noticed when something slipped off.

"Ah Guil-san, you dropped this." Angelique picked up the piece of paper that fell down on the floor. However, it was no ordinary paper.

"E-Eh!?" She squeaked once she read the contents. This...

"What's the matter?" Guiltia questioned.

" 'Lost Eden one man live'...." She read out loudly.

"Let me see..." The blonde took a look at the paper in her hand. She gasped lightly. "It's at the same time as OZ's live." What a coincidence.

"Why did Beth-sama send this?" A thought struck her. Could it be that he was inviting us to Lost Eden's live show? He didn't know that OZ's debut was on that day!!

On the other hand, Guiltia smirked. He muttered under his breath with hints of expectations, "Will you come for me, Saga?"

"What was that?" The girl asked.

"It's nothing." He started heading back to his room. "I'll try this on."


"I wonder how their outfits turned out." She sat down. "Aren't you excited to see them too, Pannya?"

"Pannya." It nodded.

.  . .  . . .  .

Angelique tied her apron behind her back. She has a very important task now. That was to cook a very delicious dinner for OZ.

"Okay, I bought all the ingredients. Now it's time for me to pour all my strength!" She pumped herself up by slapping her cheeks.

In the middle of her intense cooking, a male came by the kitchen. "Angelique?"

"Oh, Eve-san. Are you done with your training?"

"Yes. Guil is still monitoring Ange and Robin though."

"Guil-san is a strict teacher." She chuckled.

"Indeed." Eve looked around the kitchen. "I was thinking of preparing dinner but... You seem to be very busy at the moment."

"Ah, you don't have to prepare dinner tonight. I'll do it," she replied while cutting the meat. "I'll make lots of katsu so OZ can be the best out there tomorrow!"

He tilted his head, not understanding her. "Why do we need katsu to win?"

"It's a tradition." She smiled and lifted her index finger up. "The tradition goes that if we eat katsu on the night before any major event, we will be victorious."

"I see." He smiled. "It's very considerate of you to do this."

"No, it's nothing really." She waved her hands dismissively in front of her. "This is the only way I can support you guys."

"You've already given us plenty of moral support, Angelique." Eve's smile was gentle. "You're not aware of it yourself, but having you by our side gives us a lot of strength."

"E-Eh," she was caught off guard at the sudden compliment before showing a bashful grin. "I'm glad then."

"Now then," The man took his own apron. "Let me lend you a hand. It'll be difficult for you to prepare all this alone."

She beamed. "I appreciate it, Eve-san!"

"I did wonder what you were doing in the kitchen for so long, Angelique but I didn't expect you to prepare a feast," Ange awed.

"Wow!" Robin exclaimed in English. "The delicious smell is making me hungry." 

Meanwhile, a nostalgic smile appeared on Guiltia's face. He whispered all to himself, "Katsu,huh.... Just like how they used to celebrate..."

"Did you do this all on your own, Angelique?" The brunette asked while taking a seat.

"Nope, Eve-san helped me a lot!"

"I didn't do much except follow her instructions. It was Angelique who did most of the work." They all sat down to eat.

Robin took out his phone immediately and started taking pictures of the dishes. "This should be a good post for our blog."

This piqued Angelique's interest. "Blog? OZ is creating a blog?"


"Woah!" She had stars in her eyes. "That's a really nice idea! Your blog will bring you closer to your fans and listeners."

"Right?" Robin was happy that she understood the significance of the blog. "It was Ange's idea!"

"I originally wanted to create an exchange diary," Ange claimed. "A blog sounds nice but I don't know much about it..."

"Me neither," Eve joined.

"No problem. I'll teach you guys!" Robin winked. It earned him relieved Ange and Eve. "Thank you. It'll be a huge help."

"Now," Ange smiled. "Let's eat!" His eyes lit up as soon as he took a bite of the meat.

"It's tasty, Angelique!"

"Yes." Guiltia agreed with Eve.

"You're a great cook, Angelique! I wish I could cook like you."

Guiltia told Robin with a blank face,"You need to stop blowing up the kitchen first."

"Jeez, Guil-san. You're too blunt." The boy pouted. 

Angelique smiled. "Thank you, everyone." She looked at the pinkette. "Don't worry, Robin. You'll get better too! It took me a lot of practice to cook an edible meal." It was just me, Ange and our grandma. So we had to help her in order to not exert her weak body. But after she fell ill, it was upon the both of us to do the cooking.

"That said, we're really eating like kings today," the boy grinned.

Eve spoke up. "Apparently it's something Japanese people do for luck."


Ange explained, "the Japanese word for winning is 'katsu', so we eat katsu."

"So you're trying to be punny?"

"This is seriously how it works though. We used to eat katsu on the night before our exams, right, Angelique?" She nodded.

"We really have to do our best tomorrow." Eve muttered.

"It's only natural that you're nervous." Guiltia spoke up. "This will be the first Visual Prison for you three."

The mood turned serious. "We'll be standing on stage together."

"Yes. Let's let the Scarlet Moon hear our song." Everyone nodded.

Robin took a huge bite of his meal. "Gonna eat all the katsu so we'll win!"

"Yeah!" Ange and Robin pumped up their hands in the air.

My brother is so cute.

.  . .  . . .  .

"Eh? Dimitri and Hyde are here?!" Ange exclaimed while wearing his jacket.

"Yup. They're going to watch OZ perform from the special seats," Angelique informed.

"Ouch. The pressure suddenly increased..." Robin whined. 

"At times like this, we should remain calm." Eve tried to comfort the younger boy.

"Eve's right. Just do as we've practised."

"Guil, you're done changing!" Ange stared at him in admiration. Wow,he looks really cool!

"Yikes, Guil-san is seriously handsome." Robin commented.

"You're right." The purple haired male nodded. 

Ignoring their comments, the blonde fixed his cap calmly. "With this, OZ is ready to go."


"Good luck, guys!" Angelique cheered with a brilliant smile.

"Thanks." Ange placed a hand on her shoulder. His smile was unlike what she had seen so far. It wasn't the smile of her younger twin Ange. Rather, it was OZ's leader's smile. "Watch us closely, Angelique. Listen to OZ's music"


Slowly, Ange's hands moved around her and he pulled her into a hug. "I could make it this far because of you, Angelique. Thank you for being by my side."

"Ange...." She hugged him back. When did he grow up so much...? "Sing out your heart tonight, Ange."

May OZ's music reaches everyone. May my brother's music reach everyone!

The loud cheers of the fans fell deaf to Angelique's ears. She simply gazed at OZ standing on the stage. So much happened in the past few minutes. This is what a Visual Prison is....

Everything that has happened might appear to be special effects to others but not to Angelique, as she knew what the Prison was. Everything that I saw... actually happened.

It was still a blur to her. Right after OZ had finished their perfect performance, Lost Eden raided their prison. She had witnessed everything as an audience. Robin fought Jack without any hesitation. Eve gracefully battled both Mist and Elizabeth. Both were a sight to see.

However, her eyes were glued to another person. The fight between Guiltia and Saga. The former chose to fight Saga even though the latter had been targeting Ange. Her heart kept thumping during the whole battle. Guiltia had gallantly fought Saga. Their intense fight had truly worried her. Anyone could've gotten hurt.

Every time their swords clashed, she shivered. Her eyes couldn't leave them for even a second of the fight. Guiltia was much stronger than he actually seemed. To hold off someone as strong and powerful as Saga was truly awesome.

Finally, Ange turned the tables with his song. Her brother had conquered the prison with his song. That was the moment Angelique would never ever forget. Ange's protection of OZ's prison made Eclipse enter the prison as well. In the end, Lost Eden followed after Eclipse and the whole performance came to an end.

The girl brought a hand to her chest. She could feel her heart pounding loudly. There was also a burning feeling in her chest. Their music, their performance was the best! She loved their song so much! 

Guiltia appeared to tell Ange something. She didn't know what he said but the look on Ange's face was one she couldn't recognize. To her, he seemed to be standing so far. He's shining so brightly.

 Yuki Ange, her brother, was no longer only hers. He belonged on that stage, with Eve, Robin and Guiltia. And as his twin, she couldn't be prouder of him.

I wonder what you're thinking of right now, Ange....

.  . .  . . .  .

"Guil-san, you're here too?" When Angelique went to the roof for some fresh air, she didn't expect to see the blonde man there. Ange and Robin had long fallen asleep, being tired from their debut. Eve too must have been asleep by then.

Or maybe she did expect to see Guiltia sitting before the piano. It was just like him. And perhaps deep down in her heart, she had been hoping to see him there.

"Angelique?" He noticed the girl's presence. "What brings you here?"

The wind continued to pass by them softly. She tucked the loose strands of her hair behind her ear. "I couldn't fall asleep at all."

"Is something on your mind?"

Silently, she walked past the piano and stood before the roof railing. After their lessons together had started, they had gotten much comfortable around each other. Especially being on the roof together. Unknowingly, they had gotten used to each other's presence on the roof.

"Your performance." She opened her mouth. "It hasn't left my mind at all."

"I see." A slight smile tugged the corners of his lips. "Did you enjoy it that much?"

"Yup!" She popped the 'p'. "I've truly become your fan. Now if someone asks me which is my favourite group, the answer will be OZ!"

"That's good to hear." He smiled.

"So, you see," she fidgeted with her fingers, making him curious. "Listening to OZ's music made me think about.... myself."

"Hmm?" Her grey eyes got the courage to meet his.

"Guil-san,I..." Why is saying this so difficult? To calm her nerves, she took a breath and released it. It's Guil-san, the one I decided to tell this first.

"Guil-san, I....I want to become a composer!"

Angelique's words repeated inside Guiltia's head. An unusual amount of satisfaction bubbled up inside him.

The girl continued speaking, her eyes shining, "Watching your performance made me realise it again: music is really amazing. It can wash away your sadness, comfort you and show you new dreams."

A sincere smile stretched across her lips. With pink cheeks, she shyly tilted her head to the side. "I want to create such music too. Music that can make people happy.... I want to write it!"

"It seems you've put a lot of thought into your future."

"Yes!" The smile on her face was truly radiant. It reminded Guiltia of her mother. Their smiles were exactly the same. These days Angelique reminded him of his female friend so much. Angelique had grown up to be as pretty and bright as her mother.

Guiltia felt his heart getting warm from the happiness. He didn't know if this happiness was caused by the resemblance between the two females or if he was simply happy that Angelique had decided to go down the musical path, like the rest of her family. Nonetheless he embraced the warmth spreading across his chest.

However, the peaceful moment where they smiled at each other in silence had to come to an end.


"Urk..!!" Guiltia clutched his shirt over where his heart was. Something loudly snapped inside him that didn't go unheard by him. His whole body felt like it was burning.

"!!! Guil-san!"

To be continued...

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