Chapter Sixteen
Mist, Dimitri, Robin, Ange and Jack's loud voices, laced with excitement, could be heard all around.
"Now surrender to Lost Eden's strength, Dimitri."
"We shall see.... This one is for you,Jack!"
"Whoosh! I'm a shark!!"
"Wah! Robin!!"
"Wha-! Robin, I lost this round because of you!"
The sun had long risen to declare the beginning of a new day. All members of OZ, Lost Eden and Eclipse were exhausted. They were mentally worn out thanks to Carmilla's antics. No one had the energy in them to spend the day in the recording room after all that. And so, it became everyone's day off.
Unlike the loud bunch, Eve and Hyde were quiet, peacefully enjoying the cool water.
"Mm...This certainly feels nice."
"Nothing can feel better than this on a hot summer day."
On the other side, Saga and Elizabeth simply enjoyed the sun. Everyone irrespective of their groups were pleasantly enjoying their times in the pool area. Everyone except Guiltia, that is.
While everyone was present in the same place, Guiltia was on his own. The sun was shining warmly on the blonde. He leisurely wandered the block paved path which led between the brightly coloured plants.
The wind felt nice too. Being far away from the pool area, his surroundings were silent. And he was grateful for that. He needed a quiet place to unwind. Though he enjoyed spending time with his precious group members, he equally cherished some tranquillity.
The man had a rare easy smile playing on his lips while he admired the various flowers blooming in the garden. The bright and vibrant flowers radiated their positive energy to him. From pink roses and tulips, there were so many exotic flowers he couldn't find in Harajuku. The flowery scent dancing around soothed and pleased his mind.
There was a stone fountain further up ahead, in the centre of the huge garden. He pondered if he should spend the rest of his time there. To him, it felt like it had been so long since everything was so quiet.
The immobile cycle of his life had begun moving once again. After the appearance of the twins, everything changed for the better. With this thought in mind, Guiltia continued walking. His sedate steps came to a standstill when he spotted a person, not too far away, sitting under the shade of a tree.
Her back was leaning against the tree and her legs were neatly folded on her side. The breeze blowing from her opposite direction added a mystical touch to her.
Angelique looked like an angel. Or maybe a fairy clad in white and surrounded by trees and flowers. Guiltia didn't know the right term to use out of the above two. The one thing he was sure of was that she looked really beautiful.
He found a clear path, in order not to trample over the blooming flowers. The path led to the other side of the garden where she was sitting.
As he got near her, he could hear her faintly humming, not having the slightest idea of his presence behind her. Guiltia unconsciously smiled when he saw her humming happily. Not to mention, her tone was really soft. Now leaning his arm against the tree, he called out to her when she still didn't notice his presence.
Hearing her name, she raised her head. "Guil-san!" The sight of him made her smile cheerfully. "Good afternoon."
"Good afternoon." He greeted back. It was cute how the very sight of her friends could brighten her like that.
"What brings you here, Guil-san?"
"I was taking a stroll in the garden."
"I see. I thought you were with everyone else in the pool."
"That place was too noisy for relaxation." It was actually partly true. If he had joined the others at the pool, then he would've had to strip off his shirt. And that would result in.... his secret being out. He couldn't let that happen, not now.
"On the contrary," as Guiltia questioned her, he saw the music sheets on her lap, "what are you doing out here all alone?"
"I'm not alone," she immediately informed. "Pannya is with me." She pointed her index finger to the front. Guiltia followed her direction and found the cat playing with a butterfly and flowers.
There was no way the five could leave the cat alone in their house for a complete week. So they had brought it along. The cat had the privilege to share a room with Angelique since the males shared one in pairs. However, the poor cat had remained forgotten during yesterday's turmoil. Fortunately for the cat, it helped him escape Carmilla's game.
Returning his gaze back to the female, he got down on the grass on one knee. It allowed him to have a closer look of the papers on her lap.
". . .You're writing music?"
At the mention of music, Angelique nodded with a cheery hum. "You previously said that it's time I can start creating my own music."
"You can do that after we return home. Why don't you join the others?" He suggested. He knew she liked music but he couldn't let her waste a trip and later have regrets.
"I can't do that." She bursted out. "I can't swim." The stubborn look disappeared. "Besides, I'm enjoying myself right now."
Who was brighter: the sun or Angelique's dazzling smile? Guiltia didn't have the answer. Her joy and love for music shone through her expression, causing him to change his mind. If she was enjoying herself then that was enough.
"I understand." Saying that, he sat down on the grass as well. He used his left hand to remove his shades. "This place is undeniably perfect for reading."
The raven noticed the book he had been holding in his right hand all along. Perceiving that he would join her in that serene place made her ecstatic. It's always nice to have company.
Receiving energy from having someone beside her, she started working on her music with newfound vigour. Guiltia watched her with warm eyes. "You're quite motivated today."
"I am actually!" She agreed and turned her head around to look at him. Her grey eyes twinkled with zeal. "I have found a new dream."
"Oh? What is it?" There was no denying that he was curious. Not too long ago, she didn't have a single dream. But now, her face shimmered so much when she talked about her dreams.
"I want...." She unknowingly leaned towards him. Her heart was beating so fast from excitement at the thought of sharing her dream. But then an idea clicked in her mind. She pulled back and gave a closed eye smile, as bright as the sun. "Nevermind. It's a secret. You'll find out when it's done."
"Alright." He smiled back with affectionate lavender eyes. He really did adore her smiles. It was as bright as the sun. It's true that he could see an undeniable resemblance of Kotomi in her but her smiles had her own charms. Her surroundings tend to light up with her shine and they make one feel warm on the inside. Just like how he had such a fuzzy feeling in his chest.
The two quietly went back to doing their own things: Angelique to composing music and Guiltia to reading his book. He believed he had made the right choice to join her instead of reading somewhere else in the garden. It was so serene with the flowery scent flowing past them. There was also Pannya who was playing amongst the flowers.
Nonetheless, the silence didn't last for long.
"...Love is the only attraction we need..."
"Huh?" Those familiar words made him turn around.
"Ah..." She realised how the words escaped her mouth. "I'm sorry for disturbing you. I was just thinking about Carmilla's song."
His brows furrowed in the slightest. "You're awfully fond of Carmilla. But remember, she's dangerous."
"She is not." She lifted her right index and pointed out. "Think about it this way, Guil-san. If Carmilla was a bad person, then would Eve-san let her stay in his body?"
". . . He wouldn't."
"She just wanted to play around. But she didn't harm anyone. And her song is really catchy too."
Guiltia sighed. "You see too much positivity in a person." Of course, that wasn't a bad thing. He knew how it was one of her best qualities. She didn't judge anyone and looked for their good qualities.
Perhaps an hour or so passed by in the comfortable silence. Finally, Angelique relaxed her shoulders and closed her eyes. It's more tiring than I thought.
Her musical piece wasn't complete. Rather, she simply composed only the intro of the song. There was no rush to complete her first song. So she would take as long as it took.
"Guil-san," she turned her head to look at her mentor. "Would you take a look at it?"
"Sure." Placing his book down, Guiltia leaned down towards her. Ah… She was still facing in his direction. She didn't think he'd suddenly move this close. Her heart skipped a beat from the proximity.
Meanwhile, Guiltia carefully read the music notes. Truthfully, he was impressed. It was soft and warm, just as he expected from her. His observant eyes saw the word written on the top left side of the page. He smiled.
"I see you've already thought of a title."
"Mm." She nodded.
" 'Angelist'. . ." He tilted his head to look into her eyes. "It fits the song." He didn't expect any less from his protege. Her face immediately lit up. She returned his soft smile with a happy one.
"Oh my..." Angelique and Guiltia weren't aware of the presence of another blonde man. In an elegant manner, Hyde lightly grazed his cheek with the tip of his fingers. He had watched their little interaction. "What a surprise."
With a beautiful smile, he said to himself, "I certainly did not expect to see them like this. Who knew that coldhearted Guil could smile like this to a girl. . ."
"Fu fu...I must inform Dimitri of this later."
. . . . . . .
"Where did Ange and Eve-san go....?" Angelique mumbled to herself as she looked around the forest. The three of them were enjoying nature but she got separated from them when she tried exploring the forest further.
I'm certainly not lost in the forest.... She convinced herself and looked sideways again. She sighed heavily. I don't even have my phone with me.
As she stood there figuring how to get out of the forest, there was a rustle in the bushes behind her. Could it be Ange?
Instead of her brother, another brunette came out from behind the bushes.
"M-Mist-sama?" Mist noticed the girl standing all alone in the forest.
"Hoo... If it isn't the little lamb!" Mist was accompanied by Dimitri, Jack, Elizabeth and Robin.
Her eyes widened up at the sight of them together. "You're all here."
"We're catching beetles," Jack answered her unasked question.
"That sounds fun." She smiled. And cute too!
"Though they haven't been able to catch one yet," Elizabeth added.
"By the way, what are you doing here all alone, Angelique?" Robin asked. He was sure she would be with Ange.
"Ah..." she scratched her cheek using her index finger. "...I got separated from Ange and Eve-san."
"That means you're lost." Jack pointed out.
"No, I'm not." She puffed her cheeks lightly. "I can find my way out."
Ignoring her statement, Robin leapt forward and grabbed her hand. "Well since you're here, why don't you join us?"
She smiled back at the pinkette. "Sure!"
And so, Angelique joined the five males in their beetle hunt. After moving deeper in the forest, they finally caught the sight of a beetle.
Robin, Jack-kun and Dimitri-sama sure are excited. Angelique giggled when those three ran towards the tree where the beetle was. Though, they shouldn't make too much noise since the beetle can fly away.
Ah..! Not being aware of her surroundings, the raven tripped over an extended part of the root of a tree.
"Are you alright?" Mist, who had caught her arm before she hit the ground, asked.
M-Mist-sama!! As if cat got her tongue, she couldn't speak due to the close contact. She could only nod as a form of answer.
Mist didn't fail to recognize the glow in her grey eyes. After all, it was the same expression bursting with admiration which he had when he had talked to Saga for the very first time.
His crystallised heart tinged with nostalgia and memories. From what he had heard from his bandmates in Lost Eden and sometimes from Ange, this girl really really liked Lost Eden. Jack had even quoted her as a 'die-hard fan' of them.
That meant, she also admired Saga. She was someone who understood Saga's charms and respected him. There was nothing more Mist could ask of in a person. Even if she was an acquaintance of that spiteful Guiltia, she had a good sense for being able to identify Saga's charms.
After all this debate, he came to a conclusion: she was not harmful.
Mist gradually let go of her and she stood up straight. To think Mist-sama saved me again.... She glanced up but when her eyes met his, her mental state got disoriented. In her mind, a chibi version of her shook her hands up and down while screaming. Handsome! So handsome!! Mist-sama is so handsome from up close!!!
"You should be careful. The path here is unsteady," said Mist.
Elizabeth came with a hand placed on his hips while the other held his parasol. "Honestly, those three are no different from little kids."
Away from them, Jack climbed on Dimitri's shoulders while Robin watched excitedly. Being on the blunette's shoulders made it very easy for Jack to reach his hand out to catch the beetle. How cute!
Angelique reached the place where the three males were standing, Elizabeth and Mist following right behind her. Everyone is having fun despite their constant rivalry. How wonderful. Carmilla's games must've arisen an unspoken truce between the three groups.
Finally, after some struggle, Angelique and the rest of them made a cute little friend. However, Dimitri was more excited than anyone to meet his new friend, so excited that he even thought of a name for it. Its name was Odin, the beetle.
. . . . . . .
"It has been a while since I last saw you drink," Eve commented, his chin resting on his palm.
"Yes." Taking another sip of his cognac, Guiltia put his empty glass down. Ever since Robin, Ange and Angelique began living with them, he hadn't touched his drink. He couldn't bring himself to consume alcohol in the presence of the teenagers.
That's why, this change of pace was gladly welcomed by him. Those three were inside with Dimitri and Saga, letting him enjoy a drink under the starry sky.
"Eve, why aren't you drinking?"
The purple head shook his head, declining the offer to join him for a drink. "You know I'm not very good with alcohols."
Eve had known the blonde long enough to read his eyes which were asking for seconds. Smiling, Eve filled Guiltia's empty glass with more drink.
"Do you want more ice?"
"No. Thank you."
With wonder playing behind Eve's kind eyes, he stared at the other man. "You can hold your liquid very well, Guil. You don't seem drunk at all."
"That's correct. . . . Unlike him."
As soon as Guiltia said that, Hyde appeared beside him and slung an arm around his shoulder. He was smiling from ear to ear. "Guil!"
"You're drunk, Hyde." Guiltia stated coolly. He had known him for too long to feel bothered by his drunk antics. Nonetheless, it was amusing to see him act so laid back.
"I'm not. The drink has made me slightly tipsy, that's all."
"With the amount of wine you consume, it's a wonder how you have such low alcohol tolerance."
"I do not." The elegant and graceful Hyde had become free and loose from the effects of the drink. "I can still drink more."
"Umm....You probably shouldn't...." Hesitating, Eve tried to stop Hyde from filling his glass.
After emptying half of his glass, Hyde turned to Guiltia. "Come to think of it, I saw you and Angelique alone this afternoon. Did you take her on a date to the flower garden?"
"What?" Guiltia's movements paused and he stared at the other blonde with annoyed eyes. "Where did you get that idea?"
"It's rare to see you letting your guard down around someone. Back when we were in Eclipse, you were still cold and indifferent to us." A bright smile appeared on Hyde's face.
"You must bear feelings for Angelique, isn't that right, Guil? After all, she's really adorable."
"No, I don't."
Without listening to him, Hyde continued, "Who would have thought that you prefer innocent types? I used to believe that you prefer bold types."
Guiltia sighed with visible irritation. The alcohol was making Hyde lose his mind. Dimitri should've been here to keep his partner in check.
Suddenly, the drunk frowned deeply. "She's too pure. You didn't force her to do anything against her wishes, did you? If you hurt our little lamb-"
Good lord, where was Dimitri when Guiltia actually needed him for once?
To be continued...
Hello! I have something to announce. That is, there won't be any updates for the next three weeks. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. However, I have some circumstances which will prevent me from spending time to edit the next chapters. But I will make up for the three chapters once I restart after three weeks. There will be two chapters in a week until I've made up for the lost three weeks. I personally think it's better for the next six angsty chapters to be read together instead of waiting for one whole week.
Thanks for your support!
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