Chapter Four
Pannya hissed at the now red-eyed boy and Eve stared at him in surprise. It was just a few hours ago that Robin was a human who wasn't aware of vampires' existence and now he has already turned into a vampire? What in the world did he do in the past few hours?
"Well...You're definitely a vampire now."
As if proud of that fact, Robin grinned. "Now can I spend the night?"
Guiltia internally sighed. He wondered if the boy became a vampire only to spend the night in his house. "Do you actually understand the choice you've made?"
"I just chose the most important thing to me." At that answer, Guiltia searched Robin's eyes if he truly meant that. Satisfied with his reason, the blonde left. "All right,then."
"We welcome you with open arms, Robin." Eve smiled.
Happy, Robin turned around to hug the silent twins behind him. The siblings also smiled back.
"Yay! I can stay with Ange and Angelique!"
"Your room needs to be prepared before you can use it. So, you have to sleep together tonight. Is it okay?" Eve asked.
"No problem, Eve-san."
"I'll show you our room, Robin," Ange stepped inside, guiding Angelique by the hand. "Angelique."
She understood what he meant. Nodding, she let go of his hand. "I'll join you later, Robin."
"Angelique?" The pinkette didn't realise why the raven had such a serious look on her face. Angelique hoped her brother would explain everything to him later as she made her way up to the roof.
Just as she expected, Guiltia was on the roof, in front of the grand piano. It was thanks to her being here for a week that she immediately knew the male would be on the roof. He seemed to always go there for an unknown reason.
"Guil-san...!" She called out to the man.
"Angelique?" He raised a brow. "What are you doing here?"
She walked closer to the piano. "Are you really alright?"
"What?" He looked puzzled. "Why are you asking such a strange question?"
"Guil-san, why. . . . why didn't you tell me something so important!?" She questioned back instead of answering. In the back of her mind, she was angry at him for not being honest with her. She was sad as well; because of her someone got hurt. Her emotions turned into a mess. "Why didn't you tell me about the punishment from the Scarlet Moon?!"
Understanding hit Guiltia and he let out a sigh. "I believe I told you it's none of your concern."
"It is!" She exclaimed. "Someone got so badly hurt because of me. . . how can it be none of my concern?"
"Then what would you have done if I had told you this in the very beginning?" Guiltia interrogated in a cold voice, purple eyes narrowing. He stood up from the piano bench and looked down at her. "Would you have let your memories of Ange be erased?"
His logic beat her, making her falter. "I...N-No, I wouldn't..."
"You don't want to forget Ange. But you also don't want anyone to bear its consequences." His features softened. "Nothing would've changed even if I had told you so."
Angelique looked down and bit her lip. He was right even so.... I don't want to ever forget Ange. I also don't want anyone to get hurt. I know it's very selfish of me to wish for both... She hated feeling so useless and helpless. There was nothing she could do to keep both of her wishes and it made her frustrated. She was merely a mortal to them. There was a limit to what she could possibly do.
Guiltia decided to leave the girl in her own thoughts. Just as he took one step away, he felt a very light tug on the back of his turtleneck shirt. He looked around to find her holding a tiny amount of his clothing, looking like a helpless child.
"....Atleast tell me," Angelique met his purple orbs with her grey ones. Her voice was a weak whisper. "Who got hurt on my behalf?" Guiltia honestly answered her.
"It was Eclipse."
". . .Eclipse?" Her eyes widened, caught completely off guard. Why would they...
Guiltia completely faced her to speak. "Initially, I planned to take the Scarlet Moon's punishment. That's why I made you unconscious," he confessed. "But then Dimitri and Hyde declared they would accept the punishment."
"Dimitri-sama and Hyde-sama did...?" She digested the given information, still finding it hard to believe that her idols protected her memory. "Why would they go so far for someone like me?"
The man visibly frowned. This girl always put herself down. "Honestly, I don't know what they were thinking but I can say for sure that they wouldn't want you to stress over this matter anymore."
He was on his way out of the roof when he decided to inform her. "Those two are fine, by the way. Letting a human learn about our existence won't do that much of a damage. It's the rule of feeding on humans that can mostly injure vampires."
And so Angelique was left alone on the roof, the night breeze keeping her company.
. . . . . . .
A week had passed since Robin started living with them. Finally having decorated and arranged his room, he displayed his room to Eve and the twins. "Brand new! Doesn't it look great?"
"It cleaned up pretty nicely," Eve commented.
"Mm!" Angelique looked around. "It's really cute and bright; perfect for you,Robin."
Robin chuckled and placed his arms behind his head as he sat on his new bed. "I can finally sleep on my own."
Hearing that, Ange pouted. "You're the one who kept sneaking between me and Angelique."
"Hehe...well, at least I can properly keep my stuff on the shelf now. There's no space in yours thanks to Angelique stuffing it with Lost Eden and Eclipse's merchandise."
At that revelation, the girl got flustered. "A-Ange doesn't have anything to keep on the shelf so I'm free to use it for a while, aren't I?"
"You are but who brings all of their idol's merchandise when she's out on a journey?" He grinned. Now, it was her turn to pout. Those are my life.
Deciding that he had enough of teasing her, Robin picked up the teddy bear from his bed. "Hey, apparently there's a festival going on by the station. Let's go check it out!"
Ange apologised. "Sorry. I have to make my song."
"I have to go to work too." Angelique claimed. She had started working part-time a while back.
"I see. Well, do your best." Robin cheered them on.
. . . . . . .
"Oh, this is a secret to Ange, by the way."
"What's a secret to Ange?"
"Woah!! Angelique?!"
In the evening after returning from work, Angelique didn't expect to find the kitchen in such a poor state. She could smell something burning and also overheard Robin telling Eve to keep a secret from Ange.
Pannya welcomed her home by jumping into her arms while the raven looked around the disastrous kitchen. "More importantly, what happened here?"
"Well...." The pinkette hesitated. "I'll tell you if you can keep it a secret from Ange."
"....okay?" And so, Robin explained his plan to hold a welcome party and the kitchen disaster to her.
"It's a secret just between us," Robin looked at Eve and Angelique.
"All right. But..." Eve smiled in delight, "we need to make this the best party ever."
"Yup! I'll help you with the cooking," Angelique rolled up the sleeves of her dress with a determined smile.
"Ta-da!" Robin exclaimed, once he dragged Ange, who had been holed up in his room to notice anything, to the dining table. The table was full of various tasty-looking dishes. The delicious aroma wafted around the whole room.
Ange was baffled at the sight. "This is quite the feast."
Seeing his friend's amazed expression, he giggled, "Eat as much as you'd like."
Eve and Angelique appeared on both sides of Robin. Eve asked them, "success?"
"It's a success." Angelique beamed.
"We did it!" Robin cheered quietly and reached out his hand. Angelique, getting the notion, did it too and the two shared a high-five. When Robin turned to Eve, the purple haired man hesitantly raised his hand, never having done anything like that before. Robin happily joined their palms together.
"Thanks, Eve-san, Angelique!"
The door of the house creaked open, making Robin excitedly turn in that direction. "Ooh, it's here."
Guiltia blankly entered the house, holding a box of cake. "Something got delivered."
"Guil-san, you sit,too." Robin invited. The blonde couldn't refuse when he saw the anticipating eyes of the four.
"Ta-da!" Robin revealed the cake he had ordered. Wah, so cute!
"It looks really good. Is this The Wizard of Oz?"
"Yup! It's a story about a protagonist who gets blown away to a magical land and goes on a journey with some friends," Robin explained.
"Friends...." Ange's eyes widened. "You were serious about that?"
"That's mean. I don't joke around when it comes to music."
"Robin. Um,I..." Eve, Robin, Guiltia and Angelique watched Ange trying to speak up. Gathering up his courage, Ange held out his hand for the other boy. "I want you to join OZ." The mark in his hand glowed.
"I don't have magical silver shoes, though. The two of us can go anywhere." He took hold of Ange's hand. "Let's create the ultimate harmony."
Robin brought Ange's hand near his mouth and bared his fangs. He bit the back of his hand and shared his blood. Ange winced slightly at the sharp pain. The mark of OZ appeared on Robin's hand.
"Congratulations." Eve smiled.
"Congratulations, you two." Angelique stared at them,clapping while feeling proud of her brother. Ange and Robin will sing together. I'm sure they can create the best music.
"I guess I'm officially a member of OZ now," stated Robin.
"Come on, let's celebrate!"
"Yeah." Ange beamed.
"Angelique, Eve-san, Guil-san, let's all celebrate- wait,huh?"
"Eve-san?" Angelique looked to her left to find the purple head absent. Where did he go? I didn't even notice him leaving.
"He had somewhere to be," Guiltia calmly answered their unasked question.
"Huh? When did he leave?! The party's just getting started!" Robin let his imagination run wild. "Did he go see his special someone?"
Angelique covered her mouth with her hand. "S-So adult-like."
"Eh?" Ange was shocked. "He had someone like that?"
Robin continued his ramblings. "She didn't waste any time summoning Eve so she must be really persistent and a real looker-"
"No." Guiltia cut Robin off, earning him the three younger one's attention. "Don't involve yourself in a stranger's business."
W-What? Eve-san is a stranger?! It didn't sit well with Angelique, not even a bit.
"'Stranger'?!" Robin repeated.
"It's time for you children to go to bed."
"Go to bed," he ordered. Before he left the room, he looked at the three with an intimidating glare, "do not go out today. No matter what."
"Wait, Guil-san!" Angelique got up as well to follow the blonde inside. Why did he call Eve-san a stranger? Why is he being so strict and secretive all of a sudden? Did anything happen with Eve-san?
Once Guiltia stopped right in front of his room, he looked at her. "What do you want?"
"Where's Eve-san?" Her eyebrows formed a frown. "Did something happen to him?"
"I told you-"
"Eve-san isn't a stranger." The raven cut him off. "He's our friend. S-"
The two heard the main door shut ever so slightly. ?? It caused Guiltia to scowl. "Did they.... Angelique, come with me." He made the girl follow him downstairs, confused.
"Huh?" Angelique blinked. "Where'd they go?"
"Those two...." The elder man let out a frustrated sigh. "I specifically told them not to go outside."
"Ange has always been an obedient child. He wouldn't..."
"I know. It must've been Robin who dragged him along." He ran a hand along his hair. "Should I go looking for them?" He mumbled to himself.
Angelique happened to hear him. She frowned, worry growing inside her. "What is exactly going on, Guil-san? Why did you forbid us to go out?"
Her expression told him that she wouldn't accept any answer other than the truth. So, Guiltia decided to give it. "A beast has entered Harajuku."
"A. . .beast?" She didn't understand what he meant.
"A strong and ancient vampire who hunts weak humans and vampires alike only for the sake of his enjoyment." The pair of grey eyes widened while he continued, "Ange and Robin are both young vampires. They haven't learned how to use their powers yet. That's why I told you three not to go out tonight."
By then, Angelique already had a horrified expression. Her heart thumped crazily in her ribs. Ange and Robin went outside just now!
"Ange!" Angelique's body reacted on her own. Her feet started stepping towards the door. But before she could take even two steps, a hand grabbed her wrist, halting her.
"What're you planning?" Guiltia questioned.
"Ange... He's out there. Robin too." She tried to free herself to move forward but couldn't. Guiltia's grip was like iron. It wouldn't budge and she couldn't move away.
"I just told you it's dangerous."
"But Ange is in danger." A weak human girl like her was no match for a vampire like him. She knew that but she still tried to pull her hand back. He wasn't even holding tight enough to hurt her so why couldn't she free herself!? "Guil-san, let go."
"No, you'll run off the moment I let you go."
"I have to. I have to make sure Ange is safe!"
"What can a feeble human like you do against a hunter?" She didn't have an answer to his question. Honestly, Guiltia was baffled by how much this girl was willing to go for her only brother. Did she have a speck of care for herself? Ange.... Ange has to be safe..!
"Guil-san, let me go."
!!! The raven girl flinched at his sudden raise of voice. Guiltia pulled her near him by her wrist and held her shoulders. He scolded her, "get a hold of yourself, Angelique."
His voice was stern but his hold on her gentle. She stared into his lavender orbs as her shoulders slumped.
Guiltia let his voice change to his usual calm and rational tone. "Ange and Robin will be fine. Eve will keep them safe."
"Eve-san will?" He nodded. She didn't quite understand what he meant.
"Eve will keep them safe no matter what. I can assure you that." This time, she nodded. There was no trace of false promise in those gorgeous eyes of his. She felt herself trusting him.
The blonde let go of her and took hold of her wrist again. He inwardly sighed. Why was he even doing this? Well, the fact that the two boys sneaked out of their house was his fault so he had to take some responsibility.
"We'll go look for them as well. But you aren't allowed to leave my side even for a second." She accepted his condition
To be continued...
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