Chapter Fifteen
The whole villa got covered with roses and vines. A mysterious fog shrouded the whole resort.
"Now, my little boys, find the little princess hidden in the maze of roses before the sun comes up." Carmilla's voice echoed throughout the villa.
The males, scattered all over the mansion could hear the amusement and excitement in her voice. "The good little boy who finds the princess gets a single wish granted as a reward. But all of the bad boys get to stay in those cuts forms forever."
"Who will be the gallant knight to sweep the princess off her feet with a kiss? In case my little boys aren't able to come to the princess's rescue, the lovely princess will belong to me." Carmilla giggled. "Let the game of search begin!"
. . . . . . .
" head...." Angelique clutched her head. The whole world suddenly started spinning before my eyes and then went white. Carefully, she opened her eyes after the pain started dissipating.
"Hello, little princess."
"Carmilla-san!" Angelique recognized the vampire standing a bit away from her. Another thing she noticed was her surroundings. "Huh?"
They were on a stage. Carmilla was standing but Angelique wasn't. The rose vines joined and tangled together to form a suitable seat for her.
"!! My outfit..." She realized her outfit had been changed. Instead of the clothes she had been wearing before, she was currently wearing something that she had never worn before: a princess dress.
It was pink floral dress with spaghetti straps. The dress ended just above her knees. The whole dress was decorated with cute ribbons and laces, to the point that there were ribbons in her short white gloves.
"I knew you would look good in that dress," Carmilla gazed at her, admiring the innocence she radiated. "Hmm...but something is missing."
Using the rose that she held, she used her powers to make a small tiara appear on her head. "Mm! You look perfect."
U-Umm...Angelique stared at Carmilla in confusion. Truthfully speaking, she didn't feel any form of danger from her. Besides, she resembled Eve in her appearance so she couldn't bring herself to run away from her. "Um... Carmilla-san.."
"Drop that name, child. I prefer it when people call me by my name only without using any binds."
Then.... "...Carmilla, where is Eve-san?"
"Eve?" She smiled and pointed at herself. "Eve is right here."
"???" She tilted her head in puzzlement. But it's Carmilla?
The princess chuckled at her. "Eve is right here, sleeping inside me."
"Sleeping....inside you?"
"Yes. When I'm asleep, Eve is awake. When Eve is asleep, I'm awake. I reside inside his body."
"....." This is getting more confusing with each second. "Carmilla. . .who exactly are you?"
Carmilla grazed Angelique's smooth raven hair and glided her fingers through it. "I am a being who can possess other's body. Right now, I'm using Eve's body."
. . . . . It almost sounds like a ghost. Carmilla's words started making some sense to her. But then she frowned when a thought occured to her. "Um, what about Eve-san? Is he safe?"
"Fufu..." Her long fingers went under Angelique's chin to lift her face up. "You have been captured and yet you think about someone else. Say, human child, are you worried about Eve?"
"Of course!" She wasn't fazed by her. "Eve-san is a very important and precious friend. It's obvious to be worried for him."
"Friends,huh...." Carmilla pulled away from her. "So, he has made friends now. He has certainly changed over the years..."
Changed? Eve-san? Carmilla, the vampire princess, was so mysterious to Angelique. She wanted to know her more. "What do you mean?"
"Oh my, shouldn't you speak about yourself before asking about others? I haven't learned of your name yet, child."
At that she remembered that she hadn't even told her her name. "Ah, that's rude of me! I am Angelique Yuki. Pleased to meet you."
Smiling pleasantly, the vampire introduced herself again. "I am Carmilla Chandon. I am taking possession of your friend's body to remain this surface."
"Um... what about your own body, Carmilla?"
"I'm a spirit so I don't have a body of my own." She smiled to herself. "Your friend has been nice enough to let me reside inside him peacefully." She quickly added, "But worry not. I'll return this body to your friend soon."
Angelique smiled. "That sounds just like Eve-san. He doesn't hesitate to help someone." If Carmilla and Eve-san stay in the same body then that means he doesn't hate her. Then, Carmilla might be his friend? I want to as well...
Angelique got lost in her beauty for a second. Carmilla was so graceful in her motions and the way she talked. She's so beautiful....
Thinking of wanting to be her friend, Angelique remembered the others. Ange! Speaking to Carmilla so peacefully had made her forget about the whole ordeal that had happened earlier.
"What happened to my other friends? Where are they?" She wasn't inside the mansion but outside. Then were they inside?
"Friends? You must be talking about the little boys." Carmilla looked like she was having fun. "Do not worry. They are in the middle of a little game I prepared for them." Game?
The princess explained further. "A game of finding the captured princess. Fufu... It has been a while since I played with them." She recalled a distant memory. "It was fun captivating their audience with my song." So that's how she knew Guil-san.
"I should return to them. They must be worried about me by now."
"I'm afraid that's not possible. One of the little boys must arrive here to rescue you. Until then, you are to accompany me. I haven't enjoyed a female company in such a long time."
"Carmilla..." If either Eve-san or Carmilla can remain awake then that means they don't get to interact with each other. Maybe Carmilla is lonely and wants to have fun. That explained why she went on about 'playing'. When she thought about it this way, she couldn't leave her alone.
"The boys are having so much fun while looking for you." Carmilla can see what those boys were up to by using her powers. "Now tell me, what do you want to play while we wait for your saviour?"
"Hmm.... Hey Carmilla, earlier you said you had captivated Guil-san's audience with your song." Being the music idiot, she requested, "Can I listen to your song?"
Pleased, Carmilla accepted her honest request. How long had it been since someone requested her to sing? For that, she chose to sing her favourite song.
Angelique was totally captivated by Carmilla's song. Such a beautiful singing voice under the starlit sky... She clapped with starstruck eyes. Wow.... Guil-san and the others were wary of her. But how can someone who has such a wonderful song be a dangerous person? And so, Carmilla engraved her name on Angelique's good book with a single song. Carmilla faced the girl on her left with a bright smile.
Another sound of clapping overlapped with Angelique's. The one who had been clapping slowly was none other than her brother. Ange, you're here!
"Um...uh. You sounded amazing."
!!! Since when did Ange have cat ears and tail?!?!! He looks so adorable!! I wanna hug him tightly!!
"Thank you for complimenting my song." Carmilla thanked the two. "My memories and feelings are fading every day, but this song reminds me of what I was."
"Carmilla..." The younger female took hold of her hand. I'm glad I chose not to leave Carmilla alone... Ange gazed at Carmilla, understanding the meaning behind her words.
"What a sweet child you are, Angelique." Carmilla squeezed the smaller hand gently. She turned to Ange. "She's this close to you and you're going to let her go?"
"Ah!" Ange stood up. "Give Angelique and Eve back!" Ange's left eye glowed red as he stayed dead serious to secure his sister and friend.
"Your eyes...You're a dhampir." For the first time, Carmilla was surprised.
Using this opportunity, he used his cat powers to jump on to the stage to grab hold of Angelique's free hand. "I've got you, Angelique."
His sister returned his smile with an angelic smile of hers. "You did great, Ange."
After looking at their exchange, Carmilla spoke up. Such a pure exchange between these sweet children. "Little boy, do you want them back?"
"You only get one wish. If you save them, you'll be stuck in that cute form forever." Carmilla tried to sway his resolve.
But Ange wasn't the least bit swayed. More than anything, he wanted people important to him back, no matter what price he had to pay. "Give Angelique and Eve back."
The vampire read all his feelings through his determined mismatched eyes. "What a sweet child. I shall grant your wish."
What Carmilla said next left the twins dumbfounded. "For getting Eve back, you need to get me mayonnaise."
".......Eh?" The siblings let out together.
She giggled at their surprised faces. "I fall asleep to mayonnaise just like I wake up to ketchup."
"That's....unexpected." Ange agreed with Angelique's statement.
"I'll go to the courtyard with mayonnaise then," Ange said. "By the way Angelique," he pulled out her phone from his pocket. "Robin called you but your phone ran out of battery."
"Ah! You had it with you?" She then realized that she didn't have pockets.
The unknown device in Ange's hand piqued Carmilla's full curiosity. "What is this thing?"
" mean a smartphone?
"A....smartphone?" The purplehead put a hand into the pocket of her pants. "Eve has been carrying a similar object." And so the pair explained what smart phones were to Carmilla.
Robin messaged Eve-san quite a few times too. But it was on silent. And it's the same case with Ange. Poor Robin, he must have been worried.
"Ange," she grabbed her brother before he could leave. Ange was almost scared by the amount of sparkles and stars shining around her. "Let me take a picture of you in that cute form."
"Uh.... sure." He smiled brilliantly. "You look really pretty too. Let's take a picture together."
For the first time in her life, Carmilla witnessed the action of taking photos with a smartphone. She was really intrigued. Once Ange left, Carmilla took Angelique to the courtyard with her.
"Humans are truly amazing. I can't believe they've invented a toy like this." Angelique and Carmilla went through some pictures of the five of them in Eve's gallery. While watching the pictures, she muttered to herself, "So even you can smile like that now.
The villa behind the females seemed to shake with the boy's rage. Sounds of walls being crushed echoed throughout the area. . . . . Seriously, I don't want to know what they're doing.
"Oh,honestly." Carmilla sighed. "Resorting to violence rather than solving the mystery behind the maze....what rambunctious little boys."
While Carmilla and Angelique waited for Ange to return, the former told the story of how she had met Eve and about the last time she took over his body.
"No wonder Guil-san and the others were so wary of you." Angelique laughed lightly after hearing about Carmilla's deeds from thirty years ago.
Several footsteps could be heard behind them. Turning around, the two found everyone had arrived with Ange. !!! C-Cute!!!
Of course, the animal appearances of all the males didn't go unnoticed by her. Deer, rabbit, cat, puppy, lion, fox, cow..... Everyone.... how precious! I want to hug them!! Carmilla took a glimpse of her face and was glad that she found the boys cute as well. She took her new friend's hand in hers.
"We've found Angelique, Carmilla." Guiltia proclaimed.
"Now your little game is over," Hyde announced. Their hostile gazes made Carmilla sigh.
"Try using your heads, little boys." She sighed.
"We still win." Guiltia interjected. "Return Angelique to us."
"And drink as much mayonnaise as your heart desires!" Dimitri pushed Ange on the back to hand over the mayonnaise to the princess.
"I would never do something so vulgar. More importantly, boys, don't you want to return to your usual forms?" She smirked. "Unless you receive a kiss from the princess, you can't return to normal."
"Wha-Carmilla!" The girl in question flushed. "I didn't hear anything about this!!"
Elizabeth snapped. "Beth's wish is for you to down that whole bottle. You're not fooling me! Once you fall asleep, the powers you unleashed will disappear and everything will go back to normal."
"There's no reason to drag Angelique into this mess," Guiltia frowned.
"Correct." Carmilla smiled and lifted her other hand holding a rose. "Now, off to bed to you little boys who worked so hard."
Right before a black mist shrouded the males except Ange, Carmilla quickly let go off Angelique's hand and snapped a photo of the boys using Eve's phone.
"You wanted to do that, didn't you?" She smirked at Angelique.
"Carmilla, you..." She laughed. I wanted to do that so badly.
Smiling, the elder vampire took the bottle of mayonnaise from Ange. "I really do hate mayonnaise." She looked at the brunette. "By the way, why won't you turn into a full vampire? Dhampirs eventually grow old and die. Though they age much slower than humans."
Huh? I thought vampires were immortal...
"You didn't know?" She asked the surprised boy. "I see. Dhampirs are miracles born between a vampire and human. If you seek eternity... have your parent turn you."
"That won't be possible. My parents are dead."
Carmilla closed her eyes for a second and concentrated on the scent of his blood. "Oh?I'm not so sure about that."
Angelique and Ange's eyes sized up after hearing that. "Goodnight, my sweet child." Ange also disappeared with the black mist.
"Carmilla, what did you say just now?" Angelique interrogated. "Our parents are alive?"
"Oh..." She looked into her grey eyes. "I failed to notice earlier but the two of you are siblings." There was no way she wouldn't notice the way her grey orbs trembled with anticipation.
The smile that appeared on her lips was gentle and kind. "It's true that the two of you are blood related but... your parents are different."
"Your vampire parent, that is." Carmilla explained. "The human blood that flows through your veins are undoubtedly the same. However, the little boy also has vampire blood in him."
" . . . . Are you saying that Ange has three person's blood in him?"
"As surprising as it sounds, it's the truth." The purple haired female looked at the Scarlet Moon above. "The only plausible case I can think of is that your mother got bitten by a vampire when the two of you were still in her womb. Your brother attained his blood and thus became a dhampir."
It's almost unbelievable.... They had the same parents but aside from them, Ange had another parent? One she had no relation with?
"Thanks for telling me, Carmilla." Angelique smiled at her friend. "I'll have to tell Ange about what I learned today."
"You're welcome." Her smile had hints of sadness. "I thank you for keeping me company tonight. It's time for you to head to bed as well."
"Oh..." Is this goodbye? The thought of partition saddened her. "Will we meet again?"
"Of course. Any time you desire to meet me, simply feed Eve ketchup."
"I will." She humored her. Angelique didn't hesitate to take a step toward her and wrap her arms around her friend.
"You're a really nice and fun person to be with, Carmilla." She mumbled. I'm so glad I got to be your friend.
"Oh my," Carmilla hugged her back after a moment of surprise. "It's the first time someone said that to me. Thank you."
"Goodnight, Carmilla. Let's meet again." She tried to take in and remember her warmth as much as possible. It was a possibility that they wouldn't be able to meet in a long time.
Before the black mist surrounded the human girl, Carmilla whispered. "Goonight, my little princess."
To be continued...
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