Chapter 5

Steven's apartment was very telling of who he was, and through the haze of exhaustion Connie felt oddly safe in there.

It smelled like incense, with the faint scent of cleaning supplies signaling he was a tidy man. Everything was neatly arranged and the walls were covered in perfect intervals in posters for bands he liked, some of them even with signatures. He had four flags tacked up on his wall that pulled her attention immediately: the progress LGBTQ+ flag, a pansexual flag, possibly a flag for gender, and one she didn't quite recognize. "What's that one?"

The Diamond Prince hummed and walked up to it, eyes shining. "It's the flag they put up when I was born a boy. The pink is because my mom was Pink Diamond, and the Rose is because that's who my..." He cleared his throat. "My mom was going by Rose when she had me."

Connie joined him guiltily, unsure what she should say. "I'm sorry for asking so many questions. It's a habit I'm trying to break."

He stared up at the flag like it might bestow upon him wise words and a prophecy then turned to look into her soul. "I want you to promise me something, Connie."

His tone was deeper than normal, a hushed and quieter bass used for nighttime that made her tingle and buzz. "Shoot."

"Never stop asking questions. Never stop being curious and outspoken. Never stop being opinionated." He sighed up at the flag. "From what I've been told, my mother would have adored the ground you walk on."

The compliment made her smile and reach up to put a hand on his shoulder. "Do you need a hug?"

His adam's apple bobbed and he nodded. "I could always go for a hug, us Diamonds get touch starved easily."

Connie wrapped her arms around his stomach and felt his gem hum to life against her chest. When she peeked up he was staring at her like she just appeared out of nowhere. Then, hesitantly, he returned the hug and squeezed. It was like floating down a river of honey butter. His hugs were that good. She didn't know what his secret was but she could guess it was a combination of his truly kind heart and the warmth he put off.

She yawned and Steven squeezed tighter. "You're sleepy, Ni. Let's get you to bed."

His room was even better. He had an entire bouquet of pink roses locked inside of a futuristic looking dome sitting on top of his dresser proudly. A little bookcase next to his bed made Connie grin as she skimmed the titles. Percy Jackson books, Everything Everything, probably every John Green book ever written (so he was a romantic, huh?), and one that made her raise an eyebrow.

She was called to it and on the way she glanced into his closet. He certainly had a favorite color or two, the only things in there were either black or pink. He even had a few dresses that made her excited to see him in them. He definitely was the kind of guy who could rock a mini skirt and sheer top and be confused for a girl.

Steven was rummaging through his drawer as he spoke, oblivious to her pursuit. "I have an old t-shirt you can wear, and a pair of sweatpants. They'll be a little big but it won't be too much of a problem, they have strings."

"That sounds fine. Thank you, Steven," She muttered, tipping her head to read the spine of another book. A Caregivers Love. And now that she was closer, she could read the smaller books next to it. Various names like Jax's and Sam's were followed by Little Girl, but what caught her eye and kept it was a book she'd actually read before: Look, But Don't Touch.

She turned to look at Steven and found him with wide eyes and a hand over his mouth. He looked positively nauseous and horrified to no end. "Oh my stars, my life is over."

Connie tried to speak but turned back to the books first. "I wouldn't say over. I'd say under intense examination."

"It's not that it looks like."

She snorted. "1.) That's cliche, 2.) I'm not stupid, I know that." Her teasing tapered out and she cleared her throat awkwardly. "Alexa Riley is a really good author," She supplied quietly. "Look, But Don't Touch was my favorite book she ever wrote and then she just kinda–,"

"Disappeared," He finished. "I know."

A whole new problem presented itself and Connie could tell Steven was uncomfortable. "I didn't know you liked erotica."

"Not something you share within the first 24 hours of knowing someone." He laughed nervously. "I think this trumps my mom death guilt. This is actually the worst thing that's ever happened to me."

She blushed and shook her head. "I said I'd read one of them, what are you complaining about?"

"I thought you were lying to make me feel better." He handed her the shirt and pants and stood staring at her with an odd expression, like he was just now meeting her and she was just standing in his home as a stranger. Did he disassociate sometimes, she wondered? He seemed to sometimes be completely confused. "I uhm... I kinda thought you were vanilla."

"In this economy?" She joked weakly. Was her heart beating so hard her shirt was twitching? Gosh, she was really a mess over him already, wasn't she? "No way, there's gotta be some kind of outlet that's not screaming into the void."

Steven swallowed audibly and turned to walk out the bedroom door. "I'm gonna go smoke."

"Weed, crack, or salmon?"

He seemed to think that was funny. "None of the above, I'm no addict so I'm not really a crack kinda guy." His eyes dropped for a second and he scowled microscopically. "You can crawl into bed when you're done changing."

She nodded and he departed, leaving her with the extremely heavy burden of being so shocked she was back to being wide awake just so it could hit her harder. Not once had it ever crossed her mind that the sweet, genuine and caring man could have a kink so grey. And why? What had happened to cause it, or was it just a preference for taking care of people that extended far beyond the average man?

Her shirt and bra came off and she quickly tugged his over her head. It nearly reached her calves, it was that big. Glancing in the mirror, she decided she looked cute in it. With her hair put up into a messy bun she even looked a bit like her mother.

A throb of sadness tried to reach her but she pushed it away. She wished she could tell her mom about everything that had happened, but wishing wouldn't do her any good. Despite being an online presence she felt like she lived in the past as soon as the camera turned off. Except today.

Her thoughts wandered to Steven again and she glanced at the bed, wondering idly what other things he was into. He'd revealed (though he hadn't needed to) that there were other kinksters in the house, Adam and Jacob, but were there more than that?

She wasn't judging, but her curiosity was unending. She could see Adam being into something really dark, some kind of fantasy she was too bashful to even think about. Connie couldn't get a read on Jacob, only that he seemed to be pretty happy with life and infatuated with his handsome husband. Maybe that translated to being down for whatever. Steven seemed like the kind of guy to enjoy taking care of people, but what about Trevor? Had he known? And what's more, was he apart of the unspoken clique?

Her legs led her to find Steven, maybe she could hint at it, and found him leaning against the wall with his back turned to her bracing himself up with his hands. His breathing was clearly heavy, but silent. He seemed almost like he was having a panic attack himself. "Steven?"

When his eyes met hers they were pink, and he rumbled, "What are you doing awake? There's no way you're not tired after two downers."

She shuffled her foot anxiously. "Call it a second wind. Are you okay?"

He grunted in discomfort but nodded. "Peachy. Having a grand old time with my vape and this wall."

Connie giggled. Sarcasm looked good on him. Everything must, especially with that breath snatching smolder he was donning. "Come on, Connie's here to help. Now it's your turn to be babied."

"Are you judging me?" He asked seriously.

She choked on her spit and made a very attractive fool of herself by hacking until she thought her lungs were going to splat onto the floor. Immediately after she dusted off the shirt and fiddled with a rebellious strand of hair that refused to go in her bun as casually as possible. Maybe he'd just forget that happened. It made Steven chuckle as she murmured, "No. Of course not!"

He looked like he didn't believe her. "And? But? There's more to that, I'm very perceptive."

She crossed over to her closer to him and he tensed visibly. "I'm not judging you... I guess I'm just... Curious?" Mentally she berated herself. So much for hinting at it. Oh well, she may as well go full send. "Like not in a weird way, I'm not a stalker... I just am a little surprised is all." She paused to let that sink in. "Are you, Jacob and Adam the only ones?" There was something fascinating about this house and the people in it and she wanted to know everything, but she was cognizant of some things being private. If she were being honest, she was really only focused on Steven.

"You're a little detective, aren't you?" He smirked and her heart climbed into her mouth. "No."

"I'm listening," She prompted.

He gasped. "No way am I outting them, that's mean!"

"I was asking you to out yourself, Steven," She corrected with a pointed look. "I admitted I'd read the book. I showed you mine, so you show me yours now."

Steven pushed off the wall and regarded her carefully, eyes literally glowing brighter. "Counter offer: you share top three, I share top three, and then you let me tuck you into bed."

"Counter offer to your counter offer," She countered. "Top two, 20 questions under the stars, bedtime for both of us."

He sighed heavily, but grinned. "Stubborn, curious, opinionated... Adventurous." Steven reached out to take her hands in his. "Please stop making me fall in love with you, this is so fast."

His hands were warm against hers, but she tore her eyes away to give him a playful look. "Now Steven," Daringly she took a step closer. "Where's the fun in that?"

He turned pink, then red, then it deepened. "Fine, you have a deal." When he dropped her hands she felt sad almost instantly. Throughout the day he'd already made her crush unbearable, she sang his music on the way home before she was hit with that impending doom feeling. He had come and lifted her into his arms and brought her to his home where his friends had taken care of her and fed her sternly. Then he'd hoisted her up and tried to make her feel comfortable despite them being in closed quarters alone with soundproof walls.

Her mind went south fast and she blushed too, wondering how warm his hands would feel other places while he was being demanding.

He glanced back at her. "Come here, Ni. We're gonna pick out wine." Already he'd gotten a nickname picked out and it made her giddy. He was so intoxicating. Did Steven have an actual crush on her? It was surreal. The possibility made her want to do something reckless and stupid. Instead she took a step forward. His eyes finally went back to brown and she followed him like a lost puppy to find him standing proudly in front of a cabinet she'd have to climb to get to. "What's your fancy, Connie? Red, White, or Miscellaneous?"

"I like sweet wine, I'm impartial to berries," She told him, trying not to let her eyes roll out of her head at the sheer amount of alcohol this man kept around that was clearly dusty and untouched. "Just don't use any of your good wine on me."

He stopped his reaching and tossed her a raised eyebrow. "All of my wine is good wine, Berry." Ah! There he went again. She liked that one too. "I just save all of mine for special occasions. Now I'm going to use my best wine," He announced smoothly as he tugged a black bottle out. "And you're gonna like it. Understood?"

It came to her suddenly, like a vision of the future. Not only had Steven put his foot down multiple times over her comfort and well treatment, but it matched perfectly to Adam and Jacob demanding she do as told and eat. What was that thing he said earlier that made her feel like melting? "What's my status on good girl points?"

Steven grinned. "Damn, I'd really hoped you had just forgotten I said that. Making connections?" She nodded eagerly and it gave him enough courage to speak. "Still at 100 even though you found my porn stash."

"So it is something you're into!" She accused with a triumphant giggle as he led her to the door.

"Something similar." His smile dropped and he leaned close enough that she could smell that rose/cologne scent until it fogged up her mind. "Be quiet."

Connie didn't have to try to speak to know she'd gone completely mute. His voice held command and confidence, with an underlying purr that had her biting the inside of her cheek and nodding.

He looked satisfied with himself and uprighted to swing open the door and saunter down the hallway. She admired the way he walked, then shut the door behind her. This time when they reached the Suspicious Stairwell he raised his arm questioningly. She didn't know what he was going to do, but she gave him a double thumbs up. He wrapped an arm around her waist and jumped to the top, floating and then silently landing. She shot him an impressed look and he showed her that cheerful grin she had gotten to be quite accustomed to already.

The night air was cool and crisp against her skin even in mid-May. Crickets chirped and fireflies danced through the air below them, though some flirted with the stars by blinking a bit higher. Their luminous greens and yellows were simply gorgeous but they held no splendor even close to rivaling the stars. Like pricks through a velvet of black they shone and shimmered above her. The moon casted a pure dusting of white light that glistened off the grass and its dew far below them. She'd never been up this high at night, but it was enough to make her panic attack nearly worth it. "This was such a good idea, it's beautiful out here."

Steven set the bottle down in dismay. "Damn it. I just realized now we can't stargaze now on our first date, we've already started."

Connie laughed, happy to be able to talk at a close to normal volume. "Why don't we count this as our first date instead?"

"Not fancy or breathtaking enough," He chided. Connie wanted to ask what exactly he was planning, but he sucker punched her with an aching, "I don't think you realize how badly I feel the need to sweep you off of your feet and woo you with my boyish graces. It's going to be the best date ever."

"Pre-date?" She didn't know why she was pushing so hard for it to be a date, but it made Steven lick his lips and that in and of itself made it worthy of asking.

"Deal. Gimmie your question, ladies first."

She thought for a moment as they laid down. "What's your favorite song?"

Steven was silent tracing his eyes over the stars while he pondered that, so she took a moment to openly stare at him. What was it like to be the descendant of alien royalty? What was his childhood like? The man dripped kindness, but where had he learned it as a royal from another planet?

The reflection of the moon in his eyes made the scenery that much better, but she forced herself to focus on the sky before he caught her.

"Genre, I need a genre to pick." His lips curved upwards. "I love music, all of it."

Connie crossed her legs thoughtfully. "I'll take Music On The Radio for 500, Steven."

He giggled. "Cradles by Sub Urban. What's your favorite color?"

"Blue, but I think it's starting to turn into lilac or royal purple." Lately she'd been finding a bunch of her things that were lavender or a rich shade of purple that had accumulated over time. She loved the way it looked against her skin. "It makes me feel pretty. When's your birthday?" Secretly she already knew, but definitely didn't wanna tell him how much research she'd done. 

Steven pulled her up and pointed to a cluster of stars. "That's my constellation. I'm a Leo, born on August 15th, 2002. What about you?"

"November 15th, 2003."

Steven looked her over and nodded. "You're definitely a Scorpio, you've got that wild energy I– people love."

Usually when Scorpios were talked about it was with the same negativity they used to discuss Gemini's or Satan, but his words surprised her. "Thanks. Sometimes I worry I'm a bit too much. I'm really sorry for looking at your bookcase."

Steven hugged her out of nowhere. "It's okay, I probably shouldn't leave those things where people can find them on the first night of meeting me."

She laughed and nuzzled in further. "Is it creepy to say you give good hugs?"

"Totally. Majorly creepy," He wisecracked, swaying her a bit.

"Then your hugs are the worst I've ever had in my life and you should stop right now." She rested her chin on his chest while he processed that, chortling at the stubble on his face. It was oddly adorable. A man this big and this much built like a teddy bear Thor couldn't grow more? She was almost tempted to scratch at it.

He figured it out and she felt his heartbeat start to race. "I think that's just about the kindest thing anyone's ever said to me. I'm a huge cuddler, Hazel and I cuddle all the time."

She could almost hear how hard he cringed but she hummed a titter. The idea of the giant Hazel and the even gianter Steven snuggling and snoring together was so cute she could hardly stand it. "Don't worry, I think it's really sweet you guys are that close. If I had a bunch of close friends I'd cuddle them too."

"You're a really sweet girl, ConnieDoesSwords," He mumbled. "I like you a lot, and so does everyone else. Sometimes it can get kind of cliquey around here, we're all good at masking but we don't really like meeting new people inside our home." His hand reached up to stroke at her hair and she scooted closer. She could listen to him ramble all day. "You're not the only one with anxiety, and a lot of us have social anxiety. It took Hazel and Jacob a while to really get to see the real me, I was kind of a reclusive asshole when I first moved in. Trevor was understanding and I think maybe even gave them hints on how to help me but those two never listen to anyone. They knocked on my door and Jacob presented a weird tin holding something I was sure was poisoned and Hazel said, 'Listen, we know you're a space royal but you're our friend now and you're just gonna have to deal with us bothering you.'" He sniffled a bit and sighed. "I'd never thought there were people who just wanted to be friends with me and not use or hate me. Sometimes I still run into people that make me uncomfortable with who I am. Those two helped a lot, and when Adam popped his own anti-social bubble he taught me a broad sense of not giving a fuck. We could really learn a lot from the trans community if we just let them speak."

Connie recoiled. "Adam is trans?!"

"Yeah. He's always saying he knows it's obvious so he's open about it but it's really, really not obvious at all."

When Connie had first seen Adam and then every time afterwards, she had never once had a single thought about anything feminine. He was hypermasculine and easily recognizable as that. He did have a mess of hair mostly covering his eyes though, but regardless she smiled. "No kidding! I'm happy to be surrounded by such diverse people. I get lonely a lot where I'm from."

"Two questions, and I swear the first isn't me being a pervert," He promised huskily. She locked eyes with him and his cheeks started to glow nervously. "I-I'm kind of majorly touch starved and it's not sexual or anything I just wanted to ask if uh..." He trailed off and grimaced. "Never mind. Anyways–,"

Her back was starting to hurt in the position they were in, and she didn't want his nervousness to overcome him so she smiled. "Can I sit between your legs so you can hug me while I lean? I think I could use a cuddle bestie."

He nodded heartily. "That's even better. Here, let me just–," Like she weighed nothing, Steven held her hips and picked her up sit in front of him. "Your hair smells good. Like cookies."

"It's vanilla," She corrected with a glance over her shoulder. "No cookies after 8."

Steven snorted and hugged her as allowed. His chin sat on the top of her head and he uttered, "You're so tiny it's actually crazy to me."

A bit of sass found its way to her and she huffed. "5'5 isn't tiny! I'm an inch taller than the average!"

"Nothing about you is average, but I could still pick you up with one hand easily and it's not because I'm an alien," He told her insistently. She crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at him, causing him to poke out a lip. "Aw! The cute aggression is so real, Adam complains about it all the time and I never believed him."

"You're human too." She grabbed his forearm playfully and squeezed. "And I'm gonna bite you if you don't stop it. I can still kick your butt."

He laughed heartily. "What is it with tiny, itty-bitty bottoms and biting people?"

"I'll do it! Don't think I won't!" She warned, joining with his laughter. "I'm a Scorpio, remember?"

"I'm a Leo and if you bite me I will bite you back, no second thoughts."

Maybe it was impulse. Maybe it was because Steven made her feel seen and understood before they'd even met, and now she felt cherished in his arms. It could've been the way she could feel him pressed against her and the romantic lighting the stars and moon provided, or that she was overtired and incredibly touch starved too...

But Connie actually bit him. Not too hard, but hard enough to send a message. No longer would he disparage her inch above average height, he would now understand she was a fierce and powerful woman and–

Steven growled and grabbed her chin to tilt her head back. "Big mistake." His teeth sank into the juncture of her neck and she gasped at the brand new sensation it caused. She could feel the dopamine actually flooding through her, and she went limp and breathless immediately.

He pulled away and scooted back. "O-oh my god, I'm s-so sorry! I don't know what got into me, I was kidding I swear!"

Connie whipped around to stare at him with wide eyes. "I started it. Why... why would you apologize?"

"For crossing a line!" He exclaimed from now inside his shirt. "Ugh, the other Diamonds would laugh me under a table if I told them about this..."

"That may be true about the Diamonds, but..." She took a deep breath of what felt like new oxygen. Everything was brighter and sharper as she reached up to touch where he'd bitten. He was warm, and his mouth was warmer. The growl sent shivers through her again and her throat threatened to shut before she could speak. "Why apologize for what's definitely the hottest thing that's ever happened to me? Besides, I already found your stash. It's also important to note that I basically... asked for that to happen?"

"Don't lie for my benefit, that was so wrong of me," He groaned, hiding even further in his top. "I've never gotten out of control so quickly in my entire life."

She listened to him babble about feeling guilty and the situation being a terrible example of who he actually was and felt a twinge of irritation. He finally dropped the shirt and found himself face to face with her. He was so close she could feel him breathing, and for a moment they just stared at each other. He was pretty even up close, and even though she kind of wanted to kiss him really badly, she dipped lower. Steven froze as she bit him right back at what she hoped was the same spot at the same force.

Apparently the sensation worked both ways, and when Steven gasped softly, muscles tensing under her teeth, she got another much bigger rush. That was almost better, she decided to herself. Almost. "There... now we're even."

"Ohhh boy," He lamented, leaning forward to hide his shame. "You'll fuck around and turn me into an animal. I'm a prince, I need to be acting like one."

Lightheaded but determined, she pushed him back and tried for another smile. "Steven, I don't know how I can be clearer without being improper. A hot boy just bit me and it was awesome, is that a little easier to understand?"

"And here I was hoping for a kiss," He muttered shyly. "I think you're stellar, Connie. I wanna make that clear. I'm not a player and on my mother's grave, I am a gentleman. I wanna make you flowers and give you a cute little flower crown..." He swallowed and looked at her head on, his intense eyes burning into hers. "But my god you're so perfect it's fucking with my self control."

The admission made her blush. "Clearly I have none either. Twinsies?"

"C-can we go to bed? I need to take a shower and cleanse myself of sinful thoughts." He stood and hoisted her up, but didn't let go of her hand. "I might sleep on the couch anyways, and if I find you there I'm going to put you back in the bed."

Connie couldn't help it. "Are you gonna tie me down too?" She whispered as sultry as she could. "Or if you're so out of control, maybe I should tie you up."

He scoffed and took a step into her personal space. Now with him towering over her she felt small for the first time. Steven was stupid tall, but he made her feel big too. Not right now though. Right now he was giving her palpitations. "You're playing with fire, Connie. I don't want to push boundaries on a night you were–,"

Connie's shushed him and cocked her head. "Do you hear that?"

He frowned and paused, but shook his head. The curls bounced on it and she bit back a giggle. "No. Hear what?"

"How awesome it sounds when you're not proving Adam right!" His jaw dropped and she leaned back with the force of her humor, nearly tipping in the process. "Short of stripping right here right now, you've got a long ways to go on learning consent. No means no, but yes means yes."

"I didn't ask permission," He pointed out. "That's disparaging your entire statement, Ni."

Connie threw up her arms to soak up the moonlight before she did something crazier than what she was about to do. Pulling together all of her acting skills, she popped a hip. "Okay, then I'll show you. Try to grab my hand."

He went for it and she snatched it away. "Sorry, not interested," She said politely. "You're really cool though!"

He laughed. "Okay, show me what you were doing then."

When Steven reached over to clasp her hand she swooned and interlocked them. He raised his brows and pulled her closer, but she still didn't stop him. Even when his hand slid up her arm delicately she made no moves to get him to knock it off. In fact, she leaned in. It found her cheek and he tilted his head further down. "You have the option to stop me at any time. I'm testing boundaries."

He had such pretty eyelashes. She couldn't speak so she licked her lips and rose onto her tippy toes. Her head tilted up of her own fruition, and Steven closed the distance millimeter by millimeter. "Holy shit my crush is gonna let me kiss her. I definitely need to shower now, I'm breaking out in a sweat."

"My crush is taking his sweet ass time and I wish he would just kiss me already," She griped, moving a bit closer to his lips. "Don't you believe in love at first sight?"

"Mhm," Steven confirmed. He skimmed his lips against hers, getting a feel for it and gathering his courage.

And then he pulled away. "If you want it that badly, you can beg me for it. Otherwise, you'll go to bed restless and I'll sleep like a baby twelve seconds into listening to a lullaby."

Connie laughed in disbelief and stomped her foot. "That's so mean! I was so ready!"

His smirk got larger as he turned and walked away, wiggling his fingers for her to grab on and follow. She did so happily and the second they reached the apartment Steven took her into his arms. "There are cameras up there, I just remembered."

She really couldn't care less about that while his hands were anywhere on her person. "Oh how ever will I recover from everyone seeing that the nicest and sweetest guy on the planet almost kissed me?"

Steven hummed and leaned down to kiss the corners of her mouth. "Never stop being a smart ass. It'll make my life fun to bring you back to reality."

Pushing into his touch made him rumble and she took a chance. "And that reality is what, exactly?"

"Well, the reality is that I'm bigger than you, Connie," He drawled in her ear. "I'm so much stronger than you, too. Holding you down wouldn't be so much of a concern as it would be debating on where to put my hands." Big fingers held her head in place by her jaw and he watched her hands fist into his shirt needily. "Are you waiting for me to bite you again?" She nodded and he chuffed. "Do you want me to, Connie? Are you sure this isn't too fast for you?"

"Ugh, Steven," She groaned miserably. "That won't even be a thought that comes over me. I'm not easy but you could certainly make this happen because I really like you." He was starting to drive her mad with his hot and cold game, so she tipped her head to give him access. "Please bite me again. I would like you to, and this is me asking."

He didn't hesitate anymore, he gripped her hips and matched her satisfied keen. She counted the seconds he bit her for, but lost it when he groaned much deeper than before and backed her into a wall. "Fuck, Connie. This is going to be my last stand as a gentleman."

She turned her head to kiss his cheek, and he dove in to kiss her. Behind closed eyes she could see his glow that was much brighter than before, and he pulled back only for a second. "One more time."

This kiss she found movement and scaled her hands over his chest to wrap arms around his neck at the same he moved his to her lower back.

His tongue slid over her bottom lip to gain access, then over hers. She giggled drunkenly because for someone who was so touch starved, this boy could kiss. He took his time too, which was sexy by itself. The world could have ended right then and there and she still wouldn't have noticed when he cupped her cheeks and pulled away with starry eyes. "Damn."

Connie had just kissed her celebrity crush and her toes were numb from how electric he made her feel. Those eyes were so gentle and kind, just like he was, and she mumbled, "I don't think I've ever been so attracted to someone's personality and physical aspects at the same time." Her cheeks filled with color and she tried to turn away but he moved her back firmly.

"That's the sexiest thing anyone's ever said to me." His hands found hers, then traveled to grip her wrists curiously. They were so little compared to his he could've held both easily with one hand. "Interesting..."

She grinned and tried to struggle, but his eyes told her it was genuinely no use. "I guess you were right about holding me down."

He nodded. "Unless you want out, I'm perfectly capable of doing so."

Connie dropped her head and pushed with her whole self, testing his balance. His body against hers felt so good, but even when she braced a foot against the wall and pushed harder he was unmovable.

Steven drew in a breath as he watched her. "What are you doing?"

She ignored him but smirked and pushed harder with her hips, maybe that was the key to distracting him enough for him to tip.

That didn't work, not even a little bit. Steven caught on and lifted her, repinning her to the wall so she was trapped in midair. "Connie..."

She finally met his eyes and found he was biting his lip just a little bit. "Hm?"

"If you're not trying to turn me on you're doing a very poor job," He whispered, hands wandering under her thighs to keep her steady.

Connie's breathing stuttered and she peered up at him nervously. "Is it wrong that makes me want to keep doing it?"

"Fuck." Their lips locked again but it was no longer languid. He bit down on her lip enough to put her in her place and she moaned, another new sensation giving her the shakes. "Connie, are you a virgin? I don't need to know, but every time you make such cute little sounds it makes me crazy. I don't wanna be too rough."

After another scalding kiss she shook her head. "Vanilla boys. So basically."

"Oh, you poor baby." He trailed his kisses to her cheek and stayed for a moment, trying to catch his breath. "You deserve so much better," He said against it. "Your skin is so soft..." Then he lowered to drag his lips over her neck. "Ugh, I'm living a fantasy. You're sweet and funny and bright." His hands gripped her thighs, pulling a soft whine from her as she felt him go down the fast track of getting hard for her. He spoke to her like she was a fantasy and yet a real person he adored. "And so pretty. This is why I can't sleep in the bed with you. I'm going to be up all night battling with myself."

Connie reached up to run her fingers over his ears and felt him twitch against her. Letting out a soft huff she watched his face go tight with pleasure and turned his head to kiss under his ear. "I have a proposition that will make me feel like less of a proper lady," She confessed, tugging on his earlobe with her teeth.

He pressed into her harder and shivered. "Tell me."

"Show me what you think I deserve."

Steven pulled away and searched her face, a shocked brow darting up. "Are you sure?"

She nodded. "I am giving you full consent to do whatever you'd like to me." Her face reddened but his lopsided grin made it bearable.

"I'm going to be kissing Trevor's ass forever for introducing us," He mumbled, pulling her off the wall and walking her to the bedroom. Teeth found her again and he bit harder. "Do you want me to be gentle with you, Connie?"

Connie smirked. "I didn't ask you to do what I wanted. I asked you to do what you wanted."

Steven dropped her onto the bed and followed after tugging off his shirt. She only had a split second to marvel at his beauty before he kissed her fiercely and caged her in. "Don't threaten me with a good time. Can things come off?"

"Would be pretty weird if they didn't, no?" His caution was so incredible. She had never gone this far with a guy who didn't just tear off her clothes and bang her. His skin was lovely against her, a bit of curly dark chest hair drifting down to join with his happy trail.

He picked her up and sat on the bed, setting her in front of him. "Alright then. Strip."

Her jaw dropped in shock and under that, intrigue. "You're asking me to strip for you?"

He shook his head and ran his gaze over her body. "No. I told you to." He did jazz hands with a devilish smile. "With consent."

She giggled, gathering her bravery and tugging off her shirt fast, hoping to catch him off guard. He blew out a low breath and raised his eyes from her breasts to her face. "An entire year of childhood trauma. Poof."

Connie scoffed and pondered whether or not she should go braless first, or pant-less. "Hmmm... I'm wondering if you wanna see my butt first, or my boobs first."

"To be completely frank, I love everything." He licked his lips and stood. "Keep going. Tonight's about you, I'm just being a little selfish first."

He circled her like he was waiting for the perfect moment to attack her, so she pushed down her leggings and stepped out of them. Her nervousness was dashed to pieces when he hummed and pulled her into him from behind. "You're a good girl, Connie." Steven's hands slid from her stomach to palm a breast and squeeze, furthering his hardness. "You know that, don't you?"

"N-no." She'd never been called that before she met Steven, but it rang bells in her head and made her knees weak.

He guided her hands to pull down her bra and after a few seconds he unclipped it. Her panties went faster, eagerness at his touch and praise made her want him more than she'd ever wanted anyone ever. "Is that better?"

She glanced back to see him wide eyed and red. "Either way you're perfect but–," He shook his head and backed her onto the bed. "I have a sudden need to make a mess."

Connie grinned. "Messes can be fun."

He flipped her and placed a longing kiss on her to her lips before he started to trail lower and stopped in between her breasts. "You're touch sensitive," He observed, licking up one of them and taking a nipple into his mouth.

"Ah, St-Steven~." Her back arched as he circled his tongue over it, teasing it until it was hard and then nibbling on the supple flesh around it. Heat pooled from her nipple and zapped straight between her legs. Her hands grabbed his head to hold him there and she whined, surprising herself with the sound. Never once had anyone lavished such attention on her nipples. She didn't know there was a thrill to be had with a hot mouth giving skillful attention to it.

He was a man of equality, he treated the other side the same way before he pulled up to watch her pant. "Brace yourself."

She gasped when he tugged off his pants at the sheer size of him. "Well, shit. I'd better start making amends to the gods."

Steven grinned cheerfully and glanced down at it. "This old thing? Eh, there's bigger."

The very idea terrified her. "I don't even think that's going to fit!" She exclaimed. It was oddly handsome for a penis, the head oozing precum and creating a glossy look that made her mouth water just looking at it. It stood proudly, a little upwards curve to it which as her friends back home said was a massive win that she was gladly willing to take. Trimmed hair that was almost a bit more copper than his own was rivaled by a length and girth that made her seriously wonder if he would fit.

Her eyes finally found his again to see they were that eerie pink. He had been watching her practically ogle his cock with a smirk. "Oh, it'll fit. But we're not to that part yet."

Disappointment filled her, but then he knelt and hooked both hands around her hips to gaze between her legs. He licked his lips but shook his head like he was scolding her. "Now, why are you so wet? You've made a mess of yourself."

Her words failed her at his humorous and undyingly sexy tone. He didn't wait for much of a response besides a nervous clench that made him grunt and lick up from her entrance to her clit in one desperate go. She cried out as she was finally granted some friction. "Fuck, you're delicious," He groaned and buried his face between her legs to satiate his apparent need to eat her out like he had an audience.

Connie quickly figured out that he was exploring, trying to figure out what she liked. A long drag had her trying to grip his head with her thighs but again he held them open for himself and repeated the action. "That feels s-so good, oh my stars!"

He chuckled against her clit and started drawing patterns that snatched her soul, but she was unprepared for what he did next.

A shimmer of pink came from between her legs and a startling surge of ecstasy had her trembling at full force. "Steven, o-oh my– that's a-amazing!"

The hybrid pulled away only to murmur, "I have healing spit, which is weird until I get between your legs and do this." He started sucking on her clit gently but rapidly, instantly reminding her of the toy from hell she kept in her bedside table and loved far more than her other ones. It wasn't an exact copy, but pleasure more potent than the toy could provide was at the hand of Steven Universe and his Magical Mouth of Wonder.

Without thinking she started grinding against his tongue and within seconds she felt her orgasm approaching at an alien speed. "I-I'm gonna cum, please I need to!" Behind the haze she was embarrassed about the way she begged but Steven doubled his effort in reward. Breaths were dragging into her lungs and she started huffing hard like she was running a marathon. Her heart pounded in her chest and she tossed her head, crying out and lost in him until he pulled one more trick from up his sleeve. He pushed a finger coated in his spit into her pussy and she screamed her orgasm, whining his name like praise as he continued on to drag it out and pumped his finger slowly.

She had just lived a dream and she wasn't even to the good part yet.

"I was going to edge you but you begged without me even having to ask. I am going to teach you begging in further detail though," He teased, dipping his tongue into her for a last taste. "I know I said I wasn't an addict earlier but I take it back. I'm going to be wanting more forever complete with the meth-head arm scratching and everything."

She giggled airly and leaned up to catch his eye as he licked his lips selfishly. "Every time you scratch your arm I'm going to let you have it. You've earned that. Now..." She gave him a cheeky smile. "My turn."

He backed up to let her pull her hair out of its style and tumble down. "I'm so scared you're going to make me bust early. It's your eyes that are gonna do it."

She got on her knees and gave him a sarcastic wink. "I'm sure it won't be that good." Gripping the base and keeping the eye contact, she kissed the tip and gasped. A full body tremble went through her and through his heavy breathing, he smiled.

"You're so cute. You're even smaller from down there," He murmured, pushing the hair from her face as she went back to suck him into her mouth and gently bob her head. His precum had to be healing or magic or something, because suddenly she was possessed and wanting more, more, more. Steven hiccoughed and threaded his fingers into her hair. "It's got a little Diamond Essence in it. You're doing s-such a good job." She was thankful he kept his hips mostly still, he felt massive in her mouth. Her tongue pressed against the bottom to stroke where it would give more pleasure and he moaned, trying to distract himself as he began to twitch in her mouth. "It's only 9 inches, I have– I have giant genes. I- oh, Connie, fuck..." His head fell back and he pulsed when she swirled her tongue around the tip before picking up speed. "I thought you said you weren't a-any good!"

His comment revved her engine again and she relaxed her throat to take just a bit into it and still. He scratched at her scalp and took in the sight of her mouth full of his cock with inches to go. "Good girl. You're such a good girl."

Connie reached up her hands to make him stroke her mouth along him and he scoffed out a laugh. "You want me to fuck your face, huh?" Slowly he repeated the motion, bringing her attention to his gem. It wasn't like she hadn't seen one before, but she'd never seen one embedded in a human this close. Occasionally on videos his gem would glow but he'd roll his eyes and continue on. The pink diamond was polished, shining with a ludicrously beautiful glow that gave her an ego boost and captivated her. She was affecting this incredible thing about him just by giving him a simple blowjob.

Most Earthlings were accustomed to seeing gems, so it didn't really concern her. The only truly strange thing about any of this was how much she felt like she was on drugs. Maybe it was how he was dumping praise onto her, or perhaps it was the taste of his precum spilling over her tongue every once in a while to praise her itself. It was mildly sweet and she pulled back to suckle the top and coax out more.

Steven made a strangled sound and bobbed her head a few more times before pulling her off. "Not so fast, this is about you. Not me."

"Don't I get to get you off?" She complained.

He grabbed her arms to pick her up and lifted her until she was at eye level. Instead of putting her on the bed, he held her against the bedroom door and kissed her. Never in her life ever had a guy kissed her after a blowjob. But he didn't mind at all, in fact his tongue swept against hers and he smiled against her lips. "Wrap your legs around me. I'm taking you right here, right now." He didn't let her do much else, he gripped his cock and huffed. "You drooled all over me. I like that about you too."

"Quit teasing and fuck me already, dammit!" She whined, tilting her hips and watching him as he pressed the head of his cock against her entrance. "I'm dying for it and you're being an asshole!"

She had been about to say more, but he slipped a hand over her mouth. "I'll take my time with you, and you'll deal with it. You wouldn't want me to start degrading you for running your mouth, would you?"

Actually, that combined with praise and his actually gigantic cock sounded like heaven. Something about a normally teddy bear of a man doing such things made her feel excitable and frisky. The corners of her lips twitched upwards and he leaned down to kiss her neck as he let gravity do the work and she sank onto his cock. She squealed at the depth but he bit harder than before to shut her up and pushed in the rest of the way. She must have muttered something about him feeling even bigger inside of her, because he let go to moan and grab her ass. "Connie, that's ridiculous. I cannot get any harder or bigger than I am right now buried to the hilt inside of you. You feel so fucking good."

He rocked his hips once and she choked on air, prompting him to find a rhythm and start pumping his cock slowly. "My stars, Connie. Those squeezes are he-heavenly."

"Faster!" She pulled on his hair and met his thrusts, overcome and blind. "Steven, please!"

That was his magic word, he really did want her to beg. He grunted and started a barely faster pace, gripping her ass and letting out a string of curses before he lost his poise. The door rattled but she was enamored with every bit of understandable praise that fell from his lips. "Shh... good, you're so good, Ni..."

She giggled weakly. "What did I do to deserve this?"

"I'm doing what you deserved as soon as you bit me."

She whimpered and met his next thrust harder. He went aglow so bright she felt the heat in her pussy heighten and she let out a guttural, "Yes!"

He snarled and gently wrapped a hand around her neck, watching as her eyes went in and out of focus. "You're even prettier with my cock inside you. Does this feel good? I can't tell..."

She nodded vigorously and her hand made his tighten around her neck until she grew dizzy. "Yes, it feels so so good!"

Steven picked up the speed until she lost her politeness and clawed down his back. He stiffened and changed the angle to pound her harder and faster, his eyes never leaving hers. "We're gonna be at this all night long and you're gonna take it."

"Yes, h-however long you want!" She burst, her head lolling to the side when he started grinding against her clit in a way that was very on purpose. "Wh-whatever you want me for!"

"Keep the eye contact Connie, you need to see who is doing this to you." He tapped her cheek insistently and she tried for a smile but only ended up chanting his name. "Mhm, that's who."

The door left her back and she was barely able to comprehend how fast he moved her to the bed before he pulled up her legs to ram into her and doubled the speed to a pace she knew to not be achievable by man. "It's taking everything in me not to fill you past full right fucking now." He was hitting so deep inside of her that it hurt, but the pleasure was louder than the discomfort. Still she tried to control the depth and Steven laughed, spreading her legs further experimentally. "You're flexible t-too? Now I've gotta make you obsessed."

Too late!

She watched as he focused intently but quickly found her eyes squeezed shut. "I-I'm gonna cum?"

"Why so surprised?" He jested.

His cockiness, the cockiness she'd expected to be front and center like most content creators acted, was not very present until that moment. He furthered her arousal with it and she forced her eyes to open. "Oh my god, oh my god– Ste-ven, yes!"

He grinned and dropped his head, quickly slowing down. "You're so precious. I love making you feel this good. I want you drowning in it for me." He pinned her harder. "Can you do that for me?"

She nodded feverishly. "C-can you?"

The look he gave her was downright dangerous. "I just wanna make you cum until you cry."

He rammed into her so hard she forgot her name and cried out his, reaching up to grip his shoulders, but he pinned her wrists this time. A rush of helplessness came over her. "I like that! Oh, Steven," She whimpered loudly.

"That is my name." He leaned down to take a nipple into his mouth and moaned against it. "So good, you're so wet and you feel so. Fucking. Good."

She felt an all encompassing sense of clarity: Steven was fucking her stupid and she slurred as she tried to tell him that. In response he only continued his task with increasing passion until she squealed and came with a force that had him panting and watching her face again. He looked so satisfied until she started milking him with her walls hard. "Damn, Connie! That's–," He pushed as deeply as he could and his voice wavered. "Oh my god, holy shit... just like that."

Connie giggled and rolled her hips. "I'm on birth control. Good birth control."

"I almost don't even care," He confessed, finding a pace again. "Fuck, Connie."

After a second he pulled out and shuddered. One hand reached up to her neck to squeeze again, rumbling, "I'm gonna put you in sub 1, you need to know what you're getting into."

She nodded hesitantly. "Sub 1?"

He raised his eyebrows and flipped her into her hands and knees, sliding off of the bed and pulling her to the edge. "Doggy style... Submissive Position One. One of three presentation poses."

He slid back in, so hard he didn't even need to prop himself up. "Breathe deep and hold it." His hips pushed him in so easily Connie was embarrassed. A sudden insecurity hit her at how easily he'd gotten her in bed, but he kissed the back of her neck. "Thank you."

"No, tha-thank you, Steven." She let go of the breath, trying to readjust around him.

Stevens heat moved from her back, and when she looked up at him he was intently staring at her ass. Big hands spread her and she buried her face in the bed as he stared. "You're so beautiful. This is gonna be fast."

"Please, just go," She groaned, pressing her hips into him more and squeaking. "I want it, Steven."

He gripped her ass and started slow, deep strokes that had her gasping for air. "Steven, D-Daddy!"

It burst out of her before she could think about it, but Steven paused entirely. "Oh, Connie." He pumped into her slowly, then quickly to try to deter himself but it couldn't be helped. "Fine, you got me. Daddy Kink revealed."

A bliffful sigh oozed from Connie as she tightened around him. "You're welcome."

He gripped her hair and pulled her so she was next to his ear. "Does that feel good, baby? Do you like it when I'm pumping inside of you so hard?"

She nodded as best she could. "Yes, Daddy! Feels so good~!"

Steven sucked in a shaky breath. "I'll do more of this next time, right now I just wanna fuck you until you're stupid for me. Do you think you could do that for me, NiNi?" He ran his hands over her like he was trying to memorize everything. "Do you think I could fuck you until all you know is my cock and my name in your head?"

"Yes!" She cried, meeting his thrusts as they became sloppy with another squirting orgasm. "Fuck yes, use me please!"

Gripping her hips, his canting reached in volume with hers until they were screaming, wanting to cum so bad but being held back by an invisible force. Steven growled in frustration as it continued to build and grabbed ahold of her neck with both hands. "Oh, this is gonna be such a big load! I'm gonna fill you past full and then some, I'm going to break you!"

Connie's eyes rolled back and her neck went limp, dropping as Stevens cock started jumping inside of her. "Fuck. Now, Connie!"

For a second, she hadn't realized she'd went blind. It wasn't until her eyes popped open to let a scream worthy of a horror movie out and clench around Steven hard enough for him to bellow as he came a few seconds after and filled her with a warm load. She was sure it was sperm until her ass started clenching with the orgasms, giving her a triple clitoral/vaginal/anal orgasm at the same time.

Connie couldn't even hold herself up anymore, and Steven trembled as he watched her seize around him and cry. It was too good to just cum at, she needed a good cry about it. It made her feel so alive, so free. Steven was feeding a part of her with something she rarely recognized she was missing. Pleasure ripped her apart and put her back together as a new person.

A new person that realized she was cleaned up and snuggled on top of Steven's bare chest like a newborn as she shook like a baby deer. "O-oh my god, how long was I out?"

Steven made a confused, sleepy sound, then he made his eyes open. "One and a half minutes. I counted while I ate you out."

Another ruthless clenching went through her. "You really are a freak, huh?"

He nodded. "Big time."

Her eyes drifted shut, but not before she climbed higher to lie on him. "Alright, I call dibs on this awesome person with an awesome dick. Mine until we're official. No rush, right?"

His chest lifted her with a shaky breath. "Bet."

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