Chapter 3

Watching Connie drive away was hellish. Steven nearly glowed his discontent as he watched her car pull off and drive down the street. The only thing that made him feel better was music playing almost immediately, and knowing it was Morena.

A hand on his shoulder startled him and he turned to see one of his best friends giving him his legitimately famous smirk. Jacob was on billboards in big cities when he performed, and every single one had that shit eating grin front and center. "You alright?"

He checked to see if she was still there knowing she wasn't and nodded. "Wow." It was all he could express verbally for the moment. The way her hand felt in his was magical in and of itself, her smile gave him butterflies just like the one that landed on her head earlier.

He sighed and squeezed Steven's shoulder. "Be careful, man. People in this industry are crazy."

Steven snorted. "I'm gonna tell Adam you said that."

Jacob blanched even in the darkness. "You know what I meant. Leave my perfect husband out of this."

Steven had been there when Jacob met Adam, and the mere memory made him grin.

He'd been personally invited along with the rest of the house to Jacob's show, and he was thrilled to have them there. Back then it was just Steven, Jacob and Hazel (occasionally his girlfriend Anna) hanging out together. All three of the men covered the trifecta of content creating: Comedy, Music, and Gaming. He'd been laughing his ass off the entire time, Jacob had true talent that extended beyond what most humans could achieve without being a cunt, and he incorporated his piano/keyboard into silly little songs. Most comedians for a long time had sworn up and down that making racist, homophobic and bigoted jokes were just apart of the business and that's all they were: jokes. Jacob had wowed people with his ability to make jokes and still be careful, with a few celebrity roasts here and there to even things out. The generation was sad, traumatized and lovelorn, and Jacob made jokes that were relatable to everyone old or young, with the added addition of ragging on America.

Sure he swore like a sailor, lowkey hated himself and was insanely traumatized and depressed, but wasn't everyone?

During the performance, Jacob got up to pace around as he talked about one of his favorite things in Britain, the Camden Market. "So I know you Americans have something called a Farmers Market, right?" The audience confirmed and he shook his slowly, chewing on the information in disappointment. "Please don't compare your shitty American things to my stuff, thank you."

They giggled and he became ardent. "The Camden Market is a beautiful, lovely place in Camtown. Every vendor of every kind sets up their shit, and then they sell it. The fun part isn't exploring, it's looking the vendor in the eye and saying, "I'm just gonna take this," and going on your merry way. In Britain, we don't have to worry about gun violence unlike some people..."

Their raucous laughter pleased him, and as he turned to pace across again, his eyes locked on the seat two down from Steven. He turned bright red and messed up his hair, tearing his eyes away to tell the audience, "Holy shit, you guys are gonna say this is crazy, but I've had a massive crush on this guy who lives at The House of Tok with me and he's here." He laughed, shaking his head. "I almost just kicked you guys out, you know the saying: three's a crowd, more than one American is an invasion."

Someone shouted over the laughs, "We can go, it's fine!"

"As much as I love full pay for half the work, please don't do that," He begged dramatically. "I don't actually know how to talk to him or I would have by now. We'd just be sitting in a very gay silence."

Next to Steven a curly haired girl he recognized as one of the residents told Jacob the man was single and interested, to a humiliated groan from her companion. "He told me I had to come with him!"

Jacob laughed nervously. "God today just keeps getting better."

Steven was a sucker for a good romance story, so maybe he and Hazel fudged a bit and got to know the girl a bit better as at the time Adam was a bit of a recluse. And maybe they'd planned to meet up at a restaurant that next weekend in celebration of such a massive turn out for the freckled jokester.

When Jacob saw the man he'd seen in the audience, he muttered, "I hate you guys, I love you guys so much."

The rest was history. They'd fallen madly in love: Adam's gothic sensibilities had stolen Jacob's heart long before he opened his mouth and Jacob's silly habits pulled more and more personality from Adam until he was an indefinite addition to the friend group. Jasmin, the girl he was with, ended up hanging out with them too. It was such a passionate romance between the two, and before very long, like probably six months, Jacob popped the question.

Standing next to him now, with the wedding ring proudly displayed on his hand, Jacob nudged him. "You think she's someone you want to be with?"

"How'd you feel when you met Adam?" Steven countered seriously.

Jacob sat on the curb and Steven joined as he revisited the night with a nostalgic smile. "I saw my father." Steven gasped but Jacob held up a calming hand. "I got this gut instinct to say something about it. The joke wasn't in the set but it felt right, and when he and I locked eyes that crush I had on a person I had talked to twice it had me smiling the rest of the night. Then the next day and the day after that. I couldn't stop thinking about it." He glanced at Steven. "All the love songs became about him, it was really fucking gay."

Steven stared up at the stars. "You're making me feel better." Jacob was a star at that, his voice made people feel better and one could tell he cared about everything just like Steven. They'd never be able to fathom Jacob's trauma story, and that was just as well. Both of them were hardcore romantics, and sometimes they just talked about love. "Tell me a little more and I'll leave you alone."

Jacob groaned like it was the worst thing in the world but when Steven looked over, his eyes were shining. "I don't think I've ever felt this strongly about anything or anyone. Waking up in our bed is winning the American lottery and not getting taxed," He snorted at his own joke and sighed. "I miss him all the time, I miss him right now even."

Steven glanced over again. "Having one of those days?"

He nodded wordlessly and cleared his throat. "It's so weird that trauma does that. Sometimes I get emotional when he holds my hand. This love is so healing and intoxicating."

A shooting star flew across the sky and fizzled out in a magnificent streak of white. Steven's only wish was to see Connie again, he could relate to Jacob in missing her. He was a romantic but he wasn't prone to just falling for anybody who walked into his life no matter how pretty or talented. However Connie had taken a part of him with her. "Was it love at first sight?"

"You've asked me that a million times," Jacob chuckled, sniffling and wiping at his face. "Yes, Steven. That night was the first time I felt like I was seeing him and not just peeking through a window. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched him all night. I wanted to cancel the show and spend my time just with him."

Steven giggled at the happy little hum from behind Jacob, startling him so badly he nearly face-planted on the street in front of him. He turned to see his husband beaming at him and fist bumping Steven. "That was so cute, I should've brought my phone."

Jacob swatted at Steven half playfully. "You festering cunt! You set me up!"

"I love love," Steven exclaimed, pleased when Jacob stopped and sighed.

"How long have you been eavesdropping?" Jacob grumbled as Adam sat on the other side of him and grabbed his hand. "How embarrassed do I have to be?"

Adam pecked his cheek. "Very. I'd say I've been here long enough to trip right back into the Honeymoon phase all over again."

"Again?" Steven teased. "That's like the fifth time since you got married!"

Jacob nodded. "When you've undoubtedly found that special person, it tends to happen." He turned to Adam suspiciously. "Why'd you come out? I heard from Anna you didn't have any garlic bread."

Adam rolled his eyes as Steven shook his head in dismay. "This argument is so old," He complained. "I hate garlic."

"So, you're a vampire," Steven assumed.

"No, I just don't like it."

Steven grinned. "You're not fooling anyone, Adam."

He tugged off his beanie and gave them a steely stare that did nothing to intimidate them enough to stop. "People can not like garlic bread. I'm sure there's thousands of us."

Jacob clutched at his chest. "Babe, that's not an option! You either like garlic bread or you're a vampire, there's nothing in between that!" He dodged the thrown beanie that nailed Steven in the head to a whiny "ouch!" and kissed him. "As for thousands of you specifically, I only need one. I like my much shorter than me husband."

Adam grabbed his hand lovingly, but soon Jacob grunted in pain as Adam upped the squeezing a warning amount. "How very kind of you to say that, Jacob. Come be sexy next to me while we make fun of Steven for having a crush."

Steven sat back up and groaned. "Come on, it wasn't that obvious."

Adam raised an eyebrow. "You're not this stupid in real life. We watched you guys hold hands for a total of 11 minutes and 39 seconds today. We timed it." When Stevens jaw dropped he reached over to shut it. "We eventually just left the film deck cause we wanted to see what would happen."

Jacob chuckled. "You guys hugged for so long, it was the hug for me, not gonna lie." He patted a hand over his chest. "I always thought you were gonna fall in love with a guy, but I stand corrected."

"Up," Adam commanded, nodding to the door. "I have no body heat regulation, I'm cold."

Jacob picked Adam up bridal style and while he complained, he didn't threaten to bite his dick off like he usually did.

Steven prepared for the leers and teases but it went so much further than that. When they got back inside everyone was giving him some variation of a coy look. "Don't–,"

Anna squealed. "Oh my stars, it was so cute, though! I've never seen you act like that around a girl!"

"I thought he was gay," Jasmin joked. "Until I saw the way he couldn't control his Puppy Glow."

"Not the puppy jokes," Steven whined but it was no use.

Hazel rapped his fingers on the cupboard and Steven's eyes snapped that way in intrigue, only to be met with Hazels grin. "Puppy Steven."

"She's gonna think I'm a bottom." Steven motioned for a snack and Hazel tossed him an oatmeal drink from the fridge. "Puppy Steven does not exist."

"You wanna go on a ride in the car?" Alex asked as he walked in. "You wanna go on an adventure?"

On instinct Steven nodded excitedly. Car rides meant star gazing, alcohol runs, or snack trips; all things he was completely down for at all hours of the night. The giggles were consoled with a second snack and Steven beamed. "You know what? I might just own it. Puppies get unlimited affection and snacks."

"Boo, now it's not fun," Alex sighed. "Jasmin, open this jar of pickles before I throw it on the floor."

Anna grabbed it instead and popped it open. "Trans girl muscles for the win! Don't eat all of them, those are mine."

Alex sauntered off with all of them anyways and Anna ran after, shouting again that she wanted some. Trevor came from upstairs and gave Steven a look that made him think he was in trouble until he muttered, "Told you she was cool."

At that exact moment Stevens phone buzzed but he bashfully wiped at his cheek to push away any blush that had appeared. "You didn't tell me she'd be that cool. I'd have dressed nicer."

He pulled it out to see it was Connie already calling. Smiling at the others he excused himself cockily. "If you'll excuse me, I'm being summoned by someone who's actually nice to me."

They scoffed and called him various pleasant names with a laugh as he stepped outside. "Hey, Connie. What's up?"

There was silence on the other end for a few seconds, then a shaky breath. "Steven, I'm so s-sorry, I didn't know who else to c-call."

Immediately he was worried by her slurred voice. "Connie, what's the matter? Are you okay? Do I need to come and get you?"

She let out a tumultuous sigh. "I have panic attacks. I left my pills. I... I can't drive and I'm scared."

Understanding coursed through him and he looked around. "Okay, how long has it been going?"

"Just started. Getting worse."

Her breathing quickened until she was quietly hyperventilating and Steven's heart dropped. Connie sounded so miserable, and even when he asked her what he needed to do she couldn't seem to answer. "I need you to do just one more thing for me, then just relax. Turn on your location, I'll stay right here the whole time. Do not hang up the phone, is that clear?"

"O-ok-ay," She whispered tearfully.

He waited with bated breath for her pin to drop and fished out his car keys. After what felt like an eternity, it went through but she was already 30 minutes away. Steven swore under his breath; there was no way he'd be able to make it before some creep came up and snatched her in the night.

Unless... "Connie, I'm on my way and my phones gonna cut out but I'm still there," He told her gently. "I'm coming to get you."

Putting the phone away he raced back into the house and flew up the stairs without responding to anyone. His medicine cabinet provided exactly what he needed and he sighed his relief before practically jumping back to the ground floor. Letting out an ear piercing whistle at a frequency he used for emergencies, he made sure the phone was still connected. "Just keep breathing."

Jacob asked silently if he was okay and frowned. "You're ashen," He commented worriedly.

Lion tore through a portal and Steven grabbed his mane halfway through the slide to swing around and saddle on.

Jasmin shook her head. "That was so fucking metal."

"Right?" Adam agreed. "Be careful, Steven."

He nodded and they charged into a world of light and color and sound that overstimulated him immediately despite how many times he'd warped. Lion would just know where to go, he always did and that's why he was his familiar. Just as he thought he couldn't take it anymore Lion roared and he could see a highway in front of him rapidly approaching.

Steven raced to the tiny car and accidentally scared the shit out of the woman, furthering her already looking bad panic attack. "Shit, I'm so sorry!" He opened the door and surveyed Connie's face plastered in sweat and agony. Her eyes were glassed over, but they raised to him and blinked a few times before tears trailed out of them. "Oh, Connie. If I'd have known I never would've let you go on a long car drive at night by yourself."

A car zoomed by and he dug into his pocket. "I've got Panic Disorder, do you take medication?"

She nodded a little and he got down on one knee. "Okay, that's good. I take hydroxicine and supplement with a modified vape from one of my royal aunts and I know you're not supposed to trust strangers that give you suspicious pills but you'll have to trust me on this if you want me to help."

He took out two and reached to her middle console to grab her water bottle. The smell of her perfume almost short circuited his mind instantly. "I am going to have to take you back to The House, Connie. You can't drive after you take this."

Guiding her through the process and praising her, he got her to take them and unbuckled her seatbelt. It broke his heart to see the lively woman in the midst of such a nasty panic attack. He'd had his fair share of dry-heaving, pants-pissing, all-encompassing, terror-filled panic attacks that left his ego crippled for days. Steven cradled her in his arms and kissed her forehead. "You're okay, I've got you."

She seemed mildly uncomfortable and after a moment of mental effort lifted her arms. Steven deciphered the gesture and instead of cradling her, he let her arms wrap around his neck and her legs around his waist. It was so sweet he nearly combusted into sparkles. Instead he glowed and let the warmth radiate to her. "I'm gonna hook my hands under you but I'm not being a pervert, I just have to hold you steady."

She tightened her grip, though it was still weak enough for him to worry. He could've held her like this forever, but the cars whizzing by were clearly making everything worse for her. They'd never calm her down if they didn't get somewhere safe. "Okay, Lion. Take us home. Connie, brace yourself, this is gonna suck harder than a gay man."

Connie made a sound he recognized as a distant cousin to laughter and he climbed on top of Lion carefully. It would be a task to balance holding her and staying on the giant feline but he'd make it work.

As suspected, warping made Connie's panic attack heighten and she started trembling in his arms. In warp space she clung to him hard and he started to sing to her. A song about rain came to his mind and he murmured the words close to her ear, thankful when Lion shot out of the other side and onto the pavement. "We're home."

Saying that aloud felt surreal, and he got a sense of Deja Vu. "Home," She repeated sleepily, sighing her anxiety away just a bit. "Okay."

"Is talking hard?" He asked softly. She nodded and he started to sway without thinking to soothe her more. "It's okay, we'll figure out another way to communicate."

Now posed the real question: how could he sneak inside without alerting the entire house he'd brought not only a girl home, but this girl home? He'd never hear the end of it.

The question was answered for him when Adam poked his head out the door. "And what exactly are you doing?"

He sighed. "Connie, do you mind if we tell Adam? He's really understanding, everyone is." She nodded and he started walking over. "She has an Anxiety Disorder and it struck on the way home."

Adam's smirk dissolved. "Jesus, why didn't you start with that?! Get the poor girl inside and we'll get her something to eat and drink."

As they walked in, Steven murmured to Connie, "That's why he's one of the house heads, or a Nova. He takes care of everyone with that Daddy Dom energy."

She giggled and his heart threatened to climb out of his mouth. Thankfully the living room and downstairs was pretty empty, save for Jacob.

Jacob raised his eyebrows and turned to Adam to sign the only thing Steven knew, "What's going on?"

Adam quickly filled him in and Steven couldn't help but be amazed by Adam's affinity with learning new languages. He knew Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean, American and Black American Sign Language, and could interpret braille and morse code. He had grown up with good intentioned parents that accidentally taught him so many languages so young that occasionally he'd slip into a completely different one altogether and have to be reminded that very few of them were bilingual, let alone multilingual.

Jacob had learned Spanish and ASL for moving to America, a dream since he'd been a little kid. Now they were having a completely different conversation that brought Jacob over with a pep to his step for a kiss and a whispered promise in his ear that made Adam grin. "Go on, now," Jacob finally said. "No worries, Connie. Adam was just telling me how sexy I am."

Connie lifted her head curiously, then surprised Steven. She signed back and both sprouted delighted expressions. Now Connie had an entire conversation as Steven set her down on the counter and got the water himself, then watched with intense interest. At one point Adam started signing a bit faster, his face turning concerned but Connie put out an arm and ran her right hand over it.

Adam nodded and signed slower, tipping his head before turning to Steven. "She thinks you're gonna think she's some damsel in distress and told me to remind you that she is in fact sword trained but can't fight a panic attack with a sword," He translated as she signed.

Steven smiled kindly. "I don't think you're a damsel, you're a smart woman who knows when she needs help."

Connie blushed a little and signed something that made both Adam and Jacob turn to each other and go, "Aw."

"What? What'd she say?" Steven pressed nervously. "I hope she didn't say something like, 'Gee I really do think he's a virgin, he's got bottom energy radiating off of him'."

Jacob showed that smirk with a net worth of 3.75 million dollars. "Maybe she did, maybe she didn't."

Connie shook her head at him and tried again with Adam, putting emphasis on the last part.

"She says she's really thankful for you," Adam groaned as his heart ached. "She says that while she did want to see you again, it was meant to be in a really pretty dress looking drop dead gorgeous."

Steven blurted, "She looks pretty right now! She looks drop dead gorgeous literally right now."

Jacob cackled when Connie rolled her eyes. "She called you a liar and said you lost good boy points, whatever that means."

Adam swiveled. "Ignorance is terrible on you," He teased, signing something that made Jacob's brows furrow even as his face turned beet red.

"There were so many terms and conditions to marrying you," He laughed, hopping to action to turn on the burner and grab ingredients.

Adam turned the stove back off. "Don't be a dangerous idiot. He's gonna make you a meal." Connie started to sign but he cut her off with a hand. "Nuh uh. I said Jacob's gonna make you a meal and that's what's happening. End of discussion."

Connie crossed her arms and huffed through her blush, prompting Steven to put an arm around her. "Sorry, Ni. Adam's kinda bossy." She pulled out her notes and typed, 'Are they in a dynamic cause I'm getting heavy kink vibes from these two.'

He loved how many questions this girl asked about the world around her. She wanted to understand everything, and while some might call it nosy, he thought it was sexy to no end. Steven nodded heartily in answer to her. "This house is... Well, Adam's a total nutcase."

Adam smiled proudly, then dropped it to his signature scowl. "Damn straight. Well... maybe not straight but something similar."

Jacob glanced back at him. "You're the reason the walls are soundproof."

"That's actually really false," Steven cut in with a grin. "You're the reason the walls are soundproof. Ask Trevor."

Connie beamed and tapped Steven's shoulder to show the next message, 'GAY KISS!'

He laughed joyously. "Starting to feel better?" She nodded and he held out his hand. "Creature comfort." Pleased that she took it, he turned to the men. "Hey Adam."

"Hey what?"

"Today is the first day in my five years of living here that I haven't seen you guys get carried away in front of people," He said as if he were shocked, which wasn't true because he'd definitely seen them kiss forty times in the last six hours alone with multiple audiences. The two couldn't keep their hands off of each other for more than 10 minutes to save their lives. "It's really hetero in here and I've got bad heterophobia so get to it."

Jacob turned the pan to a simmer, grabbed Adam by his hips and leaned in. "Can I have a kiss?"

"I suppose," Adam sighed, running his fingers through Jacob's hair. "If you really, truly want one I can–," He was cut off by Jacob shutting him up with a genuine growl that made Connie giggle a squeaky excited laugh. Their lips parted and tongues met before they truly did, a content and twin chuckle burning from them both as they intertwined. They just forgot about everything but each other so easily.

Steven choked on a laugh and sighed when Jacob quite literally slammed Adam against the fridge and reinstated the kiss while Adam wrapped both hands around his neck and squeezed. It was so gay and kinky Steven whipped out his phone. "We take a picture every time they kiss cause they're so damn photogenic and in love it makes their fans go nuts to see them together. They have a relationshiptok and Insta that's entirely just them being gay. People love that shit."

Connie took a deep breath and finally got something out. "I think I'm gonna like it here," She whispered to him as Jacob pulled away from a satisfied and clearly thrilled Adam despite his lack of a smile.

"I love you," Jacob told him achingly. "I really do."

"I know, Jack, you told me all about it earlier." Adam chuckled at Connie. "You should heard him telling Steven how much he loved me earlier. I came out to check on him and he wouldn't shut up about it. I think he's got some kind of gay crush on me or something. It was all 'Love at first sight' this and 'I've never felt like this about anyone' that."

Jacob grumbled, "About anything. Ever." He looked over his shoulder at Steven and Connie holding hands and nodded in appreciation. "It sneaks up on you. You don't have any dietary restrictions, right?"

She shook her head past a yawn. Steven patted her head. "That's the meds and mental strain taking full effect. You're gonna get sleepy fast. I'll take the couch in my living room and you can take the bed."

Connie opened her mouth to answer but rolled her eyes in frustration before singing to Adam. "She says her speech is in and out and she can take the couch, there's no way your big ass is sleeping on a couch."

He scoffed. "Connie, I'm serious. It's not an option."

Adam observed her hands. "She says yes it is, and she'll fight you on that."

"No the hell she won't," Steven denied strongly. "You are not sleeping on a fucking couch, it's improper for me to even entertain the idea when my bed cost more than my rent to live here and you're a princess." He grabbed her other hand and squeezed. "It's super soft, it has heating and cooling, my sheets are in the dryer and there's a big comfy down comforter with your name on it. You'll thank me when you pass out on a bed so big you have to uber to get to the other side."

She thought on that carefully, then pulled her hands away. Adam beamed at her (well, his definition of a beam). "Atta girl. She says you may as well grab an uber and sleep on the other side because you, and she signed this loudly, ARE NOT SLEEPING ON A COUCH IN YOUR OWN SPACE."

Steven's puppy dog energy roared to life but despite his joy at how kind she was, he decided they'd talk about it in private. "We'll see."

"Remember when we had this argument?" Jacob reminisced, leading to Adam wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his head on his back while he cooked. "You straight up told me to get my head out of my ass before you spanked it."

Adam nodded. "And look how nicely it worked out." He kissed Jacob's back and the Brit turned off the stove.

"I present to you my personal favorite sandwich to make, The Better Than Everyone Else's Hawaiian Sandwich; complete with slightly spiced pickled slaw Anna made, my secret Clown Sauce, chicken, and a homemade toasted brioche bun with lots of carbs to help replenish you after your panic attack." He handed her the plate with a flourish and patted Connie's head. "I take constructive criticism. Eat, as it's not an option not to."

Connie took a bite that made Steven want to ask her to marry him and chewed thoughtfully. She reeled back to stare at it and then proceeded to finish it in 30 seconds flat. "If you keep making me stuff like this I'll stop taking my medication."

They cheered and Adam slapped him on the back. "That's why I keep him around. When I'm depressed he becomes the most perfect little housewife."

"House malewife."

"Debatable, really, when you wear that apron that makes me wanna piss God off real bad." Adam pulled out a container of juice without a label. "And you'll need a bit of fruit juice to get your blood sugar back up, Jack here always has a drop in blood sugar afterwards so we keep it around."

Connie cringed. "I hate to sound like a bitch but I can't drink the sugary stuff, it goes straight to my ass." She immediately slammed a hand over her mouth. "I'm just gonna stop talking again."

The three men giggled and Jacob handed her a cup. "It's actual juice, I make it myself."

Steven watched as she took a sip, then a longer one. "Why aren't you a cook?"

"I'm the house cook, along with Anna," He assured her with a puff of his chest. "Anna makes sure I don't burn down the kitchen when Adam comes around and then makes the best sides and desserts the world has ever seen. I'm more of an entree guy."

"Wait," Steven interrupted as a rousing realization hit him ten minutes too late. "Does that mean you can interpret their sign language when they're being gay?"

Connie nodded. "Yep, though earlier they were saying some stuff that would give a priest a stroke." She sipped at her drink again as they laughed. "Something about... 'Act right or I'll bend you over the counter in front of them both'?"

Jacob snorted. "Guess I'll have to say it out loud then."

Adam hummed and found his way into Jacob's arms. They wrapped around him and they stayed like that, suddenly quiet, Jacob's head resting on Adam's.

"You guys are so gay it's ridiculous," Steven scoffed with a grin. "Come on, Connie. They'll turn you gay too and that would suck so much."

She slid off the counter carefully and tested her legs. "I can walk but that's a no on stairs. Guess I'll have to sleep on the couch down here." Her eyes shut for a long moment. "I can sleep right here actually..."

Steven rolled his eyes and threw her over his shoulder. "You guys good? Need anything?"

Connie giggled. "We're so high off the ground."

Jacob shook his head. "We'll be a bit, it's really only midnight." He turned Adam around and cupped his cheeks. "Wanna go stargazing?"

"Let's. Sleep tight, Connie. And don't worry, Stevens so much of a gentleman it'll piss you off."

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