Chapter 10

Jacob had originally snuck down to the kitchen deciding that while he wanted to blow Adam away with his cooking skills once again, he also was very hungry and would rather not fantasize about eating the nearest person.

As it turned out, Adam was already there while the rest of the house stared at him in complete silence while he cooked.

Adam wore black. That was just what he did, he was goth or alternative, edging on punk sometimes. It fit him well: he liked to brood, he preferred screamo to pop, and he had morbid fascinations paired with perverse kinks.

Connie leaned against Steven with his arm around her sporting a twin expression of shock, bafflement, and awe.

Alex snapped away on his camera and stared at every photo in amazement before he'd dip to take another.

Hazel and Trevor had both Anna and Jasmin on their shoulders, probably to get a better view when both were little comparatively.

And there his husband was, making his mouth dry and his body burst into flames just by wearing a periwinkle sweater with a white collar tucked into dark jeans. It wasn't like he hadn't accessorized, but the color was so surprising that he couldn't even begin to focus on anything else. Smooth, creamy skin and that dazzling shade of purple/blue clashing with his dark hair that he was periodically flicking out of his face made Jacob dizzy. It must be getting a bit long for him, he'd have to trim it when he picked his jaw up off the floor. "You're so beautiful..."

The man turned and smiled big, another pleasant out of the ordinary kind of behavior. "Good morning, Mine."

It was like seeing him in his wedding tux again. He was so fucking gorgeous Jacob just stood there shyly until Adam walked up to him. "You're so out of my league. What am I to do with you?"

Adam chuckled. "Do you like?" Before Jacob could answer he pushed his hair out of his eyes.

The colors matched perfectly. Adam had found something the exact shade his phenomenal eyes were.

Jacob blinked rapidly, finding his head hurt and he was staring at the ceiling. Connie was checking his pulse with a sugary sweet giggle. "Are you okay?"

"My head smarts. What happened?" He searched for his lover only to find him on his hands and knees laughing so hard he was practically wheezing. "Oh stars. I passed out."

Adam looked up and crawled over to sit on top of him sideways. "I knew I'd get a rise out of you, but that was a little dramatic, babe." He dug into one of the hundreds of pockets on his person and pulled out a skull hair clip to tie his hair back. "It's getting too long and it's driving me nuts. Have fun seeing my eyes in full view all day."

Jacob groaned from the pit of his stomach as another wave of dizziness hit him. His hair was as untamable as he, some strands of baby hair went back to frame his face. "How long was I out?"

"Like probably five seconds," Steven chuckled. "I have never seen you blush this hard." Then to Connie, "It's really easy to make him blush. He goes beet red every time, but not that fast or that deep of a red. Usually it's less concerning and just very cute."

Rolling his eyes, he grabbed Adam's hand and kissed it, skirting the floor with his gaze because he could not bear to look. "Fuck. Changing my status to gay literally right now. I could never love a woman the way I love you."

Adam was speechless. They shared a quick moment and gazed into each other's eyes, Adam swiping his thumb over Jacob's fingers.

Hazel clutched at his heart. "Aw! That was so sweet!"

"Get off the floor, Juliet," Trevor mumbled to hearty laughter and applause.

Adam hoisted Jacob up and glanced around as people dispersed before burying his head in his chest. "Do you really like it? Wearing colors fucks with my sensory a little... but I wanted to surprise you."

Jacob's lips twitched upward as he rained kisses on his head. "I feel like I couldn't have been more clear about just how much I love it."

He shrugged, still clinging. "You could've exploded."

Laughing, the Brit nodded. "I'll keep that in mind for next time. Is it bothering you a lot? Do you wanna go change?"

He shook his head quickly. "I just wanna be loved on a little. It'll help. For science."

So Jacob let his obsession out to play, just a bit. He was all over Adam in front of whomever happened to be nearby: a kiss to the cheek here, a full on bite of his neck there because he wanted people to know he was his no matter how drop dead sexy he looked, and holding his hand a good 97% of the day. He couldn't help it, and Adam was soaking it up like Jesus himself had descended to tell him he looked like a five course meal and a goodie bag.

Minor jealousy raced through him sometimes, it was natural as long as it didn't get out of control. His therapist was constantly reminding him Adam wanted nothing else than what he had, and it was unlikely for him to change his mind. Even still, he pulled Adam away from a conversation to bury his head in his neck. "I'm so sorry."

Adam hummed and held his face, but didn't pull him back. "Why?" He had that knowing tone that meant he knew why, but was going to make him say it.

Jacob wanted to die or have a stroke so he'd lose that part of his mind forever but instead he stared behind him. "I'm jealous. Really, really jealous."

"Why?" He teased.

Pouting, he sighed and shrugged miserably. "I haven't the faintest clue, mate. I don't even have a specific person I'm jealous of. Just like," He gestured broadly. "The world. You're so talented and handsome and I feel like I can't do enough to make you stay sometimes. And then I feel guilty for having the need to make you stay." He sighed as an embarrassed flush rose. "I feel like an asshole."

Adam studied him carefully. "Right." He pulled out his phone and held it up. "Hm, turn about 30 degrees to the right." The second he did Jacob realized he was on an Instagram live. "I just have the sudden and random need to make it very apparent that there's nothing anyone could do to stop me from loving you. I'd commit gay crimes and be sent to gay death row from the gay things I'd do to keep you as mine."

Jacob grinned widely and tried to turn away to hide it but Adam reached up to grab his chin. "Why do you have to Dom me on live? It's mean."

Adam let go and grabbed his left hand. "This ring means we're permanent." His eyes raced over the comments and he beamed. "Oh, yeah I'm wearing periwinkle and have my hair up today cause it's getting too long. I look like a baby Jacob."

"Whoa, don't come after baby Jacob," The older version exclaimed. "You taught me to have style, but I still looked good."

His husband giggled. "Someone mentioned you're looking like a big me today. The black." Eyes found his and he rolled his eyes dramatically. "Truth be told, I'm absolutely crazy for it but everything I wanna do about it is rated X."

"It wasn't on purpose but thank you." Jacob kissed his cheek and then his neck. "Let's just do rated X things now. Fuck the internet, I need attention. Your attention."

Adam moved the camera out of his reach. "Nope, now we have to do a proper live. We have nearly a thousand watchers already, no way I'm just ending it now." He went to flick his hair out of his face and groaned in annoyance when he realized he hadn't needed to. "Jesus Christ."

There was something about a freckled British man and a pale goth man being madly in love people fed on. He guessed it was the mismatched aesthetic. Propping the phone up and sitting on the couch in front of the stand, they interacted freely with their fans and answered as many questions as possible. Bigots rarely commented before followers took care of it with reporting so much the account was usually taken down or banned. Alex glanced over and shot them a thumbs up, signaling he was logged in to ban as needed.

Jacob tried to pull Adam onto his lap but was uno reversed into snuggling up to Adam on his lap. "Damn it, Adam. Everyone already thinks I bottom for you. You're gonna give them content to ramble about for days."

"You do bottom for me," Adam laughed. "People love to see your gay life outside of comedy. Everyone's pissed you're spoken for by a guy."

A comment popped up: Damn straight! It's not fair! Can't you share him just a little?

Adam's smile dropped a little. "No."

Jacob sat up and squished his cheeks to a warning grumble he ignored. "Why'd you have to look so sexy when you said that? What's that about?"

Another commenter hopped on that: Actually, there's plenty of people myself included who would be happy to turn Adam straight. I can feed him cheerios in my basement.

Jacob frowned but Adam giggled. "That's metal, I love it."

"I don't!" Jacob protested with a small whine. "You're mine! That's what this whole stream is about, innit?"

Nodding slowly, the goth grew a salacious and mischievous smirk. "You know guys, the craziest thing happened today." He raised his eyes and found Steven and Connie. "Hey, newlyweds!"

They stopped talking and turned immediately. The two just answered to it now, it was awesome. Steven raised an eyebrow and silently pointed to Adam's phone. He nodded and Steven murmured to Connie for a split second before she gasped excitedly. "YES! But only for a little, it's courteous."

Steven placed his hands on her hips and swayed. "I love it when you talk dirty to me about manners, Ni. You're so pretty."

Adam and Jacob belly laughed as the comment section blew up asking the same question to an extent: IS THAT STEVEN TALKING TO A GIRL???

Steven and Connie joined and she pleasantly sat beside him, glancing at the camera nervously. He scoffed and pulled her onto his lap. "Stop that. No one cares and you look so sad not sitting here. Now you're blushing and smiley."

She giggled and pushed his wandering lips off her. "Steven, this isn't a straight stream!"

Jacob skimmed a comment. "Oh, shit. Trevor forgot to add to the TokTok channel we added ConnieLikesSwords to our house. He's gonna be grumpy now."

"Are Steven and ConnieDoesSwords finally DATING??!!"

"is that what all their toktoks are leading up to cause we've been saying they should for forever!"

Adam pointed the opposite direction to alert Steven and Connie to a butterfly that wasn't there before he and Jacob nodded quickly. "No yet, but come on. It's obvious."

Steven's head whipped back to glare at Adam. "You cocksucker. There's nothing there."

"That's my name, don't wear it out." Adam introduced them both and Connie waved bashfully as commenters welcomed and gushed over her.

Steven grinned. "See? Everyone is more than happy you're here."

She shook her head as if she were mystified. "That's never going to not be absolutely shocking to me."

Adam cleared his throat and gave Jacob a hand signal that immediately pissed him off. Pleased that he would obey, Adam turned to Steven and Connie. "I need you guys to back me up on something. Jacob will stay silent."

Connie giggled and glanced up at him. "He seems pouty. Is this cause he passed out this morning looking at how hot you are or...?"

Steven gasped excitedly. "Oh, it was so gay I wish you guys could have seen it!" His cheeks filled with a happy color and he and Connie shared a smile like proud parents. "Jacob just crumpled to the floor when Adam pushed all that hair out of his face."

Adam tapped Jacob's hip and he groaned into his hands. "I can't help it. Don't you guys see how fine he is?? It's not fair."

They chatted animatedly and Jacob watched Adam become more comfortable. A hand settled on his waist while he joked and smiled, and Jacob wanted to burst into flames. How did he get so lucky?

"How long have you guys had your page for?" Connie asked suddenly, scrolling through the pictures on her phone. "You go way back."

Jacob pushed his primal thoughts aside and shrugged. "Dunno, like a couple years maybe? Ask me again on our anniversary. That's the day I just so happen to know." He giggled and shook his head. "I just wake up and I know."

Adam snorted and pressed a deliberate two fingers on his upper middle thigh. "If I asked you right now when we got together—,"

"August 25th, 2021. 6:39pm is when you asked if I was ever going to make it official and at 6:41 after a moment of sheer joy I did right then," Jacob recited as he scanned the patio. Adam continued the pressure. "We got engaged on April 1st because I'm a goofball at 7:30 exactly. It just so happened to be during a show that day. Our wedding started at 3:00 on June 11th and we were officially married at 3:44." He seemed to snap out of it and stared at Adam, who had a proud look in his eye. "Did you hypnotize me and plant that?!"

Adam nodded. "Yep. It's very easy when you're already under my influence." He turned to Connie. "Guess his GPA."

She studied him. "120 even. He seems pretty smart."

Steven broke into a giggle. "Higher Connie. Think Jeffrey Dahmer."

"Oh, I hate that comparison with every iota of my being," Jacob lamented with a woeful smile. "If I wanted Adam for meat I'd have just done it already."

Adam murmured something in his ear and glanced at the camera before digging his fingers into his side hungrily. Jacob sighed wantonly and heartily agreed. "Yeah, no you're totally right. I digress."

Connie hummed. "I guess I didn't know he was that smart for a serial. 130?"

Jacob, happy to distract from his growing need to drag Adam away from the camera so they wouldn't get banned, smiled at her. "It doesn't matter. IQ tests are ridiculous, they don't measure all means of intelligence and often the results are different depending on where you get it sourced from. They're also ableist." He pushed his hair away from his face and frowned. "Some tests say 130 is average, some say 120 is average. And I still haven't transferred my score to the American system, it could go up or down. A 145 IQ is technically on the border of gifted and brilliant, so I'm not really sure why Americans are obsessed with measuring school smarts when you guys need to be a lot more focused on your political agendas and the people in office." He blinked and realized Connie was staring at him with starry eyes. "You okay?"

"Oh my stars I love politics!" She cried joyously. "Everyone loathes talking about it but it's so important and not just politics from your country of residence but everywhere. We have our noses in everyone else's asses but we can't be bothered to actually educate ourselves on why and with whom."

Jacob nodded his appreciation. "Smart girl. Understanding politics raises your IQ..." He looked uncomfortable suddenly, and he felt Adam watch carefully as the life seeped out of him. "Ugh."

Steven patted his shoulder. "I ripped one earlier and it was so awesome I wished you were there."

Jacob burst out laughing. "And why pray tell would you sully your good name for me?"

He glanced at Connie awkwardly. "Cause I know being smart means you also understand life is endlessly terrible, and fart jokes make you happy."

"That's gross, by the way," Connie commented through a giggle.

Steven scoffed and rolled his eyes, tickling at her side. "Everyone farts. It's the epitome of life and I don't know why Earth girls are like that."

"I don't know actually. Maybe it's the years of being indoctrinated into a world that teaches us that our anatomy is something to be ashamed of," She mused deadpanly.

The giant grew a flirty smile. "I mean, from what I know personally you have zero things to be ashamed about anatomy wise."

She gasped playfully as if she were embarrassed. "Steven! Your manners!"

"You keep saying that and you know it turns me on," He protested as they exchanged a quick nuzzle and she let her head fall to his shoulder to hide her blush. "Sweet girl."

Adam tossed a look to the camera and patted over his heart. "You guys are so fucking cute. Knock it off."

Connie rose to smirk at him before she brought Steven in for an impromptu kiss that deepened almost immediately.

Jacob pretended to gag and made a cross with his fingers. "Gross! Gross! Being straight in front of gay people is a hate crime in this state, you little hetero freaks."

Connie pulled away for air and to gaze into Steven's eyes. "Steven's actually a total freak. I love it."

He groaned as a blush forced its way to the surface. "Dammit. I was just about to brag to Adam that I was getting good at not blushing every time you smiled at me but fuck me I guess."

"That can be arranged!" They chorused to his horror and absolute joy.

"You say that like you're not a freak yourself," He mumbled into her ear. He then cleared his throat and pointed to Jacob and Adam. "Now kiss."

Adam huffed and looked to the side to hide his face. "That's not how it works."

Jacob grinned at them. "He gets shy sometimes but watch this." He slid off his lap and onto the ground in front of him to flash his puppy dog eyes. "Daddy, may I have a kiss?"

Adam stared at him for so long he almost thought he'd deny him for fun, but then he pretended to strangle him. "You manipulative little slut. Come here."

Connie cheered at their kiss only to be nuzzled into another with Steven. "I just wanted them distracted so I could remind you that tonight we have a sleepover."

When Adam pulled away Jacob was practically limp with that lovesick grin. He had to regain composure so he skimmed the cheerful comments asking tons of questions he couldn't focus enough to answer, but one caught his eye and he laughed as he read it aloud. "Hold on now, our title for gayest couple is slipping away. 'I really hope this isn't anti-gay so stop me if I'm wrong but Steven and ConnieDoesSwords together have MAJOR gay energy and I'm living for it!'"

Steven tipped his head. "I'm pansexual, heavily leaning on gay as a crutch, straight for the right person."

Connie beamed. "Girls are pretty. Guys are... there, I guess. I prefer gender non-conforming individuals myself."

"I like little bedroom authoritarians who squeal when they get used like a toy," Jacob proclaimed to a glower from Adam. "Goth boys are a top of the line market and there are people who would unalive me to have Adam."

He couldn't be one upped, so Adam came out heavy. "I like freckled cutie pies who deny being Littles, but will drop their knees and beg exactly how I've taught them to. Like just now for example." He chuckled at Jacob's caught expression. "He'll cry for it if it's required too. It's adorable."

"Stars and Diamonds, it got really gay and kinky out here all of a sudden," Steven mumbled, tugging at his shirt like he was sweating. "Please don't turn my Connie gay."

She poked his chest to gain his attention. "Your Connie?"

He tried to scramble for a backpedal but they teased him until he was so embarrassed he started to glow and hugged Connie into his chest. "If she'd have me I wouldn't be complaining."

"100% down with that," Connie murmured into his chest. "Now we're dating. Fucking finally. It's been two months."

Steven sucked in a breath. "Holy shit, really?!"

"Uh huh." He choked up and kissed the top of her head to keep her from looking up at him. "Are you crying? You're so sweet, lemme see!"

He cleared his throat. "I'm not crying at all. I'm being very manly about my feelings and thinking about trucks and sex."

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