[4] Attacked [Part 2]

A ball of flame struck the railing of the Crooked Trout and cracked it into pieces. It sent the ship rocking and set fire to the archers and the ship itself. Screams came from the archers as they dove into the water to douse their flaming hair and skin.

"Kayla!" hailed Wess. He plowed a long dagger into the belly of a pirate as he dodged and spun. His spinning was put to a hold as he witnessed a thin cutlass come in a flurry of quick slashes at him. He dodged and parried with his two daggers, but the savvy wielder, an angry young human, cut him several times destroying his black tunic. The slashes in his shirt exposed the hundreds of small scars on his arms and chest as well as his many magical tattoos. Blood ran from three light cuts to his arms and chest. His small, lean muscles rippled with eager tension.

"Now I need a new tunic," Wess mused to himself. He dashed into his opponent's guard with a feint, and then pressed with a whirlwind attack at the pirate's lead leg. His daggers sliced to bone and then he finished his opponent off sending the point of Ravenwing into his heart. The pirate was a worthy opponent, but fell dead. The assassin spun his blades in his hands eager for more pirates to kill.

Haygen's eyes were bloodshot with battle lust the longer he fought the pirate crew. With five enemy left, four of them jumped over the edge of the burning rail, but the last one made a dash for the cargo hold.

Otis and Brayla still battled, but it was a losing one for the pirate captain as Otis disarmed him, then smashed the handle of his weapon across his forehead. "I was trying not to kill him, but he wasn't making it easy on me, the devil."

"Don't celebrate too soon," Haygen pointed to the fire on the deck. "The fire is growing."

"There was a man who ran down to the cargo hold," Otis recalled.

Haygen had thoughts of just letting the man burn, but that was no way for any man to die. "I'll get him. You two go help Kayla."

Otis and Wess nodded in agreement and slid down the Dwarf's rope to the dingy and began rowing back to their ship.

The Barbarian dashed to the cargo hold door in the floor of the deck. The man had left it open and Haygen dropped down into the lower deck with a thud ready to drag the human kicking and screaming if needed. It was difficult to see below deck, but they eyes of his orc father allowed him to see in the darkness. There, he saw rows of men, women and children chained to round eyelets in the floor. The man had a hammer and he was trying to break the locks.

"Help me!" Pleaded the man. "Before the ship burns us all!"

"Where's the key?" screamed Haygen.

"If I had it, I'd be using it wouldn't I?"

"Please help us!" a man in the corner yelled. "Help my children!"

Haygen was overwrought with grief at the sight of the slaves, but he knew he wouldn't have a chance to deal with the pirates if he didn't get these prisoners and himself out before the boat either burned or sank. The barbarian frantically chopped at the chains wherever he saw them. The magic ax cut through the heavy links like they were loaves of bread. After the last row of slaves he came upon a cage that was only waist high and barely wide enough for a man. Inside was a figure that he could barely make out. Finally, his keen eyes found the padlock.

"Get back!" Haygen warned.

"Save yourself, warrior!" came a voice from the cage—a woman's voice, with a heavy eastern accent. "Get them out!"

"No time to argue!" With that, the Barbarian hefted his ax high and split the lock in two. He swung open the cage. "Let's go."

The woman, scantily clad in dingy white fur slid to the front of the cage, but was so weak she could barely move.

Haygen lifted her gently to his shoulder. "I've got you." The giant half-orc was barely encumbered by her weight and he rushed the remaining prisoners up the ladders, and out of the cargo hold. Haygen was the last one out and he bypassed the ladder up and merely grabbed the edge of the opening and swung himself to the deck. The woman on his shoulder grunted as they landed.

"Get to the lifeboats!" someone shouted. The lifeboats were all taken and the people were now jumping over the sides to avoid the fire.

Haygen peeked over the side at the open sea, looked again for a lifeboat, looked at the flames coming his way, then looked over the side again. "Hang on," he told the woman over his shoulder. "Deep breath."

"Oh gods," she whispered.

The Barbarian kicked a large wooden crate over the side, moved over, then held the woman over the side. "In ya go." He let her go and she let out a slight whimper just as she felt herself falling. As she fell, she straightened herself feet first and hit the water without a splash, disappearing into the depths of the sea. Haygen moved sideways again so he wouldn't land on the crate, or the woman, took a deep breath.  With a last look back at the fire, he decided drowning was in fact better than being burned alive.  He slung Icefang onto his back and leaped over the side with a yowl.

The Barbarian flailed his arms and feet until he finally hit the water with a sounding crack. He paddled his arms and kicked his feet to imitate what he thought was swimming. Instead of rising, though, he was neither sinking, nor floating. He felt a something grab his hair and pull his head above the water's surface.

The woman was holding on to the ropes wrapped about the floating crate and struggled to lift him up. "Grab on!" she screamed. With all her will, she tried to move the barbarian. "Kick those feet...you big oaf!"

Haygen did as he was told and kicked his feet, but his armor, though leather, made it difficult. Finally, he made his way to the crate and grabbed on. The woman let go of his hair.

The Half-orc held his breath and had a death grip on the crate, his eyes squeezed tight. He managed to force out a few words. "Friends...must help...my friends..."

The woman spoke to him sternly, but calmly. Her northern accent thick, and her grasp of the common tongue was slightly broken. "Give me your name"

"Hay...gen." He sputtered.

"Hay-gen. Look at me, Hay-gen. Open your eyes and look into mine."

The Half-orc did as he was told and looked at the woman. Her eyes were crystal blue like he always thought the sea should be.  Her hair was wild and blonde, and the waves were cleaning what looked like months of dirt from it. Her face was lightly speckled from the sun, and a bit emaciated from lack of food. Her lips went from concerned to a weak smile that comforted him.

"There now," she said. "Just look at me and breathe."

The Barbarian inhaled and exhaled with her for a few moments and stared into the woman's eyes. His muscles relaxed and he was at ease.

"Where are your friends?" she asked.

Haygen kept looking at her and pointed to the other boat.

"Alright, Hay-gen. Hold on to the crate and start kicking like this." She held two fingers straight out and wiggled them back and forth.

He nodded started slowly kicking his feet. The woman seemed to have a bit of energy.  Ice cold water and freedom always woke one up.  The crate started to move through the water at a steady pace. 

"Who are you?" asked Haygen.

"I am Anyu...of the Tushkar tribe," she said.

"Anyu," Haygen echoed. "Thank you, Anyu. I, well, I have a hard time swimming. In deep water, that is."

Anyu smiled at the proud warrior. "You give thanks, yet you save me first. I am in your debt, Hay-gen. I am glad to finally be free.  Though I may yet meet death from what I see around me."

Haygen's eyes widened then he looked away from her. "You will not die while I still breathe."

Anyu gripped the ropes on the crate a bit tighter and started kicking with even more effort. "I think you mean what you say." She smiled, but didn't show him.


Otis and Wesley reached the Lady, worked their way to the main deck and joined the crowded battle around Kayla and Zahdu. Captain Zahdu swung his harpoon with precision being wary of striking his own crew in this crowded battlefield.

The wizard had cast her stone armor protection spell, but was having difficulty with the close combat spell casting. She shifted to casting with a single hand, and using her dagger for those who entered her personal space. The pirates were slowly closing in on her.

Otis worked his way in front of Kayla to give her some breathing room and swung his warhammer in wide arcs to his left and right to clear space.

Wess started in close to her in a circle, then methodically started to spiral outward carefully cutting and stabbing only who he thought were pirates. The problem was he couldn't really let go and attack everyone, needing to pick and choose his targets took precious time and drew attackers from all angles. He found it best if he kept moving and spiraling outward to prevent getting attacked from behind.


Eventually Haygen and Anyu reached the Lady and Haygen gripped one of the many lifelines draping over the side of the boat at the bow of the ship.  

Haygen motioned to Anyu with a jerking thumb. "Climb on my back. Be careful of the ax."

Anyu could not wrap her hands around the warrior, but slipped her hands around the straps of the ax sheath and perched her feet on his wide leather belt.

"Hang on and be ready at the top, they are still fighting."

Anyu gave him two slaps on the shoulder. "I'm am ready for battle!" 

Haygen climbed the rope hand over hand as smooth as he could while trying not to jostle his passenger loose. Once atop the bow, he made his way along the decorative woodwork until he stood on the forecastle deck where he knelt and allowed Anyu to climb down.

"Follow me," said Haygen as he drew Icefang. 

They made their way across the forecastle deck, down the stairs and to the officer's cabins.  He opened his cabin door and led her inside. "You'll be safe in here."

"What? No, Hay-gen. I fight! Give me a bow." She stood as tall as she could and lifted her chin with pride.  She stared up at the half orc waiting for his answer.

Haygen shook his head and smiled. She mirrored his grin with her own adding a raised eyebrow.

"You're really not going to take no for an answer," said Haygen.

"I am warrior. I die with a weapon in my hand."

Haygen gave her a slow knowing nod. "Very well. Your destiny is your own. The armory is down the hall to the left. I will watch for the enemy as you ready yourself.  Hurry!" He gave Icefang a quick spin and turned to guard the doorway as the battle raged on the main deck.

He watched her run. Her emaciated body should barely be walking and there she was, her wild blond hair bounced with each step. Her fur coverings now a bit lighter from the seawater.

In a moment she returned with a longbow and a quiver of arrows across her back. "I go up!"

Haygen answered with a readied battle cry and headed out of the entryway into the fray again.

Anyu used the distraction and ran quickly as she could to the top of the forecastle deck. She pulled an arrow from the quiver, nocked it, and drew it back. She struggled to hold the bow drawn as she was so weak, but she quickly found a target and let go the arrow. The arrow flew through the air and found its mark, the back of a pirate that was attacking the half orc.

Haygen saw the arrow punch home and raised his ax to Anyu. "Well placed!" He fought on making his way to his friends.

Anyu barely heard his words. She was focused now. The battle called to her and she had answered. She fired arrow after arrow hitting her mark each and every time until the battle was over.

Captain Zahdu, seeing the battle was winding down, raced to the top of the aftcastle deck and his voice boomed to the remaining fighters below him.

"We have beaten you!" cried Zahdu. "Lay down your arms and no further harm will come to you. A fair trial will be awarded to you which is more than you deserve."

The remaining pirates relinquished their swords and hands raised in surrender.

The battle was over and guards took the pirates to the jail below deck. The rescued prisoners were helped aboard where they were given shelter and aid.  

Kayla tried to compose herself. The smell of the gore and seawater wafted in the air and made her world spin. She found it difficult to stand, let alone walk along the wet deck. Bodies of the crew and bodies of the pirates had spilled much unnecessary blood. Such a waste, she thought. She looked about the deck to see where her friends were. Wess was walking about, shirtless, making sure the dead were dead. Otis stepped towards her. He was saying something, but Kayla couldn't make out his words. He tried to talk to her again, but she heard nothing only ringing in her ears. He took her hand and led her across the deck to the forecastle and finally her cabin. He removed her damp emerald robes and laid her down to rest.  She collapsed into sleep within seconds.  "Rest now, Kayla," said Otis covering her with a blanket.

Meanwhile, Haygen went to the forecastle deck to compliment Anyu on her archery, and there he found her passed out still with a crushing grip around her bow. Fear struck him and he scooped her up. "Otis! Otis come quick!" Haygen carefully carried her to his cabin and laid her on his small bed.

The dwarf ducked his head into his cabin. "I'm here, Haygen. Are you injured?"

"This woman," said the barbarian. "I fear she is lost to us." The big half-orc gave her a gentle shake. "Anyu. Anyu wake up."

Otis felt her wrist and listened at her mouth. "She is alive, though her heart is weak." He waved Haygen out the door. "Go, bring us some clean water and another blanket."

"Right," said Haygen and headed out the door. A look of despair masked his face.
"And some food!" Otis shouted after him. "This poor girl hasn't eaten for weeks. "My, my," said the dwarf as he lifted her eyelids with a gentle thumb. "You've sure been in a heap, haven't you my dear?"

Haygen moved across the deck to the kitchen. A large pot sat crooked on the stove. He lifted the lid and smelled fish, and it didn't smell spoiled, so he made a bowl of the stew for Anyu. Nearby were barrels of clean water and he filled a metal cup, drank it down quickly, and then filled it again. He returned to his cabin to find that Otis placed a pillow under the blonde woman's head and covered her with his blanket. He stretched out the bowl and cup to Otis.

Otis shook his head. "I need to help the rest of the crew and the survivors from the other boat, Haygen. You will need to look after her."

"But what of Kayla?" asked the barbarian.

"She's fine," the dwarf reassured him with a smile. "Just tired."


"Wesley needs some stitching." Otis shook his head. "That's where I'm headed. He won't leave Kayla's side." He stood from the bedside and moved around the large half orc in the tiny cabin and squeezed out the doorway. "How I wish I had the powers vested upon me by Panadae...just for today." His words were forced from his mouth and were painful. The day his god was killed he lost his powers to heal. Now he was reduced to merely a combat medic with a steady hand and a soothing voice.

The healer found the assassin sitting at the end of the hall near the wizard's door. His back against the wall and streamed down his chest and breeches and soaked into the wooden floor. He'd torn a strip of his tunic and wrapped it about his right bicep and stomach. The smell of sweat and blood and death was about him. His young eyes stared a thousand miles away.

"I hope that strip of cloth isn't holding your guts in, Wesley."

"I'm fine, Otis. I could use an ale though." The faeling forced a weak smile and wiped the sweat from his brow. He spread his arms exposing his many wounds. "I'm thinking a dark, dwarven ale." He winced as he spoke. "Can you scrounge one up for me?"

"I'll see what I can do, young one. What happened?"

"Bit of a fighter he was. Caught me flatfooted."

"Happens to the best of us." He handed Wess a small glass vial. "Drink this down now."

Wess did as he was told and drank down the liquid. It was some of Kayla's tea she liked to brew up, but it was cold and at the moment tasted worldly. Otis already had his black thread and hooked needle going. 

A/N This chapter is dedicated to VKBloodgood!
Just wondering what you guys thought of Anyu?  I wrote an earlier story about her in my Random Awesomeness book a while back and she's a character I've had in my mind for many years.  Feel free to read that story if you'd like a little backstory on her.  I have another short story about her as well that is not published, but I'm thinking of rehashing once the full Hollow Grove story is out.

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