The crew of the Shady Lady—eighty-six able men and women—gathered efficiently to the main deck and faced the large round wooden helm atop the poop deck.
A wide set, dark-skinned man leaned on the helm wheel. A native of the eastern isle of Hinghis, he held faithful to the garb of his tribal people by wearing many beads, bones and feathers around his neck and wrists. He had leather sandals strapped to his feet and short trousers stretched around the muscles of his legs. He wore no shirt, which exposed his many tattoos, brands, and battle scars. His long, dark hair was held back in a ponytail. In his free hand, he gripped a jagged harpoon.
"I am Captain Zahdu," said the man to the crew. His voice rang loud and clear and deep as if he spoke into a big barrel. The captain worked for years to remove all trace of his Hinghi accent so that his orders were understood with absolute certainty to the common sailor, but still a bit remained. "For you new folk, aye, welcome to my little boat."
The captain smiled and began pacing the width of the deck. "Do not worry, my Heesh, I will not subject you to my...special diet." The captain laughed and a majority of the crew laughed along. The companions would find out later that people of the Hinghi island tribes were, in fact, cannibals. "Now, we have set an eastern course to Port Barris. We are expected to dock within thirty-one moons. I expect us to make it in twenty-eight. We carry supplies for forty-five."
The crew nodded and muttered their agreement with this.
"Now," continued Zahdu, "if we are to come upon the Bad-Bad, ya know my Heesh, we will fight and fight well, for that is our way and the way of the Black Ocean." The captain paused and looked through faces of the crew below. "We have a magi-shan again on the boat. Respect to the silver-haired Sea Witch, my Heesh." He nodded to Kayla. "Madame Windshaper will help protect us from the Bad-Bad."
The crew all looked to Kayla trying her best to blend in and her blending turned into a spotlight. They smiled at her and a low muttering of approval grew.
"Any of my new Heesh who disrespects the magi-shan on my boat, well..." the captain took a good look at his harpoon that was well worn and had seen many battles. "I will not offer them Little Bungo. Ha ha, no. They may find themselves left alone on a Hinghi island in the middle of the big Black. You will end up on someone's dinner plate"
The regular crew laughed at that knowing that no harm would come to Kayla. The new crew seemed to get the message. It made strategic sense to know who the crew's Wizard was so they had free reign to move from bow to stern, or port to starboard sides during a fight. A good crew would have two to four wizards, but they were expensive to hire and most wizards didn't want to be stuck on a boat long term. Normally, one would be traveling to an exotic locale just as Kayla was. Pirates and buccaneers normally employed a Wizard or two, but again, for limited time as the ocean held many dangers and was far too risky an occupation for any normal Wizard with even average sensibility.
"Mister Becket!" cried the captain.
"Aye Captain!" Beckett responded. He was planted at the rear of the crew making sure they were paying attention.
"Are we ready to cast off?"
"Crew accounted for. Cargo accounted for. Ready when you are, captain."
"Let us be on our way then. Hoist sails." Zahdu relieved the helmsman and grasped the large wheel that steered the keel of the ship. "I will take us out."
"As you wish, Captain." Beckett turned to the crew. "Alright you mangy sea dogs! Stations! All of you! Stand by to set sail!"
The crew all scattered leaving the four friends standing wide eyed and confused.
Beckett shook his head. "Mister Wesley." He pointed to the assassin. "Get up aloft that main mast ladder and help untie that main topsail."
Wesley darted off and climbed up the rope ladder of the center mast. He made steady pace up to the top mainsail and made his way across the horizontal 'yard' that the sail hung from, but now, was tied up to. There was another sailor on the same yard on the other side of the mast untying that side.
Beckett then turned to Haygen, Kayla and Otis. "You three, to the main lines." He pointed to a set of ropes near the main center mast that attached to the corner of the sail. "Pull when I say."
The three did as instructed and grabbed the ropes and readied themselves alongside many other sailors.
All of the sails were now untied from their respective yards at each of the three masts.
Beckett shouted out more commands. "Let fall lower mainsails. Let fall upper mainsails."
Wess, hanging from the yard with one hand and clutching his portion of the sail with his other hand.
The sailor next to him yelled, "let go of your part of the sail, mate!"
Wess did, and in unison all the scarlet sails of the Shady Lady unfurled about halfway down.
"Head back down now!" the sailor sang out with a grin. "Time to do some yankin'."
Wesley shimmied his way across the wooden yard to the mast, then followed the other young sailor who slid down a spare line which seemed a lot faster than climbing all the way back down the main ladder. As he slid down, he let the salty wind hit his face and he felt like a real sailor. He landed squarely on the deck and dashed over to where his three companions were.
"Heave those mainlines ya pack o' wild sea wolves!" Beckett commanded. "There we go!"
Everyone began to pull their respective ropes with many sailors on a single rope to ease the effort. Down, down, down, came the scarlet sails that bellowed in the wind, but were soon pulled taught by the heavy gusts.
"Anchor that line to the cleat, Mister Haygen," said Beckett. "Tie her down like this." The man expertly wrapped the rope around the "T" shaped cleat that was bolted to the and soon it was secure. Haygen echoed his movements and found it was a rather simple maneuver once he got the hang of the directions to fold the weathered rope.
Beckett inspected all cleats along the main deck and poop deck that held. "Well done, lads and lasses!" The first mate yelled with approval to the crew. He turned to the captain and coned his hands to his mouth. "Your ship, captain!"
Captain Zahdu smiled a yellow-toothed grin. "Well done, my Heesh! Let's make way to Port Barriss!"
Haygen nodded in approval at their accomplishment of their first sailing efforts. "Well, no turning back now."
A/N this chapter is dedicated to zahera37
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