July 22 ~ Our time in between - Chapter 2

You blinked at him, disbelieving of what he just said. It was time for the hard weapons. Maybe it was unfair but so was he. You closed your eyes tight before you suddenly opened them in full blown puppy-dog-eye style. Thorin took a step back, trying to look at anything but your eyes. Behind him, Dwalin shook his head while his brother simply chuckled. Lately you had been doing this to their King quite often. You were still pregnant with his child. The last few weeks and you would finally hold your child in your arms.

Neither of you could wait for it. You were supposed to stay in your bed, at least in your room, Thorin had told you. There had already been an argument with Oin about whether Thorin was or wasn't allowed to be there when you gave birth. It had ended in you refusing to have this child if your husband couldn't be there. Apparently that wasn't funny. Thorin had told you that it was physically impossible to do so but you had put your foot down. Now he was going to be the first male dwarf who would be by his wife's side while she gave birth. He was kind of looking forward to it.

But now you were pushing his nerves too far. He had let you out of the Royal Chambers, walking around Erebor with only ten guards surrounding you. If only he could have missed more... And now you were asking him to go outside. Truth be told, you were talking about going outside into the garden Thorin had built for you just outside the mountain. The garden was still surrounded by rocks and only let so much sunlight into the small part of green. Yet, it meant everything to you. Here you could walk outside safe and sound. Thorin wouldn't have to worry about you here.

Of course he still worried and only saw the dangers of the garden instead of the good it would do you and your unborn child. 'What if goblins invade our mountain?' he asked. You raised an eyebrow. 'That would mean that your guards have poor eyesight.' Apparently that wasn't funny either. 'What if one of the rock's suddenly rolls off the pile and crushes you?' Balin coughed. 'Now, I don't think that would suddenly happen, laddie.' The white haired dwarf received an impressive death glare. You threw your hands up in the air. 'There is nothing, or little, that can happen to me outside in that garden. Humans need fresh air so that the baby will stay healthy' you explained, your voice slightly annoyed.

Thorin stared straight into your eyes with a disbelieving look. 'And after that you are going to tell me that I should let you and our newborn child outside as well?' he said, joking. You nodded, his face fell. 'It would be good for our baby.' You could swear you could see the moment his heart stopped beating. He tried to not to show it but it was evident for everyone in the room. He was so scared of losing you. His hands were behind his back. 'I think it would be safe for her, especially if I guard her. The lass has been hidden inside this mountain for too long Thorin. She is actually getting paler. I don't think that is healthy' Dwalin said before anyone could say something stupid.

Thorin looked from the ground to your skin. Why was his friend right? 'Fine, but I will come too. You can go ahead and I will catch up with you in a little while. Don't walk too fast' he hissed the last sentence to Dwalin who nodded. The bald dwarf outstretched his arm to take yours. Together you walked through the cold, stone hallways to the beautiful, green garden outside. You breathed in the fresh air. The silence was a welcome new noise. And the sun on your skin... Was there anything else you could hope for? You cringed, Dwalin immediately stood by your side again. 'Lady (Y/N), are you alright?' he asked concerned.

You tried to fake a smile. 'Aye, of course. I just have been feeling odd today' you said calmly. Dwalin kept looking at you with concern. You patted him on the shoulder. 'If I wouldn't be alright I would tell you my friend. Come on, I would like to walk some more.' He took your arm again, more gentle this time, while he kept a watchful eye over you. He didn't like that look on your face one bit. You had been feeling some kind of pain in your lower region since that morning. It had started in the middle of the night but you didn't want to wake Thorin up. The pain was now almost unbearable. You didn't know what was happening and for now you didn't want to know. It was probably nothing.

'Ahhh' You almost fell to your knees when another shot of pain hit you. This one lasted longer and was more severe then the others had been. Also, much sooner. Dwalin grabbed you in time to ease you to the ground. He tried to get you to lay down but you wouldn't have none of it. At first. Another wave of pain hit you, even more severe then the last one just a moment ago. 'It hurts' you cried out, digging your nails into Dwalin's arms. Dwalin looked around to see if there was anyone else outside. Of course not. It was a garden just for you. There was no one else around. Where was Thorin anyway? He said he would join you soon... 'THORIN!' Dwalin yelled. If only he was nearby he would have heard him.

'DWALIN!' you cried out. Your eyes were shut tightly, the pain was overwhelming now. Oin had warned you about this pain. Yet you didn't think it would be time to give birth already. All you wanted now was some strong painkillers and Thorin by your side. 'I've got you lass, I will help you deliver this child' Dwalin said. He quickly got out of his coat and rolled it up. He gently helped you up a bit to put the bundle behind you. 'Do you even know how to deliver a child?' you asked. The dwarf didn't really pay attention to your question, there was something more urgent going on. He had to pull your dress up... 'Please let that love struck idiot understand I had to do this' Dwalin prayed to Mahal before he did what was necessary. He could see you were already quite ready to give birth. Just a little bit more and you could start pushing.

'Alright lass, it's only the two of us now. We will have to make it work. Now, look at me and breath with me' Dwalin instructed. You managed to open your eyes, focusing on the way Dwalin was breathing and trying to do it yourself. It kind of helped against the pain. 'THORIN!' Dwalin yelled again. The King really needed to come here quickly. But there came no reply nor could he see anyone or hear anyone coming. He sighed. Then it was up to him. 'Lass, we are going to lift your legs up a bit. It will probably help.' Your eyes widened. 'Probably?' Dwalin could slap himself on the back of the head. 'Definitely, it will definitely help' he spoke quickly. You didn't have a lot of time to question him when you felt a force from your insides. 'The baby is coming!' you yelled.

There were already several pearls of sweat on Dwalin's forehead. He hadn't asked for this. But you were a good friend of his and the wife of his best friend. There was no greater honor then to help deliver your child. He checked between your legs again, not sure what he was waiting for. Dwalin wasn't a doctor, he had no idea how it had to look before a woman could start pushing. He had heard tales of tearing though, that was something he didn't want to be responsible for. 'You are ready lass, I will hold your legs and you start pushing when I tell you to' he ordered, doing as he said. The feeling was almost unbearable. You had to start pushing now. Even when Thorin wasn't there, it needed to happen right now. You were impatiently waiting for Dwalin to tell you to start pushing. Why did he look so anxcious?

'Dwalin, you have never done this before, have you?' you asked. Honestly, you didn't want to hear the answer. 'Let's say it is for me to know and for you to... PUSH!' You were caught off guard but did as he said. Before this moment you had thought that your body may not know what to do when the moment of giving birth came. But your body apparently did know. You could feel something in your lower stomache. And the pushing definitely was rough on you. Tears were rolling down your cheeks. There was so much pain. Dwalin was trying his best to help you through the delivery. Maybe he should help Oin once in a while, maybe all men should do that. Then everyone would know how to help their woman give birth. He needed to talk to Thorin about that.

The baby's head was coming after what felt like hours. Dwalin was puffing with you and making sure you were still consious when finally he could hear footsteps coming your way. He didn't dare to look up from you, afraid that it might be the exact moment something might go wrong. 'DWALIN!' Thorin yelled. 'The lass is doing alright, the baby too for what I can see' Dwalin yelled back, never taking his eyes off of you. Thoring finally reached you and landed next to you on his knees. He immediately grabbed your hand and helped holding one of your legs. 'How long?' he asked, panting from running. Dwalin shook his head. 'I didn't exactly check the time' he grunted. Thorin ignored the comment for now. He bent down to kiss your forehead. 'You are doing great love. I can already see our babies' head.'

And it was true. The head was almost completely out. The baby was already crying while Dwalin supported the small head. 'Just a bit more lass' he encouraged. Thorin pushed you up a bit to be able to sit down behind you. His arms were around you, holding your legs up and wide. 'You are doing great, I am so proud of you' he murmured into your ear. It felt good to have your husband behind you. Dwalin had done a good job but you felt most safe when Thorin was with you. Dwalin had his hands free to support the baby and pull softly along with your pushes. Thorin was now puffing with you and telling you when to push. 'Almost there, just two more pushes and the baby will be here.' You pushed as hard as you could, trying to end the pain. 'Don't rush it love' Thorin murmured.

'YOU TRY PUSHING A BABY OUT!' you yelled back. Dwalin couldn't help but to laugh softly. He could already see the gender of the child. Thorin and you would be so happy. 'One more push lass, then I will stop bugging you.' You grabbed Thorin's arms with your hands, put your nails in his skin (unintentionally of course) and gave the final push all your strength. Dwalin grabbed his knife as the baby was fully out and cut the chord. He quickly wrapped his coat around the baby to keep it warm. The child was crying, indicating that all was well. Thorin looked up, the question clear in his eyes. Dwalin smiled back at his friend. 'The baby is healthy.' Carefully, he placed the baby in your arms. Your child's face lit up when she was placed in your arms. The small hands were moving around, trying to get a hold of anything.

Dwalin watched as the two of you were beaming. The pain was nothing more then a memory in the back of your head. You could still feel it but it was nothing compared to the feeling of finally holding your child. Thorin carefully brought his hand closer to touch his child. The baby was still so fragile. 'Boy or girl?' you asked quietly. 'A beautiful young lass' Dwalin answered.

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