
It was a beautiful night in the city of Philadelphia and everyone was enjoying their day in which the people of the city of brotherly loved were doing their own things and minding their own business which included a young man in his twenties who was walking around the city streets but looking for something fun to do in his life because this young man had to go through a tough time in his life in which he lost both his parents in an ancient and he had to fend for himself in which he lives on his own in his parents house as well as got a job to pay off his bills as well as work for a living since he finished school as well as college and got a job as a graphic designer so he was living the good life but still misses his parents and always goes to the cemetery to visit them time after time to pay his respect to them for how they raised such a brilliant son and he knew that his parents would be proud that their son is doing alright and living a good even though sometimes it could get a little rough but that wouldn't stop the man known as Michael Vala who kept on going. But soon his time came as well when Michael saw a fire a couple blocks from where he lived and heard the screaming of a trapped family and there was no one around to help them so Michael decided to man up and help the poor family and thanks to his skills as a fighter that he got from his father who was a retired marine and cleverness as well as the brains from his mother who was a cop, Michael ran into the burning home and started to get the trapped family out one by one until there was no one left. Once the family was out and safe, Vala was planning on escaping when all of sudden the roof that was on top oh him fell on Michael and admittedly crushed him to death and the whole house burst into flames in which the family that Michael saved felt sorry for the man who saved their lives and will never forget him then when the police as well as the fire men came and cleared all the rubble out of the way, it was too late in which Michael Vala died for doing a good deed and will be buried in the same place as his parents are so that he can join them in peace or will he.

Then what happened after words all of sudden Michael started to open his eyes in which he looked around him and saw that he was no longer where he used to be in which he took a moment to see where he was and once he did, he looked to see that he was in heaven itself in which he saw the blue sky as well as the clouds. Michael started to rubbed his eyes together trying to process of what happened in which he started to remember everything from where he came from, his parents as well as the fire that the family he saved in which he got all of them out in time and then all of sudden everything went dark and he woke up in heaven but doesn't know how he got in heaven in which he needed answers.

Michael: Argh......what happened? Where the heck am I? Last thing I remember is that I saw a burning home and heard screaming in which was a family and I rushed in and saved them and once I got them out all of sudden everything went dark but why?

Because my dear you were killed when the roof above your head collapses on you and intently crushing you under the rubble itself.(A beautiful voice saids to Michael in which the young man got spooked for a moment then looked behind him and saw the most beautiful site he has ever seen in which was a woman that had lovely hair that sparkle like the sun itself as well as beautiful features like any woman Michael has ever seen before but not only that but the voice itself was absolutely gorgeous)

Michael: Who are you and what is this place because it kind of looks like heaven?

Hehehehe thats because it is my dear, I know all of this might be shocking to you but you must understand of what is happening right now.

Michael: Well I can tell this isn't a dream because if it was a should be waking up right now but it looks like it is not.

That is correct because Michael Vala you are no longer alive on Earth in which you did the most bravest thing I have ever seen in human history in which you risked your own life to save an innocent family from a burning fire and the cost was your own life in which I am sorry for what has happened to you.

Michael: I remember, I was walking around the streets of Philadelphia when all of sudden I saw this big huge smoke coming from the neighborhood and I ran to see what it was and once I got close it was a home that was caught on fire and I heard a family inside and they were panicking as well as trapped so I went in and got them out and then the next thing I knew I was crushed under the home itself and then I was here.

Yes you have been killed due to the rubble of the home where the family lived in which you were brought to me my dear child.

Michael: So are you god or goddess because I am so confused?

Hehehehe, no I am not the god you and everyone on Earth know about you see Michael Vala I am the Goddess of Light known as Luna in which I have brought you here Michael Vala for something important in which I think it could be to your liking.

Michael: Really what is it?

Luna: Come I will inform you my dear.(Luna saids and offers her hand to Michael in which he took it and then soon both Michael and Luna went into the clouds together)

Once they both entered the clouds together all of sudden Michael looked towards the front of him and saw something that made him go in awe and shocked of what he was looking at in which was a beautiful city that was floating in the clouds itself and it was shining so bright that Michael has never seen anything like this before but only seen something similar in story books that his parents read to him when he was a child.

Michael: Wow...what is this place?

Luna: Welcome to my home Michael Vala, come we have much to discuss.(Luna saids in which she started to walk towards her home while Michael followed her behind)

Michael looked around him and saw so many amazing sites as well as buildings in which they looked like something he read in school and almost look like the palace of the great gods from greek history then while he was admiring the sites and the beauty of this place; Luna the goddess of light came to a room in which she opened the door and once inside it was a room filled with so many things that Michael has seen during his time on Earth and soon Luna offered him a seat on a comfy couch as well as some tea that the goddess made it appear out of nowhere in which Michael was impressed by the goddess of what she can do.

Luna: What do you think of my home Michael?

Michael: I think it is a lovely place to live, kind of reminds me of those ancient greek places I studied in school I mean this is something else but out of all of this it is a very pleasing home well for a goddess I mean.

Luna: Hehehe I am pleased that you admired my home Michael.

Michael: Speaking of which how do you know my name?

Luna: Because I have been watching you Michael from the time when you were such an adorable baby to the time when you had such a wonderful life with your parents as well the time when you had to struggle to survive on your own when your family was killed but you manage to pull through and work your way up to the top. In which not only made you strong but also determined to prove that you can do anything in which I was very impressed of how you did so much in your life and became the man you are now.

Michael: Thank you goddess of light.

Luna: Please you can call me Luna.

Michael: Very well Luna, so what is that you wanted to discuss with me?

Luna: I will tell you but first would you like some tea with sugar.

Michael: Don't mind if I do, mom and I always loved tea except dad who just loves his coffee.

Luna: Hehehe you have your mothers kindness as well as your fathers strong heart and his courage.

Michael: I also have their skills of training when mom was on the police force and dad when was still a marine.

Luna: And that is what makes you special because you carry what your parents taught you as well as remember the good times you spent with them.

Michael: Thank you, your words are very pleasing to my ears Luna.(Michael saids to Luna in which earned the goddess a beautiful smile on her face)

Luna: Now I would like to ask you of something Michael that is if you want it or not.

Michael: And what would that be Luna?(Michael saids while drinking his tea)

Luna: How would you like to have a second chance to live again.

Michael: What do you mean a second chance like I get to be alive again?

Luna: Yes but not on Earth though since you cannot go back there since you died and cannot be brought back.

Micheal: I see, so you are thinking of bringing me back somewhere else?

Luna: You sure are quite smart and so mature Michael, and yes I would like to have you be sent to another place or any case another world.

Michael: Another world really what kind of world if you don't mind me asking Luna?

Luna: It is a world filled with wonders but it also has it dangers but I think you can handle it since you are brave and smart to over come anything.

Michael: That is true but what is the world like?

Luna: It is a world filled with magic, kingdoms, great warriors, wizards, dwarves, Elves and all magnificent lands that come with their culture of people in which I think it would be to your liking since your parents read you stories about fantasy worlds when you were a child.

Michael: I world that has those kinds of stuff that I was told in stories books, hmmm... I always dreamed of going to a fantasy world when I was kid and now I get to be part of it for real.

Luna: Yes indeed but there is also creatures that will harm innocent lives as well as dark forces that plan to destroy and take over the world and covered it all in darkness.

Michael: So basically there are highly dangerous beings in this world as well as creatures that can rip a person in half when they are not looking.

Luna: Yes there is Michael but there is also life as well as wonders in this world that will take your breath away.

Michael: Interesting what is the world called?

Luna: A world called Middle Earth.(Luna saids and then summons a map that showed the world of Middle Earth)

Michael: So this is Middle Earth.(Michael saids in thought while looking at the map of the world)

Luna: This is the world of Middle Earth Michael Vala and the world that will become your new home.

Michael: Have to say it is quite something I never seen or heard of these lands before?

Luna: Yes indeed but in due time you will know about them.

Michael: Hmm when you put that way I always wanted to learn about new places and get to know the peoples culture as well as study them but also go on an adventure of a life time.

Luna: Do you want to go there Michael?

Michael: Hmm...well since I cannot go back to home on Earth since I am already dead, I guess starting a new life in a whole new world could give me that chance to make a new life.

Luna: Then would you like to live in the world of Middle Earth.

Michael: Luna Goddess of Light I accept your offer.

Luna: Splendid!, in return I will offer you anything that you want and I can actually make it happened.

Michael: Anything I want?

Luna: I will give you a pen and paper so you can write down what you want dear.

Michael: Oh thank you.

Luna gave Michael something to write on as well as something to write with in which Michael started to write down what he wanted and if he is going to a new world he going to need something to protect him as well as defend which also includes other things that he always wanted when he was kid and always pretend to have them but now he can see if he can have them for real. Soon after Michael is finished, he gave the paper to Luna so she can check out what Michael wants for journey to the new world in which brought a smile on her face becasue the list contains the things that Michael always wanted when he was a child.

Michael's List:

1.) Healing Magic

2.) Super Strength

3.) Impervious Skin

4.) Teleportation

5.) Super Speed

6.) Camouflage Magic

7.) The ability to withstand dark magic and magical items

8.) Laser Vison

9.) Captain America's Vibranium shield(Silver version)

10.) Darksaber(Star Wars)

11.) Hawkeye's Outfit from Endgame Movie

12.) Something that will allow me to change into the armors of War Machine from Iron Man.(Also to make them impervious to all things)

13.) Immorality(If Possible)

14.) Power of Restoring( Able to restore anything)

15.) Wandless Magic

Luna: Hehehehe I knew you were going to ask for these things Michael in which I shall give you them because I think you actually do need them for this world that your going to.

Michael: You can actually do these things on the list?

Luna: Hey I am goddess I can do anything right.

Michael: Hmm..true.

Luna: Michael Vala of Earth, I stone upon you the gifts of the Goddess of Light!(Luna saids in which Michael was now engulfed in a bright light that was surrounding his body)

Soon the light dyed down in which Michael started to open his eyes once again and when he did he looked at himself in which was now in the suit that Hawkeye wore in the Avengers movie as well as holding both the darksaber and the shield that Captain America used the first Avengers movie.

Michael: Whoah!......okay I admit this is so awesome. I cannot believe I am wearing the outfit Hawkeye wore as well the holding the actual shield used by Captain America and not only that but I am holding a real darksaber from Star Wars.

Luna: Hehehe I very happy you love your gifts Michael and of your course your other abilities and powers are with you as well but also there is something I want to give you.

Michael: What is it Luna?

Luna: Michael this ring will allow you to change into the armors of the different versions of the hero from your comic book War Machine and all you have to do is think of the armor in your mind and the armor itself will appear to you.(Luna saids and hands Michael the ring that is the shape of the arch reactor from Iron Man)

Michael: just think of the armor and boom the armor appears on me.

Luna: That is correct Michael, but before I send you away please take this as a gift and a token of my thanks in which Michael I want you to meet your companion who is a white wolf.(Luna said sun which a big white wolf appeared in the opening in which made Michael look at the wolf with such magnificence)

Michael: Wow he is beautiful what is he called?

Luna: You may call him whatever you like Michael he is yours to keep and will protect those closest to you.

Michael: I think I will call you Savior, yes I think that is a perfect name for you.(Michael saids to the wolf in which the wolf itself licked Michael meaning he loves the name)

Luna: It would seem that he loves the name.

Michael: Looks that way and Luna thank you for everything and I will never forget what you have done for me.

Luna: Your quite welcome my dear and hear to show you that you will never forget me, I will be giving you the mark of the goddess to show that you have been blessed by the goddess of light herself.(Luna saids and places a mark on Michael's arm in which the mark appeared)

Michael: I will honor this mark for a long time Luna.

Luna: I know you will Michael. I wish you and Savior good luck in Middle Earth and may the light guide you to a better place.(Luna saids as a bright light appeared around both Luna and Michael)

Michael: Goodbye Goddess of Light and thank you again for everything.

Luna: Goodbye Michael Vala and farewell.

Soon the light became so strong that Michael shield his eyes and awaits for his new life in a whole new world in which he wonders what the world of Middle Earth will bring him in which something will change his life forever and he will do such great things and experience new lands as well as new faces.

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