Chapter 9: MirkWood!

After the company left Beron home, they traveled by ponies while Michael went on his wolf in which everyone arrived at their location while keeping their guard up if the orcs have followed them or not. Once they arrived near the entrance to the the MirkWood forest all of sudden Gandalf along with Michael were feeling something dark about the place while Bilbo doesn't feel like going into a forest that looked sick and very dark.

Michael: Beron was right about a dark power that lies on this forest. I sense such evil growing inside this place.

Gandalf: I know I feel it too. Best to be on guard once entering who knows what lies inside there. Let the ponies loose let them return to their master.(Gandalf saids then looks to see Beron in bear form on top of the cliff side)

Michael: Savior best to keep inside the magical storage bag where it's safe, there wont be any room to move around in the forest.

Savior: Bark!

Michael used his magic and put his wolf companion inside the bag to be kept safe while the others get off their ponies to look upon the forest. Gandalf went ahead to have a look at the forest before he and the others can continue on.

Gandalf: I sense a dark magic upon this forest.

Michael: I sense it too Gandalf.

Bilbo: This forest looks sick? Is there no way around?

Michael: Not if you want to travel all the way around and take the long way because if we do then we will loose what time we have left and not mention the orcs are still hunting us.

Thorin: He is right and we will be wasting time. Our enemies are still hunting us, if we take the long way they will pick up our scent.

After a while Gandalf came back with a face meaning something is not right and that got Michael's attention that something was bothering the wizard and it wasn't good at all.

Michael: Gandalf what is it?

Gandalf: I need my horse. There is something that I need to do and it is very urgent.

Bilbo: Wait Gandalf you can't leave we need you here.

Gandalf: Trust me Bilbo I know what needs to be done. Michael I trust that you will look after the company and keep them safe.

Michael: You have my word Gandalf. Though what is bothering you?

Gandalf: Questions Michael, questions that need answering. I will join you all as soon as I get back. Thorin be worn there is a dark magic that lies upon this forest beware of your surroundings and further more be on your best guard there are things in there that are more deadly than orcs. Stay on the path and don't go anywhere else.(Gandalf saids then leaves the company)

Michael: You heard him stay on the path, don't wonder off and stay together. Thorin I will take the lead since I can sense anything related to dark magic.

Thorin: Very well, all of you into the forest and stay close.

Bilbo: What do you think what was wrong with Gandalf?

Michael: I am not sure Bilbo but something tells me it is something from the darkness. Stay close to the dwarves and keep your eyes open for sudden movements and anything that poses a threat.

Bilbo: I will do that.

Soon everyone entered the forest together with Michael at front and Thorin behind him. While entering the forest alone, Michael was sensing the dark magic around the area but also to make sure to keep an eye on the company behind him. They soon found the path and began to follow it while also having their guard up because Gandalf did mention there are other things that lye in the forest besides the dark magic surrounding the area.

Thorin: Vala anything up in front?

Michael: We're still on the path which is good, hang on I think see something up in front.

Thorin: What is it?

Michael: Looks like a bridge.

Kili: Gandalf did say there was going to be bridge on the pathway.

Michael: That must be it.

When the company arrived to the bridge they looked to see it was destroyed while also surrounded by a dark river that look as black as the night sky itself in which Michael sensed the water was enchanted as well as the forest so swimming across is not an option.

Bofur: Well we found the bridge, whats left of it. We could try swimming across.

Michael: Bad idea, that water is enchanted with dark magic, not to mention it is black as the night sky. You fall in there is no telling what would happen.

Thorin: Vala is right, did you hear what Gandalf said. A dark magic lyes upon this forest, waters of this stream are enchanted.

Bofur: Doesn't look enchanted to me?

Michael: That because you can't sense it but I can.

Thorin: We must find another way across.

Kili: Hey I found some vines! These look strong enough to get us across.

Thorin: Kili, we send our lightest first.

Michael: Something tells me this isn't going to end well.(Michael saids in thought while seeing everyone look at Bilbo)

Bilbo went up first in which he was having some trouble moving from vine to to vine and it made Michael worried for the poor Hobbit. Michael kept watch to make sure nothing happens to Bilbo.

Michael: Bilbo you all right?

Bilbo: Yea I am good just dandy. Whoah?!(Bilbo saids then almost fell in the water but caught the vines in time)

Michael: Bilbo?

Bilbo: I am all right, that was close one.

Michael: Just watch yourself and keep clear of the water.

Eventually Bilbo was able to make it to the other side that made Michael smile that the Hobbit made it without touching the enchanted water. Michael went next in which instead of the vines he took to the trees where he uses his highly skilled reflexes to move himself from tree to tree and landed safely on the ground near Bilbo.

Bilbo: Wow, good reflexes?

Michael: Thank you, you all right Bilbo?

Bilbo: Something is not right, everyone I think it would be best that you stay where you are!...Oh.

Both Michael and Bilbo looked to see everyone get on the vines while struggling to keep out of the water and it put them in a bad situation.

Michael:(Facepalm)...Oh no.

All the dwarves were trying to get across together but due to the crowding it was making things impossible until Michael looked to see that Bombur was starting to fall asleep and that could lead to something very bad.

Michael: Bombur don't fall asleep!

It was too late Bombur feel asleep and landed into the black water that made everyone alarmed in which they dropped into the water as well. Michael told Bilbo to stay and don't go near the enchanted water. The company of the dwarves were screaming for help and it was about time for Michael to save the day

Michael: I gotta get them out, Air de levitation!

Michael said the spell and soon all of the dwarves began to float into the air and moved towards Michael and Bilbo and once they landed Michael used a heating spell to dry them off but for some reason Bombfur was still knock out sleeping.

Michael: All of you all right?

Dwalin: Thanks, thought we almost drowned.

Michael: Good thing I got you all out in time before something worse happened. But it would seem that Bombur is infected by the enchanted water.

Kili: What about the rest of us?

Michael: It's hard to say how long it will take for the enchanted magic to kick in for now just don't do anything that could lead you towards the other side. Also don't do the crowding like that again.

Thorin: Come on time is wasting let's keep moving.

Bilbo: I don't like this place, it feels off.

Michael: I know it does Bilbo just stay on the path like Gandalf said.

The company then moved on but they had to carry Bombur since the magic infected him but soon the others will feel the same thing except for Michael and Bilbo who didn't touch the water. When they were walking down the path, Michael had idea to see where they are now. He told the company to wait while he goes up into the trees and help pinpoint to where they are heading and where they need to go.

Michael: Wow, not a bad view from up here. Looks there is river on the other side of the forest and some mountain ranges follow by...the Lonely Mountain. We are going on the right path and it's only a couple miles away. Better inform the others of what I found.

As soon as Michael came down from the tree to tell the others all of sudden the company and Bilbo were gone, gone as quick as the flash. Michael groaned and shook his head for how stupid the dwarves are and specifically told them not to wonder off or get separated and now they were somewhere in the forest and Michael couldn't find out where they might be.

Michael: Those guys are such idiots. They better be alive because I would like to be the one to kill them after this.

Michael decided to follow the path to see if they continued on and hopefully made to the other side. Michael kept his guard up to make sure to watch his surroundings so that if anything comes near him, he will be ready for action. While he was walking down the path all of sudden he stopped and heard what sounded like a river that was moving like rapids and went to investigate until he saw an opening and looked to find the river.

Michael: It isn't the company but at least it shows a good sign of life. I can tell this stream leads to open waters.

While Michael was looking at the stream all of sudden he heard some commotion near by and it sounded like people. He moved himself towards the bushes and looked to see what appears to be elves but not the ones Michael knows because in front of him were the Woodland elves a male and a female while the one of the ground was also a female but appears to be injured.

Male Elf(Elvish): We need to get her back so they can help her.

Female Elf(Elvish): We wont be able to make in time, the venom in her body will make it impossible to move her.

Second Female Elf(Elvish): Cough.....p...please....I......

Male Elf(Elvish): Stay strong, you are going to be all right.

Michael: Seems like their friend in injured and dying, should I do something?(Michael saids in thought but then accidentally steps on a branch)


Female Elf(Elvish): Someone's here.

Both the male and female elf got out their bows and pointed to whoever was near them until they saw someone coming out of the bushes who happens be Michael in which the elves never seen someone like him before neither have seen such clothing nor weapons.

Michael(Elvish): Hello, I am sorry I don't mean none of you any harm, I just lost my way.

Female Elf(Elvish): Who are you?

Michael(Elvish): I am friend of Gandalf the Grey do you know of him?

Male Elf(Elvish): Indeed we know of the wizard. But who might you be never in my life I ever seen a being like you before nor seen such bizarre weapons and clothing.

Michael(Elvish): My name is Michael Vala, I am a highly skilled warrior from a very far land. It's a truly an honor to meet actual Woodland Elves in person. I met the elves at Rivendell but not in my life have seen Woodland Elves until now.

Both elves looked at each other and saw the stranger who speaks their languages while also showing no harm to them nor tried to attack them in which they lower their bows while still keeping an eye on the stranger in front of them.

Michael(Elvish): A company and I got separated in the forest while I was looking for directions. They wonder off and they probably fell under the enchanted magic when they fell into the water near the destroyed bridge.

Female(Elvish): Then they might have entered the spider's nest if they wondered off the path.

Michael(Elvish): A friend of Gandalf said something about spiders in MirkWood giant spider, do you have them in this forest?

Male Elf(Elvish): Yes we have been sent to destroy their nest by our king.

Female(Elvish): We killed so many of them but one of our own got attacked and was injected with venom, we don't know how long she will last.

Michael(Elvish): Allow me to help her I have healing magic.

Male Elf(Elvish): You have healing magic how?

Michael(Elvish): Explanations later right now your friend needs healing right away.

Michael moves towards the injured elf who is female and once near her Michael looked to see that she was becoming paler by the minute and very sick due to the venom in her body.

Michael(Elvish): How long has the venom been inside of her?

Female Elf(Elvish): At least two hours. Please if you said what is true, save her.

Michael(Elvish): I will don't worry I know what to do. Guerison de la vie...Guerison de la vie...Guerison de la vie...Guerison de la vie!(Michael saids the healing spell and then both elves looked to see the injury on their friend was starting to heal)

Female Elf: I have never seen magic like this?(Female elf saids in thought)

Once the process is completed and the injury was faded and healed the female elf on the ground began to open her eyes and looked to see both her kin in relief that their companion is alive and well.

Michael(Elvish): The should do it, her injury is all healed up and the venom inside of her has been destroyed.

Male Elf(Elvish): What kind of magic was that, I have never heard such a spell?

Michael(Elvish): That was my healing spell, it heals any injury a person suffered from near death.

Second Female Elf(Elvish): My roan it's gone, how is this possible?

Michael(Elvish): Easy, I may have healed you but you might still feel a little woozy after all you did get attacked by a giant spider and was injected with venom.

Second Female Elf(Elvish): Who are you?

Michael(Elvish): You call me Michael, please to meet you. May I ask who you are.

Male Elf: I am known as Legolas GreenLeaf.

Female Elf: I am Tauriel.

Second Female Elf: I am known as Vena RoseBerry.(Vena saids while standing up and taking off her helmet in which Michael found the elf to be very beautiful)

Michael: You speak the human language?

Legolas: Yes we spent centuries learning the language though how is that you know our language?

Michael: Trained under the guidance of Lord Elrond of Rivendell. He is a very wise elf and good man.

Legolas: I know of Lord Elrond and yes he is a very wise elf indeed.

Vena: Why do you hide your face?

Michael: Hm? Oh forgive me I forgot I still had this on.

When Michael took off his hood and mask and revealed his face to the elves all of sudden Vena saw that Michael was human but such a very handsome and charming human with beautiful features and such magnificent eyes that caught her eyes that made her blush at the site she was seeing.

Legolas: You are human.

Michael: I may be human but I am highly skilled warrior in both swordsmanship and combat.

Vena: Your weapons that you carry look so bizarre?

Michael: Well, thats because they are more powerful than what the people in middle earth use.

Tauriel: Your shield, what kind metal is it made of?

Michael: It's made from a rare metal where faraway land. It's called Vibranium.

Legolas: Vibranium that is something new to us, I thought it would be Mithril.

Michael: Mithril?

Tauriel: It is the most hardest metal known to man.

Michael: Intersting.

Vena: I see that you carry a sword though I do not see that blade?

Michael: Hehehe oh trust me the blade is there but its a totally different blade one that can cut through mostly anything.

Michael took out the darksaber from his waste and activated it in which the elves looked upon the glowing blade in awe that they have never seen such a weapon nor one that glows.

Tauriel: I have never seen such a blade like this before.

Vena: How such a blade like this exist?

Michael: It was given to me by someone very close to my heart, I wouldn't be who I am if it wasn't for that very special someone. She was wise and very kind.

Legolas: I have seen many swords during my travels across the lands but I have never seen one that glows as bright as the moon itself. How is a weapon like this powered?

Michael: It is powered by a very rare stone called a Kyber crystal.

Tauriel: Kyber crystals, what do they look like?

Michael: They look like this. They are basically crystals that glow bright and they all come in many different colors.(Michael saids and takes out some kyber crystals from his bag)

Vena: They're beautiful. I collect many rare stones when I was a child but I have never collected a stone called a kyber crystal before.

Michael: You can have one to add to your collection of stones, I don't mind I got lots of them.

Vena: Really..thank you.(Vena saids while blushing and smiling)

Michael: Back to the main topic, you said that there is a nest of spiders in this forest correct.

Legolas: Yes my king has order us to eliminate the nest because the fowl beast are moving close to our kingdom.

Michael: How far away is the nest?

Legolas: Couple miles from where we stand.

Michael: Well what are we standing around for, let's go squish some spiders.

Tauriel: We?

Michael: Yes me, you two and you Vena who do you I think I was talking to?

Vena: Hehehe.

Out of the trees came another Woodland Elf who looked to see Legolas and Taureil as well as Vena with Michael.

Woodland Elf(Elvish): Legolas we spotted beasts they are making their move we should hurry.

Legolas(Elvish): Get everyone ready we leave now.

Vena: Try to keep up.

Michael: That wont be a problem, I'm quite fast. So best to try to keep up with me.

Legolas and Tauriel moved towards the tree lines with Michael following them behind in which Vena looked to see Michael leap into the tree lines with such incredible movements and skills that left her in awe that she never met a human who moves quicker than an elf.

Vena: Who is Michael, I must know more about him?(Vena saids in thought then follows the others)

Back in the forest after the company went off on their own and into the darkest part of the forest they all came down with the infection from the enchanted water from the bridge and they started to hear voices and became delusional until Bilbo who was brave enough to stay strong and go up into a tree to spot where they were in which they were close to the mountain. When the hobbit went down he saw that the dwarves were gone until he spotted them being carried away while being covered in webs meaning that they were going to be eaten and killed by giant spiders that Bilbo spotted in the trees.

Bilbo spotted the spiders as well as his the dwarves who were hanging from webs in which the hobbit knew he had to save them. So he took what appears to be a gold ring and put it on and suddenly he turned invisible and heard what the spider were saying to each other. After a while he killed a spider with his sword and gave it the name Sting and so with his sword Bilbo cut down the dwarves and they all landed on the ground and got out of the webs. The dwarves broke free of the webs and saw so many spiders coming down to get them. The dwarves saw the spiders coming at them in which they took out their swords and axes and began to kill them but more were coming towards them.

When Thorin lead his company away from the spider nest from above another spider came down to stop the company from leaving until the dwarf looked up and saw people in the trees in which were the Woodland Elves that are being lead by Legolas. Legolas dropped down from the web where the spider landed and killed it then pointed his arrow at Thorin and his company.

Legolas: Do not think I will not kill you dwarf it would be my pleasure.

Legolas along with his other Woodland elves surrounded the dwarves with their bows and arrows pointed at them if they make a move until Michael dropped down from the trees and walked towards the group.

Michael: So this where you guys ended up.

Fili: Michael, so glad to see you.

Michael: Oh shut up, didn't I specifically told you morons to wait. I was gone for a minute and the next thing I know you all took off into a dark forest filled with deadly spiders that want to kill you. Honestly what am I going to do with you dwarves.

Legolas: You know these dwarves?

Michael: Sigh..I afraid so. This is the company I mentioned that I got separated.

Legolas: Dwarves?

Michael: I am not proud of it. It was Gandalf's idea.

Woodland Elf(Elvish): Legolas!

Legolas along with Michael looked up and saw more spiders coming down and there were a lot of them in which Michael was going to enjoy eliminating these disgusting creatures.

Michael: Legolas tell your men to stand down I will deal with these bastards myself.

Legolas: There are simply too many of them you cannot win.

Michael: Oh trust me I will just do as I asked.

Legolas(Elvish): Hold your positions!

Michael: Time to light some fire upon these beasts.(Michael saids in thought)

Michael thought of the armor he wants and soon he was engulfed in a bright light that left Legolas and his men along with the dwarves blinded a little until the light dyed down then looked to see Michael in another suit of armor with better weapons that left Legolas and his men in shock while the dwarves were cheering for their friend.

Iron Warrior(Michael): All right you ugly bastards time to die.

Legolas: Vala what is this?

Iron Warrior(Michael): Oh you will know once these spiders are dead on the ground, oh may want to cover your ears it might get a little loud while I do the killing.

Michael took out his weapons from his armor and aimed them at the spider coming down and when close Michael fire upon them that made everyone get down on the ground and cover their ears while Michael was shooting every spider he sees.

Iron Warrior(Michael): Hahahaha now this is more like it! Eat led and fire power you bastards!

Legolas looked up while covering his ears looked to see Michael in highly strong armor with strange weapons coming out of it and they were firing at the spider where the elf saw so many spiders being killed one by one and none of them couldn't get any close to Michael nor touch him.

Legolas: I never knew armor can do something like that before? Where on earth did he get such powerful armor.

The other elves looked upon the armored man in awe that they never seen such fire power as well as such armor that one man like Michael was wearing. When Michael finished the spiders that were coming down from above his scanners were picking up other from behind the elves.

Iron Warrior(Michael): There are some behind you all get down!

Michael began to shoot energy beams from his hands and right at the spiders who didn't stand a chance against the power that Michael has on him.

Legolas: Light as pure as the sun itself that are coming out of the palm of his hands how can that be?

Dwarves: Yea Vala kill them all!/Blast them where they stand!/Kill those beasts Vala!(All the dwarves cheered for their friend)

All the elves as well as Tauriel and even Vena who both came running towards the scene after killing a spider that attacked Kili saw the whole thing and both were in awe of what Michael was doing.

Tauriel: I have never in my life seen such armor and strength.

Kili: Hahaha ya get them Vala!

Vena: Oh my....(Vena saids while in awe)

Michael shot all the spiders with both his guns and energy blast until the last came over to him and was about to kill Michael until Michael took out his metal sword from his back and whacked the spider so hard that it went flying into the air until Michael flew up into the air as well that left the elves jaw dropping to the ground that they never seen a man in armor fly before.

Vena: He can fly?!(Vena saids while in shock)

Tauriel: Unbelievable...

Michael took off into the air and fired a rocket at the spider that went flying into the sky then later got blown to pieces leaving nothing left.

Iron Warrior(Michael): That takes care of the spider situation.

Michael then landed on the ground and looked to see all the spider eliminated and defeated. He then changes back into his normal self and saw the looks of everyone's face.

Michael: Spiders eliminated.

Legolas: How did you just do that?

Michael: You have a lot of questions to ask me but I would have to tell you later, because I don't think this was all the spiders. I believe more will come soon and in greater numbers.

Tauriel(Elvish): He's right we need to move before more come.

Legolas: Search them.(Legolas saids to his men who walked towards the dwarves to get their weapons)

The elves searched the dwarves and took away theirs armory while Fili was taken the longest since he has so many weapons hiding inside his clothing. The elves moved towards Michael but Legolas told them that wouldn't be necessary to search him since Michael saved the life of their own and killed half of the spiders nest so he was left alone.

Legolas(Elvish): Are the spiders dead?

Vena(Elvish): I believe they are though only half of them whose to say there are more of them.

Michael(Elvish): Let them come I will destroy them all.

Legolas: You have heart and strength of a powerful warrior Michael Vala.

Michael: You Woodland Elves aren't bad yourselves. I would like to know more about your kind as well as your kingdom.

Vena: I would be honor to tell you about our culture Vala.

Michael: Thank you and you can just call me Michael.

Vena: Then I will use Michael, yes that name sounds pleasing to my ears.

Tauriel looked to see how Vena was acting around Michael and it earned the female elf a smile that her friend finds the human warrior very interesting.

Woodland Elf(Elvish): Legolas we found this with the dwarf.(The elf saids and hands Legolas the sword that Thorin had on him)

Legolas(Elvish): This is an ancient Elvish blade. Forge by my kin.

Michael: It is a very interesting blade I do say so myself.(Michael saids in thought)

Legolas: Where did you get this?

Thorin: It was given to me.

Legolas: Not just a thief but a liar as well.

Michael: Legolas he did not steal that blade as a matter of fact that blade was founded in a troll cave farther south, I should know I was there. Before you say anything that blade still smells of troll when it was found.

Legolas took in what Michael said and sniffed the blade and he smelt it was indeed the scent from a troll. Vena giggled that Legolas was smelling the blade and back away after smelling the trolls scent on it even Michael smirked at Legolas's reaction.

Legolas: Seems you are speaking the truth Vala, my mistake dwarf.

Woodland Elf: Legolas the king would probably want to know what happened.

Legolas: I will inform him, let's move!

The elves pushed the dwarves and began to walk away with Michael following behind until he realizes that Bilbo wasn't with them and looked around to find the Hobbit but there was no one to be seen just forest and dead spiders.

Vena: Michael? You all right?

Michael: Yea I am fine.

Vena: Come, I want to show you our home and meet our king.

Michael: And who is this king of yours?

Vena: He's the father of my cousin Legolas who also happens to be my uncle. His name is King Thranduil of The Woodland realm.

Michael: Very interesting name for a king of elves.

Vena: I am sure you and him will get along well.

Michael: I hope so when I meet him.

Vena: I also do wish to know more about you Michael if you would tell me.

Michael: I could agree to that if you share your kin's history.

Vena: I would be delighted.

Michael: I got to admit she is absolutely the most beautiful Woodland Elf I have ever met.(Michael saids in thought)

Vena: Why do I feel so close to him?(Vena saids in thought)

Soon both of them caught up with the elves to head back to their kingdom where the king will be waiting for the return of his son and niece.

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