Chapter 8: Beorn

After the fight with the Orcs and finding out that Thorin's old enemy Azog was still alive, the company along with Michel Vala, Gandalf and Bilbo Baggins continued on their quest towards the lonely mountain but they were being hunted by the pale orc himself along with his servants who were tracking down the dwarves. Bilbo along with Michael went to see how close the pack was after traveling a couple miles to see if Azog was close to the company. Both Michael and Bilbo hid behind some rocks and saw Azog as well as the pack who were trying to pick up the the scents of the company.

Bilbo: Looks like they picked up our scent.

Michael: Let's just hope they don't spot us too quickly.

Bilbo: Azog looking this way get down.(Bilbo saids to Michael who both him and Bilbo get down to avoid detection)

Michael: He's leaving we can.....


Michael: Uh actually scratch that get down and stay quiet.

Bilbo: What is it?

Michael: Something is also watching the orcs move by and I don't think we should provoke it.

Bilbo: What do you mean Michael?

Michael: Look behind the rocks and tell me what you see.(Michael whispers to Bilbo who looked behind the rocks and saw what looked like a huge bear)

Bilbo: Oh....I think it would be best to move quickly.

Michael: Let's go and try not make any sound we don't want to cause a scene with that beast.

Both Bilbo and Michael headed down from rocks to avoid the bear who was looking at the orcs on the move and as soon as Bilbo and Michael left the bear led out a huge roar that eco through the whole area. Then after the hobbit and Vala left and headed back with the others, Thorin asked about the orcs and how close they were.

Thorin: How close is the pack?

Michael: Too close a couple leagues no more.

Bilbo: But thats not the worse part of it.

Dwalin: The Wargs picked up our scent?

Bilbo: Not yet but they will, we have another problem.

Gandalf: Did they see you two? They saw you both didn't they.

Michael: No they didn't Gandalf.

Bilbo: Michael is right they didn't see us.

Gandalf: See what did I tell you quiet as a mouse. Exactly bugler material Mr.Baggins as well as stealth for you Michael.

Michael: Look really appreciated but can you all listen to both what me and Bilbo have to say.

Bilbo: Exactly just listen what we are trying to tell you there is something else out there.

Gandalf: What form did it take? Like a bear.

Michael: Uh yea exactly it was a bear.

Bilbo: But bigger much bigger.

Bofur: You knew about this beast? I say we double back.

Thorin: We will be run down by a pack of orcs.

Michael: Thorin's right on that subject. Got any idea's Gandalf.

Gandalf: There is a house not too far from here where we might take refuge.

Thorin: Whose house? They friend or foe.

Gandalf: Neither, he will help us or he will kill us.

Michael: I don't know about the rest of you guys but if Gandalf saids what is true I will take it.

Thorin: What choice do we have.

All of sudden while they were finished talking everyone heard a loud roar coming from the same area that Bilbo and Micheal came from meaning that the bear is close and is on the move.

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Savior: Grrrrrrr.........(Savior growls at the sound of the creature that roared)

Gandalf: None.

Michael: All right boys let's move!

Soon morning came towards the land and the company ran on foot towards the direction that Gandalf told them about where the house is located but they had to cross a long distance of open field as well avoid detection of the orcs who are also on the move. When they ran into the forest, the orcs picked up their scent and followed them until the same roar of the bear was heard meaning that the beast was following the company as well.


Gandalf: This way quickly!!

Michael: Get moving everyone hurry!!

The company continued to run towards the direction that Gandalf pointed out until Michael saw something ahead and it looked like the house that Gandalf has mentioned and soon everyone ran towards the place to avoid getting attacked by the beast that was almost close to them.

Michael: Get to the house everyone!! Move move!!

Gandalf: Come on get inside!

When the dwarves reached the house and towards the door all of sudden Bomfur smacked into the door and fell to the ground while the others were trying to open the door until all of sudden both Gandalf and Michael looked towards the forest and look to see a huge black bear coming out of the forest and was charging towards the house.

Michael: Get that door open!

Gandalf: Open the door!

Thorin then moved toward everyone and unlocked the door and once everyone was inside the bear charged the door and stock its head through in which the dwarves held the door and try to push the bear out but it was strong but not as strong for Michael who gave the dwarves an extra push. When the door was closed and locked everyone left out a breather to take in what just happened.

Ori: What is that?

Michael: That was the bear that me and Bilbo encountered.

Gandalf: You correct Michael but that is not an ordinary bear because that is also our host.(Gandalf saids that left everyone confused)

Michael: I take that you know what that is Gandalf.

Gandalf: Indeed, his name is Beorn and he is a skin changer. Sometimes he's a huge black bear and sometimes his great strong man, the bear is unpredictable but the man can be reason with however he is not overfunded of dwarves.

Michael: Well thats an understatement? I guess he has a disliking towards different races.(Michael saids in thought)

Ori: I think he's leaving.(Ori saids while listening to the bear leaving the house)

Dori: Get away from there, it's not natural none of it. It is quite obvious he's under some dark spell.

Gandalf: Don't be a fool he is no under enchainment but his own.

Michael: If he was under any dark spells I would have sensed it. Besides skin changers can't really fall under dark spells that much without being detected as one.

Balin: You know about them?

Michael: I read about them in books though I never fully met one in person until now. We safe here Gandalf?

Gandalf: For the time being Michael, now I suggest we all get some sleep and hopefully morning would be a better day to continue on our quest.

Michael: Hope it is.

When night came everyone was fast asleep except for Michael who was looking towards the forest to keep an eye on the orcs who were hiding in the tree lines as well as the black bear who was guarding the house from the distance. Michael decided to call it night and thinks that the bear would make sure nothing gets passed it.

Azog who was watching from the distance saw the bear guarding the house meaning that he and along with his orcs couldn't make their move until it was the right time to strike and kill the dwarves but also had to be aware of the strong human who attacked the orcs and judging how well the warrior fought it would be a problem for Azog to get close to the dwarves.

Orc: Attack them now! Kill the dwarf filth while they sleep.

Azog: No, the beast stands guard and that human with them would be a problem towards us.

Azog headed back towards his fellow orcs as well as the wargs and went ahead to inform his troops about the plan that he has in mind.

Azog: We will kill them on the road.

All of sudden Azog and his troops along with the wargs heard a noise coming towards them and looked to find another orc but was the same height as Azog who goes by the name Bolg spawn of Azog who greeted the pale orc and with news.

Azog: What are you doing here?

Bolg: Everyone is gathering in Dol Guldur. The master has summoned you!

Azog became angry of what Bolg said and soon both himself along with the other orcs got onto their wargs and road off into the darkness and back to the abandoned fortress Dol Guldur. Meanwhile with the bear, after it found out the orcs have left it ran back towards the direction where the house is and changed back into its human form known as Beorn. Beorn then entered his home without the notice of the dwarves, Michael, Gandalf and Bilbo who were sleeping in his home.

The next morning came and the company were all awake and looked outside to see the man that Gandalf mentioned to them. Michael and Bilbo woke up next and saw everyone gathering around the open doorway and heard wood being chomped meaning that their host was in human form and cutting wood.

Nori: I say we slip out the back way so he doesn't know we were here.

Dwalin: I am not running from anyone beast or not.

Gandalf: There is no point in arguing we cannot pass through the woodenness without Beorn's help. We will be hunted down before we even get to the forest, now this will require some deltaic handling we must be very careful because the last person who have startled him was torn to shreds.

Michael: Whats your idea for this Gandalf?

Gandalf: Why having a decent conversation would do just fine, I will go first and Bilbo you come with me as well as you Michael just in case something goes wrong and do bring Savior we could use his strength in this.

Michael: Come on Savior and you to Bilbo.

Savior: BARK!

Bilbo: Is this a good idea?

Michael: Just stay close to me or Savior and you will be all right.

Gandalf: Yes, now all of you wait here and don't come out until I give the signal.

Bofur: Right wait for the signal.

Gandalf: No sudden movements or loud noises and no over crowding. Only come out in pairs, on second thought Bombur you count as two so it would be best to come out alone. Remember wait for the signal.

Bofur: What signal would that be?

Michael: Sigh...if you see Gandalf making some kind of movement with his hand then that would be the signal got it.

Bofur: Oh that would do just fine.

Michael then headed out with Savior who both followed Gandalf and Bilbo towards Beorn who was chomping wood with an axe. When Michael caught up to Gandalf and Bilbo he looked to see the wizard was acting funny even Bilbo was seeing it.

Bilbo: You're nervous.

Gandalf: Nervous nonsense.

Michael: I don't know Gandalf you seem pretty nervous to me.(Michael saids with a smirk that made Bilbo smirk as well)

Gandalf: Please nervous don't take me for a fool. Good morning!

Gandalf said good morning to Beorn but he didn't hear the wizard and continue to chomp wood until Gandalf spoke again to get the skin changers attention.

Gandalf: Good morning.

Beorn: Who are you?

Gandalf: I am Gandalf, Gandalf The Grey.

Beorn: Never heard of him.

Gandalf: I'm a wizard perhaps you heard of my colleague Radagast The Brown he resides on the borders of Mirkwood.

Beorn: What do you want?

Michael: Best to just tell him straight Gandalf.

Gandalf: Well is to simply to thank you for your hospitality and you may have notice we took refuge in your lodging here.

Beorn then spotted Bilbo behind the wizard thinking that the he was dwarf due to the hobbits height.

Beorn: Who is this little fellow?

Gandalf: Oh this Mr.Bilbo Baggins of the Shire.

Beorn: He's not a dwarf is he?

Gandalf: Oh no he's a hobbit, good family and marvelous reputation.

Beorn: A halfling I see and who might you be?(Beorn saids then looks towards Michael)

Michael: I am known as Michael Vala sir, and this is my wolf companion Savior.

Savior walked towards Beorn and then bowed his head towards the skin changer who was then pat on the head by Beorn himself who posses no threat towards the wolf.

Beorn: A beautiful creature he is. How come you are you here?

Gandalf: Oh we had a bad time of it with goblins in the mountains.

Beorn: Why did you go near goblins for, stupid thing to do.

Michael: He's not wrong about that.

Gandalf: You are absolutely right....

Then all of sudden both Dwalin and Balin came out of the house together where Beorn saw them and held up his axe in defense while the dwarves greeted the skin changer.

Dwalin: Dwalin and Balin.

Gandalf: And I must confess that several of our groups are dwarves.

Beorn: Do you call two, several.

Gandalf: Well...I...well...there could be more than two..

While Gandalf was talking and trying to form words two more dwarves came out who were both Gloin and Oin who stood next to the others and bowed their heads in front of the skin changer.

Gandalf: Oh and here are some more of our happy troop.

Beorn: And do you call six a troop! What are you a traveling circus.

Michael: Wow he really doesn't like dwarves.(Michael saids in thought)

Dori and Ori came out next and then bowed their heads to the skin changer who still didn't looked please to see more dwarves coming out of his home.

Dori: Dori and Ori at your service.

Beorn: I don't want your service.

Gandalf: Absolutely understandable..

Fili and Kili then came out next and soon the rest came running out of the building without knowing and Beorn didn't like to see so many dwarves coming out of his home.

Gandalf: Oh Fili and Kili I quite forgotten, oh and as well as Nori, Bofur, Bifur, and Bombur.

Beorn: Is that it? Are there any more?

Thorin then made his appearance and it got the attention of Beorn because he knows of who he is seeing. Couple hours later everyone even Beorn were inside having some food and drinks that Beorn brought out for everyone.

Beorn: So you are the one they called Oakenshield. Tell me why is Azog The Defiler hunting you?

Thorin: You know of Azog how?

Beorn: My people were the first to live in the mountains before the orcs came down from the north. The Defiler killed most of my family but some he enslaved not for work you understand but for sport. Caging skin changers and torturing them seemed to amuse him.

Michael: I take that you are the last of your kind.

Beorn: I am, none survived after what the Defiler did to them. You need to reach the mountain before the last days of autumn.

Gandalf: Before Durin's day falls yes.

Beorn: You are running out of time.

Gandalf: Which is why we must go through Mirkwood.

Beorn: A darkness lies upon that forest fell things creep beneath those trees. I would not venture there is great need.

Gandalf: We will take the Eleven road their path is still safe.

Beorn: Safe, the wood elves of Mirkwood are not like their kin they are less wise and more dangerous but it matters not.

Thorin: What do you mean?

Beorn: These lands are crawling with orcs their numbers are growing and you are on foot, you will never reach the forest alive.

Beorn got up from his seat and and walked around the the table and then spotted a small mouse and held it in his large hands while speaking to everyone around him.

Beorn: I don't like dwarves they're greedy and blind, blind lying to the lives of those they deem lesser than their own. But orcs I hate more, what do you need.

The dwarves asked for supplies as well as something to ride towards the forest in which Beron aloud them to use his ponies and as soon as they finished with them they will release them to go back to their master. Michael along with Gandalf and Beorn went to talk about what is also going on in the world.

Beorn: You will leave my ponies before you enter the forest.

Gandalf: You have my word.

Michael: Why do I get the feeling that we are being watched?

Beorn: Yes the orcs will not give up. They will hunt dwarves until they see them destroyed.

Gandalf: Why now, what made the Defiler craw from his hole?

Beorn: There is an alliance between the orcs of Moria and the sorcerer in Dol Guldur.

Michael: What do you mean by this Beorn?

Gandalf: You sure of this.

Beorn: Packs have been seen gathering there. Each day more and more come.

Michael: Beorn who is this sorcerer the one known as the necromancer.

Beorn: He is not what he seems to be, fell things are drawn to his power. There is something about him that brings everything into the shadow and soon that shadow will come forth and rule.

Thorin: Gandalf, Vala time is wasting.(Thorin tells both Gandalf and Michael who nod and begins to walk away until Beorn spoke once more)

Beorn: There is more, not long past word spread. The dead have been seen walking near the high fells Rhudaur.

Michael: The dead as in like spirits of the dead.

Gandalf: Beorn are you sure.

Beorn: Is it true are there tombs in those mountains?

Gandalf: Yes..yes there are tombs up there.

Beorn: I remember a time when a great evil ruled these lands one powerful enough to raise the dead if that enemy has returned to Middle Earth I will have you tell me.

Michael: Does he mean Sauron, the one evil that once covered the world into darkness.(Michael saids in thought while thinking of the dark lord that Elrond mentioned to him)

Gandalf: Saruman The White saids it is not possible, the enemy was destroyed and will never return.

Michael: I get the feeling that he could be wrong.(Michael saids in thought)

Beorn: And what does Gandalf The Grey say?

Michael along with Gandalf as well as Beorn heard crows cheeping and flying around the area as well as howls from the wargs meaning that the enemy is close.

Beorn: Go now while you have the light. Your hunters are not far behind.

Michael: Thank you for everything Beorn.

Beorn: Tell me young warrior, do you think the enemy has returned to Middle Earth.

Michael: From everything I heard from this enemy I get the feeling that darkness will return and the world will need to be ready for its return. Darkness always comes back it always does.

Beorn: Good luck while the light helps guides you on your journey.

Michael: Farewell Beorn and I do not believe that your kind is far gone, if I ever encounter any skin changers that have some how survived I will tell you.

Beorn: Thank you now go.

Michael along with the company set off and ride towards the forest of Mirkwood while Beorn changed back into his bear form and ran into the forest to make sure the orcs are not too far from the company as well as to make sure they reach the forest in time.

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