Chapter 6: The White Council!
It was evening in Rivendell in which Michael was taking a walk around the most beautiful place in Middle Earth where he learned so much about the elves thanks to Lord Elrond who was very kind to teach Michael the ways of the elf as well speak their language that made the warrior very pleased that if he ever encountered other elf kind he can help translate the language barrier. Michael spent hours learning the languages and was able to learn quick that impressed Lord Elrond as well as the other elves who came to be very fund of Michael around their home. So after he took the lessons as well as some swordsmanship that could improve his skills as a fighter, Michael took his walk around the area to get a better look at the place and everything about Rivendell brings warmness and pleasing to his heart and couldn't to gaze at its magnificence.
Michael: matter how I look at it this place, I cannot stop seeing this much beauty. If only my parents were still around they too would love to see a place like this.(Michael saids in thought while looking at Rivendell)
While Michael was taken in the fresh air around him, he decided to see the other part of Rivendell in which he walked into a room that looked like he was in a small church of some sort and spotted something that caught his eye and it was a sword but a sword that looked shattered into pieces.
Michael: Never seen a blade like this before? And why is it shattered into pieces? Judging how it was forged it might of belong to someone who was quite famous but who I wonder.(Michael saids in thought then turned to look at a painting that caught his eye)
Michael looked at the painting that had man wearing armor while holding a broken blade that looked like the sword he seen and the man is defending himself from a dark figure that Michael can see that it was someone of great and terrible evil and was thinking of something that he heard Gandalf said about some dark power ruled the lands and Michael looked at the dark figure in question that this who ever it was is the one who ruled the lands with such dark power.
Michael: Looks like this was during a war of some sort but who is that dark being standing against that man with the broken sword?
Enjoying your time here I see Master Vala.(A voice saids that was towards Michaels left side in which was Lord Elrond)
Michael: Hello Lord Elrond and yes I am quite enjoying your home very well, it is such a magnificent place. It feels like I am in one of those places I see in story books that my mother read to me as a child.
Elrond: I can see that and I am pleased that you find my home to your liking and I was impressed that you were able to learn our language so quickly.
Michael(Elvish): It took some time to figure out the language but I was able to solve it with the help I have received from your people my lord.
Elrond(Elvish): Not bad Vala, keep on doing that and you will be able to do things that you couldn't possibly imagined.
Michael: I will but may I ask you something because this has been bugging me for a while now.
Elrond: Of course Master Vala what would you like to ask of me.
Michael: I have been staring at this painting for a while now and all of sudden this dark figure caught my eye who is he? Was he someone who ruled these lands in the shadows because I heard something Gandalf said about a dark power once ruled these lands.
Elrond: What you are looking at Michael is a memory of an old ancient shadow that once tried to conquer the world in darkness. That is the Dark Lord Sauron, he is the lord of the kingdom known as Mordor.
Michael: Sauron you say and was he the one who Gandalf mentioned about a dark power who once ruled here?
Elrond: Yes, Sauron ruled without mercy and crushed all those who would oppose him and those loyal to him. He brought fear towards the hearts of men when he once ruled with the help of his orc armies that many lives have been lost due to his power.
Michael: Whatever happened to him is he still around?
Elrond: Years ago during the battle against Mordor a last alliance of men and elves marched on the gates of Mordor to defeat the enemy who tried to destroy the world in which many of our brave elves and men fought for the freedom of Middle Earth and the war was towards our victory until Sauron used a weapon with unnatural power that could make him invisible against others.
Michael: And what kind of weapon would that be Lord Elrond?
Elrond: In the fires of mount doom the dark lord Sauron forged himself a weapon that rule all the land and the weapon itself was a ring but not any just ring Michael a ring of power, one ring to rule them all and bring all those into the darkness.
Michael: You mean that ring on his finger there. The one on the painting.
Elrond: Yes that is the ring of power, Sauron's ultimate weapon of destruction.
Michael: And let me guess he used the ring to destroy his enemies during the battle of Mordor.
Elrond: He did I was there when he used the awful weapon against us.
Michael: Can a ring such as that really do that much destruction?
Elrond: Indeed it can Michael Vala, in the hands of the enemy it can willed a power so great it could destroy all before it but that all changed when Sauron was defeated in Mordor.
Michael: How was he defeated if he so much power as well as that ring?
Elrond: Isildur the son of the king of Gondor who was slain in battle against the dark lord took up his fathers broken sword and cut the ring off Sauron in which caused the dark lord to be destroyed in battle and the people of Middle Earth were free from his wain.
Michael: That doesn't make sense how could an all powerful dark lord get killed so easily after getting his fingers cut off and instantly be destroyed after words. Something is definitely not right there and something also tells me that darkness could come back.(Michael saids in thought)
Michael: And the ring what happened to it? Was it destroyed since it was used for evil because something of that power had to be destroyed right. Did Isildur destroy it?(Michael saids to Elrond who turned and looked away meaning it was a no)
Elrond: After Sauron defeat in Mordor, I have asked Isildur to follow me into the fires of mount doom to destroy the one ring and bring an end to darkness but sadly the hearts of men are easily corrupted.
Michael: Something tells me that Isildur changed when he had the ring in his hands.
Elrond: The ring corrupts anyone who dare touches it or wears it in which Isildur was blinded by the rings power and kept it for his own while I stood there to see the hearts of men fall and become corrupted.
Michael: So he took the ring so that no one can bring any harm to it.
Elrond: Yes and for that Isildur became the new barrier of the ring until one day he and his men were attacked by orcs and Isildur used the ring to try and escape the carnage but sadly due to his acts and misdeeds the ring abandoned Isildur after he jumped into the river and was slain by orcs and the ring of power was lost and never seen again.
Michael: But would darkness still be able to return, I mean it could happen right under everyone noses.
Elrond: It has been over four hundred years Michael Vala and we have been living in peace all this time. Sauron is defeated and he can never reagin his full strength and without the ring of power, darkness can never return.
Michael: Why do I get the feeling that it could and why do I feel like this Sauron could return because there is no way he could be dead there is no way.(Michael saids in thought while looking at the painting of Sauron)
After a while now both Elrond and Michael put their conversation about Sauron to the side for later and decided to take a walk together and talk about the other kingdoms in Middle Earth as well as their people until they both spotted Bilbo Baggins enjoying the view of RivenDell and went to greet and Hobbit.
Michael: I see you are also taking in the beauty of this wonderful place as well Bilbo.
Bilbo: Oh hello Michael yes it is quite lovely indeed.
Elrond: We also see that you are not with your companions.
Bilbo: Uh...I shall be missed. The truth some of them except for Michael don't think I should be on this journey.
Michael: Give them time Bilbo they will learn to except you it's just a leap of faith. Who knows you might even surprise them with something that no Hobbit has ever done in their lives.
Elrond: Michael speaks the truth Master Hobbit. Though in my books I heard that Hobbits are very resilient.
Bilbo: Really?
Elrond: I also heard that their fund of the converts of home.
Bilbo: I also heard unwise to seek that council of the elves if they would both answer yes or no.
Michael: Hehehe...
Elrond: You are very welcome to stay here if that is you wish.(Elrond saids then takes his leave)
Michael: You know between you and me Bilbo I think that would be a wonderful idea.
Bilbo: You think so?
Michael: Sure I mean look at this place it is the most amazing site you have ever seen and I think maybe one day if you like you can take up on Lord Elrond's offer whenever you want to or not just give it some thought.
Bilbo: I think I will do that, thank you Micheal.
Michael: Anything for my new friend even if he is a Hobbit who enjoys the converts of home.
Bilbo: Hehehe that I do Michael that I do.
Michael: I know that you will be able to return home Bilbo I will make sure you do.
Bilbo: Thank you.
Michael: Your welcome, I am gonna take another walk around the place wanna join me.
Bilbo: I think I will stay here for a little bit longer you go enjoy yourself.
Michael: Alright then see you soon Bilbo and do think of the offer from Lord Elrond.
Bilbo: I will Michael.
Michael left Bilbo to himself and continued on with his walk around Rivendell though while walking he spotted the company of dwarves playing around in a huge fountain and were completely in the nude that would give anyone nightmares so he avoided that scene he just saw and continued on with is peaceful walk until soon night came towards Rivendell. Michael was about to call it day after enjoying every inch of Rivendell when all of sudden he spotted both Gandalf and Lord Elrond heading into his direction.
Elrond: Why didn't you tell me this before Gandalf?
Gandalf: Of course I was going to tell you, I was waiting for the right chance and I mean really I think you can trust I know what I am doing.
Michael was heard half of the conversation between the two and decided to ask what they were talking about so that he can get an understanding of whats happening.
Michael: What seems to be the issue Gandalf, Lord Elrond?
Gandalf: Michael nice to see you, Lord Elrond and I were discussing the terms of our journey towards Erebor.
Michael: Really because it sounds like Lord Elrond was disagreeing with you about something isn't that right Lord Elrond.
Elrond: Yes indeed Master Vala, and Gandalf are you sure you know what you are doing. That dragon has slept for sixty years. What would happen if you plan with fail if you wake that beast?
Michael: For once I have to agree what would happened if the dragon awakens do you know how much destruction if could cause.
Gandalf: But what if we succeed, if the dwarves take back the mountain our defenses in the East will strengthened and with Michael's help we can prevail.
Elrond: It is a dangerous move Gandalf.
Gandalf: It also dangerous to do nothing, cut the throne of Erebor is Thorin's birthright what is that you fear?
While they were talking Michael looked to see Bilbo watching them as well as Thorin who was listening to everything that both Gandalf and Elrond were saying and Michael felt bad for the dwarf that he heard and wondering what he will do until Michael went back to listening to both Elrond and Gandalf conversation.
Elrond: Have you forgotten, a stray of madness runs deep in that family. His grandfather lost his mind and his father came to the same sickness. Can you swear that Thorin Oakenshield will not also fall.
Michael: I will make sure he doesn't Lord Elrond.
Elrond: Master Vala?
Michael: I will make sure that Thorin doesn't come down with the same sickness like his grandfather did nor his father because he is neither of them. Thorin Oakenshield is a wise dwarf even though some don't see it but for me and his company who look up to him, I know deep down that Thorin will prevail and take back his homeland and the dragon will be defeated even if it takes all of us to defeat it, I will die trying until my last breath. I know that Thorin suffered a lot in his life time but this could be his chance to make things right, this could be his chance to reunite the houses of Durin and if something would to happened to him I will make sure nothing happens and that he will fulfill his task and take back Erebor.
When Thorin who was near Bilbo heard those words from Michael he brought honor and respect to the dwarf's heart that his new company will do what it takes to help Thorin fulfill his promise and take back his homeland. After words he left and went to rejoin his company while also thinking of what Michael said about him that he will thank him when he sees him again.
Gandalf: My dear Michael those were such honorable words.
Michael: Thank you and I will keep that promise all the way through this journey.
Gandalf: You see even Michael can see it.
Elrond: That maybe true Gandalf but these decisions do not rest with us alone is not up to you or me to redraw the map of Middle Earth.
Gandalf: Be as it may Lord Elrond these dwarves will march on the mountain. They are determined to reclaimed their homeland, I do not believe that Thorin Oakenshield feels that he doesn't need to answer to anyone or for that matter am I.
Elrond: It is not me you should be answering to.
Michael: If not you Lord Elrond then who?
Elrond along with Gandalf looked towards their front as well as Michael of which he saw someone near the edge looking at the moon and it was a woman but not any woman an elf a very beautiful and lovely elf that shines like the moon itself that left Michael in awe.
Gandalf: Lady Galadriel...
Michael: She's beautiful.(Michael saids in thought)
Galadriel(Elvish): has been a long time.
Gandalf(Elvish): Age may have changed me...but not so the Lady of Lorien.
Galadriel smiles upon her old friend then looks to see Michael Vala in which the elf gave the young warrior a charming smile at seeing a new face in Middle Earth.
Galadriel: Welcome to Middle Earth Michael Vala.
Michael: You know of me m'lady?
Galadriel: I had a vision of the goddess of light bring forth a wise and gifted man who will bring wonders to our world and has been marked with the goddess herself as well as that you are from another world in which I welcome you great warrior.
Michael(Elvish): Your words pleases me Lady Galadriel and your beauty shines like the moon that we all stand under which brings a warm smile upon me.
Galadriel(Elvish): You are learning well Vala, Elrond has done good to you.
Michael(Elvish): And I thank him for what he has done though there is still much to learn from this world and I plan to learn what I can.
Galadriel: Your parents would be proud of you Michael Vala from another world.
Michael: I know they will thank you Lady Galadriel.
Gandalf: I had no idea that Lord Elrond has sent for you Lady Galadriel.
He didn't..I did.(A voice came from the other side of Galadriel in which the man had a white beard and was wearing white robes and a black staff)
Gandalf: Saruman..(Gandalf saids bows to his friend)
Saruman: You have been busy lately my friend.
Gandalf: Yes indeed I have. Michael Vala this is Lord Saruman The White.
Michael: I am honored to meet you sir, Gandalf has told me about you.(Michael saids and bows his head towards the wizard)
Saruman: The honor is all mine young warrior.
Elrond: Now that all of us are here we can get started on the council. Michael your more than welcome to join and listen to what we are going to discuss.
Michael: I might as well this could be interesting.
Soon the four council members along with Michael who decided to join the meeting were seated while Galadriel, Elrond and Michael stood while Gandalf and Saruman seated.
(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Saruman: Tell me Gandalf, did you think these plans and schemes of yours will go unnoticed.
Gandalf: Unnoticed? No...I simply doing what it feels right.
Galadriel: The dragon has long been on your mind.
Gandalf: It is true m'lady, Smaug owes allegiance to no one but if should side with the enemy a dragon could be used to terrible effect.
Michael: Enemy?
Saruman: Yes what Michael said what enemy. Gandalf the enemy has been defeated, Sauron is vanquished he can never regain his full strength.
Gandalf: Does it not worry you that the last of dwarf rings should simply vanish along with its bearer of the seven dwarf rings four were consumed by dragons, two were taken by Sauron before he fell in Mordor, the fate of the last dwarf ring remains unknown. The ring the was worn by Thrain.
Saruman: Without The Ruling Ring of Power the seven are of no value to the enemy to control the other rings he needs the one and that ring was lost long long ago it was swept out to sea by the waters of the undoing.
Elrond: Gandalf, for four hundred years we have lived in peace an unharmed watchful peace.
Michael: Sometimes peace can end Lord Elrond and sometimes darkness can return at the proper moment.
Gandalf: I agree with Vala on this one, are we at peace? Trolls have come down from the mountains they are raiding villages, destroying farms, orcs have attacked us on the run.
Elrond: Hardly a pillar to war.
Saruman: Looking for trouble where none exist.
Galadriel: Let him speak.
Gandalf: There is something beyond the evil of Smaug something far more powerful it can remain blind to it but it will not be ignoring us that I can promise you. A sickness lyes over the greenwood, the woodsmen who live there now call it Mirkwood and this they say...
Saruman: Well don't stop now tell us what the woodsmen say.
Michael: Does it have to do with this Necromancer Gandalf.
Gandalf: Yes thank you Michael, they speak of a Necromancer living in Dol Guldur a sorcerer who can summon the dead.
Michael: The dead? Is that possible?
Saruman: Thats absurd no such power exist in this world, this Necromancer is nothing more than a mortal man a conjurer dabbling in black magic.
Gandalf: And so I thought too but Radagast have seen it.......
Saruman: Radagast, do not speak to me about Radagast the brown he's a foolish fellow.
Gandalf: Hehe well he is odd I grant you but he is a solitary of life.
Michael: A little nuts in the head.(Michael saids in thought)
Saruman: It's not that, it is his excessive consumption of mushrooms they've addled his brain and yellow his teeth.....
When Saruman was giving out his speech about Radagast all of sudden Michael was hearing the thoughts from both Gandalf and Lady Galadriel in which they were discussing about what Radagast found in the abandoned fortress of Dol Guldur until Michael looked to see Gandalf pulling out the same blade that he and Gandalf seen when Radagast show it to them.
Elrond: What is that?
Michael: Something that is made for evil.
Galadriel: Indeed it is a relic of Mordor.
Elrond unwrapped the cloth that the blade was covered and began to show everyone around the council and looked to see the blade in person in which brought a shock towards Elrond while Galadriel and Saruman examine it more closely as well as Michael.
Elrond: A Morgul blade....
Michael: What's a Morgul blade?
Galadriel: It was made for the Witch King of Angmar and was later buried with him. When Angmar fell the men of North took his body and all that he possessed and sealed it within the high fells of Rhudaur, deep within the rock they buried him a tomb so dark it would never come to the light.
Elrond: This is not possible..a powerful spell lies upon those tombs they cannot be opened.
Michael: But it looks like they were.(Michael saids in thought)
Saruman: What proof do we have this weapon came from Angmar's grave.
Gandalf: I have none..
Saruman: Because there is none, let us examine what we know a single orc pack has dared to cross the plains to the end, a dagger from a bygone age has been found and a human sorcerer who calls himself the Necromancer has taken up residence in a ruined fortress. It's not so very much after all the question of this dwarvish company however troubles me deeply are not convinced Gandalf, I do not feel I can condone such a quest.
Michael didn't like how Saruman was talking and decided to avoid him until he started to hear the thoughts of Galadriel and Gandalf again saying the the dwarves are leaving meaning that they are going to continue on their journey without him or Gandalf knowing. Lindir then came to the council and to let Elrond know what is going on.
Lindir: My lord the dwarves have left. They left early and took everything with them.
Elrond: Thank you for telling me Lindir. This meeting is adjured.
Elrond began to leave along with Saruman who followed behind while Gandalf and Michael along with Lady Galadriel stayed behind while the sun began to rise over Rivendell.
(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Galadriel: Both of you will follow them.
Michael: Yes we will Lady Galadriel.
Gandalf: Absolutely m'lady.
Galadriel: You are right to help Thorin Oakenshield, but I fear this quest as set in motion forces we do not yet understand. Something moves in the shadows unseen, hidden from our sites it will not show itself not yet.
Michael: If that is true m'lady then it is waiting for the right moment to make an appearance.
Galadriel: Everyday it grows in strength, you must be careful.
Gandalf: Yes...(Gandalf saids as he and Michael begin to leave until Galadriel spoke once more)
Galadriel: Mithrandir..why the halfling?
Gandalf: I do not know, Saruman believes its only great power that could hold evil in check but that is not what I found. I found it is the small things everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay, kindness and love. Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps it is because I am afraid that he gives me courage.
Michael: He's gives all of us courage Gandalf, he's a Hobbit after all and Hobbits can sometimes show us the wonders and greatness that they give us.
Galadriel: Vala speaks the truth Gandalf, maybe the Hobbit will show a great part in this quest and so will Vala Mithrandri.
Gandalf: I know they will m'lady.
Michael: It was truly a pleasure to meet you Lady Galadriel, I hope we will meet again.
Galadriel: I am sure we will in due time Michael Vala, I know you will become someone of great and noble work and do protect those around you because they will need you more than ever.
Michael(Elvish): I will see to it I will m'lady.
Galadriel(Elvish): May the Goddess of Light protect you Michael Vala of another world.
Michael: Farewell Lady Galadriel, Gandalf shall we catch up with our company and also try to make sure they don't get themselves into any trouble or worse get killed.
Gandalf: I think that should be a wise decision.
Galadriel: Until we meet again Mithrandri.
Gandalf: Goodbye m'lady.
Soon both Gandalf and Michael said their farewells to Lady Galadriel who wished them both luck and safe travels as well as Lord Elrond of which Michael will visit him and his home when he gets the chance and it would very pleased the elf lord since he enjoyed Michael's company quite well.
Michael: Ooh I should take Savior out I almost forgot about him.
Michael reaches into his magical bag and pulls out his wolf companion who later then whacks Michael on the head with his tail for living him in the bag the entire time that earned Gandalf a chuckle.
Bark! Whack!(Savior barks at Michael then whacks him with his tail)
Michael: Ok I deserved that and I am sorry I forgot to take you out of the bag. But you're out now and here's some food for you that would make you happy.(Michael saids and hands Savior some food that he took and ate the whole thing and gave Michael a lick on the face)
Gandalf: Seems like he excepted your apology.
Michael: Yes indeed so shall we get going ever road on a giant wolf before Gandalf.
Gandalf: Not to say I have could be my first.
Michael: Well hop on and hang on tight this might get a little bumpy.
Gandalf hops on Savior with Michael and gave his wolf something to track the company in which the wolf picked up the sent and began to run towards the direction the dwarves and Bilbo are heading.
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