Chapter 5: Rivendell!
Michael along with the company and Gandalf as well as Bilbo found the cave where the trolls were hiding during the day light to hide from the sun so they wont turn to stone in which they did thanks to Michael and Gandalf. Once there they found what they were looking for except it smelled horrible that everyone has to cover their noses to avoid the smell.
Bofur: Oh what is that stench?
Michael: Ehh...I thought an outhouse smelled worse than this.
Gandalf: It's a troll hoard, be careful what you touch.
Michael: Well its a good thing I wont be touching anything that smells like Troll.
Everyone looked around the cave and saw lots of things on the ground and piled up in which there was coins and treasure chest lying around and not just that but also weapons.
Bofur: Seems a shame just to leave it lying around, anyone can take it.
Gloin: Agreed, Nori get a shovel.
Michael was with Thorin who was checking out the weapons that were in the cave and he can tell that they were not from a Troll because the swords looked more like they were used for men or maybe Elves.
Thorin: These swords were not made by any troll.
Michael: Indeed they look too well crafted for a troll to forge?(Michael saids while checking out the swords Thorin had and gave one Gandalf)
Gandalf: Nor were they made by any smith among men.
Michael: If they weren't forged by men then who?
Gandalf: These were forged in Gondolin, by the High Elves of the First Age.(Gandalf saids in which Thorin heard and decided to put away the sword)
Michael: Thorin why don't you take a look at the blade first before deciding to use or not.
Gandalf: Indeed you could not wish for finer blade.
Thorin took their advice and check out the blade and it looked quite interesting and thought of using it for the journey. Meanwhile the other dwarves were putting the coins they found as well as the gold into the ground to make a long deposit.
Gloin: We're are making a long term deposit.
Michael: You know sooner or later that chest wont be there and your deposit will be gone.
Thorin: Let's get out of this foul place, Come on let's go. Bofur, Gloin, Nori and Vala.
Everyone was about to head out when all of sudden Gandalf's staff hit something on the ground and began to moves the dirt off it and found what looks like a sword.
Michael: It would seem you found a sword, thinking of giving it to Bilbo?
Gandalf: I think it would do him nicely and its just his right size.
Michael and Gandalf then headed out of the cave and spotted Bilbo talking with the others who were checking out the stuff outside of the cave and decided to give the Hobbit his weapon to use to defend himself.
Gandalf: Bilbo.
Bilbo: Hm?
Gandalf: Here this about your size.(Gandalf saids and hands Bilbo his own sword)
Bilbo: I can't take this.
Gandalf: The blade is Elvish make, which means it will glow blue when orcs or goblins are nearby.
Michael: Think of it as an alarm whenever danger comes near you.
Bilbo: I have never used a sword in my life.
Gandalf: And we hope you never have to, but if you do remember this true courage is about knowing not when to take a life but when to spare one.
Michael: And don't worry Bilbo if you have trouble using a blade I will happy to teach you how to use one so you can help defend yourself if we ever bump into anything that tries to harm us.
Thorin: Something's coming!
Michael and Gandalf heard Thorin and armed themselves for what is coming their way.
Bilbo: Gandalf...
Gandalf: Stay together, hurry now and armed yourselves!(Gandalf saids while pulling out his sword and going with the others)
Michael: Come on Bilbo and armed yourself.
Bilbo pulls out his sword in which he took a look at his blade but then soon turned towards where the others are going and joined them. Suddenly everyone gathered around of what is coming towards them when all of sudden they look to see a slay with rabbits and a person that looked like a wizard in which Gandalf sees that it was Radagast The Brown.
Radagast: Thives! Fires! Murder!
Gandalf: Radagast, It's Radagast The Brown, what on earth are you doing here?
Radagast: I was looking for you Gandalf, somethings wrong. Something is terribly wrong.
Gandalf: Yes?
Michael: I have this idea that he is going to forget what he going to say?(Michael saids in thought)
Radagast: Just give me a! I had a thought and now I have lost it, it was right there on the tip of my tongue.
Michael: Just relax yourself sir and breath slowly and then speak.
Gandalf then walked towards Radagast and look to see something inside of the mouth of the wizard in which looks like an insect.
Radagast: Oh it is not a thought at all, it is a silly old stick insect.
Michael: Ok just between us this guy is a little nuts in the head.(Michaels said to Bilbo along with Fili and Kili who nod in agreement)
Gandalf and Radagast went to talk and Michael decided to join them to see what has got the wizard Radagast so startled all of sudden.
Radagast: The Greenwood is sick Gandalf, a darkness has fallen over it. Nothing grows any more, at least nothing and the air is foul with decay but worst are the webs.
Gandalf: Webs? What do you mean?
Michael: How could that be possible Radagast? What is causing all of that to happened?
Radagast: Spiders my boy giant ones. Gandalf they were some kind of spawn of Ungoliant or I am not a wizard. I followed their trail they came from Dol Guldur.
Gandalf: Dol Guldur? But the old fortress is abandoned.
Michael: What is Dol Guldur?
Gandalf: A fortress that held dark magic and sorcery Michael and centuries later it has been abandoned.
Radagast: No Gandalf tis not.
Radagast Flashback to Dol Guldur:
Radagast: A dark power dwells in there...such as I have never felt before. It is the shadow of an ancient horror.
Radagast: One the can summon the spirits...of the dead. I saw him Gandalf from out of the darkness..a Necromancer has come.
In the flashback Radagast was in Dol Guldur and fought a spirit that was attacking him until it vanished while leaving behind a dark blade as well as coming face to face with a dark shadow that was looking right at him and it began to scare the wizard out of the fortress and ride off into the forest away from the dark place and going to warn Gandalf.
End of Flashback
Radagast was finishing his story as well as panicking until Michael put a hand on his shoulder to calm the poor wizard down.
Michael: Take it easy Radagast, relax yourself.
Radagast: Sorry.
Gandalf: Try a little Toby, it will help setting your nerves.
Gandalf gave Radagast the smoke in which he inhaled all of the weed that took from the pipe.
Gandalf: and out.
Radagast then let the smoke come out his ears which Michael thought it was funny especially when the wizard was making a silly looking face until Gandalf spoke about the Necromancer.
Gandalf: Now the Necromancer, are you sure?
Radagast then pulled out something from his robes and gave it to Gandalf who unwrapped the cloth and looked to see what looks like a dark blade even Michael took a look and saw that it was a weapon for evil.
Radagast: That is not from the world of the living.
Michael: It does have that dark aura feeling and way it is forged it means it something of pure evil.
AAWOOOO!(A howl was heard and got everyone alarmed even Savior)
Savior: GRRRRRRRR......
Michael: Smell something you don't like boy?
Bilbo: Was that wolf? Are there wolves out there besides Savior?
Bofur: Wolf? No that is not a wolf.
Then out of the trees came out a huge and deadly beast that attack the others but were still alive when Thorin went and killed it but then looked to see another one coming in to attack.
Michael: Savior attack!
Savior charged and bit down on the creatures neck and snapped it in which Michel looked to see what the beast was and it looked like a wolf but more vicious looking and ugly as well until Thorin spoke of what it was.
Thorin: Warg scouts! Which means an orc pack is not far behind.
Michael: Well that changes things around here.
Bilbo: Orc pack?
Gandalf: Who did you tell about your quest, beyond your kin?
Thorin: No one.
Gandalf: Who did you tell?!
Thorin: No one I swear! What in Durin's name is going on?
Gandalf: You are being hunted.
Dwalin: We have to get out here.
Ori: We can't! We have no ponies they bolted.
Michael: And we can't all ride on Savior. In which I think you will be safer in the bag boy.(Michael saids in which Savior nods and goes into the bag that Michael opens for him and gets sucked inside leaving Bilbo speechless of how a big wolf was able to fit in the small bag)
Radagast: I'll draw them off.
Gandalf: These are Gundabad wargs, they will outrun you!
Radagast: These are Rhosgoble rabbits. I like to see them try.
Michael: Hehehe this wizard has guts I give him that.(Michael saids in thought)
Meanwhile outside the forest a pack of orcs and wargs were searching through the trees in search of the dwarves when all of sudden the wargs found something or someone which was Radagast on his slay with his rabbits running fast and driving off the pack of orcs away from the company.
Radagast: HAHAHA! Come and get me!
While Radagast was drawling off the orcs and the wargs, Gandalf was leading the company along with Bilbo and Michael somewhere so that they wont get spotted by the orcs and so they went straight into the field that was covered with large stones covering the land.
Gandalf: Come on!
Everyone was taking cover behind the rocks while the orcs go after Radagast who were dodging the attacks from the wargs as well as the orcs who tried to kill him. Then everyone stopped to see the ocrs and hid behind the rocks for cover.
Gandalf: Stay together.
Michael: Go in a different direction and hurry.
Thorin: Move!
They all went a little further along the rocks but then stopped again when they saw the orcs again as well as Radagast but Ori continued to walk more until Thorin pulled him away so he doesn't get spotted.
Thorin: Ori no, come back!
Michael: We must stay close and keep out of site!
Gandalf: All of you, come one, come on! Quick!
Thorin: Where are you leading us?
Michael: If we know Gandalf probably somewhere safe. I hope?
Gandalf didn't say anything to Thorin nor Michael and continued on with the others who were still taking cover near the rocks when all of sudden on of the orcs who was on its warg smelled something near by and went to check it out. When everyone hid behind the rocks once again they looked up and saw one of the orcs trying to find them until Thorin looked towards Kili and nods for him to take the shot and kill the orc and the warg as well. When the moment came, Kili shot his arrow at the warg first then at the orc who both tipped over the rocks and fell near everyone who took out their weapons to kill them but Michael beat them to hit and sliced off the heads of the orc and the warg with the dark saber. But while he killed them they let out their cries of pain that somehow alerted the pack.
Michael: It looks like they found us.
Gandalf: Move, Run!
They all ran as fast as they can while Michael was covering them from both sides and once they got further away and out of the rocks they all spotted some of the orcs on the hill.
Gloin: There they are!
Gandalf: This way, Quickly!
Admittedly they were all surrounded by the pack in which they look to see more coming their way and everyone got out their weapons to defend themselves.
Kili: There's more coming!
Thorin: Kili shoot them!
Kili fired his arrows at some of the orcs and wargs but they just kept coming their way. Gandalf on the other hand spotted a rock of some sort until he realizes what he knew about it and headed towards it.
Fili: Were surrounded!
Michael: NO SHIT!
Dori: Where's Gandalf?!
Michael along with the others looked around them and spotted no sign of the wizard anywhere.
Dwalin: He's abandoned us!
Thorin: Hold you ground! Vala in front!
Michael took the front and was ready to smash some orc heads as well as some wargs. When one of them charged at Michael, he hit the beast with his fist and it went flying into the air and knocked over some trees that left some of the orcs speechless then when another came Michael grabbed the warg neck and snapped it in half with his bare hands. Then when more started come in, Gandalf came out of what looks like a hole and warned the others where to go.
Gandalf: This way you fools!
Michael: Everyone into the hole!
Thorin: Come on, move! Quickly all of you! Go! Go!
The dwarves headed into the hole in while Gandalf was making sure he got everyone inside while Thorin was informing the other to join.
Thorin: Kili run!
Michael: I got you covered Kili!(Michael said and picks up a boulder and throws it at the warg coming towards Kili and kills it)
Thorin: Vala come on!
Michael: On my way!
Soon Michael along with Thorin jumped into the hole where everyone was in and held their ground to attack when all of sudden they heard a horn from out of nowhere. Then out came riders on horses who were killing the orcs and wargs and many were being killed by them while the remaining who were still alive fled and one landed inside the hole where the others looked to see it is dead until Thorin found an arrow in the orcs body.
Thorin: Elves.
Michael: Dwalin where does that path lead to?(Michael saids while looking at Dwalin who was down a path in the hole that everyone was in)
Dwalin: I cannot see where the path leads. Do we follow it or not?
Michael: Its either that or go back the way we came.
Bofur: We follow it of course!
Michael: Agreed.
Gandalf: I think that would be wise.
The company all went into the path together that could lead to anywhere until all of sudden Michael along with Dwalin heard something that sounded like water and they both pushed forward and looked to see a magnificent sight that Michael was in awe about and not just him but Bilbo as well except for Thorin of course.
Michael: Wow.......
Gandalf: The Valley of Imladris, in the common tongue it is known by another name.
Bilbo: Rivendell.
Michael: It's beautiful.(Michael saids in thought while amazed of the site he was seeing with his own eyes)
Gandalf: Here lies the last homely house, east of the sea.
Thorin: This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy.(Thorin saids with some anger in his voice)
Gandalf: You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill-will to be founded in this valley is that which you bring yourself.
Thorin: You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us.
Michael: Doesn't he know these could be different elves then the ones he met.(Michael saids in thought)
Gandalf: Of course they will, but we have questions that need to be answered. If we are to be successful this will need to be handled with tact and respect and no small degree of charm, which is why you will be leaving the talking to me.
Gandalf led the company with Michael and Bilbo down the hill and towards Rivendell in which both Michael and Bilbo were admiring the site they were both in and found it quite marvelous while the dwarves wait in the center while Gandalf attends to the talking. Then soon an elf came down the steps to see the company along with Gandalf who goes by the name Lindir.
Lindir: Mithrandir.
Gandalf: Ah, Lindir.
Michael: An actual elf in person, absolutely amazing.(Michael saids in thought and amazement to see a real elf in front of him)
Lindir(Elvish): We heard you had crossed into the Valley.
Michael: Was that elvish language? I have to learn how to speak like that if I encountered other elves.(Michael saids in a whisper to himself)
Gandalf: I must speak with Lord Elrond.
Lindir: My Lord Elron is not here.
Gandalf: Not here? Then where is he?
A horn was blown and got everyone turned around to see a group of people wearing armor and on horses which are elves heading towards Rivendell until all of sudden Thorin told his dwarves to ready their weapons and get into a circle.
Thorin: Hold ranks!
The elves were surrounding the dwarves but didn't pay no mind to them holding their weapons at them while Michael was shaking his head of how ridiculous the dwarves are behaving right now until an elf wearing such magnificent elf armor that Michael looked to see road in front of Gandalf and by judging the elf's appearance, Micheal can tell this elf was Lord Elrond of Rivendell.
Elrond: Gandalf.
Gandalf: Lord Elrond.
Michael: So this is Lord Elrond of Rivendell.(Michael saids in awe)
Gandalf(Elvish): My friend! Where have you been?
Elrond(Elvish): We've been hunting a pack of orcs that came up from the south. We slew in a number the Hidden Pass.
Elrond got off his horse and went to hug his friend Gandalf while also holding a blade that belonged to the orcs that he and his men killed.
Elrond: Strange for orcs to come so close to our borders. Something or someone has drawn them near.
Gandalf: Ah that may have been us.
Elrond looked at the company of the dwarves as well as Michael who for some reason never seen someone like Michael before nor seen such weapons he carries or clothes that he wore but turned his attention towards Thorin who walked up to him.
Elrond: Welcome Thorin son of Thrain.
Thorin: I do not believe we have met.
Elrond: You have your grandfather's bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled Under the Mountain.
Thorin: Indeed? He made no mention of you.
Elrond(Elvish): Light the fires, bring forth the wine. We must feed our guests.
Gloin: What is he saying? Does he offer us insult?
Gandalf: No master Gloin, he is offering you food.
Thorin and his kin talked among themselves before they all looked towards Lord Elrond.
Gloin: Well in that case nicely done.
Thorin along with kin and Bilbo headed up the stairs to get settled in as well as some food. Then Lord Elrond looked towards Michael with some interest.
Elrond: And who might you be?
Michael: I am Michael Vala, it is an honor to be in your presence Lord Elrond of Rivendell.
Elrond: Welcome Michael Vala to my home. I must say I have never seen someone like you around these parts of Middle Earth? Are you from any of the kingdoms here.
Gandalf: Unfortunately Lord Elrond he is not, in any case he is not of Middle Earth.
Elrond: What do you mean Mithrandir?
Michael: He means I am not from Middle Earth in which I am from a different world that was reborn here thanks to Luna Goddess of Light.
When Elrond heard the name of the Goddess of Light, he couldn't believe what he just heard from Michael until he showed Elrond the mark of the goddess on his arm that glowed.
Elrond: The mark of the goddess, you have been blessed with her mark.
Michael: Indeed and that is why you saw me differently as well as seeing my outfit and weapons I carry with me.
Elrond: Well I think we can discuss more about yourself over dinner.
Michael: I would be delighted to tell you more about myself if you can tell more about your kind as well as possibly teach me the Elvish language would definitely help if I ever encounter other elves.
Elrond: It would be my honor Michael Vala, come let us dine together.
Michael joined Lord Elrond and Gandalf to have dinner with them with the company who were at their tables while also not liking the food because it was all green and vegetables. Then soon Michael came into the area and saw the company and Thorin as well as elves playing lovely music that was pleasing to his ears. While Michael sat at the table where Thorin was sitting, he heard the voices of the dwarves who were not liking the food around them but Michael doesn't mind vegetables or fruits.
Dori: Try it, just a mouthful.
Ori: I don't like green food.
Dwalin was looking at the food and trying to find something good to try but all he was trying to find was meat.
Dwalin: Where's the meat?
Ori: Have they got any chips?
Michael then looked to see both Gandalf and Lord Elrond who was out of his armor and dressed properly for dinner.
Gandalf: Kind of you to invite us. Not really dressed for dinner.
Elrond: Well you never are.
Gandalf: Hehehe.
Once Gandalf and Elrond took their seat near Thorin and Michael, Elrond asked of Michael of his origin and how he came to be in Middle Earth thanks the Goddess of Light and so Michael told him everything of what has happened to him and how he came from a world similar to Middle Earth but without elves, wizards, orcs, goblins, dragons, the kingdoms and magic in which was basically the world of men; a world that was far more advanced of what they have in Middle Earth. Michael told him about himself and what he was like back in his world including what his family was like before they died which Elrond felt sorry for Michael and was told of his death when he saved a family from a burning fire and was given a second chance to start a new life in Middle Earth thanks to the Goddess of Light who blessed with the clothes he wore as well as the weapons and even the powers that Michael told Lord Elrond in which made the elf very impressed with the man he sitting next to that Michel has powers as well as magic including a ring that allows him to change into different sets of armor that come with their own set of weapons and fire power but also was blessed with long lasting life so that he can live forever just like an elf.
As soon as Michael finished his story, Lord Elrond was amazed that there are other words out there as well as the Goddess of Light being real and has blessed the man he is sitting next to was given a second chance to start a new being here in Middle Earth while having incredible powers and magic that would do him nicely as well as weapons and armor included. Then soon Lord Elrond told Michael of the elven race and how they all started as well as the battles they fought to keep the world safe from falling into darkness and has asked one his elf maiden to teach him the language of the elf which Michael really appreciated and will like to learn as much as he can.
While Michael was having a conversation with both Lord Elrond and Gandalf, Kili was eyeing a beautiful elf maiden who was playing the music and earned the young dwarf a smile until Dwalin was eyeing him for staring at the elf woman.
Kili: I can't say I fancy Elf maidens myself. Too thin, they are all high cheekbones and creamy. Not enough facial hair for me although that one there is not bad.(Kili saids while looking at the elf behind him but when Dwalin looked he can see that wasn't an elf maiden)
Dwalin: Thats not an elf maid.
Kili looked to see the elf who turned out to be a male elf playing an instrument in which got Kili shocked and confused until his kin started to laugh of his mistake.
Elrond who was talking with Thorin, Gandalf and Michael was checking out a blade that Thorin found in the troll cave as well as the sword Gandalf had included.
Elrond: This is Orcirst, The Goblin Cleaver. A famous blade forged by the High Elves of the West my kin. May it serve you well.(Elrond saids and hands the sword back to Thorin)
Gandalf then handed his sword over to Lord Elrond.
Elrond: This is Glamdring, The Foehammer. Sword of the King of Gondolin. These were made for the Goblin Wars of the First Age.
Michael then handed Lord Elrond his blade and then activates it in which the elf looked to see a blade that glows black and white.
Elrond: Remarkable, I have never seen a blade like this before and how is powered?
Michael: It is powered by a rare stone from another world called a Kyber crystal. It's what powers the blade itself and it cut through mostly anything even solid rock.
Elrond: Impressive what is this blade called Michael Vala.
Michael: It is called the Dark Saber it was forged by a greater warrior named Tarre Visla who was an incredible being with such strength as well as a sorcerer of magic.
Elrond: Impressive, is it possible to forge blades such as this.
Michael: The goddess of light gave me to parts to build something similar to the Dark Saber though I haven't build anything yet but someday when the times comes I will. Fare warning don't touch the blade it will slice your arm off in a blink of an eye.
Elrond: It serves you well Michael Vala.(Elrond saids hand turns off the blade and hands it back to Michael who thanks him for the compliment)
Michael: Thank you Lord Elrond.
Bibo was looking at Elrond who was checking out the swords that Michael, Thorin and Gandalf had and then looked at his own blade until Balin spoke.
Balin: I wouldn't bother laddie, swords are named for the great deeds they do in war.
Bilbo: What are you saying my sword hasn't seen battle?
Balin: I am not actually sure it is a sword more like a letter opener really.
Back with Elrond who wanted to know where Gandalf and Thorin came by their blades.
Elrond: How did you come by these?
Gandalf: We found them in a Troll cave the Great East Road shortly after we were ambushed by orcs.
Elrond: And what were you doing the Great East Road?
Thorin: Excuse me.
Thorin got up from his seat and went to join his kin who were talking among themselves.
Elrond: Thirteen dwarves, a Halfling, and a young man who was brought here by the Goddess of Light herself. Strange traveling companions Gandalf especially for you Michael Vala.
Michael: Hehehe, trust me Lord Elrond I seen stranger things all the time. And who knows I might see more during my stay here in this world.
Gandalf: And Lord Elrond these here are the descendants of the house of Durin. They are noble, decent folk and they are surprisingly cultured. They have got a deep love of the arts.
Michael: Yea I pretty sure they don't because I see some taking things that are the elves and the others are not liking the music that is playing.(Michael saids in thought while watching the dwarves)
Nori: Change the tune why don't you? I feel like I am at a funeral.(Nori saids while rubbing his ear from the sound he was listening to)
Oin: Did somebody die?
Bofur: All right lads there is only one thing for it.
Bofur got up and was now standing on the table and was starting to sing that got everyones attention.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
While singing the song, the dwarves joined in the song as well and started to throw food everywhere and banged their silver wear onto the table. Some of the food flew pass Elrond and Gandalf who were talking while Michael was looking to see the dwarves singing their song and some of the elves not liking the song that they were singing. Then as soon as the song ended, the dwarves threw their food around the area while some were trying not to get hit.
Michael: You guys really know how to stand out a lot.
Kili: Hey Michael why don't you give us tune that is if you can do it or not.
Michael: Is that challenge I hear?
Balin: Well laddie it looks like it would be.
Michael: Alright then I will give you a toon as well and this one was one my mothers favorites.
Michael got up from his seat and headed towards the front where the dwarves are and reached into this magical bag and pulled something big that was a music instrument in which many looked to see what kind of object Michael just pulled out of his bag.
Bofur: By Durin? What on earth is that Michael?
Michael: This is a music instrument from my world it allows me to play music.
Fili: Have to say that is one big instrument to play on.
Michael: You will get used to it, and now for that song. The song is called Hero in which myself and my mother listened to it lots of times together.
Everyone wanted to know what Michael sounds like when he sings and so he sat down and took a deep breath and began to play the music that sounded quite enjoyable but when the singing started everyone was in for a real treat.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Hero by Mariah Carey/Male Version)
There's a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are
There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away
Admittedly Elrond along with Gandalf as well as Thorin and his company even Bilbo were in awe of what they were hearing even the elves were amazed of the voice of Michael.
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
The dwarves were absolutely amazed of Michael's singing and enjoying every minute of it even Thorin had to admit the song was worthy of listening to.
It's a long road
When you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt
Will disappear
Bilbo was loving the song very much and was making him feel more relax as well as Gandalf and Elrond who are very fond of the song that Michael was keep on singing and playing the instrument that he was using.
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
Some of the elf maidens were showing signs of tears of how beautiful the song was to their ears.
Lord knows
Dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone
Tear them away
Hold on
There will be tomorrow
In time
You'll find the way
The song was so pleasing and was giving the dwarves so much encouragement as well as remembering the times they did such great deeds of long ago.
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
That a hero lies in you
That a hero lies in you
As soon as the song finished and Michael stood up and bowed to everyone, what Michael heard were claps and cheers in which everyone clapped for Michael and his wonderful singing voice.
Fili: Michael that was bloody brilliant!
Kili: Where did you learn how to sing like that?
Michael: I been practicing for years with my mother and I got really good at it.
Balin: Laddie that was the most breathtaking song I have ever listen to, your mother would be proud.
Michael: Thank you all of you really appreciated.
Gandalf: Such wonderful singing Michael and such marvelous music.
Elrond: Very impressive Michael Vala very impressive.
After the dinner was finished and everyone still loved the song that Michael sang for them even some of the elf maidens loved the mans voice so much that they can still hear that voice going on in their heads. Later on night approached over Rivendell in which Thorin along with Balin, Dwalin, Bilbo, Elrond, Michael and Gandalf in the library to look at the map but Thorin refused to give it to Elrond to see.
Thorin: Our business is no concern of the Elves.
Gandalf: For goodness sake, Thorin show him map.
Thorin: It is the legacy of my people, it is mine to protect as are its secrets.
Gandalf: Save me from the stubbornness of Dwarves.
Michael: This isn't getting us anywhere.(Michael saids in thought)
Gandalf: Your pride will be your downfall, you stand in the presence of one of the few in Middle Earth who can read the map. Show it to Lord Elrond.
Balin: Thorin no.
Michael: Balin we need to know even though Thorin doesn't agree with this but this could be the only way.
Thorin handed the map over to Lord Elrond who was recognizing it.
Elrond: Erebor, what is your interest in this map?
Gandalf: It is mainly academic as you know this sort of artifact sometimes contains hidden text.
Michael: Can you read it Lord Elrond?
Gandalf: You still read ancient Dwarvish do you not?
Elrond(Elvish): Moon runes
Gandalf: Moon runes of course. An easy thing to miss.
Elrond was looking over the map from the front and back to find the hidden text that is hidden.
Elrond: Well in this case that is true. Moon runes can only be read by the light of a moon of the same shape and season as the day on which they were written.
Thorin: Can you read them?
Elrond took everyone outside under a cave where there is waterfall and near an edge that has a stone table that was made out of crystal.
Elrond: These runes were written on a Midsummer's Eve by the light of a crescent moon nearly two hundred years ago. It would seem you were meant to come to Rivendell, fate is with you Thorin Oakenshield. The same moon shines upon us tonight.
The moon started to appear and shine where everyone was standing and then the table itself began to glow with the map showing the hidden text which Thorin was starting to see the words that glowed blue with his own eyes as well as everyone else who was looking at it.
Michael: What does it say Lord Elrond?
Elrond: Stand by the gray stone when the thrush knocks and the setting sun with the last of Durin's day will shine upon the keyhole.
Bilbo: Durin's day? What is that?
Gandalf: It is the start of the Dwarves new year when the last moon of autumn and the first sun of winter appear in the sky together.
Thorin: This is ill news, summer is passing and Durin's day will soon be upon us.
Balin: We still have time.
Bilbo: Time for what?
Michael: Yea whats is going on?
Balin: To find the entrance. We have to be standing in exactly the right spot at exactly the right time. Then and only can the door be opened.
Elrond: So this is your purpose, to enter the mountain?
Thorin: What of it?
Elrond: There are some who would not deem it wise.(Elrond saids and hands back the map to Thorin)
Gandalf: What do you mean?
Elrond: You are not the only guardian to stand watch over Middle Earth.
Meanwhile at night at an abandoned fortress a pack of wargs as well as orcs were gathered and one was larger than the others and had pale white skin and next to him was a warg that was pure white and had a mean look. The pale orc that was looking at the view from the fortress was known other than Azog. Soon one of his scouts known as Yazneg came to inform his master of the news of the dwarves.
Yazneg: The dwarves master...we lost them.
Azog: I don't want excuses..I want the head of the Dwarf King!
Yazneg: We were outnumbered...there was nothing we could do...there was this human with them that was very strong and very powerful that killed half of us of which we do not know of. I barley escaped with my life.
Azog: Far better you had paid with it.
Azog goes up to the orc then grabs him by the throat and throws him towards the wargs who now are ripping him apart and devouring the orcs flesh. While the others watch in fear at the sight they were seeing.
Azog: The Dwarf scum will show themselves soon enough, send out word there is a price on their heads! And if this human you speak about who is strong you say then he will suffer the same fate as the dwarves.
The orcs got on their wargs and rode off and send out word to whoever finds the dwarves will have a price for their heads while Azog ponders on the thought of the human who is said to be very strong and very powerful in order to take down his scouts.
Azog: Who is this human with strong power?
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