Chapter 4: Trolls!

After Michael along with the company of dwarves as well as Gandalf and Bilbo woke up and packed their things, they all headed out once more to continue their journey but unfortunately while they were traveling Michael spotted storm clouds approaching not too fare and reminded everyone to put their hoods up because lets just say they are going to find some rain dropping on their heads.

Dori: Mr.Gandalf? Can't you do something about this deluge?

Michael: Its just rain Dori its not that a big of deal, I mean you don't see the others complaining about it do not even Thorin.

Gandalf: Vala's right it is just rain, master dwarf and it will continue to rain until the rain is done! If you wish to change the weather of the world you should find yourself another wizard.

Michael: Are there others Gandalf besides you?

Gandalf: What?

Bilbo: Others wizards he said are there other wizards out there?

Gandalf: There are five of us, the greatest of our order is Saruman The White. Then there are the two blue you know I have quite forgotten their names.

Michael: Maybe your old age has caught up to you Gandalf.(Michael saids in which earned smirks from the Dwarves, Bilbo as well as Thorin)

Gandalf: Hmmm..I think you may have a point there Michael.

Bilbo: And who is the other, you know the fifth?

Gandalf: Well that would be Radagast The Brown.

Bilbo: Is he a great wizard or is her more like you?

Gandalf: I think he is a very great wizard, in his own way. He's a gentle soul who prefers the company of the animals to others, he keeps a watchful eye over the vast forestlands to the east, and a good thing too for always evil will look to find a foothold in this world.

Michael: So he is basically a guardian of the forest who protects life.

Gandalf: Very wise words Michael and yes indeed and you will like him very much.

In the east of a forest a wizard with a staff was checking the plains of the ground in which he found something was wrong with the forest that he was in. He saw that everything was slowly dying and decaying as well as the small animals that lived in the forest. The wizard was known other than Radagast The Brown.

Radagast: Not Good...not good at all?!

Radagast was checking the forest and looked to see that the trees and bushed were dying and then began to run into the forest some more and saw that some of the animals were dying as well which shocked the wizard more but continue to look to see what was still living and growing. He was able to save some birds who were floating in the air and decided to take shelter under the wizards hat while Ragagast continued on with his task but then stopped when he spotted small Hedgehog on the ground that was still alive but barley in which something was affecting it.

Radagast: Sebastian, good gracious.(Radagast saids and picks up the helpless Hedgehog into his arms)

Soon Radagast ran backed to his little home to help and save his friend while the other small animals that were still alive went along with him. Then once he got back he started to look for something to help his friend until he saw other animals moving towards the Hedgehog to see what was wrong.

Radagast: Move back! Give him some air for goodness snake.

Radagast tried to use any means necessary to help his friend to see what the problem was but nothing was working and it made the wizard very frustrated while thinking what could be wrong with the forest and why everything was dying.

Radagast: I don't understand why it is not working, it is not as if it is witchcraft? Witchcraft, oh but it is....a dark and powerful magic...

When Radagast figured out the problem was all of sudden he saw something moving outside his window and door which were giant spiders and so he blocked his door to make sure they wouldn't get but stopped when he saw his friend the little Hedgehog slowly dying from the dark magic that was affecting him and then Radagast ran towards the creature and decided to try one last thing. He pulled out the crystal from his staff and placed it near the Hedgehogs mouth and started to cast a spell to reverse the effects of the dark magic.

After he started to chant out the spell to get rid of the magic, all of the darkness that was in the Hedgehogs body was gone and placed into the crystal itself and Radagast was pleased to see his friend alive and well but then looked to see that the giant spiders that were near his home were retreating and heading back into the forest itself.

Radagast: Where on this good earth did those foul creatures come from?

Radagast was thinking about where those giant spiders came from until his little birdie was speaking to him about something and knows where the spiders came from.

Radagast: The old fortress? Show me.

Radagast was soon then riding on a slay with rabbits attached to it and he was heading into the forest and towards what looks like an old abandoned castle but that filled with so much darkness that he has been abandoned for centuries.

Back with the company, they were riding up a hill when they spotted an old abandoned house that looked completely destroyed in which Michael and Gandalf were getting suspicious about the area until Thorin spoke.

Thorin: We will camp here for the night. Fili, Kili look after the ponies, Vala I want you and Savior on guard duty just in case something happens. While the rest of you stay with them.(Thorin saids to the two dwarves and Michael in which both nod in agreement)

Michael then started to walk with Gandalf while Savior kept on guard duty while his owner walks with the wizard to see the old house that was destroyed.

Michael: Something on your mind Gandalf?

Gandalf: A farmer and his family used to live here.

Michael: What could have done something like this?(Michael saids in thought until Dwalin spoke)

Dwalin: They didn't deserve such a fate.

Gandalf: No my friend they did not.

Both Dwalin and Michael started to scan the area and was started to get a feeling that something is very wrong with the area around here in which both of them nod and kept their guard up to make sure if something does happened they will know.

Michael: You feel that Gandalf, that feeling like something is not quite right here.

Gandalf: Yes I feel it too, I think it would be wiser to move on. We could make for the hidden valley.

Michael: Hidden Valley? Whats in that area?(Michael saids in thought)

Thorin: I have told you already, I will not go near that place.

Gandalf: Why not? The Elves could help us and we could get food, rest and advice.

Michael: I like that idea and it could be my chance to meet actual elves in person.(Michael saids in thought while liking Gandalf's idea)

Thorin: I do not need their advice.

Gandalf: We have a map that we cannot read, Lord Elrond could help us.(Gandalf saids to Thorin who just scruff the idea)

Thorin: Help? What help? A dragon attacks Erebor what help came from the Elves? Orcs plumber Moria, desecrate our sacred halls, the Elves looked on and did nothing! You ask me to seek out the very people who betrayed my grandfather, who betrayed my father.

Michael was thinking to himself about what Thorin said about the Elves but he needed more answers to why Thorin doesn't trust them so he may need to speak with Balin on this because he is a very wise and honest dwarf surly he can give Michael the answer.

Gandalf: You are neither of them, I did not give you that map and key for you to hold onto the past.

Thorin: I did not know they were yours to keep.

Soon Gandalf went away with a glare towards Thorin and went back towards his pony in which got the attention of Bilbo while Michael was thinking that Gandalf wasn't quite leaving everyone because he knows that he will be back.

Bilbo: Everything alright Gandalf, where are you going?

Gandalf: To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense except for Vala of course.

Bilbo: And who is the other?

Gandalf: Myself mister Baggins! I have had enough of dwarves for one day.(Gandalf saids and begins to ride off away from everyone direction and then disappeared into the forest)

Michael: He will be back I know he will, just needs to look ahead and blow off some steam.(Michael saids in thought while looking to see Gandalf ridding off)

Thorin: Come on Bombur, were hungry.

While the dwarves were fixing up some dinner, Michael took his chance to walk over to Balin and ask him the question he'.s been thinking about lately.

Michael: Balin can I speak with you in private.

Balin: Sure laddie, why of course.

Both Balin and Michael walked towards the side on the hill while the others were feasting on the food that was cooked and once they were alone Michael can get the answers he wants.

Balin: So what is that you wanted to ask of me Michael?

Michael: I was wondering why Thorin doesn't trust the Elves because what he saids Gandalf means that there is more to what he said.

Balin: Well laddie you see sixty years ago before Smaug attacked, as the great wealth of the dwarves grew over time will the mountain filled with gold and jewels that many people who pay humble to Thorin's grandfather who had it all but unfortunately their store of goodwill rain thin.

Michael: What happened?

Balin: Well the great elven King Thranduil lord of the woodland had these rare gems of pure star light in which were a part of his people and the dwarves of Erebor had them in their keeping and once Thranduil found out that his gems were in the dwarves hands and was about to have them back, Thorin's grandfather refused to return what belong to the eleven king and so when Smaug attacked both Erebor and the city of Dale, Thorin along with his fellow soldiers along with his grandfather fought to protect the kingdom but they lost and the city of Dale was burned to the ground and the elves looked upon the burning city with their king at their side and Thorin asked for help but they turned away and left.

Michael couldn't believe what he just heard, the dwarves wouldn't give back the gems that belonged to the elves and for that they have lost their home and the city known as Dale was burned to the ground by the dragon and it made Michael realize that it were their own fault for not doing the right thing and giving back something that didn't belong to them and if they would of given the gems back to the elves then they would of help Thorin and his people with the dragon.

Michael: So it was their own fault they lost their home and for not doing the right thing and giving back what doesn't belong to them.

Balin: Yes....Thorin's grandfather was driven mad with the obsession with gold and came down to a sickness for it and I fear Thorin will fall to it as well.

Michael: Well then we have to make sure that doesn't happened, and I still feel bad for that Elven king. Tell me are those gems still in that mountain.

Balin: Yes they are why you thinking of returning them to the elves.

Michael: It is always a good idea to give back something to the true owners and not allow the other to keep them for themselves.

Balin: Heheheh you are very wise Michael and I can see that you parents raised you well.

Michael: Thank you Balin and thank you for informing me about what really happened.

Balin: Sure thing laddie but let us keep it between us, I don't want Thorin finding out.

Michael: Understood our secret will be kept just between the two of us.

Balin: Great now let us join the others for dinner.

Michael: Lets.

Balin and Michael headed back to the camp site to join the others and Bilbo was still looking at the direction of where Gandalf left until he decided to speak.

Bilbo: He's been gone a long time?

Bofur: Who?

Michael: He means Gandalf, Bofur.

Bilbo: Exactly, Gandalf.

Bofur: He's a wizard, he does as he chooses. Here do us a favor and take this to the lads.(Bofur saids and hands Bilbo the food to give to Fili and Kili who are looking after the ponies)

Michael: I will tag a long with you so that nothing happens while Savior is on guard duty until I get back.

Bilbo: Oh thanks Michael most appreciated.

Bilbo and Michael walked towards the forest and spotted both Fili and Kili standing in front of the ponies but they didn't look so surprise to see both Michael and Bilbo who was offering them their food.

Bilbo: Whats the matter?

Michael: You two look like statues?

Kili: Were supposed to be looking after the ponies.

Fili: Until we encountered a slight problem.

Michael: What do you mean because all I see I see.

Bilbo: What is it?

Michael: It looks like were missing some ponies here?

Kili: We had sixteen.

Fili: Now there is fourteen.

Michael: Search the area but keep your guards up.(Michael said in which both dwarves nod and began to look for the missing ponies)

Michael, Kili, Fili as well as Bilbo were looking to find the missing ponies that disappeared without them knowing.

Kili: Daisy and Bungle are missing.

Bilbo: Well that is not good and that is not good at all.(Bilbo saids while looking at a knocked over tree that was very big and it looked like something hit it)

Michael: I got a feeling something is not right here.

Bilbo: Should we tell Thorin?

Fili: lets not worry him, as our official burglar we thought you might like to look into it.

Kili: If not we can have Michael do it for us.

Michael was looking down and seeing if can find something that made those tress fall to the ground while Bilbo was informing the dwarves of what thing caused the trees to smashed down and it was something very big.

Bilbo: Well looks as if something big uprooted these trees and it is something very big and possibly quite dangerous.

Fili: Hey...there is a light.

Michael: I see it too.

Fili: Kili...Bilbo..over here.(Fili saids to the two as he along with Michael see the light from afar)

Michael: Stay down all of you.

Bilbo: What is it?

Kili: Trolls.

Michael: Yea I can tell there are tracks heading towards that direction and also there is one right beside us so keep your heads down and stay quiet.(Michael saids as he along with the others looked to see a Troll carrying the two horses that were from the camp site)

Bilbo: He's got Myrtle and Minty? I think they are gonna to eat them, we have to do something.

Michael was agreeing with Bilbo until Fili and Kili spoke in which they idea wasn't what Michael was thinking at all neither was Bilbo's.

Kili: Yes you should, mountain Trolls are slow and stupid and you are so small. They will never see you coming.

Bilbo: What? Me?

Michael: Idiots...(Michael saids in a whisper while face palming himself of this stupid plan)

Kili: It is perfectly safe!

Fili: We will be right behind you, if you run into trouble hoot twice like a barn owl and once like a brown owl.

Both dwarves said to the Hobbit while also taking their food out the Bilbo's hands and pushing him towards the direction where the Trolls are staying.

Bilbo: Twice like a barn owl, hoot twice like a brown....hoots like a...uh are you sure this is a good idea?

Michael: Their gone but I stayed behind, but Bilbo just stay close to the bushes and I will be back with the knuckle heads.

Bilbo: Michael I don't if I....

Michael: Bilbo I know you can do this just don't take advice from Dumb and Dumber trust me their both fools.

Bilbo: Hehehe well when you put that way. Alright and just keep to the bushes and possibly the trees.

Michael: And make sure the Trolls don't hit them as well and find out where they are keeping the horses and try to cut them loose.

Bilbo: Right well here goes nothing.

Michael: I will be back with reinforcements and remember what I told.

Bilbo: Understood got it.

Michael watches Bilbo moves quietly towards the direction where the light is and makes sure not to be seen by the Trolls while Michael headed to find Fili and Kili eating their food near by a broken down tree.

Fili: This good don't you agree.

Kili: Yes indeed, sigh nothing like enjoying some.....WHOAH?!(Kili stops talking when he and his brother are lifted into the air by Michael)

Michael: Well I see that you two are quite enjoying your food this night.

Kili: Oh hello Michael.

Michael: Yea don't hello me back your coming with me and you Fili are going to inform Thorin about the Trolls.

Fili: And why exactly?

Michael: If you don't its going to be flying lessons for the both of you does that answer your question pretty boys.(Michael saids with a smirk in which both dwarves looked nervous but nod in agreement)

Fili: Um I will inform Thorin right now and the others.

Kili: And I will go with you to see if Bilbo is alright.

Michael: Thats better now lets get to it.

Meanwhile with Bilbo who was near the Trolls camp who looked to see the horses trapped behind the Trolls known as William, Bert, and Tom who were cooking up the food in the pot and were planning to eat the horses. Bilbo looked to see the Trolls but kept hidden like Michael told him to while the Trolls talk among themselves.

William: Mutton yesterday, mutton today, and blimey if it don't look like mutton again tomorrow.

Bert: Quit your griping, these ain't sheep. These is west nags.

Tom: Oh I don't like horses, I never have they do not have enough fat on them.

William: Well its better than a leathery ol'farmer. All skin and bone he was, I am still pickin bits of him out my teeth.

Tom: ACHOO!!!(Tom sneezes into the pot)

Bert: Well thats lovely, that is a floater.

William: Oh might improve the flavor!

Tom: Ah..there is more where that came from.

Bert: Oh no you don't!(Bert saids and grabs Toms nose)

Tom: OW! OW!

Bert: Sit down!

Tom: Well I hope you are gonna gut these nags? I don't like the stinky parts.

Bert: Shut up...WHACK!...(Bert saids and whacks Tom with the spoon)

Tom: OW!

Bert: That will teach you.

William: I am starving, are we having horse tonight or what?

Bert: Shut up cake hole, you will eat what I will give ya!

William: How come he's the cook? Everything tastes the same everything taste like chicken.

Tom: Except the chicken.

William: What tastes like fish!

While they were talking Bilbo was trying to get the ponies out but the ropes were too strong to untie until he saw the huge knife on the Trolls back and decided to use that to cut the ropes and free the ponies.

Bert: Thank you very much, Bert...lovely stew Bert, how hard is that? Mmm...just needs a sprinkle of squirrel dung and here thats my grog!(Bert saids then looks at Tom stealing the grog)

Tom: Sorry...

Bert: Oh that is beautifully balanced that is. Wrap your loganbie around that mate. Huh? Good ain't it? That is why I am the cook.

William: Me guts are grumbling, I have got to snaffle something, flesh and I need flesh!

When Bilbo found a chance to try and the get the knife off the Trolls back all of sudden the Troll known as Tom was about to sneeze again and went to grab something to blow his nose but instead he grabbed Bilbo and blew his snot on the Hobbit.

Tom: Aah!!!...blimey...Bert..Bert look whats come out of me hooter?! It's got arms and legs and everything!

Bert: What is it?

Tom: I don't know? But I don't like the way it wriggles around!

Bilbo was soon thrown to the ground in which he tried to get away but the Trolls were blocking his way from escaping from each corner.

William: What are you then, an oversized squirrel?

Bilbo: I am burglar....I mean uh Hobbit!

Tom: A burglar Hobbit?

William: Can we cook him?

Tom: We can try!

Bert then grabbed Bilbo when he was trying to run away again but couldn't get away because now he was in the hands of the Trolls.

Bert: He wouldn't make more than a mouthful. Not when he's skinned and boned.

Bilbo: Yes absolutely now he would just let me....

William: Perhaps there is more burglar Hobbits round these parts might enough for a pie!

Bilbo: Oh dear....

William: Are there any more of you little fellas hiding where you shouldn't?

Bilbo: No...

Tom: He's lying!

Bilbo: No I am not!

Tom: Hold his toes over the fire make him squeal!

Then out of nowhere Kili with sword hit the Trolls legs and looked up at the Trolls while pointing his blade at them for the release of Bilbo.

Kili: Drop him!

William: You what?

HE SAID DROP HIM!!!(A voice saids from behind Tom who was then lifted off the ground in which shocked the Troll then looks to see Michael holding him with his super human strength)

Tom: Huh?

Michael: Hello there and bye bye.

Tom: No wait....AAAAAHHHHH!!!!(Tom screams as he is thrown into Bert and both of them hit the ground)

Bert: OW GET OFF?!!

Then the rest of dwarves came in with their swords and started to attack the dwarves while Michael made sure that Bilbo was alright when William the Troll threw him towards Kili.

Michael: Bilbo you alright!

Bilbo: I am thanks for the save!

Michael: I kept my word, now go and free the ponies we will deal with these idiots.

Bilbo: Right!

Michael went to help the others while Bilbo went to free the ponies when he spotted the knife he saw and used it to cut the rope and once he finished cutting it all the ponies ran for their lives in which William looked to see their dinner has escaped but then looked to see Bilbo and the poor Hobbit didn't know what to do until William grabbed him.

Kili and Michael: Bilbo!

Thorin: No!

William: Lay down your arms or we will rip his off!

Michael: Dammit....(Michael saids in thought)

Everyone even Thorin threw down their sword and weapons to the ground but then soon all of them even Micheal were put into sacks and laid on the ground while the others were over the fire and it looks like they were about to be cooked.

Michael: Oh joy now were about to be eaten by idiot Trolls how great my new life is starting..(Michael saids in thought while being in a sack with half of the others even Bilbo)

Tom: Don't bother cooking them, let's just sit on them and squash them into jelly.

Bert: They should be sautéed and grilled with a sprinkle of sage.

Tom: Oh that does sound quite nice.

William: Never mind the seasoning, we ain't got all night! Dawn ain't far away, let's get a move on! I don't fancy been turned to a stone.(William saids in which got the attention of Michael and Bilbo)

When Michael heard this and thanks to his super strength he was able to break free from the sack without the Trolls knowing and the others and then went to Bilbo to tell him the plan of what he need to do.

Michael: Psst...Bilbo.

Bilbo: Michael how did you...oh wait super strength thats right.

Michael: Yea and you know what that Troll saids about being turned to stone.

Bilbo: Yea thats right why?

Michael: Create a distraction and as soon as the sun comes well he and I know what to do.

Bilbo: He whose he?

Michael: You will know now create the distraction and makes sure they fall for it.

Bilbo: Alright I trust you.

Michael: Good.

Michael then leaves while Bilbo comes up with a way to by time for Micheal until he came up with something that could work.

Bilbo: Wait! You are making a terrible mistake.

Dori: You can't reason with them their half wits!

Bofur: Half wits? What does that make us?

Bilbo: I meant with the...uh with the seasoning.

Bert: What about the seasoning?

Bilbo: Well have you smelt them? You are gonna need something stronger than sage before you plate this lot up!

The Dwarves and Thorin couldn't believe what Bilbo just said and started to protest about the Hobbit of what he saying to the Trolls.

William: What do you know about cooking dwarf?

Bert: Shut up and let the uh...flurgerburbur Hobbit talk.

Bilbo: Uh the secret to cooking dwarf is um...

Bert: Yes come on.

Bilbo: It's uhh...

Bert: Tell us the secret!

Bilbo: Yes I am telling you the secret skin them first!

Thorin: NOOOOOO!!!!!(Thorin screams while the other argue about what Bilbo said in which they are very pissed of what the Hobbit said and will get him for it)

Bert: Tom get me filleting knife.

Dwalin: I wont forget that, I wont forget it!

William: What a load of rubbish I have eaten plenty with their skins on. Scoff-'em I say, boots and all.

Bilbo then looked to see Gandalf in the forest along with Michael following him behind and have Bilbo the keep going sign in which the Hobbit nod in agreement.

Tom: He's right nothing wrong with a bit of raw dwarf nice and crunchy.(Tom saids while holding Bombur and was about to be eaten until Bilbo spoke again)

Bilbo: that one he is infected!

Bombur and Tom: Huh?

William: You what?

Bilbo: Yea he's got worms in his..tubes.

Tom: EWWWW!!!(Tom then drops Bombur on the others)

Bilbo: In fact they all have them, they are infested with parasites. It is a terrible business I wouldn't risk it I really wouldn't.

Oin: Parasites? Did he say parasites?

Kili: Yea, we don't have parasites! You have parasites!

Bilbo then rolled his eyes of the others that his plan was about to come apart when Thorin looked to see what Bilbo was doing and that is when he kicked Kili and stopped him and the others to go with the idea.

Oin: I've got parasites as big as my arm!

Kili: Mine are the biggest parasites, I have got huge parasites!

Noir: Were riddled!

Ori: Yes, I'm riddled!

Dori: Yes, we are badly!

William: What would you have us do then let them all go?

Bilbo: Well...

William: You think I don't know what you are up to. This little ferret is taking us for fools!

Bilbo: Ferret?

Bert: Fools?

Then out of nowhere on top of a rock both Gandalf and Michael appeared in front of the Trolls and the dwarves as well as Bilbo.

Gandalf: The dawn will take you all!

Michael: Hows it going you smelly bastards!

Thorin along with his fellow dwarves and Bilbo looked to see Gandalf and Michael on the rock to help save them from the Trolls.

William: Hey how did that one get loose and whose the other one?

Bert: No idea?

Tom: Can we eat him too?

Gandalf: Michael if you would.

Michael: Gladly.(Michael saids and cuts the rock with his dark saber in which the light appeared in front of the Trolls and everyone else)

Then soon when the Trolls looked towards the sun they all started to turn to stone one by one and once they were turned completely everyone looked to see that they were now safe and not in the mouths of the Trolls or cooked alive.

The dwarves cheered for greatness that they were alright now while Thorin looked up and smiled to see Gandalf returned as well as Michael who he didn't know got loose.

Dwalin: Ooh get your foot out of my back!

Michael: Not to worry guys I will get you out those bindings.

Once Michael helped everyone get out of their bindings and the sacks they all got armored and and their gears back together while Gandalf and Michael looked at the Trolls who are now turned to solid stone.

Michael: Will they remain this way?

Gandalf: Indeed they will, they will not bring any harm to others ever again.

Michael: Thats good to know.

Thorin: Where did you two go if I may ask?

Michael: I was able to free from my bonds thanks to my super strength and while I was able to get away I found Gandalf who returned and told me the plan to stop the Trolls but we needed a distraction.

Thorin: Master Baggins?

Michael: That is correct.

Gandalf: As for me to look ahead.

Thorin: What brought you back?

Gandalf: Looking behind, nasty business, still they all are in one piece.

Thorin: No thanks to your burglar and Vala's thinking.

Gandalf: They had the nous to play for time, none of the rest of you thought of that.

Michael: Where did these Trolls come from because they look their from around these parts?

Gandalf: They must of come down from Ettenmoors.

Thorin: Since when do mountain Trolls venture this far south?

Gandalf: Not for an age, not since a darker power ruled these lands.

Michael: What did he mean by a dark power ruled these lands?(Michael saids in thought while thinking of what Gandalf said)

Gandalf: They could of not moved in daylight.

Michael: If that is true then there must be a dark place where they can easily hide from the light, somewhere there is no way the light could touch them.

Thorin: There must be a cave nearby.

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