Chapter 15: Preparing for War!

It's been a couple days since the dragon was defeated and the mountain has been reclaimed by the copy of Thorin Oakenshield with the help of their ally Michael Vala, The Iron Warrior who defeated the dragon as well as cleanse the mountain of the dragon's aura that almost consumed Thorin for falling ill to dragon sickness like his grandfather. During the past couple days Michael was helping repair the damages to the mountain caused by Smaug and the home of dwarves was starting to look just like how they remembered. Though Thorin haven't woken up from his slumber yet after being cured thanks to Michael but they knew that their leader will wake up soon.

Balin: Michael I must say you really out done yourself. The mountain looks just like how we remembered before the dragon attacked.

Michael: Well I couldn't leave your home to fall into ruin like Dale which I plan to restore that soon. I figure Dale could use rebuilding.

Kili: How is our uncle?

Michael: Thorin still hasn't woken up yet but he is doing fine.

Fili: It's been a couple days now, I am getting worried.

Balin: Don't worry lad, Thorin is strong and he will make a full recovery we just need to be patient.

Michael: In the mean time I need to discuss something with you all, and it's very important.

Dwalin: What would that be?

Michael: I am afraid we are not out of danger yet.

Ori: What? But we just reclaimed the mountain. The dragon is dead.

Micheal: Yes but during both mine and Bilbo's encounter with the Smaug he spoke of a darkness coming and I believe it's coming here.

Balin: Are you sure of this.

Michael: I am. Something is coming and we need to be prepared for what awaits us.

Bofur: But we do not know what is coming. How do we get prepared for what awaits us if we do not know what we are dealing with?

Michael: I am sure we will know soon enough.

Bilbo: I agree with Michael, the way Smaug spoke about a darkness coming, something tells me that it is not good news.

What is that I hear about a darkness coming?(A male voice saids while coming into the room in which was a fully awake Thorin)

Michael: Thorin.

Bilbo: Your awake.

Admittedly all the dwarves got up from their seats and crowded around Thorin with opens arms and cheers that their leader was all right and awake. Michael looked into the dwarf prince's eyes and they were the same eyes at the dwarf he met in the Shire. There was no sign of the dragon aura within him and the sickness was no longer a part of him.

Thorin: I have been asleep for quite a while. What is that I have missed?

Balin: We will tell you after you get some food, you need the eat.

Thorin: Indeed.

Michael: Here come, sit down and I made you some food. A dwarf prince after sleeping for a while could use some delicious food in his stomach. Cook it myself.

Thorin: Thank you.

Thorin sat down with his company and they all ate together. After finishing so many plates, Thorin regained his strength and asked what has happened during his slumber. They explained how Michael killed the dragon as well as cleanse the mountain when Michael discovered Smaug's spirit returned to the mountain and took over Thorin but thanks to Michael he cured Thorin of his sickness and restore Erebor to his glory, and all the gold and gems were placed inside chests and the ArkenStone was returned to restored throne that Michael fixed.

Thorin: I can't thank you for what you have done for me, Vala. I am grateful.

Michael: I couldn't allow you to fall into the sickness. Your my friend Thorin and we do not leave friends behind.

Thorin: I am also grateful that your restored my home. It looks just like how I left it before the dragon attacked.

Michael: It needed some improvement since its been abandoned for nearly sixty years. Now that you have your strength back, we can discuss the matter at hand.

Thorin: You spoke of a darkness coming.

Michael: Yes. Smaug spoke of darkness coming and it spread across the lands. I fear that a war is upon us.

Thorin: Though we do not know where the enemy is located nor when they will be here.

Michael: If only we could get more answers.

Gloin: Thorin! An army of elves arrived in Dale.

Michael: Wait what?

Gloin: They just arrived and their king is with them. What do we do?

Michael: Thorin come with me. The rest of you stay put. It's about time we offered our word to the elf king.

Thorin: Sigh....unfortunately we do.

Michael: Hey man up for once. This is the right thing to do.

Thorin: Even I still don't like it. But I trust your judgment. You did save me and my home.

Soon Michael along with Thorin road on Savior and headed towards the city of Dale where the elves and their king are waiting. Once they arrived, they headed up towards the top level of the city where they spotted the elves along with with Thranduil who was riding on a large deer.

Michael(Elvish): My lord Thranduil, it is pleasing to see you again.

Thranduil(Elvish): Indeed it is master Vala, I see you have also brought the dwarf prince as well.

Michael: Yea still not liking the idea.

Thorin: You know I can hear you right.

Michael: I know. My lord Thranduil I see your brought your army.

Thranduil: Yes, in case something would to turn out the wrong way. I came to reclaim something on mine in which I hope you and Oakenshield have agreed to our terms.

Michael: I gave you my word my lord. For your help, your gems shall be returned to you as promised.

Thranduil: What of you Thorin Oakenshiled?

Thorin: Sigh...I offered you my word as well, you can have your gems back if you promised to help us.

Thranduil: I gave you my word that I would help.

Michael took out the gems of purse star light from his magical bag and gave it to one of the elves that serve Thranduil. When the king himself opened the chest, he looked upon the same gems that he remembered years ago and now they are back in his position.

Thranduil: It would seem that you have offered your word. I thank you for returning what is mine.

Michael: I told you we would keep our word. Also Thorin didn't come down with the sickness since I cured him as well as cleanse the mountain of the any trace of the dragon.

Thranduil: Interesting. Though I heard word that the dragon has been defeated.

Michael: Yes, Smaug is dead. Myself and some help from a certain man from Lake Town help killed the beast.

Thranduil: Then I don't see what you need my help for since the dragon is dead.

Michael: I am afraid you were going to say that my lord. I fear that a darkness is upon us and it marching here as we speak and it will cover the land in shadow.

He is right lord Thranduil, I should know I have seen it with my own eyes!(A older voice was heard and everyone looked to see it was Gandalf who looked a little beat up)

Michael: Gandalf!

Gandalf: We need to speak and it's urgent.

Thranduil took Thorin and Michael along with Gandalf into his tent to talk. Once everything calmed down, Gandalf began his speech to the three about what is coming.

Michael: All right Gandalf tell us what is going on.

Gandalf: What is going on master Vala is that we are all in danger. War is coming, the cesspits of Dol Guldur have been emptied. You're all immortal danger.

Michael: What?

Thranduil: I can see that you do not know of wizards. They are like winter thunder on a wild wind rolling in from in from a distance breaking hard in alarm. But sometimes a storm is just a storm.

Gandalf: Not this time. Armies of orcs are on the move, these are fighters that have been bred for war. Our enemy has summoned his full strength.

Michael: So that is what is coming for us.(Michael saids in thought)

Thranduil: Why show his hand now?

Gandalf: Because we force him. We force him and the company Thorin Oakenshield set out to reclaimed their home land.

Thorin: Are you sure of this Gandalf?

Gandalf: Indeed I am, you and the dwarves were never to reach Erebor, your old enemy Azog The Defiler was sent to kill you however his master seeks control of the mountain. Not just for the treasure within but where it lies its strategic position. This is the gate way to reclaiming the lands of Angmar in the north. If that fell kingdom should rise again, RivenDell, Moria, The Shire, even Gondor itself will fall.

Thranduil: These orc armies you speak of Gandalf, where are they?

Gandalf: They could arrive in about a week or possible a day or two but we need to prepare ourselves for the worst. War is upon us all.

Michael: Thorin do you know anyone else who can help us with this situation. If Azog is marching here with an army we need allies to help us.

Thorin: If there is a war coming to my home I will need to defend it, I will send word to the lord of the iron hills. He will help us.

Gandalf: That would help Thorin. Though it is good to see that you are well.

Thorin: I had master Vala to thank for that. Now my company needs me to lead them into battle and we need to prepare for the day when Azog and his armies arrive.

Gandalf: Indeed master dwarf.

Michael: Gandalf can we speak alone.

Gandalf: Of course Michael.

Michael: Thorin take Savior back to the mountain and warn the others of what is coming. They need to know and get prepared for battle.

Thorin soon leaves with Savior to warn the company of what is coming for them. Thranduil returned to his quarters to think about what to do when the orc army arrives while Gandalf and Michael talk alone. Michael needed more answers to where Gandalf has been and who is Azog's master.

Michael: Gandalf tell me everything that has happened on your journey.

Gandalf: A lot has happened Michael and our worst fears have become real.

Michael: Tell me, I need to know.

Gandalf explained everything to Michael about the dead that Beron spoken about in which the wizard went to the mountains where he discovered the tombs of the nine known as the RingWraith's who have been summoned to Dol Guldur but their master, the necromancer. But when Gandalf told Michael about him going to Dol Guldur to confront this shadow in person he was ambushed by Azog and his orcs but was able to get away until he met the shadow himself. Gandalf tried to fend off the shadow with is power but the darkness was too strong until something that made Michael eyes go wide when Gandalf told him that the shadow revealed his true self that was known other than Sauron, The Dark Lord of Middle Earth.

Michael: Sauron has returned.

Gandalf: Yes, the darkness has returned. After I was saved by Lady Galadriel along with Saruman and Lord Elrond with the help of Radagast I saw Sauron fleeing to the east in which I believe he will hide for the time being to regain his strength.

Michael: So he's been alive all this time right under our noses and we didn't know until this very moment.

Gandalf: Without the ruling ring of power, Sauron cannot gain his full strength nor take on physical form.

Michael: If that is true then he needs to be hunted down and destroyed.

Gandalf: Yes otherwise darkness will cover the land in shadow and Sauron will rule once more.

Michael: Of course every dark lord finds a way to come back and seek revenge. But we will worried about that later right now we need focus on dealing with Azog and his armies.

Gandalf: Yes, now that Thorin is saved from the sickness and knows of what is coming for him, he would need all the help he can get if he wants to save his homeland.

Michael: I would be there to aid him as well as Bilbo.

Gandalf: Is Bilbo all right?

Michael: He is fine Gandalf. I kept him close and made sure nothing happened to him.

Gandalf: Good very good.

Michael: Would you need some healing, seems like you been through a lot.

Gandalf: That would be most wonderful for you to do Michael.

After Michael healed Gandalf and went back to talk with Thranduil, Michael went for a walk around the ruin city of Dale until he bumped into a familiar female elf who turned out to be the niece of Thranduil, Vena RoseBerry.

Vena: Michael?

Michael: Vena?

Vena: Michael!(Vena saids with joy and hugs Michael)

Michael: Hehehe good to see you too.

Vena(Elvish): I was so worried about you, are you all right?

Michael(Elvish): I am fine, I thank you for your concern.

Vena: I heard what happened with the dragon, and I just couldn't believe that you killed the beast.

Michael: I had some help killing the dragon which I will pay a visit after the war.

Vena: What war?

Michael: This is going to be a long conversation.

2 hours later....(Michael explains the situation with Vena)

Michael: And practically it.

Vena: There is an army coming and Sauron has returned. But how could he return? It was said that he was vanquished in Mordor.

Michael: Guess there is a lot of things that we do not know about Sauron or his other abilities. I think somehow he survived and laid low until he had the strength to come back and regroup his followers so he can strike down his enemies. Honestly I still don't have the answers to how he survived all this time.

Vena: Whatever the case is that we will need to be ready for the day he comes back to his full power it could take years until his return.

Michael: And on whatever year that may be, we will be prepared and ready for whatever he sends out. Though without this ring of power, he cannot gain ultimate power. After finding out that the ring has been lost for years and never been found, Sauron cannot achieve his goal but will still have power to rebuild what he has lost.

Vena: I just hope Middle Earth is ready for what is coming back.

Michael: I am sure the people of Middle Earth will know soon enough. For now we need to focus on the war at hand with Azog and his orcs.

Vena: Yes, I am actually going to do some training..would..would like to join me.(Vena saids while blushing)

Michael: It would be my honor. I could use some training for when the war comes. Oh by the way here I made this for you in case you need to use it of course. Forge it myself and I think it would suite you great in battle.(Michael saids and hands Vena a chest)

Vena opens the chest and reveals a elvish saber that Vena was in awe of what she was seeing and when she activated the blade it glowed white with the words engraved Aquarius The Blade of Pure Light. The blade so similarities to the dark saber.

Vena: Michael...I..I don't know what to say.

Michael: I thought you could use a blade like this since I made one for your uncle, cousin, and Tauriel.

Vena smiled at Michael then did something that left Michael in shock as well as earning a blush on his face, Vena kissed him on the lips then started to walk away and telling Michael to follow her for training.

Michael: Did I just get kissed by an elf? Wow my life is starting to get a whole lot better in this world.

Vena: Come on Michael, let's train! Also you can show me how to use this saber in combat.

Michael: Coming!

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