Chapter 14: Cleansing The Mountain!

After Michael helped saved Lake Town with the help of Bard and his black arrow, Michael flew all the way back to the mountain to meet up with the others who were waiting for their companion to come back safe and sound. Michaels task of defeating the dragon was over with but now he needs to deal with Thorin and has to make sure that he doesn't come down to the sickness like his grandfather did. When Michael looked to see the mountain, he saw his dwarf companions at the front gate along with Bilbo. 

Iron Warrior: Hello boys good to see you. 

Balin: Laddie I don't know what to say but I must say you are an incredible friend who wrist his own life to protect those who could not defend. You have our thanks for taking down the dragon. 

Fili: You brought the beast down! 

Kili: I never doubted you for a second my friend! 

Bilbo: Michael it is so good to see you alive and well. 

Iron Warrior: I a lot stronger and harder to kill Bilbo but thanks for you concern. 

Bofur: How did you manage to kill the beast?

Iron Warrior: Lets just say I had some help from a man from lake town who happens to have a black arrow. 

Gloin: Well that explains a lot. 

Iron Warrior: Where's Thorin?(Iron Warrior saids while changing out of the armor)

All the dwarves even Bilbo looked at Michael with worried eyes meaning that something was wrong and Michael probably knows what they were all thinking about. They began to tell Michael that Thorin was acting strange around them and not feeling like his former self and spent his time in the chamber filled with gold and jewels. 

Michael: Balin what else has happened? 

Balin: He's hardly eating, barley sleeps...I fear the sickness is upon him lad. 

Bilbo: I tried talking to him but he wouldn't listen. 

Kili: We thought it was just a story but...Michael I fear for my uncle. 

Michael: Don't worry I will take care of it. Take me to Thorin right now and I will see what the situation is. 

The dwarves along with Bilbo took Michael down to the chamber where Michael found the arkenstone along with the elves white gems. Once there Michael looked around to find Thorin until he looks down and saw him walking in a pile of gold and was like his was in a trance. 

Thorin: beyond mercer. Beyond sorrow, and grief. Behold the great treasure hold of Thror. Welcome my sisters sons and my fellow dwarves to the kingdom of Erebor.

Michael: He's definitely came down to the the sickness already and he sounds different too.(Michael saids in thought)

Thorin: And welcome Michael Vala, The Iron Warrior slayer of the dragon to my kingdom. Do you have it. You said you still have it don't you.

Michael: Yes I still have it Thorin. 

Thorin: Bring to me, I wish to see it with my own eyes. It is the kings jewel and it shall belong to the king. 

Bilbo(Whisper): Michael I don't think thats a wise idea..

Michael(Whisper): Don't worry Bilbo I got this trust me. 

Michael walks down the steps towards Thorin who which Michaels saws the dwarf eyes that shared similarities to what Smaug had about wanting something more and desire to have it at any cost. Michael knows Thorin will go mad if his sickness continues like this and it needs to be stopped. Once now in front of the dwarf with had a grin on his face, Michael took out the arkenstone from his magical bag and showed it to Thorin.

Thorin: At long last, the arkenstone is mine. 

Michael: Sorry about this Thorin, Dormir!

Michael shot the spell at Thorin who didn't have time to react and now felt his who body shut down and fell to the ground that left everyone in shock of what Michael did. 

Dwalin: What did you do to him?!

Michael: I shot him with a sleepy spell so I can now see what is causing his sickness to start. Now lets begin to see what is causing Thorin's madness. Reveler!(Michael saids the spell to reveal what is causing Thorin to come down to the sickness until he spotted the source)

Michael: Just as I fear. 

Bilbo: What is it? 

Michael: The reason for Thorin's sickness is the cause of Smaug. 

Oin: But how can that be that dragon is dead. 

Michael: Yes but his spirit returned back to the mountain, I can see its aura all around the treasure room and a lot of it inside of Thorin. The way he was speaking to us almost sounded like Smaug. That look, that terrible need, it is fearsome jealous love. Is that how his grandfather went mad Balin?

Balin: Yes it did...

Kili: Do you know how to save him Michael? 

Michael: I do but first I must destroy the spirit of Smaug within Thorin. 

Michael kneeled down to Thorin who was still under the sleeping spell, Michael focused on where the spirit of Smaug was lying inside the dwarf and once he found the source to the problem he unleashed a powerful removing spell. 

Michael: Eliminer les tenebres et purifier!!!!

When Michael did the spell, everyone looked to see something coming out of Thorin that was glowing a mist of red as red as blood itself and with it the mist let out a roar that sounded like a dragon. 


The red mist that was the spirit of Smaug was now being destroyed for good and with in the strong aura of the dragon was free from Thorin. Michael checked Thorin and scan his body for anything else dragon related in which there was no trace of dragon sickness within the dwarf prince.

Michael: It is done. Thorin will not come down with the sickness no longer. 

Balin was brought into tears of happiness while the others smiled that their friend is going to be all right even Bilbo was pleased of the news. Michael did it, he promised to not allow Thorin to come down with the sickness. Now that Thorin was cured, all the dwarf needs is some rest and he will be back to his normal self in no time. 

Michael: Now that is taken care of, time to cleanse the mountain of Smaug's aura, Fili, Kili take your uncle to his chambers so he can rest while the rest of you wait up top because I gonna be here for a while to get rid of the aura down here and have all this gold cleaned up. It's very hard to move around down here. 

Dwalin: You heard the lad let him do his duty. 

Fili: Michael, thank you. 

Michael: My pleasure Fili, now take your uncle so he can get his rest and make some food for him, he could use something to eat when he wakes up. 

As soon as everyone left the chamber, Michael went ahead to get started cleansing the mountain of the dragons remains in which he summoned a large body of water and mixed with some magical cleansing that would get rid of the aura that the dragon left behind. 

Michael: All right time to a lot of cleaning here. Nettoyage!

Michael said the spell the magical water began to submerge the gold cleaning it from the dragons vile filthiest and now just that but also the rest of the mountain since the place needed a lot of cleaning for being abandoned for 60 years. It took over 5 hours to get everything cleaned and when finished Michael scanned the area using his wandless magic to find any trance of the dragon in which there was absolutely nothing left meaning the mountain was free from the dragons spirit forever and Thorin is saved. 

Michael: Oof that took a lot longer then I hoped. Now that the cleansing is finished and Smaug's spirit is destroyed best to have all this gold and gems put into treasure chest so it would be easy move around the area. I will organize them from gold coins, to gems, armor, and much more.(Michaels saids as he summons thousands of treasure chest and then used his magic to store the treasure in separate chests)

Michael: Perfect everything is in order. Time to rejoin the others and then them the good news. Also I could use some food right about now, kind of hungry. 

Michael arrived back up the mountain where everyone was having food and drinks then they all looked to see Michael who smiled at them and told everyone of what he did in which they all thanked him for what he for them as well as Thorin who is resting in his chambers. Nori and Ori brought out some food for Michael which he thanked the two dwarves for and now that the mountain is taken back and the dragon is defeated and Thorin is free of the sickness the worst is not over yet because Michael still has the thing on his mind about what Smaug said that a darkness is coming and it spread across the land. After finishing his food, Michael decided to go out and get some air and relax for a while.

Michael: Sigh......

Bilbo: Michael?

Michael: Hm? Oh hello Bilbo sorry I didn't see you coming. 

Bilbo: Mind if I..

Michael: Not at all I enjoy your company. 

Bilbo: Thank you. So you uh cleansed the mountain. 

Michael: Yup, everything related to Smaug is long gone and I did promise that I help Thorin not to come down with the sickness and I fulfilled that promise. 

Bilbo: Hard to believe that Thorin was under the control of the spirit of Smaug. No wonder he sounded different when I tried speaking to him. 

Michael: Things like that work in mysterious ways Bilbo. Though I am glad Thorin is going to be all right but I also am glad that all of you are safe. You guys have been best of friends I ever had in my life. 

Bilbo: You're a good friend to Michael. Do you still think I will be able to return home when everything is over. 

Michael: I will see to it Bilbo. But I am afraid were are not out of the danger yet. 

Bilbo: What do you mean?

Michael: I fear that a darkness is coming and its going to get closer until it reaches it peak. If the day comes we need to be ready Bilbo. 

Bilbo: I will trust you on your judgment on that Michael. I also fear that were not out of the woods yet. 

Michael: Know this Bilbo, if you ever are in a dangerous and threaten situation, I offer you my help in gratitude. 

Bilbo: And I will offer you mine. The best way I can. 

Unknown to everyone in the mountain, miles away from the mountain itself a terrible threat is marching upon the mountain and its known other than the pale orc himself known as Azog who is leading a massive army of orcs upon the mountain. After Bolg told him to return to Dol Guldur in which his master unknown to the world has asked Azog to lead the army of orcs upon the mountain and so Azog was leading an army of orcs and finally kill his enemy. When Azog and his armies were marching upon the mountain he heard the voice of Bolg coming towards him warning him about encountering woodland elves. 

Bolg: Woodland Elves! The king's son and a she elf...they tracked us from the forest to lake town. 

Azog: And you killed them? 

Bolg: They fled...squealing like cowards but for some reason they had weapons unknown to us, blades that glow bright and easily cut half of us in half. 

Azog: I don't want to hear you excuses! You fool! They will return with an army of elves at their backs! I want you to ride to Gundabad, let the the legions come forth.

Bolg: As you wish. 

Azog: What did you mean that the elves had blades that glow?

Bolg: When we arrived at lake town all of sudden we couldn't get through it was like the place was shielded with a powerful dome and then out of nowhere the elves came out and attacked us with blade that glowed and cut half of my troops down to size. I never seen anything like it.

Azog: I will see it with my own eyes, now ride to Gundabad.

Bolg nods and rides to Gundabad while Azog looked towards his army to say his speech. 

Azog: Elves! Men! Dwarves! The mountain will be their tomb! TO WAR!

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