Chapter 13: The Dragon is Slain!

After the dragon left the mountain and headed towards Lake Town, the people of in the town heard the noise and began to panic in fear that the dragon was awoken and heading their way. Bard knew this would come because when he heard the dragon awaken in the mountain due to the rumbling he and his children felt, he took out something from his home in which was a black arrow, the same black arrow his ancestor used to fight the dragon and swore he will kill the beast. Bard went out to put a stop to the dragon but not before the guards caught him and locked him in a cell but thankfully his son was with him and told Bain to hide the black arrow until he and Bain can regroup. Everyone in Lake Town were gathering their things to avoid being killed by the dragon who was on his way to burn the whole town to the ground but what the people and dragon don't is that a magical barrier was place around Lake Town to keep the civilians safe from the wrath of the Smaug. 

Right now Smaug arrived near Lake Town and began circling the floating town on the water where hundreds no thousands of innocent people were screaming in terror and try to either hide or run for their lives but there was no where to go. Bard who was locked in the cell was trying to break free or scream for someone to let him out but the guards who caught him have already left. 

Bard: Open this door! You hear me! 


Bard looked down and saw his son from the bellow the cell window and Bard was pleased to see his son but fear seeing the dragon in which Bard looked into the skies and saw the beast circling Lake Town. 

Bard: Son, you need to get me out of here and hurry!

Bain: I will be right there, hang on!

Bard: Where are Tilda and Sigrid?

We are right here da!(Two female voices said to Bard)

Bard: You need to get out of here, run before it's too late!

Sigrid: We're not leaving you!

Tilda: Is everything going to be all right da...

Bard: It's going to be ok Tilda, I promise. 

Bain heads into the building where his father is being held and soon broke the lock on the cell doors to free Bard who later hugs his son and the two headed out to meet with the girls. 

Bard: Where did you put the black arrow son?

Bain: Follow me. 

Bard: Stay close girls.

Bard and his children headed to the location of where Bain put the black arrow but unknown to them Smaug was coming down towards Lake Town and was unleashing his fire upon the people. When the dragon fired his attack on the town all of sudden the fire didn't hit anything because something was blocking the dragon's attack. 

When the people of Lake Town saw the fire coming towards them all of sudden they too were in absolute shock of what they were seeing. They the flames being blocked by something that was keeping the dragon from attacking them. 

Civilian 1: What happened?!

Civilian 2:  dragon's attack was stoped!

Civilian 3: How could that be? 

Civilian 4:  Look, something is keeping our town shielded! It's preventing the dragon's fire from hitting us. 

Many people were chanting in joy that they were being saved by this barrier around their homes while Smaug looked confused onto why the town isn't burning in which he tried again and again but his flames were't doing anything thanks to the magical barrier that was placed around the town. 

Smaug: How could this be?!

How you like my magical barrier you flying piece of shit!

Smaug looked towards the sky and saw who he didn't want to see and that was Michael Vala in his Iron Warrior armor hovering near the dragon himself who glared upon seeing the man of iron.

Smaug: YOU!

Iron Warrior: I knew you were going to attack Lake Town so that is why I placed this magical barrier to protect the people from your destruction so no matter how many times you hit the town nothing will happen.

Smaug: You have been a real pain, man of iron. If I can not kill these pathetic fools then I shall enjoy killing you!

Iron Warrior: SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT DRAGON!(Iron Warrior saids and flies down to Smaug and delivered a hard punch to the beast)


Iron Warrior and Smaug clashed where fire and gun fire was being heard from below the town. Many people were looking up above to see the dragon fighting what the people think is a flying metal man that was attacking the dragon. The people couldn't believe what they were seeing, a flying metal man defending them from the evil dragon that almost burned their home without thanks to the barrier keeping them safe. Bard and his children arrived at the location where Bain placed the black arrow into a small boat and gave it to his father. 

Sigrid: Da look! Up there. 

Bard looked into the sky and couldn't believe what he was seeing. He looks to see the man he has met with the dwarves who can change into armor he never seen before and he was fighting the dragon to keep the town safe while also seeing the barrier was working. 

Bard: His barrier is working...

Bain: What barrier?

Bard: Master Vala placed a magical barrier around Lake Town to keep the people safe from the dragon and it looks like it's working. 

Tilda: So we're safe?

Bard: For the time being sweetie. 

Sigrid: What is that fighting the dragon?

Bard: That my daughter would be Master Vala.(Bard saids to his daughter who she along with her sister and brother were in shock)

Tilda: He really is a knight! He's protecting us from the dragon. 

Bard: He's distracting the beast, meaning we need to get to the wind lance. Let's go!

Back with the company they were on top of the peak looking at the battle taking place between their friend as well as the dragon. 

(Minus the town being on fire)

Balin: It seems our friend is putting up one hell of a fight. I just hope he returns. 

Kili: He will come back, we must believe he will. 

Dwalin: The dragon attacked the town but why isn't burning? 

Bilbo: The barrier...

Balin: Say that again laddie?

Bilbo: Before we left Michael placed a magical barrier around Lake Town to keep those inside safe if the dragon ever attacked and it would seem it worked. 

Bofur: The lad is full of surprises. You think he would be a match for the Smaug?

Bilbo: He was handling him quite well in the mountain. Now in open area he can do a whole lot more. 

Balin: Brave laddie he is, strong too. He will do anything to keep those poor souls safe. 

All the dwarves were thinking about their friend and his safe return while Bilbo looked towards Thorin who was looking at the mountain in which the hobbit fears what Smaug said in the mountain would come true or not but he would need to keep an eye on Thorin. Back at Lake Town Bard and his children made it towards the wind lance and has asked his children to remain together while he takes care of the dragon who was fighting against the man of iron. 

Smaug: DIE!

Smaug unleashes his fire upon Iron Warrior who dodges and opened fired onto the dragon with everything he has from bullets, rockets, missiles, everything.

Iron Warrior: I can do this all day Smaug!

Smaug: Your weapons have no effect of me fool! My hide is impervious to everyone of your attacks.

Iron Warrior: True but I know what can piece your hide, just hope there is one still around.(Iron Warrior saids in thought while keep on firing at the dragon)

Iron Warrior hits the dragon with more attacks as well as some energy blast to blind the beast until he looks towards Lake Town and saw someone near the wind lance and it was Bard with a big black arrow in his hands. 

Iron Warrior: He has one, Bard has a black arrow.(Iron Warrior saids in thought)

Iron Warrior hits the dragon again but with a flash bomb that blinded the beast for a while until Iron Warrior flew into the barrier and towards Lake Town where he flies over to meet up with Bard who was getting the wind lance ready. 

Iron Warrior: You have a black arrow. How?

Bard: It's been in my family for generations. I thank you for keeping the town safe.

Iron Warrior: We are not out of the fight yet I just blinded the dragon for a short while. Is the wind lance ready?

Bard: Yes, though I need a clear shot so I can hit the mark. 

Iron Warrior: I seen it, it's on the underbelly near the the heart. That's where the mark is located. 

Bard: You have a plan?

Iron Warrior: I do. Move the wind lance upward and wait for my signal. Once you find the mark located on the dragon's underbelly fire arrow. 

Bard: I hope you know what you are doing.

Iron Warrior: Trust me I do. 

The plan was in motion and Iron Warrior took to the skies while Bard remain with the wind lance and prepared the black arrow to kill the dragon. Smaug came out of his blindness and looked to see Iron Warrior that caused the dragon to glare at his attacker. 

Smaug: I have grown tired of your games! I think it is about time we end this ridiculous battle between us.

Iron Warrior: I strongly agree but first you have to catch me in order to do it unless your too slow due to your age.


Iron Warrior: Yea that's it come and follow me.(Iron Warrior saids in thought while flying around with Smaug chasing him from behind)

After flying around that lasted an hour later as well as evading attacks and fire from Smaug, Iron Warrior floated towards the barrier near the position where Bard was getting ready to fire the black arrow. Smaug looked down and saw his enemy just floating there and has decided to end things between him and the man of iron so he flew down in quick speed while Iron Warrior smirked that his plans was working. 

Iron Warrior: That's right come to papa. 

Smaug: Tell me man of iron, how now should you challenge me! There is nothing you can do now but wait for your DEATH!!!!! ROOAAARRRR!

Iron Warrior then looked at Bard who nod his head at Iron Warrior meaning he saw the mark and was ready to fire at just at the right moment. When Smaug was almost close to his target, Iron Warrior moved out of the way and Bard fired the black arrow with the wind lance. The arrow shot into the air and headed towards the dragon and hits it mark near the underbelly. 

Iron Warrior: Direct hit!

Smaug felt the pain and began to panic and flew up into the air with the arrow penetrated in his chest and into his heart. The dragon screamed until his last breath came to an end and his eyes turned dark and began to fall into the water in which everyone in Lake Town heard nothing but silence until they heard a loud splash hit the water. Bard couldn't believe it, the nightmare was finally over and the dragon was finally dead after so many years the dragon Smaug has been defeated with the help of a new friend in an iron suit with magical powers and strength. The dwarves listened as well and heard something go down and landed into the water.

Ori: What was that? What happened? 

Bilbo: It fell I saw it. It's dead...Smaug is dead. 

Gloin: My beard I think he's right. Look the ravens of Erebor are returning to the mountain. 

Balin: Ey, word will spread. Before long everyone soul in Middle Earth will know the dragon is dead!

Fili: You think Michael made it?

Bilbo: I know he did I saw him flying around the barrier before the Smaug died. He did it, he saved the lives of Lake Town and helped killed the dragon. 

Dori: Whose to say they will tell stories of Michael Vala The Iron Warrior who helped slain the dragon. 

Bofur: Ooh that would be a great story to tell. 

Everyone cheered for the news that the dragon was finally dead except Thorin who left to go back to the mountain. Soon the sun was rising over the Lake Town and everyone was celebrating that the dragon Smaug was dead and their lives were spared. Though some wanted to know who that metal man was who defended them and thank who the person who killed the dragon. Bard and his children headed towards the center of the town and saw so many people cheering and happy that they are all alive and not burned to death. Though Bard was pissed because he wanted to knock some sense into the master of Lake Town for putting him in a cell but there was no sign of him anywhere. 

Tilda: Da..

Bard: Yes Tilda?

Tilda: Where is Michael Vala?

Bard: I don't have the slightest clue but I know he is all right. 

Sigrid: You and him have saved the people of Lake Town, they will be forever indebted to your bravery. 

Bard: Not all of them. 

Bain: The master of Lake Town. 

Bard: When I find him, I swear I will make him pay for what he did. 

Sigrid: He's probably long gone by now, with everyone's money. 

Bard: Coward. 

Civilian: Who killed the dragon? 

Civilian 2: Did you all see how it went down?

Civilian: Who was that metal man that was fighting the dragon?

Many have answered questions onto who the metal man was as well as who killed the dragon until Percy the gate watcher spoke that got everyone's attention. 

Percy: It was Bard, he killed the dragon! I saw it with me own eyes he and that flying metal man brought the beast down. Shot him dead with a black arrow!

Everyone crowd Bard and his family and thanked him for killing the dragon and saving their lives who they all appreciate what the man has done for the city of Lake Town. While they were thanking Bard of sudden him along with everyone else heard a noise coming from the sky as well as some yelling that sounding like the master of lake town. 


Bard looked up and saw Iron Warrior holding onto a screaming master of lake town in which the man smirked at seeing Vala again but also seeing the master of lake down screaming like an arrogant fool. As soon as Iron Warrior lands in the middle of everyone around him and throwing the master near Bard, the people took in the man of iron's appears in which left them all in awe and amazement.

Iron Warrior: Found this one trying to leave with a boat filled with gold that belongs to the people of Lake Town.

Master: You metal man do you know who you are speaking too!

Iron Warrior: Hm, don't know don't care hows that. All I see is a fat slob who needs to loose a few pounds and get himself a bath.(Iron Warriors saids that made everyone laugh even Bard)

Master: Guards! Guards! Seize Him!

The guards didn't move nor listen to the master of lake town because they saw the man leave the people like a coward and didn't give a squat about them being attacked by the dragon, the master only cared about his own and his gold. 

Bard: It would seem that they have lost their trust in you. 

Iron Warrior: I couldn't agree more. 

Master: I am the master of this town and I will have.....?!


(Replace Quill with the Master of Lake Town)

The master didn't get to finish his sentence because he just got hit by Iron Warrior and fell unconscious. Many laughed seeing the idiot get hit and was soon taken away by the guards who have decided to put the crazy man in a cell along with Alfred who was begging to be released but nobody knew he was in a cell or even heard him screaming. 

Iron Warrior: Yea some master you are. 

Civilian: You have saved us, we are in yours and Bard's debt. 

Civilian 2: What is your name man of iron? 

Iron Warrior: I am Michael Vala, The Iron Warrior. Your protector as well as the one who put the barrier around your home to keep you all safe from the dragon's wrath. 

Everyone: Iron Warrior.(All said in thought while in awe and smiles that they had a protector such as this)

Bard: I thank you for everything master Vala. My family is grateful for what you have done. 

Iron Warrior: It was no problem Bard, family is very important and no deserves to be separated from their families. 

Bard: What now?

Iron Warrior: Now that the dragon is dead, I got something else to take care of. I think you know what I am talking about. 

Bard: Oakenshield.

Iron Warrior: Need to make sure he doesn't end up like his grandfather. Also cleanse the mountain of anything that relates to Smaug only then Thorin can be saved. And also keeps his word.

Bard: You believe he would keep his word?

Iron Warrior: I know he will once I help him rid of the sickness if or if not he comes to it. For now be here for your children, they need their father more than anything. But also the people of Lake Town need a leader to show them a better path.

Bard: I understand. Will we meet again.

Iron Warrior: Of course we will. But I afraid we are not out of the danger yet. 

Bard: What makes you think that?

Iron Warrior: Let's just say I heard something about a darkness coming and I need to be prepared for what comes and don't worry the barrier will remain still for years so the people are safe. 

Bard: Thank you, until we meet again master Vala. 

Iron Warrior: Until we meet again Bard. Good luck. Also as for the gold that the master took from the people, the boat itself is returning back so that everyone can have their gold returned and can get on with their lives.

Bard: Thats very honorable of you. Though where is..

Iron Warrior: Alfred is spending his life behind bars along with the former master of this town.

Bard: Hehe. 

Iron Warrior: Time for me to go, farewell Bard The Dragon Slayer.(Iron Warrior saids then takes off and leaving Lake Town)

Tilda: Da, will we see him again?

Bard: Of course we will, for now we must look to our own. But know this we will meet our new friend again. 

Bain: I still don't know how he does those things but the armor is something else. 

Tilda: You think they will tell stories about him.

Sigrid: I am guessing that will sis. 

Bard: He's a good man and if he saids what is true, I know he will keep his word. I just hope the dwarf prince keeps his word. 

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