Chapter 12: The Mountain and The Dragon!
The next morning came over Lake Town in which Thorin along with the company as well as Michael and Bilbo were ready to set off towards the mountain where the people of Lake Town wish the company of the dwarves good luck. Michael can see that the barrier that he put up last night was still up which is good because it will protect the people of Lake Town if the dragon decides to attack.
Kili: Don't you think some of us should stay just in case we need to warn the people that dragon will attack or not?
Michael: You don't have to worry about that. I put up a powerful magical barrier around Lake Town so it will keep the people of this town safe from the wrath of the dragon. If Smaug attacks, this barrier will keep these people from the dragons fire.
Balin: Well done lad, that will definitely help.
Michael: I made sure nothing else cannot get through because anything that is reallocated to darkness will be locked out while those who live in Lake Town will remain safe.
Fili: Say if an orc runs into the barrier. What will happen?
Michael: Oh thats easy the orc would just hit his head and get knocked out cold.
Bilbo: You mean like it will just bounce right off the barrier keeping it from entering.
Michael: Exactly.
Kili: Brilliant.
After the announcement with the master of Lake Town to say his farewell to the dwarves, the company headed off towards the mountain before Michael saw Bard and his family and gave them a nod and a goodbye but will see them again in which Bard knows that Michael will not allow the dragon to attack even if the barrier is up, Bard will still prepare himself for the worse to keep his family safe. Now on the boats the dwarves sailed on the water towards the mountain.
Michael looked upon the mountain in awe that the place looked magnificent and couldn't wait to see what Erebor is like but he will need to stay focus because theres the dragon that still slumbers in the mountain and if it awakes it's going to be one hell of a fight. The company docked their boat near the shore line and walked towards the mountain and have to reach it before the sunsets. While climbing up the mountains and hills, everyone came to a halt when they look upon an old place that has been abandoned for over sixty years and now it sits there in ruin.
Bilbo: What is this place?
Balin: It was once the City of Dale master Baggins, now it is in ruin. The Desolation of Smaug.
Michael: The same city in which that Smaug attacked.
Balin: Indeed lad, many of lives have been lost since that day the dragon attacked. The other who survived the carnage were taken out of the city with the help of Thorin and his brave soldiers who led them to safety away from the dragon's wrath.
Thorin: The sun will soon reach midday, we must find the hidden door into the mountain before it set, this way.
Bilbo: Wait, is this the envelope Gandalf said to meet him here on no account..
Thorin: Do you see him, we have not time to wait upon the wizard, we're on our own come. We will cut through the city and make our way towards the hidden passage.
Everyone headed into the city of Dale and once in the city Michael saw the horror of what happened sixty years ago. There were bodies of victims who have been burned and skeletons of innocent people all around the grounds as well as in the buildings. Michael knew that the dragon has to be slain for what that monster has done. The dwarves were in shock of what they were seeing and felt sad for those who have been lost in the fire.
Michael: Sigh...
Balin: You're not the only who feels bad for these people who died in the fire storm lad.
Michael: I know what you mean Balin. I never seen such carnage like this before, I seen a lot of things back home but this..this is dreadful.
Balin: Things will turn out all right once we reach the mountain. Though I could say the same for Thorin.
Michael: If you are talking about the sickness I will make sure he doesn't come to it like his grandfather, I give you my word I will not allow Thorin to fall into madness.
Balin: I know you won't let that happen Michael.
Thorin: Balin, master Vala, come time is wasting.
Balin: Come on Michael let's join the others.
Michael: Right.
The dwarves left the Dale and headed towards the mountain where Michael got a first look at what Erebor looks like in the front in which it was the most amazing site he has ever seen in his life. The structure was green and it had a lot of design especially those giant stone statues of dwarf soldiers on the sides of the place. If Michael has a camera he would definitely take a picture of this place.
Michael and Bilbo: Wow...
Bofur: Wait until you see the inside of it lads. It's a whole lot bigger within.
Michael: I will know once I see it.
The dwarves headed towards the hidden peak on the other side of the mountain in which Gandalf said that there is a hidden passage door that will lead into the mountain and once there the hidden key hole will be revealed after the last light of Durance day and it is almost over so the dwarves cannot wait any longer. Thorin led the company towards the hidden passage that was a dwarf statue that showed a staircase on the side meaning it was the way that could lead to the hidden doorway.
Michael: You guys want me to fly you up there or do you prefer the old fashion way, climbing.
Fili and Kili: No flying please.
Balin: Best to climb Michael. Don't want the lads to get scared of heights when you fly us up there.
Michael: Very well.
Thorin: Start climbing.
Thorin and everyone else headed towards the stairs and started to climb their way up to the top of the statue and once at the top and then walked on the statues weapon that showed a path. Thorin arrived at the front of where the hidden door will be revealed and hold up the key that Gandalf gave him.
Thorin: This must be it. The hidden door, let all those who doubted us through this day!(Thorin saids with a smile while holding the key and his company cheering)
Dwalin: Right then we have a key. Which means the key hole should be somewhere.
Thorin: The last light of Durance Day, will shine upon the key hole.(Thorin saids while checking the light and saw the sun almost setting)
Thorin saw the light almost setting and had Nori check to see if he can somehow find the hidden key hole and the door that would lead into the mountain. Dwalin tried to bust the door down but couldn't find it.
Thorin: We're loosing the light hurry. Break it down!
Dwalin along Fili and Kili took out their weapons to try to break down the door but nothing was working and the light was almost gone and after bagging their weapons over and over the light was gone and their chances of getting into the mountain are finished.
Balin: It's no good the door sealed, can't be open with force. It has powerful magic on it.
Thorin: No..the last light of Durin's day will shine upon the key hole. That's what it saids.
Michael: Wait a minute say that again Thorin.
Thorin: The last light will shine upon the key hole.
Michael: Thats it! Thorin, Balin do you two remember what happen back in Rivendell.
Balin: What do you mean lad?
Michael: When Lord Elrond placed the map upon the moons light it revealed the secret words so do you know what that means.
Bilbo: I think I know what he is talking about.
Michael: The sun isn't last light of Durin's day. It's the moon! The moon is the last light of autumn.
Balin: Thorin, Michael might be on to something. The moon itself is light source so if the moon rises upon this day.
Thorin: It will show the hidden keyhole and the hidden door will be revealed. Master Vala brilliant thinking.
Ori: So we just have to wait until the moon appears only then we can enter the mountain.
Michael: Exactly. Thorin when the light of the moon shines upon the hidden keyhole, you will have the honor of opening the door to your home.
After the sunset, it became night time and after a while everyone looked to see the moon rising and later they all looked towards the stone wall where Thorin gassed upon the keyhole that was hidden meaning what Michael said was true the moon was the last light and the light will shine upon the keyhole.
Michael: Thorin, care to do the honors.
Thorin smiled at Michael and put in the key into the hidden keyhole and after turning it, the door unlocked itself and Thorin gave the door a push and after he did that the door opened.
Thorin: Erebor....
Balin: Thorin...
Thorin: I know these walls..these halls..this remember it Balin. Chambers filled with golden light.
Balin: I..I remember...
Everyone entered the mountain where Michael saw something above his head that looked like a carving of a throne with a gem on top and it has dwarf description.
Michael: Gloin, do you know what this saids?
Gloin: Herein lies the seventh kingdom of Durin's folk, may the heart of the mountain unite all dwarves in defense of this home.
Balin: The throne of the king.
Michael: Incredible, though what is that little stone above it?
Bilbo: I am wondering about that myself.
Balin: That masters Baggins and Vala is the Arkenstone.
Bilbo: Arkenstone and what is that?
Thorin: That master burglar is why you are here.(Thorin saids as everyone looked at the Hobbit in which Michaels knows why Bilbo is needed)
Michael: Now I see why Gandalf needed Bilbo to be a burglar.(Michael saids in thought)
The company headed out to discuss the plan for Bilbo, Balin informs Bilbo about the Arkenstone that he needs to find it as well as not to wake up the dragon that still slumbers in the mountain if the Hobbit see's it. Bilbo was both scared and almost about to faint until Michael decided on something.
Michael: Bilbo if you don't want to do this alone, I will come with you.
Bilbo: You will?
Michael: Can't allow someone like you end burned to crisp. Besides with my magic, my powers and my armor I will keep you safe. If that is all right with you Balin.
Balin: I see no problem at all lad. Though I think it would be wise that master Vala goes with you Bilbo. I trust him and if you two see a dragon don't wake it.
Michael: That's gonna be hard, but Balin what kind of stone are we looking for like can you be more specific.
Balin: There is only one Arkenstone, Michael. It is the kings jewel.
Michael: I know that already, I'm saying is it like shinny or glowing stone because when I saw that carving it looks like its shinnying.
Balin: It's both shinny and it glows, it glows like the light itself.
Michael: Perfect, all we have to do is find a glowing stone.
Bilbo: Terrific, and also avoid waking a fearsome fire breathing dragon.
Michael: I have an idea for that once we enter the mountain. Balin which way is the treasure room.
Balin: The treasure is below the halls of the mountain, you will see it once you are there.
Michael: Got it, let's go Bilbo and stay close.
Michael and Bilbo headed inside the mountain while also making sure not to make any sound to alert the sleeping beast within. The both of them arrived in the great halls of the mountain in which Bilbo whispered a hello and did a light tap on the walls that created an echo to the whole place.
Michael: Let's not do that again ok.
Bilbo: Right.
Michael: I'm gonna put a silent charm on us, so while we are in the treasure room, every time we make a footstep it wont make any nose though be rise to put the treasure down gently so we don't alert you know what.
Bilbo: Good idea.
Michael: Charme Silencieux...
Michael saids the silent charm where both him and Bilbo are now engulfed with the spell so that they can be more quiet when finding the Arkenstone down in the treasure area. They soon arrived at the place where Balin said to go and once they arrived both their mouths dropped of seeing what was a hall filled with a pool of gold and gems everywhere.
Michael: You have got to be kidding me.
Bilbo: It's gonna take us years to find this stone.
Michael: The dwarves really need to keep their treasure organized. Sigh..all right the charm is on us Bilbo so remember what I told you.
Bilbo: After picking up something, gently put it down to avoid loud sound as well as not to wake up the dragon.
Michael: Yes but be careful, the dragon could be hiding anywhere in here or it's probably sleeping within the gold itself.
Bilbo: Right.
Michael: Split up for now, I'll take the bottom you take the top, if you can't find anything we will meet back here sound good.
Bilbo: Uh yea that sounds good to me.
Michael: Then let's get started.
The two of them headed down and into the pool of gold, Bilbo went to explore the top level while Michael took the lower level in which the client charm was working and Bilbo wasn't making a sound neither was Michael. Michael looked around the area to find a stone that glows and so far nothing seems to appear to him because all he sees is random gems as well as so much gold all over the place until he spotted a room and went inside to see if the Arkenstone was in there.
Michael: Arkenstone..where are you? Better check the chest there.(Michael saids and goes near a chest that is surrounded by gold and once he opened the chest it revealed white gems)
Michael: White gems? Definitely not the Arkenstone, but wait Thranduil told that there are gems in the mountain that he desires..White Gems of Pure Starlight. These could be the gems that he has been looking for, best to take these and I did promise him that his gems will be returned to him and that is a promise I shall keep.(Michael saids and takes the gems and put them into his magic bag to be kept safe)
After Michael packed the white gems into his magic bag, he continued on to find the Arkenstone and when he walked back up the steps to the next level all of sudden he stopped in his tracks and looked to see something that was glowing and it was a stone. It was right in front of Michael and he knows what it was and it could be it.
Michael: The Arkenstone...well that was easy.
Michael went up the steps and took the stone and when he gazed upon it, it was the most beautiful stone he has ever seen and it was like a thousands of stars coming together in amazing colors. Michael put the stone inside his magic bag to keep it safe along with the white gems and went to find Bilbo and tell him that the stone has been found until he stopped and hid behind a pillar and looked to see Bilbo and what appears to be the dragon himself known as Smaug who was having a conversation with the Hobbit.
Smaug: There you are thief in the shadows.
Bilbo: I..I did not come steal from you oh Smaug...the unlessessably wealthy. I merely wanted to gaze upon your magnificence to see if you really were as great as the old tales say...I..I did not believe them..
Michael(Facepalm): Oh no....great now we have to deal with a dragon just great.(Michael saids in thought)
Smaug: And do you now!!(Smaug saids while standing tall while gazing at Bilbo)
Michael: Holy shit...that is one big bad mother fucker.(Michael saids in thought while still hidden)
Bilbo: Truly..the tales and songs fall utterly short of your enormity oh Smaug the stupendous.
Smaug: Do you think flattery will keep you alive?
Bilbo: no.
Smaug: No indeed, you seem familiar with my name but I don't remember smelling your kind before. Who are you and where do you come from? May I ask.
Michael: Come on Bilbo think of something...(Michael whispers to himself)
Bilbo: I..I come from under the hill..
Smaug: Underhill?
Bilbo: And under hills and over hills my path is led and through the air I am he who walks unseen.
Smaug: Impressive. What else do you claim to be?
Bilbo: I..I am luck luck where...riddle maker.
Smaug: Lovely titles, go on.
Bilbo: Barrel rider.
Michael: Barrel rider really? He could have said horse rider instead.(Michael whispers to himself while shaking his head of Bilbo's wrong words of choice)
Smaug: Barrel rider, now that is interesting and what about your little dwarf friends? Where are they hiding?
Bilbo: D..Dwarves? No, no there are no dwarves here. I think you got that all wrong.
Smaug: Oh I don't think so, Barrel rider. They sent you in here to do their dirty work while they skunk around outside.
Bilbo: Truly but you are mistaken oh Smaug chiefest and greatest of abilities.
Smaug: You have nice manners for a thief and a liar!!
Michael: Oh shit...
Smaug: I know the smell and taste of dwarf, no one better. It is the gold they are drawn to treasure by fines and dead fish. Did you think I could not know this day would come but a pack of canting gods would come crawling back to the mountain!
Smaug chases Bilbo while the Hobbit runs away and hides under some gold with Smaug on his tail while Michael followed while keeping himself hidden from the dragons site and try to get close to Bilbo to keep him safe.
Smaug: The king under the mountain is dead. I took his throne and I ate his people like a wolf among sheep. I kill where I wish when I wish, my armor is iron. No blade can piece me!
Michael: Geez for a dragon he has some ego, I need to get to Bilbo before Smaug barbecues him or worse.(Michael saids while seeking around the pillars to avoid Smaug while seeing Bilbo trapped under tunnel where the dragon is on top)
Smaug: Concealed that filthy dwarves you saw behind. He sent you in her for the Arkenstone didn't he.
Bilbo: No no, I don't know what you're talking about?
Smaug: Don't bother denying it. I guessed his foul purpose some time ago. But that matters not because Oakenshield's quest will fail. A darkness is coming and it spread to every corner of the land.
Michael: What did he mean by that?(Michael saids in thought)
Smaug: You are being used, thief in the shadows. You are only ever a means to an end. The cowards of Oakenshield has weighed the value of your life and found it worth nothing.
Bilbo: you are lying.
Smaug: What did he promise you? A share of the treasure as it was his to give. I will not part with a single coin not one piece of it. My teeth are swords, my claws are spears, my wings are a hurricane!
Bilbo looked to see a mark upon the dragons hide, the same mark that could have killed the dragon long ago. Michael saw it too and knows there was a way to kill Smaug.
Bilbo(Whisper): So it is true. The black arrow found its mark.
Smaug: What did you say?!
Bilbo: I..I was just saying your reputation precedes you oh Smaug the tyrannical. Truly you have no equal on this earth.
Smaug: I know you came for the Arkenstone barrel rider, I am almost tempted to let you take it if only to see Oakenshield suffer. Watch it destroy him, watch it corrupt his heart and drive him mad. But I think not, I think our little game ends here so tell me thief how do you choose to die.
Smaug stops and looks towards the voice and looks to see someone he has no idea who because of the strange armor he is wearing but Bilbo knows who it is in which was Michael wearing his mark 4 armor.
Iron Warrior: Get.The.Hell.Away.From.Him. You ugly some of bitch.
Smaug: Who are you that would stand against me?!
Iron Warrior: The Iron Warrior, and I stand against you, you over grown flying reptile piece of shit!
Smaug: Grrrr! I will deal with you later barrel rider after I deal with this man of iron.
Iron Warrior: Bilbo run, I will keep him busy.
Bilbo nods to Michael and made a run for it while Michael deals with Smaug himself.
Smaug: So tell me Iron Warrior, how do you wish to die.
Iron Warrior: Heh I seen things more scary than you, and I am a lot harder to kill just to let you know.
Smaug: Word for someone who has brain and heart but not enough to stop me. So I think I will ends things right now then after your gone, the barrel rider is next.
Smaug unleashes his dragon fire upon Michael in which he smirks because he knows that it will not affect him and the dragon has no idea that he idea of killing Michael will just back fire.
Iron Warrior: Hehehe is that best you can do.(Michaels while still standing)
Smaug: What? This is impossible you should be dead by now?!
Iron Warrior: Oh I quite much alive thank you very much, here allow me to show you some of my fire power.
Michael took flight that left Smaug in question of how armor can fly but stopped when Michael unleashed his energy blast from his chest towards the dragon.
Michael shot his energy blast at the head of Smaug and the dragon went down but was still alive only thing that scar him was a mark on his eye in which made the dragon very angry that someone like that could hurt him.
Smaug: I will enjoy killing you for scarring my eye, man of iron.
Iron Warrior: You can try but I will not be backing down from you Smaug.
Back with Bilbo he was running back towards the entrance of where he and Michael came in and when he arrived Thorin and the others.
Bilbo: Thorin!
Thorin: You're alive.
Bilbo: Not for much longer!
Kili: Where's Michael?
Bilbo: He's fighting the dragon.
Dwalin: What?!
Bilbo: It's still alive, Michael gave me time to run while he fends off Smaug.
Balin: Is he all right master Baggins?
Bilbo: If I know Michael, I think he's gonna put up one heck of a fight.
Thorin: Were you able to find the Arkenstone?
Bilbo: No...I was trying to find it but instead I found the dragon.
Thorin: Sigh...
Everyone heard explosions followed by gun fire and loud banging sounds in which the next thing they see was Smaug being thrown into the pillars then hit the solid wall but then looked to see Michael in his armor shooting the dragon. Michael then looked behind him and saw Bilbo with Thorin and the others and headed over towards them.
Iron Warrior: Thorin, got good news, bad news, and horrible news.
Thorin: What's the good news?
Iron Warrior: Found the Arkenstone.
Thorin: You found it...
Iron Warrior: I have safe and secured in my magic bag.
Bilbo: Well that is good news and the bad news?
Iron Warrior: Dragons awake.
Nori: And the horrible news?
Iron Warrior: He's very pissed off, like right now.(Michael saids while pointing at Smaug who gets up from his attack and looks to see the dwarves and Thorin)
Smaug: Oakenshield. YOU WILL BURN!!!
Thorin: Run!!!
Smaug unleashes his fire in which everyone dodged the attack and headed into the tunnel to avoid getting hit by dragon fire. Thorin got his coat on fire and took it off without any injury.
Iron Warrior: We have the move, Thorin you know more about this place than anyone best you lead the way.
Thorin: Come on, and stay together.
They all made it out of the treasure rom and into the halls themselves while keeping their guard up. Thorin led them down a pathway in an open area and while they were walking quietly a coin fell in front of Bilbo in which everyone looked at him in question but Bilbo checked himself to see if he had any coins on him and he didn't until Michael tapped his shoulder and looked up to see Smaug above them without knowing the company is below him with coins falling off his hide. They went down another path except now half of them got separated where Michael was now with Thorin, Bilbo, Balin, Fili and Kili while the others went with Dwalin.
Then out of the darkness came Smaug who was crawling on the walls and looks to see the dwarves in front of him.
Smaug: Flee, flee run for your lives. There is no where to hide.
Dori: Behind you!!! Come on!!!(Dori saids as he along with Ori and Bombur run to distract the dragon)
Dwalin: Hey you!! Here!!!(Dwalin saids as he along with Nori run from the dragon)
Gloin: No over here!!!(Gloin saids while he and Bifur and Bofur run and hide)
Thorin led the others into the forging chamber where the gold and weapons are built where Balin found a passage to get them out until Smaug found them.
Iron Warrior: Thorin, Fili, Kili get inside hurry! You to Bilbo.
Thorin: Follow Balin, I will be right behind you!
Thorin ran to avoid the dragon fire in which he jumped and grabbed onto a mining chain and fell deep into the hole of the mountain with Smaug following him until Dwalin saw Thorin fall and stopped the chain from going down more and then brought it back up with Thorin still hanging on but Smaug grabbed the chain and pulled it down where now Thorin was in the middle of Smuag's lips and was about to unleash his fire until Thorin grabbed another chain and Nori hit a machine to have Thorin brought back up. After Thorin was saved, he regrouped with the others and all of them were safe.
Iron Warrior: Any bright ideas?
Thorin: I have one but we need the furnaces lit up.
Dwalin: These furnaces are stone cold.
Balin: He's right, with no fire hot enough to set them ablaze.
Iron Warrior: Actually Balin, I think we found our fire source.
Thorin: He's right, I know how to get the furnaces hot enough.
Iron Warrior: I got an idea. Hey Smaug I thought you were the most terrifying dragon known to man well I guess I am wrong!
Thorin: I know what he is doing and I like it. I did not look to see you so easily outwitted! You have grown slow, and fat!
Iron Warrior: Not mention damn right ugly for a reptile!
Thorin: And a slug.
Smaug grew angry and was is about to fire upon the company where Thorin asked everyone to take cover to avoid being hit with the flames. The fire missed them while they hid behind some pillars but the flames themselves aimed for the furnaces just like Thorin planed. Soon one and more furnaces lit up thanks to the fire that Smaug shot. Smaug was breaking through the pillars and Thorin told some of his dwarf friends to work the furnaces while the others distract the dragon as long as they can.
Thorin: Vala, you take Bilbo and pull that lever on top and awaite my mark.
Iron Warrior: On it let's go Bilbo.(Michael saids as he and Bilbo head for the lever on top of the steps)
Thorin: Balin can you still make some blast flame?
Balin: will only take a jiffy.
Dwalin: We don't have a jiffy.(Dwalin saids as Smaug has breeched the pillars)
Balin took the remaining dwarves into a room to make some blast fire while Bilbo and Michael arrived on top to await Thorin to give the word to pull the lever where both saw Smaug entering the room trying to find the dwarves. Smaug stops then turns his head to see Thorin but then the dwarf saw his enemy at the right spot and gave the signal to Bilbo and Michael.
Thorin: Now!!
Michael pulls the lever and out came of the stone dwarf's mouth was water and when it hit the dragon, it cooled it down making it unable to breath his fire for a short while. After that the machines in the mountain started to work again that made things better for Thorin's plan.
Smaug glared upon Thorin and moved towards him while Balin and the other came out and threw some blast fire at the dragon but it wasn't enough to stop it. Until Gloin who was inside a metal carrier cut the ropes holding the other carriers and the whole thing fell on top of the dragon.
Iron Warrior: What is Thorin's plan?(Michael saids in thought)
Michael looked down to see Thorin pulling the lever from the furnaces and out came melted liquid of gold running down a path into a place Michael does not know but will soon. More and more of the liquids of gold came out of the other furnaces.
Thorin: Lead him to the gallery of the kings!
Iron Warrior: Let's go Bilbo, hang on.
Michael took Bilbo in his arms and flew out and so did the others who were luring Smaug into the gallery of the kings like Thorin said. Michael looked behind him and saw Smaug chasing him and Bilbo but luckily once they arrived in the gallery of the kings they hid before Smaug bust throw the walls and into the gallery.
Smaug: You! You think could deceive me barrel rider and you Iron Warrior! You both have came from Lake Town. Is is this some sort of alliance between these filthy dwarves and those miserable lake-men. Those sniveling cowards with their long bows and black arrows. Perhaps it's time I pay them a visit.
Bilbo: Oh no.....
Iron Warrior: Over my dead body!
Bilbo: This isn't their fault! Wait! You cannot go to Lake Town!
Smaug: You care about them do you? Good. Then you can watch them die.
Smaug leaves but not before he heard a voice that belongs to Thorin himself who standing above a stone statue that that is covered in chains.
Thorin: Here! You witless worm!!
Smaug: You!
Thorin: I am taking back what you have stole.
Smaug: You will take nothing from me dwarf. I laid low your warriors of old, I am still terror in the hearts of men, I am king under the mountain!
Thorin: This is not your kingdom, these are dwarf lands, this is dwarf gold, and we will have our revenge!
Thorin pulls the chains off the stones as did the other dwarfs who pulled the big chains off and under the stones was a solid gold statue of the king of Erebor himself Thror.
Iron Warrior: Whoah that is one big solid gold dwarf right there.(Michael saids in thought while looking at the gold statue)
Smaug gazed upon the gold statue for a short while until something happened. The gold itself never harden meaning a splash of gold got the dragon startled until the whole statue of gold melted and created a wave of gold that Smaug himself fell and got trapped in the wave of gold covering his whole body. Thorin smiled for victory that he thinks that Smaug has finally been defeated but he was wrong. Smaug popped out of the gold and while yelling out for revenge.
Smaug: REVENGE! REVENGE! I will show you revenge!!!
Iron Warrior: He's heading for Lake Town.
Smaug bust throw the front gate and flapped his large wings and took to the skies with Bilbo and Michael following behind to see the dragon fly away and towards Lake Town. In the skies Smaug flew away from the mountain and gave out his speech.
Smaug: I am fire, I am DEATH!
Smaug saw Lake Town and flew towards it while Bilbo and Michael saw the dragon leave and the Hobbit was now in panic that the people of Lake Town are in danger.
Bilbo: What have we done....
Iron Warrior: I'm not going to let Smaug attack Lake Town even if my barrier is up, I will still defend them. Smaug will die and I will use everything to make sure that beast is dead.
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