Chapter 11: Lake Town!

After the agreement that Thorin made with Thranduil with Michael's help, him along with his dwarf friends were set free and their weapons returned to them and soon met up with Bilbo who appeared out of nowhere. They all left and towards the direction of the mountain with Savior as their protection that Michael lend them. But when they were pushing forward towards the mountain they were ambushed by orcs where Kili got shot in the leg while his fellow dwarves helped him while also defending against the orcs until the elves came and kill the orcs while capturing one for interrogation. On the river side the dwarves made it out but Kili was still injured and thanks to Savior who fend off the remaining orcs, everyone was all right but Kili needed help due to that fact he doesn't know that he was hit with a poison arrow that was shot by an archer orc.

Thorin: Everyone all right?

Fili: We're fine but Kili is hurt he needs help.

Kili: Argh....

Bofur: He's been shot, he needs binding.

Thorin: Bind his ruin, you got two minutes.

Balin: This trip couldn't get any more interesting.

Bilbo: So now what we push on towards the mountain.

Balin: If that can be down master Baggins but there is slight problem, a river surrounds the area. There will be no way across.

Thorin: And we can't take the long way, we will run out of time before the sun sets.

While dwarves were trying to figure out what to do on how to get across the river, Ori was resting but the river side but unknown to him someone with a bow and arrow was looking at him. Everyone even Ori saw the man with the bow and arrow in which Dwalin got into defensive but then the man shot an arrow that knock his weapon out the dwarf's hand as did for Kili when he was going to throw a stone at the man.

Do it again and you're dead.

When the man was going to shoot another arrow all of sudden everyone even the man heard something from the sky in which they looked up and saw who the dwarves were pleased to see as well as Savior. Michael arrived in his Mark 2 armor and landed on the ground that left the man with the arrow speechless of what he saw.

Iron Warrior(Michael): Put down the bow and arrow and I wont blast you where you stand.

Bilbo: Michael.

Iron Warrior(Michael): Good to see that you are all right, I had to cut my stay with the elves a little short. Now sir lower your bow or else.

The man did what he was told and didn't want to see what happens next, Michael then lowered his guard at seeing the man in front of him doing what he was told until Balin spoke.

Balin: Excuse me but're from Lake Town if I am not mistaken. That barge over there it wouldn't be available for hire by chance.

Soon after minutes later everyone even the man walked towards a small dock where there was a boat and it looked ready to set sail onto the river.Savior was happy to be reunited with Michael as well as Bilbo who informed Michael of what happened in the forest and wasn't mad at him but he still going to give the dwarves a punishment for not listening. Balin asked the man for help but the man who almost shot them was asking why he should help.

What makes you think I will help you?

Balin: Those boats seen better days has that coat, no doubt you have hungry mouths to feed. How many do you have in your family?

A boy and two girls.

Balin: And your wife I imagined, she's the beauty.

Yes..she was...

Balin: I am sorry I didn't mean to...

Dwalin: Oh come on come on enough of the niceties.

What's your hurry?

Dwalin: What's it to you?

I would like to know who you are and what you are doing in these lands.

Balin: We are simply merchants from the Blue Mountain, journeying to see out kin in the Iron Hills.

Iron Warrior(Michael): For me, myself and my wolf companion are their protectors to make sure they won't get harmed or do something utterly stupid.

Simple merchants you say and a man with armor that can fly which is quite unbelievable as well as traveling with a huge wolf.

Iron Warrior(Michael): Yea your not the only one who noticed.

Thorin: We need food and shelter for the night, can you help us.

Tell me something before I make my decision, what business did you have with the elves because I heard what your friend mentioning about them.

Iron Warrior(Michael): We were making an agreement with business, my dwarf friends decided to leave while I was aloud to stay as their guest since they trust me after I helped saved on of their own kin. But I had to cut my stay short with the elves because I was needed to keep these thirteen dwarves safe from harm and yes even though they are armed with weapons they still need someone like me to deal with bigger threats.

I think I can except your friend words here but no one enters Lake Town but by leave of the master. All his wealth comes from trade with the Woodland Realm and he would see you in irons before risking the wrath of King Thranduil.

Iron Warrior(Michael): If you help us sir, I will be honored to pay you for your service. I'll even double the money to enter that town.

Your dwarf friends will be spotted, how will you keep them out of site.

Iron Warrior(Warrior): Not to worry I already have an idea for that. Do we have a deal.

How do I know you're not tricking me?

Iron Warrior(Warrior):Once second.

Michael then changes back into his normal outfit that left the man in shock that the armor that Michael was wearing disappeared like magic. Michale then went through his magic bag and pulled out a large bag filled with gold coins and showed it to the man.

Michael: I think this will be enough to help you and your children. And I will never trick a man who cares about his family never.

Dwarves and Bilbo: Where did he get that money from?(All said in thought)

Michael: This will be yours if you help us. Do we have a deal.

Very well.

Michael: Thank you. What is your name?

The people of Lake Town call me Bard.

Michael: Please to meet you Bard, Michael Vala is my name. All right boys onto the boat.

Everyone got onto the boat as well as Michaela and Savior while paying Bard for the ride as well as the help. Bard then set sail onto the river and towards the location of Lake Town.

Michael: Kili I need you sit down for me.

Kili: I am all right Michael really its just a injury it will heal.

Michael: Kili thats not an ordinary injury, you were shot with a poison arrow and very soon the poison will take it tole.

Kili: P..poison.

Fili: How did you know this?

Michael: From the captured the orc that elves taken back to their kingdom. The orc told that Kili was shot with a poison arrow and right now I need to heal him and remove the poison otherwise you're going to looking really pale and one sick dwarf.

Kili: Uh do your thing please.

Michael then went to work on the injury as well as the poison, he used the same healing spell that he used on Vena and after Michael was finished the poison and the injury on Kili's leg was healed.

Michael: There you are Kili, good as new.

Kili: Thanks for that.

Michael: Sure thing.

Fili: Thank you Michael, I thought I was going to loose a brother.

Michael: Anytime Fili. Though best to rest for a while Kili until we arrive at Lake Town.

Bofur: Say quick question, where in Durins name did you get all that gold?

Michael: Troll cave obliviously.

Bofur: Ah well done lad. I thought we would have to pay up.

Michael: You seriously weren't going to pay?

All the dwarves stayed silent about paying Bard the money in which Michael just rolled his eyes as well as Bilbo who look at the dwarves being stubborned as usual. Bard was steering the boat towards what looks like ruins of some kind that got the dwarves startled that Bard was going to drowned them if he hits one of those pillars.

Thorin: What are you trying to do drown us.

Bard: I was born on these waters master dwarf, if I wanted to drown you. I would not do it here.

Michael: He knows what he is doing, if knows these waters better than anyone then he is the one who will help is lead on them to get to Lake Town.(Michael saids to Thorin who goes back with his company while Bard gave Michael a nod for thanks)

Bard: Are you from Gondor?

Michael: Hm?

Bard: That armor you wore it looked something of Gondor are you from there.

Michael: No I am not from Gondor, as I matter of fact I never been there before though I read books about it. Also my armor is completely different compared to any armor man, dwarf or elf wear.

Bard: You're not from around these parts are you.

Michael: I come from a far away land very far.

Bard: How did you change out of that armor of yours as well as did what you did with the dwarf?

Michael: I am magic, I am basically sorcerer as well as warrior. I am highly skilled fighter who would defend those who cannot fight and bring down those who appose a threat.

Bard: Judging by how you are dressed it makes it obvious. Though I never seen armor that glows as well as fly, something like that must be new.

Michael: You can imagined what goes on in the world these days trust me I seen and know.

Bard: You have family.

Michael: I had a mother and father a long time ago but they died in an accident, I was left alone but I managed to push forward and keep going on with my life. I will always treasure the memories of my family for all time. I can tell that you always treasure the memories of your wife.

Bard: That I do, she left me two beautiful daughters and a son, I dedicated myself to protect them with my life.

Michael: A good man like yourself should always look after those closets to your heart.

While the on the boat the dwarves looked towards the front and looked to see the mountain itself that left them in awe and speechless until Bard spoke to get their attention.

Bard: All right whats that plan of yours for the dwarves.

Michael: I can tell we're almost near Lake Town.

Bard: Yes but there are guard there and we need to get a safe passage through.

Michael: Understood. All right boys into the magic bag you go.

Bilbo: I am sorry what now?

Michael: Were coming up on Lake Town but there are guards at the front so you need to stay hidden so hide in my magic bag until we arrive at Bard's place.

Gloin: Uh how are we going to fit in that tiny bag?

Michael: It's a magic bag you how you think I fit Savior in it. Meaning that it will contain huge amount of space for all of you to fit. Either this or you get captured by the guards and locked up your choice.

Thorin: Do as he saids, I trust him.

Michael opened the bag and placed it on the ground where the dwarves were deciding which one will go first until Michael rolled his eyes and picked up Fili and threw him into the bag where he gets sucked in that left everyone speechless until Fili's head popped out of the bag.

Fili: You fellows got to see this from the inside, it's insane!(Fili saids with a excited smile on his face)

All the dwarves and Bilbo jumped into the bag as well as Savior and after they all got in, Michael closed up the bag and tied it around his waste.

Michael: Problem solved.

Bard: Now I can see what you mean by being a sorcerer of magic.

Bard made a stop towards a small dock to talk to someone while Michael was waiting on the boat and after Bard was finished he got back on the boat and sailed the boat towards the place known as Lake Town that was a small city over the frozen lake.

Michael: So this is Lake Town I presume.

Bard: Yes, have you seen anything like this before.

Michael: I've seen something like Lake Town before but that was a long time ago.

Bard: We're approaching the gate.

Michael decided to change into his armor again because something tells him that Bard might need some help with something that might come up.

Bard: Why did you change back into the armor?

Iron Warrior(Michael): Trust me something is about to happen and you might need an assistants.

Percy: Halt! Tollgate inspection. Papers please. Oh its you Bard and I see you brought a friend.

Bard: Morning Percy.

Percy: Anything to declare.

Bard: Nothing, but I am cold and tired and ready for home as for my friend here he is a traveler who wanted to see the the sites.

Percy: I see and such fancy armor he has, is he from a kingdom of royals.

Bard: You might say that. Sir Vala this is Percy the gate guard of Lake Town.

Iron Warrior(Michael): Greetings.

Percy nods in a hello before taking Bards papers and stamping them to get his clear to move forward into the town.

Percy: There you are Bard everything seems in order.

Not so fast. Consignment of helping a man to get to Lake Town who traveled through the Woodland Realm.(A man saids while taking the papers from Percy)

Bard: Hello Alred.

Alfred: Let's see I see you but I see no man just some strange looking armor that glows and if recall correctly your licensed as a bargeman not a tour guide.

Iron Warrior(Michael): Who are you to speak to the man that help me.(Michael saids while standing right in front of Alfred while his guards backed away from the armored man)

Alfred: It spoke.....

Iron Warrior(Michael): Yes I can speak because I am a man in a suit of armor but not just any man I am a royal guard of the kingdom of Gondor.

Alfred: R..royal guard.

Iron Warrior(Michael): Yes I was sent here to inspect the changes and behavior of Lake Town by the steroid of Gondor. He wanted to know what the town was like before visiting so he sent me to inspect the behavior and culture of this town.

Alfred: Oh...of course...

Iron Warrior(Michael): During my travels I have lost my way in Woodland Realm but met this fine man named Bard who showed me the way and offered to give me a ride to Lake Town and I am forever indebted to him and his service. So Yes I am a man who was in need of help and yes Bard is the one who found me in the Woodland Realm so there is no problem at all is there.

Alred: like everything is in order. Welcome to Lake Town royal guard of Gondor please enjoy your stay here.

Iron Warrior(Michael): Thank you and since you are just doing your job to serve the master of this town please except this as a token of the Steroid of Gondor. A rare blue diamond.(Michael saids to Alfred and hands him the blue diamond gem)

Alfred: I except this token from a fellow royal guard of Gondor as well the Steroid. Also Bard the master has his eye on you, you do well to remember. We know where you live.(Alfred saids while taking the gem then spoke to Bard)

Bard: It's a small town Alfred, everyone knows where everyone lives.

Percy: Raise the gate!

Bard then moved the boat inside of Lake Town while Michael didn't like that man Alfred one bit and wanted to waste him as well as his master who is probably worst than Alfred. Bard then docked the boat where both him and Michael got off and head towards the house Bard mentioned to Michael while keeping their eyes on everyone in the town.

Bard: Do you just lied to Alfred about being from Gondor?

Iron Warrior(Michael): It worked didn't it, he doesn't except a thing and it was a good lie.

Bard: You known for once I never met someone who can get passed by Alfred with a clever lie.

Iron Warrior(Michael): Exactly why I changed into the armor and to help you out. How far away is your place?

Bard: Couple houses down, keep close.

While walking into the town some of the people were eying the armored man aka Michael who many thought of him as a knight of a royal kingdom while some were amazed of the design of the armor but Michael focused on following Bard to his place. While they are walking all of sudden a young man who called Bard Da meaning it was his son gave his father a worried look.

Da, our house is being watched.

Bard: Like always Bain. Master Vala this is my son Bain. Bain this Michael Vala.

Iron Warrior(Michael): Hello.

Bain: Da, is that a knight?

Bard: We will talk about it later right now we need to get back to the house, let's go.

While on the move, Bard gave signals to people to know rather if his place is being watched on not and once Bard along with his son and Michael arrived at the house, Bard gave a fruit to a man on the small boat who was fishing and headed inside the house with his son and Michael. Inside Bard was being hugged by his younger daughter Mary followed by his oldest Sigrid.

Mary: Da where have you been?

Sigrid: Father there you are I was worried.

Bard: I am all right don't worry. Girls meet Michael Vala, he's a traveler I met in the Woodland Realm. Master Vala my daughters Mary and Sigrid.

Iron Warrior(Michael): Hello it's a pleasure to meet you.

Mary: Da, you brought home a knight is he here to keep us safe.

Bard: Talk later, Master Vala I think your friends would want to come out now.

Iron Warrior(Michael): Indeed.

Michael magically changes out of his armor into his normal clothes that made Mary and Sigrid as well as Bain look upon Michael in awe that he was magic and looked like a warrior then see him taking out a bag and opening it and reached in and pulled out a dwarf in which was Bofur.

Bofur: Have to say lad, that bag you have is something else.

Michael: Sure is Bofur now to get the rest out.

Michael went back to taking out all the dwarves as well as Bilbo and they too enjoy what was inside the bag especially Bombur who was eating some cookies that he found while inside the bag.

Sigrid: Da, why are there dwarves coming out of the bag?

Mary: Will they bring us luck.

Michael: All of you hear?

Balin: I must say lad, you are full of wonders, I take that we haven't been spotted.

Michael: We're in the clear for now, but just stay low for now, don't want to alert the guards of this town or their master.

Michael looked to see his fellow dwarves getting comfortable until he looks at Thorin looking at something from outside and when Michael looked out the window too he looked see a weapon of some kind that looks like a crossbow.

Michael: Is that a crossbow?

Thorin: No that is a dwarven wind lands.

Bilbo: It looks like you just seen a ghost.

Balin: He has. The last time we saw such a weapon, the city was on fire.

Michael: City?

Balin: The City of Dale, it was the day the dragon came. The day that Smaug destroyed Dale, Girion the lord of the city rallied his bow men to fire upon the beast. But a dragons hide is tough, tougher than the strongest armor only a black arrow fire from wind lands could have pierced that dragons hide. Few of those arrows were ever made, the store was running low when Girion. made his last stand.

Thorin: A day of men were true that day. Much would have been different.

Michael: But did Girion ever made a mark on the dragon, surely he could have left a mark on the dragons hide.

Bain: He did, long ago Girion once managed to dislodge a scale off the dragon, one more hit and the dragon would have been killed.

Michael: So there is a way to kill the dragon.(Michael saids in thought)

Thorin: Thats just a tale nothing more.

Bard: How do you know about it?

Thorin: All dwarves know of the tale, it's been past down for generations.

Balin: Thorin I think it would be best to move on, and thank the man for his help and go. I say we stay a while and leave.(Balin saids to Thorin of which Bard listens as well as hearing the name)

Bard: You're not going anywhere.

Dwalin: What did you say?

Bard: There are spies watching this house, probably every dog and wolf in the town. We must wait till night fall.

Michael: He's right, going out there would get you into trouble best to wait until night comes then we can leave for now we need rest and some food.

Bard: At least your friend here speaks the truth.(Bard saids then heads out of the house for a while)

Michael: Why don't I cook up some food for all of you, Sigrid you don't mind if I use the kitchen.

Sigrid: Be my guest master Vala.

Michael: Thank you and please call me Michael. Also Bombfur you didn't eat anything besides those cookies did you.

Bombfur: Just the cookies.

Michael: Good.(Michaels said then goes into the kitchen to cook some food)

Mary: Is he magic?

Balin: Lassie he so much more, but yes he is magic as well as a magnificent warrior. Come I will tell you all there is to know about of friend and his story.

While Michael was cooking and Balin telling Bain, Sigrid and Mary about who Michael is and where he came from after he told the dwarves all about who he is; Thorin on the other hands was discussing something with his remaining company about a plan to leave and get to the mountain. After cooking the food for everyone in which they thanked Michael for it and enjoyed the taste of the meal, Bain looked out the door to see his father and asked to keep the dwarves at his house until he comes back. Inside Mary and Sigrid were amazed that Michael is from another world as well as has been blessed by Luna Goddess of Light and he actually met her and gifted him powers and armor as well as shield and saber. Michael was pleased that the girls appreciate him and for what he has done as well as amazed of seeing his armor as well as his saber that he told them all about including Bain who heard everything.

Outside of Lake Town and at the end of the Woodland Realm, the female elf known as Tauriel found a trail of dead animal bodies scattered near the river edges as well as blood meaning that the orcs that were going after the dwarves were close and continued on their hunt. Tauriel looked towards the river to see where the orcs were heading but then heard something behind her in which she took out her bow and arrow and aimed it at her target but stop and looked to see it was Legolas.

Tauriel(Elvish): I thought you were an orc.

Legolas(Elvish): If I was an would be dead.

Tauriel: You followed me.

Legolas: Yes, Tauriel you cannot hunt thirty orcs on your own.

Tauriel: But I am not on my own.

Legolas: You knew I will come. The king is angry Tauriel, for six hundred years my father has protected you. Favored you, and now you defied his orders. You betrayed his trust.

Legolas(Elvish): Come back with me...he will forgive you.

Tauriel(Elvish): But I will not. If I go back, I will not forgive myself.

Tauriel: The king has never left orc filth roam our lands but he would let this orc pack cross our boarders.

Legolas: It is not our fight.

Tauriel: It is our fight, it will not end here. With every victory this evil will grow. If your father has his way we will do nothing we will hide in our walls live our lives away from the light and let darkness descend. Are we not part of this world, tell me Mellon when did we let evil become stronger than us.


Tauriel: You know I am right, and I know that Vala see's it too. He knows that evil will never rest and try to take over.

Legolas:'re right. Speaking of Vala he wanted me to give you these before you left.(Legolas saids and hands Tauriel her sabers)

Both Legolas and Tauriel took our their sabers and activated them in which both formed a green light sword that made both elves smile at the weapons they have been given.

Legolas: Not bad.

Tauriel: Absolutely remarkable.

Legolas: Time to hunt down some orc.

Back at Lake Town, Bard ran into the antique shop to look for something that he needs to find out because after hearing the name Thorin, the name struck something into the mans head that he knew who the name belonged too.

Antique Man: Hello Bard what you after?

Bard: There was a tapestry, an old one. Where has it gone?

Antique Man: Which tapestry are you talking about?

Bard: This one right here.(Bard saids and takes out the tapestry)

While Bard was looking the tapestry, he heard whispers coming from the people of Lake Town talking about dwarves moving around the city as well as a prophecy, a prophecy of Durin's folk that caught the attention of Bard until he looked to see the dwarf name Thorin on the tapestry.

Bard: Prophecy...prophecy.

Bard heard more whispers about the the lord of the silver fountain returning until he got the idea of what prophecy he was thinking.

Bard: The lord of silver fountains, the king of carven stone. The king beneath the mountain..they're coming to his home. And bells shall ring in gladness at the kings return but all shall fail in sadness and the lake will shine and burn.

Bard ran back to his home as fast as he can and when he arrived he looked to see Michael with his daughters as well as Bain but no sign of the dwarves.

Michael: I swear I am going to kill them, I really am.

Bain: Da, I tried to stop them.

Bard: How long have they be been gone?

Michael: Hours ago before you left, sigh those dwarves are the most stubborned beings I have ever met.

Bard: Do you know about who they, why there are you here?

Michael: Looks like the secret is out, yes I do know who they are and why they are here. I can tell that there is something more to this journey isn't there something very bad. You know of this Bard do you.

Bard: There is a prophecy. A prophecy of Durin's folk. The lord of fountains, the king of carven stone known as the king under the mountain will return to his homeland and the bells shall ring in gladness as the kings return but all shall fail in sadness and the lake will shine and burn.

Michael: So if Thorin fails then that means.

Bard: If they awaken the dragon in that mountain it will destroy us all just like it did with the people of Dale.

Michael: Why didn't Gandalf tell me about this, does Thorin known about this prophecy.(Michael saids in thought)

Bard: The people must know of what might happen.

Michael: Let's move, before the dwarves do something really stupid like get caught by the guards of Lake Town and be taken to the master of this place.

Both Michael and Bard headed out of the house to look for the dwarves but when night came after searching everywhere they heard a crowd of guards that caught a bunch of dwarves and are being taken to the master of the Lake Town meaning that Michael's hunch was correct that the dwarves were caught by the guards and are now meeting with the master of Lake Town.

The guards took the dwarves took the masters place and when the door opened by the two guards, an overweighted man who wanted riches came out along with Alfred to see what the commotion was about who happens to be the Master of Lake Town himself.

Master: What is the meaning of this?

Guard: We caught them sneaking around town sire armed with weapons.

Master: Ah enemies of the state eh.

Alfred: There's for a bunch of mercenaries if ever there was sire.

Dwalin: Hold your tongue, you do not know whom you speak. This is no common criminal this is Thorin, son of Thrain Thror!(Dwalin saids as Thorin makes his way to the front that left everyone in Lake Town in shock)

Thorin: We are the dwarves of Erebor. We have come to reclaim our homeland. I remember this town in the great days of old. Fleets of boats lay at harbor filled with silks and fine gems. This was no forsaken town on a lake, this was the center portrayed in the north. I would see those days return, I would relight the great forges of the dwarves send wealth and riches flowing once more from the halls of Erebor.

Bard: Death! That is what you will bring us. Dragon fire and ruin, if you awaken that beast it will destroy us all.(Bard saids while Michael was behind him listening to the conversation)

Thorin: You can listen to this naysayer but I promise you this if we succeed all will share in the wealth of the mountain. You will have enough gold to rebuild this town ten times over!(Thorin saids that made everyone cheer for the dwarf and his companies proud)

Alfred: Why should we take your word a...we know nothing about you. Who can converge your character.

Bilbo: Me. I'll vouch for him, I have traveled far with these dwarves through great danger and if Thorin Oakenshield gives his word and he will keep it.

Bard: All of you listen to me! You must listen, have you forgotten what happened to Dale. Have you forgotten those who died in firestorm and for what purpose the blind ambition of a mountain king so riven by greed he could not see beyond his own desire!

Master: Now now we must not any of us be too quick to lay blame. Let us not forget that it was Girion lord of Dale your ancestor who failed to kill the beast!

Michael: Girion The Lord of Dale was Bard's ancestor.(Michael saids in thought while in shock of what he found out)

Alfred: It's true sire, we all know the story. Arrow after arrow he shot each one missing its mark.

Everyone agreed to what the story of what happened with Bards ancestor and it made Michael feel bad for what Bard family had to through for sixty years.

Bard: You have no right. No right to enter that mountain.

Thorin: I have the only right. I speak to the master of them minimal lake will you see the prophecy fulfilled. Will you share in the great wealth of our people. What say you?

Master: I say unto you..Welcome! Welcome king under the mountain!

Everyone except for Bard and Michael cheered for Thorin and his dwarves who are proud of their leader as well as Bilbo. Michael fear that the people of Lake Town might get hurt or killed if Smaug awakens so he decided to do something about it before that happens. Michael left the crowd and got to work on his idea to keep Lake Town and its people safe with Bard following him behind.

Bard: You're not seriously going to that mountain as well, you know what that beast will do if it is awaken.

Michael: I know that is why I am putting up this powerful magical barrier around Lake Town and its completely dragon fire proof as well as dragon itself proof so that if Smaug does awaken and tries to attack Lake Town this barrier will make sure that he wont harm the people.

Bard: Can that be done?

Michael: It is possible for someone like myself. The barrier will surround the entire town in a circle and if anything evil comes and tries to get in it will block their way from entering.

Bard: Would it work.

Michael: It's a leap of faith and if Smaug attacks, I will defend Lake Town and its people. I wont let some oversized flying reptile stop me from protecting those who are in need even if they don't see it.

Bard: You think you can stop it.

Michael: I have to try, if only there were more of those black arrows that Balin mentioned. Bard I will not allow the dragon to take everything that you care about that includes your family. I will not let the people of Lake Town die in vain of what happen to the city of Dale.

Bard: Thank you.

Michael: Protego Maxima...Protego Maxima...Protego Maxima...Protego Maxima...

Michael was chanting the barrier spell and soon all of Lake Town was being covered in a magical barrier that no one except for Bard was seeing with his own eyes. The spell was finished and Michael looked to see the barrier is in place and will keep the town safe. The barrier then turned invisible after words so that it will always be there even if no body can see it.

Michael: All right barrier is up and the only ones who can get in are those who live on these lands and things like orcs, goblins, nor dragons cannot enter.

Bard: Incredible. But you still didn't answer my question are you going to the mountain with them.

Michael: Sigh..I am going to have too there are some dwarves and a hobbit I need to look after but also I made a promise to someone and I can break promise. I do thank you for your hospitality Bard as well as the company of your family, they are good people who love their father dearly.

Bard: Thank you.

Michael: The gold coins are still yours, you need it more than I do.

Bard: I can see that you were raised well, your parents did good for you.

Michael: And I am proud of what they did for me. If by chance there was another one of those black arrows out there and if Smaug attacks, I would allow you to kill the beast in honor of your ancestor. The master of this town had no right to speak to you that way about what happened in the past but I can tell that you will find your destiny Bard.

Bard took in the words that Michael said to him and soon both of them shook hands and may their path cross again in due time.

Michael: One more thing I will not allow Thorin to fall under the sickness of the mountain, I know what happened to his grandfather, I will not allow Thorin to fall for the same incident that took place.

Bard: Can you promise that will never happen.

Michael: I will make sure that it never happens. I will also make sure he keeps his word.

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