Chapter 1: The Valley of The Shire and The Wizard!
After Michael was given a second chance in a brand new world thanks to the goddess of light and was given special gifts from her so that Michael will not be unarmed because what the goddess told him is that the world fo Middle Earth has its danger in which Michael received the armors of War Machine, Hawkeye's Ronin outfit from endgame, the dark saber from Star Wars, the shield used by Captain America(The silver version) and finally some powers along with magic so that he can use whenever he encounters something dangerous. Then after he received his things, the goddess of light beamed Michael into the world of Middle of Earth in which right now he was starting to wake up due to the light that blinded him after the goddess and Michael said their goodbyes.
Michael: Argh....what? What happened?(Michael saids while rubbing his eyes together and try to see where he was in which he looked and saw that he was in a forest)
Savior: Bark!
Michael along with his wolf Savior looked around him and saw that he was indeed in a forest and in the world that Luna told him about but for some reason he didn't know which forest he was in until he saw something near him in which looked like a bag and paper that was wrapped up in which Michael took the bag and the paper and unwrapped it in which showed a map of Middle Earth itself.
Michael: Looks like she has also given me a map of the world which is good so that I know my way around but what is this bag?(Michael saids and looks at the map then at the bag in which he saw a small note that came with the map)
Michael took out the letter in which he began to read it and it was in the goddess's hand writing in which the bag that Michael has with him is a magical storage bag that will help with his journey around Middle Earth in which he can store mostly anything inside of the bag and nothing wont get cramped and that actually pleased Michael that the magical bag will come in handy.
Michael: Well that was nice of her to give me this as well but she could of told where what part of Middle Earth she send me to because I am completely lost right now and I have no idea where on the map I am located, might as well try to find someone who knows this area.(Michael saids then got up from the ground and started to travel in search for some people to help with directions)
Michael: Oh Savior sorry I forgot about you, I think it would be best that if I go alone for this and I will call you when the time is right because I don't think bringing a giant wold would be a good idea at the time.(Michael saids to Savior in which the wolfs understands and goes hiding into the forest to awake the call from Michael)
Michael decided to walk around the forest in search for some people in which so far he couldn't find anyone but that didn't stop him from trying, then all of sudden he saw something in the clearing in which looked like a road of some sort and where there is road there is a village and where there is a village there is bound to be people.
Michael: Well looks like I found the road that leads somewhere might as well follow it up and see where it takes me.
Michael then began to walk up the road so that he will be able to find someone to talk to and help with which area he is in; then all of sudden while he was walking Michael actually saw a person of some sort in which looked like a man wearing grey robes and pointed hat and carrying what looks like a staff in which Michael can tell is that this person in front of him who was walking up the road was a wizard because that is how Michel saw them in the books he read as a child and this wizard could help Michael find out where he located.
Michael: Hello there sir, you think you can help me I kind of lost my way around here and was wondering if you known this area by any chance?(Michael saids in which the wizard turned around and looked at Michael)
Hmm?...oh why hello there, sorry I didn't know anyone was behind me.
Michael: Oh don't worry about it sir, I was just looking for some direction I kind of gotten lost during my travels and I got confused of where I am.
Well then it would seem that you are not from around these parts and I must say that is very fancy clothes you are wearing and such a magnificent shield.
Michael: Why thank you they were gifts from a very special person who took care of me after my family died years ago in which I couldn't thank that kind woman who looked after me for so many years.
Oh I am so sorry for your loss and what I can tell is that this special woman was someone very important to you am I correct.
Michael: Yes indeed she's been like a mother to me.
Well then I think it would be wise to introduce ourselves if you don't mind telling me who you are.
Michael: Not all, my name is Michael Vala it is a pleasure to meet you wizard.
Oh so you know that I am wizard what gave it away?
Michael: Hehehe, the pointed hat, the robes, the staff and mostly the long beard gives it away so easily.
Hehehe well I guess that is true my name is Gandalf, Gandalf The Grey it is pleasure to meet you as well Michael Vala.
Michael: Gandalf The Grey, that sounds like a very honorable name for you sir.
Gandalf: Why thank you and as for your question of where we are located, we are in the Valley of The Shire.
Michael: The Shire? That was the name on the map(Michael saids in thought while looking at the map)
Michael: And what kind of people live in the Valley Of Shire Mr.Gandalf, I am quite new around here and I don't know that much.
Gandalf: Why the Valley of the Shire is home to a group of people known as Hobbits, in which I can that you probably never seen a Hobbit before have you?
Michael: Hobbits I read about them in my books, they are a group of peaceful race that live in burrows and enjoy the companies of home.
Gandalf: Ah so you know your history very good.
Michael: I know about different races of people but not where they are from of course.
Gandalf: Well then hows we take a walk and will tell you more about them because I am actually on my way to Shire to meet someone very important.
Michael: It would be honor to join you Mr.Gandalf and I do loves stories.
Soon both Gandalf and Michael walked together in which the wizard told Michael about the different races of people that live in the kingdom of Middle Earth as well as their cultures in which Michael was very pleased and enjoyed every minute of what Gandalf was telling Michael about this new world.
Michael: Amazing, Warrior Elves, Dragons, Hobbits, The kingdoms of Gondor, Dwarves, and so much wonders, now this is definitely a dream come true and I would love to visit some of these parts of the world but for this place Mordor not so much because I don't that would a great place to visit.(Michael saids in thought while Gandalf was telling him about the kingdoms and the races of people)
Then after many walks later both Gandalf and Michael came to a halt in which they looked in front of them in which Michael couldn't believe what he was looking at in which was the Valley of The Shire itself and there were actual Hobbit running around along with smaller ones which was quite beautiful.
Gandalf: Michael Vala welcome to the Valley of the Shire, home of the Hobbits.
Michael: Wow....its beautiful here, and the people look very friendly.(Michael saids awe in which earned the wizard a smile that Michael was amazed of the Shire)
Gandalf: Want to know something.
Michael: Sure what is it Mr.Gandalf?
Gandalf: Well I am actually quite popular here in The Shire.
Michael: Really how so?
Gandalf: Well the reason why is because the Hobbits enjoy one thing that I do one every Midsummer's Eve in which I create such excellent fireworks that made all of the Shire very happy even the children enjoy them as well.
Michael: Really well if you ever do showoff your fireworks I would love to see them in person.
Gandalf: In due time I will but for now we must go see a very special here in the Shire.
Michael: Really who is it?
Gandalf: You will know once we go and meet him.
Gandalf then took Michael around the Shire in which Michael saw so many Hobbits running around and having fun as well families in which reminded him of his own family before they died but decided to shrugged it off and admire the beauty of the Shire and it's people. Then a little Hobbit girl came up Michael and offered him some cookie in which Michael thanked the little girl and patted her head in which earned the girl a smile and then went back to her mother. Gandalf saw that Michael was enjoying the Shire as well as admiring the wonderful Hobbits.
Then after a while now both Gandalf and Michael were walking up a road near a house with a green door and there next to it was a Hobbit that looked around in his fifties was smoking a pipe while having his eyes close in which Michael can see that the Hobbit was enjoying some peace and quite until the Hobbit opened his eyes because he had some smoke in his face and then looked to see both Gandalf and Michael near him.
Then when the Hobbit looked confused of why two people were looking at him in question he decided to cut the awkwardness and speak.
Good morning?
Michael: I guess he is the Hobbit that Gandalf was talking about?(Michael saids in thought)
Gandalf: What do you mean to wish me a good morning or do you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not or perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on.
All of them once I suppose?
Then the awkwardness starts agin in which Michael was waiting patiently while Gandalf attended to the Hobbit sitting in the chair.
Can I help you two?
Gandalf: That remains to be seen, I am looking for someone to share an adventure.(Gandalf saids in which got Michael surprised because he wouldn't mind going on an adventure but didn't what kind he was thinking)
An adventure? No I don't imagined anyone west of Bree would have much interest in adventures, nasty, disturbing uncomfortable things you're late for dinner.
Michael: Ok now things are getting awkward?(Michael saids in thought while looking at Hobbit who was now checking his mail)
Hmm..well good morning.(The Hobbit saids in which earned Michael a smirk that the Hobbit said the same thing twice)
Gandalf: I think that I should have lived too bid good morning to Belladonna Took's son as if I were selling buttons at the door.
Beg your pardon?
Gandalf: You've change and not entirety for the better Bilbo Baggins.
Michael: His name is Bilbo Baggins, sounds like nice name for a Hobbit.(Michael saids in thought)
Bilbo: I am sorry but do I know you?
Gandalf: Well you know my name although you don't remember I belong to it, I am Gandalf and Gandalf means me.
Michael: Pfff....(Michael was holding his laughter in of what Gandalf just said)
Bilbo: Gandalf...not Gandalf the wandering wizard who made such excellent fireworks that old Took used to have on Midsummer's Eve, well now I had no idea you were still in business.
Gandalf: And where else should I be?
Bilbo: Well um..
Gandalf: Well I am pleased to find you remember something about me even if it's only my fireworks well that's decided it will be very good for you. A most amusing for me I shall inform the others.
Michael: Others?
Gandalf: Oh my apologies, Bilbo Baggins this here is Michael Vala he is new around in these parts and he really admires the beauty of the Shire and its people.
Michael: Hello Mr.Baggins please to meet you.
Bilbo: Oh well pleasure to meet you as well Michael Vala.
Gandalf: I hope you don't mind Bilbo Baggins but Michael traveled a long way from home and decided to venture out but got lost in which it would be very honorable if he would stay for the night.
Michael: In which I do treat others with such dear respect for their personal matters and enjoy their warm hospitality. The woman who raised me taught me to be respectful towards new people if I meet them in which I attend to do that Mr.Baggins.
Bilbo: Hmm..well you seem very respectful and you show great manners towards me, I guess it wouldn't hurt to have some company around my home.
Michael: And for that I thank you Mr.Bilbo Baggins.
Gandalf: Well then now that is settled as well, I will take my leave and inform the others.
Bilbo: What? no wait we do not want any adventures here thank you not today and I suggest you try over the hill or across the water...good morning.(Bilbo saids while Michael followed him inside the house while also trying not to laugh at Bilbo's words that he said to the wizard before shutting the door)
Soon when both Bilbo and Michael were inside and the Hobbit locked the door so that the wizard doesn't get in but then heard something coming from outside in which both Michael and Bilbo didn't know what was going on out there until Gandalf took his leave and left Michael with Bilbo Baggins in his home.
Bilbo: Finally...
Michael: Well that was quite awkward?
Bilbo: Sorry about that I am not used to have people like that near my home well no offense to you Michael because well you seem like a normal human being that carries around a shield and a sword that has no blade?
Michael: Yea I attend not to bring in a blade to your home sir, because I didn't want to you know freak you out.
Bilbo: Well good thinking, well welcome to my lovely home.
Michael: Wow, it is quite lovely and it does give out that warm feeling of home to it.
Bilbo: Oh why thank you, it's been in the family for countless generations.
Michael: For that I think it looks amazing.
Bilbo: Would you like a tour of the place.
Michael: I would be honored Mr.Baggins.
Bilbo: Wow you really do show respectful manners, are you by any chance a fighter well due to the whole outfit sort of thing and the shield.
Michael: Yes I am, I am highly trained warrior that knows every fighting style and I spent my years training to become what I am today though I do like other things like reading, painting, cooking, as well as listen to lovely music it helps calms the mind of the warrior.
Bilbo: Hmm...that is very impressive, and I do have some books here if you would like to read.
Michael: Oh that would be wonderful, after a long journey and getting lost I could use to the time to rest as well as read a book.
Bilbo: Well then hows about I give you that tour and you don't mind having some tea would you?
Michael: Oh tea would be wonderful.
Bilbo took Michael on a tour around his lovely home in which Michael admired every part of the house that he was in even though it was quite small in which he had to bend down but he really liked every inch of the home that Bilbo lives in. Then after the tour Bilbo offered Michael the tea that was making in which Michael thanked Bilbo for and found the tea to be quite delicious in which earned the Hobbit a smile that someone actually enjoys his company and is very respectful towards him.
Bilbo: Oh I forgot I must head to the market and pick some things up for dinner, you don't mind waiting here while I am out?
Michael: Not at all, I will be just reading in the living room until you get back.
Bilbo: Thank you and if you happened to see you know the wizard can you let me know.
Michael: Hehehe of course I will Mr.Baggins.
Bilbo: Excellent I wont be long.
Soon Bilbo left his home while also keeping an eye out for Gandalf just in case he was still around the area while Michael stayed behind and took out some books that Bilbo had on his shelf and started read while he waits for Bilbo to return and prepare dinner.
Michael spent his time reading so many books that Bilbo had in home while also putting some away once he has finished in which the books themselves were quite nice to read even though they didn't have pictures they were still great to read. Then soon after some time later Bilbo came back with some dinner for tonight in which he brought home some fish in which Michael did like lots of food which included fish while it's being cooked.
Then soon night approach on the Valley of The Shire in which the Hobbits are out drinking, having fun, while some were in their homes having dinner with their families and friends in which Bilbo was cooking up dinner for both him and Michael who waiting on the table while also reading a book that he liked and soon Bilbo came over with the food in which Michael smelled how the food on the plate looked absolutely delicious.
Bilbo: Here you are, hope you don't mind having fish tonight along with some vegetables.
Michael: Not at all, I eat this stuff all the time in which it smells absolutely delicious thank you Mr.Baggins.
Bilbo: You are quite welcome and you may call me Bilbo if you wish.
Michael: Very well Bilbo it is, shale we eat.
Bilbo: Absolutely and would you like some lemon juice on your food.
Michael: Oh yes please.(Michael saids in which Bilbo squeezed lemon juice on the food for Michael in which he thanked the Hobbit for and then started to eat his food in which the food tasted amazing)
When Bilbo was about to eat his food along with Michael all of sudden his door bell began to ring in which the got the attention of both Bilbo and Michael.
Michael: Huh? I didn't know you were excepting other company?
Bilbo: Um I wasn't?
Both Bilbo and Michael got up from their seats and went towards the door and once Bilbo opened the door, the person who was ringing the door bell was actually a dwarf in which he started to precent himself to Bilbo Baggins who was at the door.
Dwalin at your service.(The dwarf known as Dwalin bowed to Bilbo Baggins while Michael was inside the house)
Michael: I guess this what Gandalf said about others.
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