Imagine a teaser for Lost In Time

Imagine that I wrote a fan fic a year and a few months back, called 'Worlds Apart'. Then, I published a sequel to it called 'Lost in time'. And let's imagine that I wasn't happy with that story so it is unpublished now.

And also imagine that, stay with me, I am re-writing it. Because I wasn't happy with it all. (Re-writing 'Lost in time', nothing will happen to 'World's Apart'.)

What would it be like if I published a teaser of that 'new' old story in this book... that would be the prologue for the new and updated version of the story... it would just be a teaser though. And think about what it would be like if I let you choose between the two, the new one or the old one...

Just imagine that.


A teaser of the new one;

Galolyn giggled.

"Sssh" Gwendolyn hissed, warning her sister to stay quiet. Though she couldn't stiffle the giggle that left her mouth either. 

"I wonder where my two oldest princesses are."

Gwendolyn pulled her sister back with her as she crawled further back to the wall. Their backs rested against the cold stone. They were hidden from view by a table-cloth that fell down almost all the way to the floor.

Softly thumping every time it came into contact with the carpet, Thorin's boots walked to the other side of the room. 

"Maybe... under here!" Thorin pulled up the drapes expecting to find his daughters. He was genuinely surprised when he didn't find them there. "My gems, where are you?"

Galolyn pulled back her feet a little. They weren't close to sticking out from their hiding place but you never knew. Better be sure than sorry. 

The two sisters were both wearing the royal Durin blue colors. Gwendolyn wore a big, puffy dress and her younger sister, Galolyn, wore a pants and shirt. Princesses weren't supposed to wear that but they were in their kins' halls. 

Gwendolyn watched with wide eyes as Thorin got down on all fours and looked beneath the sofa. "Not here then" she heard him mumble. 

She signaled for her sister to move a little to the left. 

If they were lucky and their father would keep searching on the other side of the room, they could make a dash for the cabinet. It may be against the rules but Thorin always told them to do whatever they needed to do to win.

Galolyn shook her head. "He will see me" she whispered.

Not quiet enough. 

Thorin's head shot up and a devilish smile appeared. "Where could my two treasures be?" he asked. He got back up to his feet and walked towards the door. "They are both very clever so perhaps they are not in this room."

Without a warning he ran towards the table they were hiding beneath and pulled up the table-cloth. Two surprised faces looked up at him with blue, wide eyes. 

"How did you find us?" Galolyn asked, astonished. 

Gwendolyn rolled her eyes. "Because you talked too loud" she said grumpily. 

"None of that Gwen. Your sister just wanted to be back with her daddy" Thorin said with a smile. He bend down to pick her up. Galolyn wrapped her arms around his neck. "Didn't you, my sweetling?" They rubbed their noses against each other.

Thorin offered his eldest a hand and pulled her up. 

"We have to go downstairs. Your mother is probably waiting for us with dinner."

Gwendolyn nodded, hugging her father before they moved downstairs. "Do you know what we are going to eat dad?" she asked as she could feel her stomache growl. 

"I am not sure. Your mother sometimes comes up with strange recipes" he told her with a wink. "But I am sure that it can tame the beast in your belly."

"Dad! It is called my stomache, don't call it a beast" Gwendolyn complained. Honestly, she was getting too old for this. It still did wonders for Galolyn though. 

Thorin softly rubbed her back. "I know that Gwen. Sometimes I forget how grown-up you are already." He smiled proudly at her. "Just don't forget to be yourself while you still can" he added, his face growing grimm.

She didn't comment on that. No one knew what was going on in his head sometimes. 

He pushed open the door to the dinner room where they were greated by delicious smells. Thorin put Galolyn on the floor so that she could walk to her chair herself.

The king had special chairs made for this room. All his children had their names carved out of the back with a little heart above it. 

"Âzyungâl." His eyes sparkled as he saw you enter with a plate of duck. He walked up to you take the heavy load away. A soft kiss had your children fake gagging. "How has your day been my love?" he asked, ignoring them for now.

"Uneventful for once, nothing to complain about." You smiled, sitting down next to the head of the table. "Galallyn walked all the way from his crib to our front door today."

Thorin looked up. "Really? Are you going to walk away from us already?" Your husband cut off a piece of the duck and offered it to you. He always gave you a share first. Then his children. And finished with himself.

"And I had big doo-doo daddy!" Galallyn shouted excitedly. He held up his hands in exitement.

"I made colors!" his twin-sister, Gaerlyn, shouted. 

"I am proud of you both" Thorin said. The meat, vegetables and potatoes were divided so he finally sat down to eat. And once he did, all started.

"Can I see your picture after dinner Gaerlyn?" Galolyn asked with a stuffed mouth. 

"Sweety wait for your mouth to be empty before you talk" you told her sternly. You watched as your oldest daughter helped your only son to cut his meat. 

"I can do self" Galallyn said stubbornly. He wanted to take the knife and fork away from Gwendolyn but she wouldn't let him. "I am big boy!" he semi-shouted. One part of him liked it that he didn't have to do the work.

Thorin winked at Gwendolyn when she looked up at him. "Gala, let your sister help you. You can help your mother with desert when you are finished."

This silenced the toddler for now.


And this is a small part of the old one so you know which one you are voting for;

'Mommy! Mommy! Will you tell me another story?' the little dwarfling said as he pulled his mother's skirt. She smiled gently and picked her child up. 'Which story do you want to hear little one?' she asked. They walked to his bedroom. Gently, she laid him down and pulled the cover up. She sat down on the bed and stroked some hair out of his face. 'Can you tell me about King Thorin and Queen (y/n) again?' he asked. She chuckled, shecould hear he was tired and only tried to stay awake so he could hear the story again. 'What part of their story do you want to hear?' 'Everything!' he said excited. She laughed. 'I won't tell you the long version though.' He pouted but knew he wouldn't be able to persua his mother.

'Twenty years ago we were still without our true home. Thorin Oakenshield had provided us with a new one, in the Blue Mountains. It was enough for us and we lived happily but he always dreamed of reclaiming his homeland. One night he had had enough and asked everyone to come with him on his quest. Many declined, they said that they would get killed by the dragon or by orc's. Not even his own cousin would come with him to help. But Thorin Oakenshield never gave up. He managed to get twelve dwarves to come with him on his quest. They were named; Dwalin, Balin, Bofur, Bombur, Bifur, Ori, Dori, Nori, Oin, Gloin'

'and our princes and King mommy! Don't forget that! Prince Fili and prince Kili were there as well to help their uncle! And King Thorin lead them! Right mommy?' the dwarfling screamed out excitedly as he tried to get up from beneath the cover. She smiled softly and motioned for him to calm down and listen to her. He quickly slipt back down and pulled the cover back up, anxcious to hear the rest of the story. 'You're right. But I thought you wanted me to tell you the story?' she chuckled. The dwarfling looked at her with eager eyes. So she continued.

'As I was saying, twelve dwarves came with him. But before they could leave they needed a burglar. Because how are you supposed to take something back what is rightfully yours without a burglar? Thorin decided they would need a hobbit since they are light on their feet and they can disappear whenever they choose to. When Thorin saw Bilbo Baggins, he immediately knew they had found their burglar. Gandalf the Grey came with them because Thorin reckoned it would be useful to have a wizard in their Company. They were on their way for only a few weeks when Thorin suddenly heard a strange noise. The strong and brave dwarf he is, Thorin decided to check the sound out himself.

In an open area near their camp, he discovered it were two young woman who had made the noise. They appeared to have fallen down from the sky and were now lying on their back. The rest of the Company gathered around him and Gandalf explained he accidentally transported them to our world. The two girls came from another world which is very different from ours. When Thorin looked at the girls and helped them back up to their feet he couldn't keep his eyes off of one of them. She introduced herself as...'

'As queen (y/n)!' the dwarfling yelled. She chuckled. 'She wasn't a queen back then, but you are right. It was our queen, (y/n).'

'After Thorin had saved her from the Medina Woods he made his feelings known to her and they began courting. Their love was nothing like you have ever seen before. Up until this day they remain madly in love and you could already see in the beginning of their courtship that they would be together until the end of time. For the first step Thorin had to catch a bear for (y/n). Our great leader had no trouble with this first step but it would take a long time until they could begin the next step in their courtship. Gandalf the Grey set up a scheme to steal (y/n) away from Thorin. But the King knew. He could feel the ache in his chest and knew she hadn't left this world like the wizard claimed.


Know that which ever one you choose, the story will take another turn. 

The people who have already read the first version kind of know what is going to happen. But if you choose the new one, then the whole story is going to change.

If you want a vote on it; let me know in the comments which one you prefer.

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