Rocking Bilbo, Arkenstone missing and shields against fangirls!

I don't own anything: the characters are owned by Tolkien!!! Facebook isn't my idea!! But their combination, and what they say, that is my idea!!!! :) Even though more people have a Facebook and LOTR and Hobbit book....Hope you enjoy it!!!

This book takes place after the reclaiming of Erebor, Smaug is dead, and all the other dwarfs are still alive!!! SO THORIN, FÍLI AND KÍLI DIDN'T DIE IN BATTLE, I CAN'T TAKE IT OKAY!? "Relax Hobbit, don't you cry!" "Thanks Watson!" (Seriously, just vote for my Gollum moment with the two parts of my Wattpad user name: Watson and Hobbit!!! :D ;D)


*Bilbo_Baggins has posted:*

I was just relaxing this morning and suddenly a wizard came talking to me.... I had no idea what he was saying, because I was listening to music...


Gandalf_the_Grey: Hey! 'That wizard' is me! And my name is Gandalf, and Gandalf means.... ME!!!

Bilbo_Baggins: Ow sorry Galfie! I was rocking on that song from Ed! -I see Fire! It is really good!!

Ed_Sheeran and others liked this comment

Ed_Sheeran: Thanks Bilbo!!

Bilbo_Baggins: U R welcome! Ow wait...

Gandalf_the_Grey and 13 others(dwarfs) liked this comment

Dwalin_YoYo: Dwalin, at your service!! XD

Bilbo_Baggins: NO NOT AGAIN!!

Fili_the_blond_braid_haired_dwarf: Fili......

Kili_the_cute liked this comment

Kili_the_cute: ...AND KILI AT YOUR SERVICE!!

Fili_the_blond_braid_haired_dwarf liked this comment

Balin_the_wise: No guys, I am first!!!

Bilbo_Baggins: STOP IT PLEASE!!

Kili_the_cute: We were...

Fili_the_blond_braid_haired_dwarf: .....just kidding!

Thorin_King_under_the_mountain: Nephews, stop talking like that, it kills my mind! And where did you two leave the Arkenstone? I can't find it!

Kili_the_cute: Fili took it uncle!!

Fili_the_blond_braid_haired_dwarf: NO I DIDN'T!!! UNCLE HE IS LYING!!!


Fili_the_blond_braid_haired_dwarf: NOT BEFORE I PUNCH YOU!!!

**Fili_the_blond_braid_haired_dwarf and Kili_the_cute have logged off**

Thorin_King_under_the_mountain: *SIGH* Could somebody babysit them or something?

Bilbo_Baggins and 40 others liked this comment

WatsonTheHobbit: I'd love to... KILI COME HERE DARLING!!! <3<3<3<3<3

All the fangirls liked this comment

Fili_the_blond_braid_haired_dwarf: KILI RUN!!!


*Bombur_the_fat posted:*

SoI went to the Prancing Pony today, and they said there was no food for me. Why are they so rude?? I don't eat that much!!


Nori_the_star: Ow really? You eat way to much!! You weight more than 3 pigs together!!

a_Dori_ble: Nori, that isn't nice! Bombur just eats a little bit more than you do, so?

Bofur_the_funny: Maybe you should go to the elves, they have nice leafs!! XD ;)

Elrond, Arwen and 100 others liked this comment

a_Dori_ble:SSSSSTTT!!!! Ori still has nightmares of that grean filthy food... Than he wakes up screaming: 'ARE THERE ANY CHIPS????'

Bofur_the_funny: Oh, poor guy! Those leafs are just so green, and not meat, and soooo GREEN!!!!

Elrond: I don't get it, do you really like our leafs that much?

Bofur_the_funny: No, sarcasm XD

Elrond: Oh, that isn't nice, we elves have the best green leafs in the world!!

Legolas_Greenleaf: Whut?? Why are you Tolkien about me?

Ori_the_little: I want some chips!! Because I hate green leafs!

Legolas_Greenleaf: WHAAAAAAAT?????

Tauriel_the_brave: He didn't mean it like that, he is not that smart to understand the diffrence between your name and a leaf, which is green, like a salad or something.

Legolas_Greenleaf: Thanks Tauriel! None of the dwarfs are smart!

Tauriel_the_Brave: They are!! Well.... Kili is... and Thorin and Balin, of course!


Tauriel_the_Brave: I'm not!!

Legolas_Greenleaf: YES YOU ARE, IS IT BECAUSE OF KILI?????

Tauriel_the_Brave: Are you jelous?

WatsonTheHobbit: Hang on a second!! Leggy: Tauriel loves you! Tauriel: Leggy loves you! Kili: I love you, you are mine!!

Legolas_Greenleaf: Okay!

Tauriel_the_Brave: whut?? I am not in love with the prince of Mirkwood!!!

Legolas_Greenleaf: Ow really? Wait a second! COME HERE AND TELL ME INTO MY EYES YOU DON'T LOVE ME!! but kiss me first!

Tauriel_the_Brave: Oh... er.... Leggy, I.... OKAY I LOVE YOU!! but I still owe that kiss!

**Legolas_Greenleaf and Tauriel_the_Brave have logged off**

Bofur_the_funny: wow, didn't see that coming!

Kili_the_cute, Fili_the_blond_braid_haired_dwarf, a_Dori _ble and 20 others liked this comment


*Conversation between Thorin_King_under_the_mountain and Gandalf_the_Grey*

Thorin_King_under_the_mountain: Hey Gandalf! Can you please help me?? I can't find Kili nor Fili!!!

Gandalf_the_Grey: Hello Thorin, how are you doing, how is it to be king of Erebor?

Thorin_King_under_the_mountain: Good, but where are Fili and Kili?

Gandalf_the_Grey: I don't know! Why?

Thorin_King_under_the_mountain: CUZ I WANT THE ARKENSTONE BACK!!

Gandalf_the_Grey: Relax, mellon!

Thorin_King_under_the_mountian: but where are they???

Gandalf_the_Grey: I may not say. They are working on something...

Thorin_King_under_the_mountain: ON WHAT????

Gandalf_the_Grey: They are working on shields against fangirls, and Legolas and Aragorn are helping them!

Thorin_King_under_the_mountain: Oh...

Thorin_King_under_the_mountain: Can they make some shields for me too??? I also have a lot of fangirls!!

WatsonTheHobbit: YES!!!! Because you are hot, and a tough king!!

Thorin_King_under_the_mountain: Hey this is private!! and thanks<3!!

WatsonTheHobbit: I am the writer, of course I can talk to you two, even though this is private!! And if I were you, I 'd make lots and lots of shields for fangirls!! Gandalf: you don't need to.... sorry you are not hot.... you are so grey.......

Gandalf_the_Grey: -,-

**Gandalf_the_Grey and Thorin_King_under_the_mountain have logged off**


Heeeey readers!! I hope you liked it!!! Currently I am busy with several other stories on Wattpad, and I have a lot of homework so don't juge me!!

About the winner of the cover contest: both!! :D hehe No, seriously, I fell in love with both... so for the first few days I'll have this one as cover, then when I come back from London I'll  let you vote, on instagram maybe or in a different way! For the first days the cover I use is made by my dear friend @MadiB79 !!!! :D :D :D my compliments girl!!

Please comment and vote and follow, of course!!! WatsonTheHobbit OUT!!!

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