Why not fake date the son of the woman you saved?
When she got home the first thing she did was bending up the loose floor plank and stuffed her knifes, pepper sprays and her spray can in the hole. Niko quickly changed out of her vigilante costume + the bright neon Wild Wild Pussycats hoodie she got from Haru into her pajamas.
Her clock read 3 am, Niko had been out longer then she had thought she would. Thank god that is was a Friday- no wait Saturday.
Her phone dinged, Unknown? Oh, it must be Haru.
Unknown: This is Haru.. I rly hope u didn't give me someone else's number
Me: Haru! It's The Whistler
Angelboy: Oh- thank god that it's the right number
Me: so.. did u want to guess my quirk or just to chat? Bc I rly need to sleep
Angelboy: I have my first guess, then I'll let u sleep
Me: guess away
Angelboy: since ur quirk knew that I'm trans, u must have like u can look into peoples past or something
Me: Starting of strong. good guess but no
Angelboy: oh... go to sleep now then, bc sleep is important!
Me: good bye angel-boy
Angelboy: really? angel-boy?
Me: yes :3
Angelboy: good night
Me: Good night!
Niko put down her phone and went to sleep quickly.
She was later awoken at 8 am by her father banging at her door.
"Get up brat- you can't sleep the whole day away"
Why couldn't she sleep in more? It was not like they had anywhere to be, right?
Angelboy: Mom is wondering if u want to drop by 4 dinner and change ur bandage bc u look like a person who dotn know things like that
That was sent one hour ago, just how little did this boy sleep!? Best to answer him.
Me: I would gladly go, but I must refrain from going since my parents will wonder, don't worry I will look it up on YouTube, how to change bandages that is
Angelboy: Oh, I understand... just message me if u change ur mind
Me: will do
Niko sighted, she really wanted to but her parents would notice it. She stood up and changed into regular clothes and her usual blindfold. It was time to attend to breakfast... yaayyy!
Years of living in this house in complete darkness made it easy for her to locate where everything was. Well, unless it was moved, which it often was because her mother and father loved making her life harder.
She sat down on her chair by the table, her mother and father didn't bother to give her any food. Niko sighted quietly and was about to stand up to get herself some food when her mother spoke up.
"We are going away tonight Niko, we will be back next week. You are big enough to be home by yourself"
That's bullshit, they just didn't want to spend money on her.
"Okay mother" She mumbled out.
"Speak so we can hear you!" Father said and slapped her in the face, hard.
"Yes mother" Niko said, winching back the pain.
"May I go from the table" Niko asked, she wasn't hungry anymore.
"You may"
As soon as Niko entered her room, she took of her blindfold. And thought, fuck it.. I'll go to the Midoriya's for dinner.
Me: My parents are going away tonight, so I would gladly join the two of you
Angelboy: Great! are you allergic to anything?
Me: no
Angelboy: okay- any food you want mom to cook?
Me: everything she cooks is good, you choose
Angelboy: great! Ramen time~ oh! u will love mom's Ramen!
Niko giggled at his excitement, it was like having a friend again... Oh, was he her friend?
Me: I look forward to it
Angelboy: great, see u at 6 pm!
Me: okay
Niko was worried around 5:20 pm that her parents wouldn't leave before she had to go, but they left 5:40 pm... she was going to be late. Niko shot a quick message to Haru that she would be a little late.
Wait a minute, what the fuck do you wear to dinner at a friend? Uhh, Jeans and a nice shirt. That sounds about right.
Niko put on a pair of black jeans and a pink button down shirt, she packed her vigilante gear in a backpack. She brushed trough her hair and put it up in her regular ponytail at the base of her neck.
The Midoriya household wasn't that far away from her apartment.. If you took shortcuts that is. 'I should probably learn parkour in the future so I can take the roof way, that would be faster' Niko thought.
Niko rung the doorbell to what she hoped was the Midoriya's house, it was after-all dark out last time.
A woman with spiky hair opened the door, oh this was not the Midoriya house. Fuck fuck fuck fuck-
"Yes?" The woman in front of her asked her, she was looking at her almost disapprovingly.
"Oh uhm.. this is not the Midoriya house, right?" Niko asked to be sure.
"They lives right over the street, but do tell me how do you know them?" The woman asked her.
'How the fuck does she know the Midoriya's? Oooh maybe it's Haru's girlfriend or something-'
"Oh um- I'm Haru's girlfriend.. he wanted to introduce me to his family" Niko said, and hoped that this woman wouldn't suspect her anymore.
'hah! spot on'
Yeah right, not like I said that based on your thoughts!
"Oh? Well have fun, I guess I'll see you around if you will come home to Haru again" The woman said and closed the door. Rude.
Niko sighted and made her way across the street and now rung the doorbell to hopefully the Midoriya's house. Haru opened the door so it was the right house.
"Haru- we need to talk about something after dinner" Niko hissed out before the Angel could say anything.
"Right... is it about vigilante stuff or not?"
"Not really but it's important" She said and hung up her jacket.
"Oh before we go, can I guess your quirk again?" Haru asked with a bright smile.
"Sure.. you only have two guesses left you know"
"Mind reading"
'I hope I guessed right because I have no clue at what it could be!'
"... yes" Niko said in a small voice.
"That's so cool!" Haru gushed.
"Y-you really think so?" Niko asked.
"Yes! Wait til you meet Izuku, he will geek out more then me"
"Who is Izuku?"
"Oh- he's my little brother... he's five years old" Haru smiled softly at the thought of his adorable brother.
"Also please don't ask about his quirk.. he's quirkless and I know that he's bullied for it but he won't tell me" Haru said and they entered the living room where a small green haired boy was sitting on the couch.
"He looks like Inko-san a lot" Niko mused.
The boy looked at her and then at Haru and then back at her.
"Oniisan, who's that?" little Izuku asked.
"Izu this is The Whistler, The Whistler this is Izuku" Haru introduced them.
'The Whistler? She must be a hero! That's so cool.. but wait a minute, she looks like she's as old as Oniisan, you can't be a hero at that time then? What is her quirk-'
"I am a vigilante that's why I can't say my name... although hanging out with all of you does get my identity in danger" Niko mumbled the last part.
'Omg omg omg! She's like a hero- but not really! I really need to look into this- oh maybe she will give me her autograph? or- or maybe she can tell us her quirk! It must be something cool because she's a hero- well not really, but still a hero!' Little Izuku's thoughts were running wild and Niko felt herself begin to have a headache.
"You are a vigilante!? That's sooo cool! Oh- what's your quirk?" Izuku's eyes was gleaming with childlike wonder.
"You don't have to tell him" Haru whispered to her.
"Well little Izuku.. what if we play a little game like Haru and I did, you get three guesses on my quirk" Niko said and crouched down next to Izuku.
"Really!?... then I will be the best detective and figure it out!" Izuku said with determination.
"Analyzing skills will be very good when you become a hero" Niko said quietly and ruffled the child's hair.
"Food's ready!" Came Inko's faint voice from the kitchen.
"OKAy! Izuku do you know what time it is!?"
"Hand washing time!" Izuku got of the couch and ran to the bathroom.
"You are a good big brother, Angel boy" Niko said to him before following the child.
"Right back at you Brainstorm"
That's that chapter-
Little Izuku is adorable!
Next chapter Niko will tell Haru what she told Sparky sparky boom boom man's mother!
-bye for now
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