How to tell your fake boyfriend that you are fake dating

After eating heavenly made Ramen made by Inko Midoriya, it was time for them to talk. Haru had taken her to his room. The teenager's room had white walls, a bed by the corner, a closet and some hero posters. 

"Wow you really are a big fan of the Wild Wild Pussycats and Allmight" Niko said and sat down on his bed.

"You think I'm a big Allmight fan? Have you seen Izuku's room then?" Haru smiled and sat down next to her.

"But yeah, Wild Wild Pussycats are really cool! Especially Tiger... he's my favorite hero"

"Is it because that you both are trans?" Niko asked cautiously. 

"Yeah... anyways what did you want to talk about?" 

"Oh yeah... that, okay so.. last time I was here it was dark so I didn't know which house yours is. So I knocked at the door of a house, of course it was the wrong house.. But I asked the woman who opened the door where you guys live and uhm.. she got a bit, protective and asked how I knew you all-"

"Slow down please... you are rambling" Haru interrupted.

"O-okay.. anyways, I read the woman's thoughts because I can't turn it off and she thought that I was maybe kind off dating you? SoIsaidthatwearedating-" 

"Which neighbor was it?" Haru asked her calmly. 

"Right across, uh blonde spiky hair"

"Mitsuki Bakugou, she's mom's best friend.. which means that she will find out soon.. We should really tell her" Haru stated.

"Y-you aren't bothered about this?"

"Oh I am- thankfully I'm not dating anyone" Haru answered.

"I'm sorry" Niko felt bad now.

Haru sighted.

"It's fine... but you should probably tell us your name so you know, we don't go around calling you The Whistler" He said and stood up.

"R-right... Can I just tell you my first name? I don't like my last name that much"

'This girl- She doesn't like her last name? It must be something connected to her parents'

"Right tell me"

"Niko... and we should make up a last name for me" Niko said.

"Hmm Niko, it suits you" Haru said with a smile.

They chatted quietly as they walked down the stairs to the living room. The Bakugou family and Inko and Izuku was there. Oh fuck, Inko probably already knew.

'This new relationship of theirs got evolved quickly, but I'm so happy! He grew up so fast!' Inko was happy about this.

"Can you explain to her? I'll hang with the Bakugou's and Izuku.. if that's alright with you?" Niko whispered to Haru.

"Okay... have fun with answering the questions" Haru said and kissed her cheek before disappearing to talk to his mom, leaving Niko.

Niko sighted and sat down next to the more friendly looking of the Bakugou's, the husband.

"Hi my name is Niko Nisemono, it's nice to meet you" Niko held out her hand for the man t shake.

"Masaru Bakugou, this is my wife Mitsuki Bakugou. It's nice to meet you" Masaru introduced himself and his wife.

This one is definitely more nicer then the other two. 

"Brat, introduce yourself" Mitsuki said to their child. 

Niko felt herself freeze up at the word brat, she was only used to hear it at home.

"I'm Katsuki Bakugou and I am going to be the number one hero!" The child said.

"Oh? Then work hard, it will be hard to pass Allmight and Endevador" She said to the arrogant child.

"That old man has nothing on me!"

'Why are Kacchan not being nice to Allmight? He's the greatest hero of them all! And The Whistler comes a close second' 

"I need to go ask Inko-san for some ibuprofen" Niko stood up from the couch.

"Oh what happened?" Masaru asked, Niko could also tell that Mitsuki was intrigued.

"Well, the side effect from my quirk is headaches" Niko said, she didn't want to reveal that her wound was aching too, Inko really need to change it.

"I'll be right back- have fun!" Niko disappeared into the kitchen where Haru and Inko was talking.

"Inko do you have any ibuprofen? The side effects of my quirk is acting up.. and my wound is hurting" Niko asked, they stopped talking and turned to her.

"Right! I'll get the supplies, Haru help her unwrap it and give her some painkillers" Inko instructed him and disappeared.

"Take of the shirt while I get the painkillers, love" Haru said with a smirk.

"What's with the pet names and affection?" Niko asked and started to unbutton her shirt.

"Well if we are dating, we better act the part" Haru answered.

"Here" He handed her a glass of water and painkillers.

"Thank you, Angel" Niko said and quickly swallowed the painkillers and water.

Haru made her sit down on the table and started to unwrap her bandages. Inko entered soon after.

"Hmm it closed nicely" Inko said and took out the rubbing alcohol.

Inko cleaned up the wound quickly and handed the bandages to Haru. 

"Wrap it up"

"Wh-" Haru protested.

"See it as your training for UA" Inko interrupted him.

"Okay mom" Haru sighted.

"I wish you luck, Angel boy" Niko said with a smile.

"I'm not that bad at this, Brainstorm"


Look at that-

next chapter? ACTION! but no injuries... hopefully
leave suggestions as usual!

-see ya!

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