Chapter III: When Your Partner Gets Kidnapped
"You look beat," Allison says once they enter the realm of Terrain. Her comment is concerned, but light hearted so as not to put her friend on edge.
"Me? Beat? Come on, you know me. I could go a whole week without sleep," she responds jokingly.
"And be completely useless on day seven." She can't help but to laugh. Out of the two, Julia is always the more vigilant. Although sleep is important, the two have had to pull all-nighters (sometimes a few of them in a row) because of the many threats around them.
But, they can't keep doing this forever. Julia thinks her friend knows this, and she hates to admit it, but she knows it, too. The demons and monsters they face are so focused on their deaths that maybe they are just biding their time, waiting until one of them slips up. After all, they are in their upper twenties. They'll keep fighting until peace reigns, of course, but what if the monsters just keep coming back? What if, by the time they're fifty, their strength doesn't hold up like it used to?
She shakes away the mindset. You can't think like that, Julia mutters to herself. Maybe she really is tired. Her mind has been wandering ever since they set foot in Terrain. They seem to be in a city, and a massive city at that. They have seen Terrain cities before, but only on their screen-pictures. What are those called again? Oh, televisions. Sometimes, Allison wonders what would happen if they took a television to Hyrule. Would it even work? They already have their Sheikah Slate, which is some ancient technology. It can take pictures, so it is more like a Terrain camera.
Right, back to the city. Both girls make sure to wear hats to cover their pointed ears. However, they are still in their Hylian gear. They only get a few glances, but surprisingly, no one pays them too much mind. Perhaps the people think their swords and other weapons are just fake.
Why wouldn't they just use the portal gems to teleport somewhere more remote? Well, the gems can get them from one realm to another, but they have no idea where they'd end up. Sure, it can be a means of escape or travel, but they might land in an even worse situation. That's why no one in their right mind would use a portal gem to get into the Twilight or Sacred Realms. You have no idea if you'd appear in a safe field with no monsters, or right in Ganondorf's throne room.
"How far away does the orb say we are?" Julia asks.
Allison hums, taking the crystal out of her pocket. It's still glowing violet. "Extremely. I bet the enemy commander is on the complete opposite side of the world."
"Knowing our luck," she says with a chuckle. Allison doesn't laugh, so she tries to be more serious. "I wish the princess knew who it was. That way we could at least narrow it down by environment."
"If it was Morpha, we'd be searching every water source."
"Dodongo, every volcano."
Allison rubs her forehead. "We need a fast way to travel. You think Terrain has horses?"
"I doubt we could find one in this city. Way too crowded." She grunts when someone runs right into her shoulder, and they keep walking. "Ugh, I wonder where we even are."
They get to some sort of square where the skyscrapers have large televisions plastered on the sides. There is some law enforcement in the center of the square, and one of them catches sight of the girls. The officer brings his communication device to his mouth and says something.
Meanwhile, in a very tall building just a few blocks away, Nick Fury is lighting up his team for not catching two women. "This has to be a joke," Nick says, outraged. "There are six of you in total, and when Thor is on his well-deserved vacation, the other five of you can't bring in two roleplayers for questioning."
"Roleplayers?" Banner asks. Steve also looks confused.
Clint explains, "It's like, pretending to be a character and acting out scenarios in a group. I don't know too much about it, to be honest. Sometimes, people will dress in medieval clothing and carry around fake swords to do their live action roleplay, or LARP."
"If these two are just faking it, how did they turn invisible?"
Clint cringes at the choice of wording. "Roleplaying isn't faking, Nat. It's a genuine activity."
"I was also curious about that invisibility trick they pulled. None of my scans could pick them up," Tony says, "until I rewatched the footage I recorded. I can only see them on heat scans."
"They seemed to think you were the biggest threat," Steve points out. "One of them tore your suit up, and the other pushed Clint out of a tree."
"Hey, I didn't think they could climb that fast," Clint defends.
"You're the one who gave away your position," Natasha remarks snarkily.
Nick shakes his head, disappointed. "I want them found. This is the fifty-first time this year ALONE where they have been spotted. Sometimes, they appear in Japan, France, Egypt, Sicily, and, heck, even in Wakanda. Over thirty countries have reported seeing them this year. No one knows who they are, if they're some sort of spies or terrorists. I want to know how they are able to get across the world so quickly, and why they think it's okay to step in different countries without a passport."
"It should be easier with me this time," Thor says, excited.
"Sorry we had to cut your vacation short," Nat says.
"Don't be. The bartender in the Bahamas kicked me out after I smashed his fragile goblet on the ground asking for another."
Tony gets up, walks over to his own bar (this is his house, after all), and pours some bourbon. "Of course he did. How rude of him."
"Thank you, someone understands!" Thor says with a laugh.
Nick is about to yell at them for getting off topic, but his phone rings. "Yeah? Where? Times Square? I'll send my team over." He hangs up and turns to the Avengers. "Your two Larpers were spotted by the NYPD in Times Square."
Tony groans. "Aight, Jarvis?!"
"Already on it, sir," the AI says. Pieces on an Iron Man suit fly across the room, one almost hitting Steve in the head, and attach around Tony. "Let's go get these girls so I can be on time for my date tonight."
"You're always so dramatic," Natasha says with a laugh, jumping out the window. Just as she expected, Bruce changes into the Hulk and catches her, sprinting toward Times Square. Clint catches a ride with Tony, and Thor takes Steve.
Back in the heart of the city, Julia takes out the Sheikah Slate and puffs out her cheeks. "I wish we could download a map of the area."
"Come on, that would be way too easy," her friend jokes. They decide to take a break for a moment, since they have been traveling for hours. Allison rubs her eyes, trying to keep them open. Unbeknownst to her, dark circles are forming under them. Julia's as well, but hers are less potent.
Okay, confession time. It really has been about a week since she last slept. She was hoping that after their mission at the Yiga Hideout, they could take a few days to rest. Of course, she will do whatever she can to help the princess, so she accepted this next mission without hesitation. But, she can't help but to think of her soft bed in a cabin hidden in the Lost Woods. She could sleep for days if she wanted to.
"Watch out!" Julia brings her out of her thoughts by pushing her off the bench. An arrow flies right by her, sticking in the ground instead. It hums with electricity. "Heh, shock arrows?" Julia says to herself. She takes out her own bow, the Fairy Bow, back from the year of Ocarina of Time. "Two can play at that game."
Allison scrambles to her feet and presses her back against her friend's, taking out the glowing Master Sword. "See anything?"
"Yeah, the archer guy from before is on top of that building," she says, notching an arrow. "Shall I show him how a real pro does it?"
Before she can do anything, the man in blue with a shield jogs up to them. Allison faces him while Julia keeps scanning the area for attacks. Steve puts his hands up to try and calm them down. "We just want to talk."
"That's a nice apology for: sorry for attacking you in the woods earlier," Allison retorts. She takes her own shield off her back, the Hylian Shield.
"You're right. What we did wasn't the best way to approach you," he says, trying to stay calm.
"Just give me the word," Julia says quietly, pointing her arrow right at the other archer.
"Not yet," she replies. She hasn't located the other threats yet. There were five of them in total, and she knows they are hiding somewhere. So far, she sees the Shield man and is aware of the archer.
Julia knows what she's doing and tries to help her out. "Metal Man is to your right above those skyscrapers. I just can't find-"
Just then, a large, green monster lands on the pavement. On his back is the woman in all black. Julia smirks when she sees the color of pants the monster is wearing. "And, I'm assuming Greenie is the khaki pants man. All accounted for."
"Take out the fliers," Allison orders, and she nods.
Julia lets her arrow fly, and it gets lodged right into Clint's quiver. He gasps, thinking it was aimed at his chest, but is relieved to see he is still alive. He rips the arrow out of his quiver and inspects it. "It's a real arrow," he says through his coms.
"That means we can assume all their weapons are real," Tony says. "Engage!"
Iron Man swoops down and shoots a laser at Julia, but she spins and shoots an arrow at his head. It scratches the metal, but doesn't come near to penetrating it. As he lands, he tries to grab her, but she tangles his arm in her bow and throws him over her shoulder. Clint fires another arrow at her, stabbing through her right hand. Tony picks himself up, and sees the woman rip the arrow out of her flesh without so much as a very slight grimace. She tosses it aside, and pulls out a sharp knight's claymore from her pocket. It's a very heavy, long sword that needs two hands to wield. She aims it at Iron Man's chest, seeing the glowing point and believing it's a weakness. Luckily, he swats it away with his arm just in time.
"You are no match for me, Metal Man," Julia says, smirking.
"We'll see about that, Miss Confidence." Out of his shoulders, mini rockets shoot at her which she has to block one at a time with her claymore. Tony's eyes widen under his helmet when he sees how easily she is able to maneuver that heavy blade. Clint takes this opportunity to shoot an arrow at her feet, and a net sprouts around her.
Julia grunts as her legs get tangled. Tony goes in for a punch, but she ducks. Using the claymore as an anchor, she hoists her body up and kicks him in the chest with both legs (still tied together). While he's down, she uses the sword to cut away the net. Clint shoots another arrow at her, but she swings the claymore and it flies out of sight.
On the other side of Time's Square, the other three Avengers are fighting Allison. To say she is overwhelmed would be an understatement, but she can't let them know that. Steve throws his shield at her, but she jumps and lands on it, using the new height to jump off the shield, flip, and land on the captain's other side. Before he can turn around, she kicks him in the back and makes him stumble.
Natasha shoots her gun a few times, but she blocks it with her shield. Still, it takes her off guard for a second. She has never seen a gun before. The red head comes at her and swings an electrified baton, but Allison knocks her hand away and swings her sword at her. Steve grabs her left wrist, the one she holds her sword with, and stops her from slicing Natasha. He hits her hand with his shield, making her drop the weapon. Natasha quickly picks it up, but it stops glowing.
The Hulk jumps over Steve and angrily tries to land on top of the girl, but she rolls out of the way. He picks up a large piece of concrete and chucks it at her. Timing it perfectly, she parries the rock right back at him, hitting him in the face. Steve's jaw drops, and he glances at his own shield. Could I do that, too? He thinks to himself before getting back into the fight.
Natasha swings the Master Sword, but it does absolutely nothing. Allison casually walks up to her, and the super spy swings the blade at her arm. Although it looks sharp, the sword doesn't cut her skin.
"That doesn't belong to you, silly," Allison says before kicking her in the stomach. Natasha's grip on the sword loosens just enough for Allison to rip it out of her hands. Right when her fingers circle around the handle, the holy blue light returns to the weapon. Allison smirks, swinging it around her expertly. She notices both the green monster and Shield Guy are running up behind her, so she does a spin attack. A blue wave of energy exits the sword and hits everyone around her. She is about to run over to Julia when a flash of lightning strikes, electrocuting her. Desperately, she tries to stay awake, but this fight completely drained her.
Thor lands, and Allison falls into Steve's arms. The Master Sword loses its glow once again as it drops to the ground. Natasha picks it up, testing how sharp it is by running her finger on the edge, but it doesn't pierce her skin. Still, she keeps it.
Julia turns around right when she hears the Master Sword clang onto the ground, and she sees her partner fall. Images flash into her brain of the time her best friend was captured by the Twilight Forces.
Allison screaming as her body tumbled into the grass. Julia being held back by Zant as his monsters took her away. The nightmares she had the entire week Allison was imprisoned. How, when she finally found her, she was chained and beaten. Her entire left hand was red, and she could see most of her bones through the holes.
Julia's eyes turn completely bright orange, her hair swaying in a non-existent wind. Tears fall down her face, but there are no sobs. On her right hand, the upper right triangle glows gold. The Triforce of Magic awakens, and she blasts a beam of magic at Steve who is holding her friend.
Hulk jumps in front of him to block it. He stands his ground and pushes against the beam, but his feet start sliding back. "Steve needs go!" he says urgently.
"Come on, Captain!" Thor says. He grabs onto Steve's strap for his shield and flies off, still carrying Allison.
"Bruce!" Natasha yells. Thankfully, he understands and dodges out of the magic beam. He lifts her up and jumps away, going back to Avenger's Tower.
Julia blinks and looks behind her, but Metal Man and the archer are both gone. Knowing she's alone, her Triforce settles down, and she collapses. Using the last of her energy, she uses her magic to teleport into an alleyway. Her eyes are so heavy that she can barely keep them open. Ultimately, she crawls over to the side of a dumpster and unwillingly falls asleep.
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