Chapter 11: Murder
The week the sports festival ended, and everyone walked into class. Izuku took his seat and said nothing. Kirishima came up to him.
"BRO! That was super manly! I can't believe you took out Todoroki with such ease!" Kirishima said. Izuku grinned to himself.
"Yup! Of course you all would. You've never seen anything like this before." Izuku praised himself and gave himself a little laugh. Aizawa then walked through the door.
"Good morning class." He greeted with a sluggish walk toward his desk.
"Good morning!" Everyone greeted back.
"So, if you all remember the sports festival from last week, heroes of all kinds watched you guys." Aizawa said. Everyone was interested.
"Basically, this sets you up for our next lesson in hand, Hero Agencies." Aizawa said. Everyone got really excited.
"Long story short, heroes asked you guys to come to their internships for a week. There, you get to know what being a hero is really like. I don't know what they'll have you do, but it will be difficult, don't forget that. Iida, come pass out these papers." Aizawa said.
"With pleasure!" Iida announced as he ran to grab the stack of papers. Izuku rolled his eyes.
*I forgot how annoying he is. He isn't a terrible hero though. He can move fast and think fast, but got I hate knowing him outside of hero work.*
Iida swiftly passed out all the papers. Izuku got his and looked at what internships were available. None of them caught his eye. He looked up to see Aizawa turn on a hologram list.
"These are the amount of heroes that asked you to do their internships." Aizawa said. As expected of everyone, Izuku has the most.
"Well, obviously. Anyone with a brain would want to pick me." Izuku smirked to himself. A few people scowled at him.
"Don't worry, just about everyone will have somewhere to go. You'll have fifteen minutes to decide today, but have two full days to decide in total. After fifteen minutes, I'll start something else." Aizawa said.
Everyone nodded. From there, they all started talking to each other about where they want to go.
"Yo Midoriya! Where do you think you'll go?" Kirishima asked standing next to Uraraka.
"I'm not sure yet. A lot of these internships just want me for my power." Izuku said.
"Oh, well I'm gonna go to GunHead martial arts! With my quirk, it'll help if I learned some martial arts. It would let me fight hand to hand better, which is where I'd excel." Uraraka said. Izuku nodded.
"Manly! I'll probably chose Fourth Kind Agency. He's so manly and chivalrous! I want to be like him if I want to become a true hero like Crimson Riot!" Kirishima grinned. Izuku shrugged.
"Cool." Was all he said. They were growing on him.
After hard thinking, Izuku still couldn't decide. He decided to do more research at home. Uraraka and Kirishima went to talk with others.
Izuku waited for the 15 minutes to pass, and soon enough, it did.
"Alright class, next there'll be a guest here to help us with the next task at hand. Midnight." Aizawa said. Midnight walked through the door.
"Alright! You guys have the costumes and the flashy quirks, now you need a hero name!" Midnight said getting straight to the point. Everyone grinned and got excited. Aizawa went around and passed out boards with markers.
"Decide on a hero name. When you come up with one, write it down and come up to present it." Aizawa said. After about a minute, Uraraka got up.
"I've been thinking about this name for a few years now, but I'm pretty confident. I'll be Uravity!" She said showing her board. Everyone clapped for her.
"Who's next?" Midnight asked. Kirishima went up.
"I've always been inspired by Chivalrous Hero, Crimson Riot, but I'll be a wall that never breaks! Red Riot is the name!" Kirishima said showing his board.
Everyone clapped once again. Izuku looked at his board. A few people went up and chose names and everyone clapped. Izuku remembered back before the USJ attack and back to Uraraka. Izuku grinned. He walked up and showed his board to the class. Uraraka smiled, Bakugo scowled, and everyone else kinda looked confused.
"My hero name is Deku." Izuku said. Everyone looked at him weirdly.
"You sure you want that as your name man?" Kaminari asked.
"Yes, I do. I don't think it means what you think it means. It means you can do it." Izuku said with a cold stare at the classroom.
"Well, if that's what you choose... AMAZING!" Midnight shouted.
"Next?" She asked right after. Bakugo walked up. Izuku already knew it was going to be something too funny.
"King explosion murder?" Everyone asked at the same time. Izuku literally bursted out laughing. Tears fell from his eyes as he almost fell onto the ground.
He sat in his seat still laughing as he wiped a tear.
"Oh wow, you've done some stupid stuff, but Jesus! That's hilarious!" Izuku said. He soon enough stopped laughing as he tried to catch his breath.
"My bad... continue..." Izuku trying to keep it in. He was doing a pretty good job before Todoroki went up there.
"Shoto." He said. Izuku almost died of laughter again.
"I'm, HAHA.... sorry.... I, pffff, Shoto!? What kind of hero name... HAHA, oh boy." Izuku said wiping a tear.
After hearing the rest of them, he was out of laughter. He actually liked most of the names they came up with. Red Riot and Uravity were his personal favorites. Soon enough, they finished picking names and such. The long two day wait began as they were getting excited for their agencies...
Two Days Later
"Hope you've all packed up because today's the day you go to your agency." Aizawa said. Everyone was ready.
"Hey bro! Have you decided on what internship you're heading to?" Kirishima asked Izuku.
"Yes. I've decided to head to Hosu city's Ingenium. After doing a bit of research, I found out that Iida is actually related to them. Isn't that right Ingenium?" Izuku asked. Iida looked at him, sort of angry.
"You act like that is a bad thing. Plus, I plan to carry on my brother's and my family's hero name. Could you please tell me why it is so bad that I chose my own family's agency?" Iida asked. Izuku walked up to him.
"I don't know. I just have a feeling that you have plans that are quite, unhero-like." Izuku said. Iida's eyes widened before quickly going to normal.
"I don't understand what you mean. If you suggest that I do criminal activities you'd be wrong." Iida said. Izuku sighed.
"Sure I am. Whatever, I'll try to stay in a good mood with you since I'll have a long ride with you." Izuku said turning and leaving the classroom. Kirishima came up to Iida.
"You're good bro. He always acts like that! You should know!" Kirishima said seeing Iida's gloomy face.
"You're right. I'll try to get in good terms with him. Have a good time at your agency Kirishima!" Iida said with a wave and a nod. Kirishima waved back. Iida caught up with Izuku at the front gates of UA.
"Took you long enough. Thought you were supposed to be fast." Izuku said.
"I'm truly sorry! Let's go! I can't wait to work with you side by side." Iida said walking in front of Izuku.
Izuku rolled his eyes kinda mad about being stuck with Iida...
After one bullet train ride, they made it to Hosu city, where they made their way to, now Manuel's Agency.
"By the way, I'm sorry about what happened to your brother." Izuku said as the two got off the train.
"Thank you. It was sad to see him pass so young as a hero and my own brother. I will have to work as him now! I'll carry on Ingenium's name and will!" Iida said. A tear fell down his eye.
After talking, the two finally made it to Manuel's Agency. Since Ingenium was gone, Manuel took over.
"Hello! I've been waiting for your arrival!" Manuel waves to them.
"Manuel!" Iida waves as he walked over.
"I expected you to be here. I mean, after Tensei's incident, you'd be the one to take after him." Manuel said. Iida nodded.
"Oh! And Izuku Midoriya! I'm surprised you chose this place. I didn't even send an invitation or anything!" Manuel said shaking his hand. Izuku shook it back as he looked around.
"Yeah, you know, don't want too much attention. Thought I'd be able to keep up with Iida's speed too." Izuku said. Manuel nodded.
"Okay! We have no time to waste! Lets get you situated in here then we can go on patrol." Manuel said as the two followed him inside. After a bit, they finally got ready for some hero work. By the time they were however, the sun was basically setting. Manuel pulled out a map.
"This is the route you two will take. I'll be accompanying you two just in case, but you'll be doing most of the work." Manuel said. Izuku and Iida nodded. The two finally began their patrol. For day one, it was kinda boring. They stopped a few robberies but that's it. It was getting late as they ended up heading back to the Agency.
"Nice work out there! You'll become heroes in no time." Manuel said. Iida nodded.
"Thank you for accepting me! I'll learn a lot from you!" Iida said with his robotic arm wave. Izuku rolled his eyes. Day one of the internship was complete. He just wanted to know how Uraraka and Kirishima were doing...
Day two rolled around and off to patrolling again. Manuel told Izuku to move ahead as Manuel has to speak with Iida for a bit. Izuku shrugged as he propelled himself away to find any villains.
"Iida. I know why you came here." Manuel said.
"I don't know what you mean." Iida said, acting confused.
"You want to avenge your brother. You're hunting down Hero Killer Stain." Manuel said. Iida jumped a bit. He sighed.
"You are correct that I want to have Stain arrested, however, I will not do anything drastic." Iida promised. Manuel nodded.
"I hope you don't. We need a new Ingenium." He said as the two ran forward to catch up with Izuku, who already took out two villains.
Gotta play the act. Izuku thought to himself. It was getting late again the the three heroes headed back inside of the agency.
."Once again, you two did marvelous today! Keep up the great work and you'll be amazing heroes!" Manuel said. Izuku didn't respond as Iida nodded. A few minutes passed before the three revived a notification.
"A large villain attack in Hosu city?" Manuel asked.
"Let's go!" Iida said. The three quickly got dressed and went. As they did, Iida stopped and turned to an alley. Izuku saw something fly above.
"Was that a Nomu!?" He asked himself. He turned to see Iida gone. Izuku sighed.
"I knew he'd do this. Well, at least I can finally have a little fun." Izuku grinned.
"Manuel, there's a Nomu. It's a new type I'd assume. I'm going to find Iida!" Izuku shouted as he propelled himself away into an alley.
"What!?" Manuel asked but it was too late. It was just a silent road now that everyone evacuated...
Izuku flew into an alleyway to see none other than Iida laying motionless on the ground with, none other than, Stain standing on top of him.
"You call yourself a hero?" He asked as he penetrated Iida's arm with a blade. Iida grunted in pain.
"You killed my brother and now I'll get revenge for him!" Iida shouted. Stain pulled out his sword as he was about to finish off Iida before Izuku stopped him with a fireball. Stain backed up to see Izuku floating there.
"Hello. I won't allow that." Izuku said.
"You..." Stain squinted his eyes a bit. This made Izuku sorta confused.
"What do you mean me?" He asked.
"That kid told me about you. The one that had the hands. Part of the League of Villains. He said that his master let you go for some reason." Stain said. Iida was confused now.
"Midoriya! What is this about?" Iida asked.
"Shut up please. We're having a conversation between adults." Izuku said.
"What do you mean? Shigaraki told you this?" Izuku asked.
"Yes. He was looking for members when he stumbled across me. He started rambling to himself when I rejected. He said something about the fire boy from UA." Stain said. Izuku thought for a moment.
"That's cool. I guess I'll meet up with them later." Izuku said. Stain dashed at Iida again. Once again Izuku stopped him.
"Like I said, you can't be doing that." He said.
*I'll have a little fun while I can.*
Stain jumped from wall to wall towards Izuku. Izuku put his hand out as fire burst from it. Stain jumped out of the way.
"I'd suggest not fighting me." Izuku grinned. He heard grunting. He looked to see Pro Hero Native down on the ground. Izuku accidentally burnt him. Suddenly Stain jumped up next to Izuku again.
Izuku used fire to propel himself upwards for a dodge. He spun it around and went for an attack. He sent a full blown, cooler attack. He didn't want the battle to end so quickly. Iida and Native could feel the heat from the attack as Izuku stopped it from hitting them. Iida felt his leg twitch a little. Stain hit the ground but caught his feet quickly.
"Why are you fighting me and defending him? He's nothing like a hero! He came to KILL me!" Stain shouted. Izuku giggled.
"I know. I was expecting Iida to do something like this. I joined Manuel's Agency to stop him from dying." Izuku said.
"By the way Iida, don't get in the way." Izuku said to Iida, who was struggling to get up. He got on his feet.
"His quirk wore off." Iida said. Native was too slashed up to do anything.
"Thanks for reminding me. His quirk has something to do with ingesting blood. If he does you'll become immobilized I'd assume. That's what I saw before he stabbed you." Izuku said. Iida was holding his hurt arm.
"So Mr. Hero killer, am I correct?" Izuku asked. Stain grinned.
"Yeah. Depending on the blood type, it lasts longer. Now move so I can kill this vigilante." Stain said.
"Midoriya, please back away. This is my fight." Iida said. Izuku laughed a bit.
"Sure, and let you die? I mean I'm not against it, but..." Izuku began as Stain jumped toward Iida. He dodged Izuku's attack.
Iida spun around and tried to hit a kick. Stain dodged that as well. Izuku made a wall of fire to stop the attack.
"You're lucky I'm here. Anyway, as I was saying. I can't have you dying in my presence. One, it kinda makes me feel bad, and two, it'd make me look suspicious." Izuku finished what he was saying. Stain dashed around some more until he got a got cut on Iida.
"I'm calling backup!" Iida shouted reaching for his phone. Stain went to lick the blood before Izuku set the blade on fire.
"Let him call backup." Izuku said. Iida presses the button. The second Izuku felt the vibration from his phone, he let the fire disappear.
"Iida, are you serious? Calling help from classmates instead of actual heroes!? Are you insane?" Izuku asked as he used fire to stop Stain from reaching Iida.
"It was the fastest one!" Iida shouted.
"Oh, you really think that one of OUR classmates are in the midst of this?" Izuku asked angrily yet happy. He didn't have any other annoyances... or so he thought. Suddenly ice formed on the ground as Stain jumped away from the incoming ice spikes.
"What? WHY are you here?" Izuku asked.
"I got the SOS! I'm here to help!" Todoroki said. Izuku rolled his eyes.
*I could've already finished this in an instant. Now I need to find time to meet up with Shigaraki and get away from these idiots. Not only that, if a hero catches me, then I'd be screwed.* Izuku thought to himself without the extra muttering. Todoroki and Iida were fighting. Izuku sighed looking down at them.
*I'll find a good opening. Chances are I can have Stain kill both Todoroki and Iida. If that happens, that gives me plenty of time to speak with Shigaraki and learn about his master's... my master's plans.* Izuku thought to himself again.
Iida charged forward and attacked Stain and Todoroki gave support. Izuku kept watching as he put up a wall here and there. Soon enough Iida was cut again. Stain licked the blood off his blade. He then charged at Todoroki. Todoroki used his fire and ice to fend him off. Todoroki was about to shoot out some more fire before Izuku grinned.
"Sorry, Hero Shoto." He said with a sinister grin. The fire Todoroki produced divided in the middle and moved around Stain. Stain dashed in and cut Todoroki. Izuku floated down.
"Midoriya. You did it." Todoroki said angrily.
"Welp, can't go back now. Stain, they're all yours." Izuku said.
"I'm not gonna kill this one. He's fine. He acted as a hero should, respond to a crime during its act and try and stop it. This one I'll kill though." Stain said pointing his blade at Iida. Izuku looked at Stain then rolled his eyes.
"Fine. I'll kill him." Izuku said walking toward Todoroki. Stain out his blade out.
"I won't allow it. Heroes like these are rare." Stain said.
"Kill Iida fast. You don't want your quirk running out, now do you?" Izuku asked. The two stared each other down. Izuku sighed. He snapped his fingers and the blade Stain held melted.
"I can do that to your entire body, but I won't. Kill Iida and I'll kill Todoroki. Simple as that." Izuku said. Stain backed up from him. Izuku looked down at Todoroki and aimed his hand at him.
"You're a traitor?" Todoroki asked.
"Nope. I'm a villain." Izuku said as he burnt his left side specifically. He burned it to where it would bleed. It would slowly kill Todoroki if it wasn't healed.
Stain shoved his blade into Iida's heart. Iida coughed blood as he tried to call out a name.
"TENSEI... AIZAWA... URARAKA... any... one..." He ended as his eyes became lifeless. Todoroki rolled on the ground as he couldn't stop his burning and bleeding.
"Anyway Stain, nice to doing work with you. If you do end up getting caught, I'll continue what you started, because, well, you're right. The world does need a change." Izuku said. Todoroki screamed out in pain as tears fell down his right eye.
"Oh shut up already. I don't want a hero to see me." Izuku said. He turned back to Stain.
"Where did you see Shigaraki last?" He asked.
"I don't know. Last I saw him was in some bar. He could be anywhere now." Stain said. Izuku sighed.
"Whatever. I'll get going now. Keep up your work and I'll keep up mine." Izuku said.
"What do you do? I'm curious." Stain said.
"I don't really know. Dispose of heroes whenever I have the chance?" Izuku shrugged. He used fire to propel himself away and looked around. There was a fire as a winged Nomu flew around. In the distance he saw a man standing on a building by some smoke as a helicopter flew overhead.
*Can't let them see me.*
Izuku propelled himself over to the two villains. He used fire to melt the back propellers. The helicopter started spinning out of control. Izuku landed next to Shigaraki and Kurogiri.
"You... you!" Shigaraki shouted. Kurogiri's yellow eyes widened.
"Yup. It's me. I heard you need more members." Izuku said.
"Yes, I do. It's currently only me and Kurogiri here. Master is off somewhere with a doctor. He's producing Nomus while I'm testing them here." Shigaraki said pointing at the destruction of Hosu City. Izuku looked out.
"How many?" He asked.
"Three in total. Three different variants." Kurogiri said.
"That's cool. Anyway, I'll be going. I have a Broadway act to play. Is there anyway I can contact your master?" Izuku asked.
"No, but I'll try and tell him you asked for him.” Shigaraki said.
“Great. Welp, tell him to contact me in some way.” Izuku said leaving. Shigaraki watched as the winged Nomu picked up some kid. Stain slashed it as his head toppled to the ground. Shigaraki sighed as he started scratching his neck.
“Stain... Stop killing them! He’s gonna he the big shot on the news now! He killed the Nomu— They see us.” Shigaraki said looking up at a helicopter.
“Let’s go.” Kurogiri said creating a portal. The two entered through it.
Izuku ran out from between two buildings screaming. He had burn marks and cuts on his arms and legs. He looked to his left to see a few heroes gathered around. He ran to them.
“HELP! HELP, HELP! IIDA AND TODOROKI!” Izuku screamed. He collapsed in front of them.
“What happened!? Where’s Shoto?” Endeavor asked. Izuku slowly got up.
“Follow me!” He said as he turned and limped. The heroes quickly followed him as he stopped and looked down between two buildings.
He pointed his burnt, bloody finger.
There lay the bodies of both Iida and Todoroki...
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