(Readers POV)
Amethyst: Rival! He's about to get away!
(Y/N): On it!
Me and Amethyst are in the streets of the city. I quickly launched a small ball of energy at the man running away. It hit the man, making him fall down. I quickly got over to him and put my foot on his back, keeping him down. Amethyst ran over and quickly put a pair of extra durable handcuffs on him. I let out a sigh as I took my foot off the man's back.
(Y/N): Cmon man. What did you think was going to happen?
Amethyst: Villains never learn their lesson!
Villain: Ack! I'll get my revenge on you Rival!
(Y/N): Sure, that would be the day that will never happen.
I saw some other Heroes show up to the scene. I pointed at the man on the ground.
(Y/N): You lot can take care of this guy. He isn't much of a threat.
Amethyst: Nothing is a threat to you, Rival.
The Heroes picked the guy up and took him away. I checked the time and it's 5:03 pm.
(Y/N): Well Amethyst, I say we are finished for the day.
Amethyst: You got it!
Me and Amethyst quickly got out of the area and went to my agency building. We walked in and headed into my office. I wiped my forehead of any sweat as I walked over to my desk and sat down on the chair. I reached for a small box on my desk and opened it. I grabbed the ring with a multi colored gem on it and put it on my ring finger.
Amethyst: Hey, Rival. If you don't mind me asking, how come you don't ever wear that ring while we are out fighting crime?
(Y/N): This? It means a lot to mean. It's the ring that signifies the unbreakable bond I have with my wives. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if it were to be destroyed. So I keep it here for safe keeping.
Amethyst: That's very sweet of you. But seriously, that makes you sound like some cheesy romance show character.
(Y/N): You would know about those, huh? What was the latest romance show you watch?
Amethyst: Hush it!
I chuckled to myself as I looked down at my ring.
(Y/N): There is another reason. If people saw me with this ring, then they would know I have people that I really care about in this world. My wives and children will become targets.
Amethyst: What about what happened at Heritage? With Drake spilling the beans? Won't someone make a post on the internet saying "I'm in the same class as Rival's kids!"?
(Y/N): Oh, I'm not too worried about that. We have people always on the internet and immediately deleting or blocking any info on the relationships I have with people.
Amethyst: That must be a lot of work.
(Y/N): Yeah...
Amethyst: What about word of mouth though?
(Y/N): Like villains are going to believe words of a child.
Amethyst: Wait, how come you aren't worried about my safety and you try to keep me hidden?
(Y/N): You're my sidekick. You're always by my side, so I can always protect you.
Amethyst: Right... Anyways, there is a bunch of letters that came in today.
(Y/N): Tell me something new.
Amethyst: It's mainly people applying to be a sidekick of yours.
(Y/N): Does that make you jealous?
Amethyst: Heh, no comment.
I suddenly heard a knock on the door. Before me or Amethyst could ask who it was, the door opened and Davidson walked in.
(Y/N): Oh, glad you could make it, King.
Davidson: Rival... So how was my daughter? I'm sure she pushed you to your limits.
(Y/N): Can't really say she is at that level yet, but her potential is insane.
Amethyst: So why is King here?
(Y/N): Man, Davidson. You really ruined my surprise entrance. I was hoping to make the appearance of Number 1, but I guess 2 ain't that bad. If only it was a day sooner.
Davidson: I can't let you have the title Number 1 just because it makes you sound cooler. But... How was the rest of the students?
(Y/N): I didn't have time to check every single one. But I can tell they can become some crazy Heroes... But there is my issue.
Davidson: Really now?
(Y/N): Obviously our children easily have the potential to surpass us. It's only a matter of time. What I'm concerned with is everyone else.
Amethyst: What does that mean?
Davidson: I can tell you. Aurora and Rival's children wouldn't ever dare to become villains. But not everyone is like them.
(Y/N): Exactly. You remember how strong Brooklyn was? And she came from a lineage of people with not so amazing Powers.
Amethyst: So it's not just the potential of Heroes you were looking for-
Davidson: But the potential of villains as well. Was there anyone that brought up any alarms to you?
(Y/N): There was one. A kid named Giovanni, likes to go by Gio.
Davidson: So he rejects his birth name... Like me back then...
(Y/N): So you agree that he may have some problems he is dealing with.
Davidson: Shut it!
(Y/N): Joking. Joking. I have informed the staff members of Heritage to keep a close eye on Gio, just in case. I hope my worry is for nothing, but we can't take any chances.
Davidson: Yeah, those kids are definitely in more of a suitable age to fight than us.
(Y/N): Hey, we're only 38 years old.
Davidson: And getting older and older. That's why I've been trying to make Aurora as strong as possible. Make her strong while I still can.
(Y/N): Good luck with that.
Davidson: I will be taking my leave now. But if I see anyone from that school try anything...
He turned around and walked over to the door about to open it.
Davidson: ...I won't be afraid to cut down the seed before it can become a tree.
He opened the door and walked out. I let out a sigh as I leaned back in my chair.
Amethyst: ...I'm only 25.
(Y/N): Yeah... That's still pretty old.
Amethyst: That's 13 years younger than you!
(Y/N): And 8 years older than my children.
Amethyst: At least I'm going to the retirement home later than you!
(Y/N): I'll make sure that I won't ever have to go there.
I heard my phone go off. I took it out of my pocket and saw that it was Katie calling me.
(Y/N): Amethyst, I need to take this. Could you give me some time alone?
Amethyst: Sure thing. I guess I can work on rejecting all of these letters.
She grabbed onto the huge pile of letters and walked out the room, closing the door behind her. I answered my phone.
(Y/N): Hello sweetie.
Katie: (Y/N)! I'm surprised you actually picked up!
(Y/N): I hope you mean that in a good way.
Katie: Yes! I do! How was work today?
(Y/N): It went fine.
Katie: And what about your appearance at Heritage?
(Y/N): Also fine... I guess that kinda reminds me. Katie... Am I... A bad dad?
Katie: ...What makes you say that?
(Y/N): It's just... Drake asked if I was going to be home for dinner and I can't remember the last time I was.
Katie: You're just busy with work is all. You help this family way more than you think.
(Y/N): I guess that makes me feel a bit better. Still...
Katie: You worry that head of yours too much! If you weren't stopping crime and villains everyday, who knows what kind of situation we would all be in at this point.
(Y/N): Right. I just have to see the positive side a bit more.
Katie: Good! We are having a feast for dinner, mainly for Ivy's and Drake's appetite. I'll make sure there is enough saved for you.
(Y/N): Hehe, thanks. I'll get going now, so I'll talk to you later.
Katie: Talk to you later too.
I heard her make a kiss noise, making me make one back at her before hanging up the phone.
(Y/N): ...I should probably call my other wives too... I wouldn't hear the end of it if I forgot to do so... I should also call Brooklyn, hear how she's doing.
I let out a sigh and leaned back in my chair. Man, now that I think about it, I have a ton of people I need to call.
(The Next Day) (Aurora's POV)
I walked into Heritage, ready for another day at school. As I walked down the hallway, a lot of people tried to talk to me. I just ignored them for now, but I stopped when I saw Drake rummaging through a locker.
Drake: Oh damn! Where is it?! Where is it?!
Aurora: Hey Drake. What are you looking for?
Drake: I can't find any of the stupid books I was given for my classes!
Aurora: Hmmm... What's your locker number?
Drake: 178!
Aurora: Are you positive about that?
Drake: Yes! 178! I'm as positive about that as the horns on my head being red!
Aurora: Then why are you looking in locker 176?
Drake stopped and looked at the number at the top of locker. He stayed still a bit before letting out a sigh and moving over a bit and opened his actual locker, finding all the stuff he needed instantly.
Aurora: So who's locker is this-
Horace: M-My locker! My stuff!
I saw Drake's brother run over as he looked at the mess Drake put his locker in. He looked around and saw everyone looking at him. He made sure to tighten his hoodie, hiding his face completely. It's actually pretty cute.
Mel: Drake! Care to explain why Horace's belongs are messed up?!
I saw Drake start to sweat as he slowly turned to look at his older sister.
Drake: M-Mel! I-It was an honest mistake! Cmon Horace, you know I wouldn't mess with your stuff on purpose! R-Right?!
Horace just stayed silent as he looked over at Mel. She walked over to Drake with an aggressive walk as her face showed that she means business. I just walked away, not wanting to get involved in the situation, or getting caught in the crossfire. I walked into the classroom of my first class and waited for everyone else. I saw Drake and his siblings walk in. Drake has a huge bump on his head, most likely from Mel.
Drake: Ooowwww... But it was a mistake...
He said to Mel, who just ignored him.
(Time Skip) (Combat Class)
Everyone is sitting on the bleachers, waiting for our actual teacher to show up. We heard the door open. Everyone looked over at the open door, not seeing anyone. Sudden, black flames appeared around everyone, not making contact with anyone, but getting really close to.
Davidson: Hmph. No self preservation instincts. No one even is realizing that you all are in danger.
The black flames disappeared as everyone looked back, seeing my father, King standing at the back of the bleachers.
Everyone: You are our teacher?!
Davidson: Yes!
He jumped up and landed on the arena. He turned to face the class.
Davidson: None of you saw my attack! I should fail you all because of that!
Student: What?! How is that fair?!
Davidson: Fair? Being a Hero isn't fair! Does anyone know what it means to be a Hero here?!
I saw Mel raise her hand as father pointed at her, signaling that she is allowed to speak.
Mel: While the definition of Hero has been debated and challenged as to the true meaning by many Heroes, A Hero should show qualities of respect, diligence, discipline, commitment, and putting others before oneself.
Davidson: I do agree with what was mostly said, there are some things you left out. A Hero shouldn't expect fairness from villains!
Student: Still, failing us because we couldn't see your attack?! You're the strongest there is!
Davidson: It is true that I am strong! Stronger than any one of you, but villains are getting stronger! If a villain showed up right now, none of you would survive, plain and simple! Even you, daughter!
I see he's singling me out now. Thanks dad, not like I already had enough pressure to impress my class already.
Gio: You all are fools. I could see the attack clear as day. I just didn't react because-
Suddenly Gio was gone from his spot and a loud crash noise could be heard. Gio is on the ground with father holding his face.
Davidson: Please. Don't you dare try to flatter yourself! Could you see that?
Gio: N-No I-
Davidson: Funny, I put more effort into my first attack! Now are you going to try to lie in my face like that again!?
Gio: I won't. King.
Father let go of his face and stood up. He pointed his trident at Gio.
Davidson: Heroes should also be truthful and not to try any scummy tactics! Thank you Giovanni for setting an example for everyone.
Gio started to get up as he looked at my father.
Gio: Don't call me that-
Davidson: I'll call you what I damn please! You are in my kingdom after all!
Gio just scoffed and sat back down where he was sitting originally. Father snapped his fingers. Suddenly everyone is on the arena, standing away from father.
Aurora: I've never seen him move this fast before...
Davidson: As a Hero, you will serve this kingdom with your very life! You will fight for this kingdom and make sure that the rules and laws are followed! You will dedicate yourselves, pour every ounce of blood and sweat that you can, to get so strong that nothing will ever become a threat to you! Do I make myself clear?!
Everyone: Yes King!
Davidson: Good... Now for class to begin! All of you! Fight me at once!
(Chapter 98 end)
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