Chapter 1: Seven Years Ago
I take in another breath of open air. A small purple flame dances in my cupped hands that are resting on my crossed legs. I sneak a peek at my dad, who's in the same position I'm in, except there's no flame in his hands. These meditating sessions are pretty long and irritating, but Dad has said that this would help make my quirk stronger. I don't know if this is true or not, but a seven year old's gotta do what his parents tell him, right?
Becoming a bit more bored, I watch my dad's short, black hair slightly blow in the breeze. My eyes trail off from my Dad's peaceful face and scan our surroundings. He and I are sitting on a picnic blanket in a quiet park. There are a few trees in the area, and the narrow roads separating the park and the tall buildings of Japan are a good few meters away from our blanket.
"Yurei," I hear my dad talk and hurriedly turn my attention back to him. "Your flame went out."
I look down at my now clasped hands and open them, revealing nothing in between. "Aw, nuts," I sigh. "I'm not gonna make my second flame appear at this rate." I stubbornly cross my arms in immature frustration.
"Not with that attitude," my dad chuckles. "You're losing your focus, Spook." He ruffles my jet black hair. Spook is the nickname he gave me. I like it. How often do you get to be called a more unique nickname other than Sport or Buddy? "You wanna try again, or practice what you can do with that one flame of yours?"
"I wanna learn.. purr-a-norm-al cha-os like you!" I argue. Paranormal Chaos is a special move my dad had taught himself. It's where he summons a whole armada of ghost minions and has them fly around the room to confuse his opponents.
"Now, Yurei, in order to do that, you need to summon more flames. I know you can learn Paranormal Chaos, but it takes a lot of practice. At the same time, you haven't even summoned your first minion yet."
"Then how do you know I can?"
"Alright," Dad picks me up and sets me on his lap. "You wanna hear the story again?" I nod in enthusiasm, knowing which story he's talking about. "Here's the deal then: while I talk, I want you to hold your flame in this hand," he holds up my right. "and open the other one on your knee. Got it?"
For the sake of my entertainment, I concentrate hard and call on my first flame in both hands. I then balance it in my right hand and open my left. "Got it."
"Alright," he begins. "Once upon a time, there was a big ol' mean man. He had a quirk just like mine. He could lift stuff in the air with his mind, and he could bring in a whole buncha little ghost friends."
"He had the same quirk as you, cause that man was you, Dad."
"Wow," my dad exclaims with fake amazement. "It's like you've heard this one before. Wait a tick. You have!" He playfully glares at me as I laugh at his reaction. "Anyway, this mean man had friends who were as bad as him. And together, they would all go do all sorts of bad things, like stealing money or destroying buildings. Do you know what a group of bad guys like that is called, Yurei?"
"It's called.. a.. gang!"
"Very good! This gang couldn't be caught. The police tried and tried to catch the man and his partners in crime, but they had no luck. The gang was too fast and too clever. This band of men thought they'd be able to do whatever they wanted, but then one day, the mean man remembered someone. Someone who cared for him very much; a beautiful, perfect, young woman who had a quirk that could allow her to move through solid objects."
"Mommy!" I bounce a bit in excitement as I recognize this woman.
"That's right! So the mean man thought about what she would think about him if he kept stealing and hurting people. He figured she wouldn't be very happy, and this made the man feel very sad." Dad puts on a fake frown to show as an example. "So then one day, after thinking it over, the mean man quit the gang and went to the police station. He told the police to lock him up as a punishment for all the bad things he did."
"He got a time out!"
"Yeah, I did. I mean! He did. So the mean man became a good man, and after staying in jail for six whole months, the man was let out. The police gave him a warning to not do bad stuff again, or they would lock him back up. The man promised to give up his life of crime and to use his quirk for good. After that, the man went to find the woman and told her he loved her. The woman forgave him, and later, they were married. About a year or so later, the woman started to feel a bump in her tummy, showing that a baby was coming. After nine very long months, they had beautiful baby boy. Can you guess what they named that baby?"
"Me!" I shouted in enthusiasm.
"They didn't name him 'me,' silly! Who names their kid that?"
"Da-ddyyyy!" I say with pretend annoyance.
"Alright! Yes, they named him Yurei Seshin. That's you! You wanna know what the doctor said though?" I nod again. "He said that you were gonna have a very strong quirk, and when you're older, you can use it properly! Let's see..." He pretends to try to remember. "He said you could do all the things both Mommy and Daddy can. You have what's called a married quirk, Spook. But to do more stuff like that, you need to use more flames. And to do that, you need to learn to summon them."
"Well, why don't you or Mommy have to use flames for your powers?"
"I don't know, Spook. I guess it's just how we're made." His eyes widen as he looks past my head and at my left hand. "And speaking of limits, look, Yurei!"
I look down at my left hand to see my flame. I shake my head as I glance at my right hand to see another flame, the one I started with. I had finally summoned my second flame! "Daddy, I did it! I did it!"
"I see that! Great job! I'm so proud of you!" My dad scoops my off his lap and spins around with me in a tight hug. When he had stopped, I look back at my hands to see both flames were gone.
"Where'd my fire go?" I ask in disappointment.
"Ooh!" My dad squints his eyes. "Oh yeah, they can be put out like regular fire. Sorry, Spook. I think the wind extinguished them. I should remember that." I look sadly at the ground. "But hey! You did it once, you can do it again, right?"
My eyes brighten with hope. "Yeah! I can! I'm gonna do it right now!"
My dad smiles proudly. While I'm cupping my hands together, he glances over his shoulder. Antsy to see what he was suddenly looking at, I lean forward to follow his gaze. A few people are staring at us with scowls of worry on their faces.
"On second thought, Spook," Dad suddenly looks at me and smiles. "Why don't we go do it again in front of Mommy? She's gonna be so mad she missed out on this moment, so might as well show her!" With me still sitting in his right arm, he leans down and picks up the blanket we had brought. Having cleaned up all we had, he starts to head toward the entrance of the park.
Seeing we are a good distance away, I lean to my Dad's ear and softly ask, "Are those bad people?"
"No, Yurei, they're good people," he softly responds.
"Do they wanna hurt us?"
"No.. Spook, they.. um.. they just don't think I should be.. out and about. I think they know what I did." Seeing I was still fearfully staring back at the strangers, he bounces me to get my attention and to get a better grip on my legs. "Don't worry about it, Yurei! It's fine! I haven't done anything bad again, I promise." To get my mind off it, he looks at me again. "All that meditating made me hungry. You wanna get some dango?"
"Yeah!" I look back at him. "And just like last time? Don't tell Mommy?"
My dad chuckles. "That's right, Yurei. It's gonna be a secret."
A few weeks had gone by, and I would be starting school soon. In the meantime though, I simply hang out in my room, either playing with my quirk or meditating as Dad has suggested.
We had found out how to have me summon my first ghost minion. Turns out I need to use two of my flames for the ghost to come in. While it wasn't much for conversation, I liked showing it off, bragging that my dad had taught me how to use my quirk properly.
I hold my two flames in my laid out hands, trying to focus on my next goal: my third flame. Surely it's gonna take a really long time before I could, but might as well try right?
I take in another deep breath before my ears perk up, hearing the door bell of our apartment. My childish curiosity gets the better of me, and I crawl off my bed. By the time I open my bedroom door, I can hear my parents talking to someone at the entryway. They sound worried, and the visitor sounds straight up serious. I lean past the hallway corner to get a better view of the entryway.
"I- I don't understand, officer," my dad speaks. "Th-this doesn't-... there's gotta be some sorta mistake."
"Mr. Seshin," the visitor answers. "I don't know what else to say here. There have been reports of a break in at the supermarket down the street as well the murder of four, and some of their tactics match your record."
"But I couldn't have done it. I was here at my home the whole morning!"
"He was, officer," my mom defends.
"I'm sorry, mam, but while we couldn't recognize the culprit on the camera system, their quirk seemed to allow them to do the damage of hundreds. Officials say that the attack style matched yours, and that they want you to answer a few questions down at the station, so here I am."
The man suddenly stretches his neck to the side to see past my parents and spots me hiding at the hallway corner. A blue police hat covers the top of the man's head, and a gold badge is pinned onto the chest of his uniform. My parents follow his gaze to see me as well. Getting the idea, my parents hug each other tightly before Mom comes to me and motions to follow her. I do as I'm told and follow my Mom to my room.
Before she closes the door, I can hear my dad argue with the police officer once again. "Sir, I don't think you know this, but I took an oath to quit my life of crime. There's a record somewhere in my file there." That's all I get.
I walk to my bed and sit down. Mom joins me and puts her arm around me. Still a bit confused, I ask, "Is Daddy in trouble?"
"I'm afraid so, sweetie."
"What'd he do?"
"Then why is the police here?"
"There's been a robbery at a nearby store, and your dad is a suspect."
"Do they know if he did it?"
"No, Yurei. They only think he did."
We suddenly hear Dad call for us back in the living room. I stand and follow my mom out my room and into the living room. My dad is standing near the entryway with the officer behind him. He looks worried and a little like he's going to cry. He somehow telepathically shares what's going on with my mom and they embrace each other as a goodbye. He then gets down on one knee and beckons me over. He puts his hands on my shoulders and looks me straight in the eyes. "Yurei," he begins. "I'm gonna have to go for a while, okay?"
"When will you be back?" I ask, a little concerned.
"Hopefully later this evening. If not, then.. I don't know."
"Did you rob the store?"
"Of course not, Spook. But the police doesn't know I didn't. I want you to be the man of the house till I get back, okay?" I nod, on the verge of crying. "And Yurei? I also want you to remember, when the odds are fatally stacked against you, when you have no one to turn to, and even when the world itself has turned its back on you, you are never alone. Got it?"
I nod, soaking in every work he's telling me. He finally wraps me in a tight hug, which I return. After about ten seconds, he lets me go, stands up, and walks to the police officer, having said his goodbyes. I watch in silence as Dad mouths 'I love you' and shuts the door behind him.
Later that evening, I sit in patience in the entryway. Dad said he might be back this evening, but so far, not a knock is heard. I try to pass the time by meditating a bit. It helps... for five minutes before my eyes glue back onto the front door. Mom comes to me every once in a while, asking if I am okay. I just nod in silence, giving her an idea that I'm not really in the best mood. She lets me sit there even past my bedtime as I anxiously wait for the man I most admired to come through the door, ready to give me a hug. I sit there for nearly an hour, before I hear Mom answer the telephone. I hear her confirming some things to clarify that she understands. Finally, after she hangs up, she comes back to me in the entryway.
"Yurei, it's time for bed." Understanding that this wasn't an offer, I sluggishly stand up and walk to my room. I get ready for bed; brush teeth, get on pajamas, and choose the CD I want to listen to. As I'm doing the last thing, I see Mom walk to my doorway and lean against it. She almost looks like she's about to cry.
"Yurei, um... you're dad's spending the night at the prison."
"What?" I ask in shock. "Like locked up??"
"Not exactly. He'll be put on trial in a few days. Until then, police want to keep a close eye on him at the jailhouse."
I don't know what to say. "But he'll be proven innocent, right?"
"If God allows it, Yurei. Try to get some sleep, alright?"
"Okay," I sigh in disappointment. Not at the fact that it's bed time, but at the fact that Dad won't be sleeping here. I turn on my music and walk to my bed. Mom tucks me in and kisses me on the forehead. "Goodnight, sweetie."
"Goodnight, Mom." I close my eyes as I hear my mom shut the door. I try hard not to think about Dad, but pretty much everything I am reminds me of him. My quirk, my happiness, my morals are all because of him. Finally though, sleep gets the better of me, and I doze off.
Dad goes on trial a few days later. Figuring I wouldn't be able to sit still, Mom leaves me at the apartment with a babysitter while she goes to the trial. When she returns though, she doesn't come bearing the best of news. Dad's been sentenced to twenty years in prison for theft, injury and death to the victims, and breaking his vow. The real evidence that put the big dents on this case was simply his quirk and the evils that could be done with it. This doesn't put me in the brightest of spirits, despite Mom reminding me that I'll be able to visit him from time to time.
I, Yurei Seshin, wanted nothing more than my dad, my idle, my hero, to be out of prison.
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