The atmosphere in the class 1a dorm was tense as the new class 1A sat in silence along with their new teachers and Principal Nezu who were standing opposite of them, waiting for both sides to make the first move and it seems both sides realized that. Izuku who was sandwiched between Miya and Wanda who looked particularly smug glanced around nervously, not knowing how to deal with a situation like this.
The silence ended a few seconds later, though it was broken by an unlikely source.
"My to think this place was even more wretched than I first thought it would be." Shaltear clicked her tongue in annoyance at the drab surroundings while the rest of the girls shot her lucks from annoyance at her stuck up and selfish attitude to looks at amusement because of the annoyed looks the heroes were now giving them. "Yeah well get used to it or go back to your cell. Remodeling isn't exactly in our budget." Aizawa muttered annoyed not giving anyone in his new class a single step.
To his annoyance Shaltear just laughed into her hand haughtily like he was a child who just told an amusing joke. "Oh leave it to a hero to say something so incredibly amusing as it is incorrect." She laughed before turning to Izuku. "Izuku be a dear and make this place more akin to our standards will you?" She asked giving a double clap and while many of her fellow classmates did shoot her annoyed looks none tried to deny and question how she thought Izuku might accomplish this.
The boy in question had a mixed look of slightly amused and slightly tired before turning to his new principal. "I'm sorry principal Nezu. I know what she wants and it won't but a couple of seconds. No-one will get hurt and I can easily reverse it later." Izuku requested and after giving it a moment's thought Nezu nodded. "Of course, I don't see any problems with it." He agreed. "Now is there anything we need to do?" He questioned getting a head shake Izuku who got off his seat and knelt down to the ground.
"Nope just relax." Izuku confirmed as he placed his hand on the floor. At first nothing happened but after a few moments Izuku's form seemed to glitch before the teachers eyes but before they could even move the room around seemed to glitch out causing them to blink at one.
And once that blink was over each and every faculty member was left gasping in disbelief. Gone was the standard common room for the UA dorms and replacing it was something one would expect out of the finest of castles.
Beautiful decor having on the now emerald green walls as masterfully crafted sculptures now littered the now much larger common area. Izuku removed his hand from the now carpeted floor as he turned and sat down on one of the now many chairs and sofas sighing in bliss as he sank into the seat. "Well this work for you Tear?" Izuku asked with a sideways glance towards the the red eyed girl who sighed in bliss. "Ah yes Izuku thank you, you never fail to satisfy me." She muttered getting a chuckle from Izuku.
The teachers meanwhile were trying to process what they just saw as they looked around at their new surroundings. "Are..are we still at UA?" Present Mic questioned trying to make sense of what just happened. "Indeed. Take a look outside." Ectoplasm confirmed having gone to the window and could clearly see the campus grounds as well as all of the security bots who seemed to think nothing was wrong.
Nezu meanwhile was going through the security cameras outside. "Incredible." The unknown animal muttered. "Despite all the changes on the inside, the outside is completely unchanged." Nezu muttered before looking around absently noting that the one room they were in was bigger than the entirety of the common room.
"Well Mr. Midoriya an impressive trick, may I ask how you did it?" Nezu asked getting a chuckle from Izuku. "Well Prinpcal Nezu the best way I can describe it is that we're not actually in the common room anymore." Izuku explained getting a raised eyebrow from Aizawa. "And just where are we exactly?" He asked feeling himself grow a little tense.
Izuku hummed. "Well I like to call it the backrooms." Izuku muttered as he looked around. The backrooms were an effect of the Clip-Clip Fruit, a devil fruit that allowed the user to change in building or structure into what is essentially a different world. Though there are several rules that need to be followed.
1. The building has to be intact for the fruit to be activated. If it were to damaged that fruit will not activate.
2.The size of the building depends on how many levels can be added. The larger the building the more levels can be added. However should a building be large enough the limit will disappear.
3. Once activated the levels can't be changed when there are other people besides the user on the level.
4. The higher the level the more dangerous the levels can get. the user must place down levels in order to make the ones coming after them more dangerous.
Izuku explained all this to the teachers as Nezu nodded in understanding. "Fascinating but I think it's time we get down to business." He suggested getting a nod from Izuku who gestured to the empty seats. "Please sit there's more than enough room now." He offered and while some like Midnight and Present Mic took their seats others like Ectoplasm and Eraser Head remained stranding.
Nezu himself placed a device on the table before taking a seat on one of the chairs. "Now then let's begin discussing the rules shall we?" He asked getting a groan from Jasmine. "We already know the rules the rodent, they were preached to us more times than I could count." She muttered getting grumbles and nods from the other girls, even the ones who wanted to be there to be become heroes were sick of hearing them. Nezu nodded. "Yes I know but I must go over them as per the agreement." He said getting a groan from the girls before turning to Izuku. "Please keep in mind these only apply to the ones here to due to the agreement Mr.Midoriya. You have the same freedoms as our standard students." Nezu explained getting a nod from his student as he took out a remote and after pressing the button, the device on the table came to life and a slide was shown.
1.Until further notice the students cannot leave the grounds of the school and must be escorted and accompanied everywhere by staff outside their dorm. Any attempts to leave will result in immediate incarriceration.
"So basically we're going to have babysitters whenever we leave. What are we going to have to have escorts whenever we need to hit the pisser or when we're eating lunch?" Frederica snarked only to notice annoyed or visibly uncomfortable though no one was denying it. "Are you shitting me?! What are we 5?! Why the hell do we need all of that?! Isn't it enough with the collars and all the death bots around?!" The nightmare grounded her teeth along with the other girls at the humiliation. A few already considered it a possibility but the confirmation didn't help
The teachers even Aizawa found agreeing with the statement. Not only was it a complete waste of time to escort full grown adults around like they were five but it also came with a level of embarrassment of having to do it.
"Most would think so yes but unfortunately the government believes it would be to go along side these guidelines. I assure you once things settle down these will be the first resection lifted." Nezu promised getting grumbles and nods from the girls as the unknown animal pressed the button as the next rule came up.
2. Until further notice the students will be wearing quirk canceling collars that will act as tracking devices at all times outside of quirk required training. Any attempt to destroy, disable or remove the collars will result in immediate incarceration
"I don't think this one is to unreasonable. Many of you are already dangerous without your quirks. Taking those away until you've proven yourself trustworthy is only common sense." Principal Nezu explained getting reluctant nods form almost all the girls even as Rin grumbled about having to learn to walk again.
Carmina however spoke up. "Excuse me sir but what am I to do? I have no way to pick things up without my quirk." Carmina reminded him getting a nod from Nezu who gestured to Power Loader who after pressing a button on his suit was holding a case. Slowly Power Loader approached and opened the case to reveal two mechanical prosthetics arms.
"These should get the job done. Nothing fancy but they'll follow the commands your send them." He explained as he gently attached the mechanical appendages to the girl who after a moment of testing them out gave a nod and small smile. "Thank you sensei. I truly do appreciate it." The support course teacher gave a nod before taking his place back in line as Nezu went on to the next rule.
3. Until further notice maximum grade security bots will be stationed around outside the class 1a dorm and scattered around the UA premises. Any attempts to destroy them will result in immediate incarceration.
"Again another easy one I'm sure everyone here can agree with." Nezu noted glancing at his new students who nodded as Amanda raised her hand. "I'm guessing that rule appeals to all students , not just yet." The killer questioned with crossed arms getting a nod from Nezu. "Of course any students caught destroying or damaging one will be immediately expelled. And with all the cameras stationed around the campus we'll know exactly who is responsible." Principal Nezu grinned in a way that sent chills down the entire classes spine as Principal Nezu moved on to the next rule.
4.Any unprovoked attacks on staff or students will result in immediate incarceration though should a non incarcerated student or staff member assault or harass than they will be judged based on the degree to which they defended themselves.
"So the girls will be be able to defend themselves should the worst happened?" Izuku asked feeling more than a little relieved. It didn't really occur to him that some of the students or worse staff here might attack them. So knowing that they will be able to defend themselves without worry of punishment is a little comforting.
"Of course. I'm not naive enough to believe that the students here will just accept the fact villains are becoming heroes along side them. And rest assured the cameras will make sure to keep track of anyone so don't worry about being at the mercy of your peers." Nezu said and his grin turned somewhat feral. "Just make sure the damage is paramount to what's done first." The animal suggested and some of the more bloodthirsty members such as Anne, Alma and Harley smirked while others like Susie, Carmina and Rin sighed in relief.
"There will of course be more rules added should the need arrive but I don't see the need for anymore of them at the moment." Nezu said as he stood up to leave along wit the rest of the staff. "Your first class begins tomorrow. Anything to warn them about Mr. Aizawa?"" The unknown animal asked as the underground hero grunted. "Take this seriously or drop out now. You're already on thin ice." He warned already out the door with Present Mic behind him, trying to calm him down.
"An excellent tip. Work hard to keep up with everyone else. I'm sure the others are already hard at work as well." Nezu told the class who blinked. "Others sir? Barbra asked confused getting a laugh. "You nineteen aren't the only ones I reached out to, merely the ones that I judge to be the most ready." Nezu explained surprising the class. "Wait so you mean the others." Sussie started to ask only for Nezu to laugh.
"Let's just say I doubt your class will remain this small for long." Nezu hinted before he too made his way to the doors with the rest of the teachers. "You're personal belongings well arrive within the next few days and we'll have them delivered as soon as they get here." The unknown animal said as he raised a paw. "Have a good day students and welcome to UA." He said as a farewell before the doors closed leaving the twenty students alone in the silence.
Everyone sat there for a few moments before Izuku sighed and checked the time seeing it to be 11:35. "Well." He said gaining everyone's attention. "What do you say we get something to eat? This little talk of ours might be a little uncomfortable and some good food might be able to take off some of the edge." Izuku suggested getting a few looks from the girls along with a few smiles.
"Great idea Zuzu! Now how's cooking?!" Junko asked and Barbra was about to stand up having been taught by her family how to cook when Izuku stoped her. "Relax Barb we've got plenty of help for things like this." He promised before snapping his fingers causing the wall on the other side of the room to open and a dozen figures walked out of the passage that emerged. Each one was dressed in a butler or maid outfit however the most eye catching thing was that each one lacked all facial features.
"Prepare a meal for us please. The kitchen should be fully stocked." Izuku ordered getting nods from the anomalies who went to follow the order. This got impressed looks from the girls. "Well you've certainly improved Izuku. Your creations are much more complex than the ones you showed us before." Frederica muttered with an amused smirk getting a sheepish laugh from Izuku. "Yeah well you know what they say, practice makes perfect." He chuckled before frowning. "Now then I think it's time we-." Izuku tried to change the subject only for Junko to suddenly interrupt.
"Hey! Hey! Izuku do you think later on you can give each of us are on floor." The despair loving girl asked getting a nod from Izuku getting a squeal from Junko who launched herself at the green haired boy. "Ah thanks Zuzu! Let me give you a giant kiss as a reward!" She said as she puckered her lips only for Izuku to hold her at bay with a hand. "That's enough Junko." Izuku told her a little flustered but when she showed no signs of stopping Wanda grew irritated and with a flick of her tail sent the pony tailed girl flying. "Enough with the games Enoshima we have matters to discuss!" She growled to the girl who summersaulted through the air and landed on her feet.
Turning back to Izuku, Wanda's eyes softened somewhat. "Now than Izuku let's start by-." She attempted only to be interrupted by Harley. "Hey Izuku if your taking request than I'd like a giant circus theme level for my room. One with lots of lights, sounds, the smell of cotton candy and popcorn in the air and my bed being in the big top." She requested and many were starting to grow irritated by all the interruptions.
"I'd like a giant spaceship for mine, filled with lots of wholes and vents I can crawl around in and hide when people start to irate me!" Anna cackled and tempers were starting to flare at the now clear attempt to stall.
"A large castle overlooked by a full blood red moon." Shaltear did it this time as she started to fill her nails. The castle filled with the finest arts and sculptures much like this room only except in maybe a different color, no offense Izuku darling. And of course it must be stocked with only the finest of servants who-!" Shaltear would have likely gone on for quite a while had Jasmine's foot not slammed into the table.
"ENOUGH!" She roared going red in the face. "No more stalling! No more putting this shit off! We know what's next isn't going to be pleasant so let's just get it the fuck over with okay?!" She demanded looking around wanting to see if anyone would object or interrupt again but luckily no one did.
So with a sigh and wave of his hand Izuku repaired the table before look at the 19 girls. "So I guess there's no point in asking if Principal Nezu made a mistake with all of you did he?" Izuku asked and as one the girls shock their heads and while some shock their heads with sorrow, some with inference and few grins on their face they all still shock their heads.
"I'm sorry to say Izuku but everything Principal Nezu said about us was true. We've monsters through and through." Carmina told her friend who sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Fine than you're all killers and many of you much more than that. So I guess the two biggest questions I've got are why and how?" He questioned try to keep the anger and frustration out of his voice but was having trouble just accepting it.
Well the how's pretty easy at least at first." Sally muttered before facing Izuku. "Tell me Izuku have you ever heard of the villain called The Entity?" Sally asked causing Izuku to blink. "I think so." He muttered after a moment. "A villain whose quirk essentially allows them to bend reaitly to their will right? Don't tell me they actually exist." Izuku said a more than a little freaked out. "The Entity does in fact exist." Sally was sad to confirm.
"And they are the reason we turned out like this." Sally continued only to get a laugh from Harley. "Oh give me a break, They might have given us a few pushes but they didn't make us do anything, at least not at first. All it did was give us a little push in the right directions and the rest was all us." The clown looking girl cackled while those like Carmina and Susie looked down with shame.
"Oh feeling regret now after everything that happened or was it just a show for Izuku?" Shaltear questioned inspecting her nails for any imperfections. "To be honest there were no down sides to working for the entity. Getting anything we wanted. being able to tear anyone who wronged or annoyed us to pieces. We essentially became untouchable as long as we stayed in the entities favor. And for the longest time most of us did and the ones who didn't were protected by those that did." Shaltear explained.
"Until recently considering you got caught." Izuku noted getting an embarrassed grunt from the pale skinned girl. "Yup the entity decided with all the new blood coming in and some of us myself included becoming slightly unruly. And while some of us were still working for them to their up most ability, others were ready to start full blown coup d'état and the entity decided to do away with us." Anna continued on with a carefree smile as Jasmine snorted. "Yeah by leaking information on us to the government while sending the other lap dogs after us. By the time the heroes arrested us, we were half dead and the dogs had already slinked back into the shadows." Jasmine spoke while resting her feet on the table.
Izuku just sat there taking it all in before taking a deep breathe and asking his next question. "Principal Nezu said something about there being others does that mean all the others are also part of this?" Izuku questioned and for a few seconds everyone was silent until Sadako broke it. "A lot of things happened after that summer ended Izuku." She muttered before going to stand by the window and peer out to watch the security bots patrolling.
"We each headed back to our homes and back to the problems that were waiting for us. It was only a matter of time The Entity would find us. The fact that so many of us knew each other only made it easier to track us down and convince or force us to join." The fact that you never seemed to have been approached means that they never had any interest or saw any reason to approach you. I'd consider that a blessing if I were you."
Izuku grunted. "Fine I get it the why but how just how did all of you end up joining like what lead up to it?" Izuku questioned as Barbra raised her hand. "I was actually the first out of everyone to join." She admitted rather timidly as Izuku looked at her in disbelief. Out of everyone to join first Barbra would never have been his first guess.
Seeing the look Barbra decided to explain. "My family had actually been working for The Entity for decades now. Providing them with food, supplies and other things." She muttered the last part but Izuku still heard it. "I only meet them a few weeks when I came back from the camp. It was the middle of the night and I when I heard banging and yelling going on down stairs. I was cared but I could hear my Mama and Daddy screaming so I snuck down stairs." Here Barbra took a deep breathe.
"What I saw was a man standing above a my downed parents holding a knife and screaming. I didn't even think as I activated my quirk and changed him. The man didn't even know I was there until I hit him and by that time he was already dead." After that I just sat there on the floor covered in his blood as my parents hauled the body away.
"After that they wasted on time in introducing me to the entiy and before I know it I was happily doing what ever it said. After just listening to a a few of its honey filled words." She muttered as she brought her knees up to her chest. "After that The Entity found and recruited each of us. Through one means or another." Carmina muttered bitterly as Izuku looked at the group with an uneasy expression.
"The Entity. You're being extremely vague about them." Izuku noticed before narrowing his eyes. "Why is that?" Izuku questioned getting a growl from Wanda. "Because we cannot speak of it or anyone they favor." The largest of the girls growled. "Indeed underneath these collars there's a brand that stops us from revealing any information The Entity doesn't wish for us to reveal. Through words, writing, sigh language, memories. As long as the mark remains we are unable to give away any information The Entity doesn't wish us to." Adriana explained before shrugging. "Quite frankly I'm surprised we were able to give the info we were. I'm guessing we're not the only ones who fell out of favor. She remarked.
Izuku looked around and noticed that everyone seemed to be done. "So essentially after that summer we all meet each and every one of you meet a super villain that from that sounds of it has been around for decades if not centuries." Izuku summarized getting a nod from Eto. "That's correct." She said patiently. "Once meeting them you through choice or by force joined them to commit horrible acts of villainy which some of you seem to take pleasure in." He continued with a bit of distaste at the end. "Indeed." Amanda confirmed getting a groan.
"This went on for years and didn't stop until some of you had enough or just lost the approval of the entity. This lead to all of you and some of our other friends to being caught by the authorities while half dead by being hunted by the forces The Entity still valued. Leaving you with no other choice but to take the deal with principal Nezu or remain in prison for the rest of your lives if you're lucky with the sentencing." Izuku finished. "That would be an accurate if vague retelling of everything that happened." Amai muttered.
The group just sat there in silence however not really knowing where to go from there until Susie hesitantly raised her hand. "Ah actually that's not the only reason I joined." She admitted getting looks from the rest. "Oh that's right." Jasmine snickered. "Some of you actually came here to try and become heroes." She snickered along with a few of the more crass and sadistic members while others such as Carmina, Barbra and Rin scowled with Eto and Sally frowned.
"And just what is wrong with that? I myself have no interest or plans to pursue a hero career once I'm granted my pardon but I can still think those here that do have no reason to be discouraged from it." The green haired girl told the taller brunette who just snickered. Anna couldn't hold in her snickers either. "That's nice and all Eto, but I mean come on." She said her tailing wagging lazily in the air. "But do you really except any of us to be accepted for what we did? I mean a lot of us have literally eaten people alive! That's not exactly hero material if you ask most people."
"Not to mention our 'unique' personalities." Frederica added on, doing air quotes before gesturing to the assembled girls. "We've got psychopaths, monsters, lunatics, freaks and anything else you can think of. Do you hosntely anyone like that can be a hero?" She questioned with Eto being unable to answer that question.
"Anyone can be a hero."
All eyes as one moved over to Izuku who had a look of resolution. "It doesn't matter your reasons or your personalities. Anyone can be a hero." Izuku said his tone not holding a shroud of doubt. "A sweet sentiment Izuku but do be realistic. Some of us are nothing more than butchers who kill and maim everyone we come in contact with. How can people like us ever possibly be heroes?" Shaltear questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"By playing to your strengths." Was Izuku's immediate response. "It's like you said you kill and maim but who's to say that you can't direct that destruction toward villains while other heroes focus on rescuing. I mean people like Sally, Rin and Sadako would be invaluable when it comes to reduce work." Izuku said gesturing to the 3 girls who blushed at the praise
Wanda meanwhile grumbled as she stared down at Izuku. "Never thought you'd say a hero should resort to killing Izuku." The giant girl muttered while crossing her arms. "What brought about this change?" She questioned as Izuku sighed. "You all remember how my quirk works right? Powers, abilities and memories of everyone from another world?" He questioned getting nods from the girls who remembered how his quirk worked.
"Well those memories naturally contain the memory of those who work for that worlds government and more importantly the marines. For the most part the marines were the heroes of the world and while there were some corrupted or down right evil marines the majority of them did want what was best for the world. Among them were marines that would definitely have made top class heroes." Images of Kuzan, Fugitora, Coby, Garp, Sengoku, Smoker, Tina and Tsuru flashed in his mind. "But even they wouldn't hesitate to kill someone if the situation called for it." Izuku explained his reasoning.
"Killing should always be a heroes last resort but it should always be an option." Izuku said before looking up. "I don't know what really happened to you these last 8 years and I can't even image what you all went through during your time serving The Entity." He mumbled before his face broke out in a confident grin. "But I know if there's even a sherd of the girls I used to know each and every one of you can do this no problem!" He declared without a moment of hesitation.
The girls meanwhile were stunned by his hosnetly in confidence in them. Many assumed this would be a distater and were merely waiting for things to implode. However Izuku's words made their hearts flutter a bit at his complete confidence hit them. 'He still believes in us, despite all we've done.' They thought feeling something that they hadn't felt in years start to surface.
Shaking from her stance Jasmine groaned as she slouched lower in her chair. "Damn it Izuku you're just as good at the motivational crap as you were before." She grumbled before throwing her arms up. "Fuck it, I still think this is going to be a shit show but let's see how far we can get." She grumbled getting laughs and smirks from the other girls.
"AH! That's our ZuZu! He can get even the meathead on board!" Junko squealed once again launching herself towards Izuku only to be stoped this time by Miya who had one arm firmly wrapped around Izuku while the other was holding Junko at pay.
"Damn it girl, what's with your freakin gorilla strength?" She groaned failing her arms as if trying to reach them only for Miya to not budge Inch from where she was sitting.
This seemed to broke the damn that was covering everyone as burst of laughter filled the room even Junko was laughing and Miya held a small smile.
The day past quickly after that with Izuku and the girls discussing and planning out their rooms and what to fill with the extra rooms on the ground floor. This would be made especially fun with Izuku's Make-Make a power that lets the user create any non-living thing so long as they now how they work and what they're made of.
Planning during lunch they ended up planning for a library, game room and media room, along with an in door garden and were starting planning for their own rooms which Izuku would change with the Clip-Clip Fruit. Luckily there was enough room for all 20 rooms while having a tiny bit of space left for one additional floor. What that floor would be Izuku didn't know yet.
By the time dinner had rolled around Izuku was sweating and exhausted having worked the Make-Make Fruit to its fullest but the end result was having a dormitory any student would kill to have.
Dinner was spent merely relaxing, not much talking and merely eating and preparing themselves for what would come tomorrow and while their was some talks about what they could face on their first day most kept their thoughts to themselves.
Not much happened after dinner, the days event having drained everyone mentally and wanted to head to bed early so they could be mentally prepared for whatever obstacles they would face tomorrow.
Line Break.
The 20 students of class 1A were waiting in the common room of their dorm building ready for whatever teacher they had sent to escort them to their class. Each of them were wearing the standard UA Uniform with a few giving their own personal touch to the uniform. Such as Junko giving it some frills and Wanda ripping off the sleeves to give her arms some more mobility.
Jasmine, Barbra, Miya and Adriana had chosen to where the pants usually issued to the male students when asked why they merely responded that they were more used to pants than skirts.
At 7:45 a knock on the door alerted the class to the arrival of their escort and the door opened to reveal Midnight, a neutral expression on her face. "Please get into a line according to your seat number." She ordered as the students did as they were told with Jasmine leading the charge and Izuku bringing up the rear.
Once everyone was in place and ready they left the dorm, the security bots already locking onto them as they exited the building. More and more bots locked onto the class as they passed by until they reached the main school by which point every single one of the girls were covered in red dots as the bots were ready to gun down the criminals at the first hint of trouble.
"Well that was pleasant." Shaltear muttered as she put away the umbrella she brought to defend herself from the sun before going to change her shoes along with the rest of her classmates. "Honestly I expected them to close ranks until we could barely move." Amanda muttered putting her shoes away before the rest of her classmates made their way to their classroom.
Before she went in however Sussie blinked. "What are you still doing here Sensei?" The young girl asked as she saw the R-rated hero leaning against the wall. Midnight glanced at her before offering a weak smile. "Oh don't mind me, just head to your seats. Classes will start soon." She said flanking towards the clock and saw it was about 5 minutes until class stared so with a nod the girl headed inside.
After everyone took their seat they sat in silence. Some doing last minute preparations while others just lazed around in their chair wanting to get started. Finally 8:00 hit and after a moment the door opened and something big and yellow inched itself in.
For a moment the class could only watch in confusion and intrigue as the thing scooted further and further into the room until it rolled over to reveal the face of their homeroom teacher who hummed.
"Well at least you know how not to waste any time." He muttered before getting up and unzipping the sleeping bag. "As Principal Nezu told you yesterday. I'm your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa." He reintroduced himself before reaching into his bag and bringing out a UA gym uniform.
"Now I know it's sudden but we're going to have a little test out on the field. Midnight will escort you girls to your changing room while Midoriya will head to the boys on his own. Get dressed and meet me outside in 10 minutes." He ordered already heading for the door.
"Wait a minute!" Jasmine suddenly shouted. "You already knew we were going to have this little test right?!" She demanded getting a nod from Aizawa. "If that's the case why not just tell us to meet you at the field in our gym uniforms instead of wasting our time coming here?!" Jasmine demanded with Aizawa not looking the least bit fazed by the question.
"Because the rat wouldn't allow me to do that. He's a sadist." He told her bluntly while the 'He stuck me with all of you after all.' Was left unsaid but still heavily implied as he left the room causing the girls to growl in annoyance as they got up from their seats and once again followed Midnight to the changing room while Izuku went to the boy's room on his own.
Line break.
Aizawa was waiting for them when they arrived along with All Might Present Mic and Midnight who went to join her fellow teachers. 'Extra security no doubt.' More of the analytical members of the class thought as Aizawa started talking.
"Now than the way this works is that well go through 8 different test that usually test your physical abilities to see how well you can use your quirk in different ways. And yes I'm ware some of you have quirks that aren't suited or this. Creativity is part of the test after all." He expaleind getting nods as people like Barbra, Amanda and Frederica lowered their heads.
"Midoriya out of everyone taking the entrance exam you placed first. Tell me how far could you through a base ball in high school the teacher asked and Izuku shrugged. "Don't know they could never find it." Izuku muttered before catching a soft ball Aizawa suddenly through at him.
"This time try it with your quirk. We've got a tracker in it so don't worry about losing it. Just make sure you stay in the circle over there." Aizawa gestured to a large circle behind him. Nodding Izuku quickly made his way over to the circle and after giving it some thought he grinned knowing exactly what he wanted to do.
"When ever you're ready." He invited and after a moment the ball shot like a rocket out of Izuku's and and went straight up, quickly going out of sight and becoming a twinkle in the distance.
A beeping came from Aizawa's phone and he showed everyone the result which was the infinite symbol. The teachers were gasping while some of the girls were laughing. "Oh man I remember when he did that at camp. All those meatheads were bragging about how strong and tough they were and Izuku made them all go limb dick when he casually rocketed out of sight!" Junko laughed along with some of the other girls who remembered the incident.
Izuku just laughed sheepishly. All he did was use the Float-Float Fruit on the ball to send it flying. It was nothing special.
The teachers meanwhile was gaping. "Shit did the little listener really do that?" Present Mic asked while removing his sunglasses to make sure he saw that right. "Unless we're all hallucinating I think he did Mic." Midnight muttered while All Might chuckled a little. "Well he certainly knows how to go plus ultra." He muttered.
Aizawa meanwhile closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. 'No point to delay it any further.' He thought as he pulled a remote from his pocket. "Alright Voorhees you're next." He said as he pointed the remote towards Jasmine and pressed the button.
Immediately Jasmine could feel a change as her body surged with energy. "Well I'll be fucked. You weren't bull shitting us after all!" She laughed getting a glare from Aizawa. "Just move." He ordered getting a shrug from the girl as she passed him picking a soft ball out of the basket provided.
Stepping into the circle she tossed the ball a couple of tosses before lazy glancing towards her teacher. "You said anything goes as long as I stay in the circle right?" She asked getting a nod from her sleep deprived teacher. "Well in that case there's only one thing to do." She muttered lazily before reeling her arm back. As she did so the teachers watched as Jasmine's arm bloated with muscle and and started to inflate before she launched it forward causing the ball to shoot through the air and Jasmine to the horror of her teachers exploded in a shower of blood.
Gasp came from All Might, Present Mic and Midnight while Aizawa narrowed his eyes but before they could move Jasmine grinned "Well teach." She said as before the eyes of her teachers parts of meat and bone were starting to grow. "How's that for going beyond?" She asked while lazily rolling her newly regrown arm.
Jasmine Voorhees, Quirk:Undead- Jasmine is essentally a living corpse, allowing her to push her body much further than any normal human should go. On top of that she's capable of a rapid speed regeneration and can control almost any function of her body.
A beeping came from Aizawa's phone to alert him that the ball had landed and he was quick to show the score 1.4 Kilometers. Aizawa showed no reaction and merely pointed the remote towards Jasmine and with a quick press Jasmine's collar was back on. "Next." He called out as Carmina went to the teachers. "Could you hold my arms for me Sensei I don't know what will happen to them when my quirk activates." She requested getting a quick nod from Midnight.
A few seconds later Carmina was standing in front of Aizawa who turned off her collar. Instantly a black liquid mass shot out of Carmina and swirled around her body before approaching her shoulders and morphed into two long hands and arms as Carmina let out a blissful sigh. "A truly wonderful feeling."
Carmina Mora, Quirk:Living Ink- Carina excludes a somewhat living link from her body. The ink can somewhat think for itself and defend Carmina but it's much more effective when Carmina controls it herself.
Taking her place in the circle Carina focused on her right arm as a blob of ink started to form from it before taking the form of a crow. "I need your help little one." She said getting a caw from the crow before it took the ball from the girl and flew off as everyone watched it go. A few seconds later the phone went off and Aizawa showed the score of 785 meters. Carmina smiled while seeing it before that smile disappeared when the color was reactivated and her ink fell to the ground before quickly disappearing.
Carmina sighed. 'Easy come, easy go I suppose.' She thought while going to join the others.
Amanda was up next. And once she was in the circle she placed her hand on the ground before humming. "It's not much but it'll do I suppose. She said before pale red lightning ran from her arm and over the ground and when she pulled back she was holding a large shotgun made completely out of the earth itself.
Amanda Young, Quirk Deathtrap. By interacting things in the environment Amanda can turn anything into either a torture or death device. What she can make depends on how much of something she has and its quality. Once he devices are created she can manipulate them anyway she see's fit.
Amanda was quick to load the ball into the gun and fire it off. The blast resulted in the gun crumbling in her hands as she watched the ball fly away before landing a respectful 577.32 Meters away.
The next three up were Frederica, Sally and Miya and to the surprise of the staff none of them seemed to activate their quirks as Frederica and Sally only got around 80 meters while Miya's went close to 120. And while most of the teachers didn't understand both Aizawa and his class did. With Aizawa having read each of their quirks and what they can do while their classmates knew what their quirks could do.
Anne went up next, stabbing her tail through one of the balls as she went before getting down on all fours in the circle. "Now then." She muttered with a grin before pulling her tail back. "Let me show you just what I'm capable of." She mutter before jerking her tail forward as it raced forward, going as far as it could go before stoping suddenly as the ball started to sail through the air.
Anne Riply, Quirk: Xenomoprh- This little mutation of hers gives the girl super strength, endurance, stamina speed and a whole lot of other goodies like that killer tail of hers and acid blood.
Anne's score turned out to be 563.11 which she purred haply about before Barbra took her turn and much like Miya, Sally and Frederica she didn't use her quirk but still got a respectful score of 130 meters.
Sadako went next and she wasted no time wrapping her hair around the ball and giving it a mighty swing that sent the ball flying into the distance.
Sadaka Yamamura, quirk: Onryo- Sadako has the classic abilities of a Onryo.
Sadako ended up with 339.66 as her final score and responded with a low hum before retaking her place in line as Rin was soon flying through the air enjoying being able to fly again. "Enough wasting time." Aizawa was quick to put an end to it causing the girl to humph before picking up the ball before a green aura surrounded it. Once through the ball soared through the sky like a shooting star before landing 542.98 meters away getting a cheer from the girl.
Rin Yamaoka, quirk Ghost:-Rin can utilize the powers of ghost from several different metrologies and some even some from out side that range.
Rin's good mood ended when Aizawa reactivated the collar forcing her to fall on her butt with a groan getting a small smirk from Alma as she passed to take her turn.
Once Alana took her place in the center and gave the ball a couple of tosses she with a causal snap of her fingers caused the ball to disappear. A beeping from Aizawa's phone alerted him only to raise an eyebrow when the word ERROR appeared on the screen. The underground hero showed Alma this who could only offer a shrug in return.
Alma Wade, quirk Psionic- Alma has a variety of mental and psychic abilities such as telpahly, illusions and telekinesis.
"My turn! My turn! My turn!" Junko giggled madly as she skipped up to the plate as her collar was deactivated. Grabbing the ball and clutching it tightly in her hand so tightly no one could see the ball but once the ball was revealed a few seconds laters everyone could now see that red strings were now covering the ball.
With a smirk she got into a standard picture stance. There was a blinding flash followed by a mighty explosion that shock the grounds causing Midnight, All Might and Present Mic while Aizawa merely kept his gaze on his student the best he could. When the smoke cleared and everyone could see again Juno was standing there looking clean and unhurt as Aizawa's phone went off. 2.5 meters. Junko let out an amused giggle as she brought her hand to her face as she studied the looks on pro faces. "It's the same here as anywhere else." She giggled as red strings emerged from her fingers.
"La vie est drole!"
Junko Enoshima, quirk: Life Fibers- Junko's body is made of these tiny little fibers. They increase her physical abilities as well as give her a wide range of other skills as well.
A giggling Harley went next as she entered the circle before looking at the ball. "Time to float." She cooed before closing her other hand and opening it a second later to reveal a red ballon to which she quickly tied the ball to and sent flying into the air.
Harley wasn't done yet as she let out a little blow of air. The air caught the ballon but when it did it quickly carried the ballon over the horizon until Aizawa's phone went off and it read 1.2 kilometers. Harley let out another giggle as she walked back. "We all float eventually. Just you watch. We'll all float too."
Harley Valentine, Quirk: Dead Lights- Harley is able to access a strange power she calls the deadlights and with it she can bend realty to a certain extent to her well. She seems to keep it to party and clown tricks though.
Eto went up next without any fanfare and grabbed a ball. The next anyone knew something blood red that flowed like water emerged from her lower back. The new appendage seemed to morph into a hand like mold at the end and was quickly handed the ball. A moment later the ball was launched into the air before falling and landing at 803.55 meters. "Well that was amusing." Eto remarked.
Eto Yoshimaru, Quirk- Kagune. Eto can grow appendages out of her back that can act as additional support. They can be used for a variety of purposes such as attacking and defending. Word is she even has 5 different kinds of Kagune.
Sussie was up next and once she got into the circle she snapped her fingers. A shadowy figure suddenly appeared behind her with the silhouette of a man. Before any of the heroes could move, the figure moved and it was reveled to be a a figure with a mask with a crudely draw face and wearing a rather dirty street clothes.
Sussie handed over the ball. "Take this to the fence over there." She said pointing towards far fence getting a nod from the figure who raised over there at alarming speeds. It was only a few seconds before Aizawa's phone went off and it read 323.32 causing Sussie to grin once she saw it.
Sussie Lavoie, Quirk: Legion- Sussie can make an abundance of clones that do anything she ask. She currently has 4 different varieties of clones.
Anna was next still humming the same song as she picked up the ball. Once she was in the circle she mumbled something under her breathe in Russian before a large ethereal ape appeared behind her as her eyes started to glow. The ball was soon flying through the air and hurtling off into the distance until it landed at 1.07 kilometers away. Anna didn't seem to care about her score merely walking back to rejoin her classmates as the glow faded from her eyes.
Anna Sikorsky, Quirk Animal Mimicry- Anna can copy the attributes of any living or extinct animal, no matter how big or small and can proportion them to her body.
Wanda was next and all she did was chuck it with a half ass throw that still amounted to a score of 666.66 meters. Something that amused those like Shaltear and Junko and only annoyed Wanda even more. Aizawa sighed at another non quirk through but like the others he couldnt really blame the young woman.
Shaltear was up next not looking the least bit interested in doing this even as a blue circle, surrounded the ball before covering it in the same glow and with a jerk of her figures the ball was sent flying until it landed a perfect 1 kilometer away.
Last up was Adriana who after a few tosses help up her arm. Her arm turned sliver before changing shape and now resembled that of a cannon. Placing the ball in the woman was quick to hire sending the ball flying until it landed at 957.11 meters. Adriana smirked as her hand morphed back. "Almost a bullseye."
Adriana Imai, Quirk: Liquid Metal- With this Adriana can morph any part of her body into virtually any shape she wants while also hardening her skins and bones. The Liquid Metal also lets her pace through solid objects as long a there's enough space.
"Alright that's it for the for test now let's move quickly on to the next.
Line break.
The next test was the 50 meter dash. Izuku, Jasmine, Carmina, Miya, Anne, Rin, Alma, Junko, Harley, Anna and Shalltear managed great scores. And while the others didn't do as great the others they still managed more than acceptable scores. However it was Sussie who managed to impress with performance. Having been paired up to go against Frederica the moment the test started she seemed to have blinked out of sight only to reappear across the finish line with not even a full second have passed.
Sally Smithson, Quirk Blink- Sally can transport herself and anything she's holding to anywhere within a certain area. The further it is though the rougher the ride and the more stamina it eats up.
The test from there went to the Grip strength were those who rilled on brute strength were able to shine to the long jump where the more flexible showed off. The ones who did well on the sides were Izuku, Sally, Rin, and Sadako who used their different means of moving around to get a higher score.
After that came the Push ups and toe touches before finally ending in the long distance run which ended only after Aizawa had enough and stopped Izuku, Rin, Jasmine, Wanda, Shaltear, Harley who had been riding a giant ballon animal horse and Anna who had been flying when they showed no signs of stoping.
"Alright that was... better than I was expecting to be honest." He said having expected a little bit of trouble from the girls but there had been nothing, No threats, no looking around for possible weaknesses or ways out. The most they had done is make some comments which wasn't anything new. "And while a few of you didn't use your quirks for these test." He muttered while eyeing the ones who were guilty of this. "I've read enough of your files to know that you were either unable to use them in this situation or would have left you at a disadvantage." He sighed before continuing.
"Head back to the locker rooms and get changed before heading back the classroom. I'll be there as soon as I drop off these results with Nezu and we'll go over what the plan for the year is." Aizawa ordered getting nods and confirmations from the class who were being escorted there by All Might and Midnight while Mic stayed behind and headed to Nezu's office.
"So what do you think?" He asked after a moment getting a look from Aizawa. "Well most of them seemed to take this seriously. Though a few of their attitudes seriously bug me." He grumbled getting a small chuckle from the DJ hero. "Well given what their backgrounds are I can't blame them for the attitude." Present Mic said before gaining a serious expression.
"So do you think Nezu's plan is actually gonna work? Can those girls really be reformed?" He asked getting a sigh from Aizawa. "Who knows? It's only the first day so it's too early to tell. The only thing we can really do is face it one problem at a time." He said getting a nod from Present Mic before he started with a nervous chuckle.
One that Aizawa didn't like a single bit.
"Funny you should mention problems because we'll most likely be dealing with a large one tomorrow." Present Mic told him getting a raised eyebrow from Aizawa. "And that would be?" He asked knowing he wont like the answer. "Well tomorrow is the day Nezu announces his plan to the rest of the world." Present Mic announced and Aizawa didn't stop the groan of despair that escaped him as he realized he was going to have to deal with a foe he always dreaded facing.
The Media.
To be continued.
Well that's another chapter down.
A lot happened in this chapter. The girls get get a final run down of all the rules and what's gonna be expected of them. Izuku beings to learn of what the girls went through and just starts to hear about the villain known as The Entity before finally covering the quirk apprehension test or at lest enough to reveal most of the girls quirks.
I hope you liked them and the rest of their quirks well be revealed either during the first hero course lesson or during the USJ.
Finally I would like to say that there will be more girls added to the class. Again I don't know how many but I've got a few figured out.
Now the next story I plan to update is The devil Fruit Avatar followed by I.M.P's youngest killer followed by my new One Piece story, And I plan to focus on the One Piece story for a while since I've got so many of it figured out.
That's all for now.
Till next time,
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