Wake Up Call

The rattling of keys from the other side of the front door woke Grillby, trying to blink the sleep from his eyes and sitting up slowly, rubbing his face. As there door swung open, he realized with a jolt of panic that he was practically on Sans still, and scrambled off, waking the skeleton in the process.

"Huh, what?" He jolted upwards, splashing coffee onto the carpet as Papyrus walked in, his keys in his gloved hand, a wide grin on his face.

"Sans! Grillby! I wasn't expecting you to still be here." Papyrus shrugged slightly, closing the door and wiping his boots on the rug before walking towards the kitchen, large brown paper bags in either arm.

"What do you mean, Pap, it's only morning.." Sans called after him grogilly, shaking his head, still trying to wake up. Grillby was sitting at the other end of the couch, stiff and red as he watched from the corner of his eye Papyrus disappear into the kitchen.

"No it isn't, brother. It's 4 in the afternoon!" Papyrus called from the kitchen, and Sans met Grillby's gaze with wide eyes. Had they slept all day? 

"I got some groceries from the store before I got here, so you guys can make dinner." Papyrus rambled on from the kitchen, his voice covered up by ruckus that must have been him putting food away.

"Aren't you gonna make dinner?" Sans asked, sitting back and allowing himself to sink into the couch, a bit at a loss. Papyrus folded an empty paper bag and peeked out the doorway, shaking his head in the couches direction.

"No, because Undyne asked me to accompany her and Alphys on their date tonight, and I will not be back till later tonight! Mettaton is going as my date!"

Papyrus' grin widened and he chuckled to himself as he finished up in the fridge, closing the door softly. He came out and walked through the living room, his boots passing across the carpet as he went to the stairs. He climbed them quickly, giving a n excited tremor as he got to his room.

As he disappeared through the door way, Sans looked at Grillby blankly, who tried to smile at him, though adrenaline and panic still rushed through his body. Sans sighed and pet his head back, closing his eyes as if he were an old withered man who has seen many years of life.

"So... What are gonna do now..?" Grillby was silent as he thought, his face serious as he contemplated their options.

"Well, we could try to find a way to prevent you dying, or we could tell Papyrus, or we could bring you to the royal scientist for research." Grillby laughed as Sans gave him a side long glance, despising the reality in all of Grillby's options.


"Or we could try and unlock my bar?"

"Yeah.. I like that one the most." Grillby's soul stirred excitedly as Sans flashed his typical grin, looking so right on the skeleton's skull.

"Bar it is then." He stood up and walked to the kitchen, standing for a moment and wondering how he would get his cup into the sink. After a moment of puzzled thoughts, he shrugged and simply put it on the counter, feeling a little bad to leave it out.

As he returned he found Sans slipping into his jacket near the front door, a tell tale wisp of blue light was all Grillby needed to figure out that the monster had teleported his jacket to him. Typically to lazy to get it himself.

"Hey, Pap! We're leaving! We're going to Grillbyz!" Sans chuckled as he though about how used to that sentence he as become, leaving to Grillbyz at least 5 times a week. Papyrus gave a call to tell them he heard them, and to have a good time.

"You too, Pap. No funny business, you hear?"

"Only if you don't either, brother." Came the all too innocent answer, and Grillby laughed with Sans, quickly puttin his socks and shoes on, looking to Sans as he remembered his coat.

"Oh yeah. Here." Sans snapped his fibers and Grillby laughed even harder as it appeared around his shoudlers, flickers of cyan moving about it momentarily to disappear. He put it on correctly and opened the door for his friend, bowing as Sans nodded his head, walking by. Grillby let out one last chuckle as he followed Sans out into the bitter white cold of Snowdin.

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