I dare you to comment on each paragraph because we are done!😭
"What the heck?!" Lateefa yelled at the makeup artist who jumped on her feet in fright. She mistakenly poked the tip of an eyeliner across her eyelids but Lateefa exaggerated.
The timid makeup artist rushed to clean the mess. "I'm so sorry. I'll just have it cleaned right now."
Lateefa wanted to keep yelling at the girl but then huffed and allowed her to finish her work. She's been so jumpy since in the morning because why the heck not? She is freaking getting married in less than an hour to her fiancée, you don't expect a calm Lateefa at that moment. She's been snapping at anyone who comes her way whether older or not. She just finished an episode with one of those annoying aunts.
The woman won't allow her to get dressed because she wants to have the talk with her. She's been having that talk with her whole aunts the night before but the jjc aunt just wants to act all eminent.
"I don't know why this girl is just overreacting. You are getting married not going to your husbands burial, chill." Amirah laughed hard, then gave a sheepish smile before continue to eat munch it.
Kamilah nodded her head, agreeing to what Amirah had just said. "Remember when she was taking my video during my own wedding? Because I was crying 'hard'?" Amirah nodded, still giggling here and there with the snack in her mouth. "I cannot wait to do that to her. You remember what she said ba? That she will never cry on her wedding day."
Amirah kept nodding while doubling over with laughter. Lateefa looks like she is about to throw them both into the loo and flush their existence. "I totally support you, baby! Make sure you take the part where she sobs about not wanting to leave momma."
"Fuck you both!" She hauled at them, yawing her attention back to the quiet tolerant makeup artist. She's been watching their banter since she started the bridesmaids makeup.
Lateefa mother walked in at that time, her hands flying to hold her head tie in place when it almost hit the door. Hajiya Munira is a Yoruba woman and proud one too at that. She came from a rich family and lived most of her life in London only to come back after she got married to Lateefa's father years ago. Their love was perfect in Amirah's books because she's always loved that none Nigerian love. She wants open love, one that a man is not afraid to show to the world what she means to him, that kind and they had it.
It reminds her of Imad few days ago. "Amirah got a visitor in their chamber, she wasn't working that day and is only spending the day in pajamas and her daughter in matching onesie.
Falak bounced inside the room in her laboratory coat, she is from the hospital from the looks of it. Underneath the lab coat is grey palazzo and her head is tied with matching veil and black doctor's bag is in her hand. She didn't ask for permission and just walked inside, sat down on the royal couch with a sigh. She grinned at Najla who clapped her fingers and rushed to her aunt, they've bonded up quite well.
"You need to punish Imad some more. I am not satisfied with just spending his money." Amirah made a face but Falak didn't permit her to complain. "You love him, I know and so do I! He is my brother and I love him too but what he did was uncalled for and if you give him this chance just free like this, he won't learn the next time so I came up with something."
Amirah actually smiled, she's been planning something similar but gave up when it reminded her of the love she has for him. "What is it?"
Falak's grin widened to that evil glint. "Write him a letter that you are leaving to sort yourself out and taking Najla with you. Don't tell him where you are going and then call me when it's all done. If possible, do that now so we can leave."
Amirah's brows deepened down before she scrambled into action, write down the letter in front of her. Falak actually have something more plotted but she needs to start with the small one then pinnacle up.
After Amirah got a few of her clothed and Najla's necessities, they left the chamber to Falak's. She gave her keys, one for a chamber at the other end of the castle where she's been on a date with her husband and one for car, Amirah can drive herself there just in case if Imad questions the guards. She left there, the chamber fully stock with everything she will need for three days straight.
Falak on the other hand asked someone to call Imad and tell him his wife was kidnapped and they need fifty million as ransom. Imad got frantic, turned whole state into chaos because after he got the money, they kidnapper didn't call again. No one slept in peace that day, he paraded the whole state with police cars and sirens blared. Falak didn't even bat an eyelash when she called him two days later, he was haggard and tired.
He hasn't bathed for those three days, his hair lanky and unwashed. He's called in sick, didn't appear at work. He's lost his appetite and his stomach is now sensitive to everything, only avocado sits in his stomach. He's lost weight, had wrinkles all around his face, lost his own voice from yelling and screaming at the police force and guards. His blood pressure had shoot up. She even detected this psychological disorder, hypochondria.
She took the money from him and told him where to find Amirah after those two days. She gave Amirah the whole money and told her to never give Imad no matter what, not that he'd ask for it but just in case.
Imad had lost his senses then but Amirah didn't regret what they did. He's sensed how it feels to be lost and afraid of the world but in the end, it was all worth it."
Before Lateefa's passed away few years ago leaving them shattered. Lateefa is an only child and no matter how much Hajiya Munira wants to make it look like she cannot wait for her to leave her house, she will miss Lateefa like no other. She just wants to fulfill Alhaji Sheriff's last wish and get her married to a nice man that could love his daughter more than he did her mother. She found that man in Jabir Usman Talba. The man who hopelessly dots over her crazy daughter.
He even confessed to liking her craziness once to her. He came to greet them one blessed afternoon with the largest bowl of ice cream, knowing how the duo are obsessed with it. Lateefa was lying on the couch -it means with one leg hanging on the headrest and the other on the couch- in her pajamas, her not so long hair flying all over the place as she flipped through the channels with a remote, oblivious to her whole surrounding and the jiggles of door.
Hajiya Munira also just came back from a friend's that Sunday when they walked in together with Jabir and found her in that position. When she saw them, she yelped, falling off the couch then ran out of the living room screeching like a banshee.
Hajiya Munira had shook her head. She's told her to always stay tidy at home but she wouldn't. "That girl is crazy as hell."
Jabir only smiled, eyes still fixated on where she's disappeared to. "Crazy but I love that side better." And she saw the truth in his eyes before he blinked and scratched his occipital as if remembering he was talking to his future mother in-law.
Lateefa didn't talk to him for three days straight after that incident, she didn't even leave her room that day to come see him like she always does. What the actual hell? He saw her at her worst when their relationship wasn't that strong so it's okay that she was insecure. He's always seen her dressed to impress like a professional businesswoman only to come see inside life where she looks worst than their maids, no cap.
It was a year later when Lateefa decided to give him a chance of marriage. Actually, her mother was asking her to bring forth a suitor or get her married to one of her cousins and there is nothing Lateefa hates other than the thought of her marrying any of her cousins. It makes her nausea. Seriously, those are bunch of annoying guys she grew up with and she cannot picture herself with one of them. They all are annoying and not the type of men she's picture her future with so no!
Salim almost went crazy when he found out about them. He didn't talk to Jabir for three whole months, it almost ruined the three friends -Salim, Jabir and Imad- but Imad got angry one day and ask them to get their shit together. He closed them in a room and left whether they want to fight it out physically or verbally, it was up to them. He didn't open the door till he heard their laughter together and it didn't seem forced to his ears. From then, they got back like it has never happened.
Seriously, brothers before mistresses. That was their bro line later on and Salim asked her to forgive him for everything he has done then promised to get help from any rehabilitation centre she could get for him. It was only few months later when they heard that he and Usayma want to tie the knot. Who knew about them been together?! No one knows that, they were actually at the same hospital while she treats her cancer, he did his anger issues.
"I hope you guys missed me." Usayma's voice came from the door taking them all by surprise. The two stood up in galvanisation then sighed when they get who was there.
She said she won't be able to make it since Salim and her went on a business trip in Barcelona. How could Salim actually miss Jabir's wedding? That is not possible but the way he's been apologizing non-stop made them believe he won't make it and they were all rooting for one thing. He is still jealous and couldn't stay to watch them tie the knot but they are back! Jabir will surely be surprised with this sudden appearance but also pleased.
Amirah was the first to roll her eyes at her once upon a time cowife and cancer patient friend. It is as if that never happened, for real. The treatment worked out perfectly but she is still going in and out of the hospital so they can be more sure about it, that was how she met Salim. Married for four months already and they are trying to get her pregnant and see whether it will work or not. Harith told her there is twenty percent chance of her carrying a baby in her womb. Not that her ovaries are damaged but it could be malignant and life threatening.
"I didn't miss you one bit." Amirah sat back down on her chair and folded her legs beneath her.
"You did, boo." Usayma trudged in, featuring the same Ankara they are wearing.
The one they wanted each and every single bridesmaid to wear. It is a blue and brown combination which she sew into peplum and skirt that fitted her and the colour pop out her fair skin. At the front of her head tie, you could see the baby hairs of her brown tresses which reminded Amirah of her own bun. She's finally agreed to put on relaxer and man, her hair grew longer and silkier. It is not hard now, just a bit but bearable.
"Come here, I missed you." Kamilah opened her arms wide to her for a friendly hug which she stepped into, sticking her tongue out on Amirah who only huffed and rolled her eyes.
"Then you missed me, huh?" At this, all the girls in the room screeched -Lateefa's makeup getting messed up again but she actually didn't care.
Husna stood by the door wearing the same ankara as them, they don't know who got that for her because she wasn't in Nigeria. She's been away for a whole year now and probably just landed yesterday or earlier in the morning. She's studying abroad, food stylist, her dream which she wanted to give up because she doesn't wanting study that in Nigeria but Imad stepped in and took her to Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts America. She had fainted then, literally hitting her head on the floor but she said she didn't feel it when she awoke.
How could she not be excited? Her whole life, she never thought she would leave Nigeria for anything but studying abroad after going on a vacation in Barbados and staying in one of the most luxurious hotels there -St. Peter's Bay Luxury Resort and Residences? Her life won't turn any better the moment Allah threw Amirah into her life. And look how life has changed. She was actually the one helping Amirah but it has turned now.
That is why it is said you should be good to everyone because you never know when the tables will turn! It shall definitely turn in the most weirdest way.
Allah is Great!
Amirah hugged her tightly, only for Husna to clutch her much closer when she felt something. "Oh, my goodness! Are you pregnant?" Husna pulled away to confirm the bump she's felt just seconds ago. She knew she felt something right there on her stomach.
"Of course." Amirah flushed but her hand instinctively made it's way to touch the baby bump, it looks so small for five months old but that was how Najla's came through.
"Oh, my gosh! This calls for a celebration." She jumped on her feet in glee, her eyes never leaving the baby bump as if she's already seeing the baby inside of her.
Lateefa chirped in at that moment, she has went back to the makeup artist after hugging Husna to bones. "Omo, you've already changed your accent. That is why you are now my bestie. These ones are so boring I tell you."
Husna blushed, she wanted to change her accent and she is getting there. There's never been anything that Husna loved other than speaking the perfect flawless English as a Nigerian. She can definitely speak English but with accent and without a slight tinge of mistake? That is the type she wants and this is her chance to merge with those Americans and have her tongue twisted. She's always loved Lateefa's British accent too, it is slipping away though.
"I cannot help it. You know how much I love accents." She shrugged her shoulder then poke her head out to watch out for Afaf, they came together.
"Accent my foot." Kamilah went back to her seat and sat down then Usayma went to hug Husna too. The girl actually looks older than them with the body but the face will forever be young.
Afaf ambled in right then with her daughter in her arms. She's Amirah's eponym, Amirah.
"Aw, my namesake is here." Amirah was quick to take her niece away from Afaf who eagerly gave her up. She's been crying nonstop on their way and she only keeps quiet after this tantrum when Amirah is near. As if she knows the name of the person she's took after.
Afaf wants her daughter to be as strong as her sister so she named her after her. And besides, who would she name her daughter after if not her role model? She's actually thought about it more times than she could count, even before she got married or think about it. The way Amirah was struggling with them struck her and it will keep doing so till the end of time.
"Yeah, please handle her for me while I rest." Afaf sighed and lie down on the bed inside the room. She is so tired about everything and who said giving birth is easy? Amirah made it look like treasure but after going through her shit, she won't say the same.
The wedding took place few minutes later and Lateefa got tied to Jabir. She smiled but then remembered that she will be leaving her home for the rest of her life and nothing will ever be the same again. She is now another man's wife, under another man to make happy and revolve around. Her mother won't be the first person she sees in the morning anymore but another man. This is not what she is ready for but will she ever be ready if not now?
"Weddings are stressing." Amirah sighed, flopping down on the royal couch in their chamber. She is at home with Husna, she forced her to come for a sleepover because Najla misses her a lot.
Husna nodded, playing around with Najla on her thighs. She's missed the little girl, seriously. "I cannot wait for my wedding o! Me I will rock my wedding and make sure my husband's rocks it with me. Just few more years, hehehe."
Amirah turned around to look at the girl with wide eyes. She's been together with that Abdul-malik but they broke it off when she was about to leave for America because he doesn't want a long distance relationship. Are they back together now or is she talking about someone else now? This girl should focus on studying than any marriage shit right now. Marrying young is not really Amirah's cup of tea now, for real.
"Are you seeing someone?" Amirah curiously asked, not in a way that she will chase anyone but just wanting to know.
Husna just shrugged her shoulders at that since she has no one. "I'm not seeing anyone but Imran, Ya Nazir's younger brother?" Amirah nodded, Afaf said a thing or two about him. "He asked me out and he said he is serious blah blah blah. I told him I'm not getting into nothing serious till after I finish studying which is still few years away. He wants to wait."
Amirah nodded. Imran is actually a very nice guy from what Afaf said, he's talked to her about it already. They don't want to make no decision for Husna, she is old enough to know what she wants and whom she wants. He should just shoot his shot and get what she is willing to give out.
"Hi, gummy." Imad walked in, his hands swinging to hug Amirah from above the couch then round it to give Husna a sisterly one which she reciprocated. He took Najla from her and sat down opposite them.
"How's school?" He asked Husna, but eyes are on his daughter.
Later in the evening, Amirah and Husna finished their gist, filling one another on their lives. Imad was getting impatient in the room waiting for her so he dropped twenty missed calls in her phone to which she didn't reply to. Why would he be calling her like that when she is bonding up with her friend sister? Just for one day he won't permit her to rest even though she caused this upon them. She's been eye raping him since he walked in earlier.
It is not her fault that he looks extra handsome that evening. His tiger like grace, strong neck was what she noticed first. That kaftan that suits him effortlessly.
Besides, she just performed ghusl in the morning then left for Lateefa's house to help her and he was also busy with their friends in the hotel. Being the groom's best man and she the bride's maid of honour made the week busy for them.
"You wanted me to have cold shower?" He just walked out of the bathroom, snaked behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
She shuddered but didn't answer knowing whether a yes or no, they'd be on the bed and instead pivoted around to kiss him. Maybe she is more aphrodisiac than he is.
"Can you stop talking?" She whispered then they both fell on the bed. It was passionate like it's always been and Lateefa would've teased her about it had she been there like Husna. She said it is actually a wonder that she didn't fall pregnant when Imad took the next flight to Barbados four days after they went there. He hadn't even convalesced fully!
"Good morning!" Amirah greeted Husna, sautéing the beef sauce she is making for their breakfast. She's already boiled the sweet potatoes and avocado -they eat everything with it and their Northland 80SSG refrigerator filled with it.
"You guys didn't allow me to sleep last night." Husna yawned, her eyes glinting with naughtiness, inquiring the real deal. She was kidding though, she slept soundly.
"Don't talk about it." Amirah blushed, Imad strolled just then and kissed her cheek, hold her waist like he did the night before disregarding the guest in their home. What? She is his wife!
"I love you." He whispered in her ear, sucked her earlobe to warm her up but discreet enough that Husna didn't see. Not that she didn't know something happened there, his head pushed to her shoulders. His hands are massaging her bump sensually, Husna wanted to vomit at the aspartame.
She grinned widely, a girl in love. "I love you."
Husna shrugged off the nausea and snapped a picture with her latest iPhone thirteen. "Well, the hearts got reawakened at long last!" Albeit she is getting oppressed.
We are done! Done and dusted man! I'm excited and happy! I dey squeal here up and down though I've finished typing since. Have you heard about my new story? 'His Rescuer', I'll post it after the epilogue it will be on novelcat, none Nigerian themed.
How about more questions or will you drop a review? I'd very much appreciate that. 🌚
I don't know how to thank all of you. And especially two Aminas (ameenahadee and mss_amee)😹 these girls motivated me to update without even asking. Then Jannah, Nanarh, Meemxy and whole Wattpad girls members! I don't know how to thank alllll of you. The ghost readers, voters and commentators! I wouldn't be here without all of you guys, seriously. The comments, and this weird account that I don't know how to type. From j with numbers like this. Thank you so much everyone, this means a lot.
If you are reading this, know that you are beautiful and amazing. No matter where you go in life, fill in your self worth first. There is no one compared to you, there is only one you and that is you! You are beautiful and you don't need no one to tell you that. You don't have to prove it to anyone. You are Allah's creation, how beautiful is that? Beyond words!
Aishatu adores youuuuu!!!❤😭 I'll miss you!
Au revoir✌
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