I dare you to comment for an update....
"Please don't be too sad and make Imad think we cannot live without him. Cheer up and let's enjoy our time here. We could pull up a prank on him too." Lateefa twirled around her room in excitement, her hands on her waist. She is excited to be in Barbados and one of the most opulent hotel too. St. Peter Bay Resort and Luxury.
"Yes, he should pay a bit." Afaf chirped in, her husband is already inside their suite but she came out to be with her sister. She cannot be with him all the time when it was supposed to be a girl's trip, Falak forced her to bring him along.
Kamilah grinned in a wicked way. "If I was the one that went through half what you did, I'll kill Imad and bring him back to earth few years later after I enjoy my life. So just loosen up and let's have fun."
"I have a plan!" Lateefa raise both her hands up, the smile on her face saying just the things her mind is riling up. Amirah don't trust that smile but she nodded and excused herself to tuck Najla on the bed. She's been extra hyper the whole time in the plane, jumping from one person to the other.
They have a whole suite for themselves in the St. Peter Bay Resort and Luxury Hotel. The suite have three rooms each with it's bathroom. Amirah, Husna and Najla are taking one, Kamilah and Lateefa one and Afaf with her husband occupying one. They should be sleeping off the jet lag but Lateefa is planning on going to the private pool outside while warning Afaf to hold her husband back in the room.
"I won't. If you like, walk naked, your problem." Afaf shrugged her shoulders, disregarding the blush coating her whole face and Amirah giggled behind her hand.
Lateefa widened her eyes, standing up from the couch. "I'm going to roam around in my new bikini and if he happens to walk in on me, you won't let me live. So take my warning and let's both be safe from death and jail." With that, Lateefa ran to their room for the said bikini.
"I think we should have a pool party for the girls." Kamilah suggested, tucking her legs underneath her body on the floor. Afaf's eyes are looking at somewhere else, probably thinking about her husband but Amirah and Husna nodded.
"That'd be perfect. That is why we are here anyway." Husna stood up and made her way to her suitcase for something she could swim in. She doesn't have any bikini, didn't know they were going to swim and stuff like that. She thought they were only going to shop with the money Falak gave them, a lot of Barbados dollars.
"What are you guys doing?" Afaf scrunched her brows, finally out of her daydream when she saw the girls standing up at the same time. She didn't hear a thing they were saying, lost in her own thoughts.
Amirah gave a naughty smile. "You can stay inside and help check over Najla while you spend your time with your husband."
Afaf blushed again but is still confused. Where are they going? "Where are you guys going to? Following Lateefa to the pool?" And they nodded, she did too while biting her lower lip.
She is thinking whether to go with them or just go to her husband and take the baby's monitor with her to their room. They've been so close the day before and even consummated their marriage. It was unexpected but when he asked whether she was ready, she gave him the permission and only came back to her sense when they got down from their high. His kisses are intoxicating, it makes you forget your own name.
And she got the perfect news from Falak the next day while she was cuddled with her husband. He got a week's leave from Salim and get to spend his whole week with her and that too in a free honeymoon ticket to Barbados. That is Amirah's dreamland, she's always loved the place and it's black people. They were planning on going there with Imad years ago but things didn't work out the way they expected them too. The destiny playing it's card.
"I'll monitor Najla." She didn't wait for their replies, took the baby monitor and left the room without meeting any of their eyes. Why? She knew what they'd be thinking and she doesn't want to be discouraged.
She wants to be in the arms of her husband in that foreign country overlooking the vast land.
She found him typing furiously on his laptop but he stopped the minute she walked in, a smile smeared across his face. Her chest stutter a bit along with her legs but then she moved further to where he is, in the middle of the bed. She gulped, the confidence she thought had been insulated through an invisible fistula vanishing into thin air. She didn't stay standing though, she sat down on the bed but not close to him for some odd reasons.
Gosh, what was she thinking? Why didn't she just follow the girls out and enjoy the pool? She's always loved pools.
He closed the laptop and keep it aside. "Hey." He decided to make the first move by moving closer, he's seen the nervousness illuminating her dark eyeballs.
She gulped, his hands are reaching out for her and instead of looking into his eyes like he is doing, her own are on his hands as they slowly snake around her shoulder. And what did she do? She frissons the minute the cold calloused fingers touched her neck, it was too sensuous. Her eyes snapped to his, they were shining with felicity making her wonder whether he is that happy just being with her or is it just desire?
"Hi... What were you doing?" She's taken the rein off her inner goddess and work out her throat. She cannot be acting all wanton around him, they are married for goodness sake and need to find out more and more about one another.
That is how several minutes later, she found herself lying back on his shoulder while he caresses her arm, brushing the side of her mounds but she didn't complain. He is telling her about his dreams and how he wants his family to be. Everything he says seems too perfect making her wonder why she's never thought about her own family like that. She only conclude to wanting three children and nothing more, the man beside her is passionate about it though.
"I also want three kids like you do. I can't say I want the first child to be a girl, I don't think I can take being possessive over both my wife and first daughter. I want it to be a boy whom I'm going to protect and then he can help bringing up the others. You understand what I mean?" She nodded her head, she understands quiet well. First born being a boy has it's advantages so is girl.
He nodded too and continued. "I don't plan on letting them study in Nigeria and if I could, I'll send them to the same country. I want them to have at least two years between them so when it is time for them to go to university, we can send them to the same place without the other finishing and then they can get a hang of things. Even if I die..." Her heart dropped at the reality of life, death is always lurking and you need to acknowledge it time and time again. "I have an account meant for my children and wife which no one will have source to. It is not part of my wealth, it is my children's and wife's, not mine. So no one should try sharing it as part of my galore, it is not. You can sign the papers when we go back to Nigeria. I don't want my family suffering after my departure, no matter how much I trust my family. . ."
Afaf got emotional before he finished and couldn't stop herself from pressing her lips to his, the urge was overwhelming. He blinked but then effortlessly haul her across his body so she is lying comfortably on her stomach facing him, their legs tangled. It got hot, too much clothing and oxygen is lacked in the French kiss. Afaf is not willing to give up though, as if trying to check out her new strategy and see whether she's become an expert in the field like her husband.
Nazir chuckled at the cute woman lying next to him in all her skin glory. His fingers are trailing down the length of her body and coming back up. She is tired, he could hear the soft snores coming out from her but he found that cute too. Is that weird? Everything she does is adorable and not in an Amirah-like way, this is her own way. Afaf's style.
Falling for her won't be hard, he is sure of that. If he isn't in love already, he will be in no time with such prettiness she exudes all the damn time. She can be shy but she speaks her mind whenever she wants unlike Amirah. Or maybe Amirah is just like that to him since they clearly weren't too deep into the relationship and just wanted to tie the knot. He can also read Afaf like the back his hand after spending only few days with her. She makes it easy to do so from her expressions.
"At this rate, Afaf will be pregnant any minute now." Lateefa hauled at the other woman, pushing salad into her mouth like she didn't just render the aforementioned woman speechless, her food halfway through her mouth.
Amirah laughed out loud, Afaf's expression is worth it. They've gossiped about how adventurous those two are because ever since they came, which was four days ago, Afaf and Nazir won't leave each other's hip. Kamilah was the first to bring it up and even Husna chirped in an innocent way though she knows what they mean. Afaf hardly spends time with them, Amirah had to blackmail her to get her to come out with them tonight. She wouldn't do that, that she is with her husband talking things.
Amirah knew they are not talking, maybe their bodies are doing so. The rooms are soundproof, they cannot hear anything which is a fortunate thing. Amirah can never stomach listening to her sister's innuendoes with her supposed ex fiancée. It makes her nauseous by the mere thought of it, seriously. Teasing her is good but thinking about it is a no no level for her.
"Why are you talking like that? Leave the woman be. Who knows what you will do when your turn comes." Kamilah helped after laughing her own ass off. Afaf wants the ground to open so she can finally lie down there.
"Yeah, Lateefa, leave my sister alone. She is just enjoying her honeymoon, I don't blame her." Amirah laughed again because Afaf won't look at them, she is fighting her own smile too.
Then she raise her head, rolling her eyes upward. It's not like she was doing something horrendous. "Thank God I have the husband, you lots don't."
"Ah, don't get ahead of yourself, Ma'am. We have Mrs. Imad here o, no be only you." Lateefa stuck her tongue out at Afaf who just shrugged her shoulders and started eating her food again. She wanted to divert the conversation off of her and she did that.
"We didn't get through that plan of yours, Tif." Kamilah giggled when it is now Amirah's turn to glare at her. She thought they've forgotten about whatever it is they want to talk and plot out but clearly not.
She is already tired of Barbados, she wants to go home and be with her husband. She does not want this effing space they are forcing on her! She hadn't talked to Imad throughout those days they've been away and it is taking a toll on her. She made it out for three years because she thought they were divorced but after finding out they are very much married, she is not sure if she wants to spend another second away from him. Imad is all she could think about through and through.
Falak made sure to block any aperture of them talking to each other, no one would if not her. She's talked to Usayma about him though and she says he is getting better so is she. And also, he's divorced her three when she told him everything and requested for the divorce. Amirah didn't like that but she cannot hide the onslaught of relief that'd surged through her that night. Imad didn't want to but there is no way he can stay married to her if she is not willing to stay. He did as she said, he freed her.
She despise this space. Gathering her shit and whatever it is they want her to do is not working. They think her not interacting with Imad for a few days will make her hate him or want to leave him, it makes her feelings proliferate actually. She is missing him with every fibre and pore on her body. She wants to see him but want to go through this space process so as to not fold Shaddad's hands, he is only helping her.
The space is reawakening their hearts unknowingly!
"I haven't forgotten. I'm just waiting for the right time and that is today." Lateefa cleaned her mouth with the handkerchief kept on the table then sat up, eyes roaming the whole restaurant they are sitting in.
"What are you going to do?" Husna is excited and it looks like Najla is too, she has been clapping the whole time while playing with her necklace. Something Imad gave her the day they left Nigeria, it is so cute.
Lateefa stood up and made her way to the back of the restaurant where a tall, dark handsome waiter is standing. She licked her lips, she'd fall in love with him at first sight had she have the rein over her heart. Well, that is not why she was there, she wants to do something for Amirah. The guy pivoted around the minute she was about to tap his shoulder to get his attention. Oh God, he is more handsome up close and definitely competition to Imad. He will do!
"Hi." Her word is quiet, too quiet for someone like Lateefa but he doesn't know her so he should take that.
His smile is friendly when he replied. "Hey. You need help?"
"No and yes. I don't need help around the restaurant but something a bit off the radar." He nodded his head albeit scrunching his eye brows in confusion. "I want you to go talk to my friend while I take your photo together. I want to send it to her husband so he can come down here..." She explained further and he nodded naughtily, he is one mischievous fella.
She went back to her seat, disregarding Amirah's suspicious eyes and took her phone out to ready it on Imad's message box. She's seen how Amirah missed Imad, often found with this pensive expression. This will get the jealous possessive bull off the hospital cot and to Barbados in no time. And what, they can spend their last days there like a honeymoon. The first one got ruined, this should work out for the best.
When the waiter came out looking all smart and confident, she readied her camera to their angle. He talked smoothly to Amirah and she took the photo the minute he made Amirah laugh so hard after she pointed at Najla. They were talking about the cute things she did when she was younger. He was actually talking about Najla the whole time.
Perfect. Lateefa thought as she stare at the picture. Amirah's head is thrown back and the guy, Ahad is smiling down at her figure perched on the chair. Anyone would think they are flirting and she cropped the picture so Kamilah's shirt and Husna veil are not showing. She can't have him thinking they are all together, she will lie.
She typed the message; 'Your gummy bear on a date I set out for her. Come get her if you don't want to lose her to this handsome Bajan hunk!'
That is how the next morning Amirah got startled with a loud knock on their door, Imad has arrived. He looks disheveled and worn out but beside him is Jabir. He ran away from the hospital and took the next flight to Barbados. Jabir found him in the hospital's parking lot and offered to help, he wasn't allowed to go pack up a bit and they left the country. They weren't ready at all and it earned them attention from people. Thank God for facemask!
Amirah was the one who opened the door, she is the only one awake and was cooking breakfast for them. She blinked several times, not believing her eyes but after noticing the way Imad is hunching over, she threw the spatula in her hand and helped him inside the suite while scolding him for being recalcitrant. Jabir sighed when he saw the doodly eyes Imad is giving Amirah, he shouldn't stay there so he made his way to the outdoor garden to calm down.
They ran all the way from outside the Resort to their suite after talking to the receptionist.
"Why are you here when you haven't recovered?" Amirah scolded again, slowly removing his shirt to see whether his wound need a new dressing but he is perfectly okay. The wound is healing and he was hunching over because he's ran too much for someone in his condition.
He drew her closer, wrapping his arms around her after she's straddled him. Both her legs are beside him, his hands are on her behind. She blushed at the position then crane her neck to see whether Jabir is there, he isn't. She licked the seam of her lips, her heart racing fast but she cannot deny how hot she suddenly is.
And he didn't reply, he just yanked her neck down, her lips meeting his halfway. Both of them sighed in contentment, merriment surging through their bones like an avalanche. They've been wanting to do that for the past five days and finally, they can do all they want to without anyone stopping them. He's seen the way she missed him in her eyes, which confirmed that she is not going to leave him. That she very much loves him and. . .
Their hearts got reawakened!
"I love you." His whispered, eyes shut tightly as he lowered down on top of her after their sexual dance.
They left the suite and booked another room, switching off the stove on their way out to continue their make out session which augmented to love making. They cannot go to her room neither can they do that in the living room. The safest thing to do is get another room and make love inside. The room is overlooking a beach, calm looking one that looks private because there are no people there.
What a great view to gaze at after making love cuddled with your beloved.
"I love you more." Her bones slackened and she almost blacked-out out of pleasure. She is still breathing heavily, her hands moving up and down Imad's back. There was discomfort in their sexual dance because of his wound but they made it.
"Is your heart reawakened now?" He bit her lower lip, lying down on her side and pulling her to his chest, forgetting about his wound for minutes there. Her being in his arms could make him forget his own name.
She grinned, stroking her own tongue across his lower and upper lip then replied. "More than awake. We've rewakened it."
One more chapter till epilogue. Ya lillahi al-alamin! I can't believe we are here! As if it don't happen.
Let's do this guysss! A few questions😁
Your favorite part in the book?
What took you by surprise?
What was it you didn't expect?
How would you have punished Imad?
Your favorite character?
Your least favored character?
Rate the book from 0/10..
Does it reflect reality in anyway?
What have you learned from this?
Does it leave a lesson and an impact somewhere in your life?
Where can you relate to?
Au revoir!!!❤
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