I dare you to comment on each paragraph for an update.....

"Jannah?" They blurted out in surprise because they cannot believe what they are seeing. Jannah plotted this or she was also asked to come here by the other woman in the deal? But why would she come here?

"Surprised?" She widened her eyes, the thick lipstick wine colour widening at her wake and at that moment, they could only see someone evil. She doesn't look like the sweetheart Amirah has met neither does she look like the baker Imad met. Who is this person in front of them? She didn't deny that she is not Jannah but has she always been like this?

Is she the aficionado?!

"What are you doing here?" Imad is walking on thin ice of not wanting to believe she is the one behind the kidnaps and all the shit it entails but everyone with eyes knows what is happening. This woman is front of them is not the innocent one they've met, she isn't.

She walked closer to them, her smile stretching further showing she small, straight cream teeth. She bit her lip in that seductive manner, looking at Imad from head to toe and nothing but blatant admiration that twisted something inside Amirah. This woman is the one that wants to separate her with Imad, it is there in her eyes. She wants Amirah out of the way so she could conquer him but why not Usayma? They just got back yesterday!

Amirah is sizing her up to see whether she has any weapon with her, she looks clean but she won't be too dense. She's seen so many movies that the heroes leap into the scene without analysing the situation. She cannot see the back of her jeans neither does she know if she has back up outside somewhere like she doesn't know they weren't alone too. Her smile is too pompous for someone who does not have plan b.

She then flipped her long hair beside her. Amirah didn't even notice that but she instantly became jealous. How could they have such hair and use it uselessly? "What else? I called your wife but she brought you here." At this, her eyes dropped to Amirah and she sized her up too.

Amirah didn't like the way she is making her look so small so she crossed her arms underneath her chest and raise a brow, a daring one. The chauvinism she's had for this woman instantly annihilate into thin air leaving nothing but a boorish woman waiting to take down whatever comes her way. She might not be overconfident but she won't let this woman look down on her. She's been with people like her a lot.

Imad's chortle of disbelieve brought her off her trance and she noticed that he is still not believing his eyes. "Why should I be surprised anyway? I've been a victim of this twice already but don't worry, third one will make it filled."

Amirah felt something pierced through her chest at the revelation because it sounds like he is talking about her and his friends way before. Why is he bringing it up? Is he trying to hurt her too or did the words just spurt out like that? The onslaught of it ruined her insides but she kept quiet, keeping her emotions at bay. This is not the time for it, not the right place too.

Jannah made a moue, then she flipped it off. "I know the sappy story. But this is not about your love life or past. This is about me and what I want. And that is you!" She shrugged off her small shoulders, rounding the six of them with the click clacks of her platform heels.

She has a pistol right behind, above her buttocks where her left hand lies.

"You want me? Are you kidding me right now?" Imad laughed again, totally finding the situation funny. Jannah never liked him like that, she never stared at him with those lovey dovey eyes neither had their conversations ever strayed off friendship.

She stood back in front of them, raising a brow at him that spells annoyance. "I'm not kidding. You think I'd leave my country just to come here and see you? And do what? Eat your face?"

Imad shrugged this time around, riling her up some more but she narrowed her eyes and removed her gun from behind her. She played with it around her both hands, then raise her eyes straight to meet Amirah's, she didn't as much as flinch. She stared right back inside her eyes like a warrior about to take down their opponent. It doesn't matter if she has a gun or not, Amirah won't hesitate when the instincts rise.

Imad stepped in front of Amirah like a shield, sheathing her away from Jannah and her gun. If she wants to fight, then she should fight him and not his wife. He is being abstinent, refraining from acting in impulse because there still is one person left for them to find. Afaf is nowhere to be found and this little woman looks too sly and cunning to let them off the hook easily. She's not done playing her so called game, her eyes blinked it all.

"I didn't ask you to come, you came yourself. You knew I was married and what did I say? I was a one woman person and not two nor three. Why did you think you stand a chance?" Imad questioned, his legs widening and arms crossed on his chest.

Jannah tsked, cocking her head to the side in mockery but she cannot help it. If he sees her eyes now, he will see the love inside and the obsession she's been fighting to hide. She just allowed him to be with Usayma because she knew the woman was going to leave him sooner rather than later but Amirah had to come back! What does she want and why won't she just let the man go? She cannot stand the name Amirah itself. She thought the woman is blocked and walled out, but look at her.

She had to make her own move the minute she got the chance to and that is today. She kidnapped Usayma in the most simplest way. She called her outside her chamber, told her to come outside that she needs something. Getting her into the car was easier because as soon as she settles in, she used the chloroform soaked handkerchief to render her unconscious. It was well orchestrated plan made earlier.

Then down to Amirah's family. She targeted the time they left the home and hired some men to get them into her car, she did the rest herself. She hid her older sister so she won't call the police. She don't want to be caught in a foreign country, it wasn't her plan when she decided to come here. All she wants to do is get Imad to start liking her and get married to him. Then exact her revenge on her so called father!

She's liked him since before, day one. She cannot remember when she started liking him but it turned into this obsession her mother started warning her about. When it started, she tried fighting it with her whole but she couldn't. She broke up with her boyfriend because of him, she's always thinking about Imad. The guy found out and broke it off with her, he cannot be with her when she thinks about another man anytime she sees him.

Imad keeps bringing out his charming side time and time again and she couldn't eschew that. She was just a teenager looking for love and found companionship in him. Yeah, she is being hypocritical but the truth is also there. He was so nice to her, she could talk endlessly with him and the type of man she wants. He is the ticket to her father too, the man that ruined them.

It wasn't that hard, she fell hard the minute she found out the way he's loved Amirah and wished she could get that same love. But whenever Amirah is concerned, Imad won't ever be able to look her in the eye if she steps back to his life so she decided to make her move before they even get comfortable. It is either Imad will chose to be with her or Amirah dies and no third option for him. His choice.

She licked her lips, forgetting about the lipstick smeared across the thin lips. "You may have forgotten but I haven't. When you were leaving, you told me I could stop by your country anytime I want and I did. Is that my fault?"

The other occupants of the room are bored but also scared. The tone Jannah is using is not assuring anyone's safety and instead, the danger and peril awaiting them. Why did she have to drag everybody just to conquer someone she 'loves' or is it the obsession? She is just playing games with them but it is over now, she should give up. They need to go home and rest from this traumatic experience they've had. First, Afaf needs to be found in this vast place and off they go.

Imad rolled his eyes because she is being so adolescent now, taking his move. It's not like she wouldn't come even if he hadn't invite, she would. Why is she making this scene so lengthy and more boring? "What were you thinking when you called my wife? You wanted to kill her to get me or is it another story this time around? Enlighten me please." He inclined his head, not at all intimidated by the gun in her hand.

"You are getting ahead of yourself, Imad" She pursed her lips as if thinking. "Don't be too sure I won't pull the trigger of this gun and kill you all instantly. I won't mind going to jail after finding out we both won't have you." She shrugged her shoulders at this, her eyes glazing with the aforementioned threat.

Imad clicked his tongue in pity, as if he is the one with a pistol. "I am not afraid of you, Jannah. I am just pitying your mother for she doesn't know the kind of daughter she's given birth to."

Jannah send him a fierce stare that did nothing to get him off his haughty horse. He won't be moved by those glares when the respect he's had for her is stripped. "Don't bring my mother into this, it does not concern you. You should be more concerned about your safety and your wife's and... someone else's."

"I know I'd save her in a heartbeat if anything were to happen to her. What about you? You don't have any back up and anything could happen now." He is goading her into telling him her plans and she is so prepubescent that she fell for it.

She cackled out, the sound disturbing their peace. It is a cacophony, the one that will send the birds away and the owls will always howl in annoyance. "I don't have back up? Your daughter isn't safe right now." That did it, brought fright and terror in his eyes. "Boys!"

Two bulky men walked inside with Najla squirming in the arms of one but not crying. Lateefa is also pushed inside the room where she fell on the floor, her head bruised from the hardness of the concrete beneath them.

Imad and Amirah felt their hearts dropping to their stomachs, hoping the guards weren't spotted or their shit is dry. They only have one hope and that is Jabir now, that is if the guards were spotted by these two men. But his guards are more trained than these two bouncers. They were more than ten of them, these two can't do shit to them so something definitely isn't right.

Amirah moved forward to take her daughter from the man when Jannah pointed the gun at the side of her head, she stilled. The cold object was pushed hard, sending Amirah flying back to Imad's arms. His eyes are now raking that fiery protective side of his that he didn't want to sprout out on a woman but she's caused this upon herself. He can easily take these two men with Mukhtar, no big deal.

"Where is my sister?" Amirah croaked, her eyes fixated on her daughter's squirming figure trying to reach out for her daddy or mami.

Jannah rolled her eyes. She's forgotten about the other girl she's kidnapped, she must be there somewhere. "Your sister is still sleeping, such cute lady."

"Don't do anything stupid, Jannah. If you do anything, I'm very sure the police will get to you." Imad tried cajoling, his words quiet and soothing that she almost believed him but hardened her heart when she found out he is shitting her. "We can talk about this like adults and solve everything."

She laughed again, too angry to even word out the feelings inside of her. How could he think she has anything to say now? All she wants is action and the zeal to annihilate Amirah keep on proliferating with each passing second. Him being so cute with Amirah is also getting underneath her skin, that is what she wants too. She might be crazy but she is in love just like he is. She'd kill to get what she wants and protect her heart. They say everything is fair in love and war.

"You are playing me." She tutted, shaking her head from side to side in annoyance. Her eyes were shining with tears but she blinked them back.

"I'm not. I'm just telling you the truth. I cannot be with you even if you were to kill Amirah. You are going to ruin everyone inside this room. You just need to think with calm mind and try doing something better than obsessing over me. There are ways to help you." Imad worded out again, his words quiet and she almost listened, almost.

Amirah kept quiet, her whole attention solely on getting her sister out of this place and escaping along with her daughter away from this psycho. This woman in front of her won't listen to anything and will seriously hurt them all if they try playing rough games. Why is Imad trying to reason with her? He was a victim of this, he didn't want to forgive her till after exacting his revenge and that is exactly how Jannah feels. She's already drilled it in her head, she wants to make them suffer and it's either Amirah or her. She came prepared!

She won't permit any of them to leave that place without getting what she wants. She's planned a lot to get her message across, why isn't he getting it? Amirah should've told the guards to come with them even if their phones are on. Her phone will light up every now and then when a call from the guards come through because they want to confirm their wellbeing. She wants to off it so they can come in five minute later and rescue them.

"Hahaha, I'm not a fool." Jannah finally verballed out after prolonged silence, her voice hefty with sackful of pain. "You want me to fall for this and then you will abandon me later on. All I want is you, nothing else. I don't care who I will have to annihilate on my way to get to you but I'm not giving up."

Imad swiped his hand from his forehead down to his jaw in exasperation. This woman is not hearing a word and he is tired of being so lenient on her. She doesn't want to listen, why is he going through all the trouble of making her inculcate his point? If she wants to fight then fine, he is ready to go to the battlefield too!

Jabir is outside the building and saw the guards parked in the bush, he went there and told them to get ready that they will enter inside now whether there is a signal or not. Some men tried stopping him from getting there and he knew she did that. He knew about her plans because she told him about her love for Imad but he stopped her, she didn't listen. She's been meaning to do that with Usayma but then the woman told her she was going to leave Imad anyway but now that Amirah is back into the picture, she won't rest.

Jannah is actually his cousin he's lost contact with so many years ago when his uncle divorced her American mother. When he found out she was back and is in the palace with Imad, he paid her a visit and that is when she got emotional and told him everything. He's stopped her from doing so and she accepted that she will leave very soon but she did. He got a weird message and it was deleted immediately albeit he's read it.

She made the mistake of sending it to him instead of Imad so she switched off the unknown number.

And then he called her but her number wasn't reachable then he called a guard outside Imad's chamber and ask if anything weird or out of place has happened, he confirmed that Jannah came and they left with Usayma. That is when he knew that Jannah is up to something bad and when he made it to the palace, she wasn't there.

The girl is a bitter child because her mother filled her in on lies. She told her that her father divorced her because she is poor and all bullshit like that. So the girl wants to avenge her mother's sufferings of being a single mother without endorsement from her father. She hated her father since then and thought getting married to a royal prince will help her with the revenge. Obsession aside, she has her ulterior motive.

Well, looks like all the women Imad likes are with him for one thing or the other.

"Let's head there now." All the eleven guards heavily armed lined up in an army way and ambushed the building where Amirah is trying to take her daughter away from those bulky men and Imad is fighting off the gun from Jannah.

Then a gunshot was heard, someone was shot between Imad and Amirah.

I cannot say who was shot but the person is definitely dead. I mean, where is my book without drama? They deserve to be with some other people, the sappiness too much right?

😹Au revoir!

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