I dare you to comment on every paragraph for an update laterrrr...
Amirah read the message out loud to Imad who listened attentively while checking the mirror to see whether the guards are following him. He cannot risk Amirah and Najla's safety, he can handle himself but not them. Whoever this person is, they are targeting his wife and won't hesitate to take his daughter if they could. Something is iffy and he'd be damned if he doesn't end this before it gets out of hand. He still hasn't enjoyed being back with Amirah and things are just ricocheting!
The place is actually in Kano and the opulence side of it so Imad drove quietly while thinking about who this person is. How could they message Amirah but their number cannot be traced? This person know what he or she is doing and they are trying to make him go inane. What do they want? Why didn't this secret admirer talk to him and result to kidnapping Amirah's people? The media just released those photos few hours ago and this person wouldn't have done that in those few hours.
His phone rang from the cup holder inside the car, it awoke Najla again from her slumber but she went right back which indicates just how sleepy she is. She was supposed to stay back in the chamber and sleep in her new nursery but this crazy bitch won't permit them to have that little peace. He shook his head, taking the phone from the cupholder, his left hand still on the steering wheel and his right one answered the call from Jabir hoping miracle happened.
"Where are you right now?" Jabir asked with no pleasantries, Imad knew this is not good news too. What else is going to be more crazier than him having an obsessive secret aficionado?
"I'm on my way to see who this person is. She just messaged us the address and I'm heading there. Where are you and have you found out who this person is? It might be some old rival using a woman against me." That thought only popped then but it makes sense to him after he's said it. He should've told his father about it but then, he knew the man knows everything.
Jabir sighed from the other end, pinching the bridge of his nose. He's been searching all around for places he knew this girl will be but she seems smarter than him. She is astutely working under the box, not at all permitting him entrance. He covet she doesn't do something she'd regret, he cannot have that. He loves her damn it!
That's alright because she's betrayed him and he is going to make sure she pays dearly for it. He is Jabir Usman Talba, he'd be damned if she slips off his hand. He's warned her against doing this but she wouldn't hear, even using his own feeling at stake. Really? She will see the wicked side of him today, he vowed. Her secret will be blown, she messed with the wrong person and even his feelings for her are about to get annihilated from the face of earth.
He feels nothing for her but contempt!
"Can you forward me the address too? I need to be there just in case and get police back up." He instead requested, not bothering to speak his thoughts out loud and worry Imad unnecessarily.
Imad hung up the phone and gave Amirah his phone to text Jabir the address and she did so with shaky hands. She is praying underneath her breath with all the supplication she knows, her chest thudding loudly. She is pushing back the tears from rushing down her cheeks because the minute she starts again, she won't be able to annihilate it. That will make her weak in front of whoever this person is that is trying to break her into pieces. As if she's hasn't been through enough already.
Imad drove straight to the burnt shopping mall that hadn't been visited by civilians for over a decade. The place is abandoned, no one wants to be there because of how haunted it looks and the people the fire killed is incubus. The bile rose from his throat, remembering the news about those horrendous deaths that took place. Everyone knows about the thirty three people this place had killed and will forever make this place sound like some grotto for a sadist willing to quell everyone.
"She brought them here?" Amirah asked, staring down at the address and that is true, this is where the woman said. What does it mean? Bringing them here for what? To kill them off like those thirty three people that died?
The guards are staying at a safe distance where the woman won't know they have backup, they will just ambush the place after a few minutes. Imad didn't get to orchestrate this plot, he was working on autopilot to think that he needs to do something to signal them. Well, that is pushed behind because he needs to be all hero and save his wife's family and second wife from in there. And also find out about his aficionado.
He took the airpods from his pocket and adjust it around his ears. "If our phones get collected along with our other gadgets, just barge inside five minutes after I don't signal you. Alright?" He said to the chief of guards behind him.
"Yes, your Highness!"
"Let's go. We shouldn't delay or that crazy person won't spare them. I think we should leave Najla in here just in case. The guards will be able to watch over her." He unbuckled his belt and left the car to open Amirah's side since she looks paralysed to move and keep staring at the building in front of her all black and burnt.
Her forehead have these beads of diaphoresis, her movement cessations.
"Let me adjust her here." Mukhtar offered, taking Najla from Amirah and strap her to her baby car seat that's behind. She stirred a little but continued sleeping soundly so they left the car and lock it up.
The three of them made their way to the building when Amirah's phone pinged with a message. She scrunched her brow but opened to see what it was only to find one word 'alone' written from the same unknown number. She means she should go there alone? Heck no! She is already there with Imad and without him, she wouldn't have been able to come all the way here. This woman must be stupid to think Imad would agree to that.
But she tried talking to him, honesty always. Remember? "She wants me to go alone." She pushed the phone to Imad's face so he could read the message written there and his eyes glazed over.
"That is not happening. We are already here. Let's go and see who this inane person is." His face is so serious that Amirah gulped. The guy is now furious at whoever this person is. Why would they want Amirah alone? To kill her so the aficionado can marry him? Ha!
They walked inside, turning around to look from this wall to the other, trying to gouge out where their family is. The place is so quiet and haunted, he's never been in that mall even when it was in good shape, he was young then. The place would've looked beautiful if not for the haunting presence inside the place but someone should really renovate it. It's a good location for business -always into business mind even when in trouble, that's a businessman for you.
"I can't hear anything. There are no rooms but walls. Where could they be?" Mukhtar is getting agitated with the quietness of the place. They have been walking for fifteen minutes straight around the colossal building.
Amirah was about to voice out her own complaint when she saw a blue door with staff at the top chirped out by fire but is visibly written with red paint. She gulped, this could be where her sister and friends are kneeling down hopelessly waiting for miracle to happen and someone can come to rescue them. No one would've come had the message not been sent to them, they wouldn't guess this place. No one wants to be seen here so why is this woman not afraid?
Didn't she hear the stories about this place and how genie are patrolling at night? Amirah shivered and lean closer to Imad -who draped his hand around her shoulder - at the thought of genies staring at them. Yeah, those might be myths but it doesn't mean she is not darn afraid of those fiery creatures. She despise the mere mention of their name, her mother had it once upon a time and they weren't pleasant memories behind it at all.
She pointed her forefinger to the door and the men whipped their attention there before slowly trudging there like men on mission. Imad had already told the guards to stay put that their phones are connected and they haven't encountered any danger yet. He is not sure for how long since that door is the only way to find out. If no one is behind that door then there is no one inside the building with them and they were played.
Mukhtar waited for signal from Imad to push open the door and the moment he got it, the door fell back behind and it looks like it was just placed there and wasn't locked. It got them confused at what this woman is playing at but they entered anyway. The lights in the room are bright, chirped and burnt sofa is pushed behind to wall under the only window inside the room. Apart from that, the room is empty and smells like burnt foam and crisp air.
And that is when they found Kamilah kneeling all alone inside the room, her head bowed down like a lifeless person. Amirah was about to rush to her when Imad stopped her with the hand around her shoulder, he shook his head. Mukhtar made his way there and touched her covered head to raise her head, she opened her eyes tiredly then widened them in surprise and relief. Her eyes smiled, her lips are taped and she looks worn out, not beaten thank goodness.
"Are you okay?" Mukhtar inquired, starting to remove the rope behind her hand and then the tape slowly. She nodded her head, massaged her wrists and touched the places around her mouth to soothe the myriad of ache there.
She stood up, wobbling around but fortunately, Mukhtar is there behind her and succored her. "I don't know what I'm doing here. I was with Lateefa but she suddenly disappeared then I was abducted." Her words are croaked as she moved forward to Amirah and Imad. "Where are the others? We were here together." She scrunched her brows, turning around to see whether they are there but the room is empty.
Amirah's phone pinged with a message at that minute too, she opened it.
UN: You played the game bad, Ami. I asked you to come alone but brought two men? How bad, that's cheating. I wanted to play a few games with you but... that's not possible now, is it? How about we continue? Search up for your other friends and sister! They are all inside this building. Tut-tut, time is going and you might not know what will happen to them when it's up.
She read the message out loud and they all sighed in exasperation. This person is clearly a psycho but she won't stop until she finds all her friends and sister. Albeit the curiosity is taking up her whole viscera, she moved away from Imad's grip and started searching around the building hysterically. She didn't stop to catch her breath as she runs around, hearing footsteps behind her as her companions endorsed her.
Next person she found was Husna who rushed to give her a bone crushing hug while crying after she got untied by her brother. She hiccups in Amirah's shoulder while telling her how she scared she is and terrified that she was going to die in such place. Rheum slashed down from the orifices of her face.
In her mayhem, she keeps talking. "I don't know who it was. We were just pushed into a car, our eyes were locked then someone use a handkerchief to close my mouth and I lost consciousness. I just awoke from the stupor then heard your footsteps." She sobbed again, her body shaking uneasily.
Amirah patted her back slowly to calm down the teenage girl. She does not deserve this but she did because of her, she will make this person pay for their sins. They don't have the prerogative to hurt her family, they should've come head first to her.
"Calm down, Hussy. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that because of me. We are going to look for Afaf, Usayma and Aunt Azima now."
Husna calmed down and nodded her head before they move around again to start another round of kibosh. This one took them longer than the rest before Imad found Usayma lying down on the floor. She is not kneeling down and even when he went there, she didn't move like the others, she just lied there unconscious. He took her in his arms and place her outside the building just in case something happens. He didn't call the guards, this person don't know about them and it's better that way. He wants Usayma out so that the guards can get to her the minute they come in.
Amirah is worriedly biting her nails, roaming around and running in circle. The surfeit amount of heaviness in her chest and stomach is getting multiplied by each passing second without her sister or aunt. Maybe this person knew what they mean to her and took them to much more closed up place. Whoever this person is, they are doing good job at eschewing them, they are weasel and vile. They spied the whole floor but no sign of Afaf or Aunt Azima.
Husna's voice thundered in the quiet place, creating an echo. "There is a staircase here." She pointed to one side of the walls, they've been running around but didn't notice it. It was eclectic at first.
Right there is a combined ladder, L-span bending from the top staircase. The walls beside it are narrowed and only two people could stand on one step. They didn't waste any other second before they barreled up there to see what more is hidden. Right at the L of the stairs sat Aunt Azima, eyes wide open and on them. She probably heard Husna's voice when she talked about the stairs and got hopeful.
Amirah kneeled down and hugged the woman to her chest, Mukhtar did his job, untying her gently. She didn't say anything, just hugged Amirah back before they both stood up knowing they have more to do. They can't sit there idly getting all emotional when her sister is nowhere to be found. This will be the hardest part because there is no way the person is stupid enough to let them find the last person easily. And the person had to be her sister, something is iffy.
"She is not here." All the five of them confirmed at the same time since they agreed to split up and search for Afaf. They went down stairs again to see maybe she's brought her there after they disappeared upstairs.
It was empty, they breathe heavily while tired of walking and running around. They've stampede across the whole place in a matter of thirty minutes but the last person is yet to be found. Who could've taken her away now? She did this intentionally! She made her sister last so she will feel how malignant the whole scenario is. Where the heck is Nazir anyway?
Just when they are about to start another round of chase in the space, someone ferried from the door where lights is stripping inside. They cannot make out who the person is but that sure is a woman in all her glory wearing shirt and jeans -Amirah is familiar with the outfit. Amirah knew the woman is skinny like she is but her figure, beautiful. They waited on a baited breath as she walks seductively to where they are, the sun finally drifting back behind her. Her face came to view and everyone is the room gasped in galvanisation and disbelieve.
The smile on her face says it all. "What's up, boos?"
Imad and Amirah called her name at the same time in disbelief. Who would believe this innocent friend of theirs can do such horrendous thing? She is the last person in their heads albeit Imad's judgment, he wasn't stupid after all. Maybe adolescent and prepubescent, but definitely got sharp mind to connect the dots. One of her friends is not amongst the people kidnapped, an easy task! Treachery, treason, betrayal, perfidy you name it?
Are you shocked? Shocked you?
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