I dare you to comment on each paragraph for an update tomorrow😁


"You think this colour will suit the room more? I thought something girly like would be better." Imad kvetch, watching the walls getting painted to ivory colour, they are almost done.

"Trust me, this colour is better." Amirah cajoled, her eyes never leaving the brushes scrolling up and down the walls. Why did she ask him to trust her? The man never did trust her so it should not matter.

They woke up earlier to have their breakfast together with Usayma and waited for the interior designer to come with her team which she did few minutes after their breakfast. Usayma gave Amirah pajamas and new clothes for the day, it still looks bigger than her but good. They have been talking nonstop, Amirah didn't lie when she said they were going to become best of friends three years ago.

Imad is serious about getting the nursery done, Najla slept with her yesterday. They didn't talk about the night arrangement and she didn't ask him to stay with her. She wasn't in the mood to talk about anything and avoiding him will do them better. She'd rather him stay with Usayma for the time being and when they are ready to bring up the past which will be soon, they can talk it out. How soon is that going to be though? It's already taking long.

"If you say so." He shrugged off, eyes ever so vigilant on the team so they don't make any wrong move or mistake.

And in the next few hours, the room is done. Amirah had left to go feed Najla when she woke up and came back to the most mesmerizing view ever. She's seen what the woman wanted to do in her tablet but seeing it in reality is something else. She will have to give the woman a ten out of ten, she deserves that and more. No wonder Imad got her, he wants the best of everything especially if it belongs to his chamber. His chamber needs to be the most perfect, he'd said time and time again.

Light is streaming through the window facing the door, an off white crib pushed to the left side of the window. A dresser fit an adult is close to it where the maids were asked to stock with those clothes brought the day before, they did it nicely while chatting or should she rephrase that to gossiping? She can't believe the girls didn't notice her absence and Amirah's presence in the palace. Ameena and Amirah are freaking the same!

When will they find out? Will she tell them with time?

By the right side of the garden window is a changing table she's never seen, maybe it is a new design. There is a bowl beside it where hand sanitizer, diaper rash ointment, baby powder, diapers and wipes are neatly arranged. Right beside it is a clothes hamper. A brunette rocking chair pushed to the wall, she could picture herself sitting there when she has nothing to do and Najla is sleeping in her crib. She can't wait.

A nightlight is also fixed into the wall, she didn't know how they did it but it looks great and almost meant to be there. He even placed a swing on the left side of the doorway where she is standing behind the door, it is so cute and small. The stuffed animals -she found out they bought with Najla the day before- are arranged all over the lush cut pile carpet on the floor.

She has her own shoe rack, red colour where more designers are decorated on it. Amirah couldn't believe what she is seeing honestly. How could Imad pour out money like that? Yeah, it makes her happy that he is making their daughter galore but it doesn't mean she's forgotten those years they've spent in poverty. How could she?

Three years surviving on the food they get from the palace? Working in that same chamber for weeks and the palace for years? No, that is not a good experience that she'd forget about anytime soon. People like them are out there, millions of them have nothing to eat. Imad should minimise spending so much money, he will just have to learn to adjust to their way of living. She's been through that, she never wished anyone to be there but they cannot help every one.

"It looks amazing right?" Imad beamed from behind her, she didn't notice him coming in. She is currently lying down on the rocking chair, listening to Imad and Najla's merry onomatopoeic sounds.

She nodded, sitting up from the rocking chair to her daughter. "Yeah, it's beautiful but too much galore. Can you minimise it next time? We are not used to this life, you know." She tucked the jallabiyah veil behind her ear awkwardly when he stared in confusion.

Realisation dawned on him after she said that, he gulped down a little. She is right, he's seen how they've lived for the past three years and the off jobs they keep taking to make ends meet. Of course, she won't be happy with these galore and multitudes of lavishness so he nodded in acknowledgement. He'd feel the same way if he were in her shoes. He understands where she is coming from, totally.

"You don't want to add anything else?" He asked, smiling down at Najla but she knew the question is directed to her.

They've been getting to know one another the whole yesterday evening and today too. Amirah felt jealous that the girl is not at least, being reluctant about her father, she is all over him and already calling him daddy. She wanted the girl to be a bit recalcitrant towards him to show him who's got the upper hand and who brought her up, she didn't. Imad also know his ways, he has her wrapped around his little finger and vice versa. It is fun to watch though.

"No, everything's perfect." She pivoted to look at the room again and with a nod, she concludes her thoughts then she remembered something. "I cannot find my phone around, can you call Afaf for me?"

Imad narrowed his eyes trying to remember whether he's brought her phone or not. He didn't. He actually didn't take anything from her home and the clothes she has there in the chamber is enough for her. The whole clothes given to her when they got married are there and since she is still svelte and emaciated, they will all fit her. He don't understand why she borrowed one from Usayma. Had she forgotten about them?

Or she is not willing for them to work out so she won't use anything that has to do with him?

He brought his phone out and dialled Afaf's number. It is a wonder she didn't call him yesterday bombarding about her sister's health neither had she called today. What is that woman up to? She was so vicarious about castrating him yesterday but she didn't ask him anything concerning her sister? Had she trusted him with Amirah like that or she is battling her own married life? Damn, he's forgotten!

Amirah gratefully took the phone from him when it started ringing and left the room for privacy. She don't want Imad listening to their conversation even if it's going to be one sided. She has a lot to say to her and she knew the woman too will say things she will have no choice but to reply to with some private words. Why didn't her sister call or visit though? She must be doing something serious to have forgotten about her so soon. Yeah, that is it.

"Hello." Came her monotone voice thinking it was Imad and not her. Amirah bit back a giggle because she sounds funny acting all tough and serious.

"Calm down, it's me. I decided to call you since you've already forgotten about me." Amirah chirped, sitting noisily on the century couch in her room. It is directly close to the window and it overlooks the palace's garden.

Afaf sat up on the mattress, keeping her book aside and startling Aunt Azima so she pressed speaker. "I didn't forget about you." She rolled her eyes, giving her Aunt the 'I told you so' look. "Aunt thinks you both need space and we even thought you wouldn't wake up. But the man did it, didn't he?" Afaf smiled, she knew he was going to get more help for her sister.

She's gotten the call from Dr. Akram earlier, she didn't even ask where he got her number, it is irrelevant when he was quick to ask about Amirah. She also got a call from the hospital their mother died and Amirah gave birth saying their debts has been paid off. A man came earlier to tell her that Maman 'yan biyu has been paid her money too and they don't have to worry about a thing. She almost leaped off the sky.

"Aunt Azima, I'm fine." As if she knows she's on speaker, she spoke directly to the woman. "And Najla is already enjoying her new nursery filled with stellar galore."

Aunt Azima grinned from ear to ear, happy to hear that news. She knew her niece won't suffer in the hands of that Prince no matter how much he claims to hate her. "Really? That is very nice to hear, sweetheart. I'll have to step out to see your Uncle outside."

Afaf remove it off the speaker and cradle the phone to her ear, staring at the boxes brought from Husna's side to their room earlier. The kayan lefe from Nazir's family meant for Amirah are now hers. He told her to get ready tomorrow that she will be taken to see his parents and family, she is not ready but what else could she do? She is now married to him and is family with them. She is also going to start living with them in two days.

Aunt Azima will be leaving then and she told her that it isn't safe for her to be living here all on her own. She wanted to delay till after she graduates from school through and through but her Aunt is right, living there won't be safe for her alone and she is scared of being alone too. How could she live in the boy's quarters all by herself? She cannot even sleep peacefully on the mattress alone talk less of the whole room.

"Now gist me! What's happened between you two?" She asked, her ears perking up for more news from her younger sister. Those juicy sides of married life she looks forward to.

What? She's had a crush on Nazir for awhile and if he says he wants to consummate their marriage, she will agree. She is married and it is halal and sunnah! What? A girl cannot be happy and nervous about the nuptial night ahead? It's not like she can deny him and the guy is nice enough to give her space and time. He even told her to take as much as she wants before she starts living with him which was why she wanted to take whole two months only for it to get ruined.

Amirah blushed, her sister is one naughty fellow. They've never talked about stuff like that, too depressed to even think of anything else. "Stop talking like that. We still haven't even talked about the past so nothing is going to happen now."

Afaf nodded thoughtfully, her eyes glazed over. "Please make sure nothing goes wrong now, Ami. There is no use hiding this from him, it will only dig more holes into your lives and Najla is included now. By Allah I didn't want you to go back to him but whenever I thought about Najla, I'll refrain from voicing it out, you know what is best for your daughter. People might think you dont need to be with him after all he's done but they are wrong. He is guilty but he loves you so much, you know that too. If you both don't work this out, there will be colossal problem in Najla's life and we don't want that. I hope this works out for the better, I really hope so. Think about yourself though, your happiness matters the most. She is still young."

"Thank you, and it will work out insha Allah. I want that for Najla too. Pray for us though, it's not going to be easy." She almost sniffed, their past might ruin them again and annihilate all the apertures she might have with Imad. Who knows? He thinks differently but she hopes he's changed and trust her enough.

"Yeah." She kept quiet for awhile, contemplating whether she should tell her about going to meet Nazir so she did. Or the topic will hung on their heads for long. "I'm going to see Nazir's family tomorrow. It feels weird and I'm so nervous."

Amirah grinned, she would want to see her sister nervous about a man and his family. She never ever brought Afaf's love life to her head, too many things occupied it but she cannot wait to see that. Oh, how she wished she was at home to see the girl bouncing on the balls of her heels in anxiety. She will keep asking what clothe to wear and what not to, she would be thrilled to see that now.

"Keep calm and just ask Husna to help you dress up. From what he's told me about them, they are nice and quiet people and you've met his sisters already." Amirah hummed, tapping her fingers across her thigh gently. Her sister needs this spice in her life or studies will pack it whole and the cranium will explode.

Afaf rolled her eyes wishing to hit her younger sister. She could hear her biting back her smile with it. "Don't tease me because my day is coming. I just don't know how to act since they know about us being replaced. I need to give it to Imad, he knows how to twist things to what he wants. Wicked fellow."

Amirah finally chuckled, she is right. Though she don't want the topic of what he used to blackmail him, she don't want to be the one to talk to her about it. "I know right. Just calm down and take deep breaths, everything will be okay."

More words were exchanged before they hung up the phone and Amirah returned it to Imad. She stopped mid stride when she saw the guests in their living room, she didn't hear no sound of people. All the Royal females are there in their living room, some on the floor, others standing and a few on the couch. Usayma just walked out of her room too probably to check what the commotion is all about and like her, she galvanised.

Falak was the first to wave them over. "Hello, Amirah and Usayma." Her smile is genuine and Amirah wanted nothing but to melt into a puddle due to happiness. She's never seen such beautiful genuine smile from Falak.

So the both of them moved to where she is and squat down on the floor. That is when she noticed her daughter in her Majesty's arms, she's looking at her like every other person, in awe.

Amirah felt this sense of pride and love surging through her blood, she is just so giddy. Even Falak is not mad at her and seeing her smile only made her compare them all three, they look ridiculously alike. Like grandmother, mother and daughter.

"She really looks like you, Falak!" Madeeha exclaimed, her head bowed to look at Najla in her Majesty's arms -she's cradling her like a baby.

"Stop lying, she only looks like mother in-law!" Inayah teased again, phone in hand snapping the grandmother and granddaughter duo. So cute and perfect!

"We know people like you. Jealousy ba? That will kill you." Falak stuck her tongue out at her and move closer to her mother to see their lookalike and no doubt, the semblance is ridiculously there.

"Can you all stick together let's snap the photo?" Inayah threw the question at Imad and Amirah to join Hajiya Karima, Falak and Najla on the couch -Fikriyah and Marawiyyah stood up and gave them space.

"What's her name again?" Her Majesty inquired, finally taking her eyes off the infant to look at the aforementioned baby's parents.

And together the two parents in town answered with edge of pride. "Karima."

"Wow! Mom's head will probably burst today!" Falak exaggerated, eyes bulging out but her mother didn't even acknowledge her, busy staring at Amirah with adoration, gratitude and this motherly love that makes her legs weak.

She's named the girl after her even though they weren't together with Imad! Something is fishy behind their story but she'd be damned if they don't work it out.

Imad's phone pinged in his hand. Messages have been bouncing since morning, he didn't check but he needs to do so now, he could feel it in his bones that this is important. He left the room to go see what it is and found a voice note from an unknown number. He listened carefully in the room, never missing a word being said between the two people. He sat down on the bed, head between both palms in anguish.

That conversation was between Lateefa and Amirah! Just when he started trusting her and thinking they could work out, she had to do this?!

Parted! Another secret is about to sprout out. Me this is choking me. We no fit finish one and one dey haul.

What do you think is it this time around?

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