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Imad bathed on this expression of his before gesturing that he sits back down on the chair which he did. "Because..." He trailed off, the suspense rolling Nazir to precipice. "She is still my wife and marriage between you two is going to be baseless and unscientific."

Nazir is now catatonic, not moving an inch from where he is sitting because where could he go to? Run away from this and act like a coward or do what? Marry Amirah the next day in an unislamic way? This man clearly made sure everything is going to go as he planned and darn right it is happening the way he wants it. He could feel his chest tightening and then there was anger. But being the sophisticated man he is, he composed himself because one, they are in public and two, in a hospital nonetheless.

Both men with reputation to keep up, that should stay intact.

"You've got to be shitting me, man." Was what he took, taking the safe side that won't trigger his fury. Even Imad could see it, his schooled face, so hot and surfeit with wrath.

"I won't shit you even if I want to. I have nothing against you."

Nazir shook his head, hating the way Imad is twisting the situation. He came straight and forward. "Why didn't you tell her you guys are still very much married? She confirmed to me that you've divorced her the day after marriage. She's done with her iddah since and have the right to marry whomever she pleases."

Imad shrugged his shoulders, his hoodie closing half his face to avoid too much attention to an ex-husband and future one -or does he even have that title anymore? He didn't react the way Imad had wanted him to but then again, the guy is obviously more mature than he could ever be. He is far older than he is too, so it says a lot about them albeit Imad grew up faster than his age being royal and all those shit in between. He didn't expect this educated expression and reaction though.

"What is the fun in it? I wanted to make her suffer and this broken alliance is also one of them, huh?" The sinister grin took place again, Nazir trying his best to stay seated and relax his clenched fists. It is taking a toll, Imad is pushing him to the wall.

Instead of punching the handsome young prince's face, he let out a restrained smile. "You want to make her suffer?" Imad nodded in an obvious way. "And you said you loved her in the past?" Imad nodded again but this time with narrowed eyes, sensing harangue. "I can see why your marriage didn't work out after all. She deserves far better than you."

Imad got defensive, his eyes in slits as if ready to attack Nazir if he utters one more wrong word. He on the other hand cannot hold back when touched, unlike Nazir who wanted nothing more than to ruin his face and maybe a broken rib but held back. What is the use of being violent? It won't change the truth about the reality of him not permitted to wed Amirah in every sense. Whether islamically or not, she is still married to her first husband and doesn't even know about it.

Will she be overjoyed with the news since she said she hasn't moved on from him?

But the past month had been special to them both, getting to know each other through and through. Spending time and spoiling one another with cliché I love yous. There is no way she hasn't felt anything for him in just that month, she felt it and still feels it. How would she take the news of not getting married to him now and she is still married to her ex-husband? The man who clearly vowed to make her life hell and extract all energy from her?

If only he could do something at this moment to protect her from his evil man in front of him. He just confirmed that Amirah wasn't wrong that their marriage would've worked out had he listened to her but he didn't. How could she stay married to him when he is this immature and stupid? Thinking with arse instead of his brains, he's forgotten to keep in his cranium, obviously. Who would do that?

He hadn't divorced Amirah and intentionally watched from the sidewalk as they arrange and prepare for this marriage. No wonder he didn't react to anything that has been going around, Nazir was suspicious anyway. He made sure the news reaches every nook and cranny of the state because of Imad and it did, now he will have to suffer the consequences. Oh Imad is a devil hidden behind that blue blood and innocent young face!

"It didn't work out because I don't want it to. Don't interfere. And don't forget, she is still my wife and I have every right on her than you ever will!" Imad's words were menacing, waiting a little before he snaps and hell will break loose.

Nazir's shoulders hunched in envy, he envies Imad so much. At one point, he was very sure he's fallen in love with Amirah and the way he'd wanted to cherish her was beyond words only for Imad to come terminate everything without much of a struggle. Imad is lucky to have Amirah but the guy won't see it now until it is too late. For now, he is blinded with adolescent hatred that should quickly be hauled away or he regrets it for the rest of his life.

His muscles are bunching with more thoughts of the cruelty behind Imad's moves. It is going to shatter Amirah and most of all, she is going to be destructed at the thought of what he is going to go through with the cancelled alliance and everything. The once relaxed fists tighten again, more envy influx in him like an avalanche. Even his throat felt dry, he has failed to protect Amirah from this evil man in front of him. The denunciation they've been trying to avoid reached them without perturb.

"She is your wife." It left such acerbic taste in his mouth but he moved on. "I know that now, the fact you have hidden from everyone else. But tell me this, why does she go around saying you have divorced her if you didn't do it?"

The question nagged him at the beginning but there is no way he won't believe Imad over Amirah's words. She's been all emotional when it happened so maybe she didn't hear him right and what Imad is saying will weigh heavier. If he says he didn't, then there is no way he did. He might not be stupid after all. He didn't let go of a gem even when his head was scattered like that. That is one heck of a good move, Nazir will appraise that.

Imad grinned widely, it almost looks genuine. "Before we left for Chicago that day, my mother advised me about divorce and that I should never utter it no matter what happens. And I always listen to my mother, I didn't say it. I only told her to leave and she did. That was it." He shrugged, the feeling of being superior taking over his head.

Nazir nodded. "I will advice you though. Listen to what she has to say, she won't tell me about it too because she wants you to be the first person that knows about it. I trust that you will do what is right from this point onwards or regret it for the rest of your already decomposing life." He stood up to leave the waiting room to inform his grandfather about the drastic turns of event.

God, he feels so lost and heartbroken but he's learnt to be calm in such situations so he didn't create any scene.

"Hey, I'm not done with you." Imad called out from behind, still sitting comfortably on the waiting chair. Nazir don't like the sound of it but he turned around to see what the man wants.

He raised a brow. "What is it?"

"Sit here with me please."

Nazir did as he was told albeit reluctantly but he felt like Imad has something more stronger in his hold for him to be commanding him like that. What else does this man know and have? Or is the royalty messing him up big time up there?

"I want you to tell her you don't want to marry her because you've fallen in love with her older sister Afaf. Your elders won't accept cancelled alliance like that, they would want a rebound. And you know how much your grandfather likes his reputation. I've made it easy for you. Take Afaf." He explained his well planned plot only to get a raised brow from Nazir with the look of 'are you out of your mind?'

"And why do you think I'm going to do that?"

"Because I have your secrets in my hands, Attorney. Or have you forgotten about your ex, Abida?" Imad chortled at the look Nazir is now exhibiting, pure loathe but also shock.

"What about her?" Playing it cool, huh? Alright, Imad has more in his sleeves than he would want to let on hence he leaned in and whispered the secret in his ear, this did the trick.

A breath filled with agony and abhor extricated itself from his lips. "Why are you hellbent on ruining Amirah? She's been through a lot alone and you still want to do this?"

Imad shrugged again, he's been doing that the whole time there with Nazir. He flapped his hand in dismissal. "You don't worry about my wife. I just want her to go through something similar to what I went through. Do your part and leave the rest to me."

"And do you think it is that easy? No one will believe me and even Afaf will not agree to this. I won't allow my family's reputation to get ruined because of your little tricks and quibble hatred." Nazir ferociously warned even knowing nothing could forestall the inevitable. He's already inundated, Imad surely did his assignment well.

Imad licked the seam of his lips as though he is thinking but he isn't. He's come prepared! "You need to do all you can to make sure you break her heart. Tell Afaf the truth along with your parents if you have to, but Amirah should never find out about this or your secret will be blown. Your choice." With that, Imad rise and left the hospital, confidence oozing off his steps.


"Let's get this party started!" Lateefa rocked, turning on the music to the blast in the boy's quarters they were given at Barrister Haruna Isah Jalo's home for their bachelorette party.

The room's huge and almost empty except the chairs arranged for them, a table where they placed all sort of sweets and baked stuff starting from chocolate croissant, jam doughnut, chocolate doughnut, all sorts of cakes and many other varieties for them to chose what to eat for the night. It is full on spoiling one another after the torturous spa earlier.

"Oh, yeah!" Dahma stood up in her own pink robe, keeping her phone aside after taking countless snaps with the bride and her sister, they are wearing matching outfit and look like twins.

The theme is silky robe of different shades of pink to make it look like the real bachelorette's party. While Lateefa is in flamingo, Kamilah is rouge, Dahma in pink, Husna in ballerina, Nuzha in rose and Heyam wearing blush pink silky rose. Amirah and Afaf mistakenly got the same colour of punch pink making them look awfully cute and so beautiful. The girls didn't post the photots because they are only wearing robes, that'd be inappropriate.

"Change the song now." Heyam breathed out, she's danced more than anyone there then Husna whose feet won't even touch the floor as she danced away.

"How about 'Cho Cho by Zlatan?'" Lateefa questioned, holding the phone in her hand to tap the aforementioned song as soon as they agree.

"Yes!" All of then bounced back with more vigor, Amirah smiled at that but also joined the dance. They've spent the last couple of days practicing the dance moves for their bachelorette night courtesy of Lateefa and Husna.

Right in the middle of the party, Afaf got a call from her future brother in-law and left the room to answer, away from the cacophony. Though she's saved his number, they have never talked to one another on phone and whatever it is they want to discuss will be discussed when they meet. After they sent the boxes -six Michael Kors, six Fendi and six Calvin Klein with a whole Ghana-must-go filled with designer English wears- few days ago, they never talked much.

"Hey." She answered a bit louder because she could still hear the loud music and Mayorkun's voice all over the place. How are they sleeping inside the other part of the house?

"Uh, hi Afaf. Can you come out and meet me outside?" He cleared his throat but she scrunched her brows, hearing the desperation and many other emotions mixed inside. She don't want to be in trouble but all this spells nothing but trouble. Her brother in-law wanting to see her the eve of his marriage with her sister? Definitely not good news.

"Alright, I'm coming." She went back, discreetly took a kimono that surely belongs to the other girls but she needs to be with Nazir urgently to care about that.

Upon arriving at the car she knew no doubt is his, if not from the familiarity and semblance, then from the headlight turned on. She slipped inside the car, her lips suddenly chapped and the air conditioner in the car had her shivering. She's nervous about everything he is going to say but kept calm, she may be thinking out for the worse when that is totally not the case. How is it not the case though? He looks equally nervous and out of place.

His smile wavered across his lips and the pensive look he is featuring says it all. "I cannot marry Amirah." He dropped the bomb and had she not been sitting, she would've doubled over.

"Why?" She sputters, shaking her head. She started talking then gestured for him to stop doing so. She pulled a deep breath and slowly release it, reflecting his words again. "Why?" She asked again -a breathy whisper- as if that will change what he's said.

She's been afraid of this all the time which is why she was more than willing to get this marriage done and over with in a month. And why does she feel like Imad have something to do with this? If it was all about Nazir, he would've withdrawn even before now but he had to do it when there are only few more hours to their marriage? What is wrong with their destiny? Who has casted an evil eye on them?

They are just two young girls rising to be pinnacled but seems like they have more enemies than they thought.

"Listen to me please." His eyes are stern so she kept quiet but the frown is still there. "Imad came to me earlier in the hospital." And she scowled, it was so deep that Nazir would've find funny if it was in any other situation. She looks like Amirah, as cute as a button. "And he told me he never divorced Amirah right from the start, and she heard him wrong."

He swallowed at this one. "He wants me to marry you instead but I shouldn't tell her why I won't marry her because he wants to break her heart again. If I don't do this, my secret will be blown and he vowed to ruin her further. I don't know what to do. I've already talked to my parents and they agreed."

His mother was elated actually, she didn't want him to marry Amirah because of the scandal behind her name and always loved Afaf for some odd reasons he does not want to find out. His father wanted to go talk to the King but Nazir managed to stop him while his uncle on the other hand only shrugged as if he knew the truth all along but he doesn't, he just had a hunch. His grandfather patted his back and told him it was all for the best and he should take heart.

"Marry me?" She laughed, that sounds like a terrible joke to her ears. Marry her sister's supposed husband and won't tell her the truth? What the fuck is wrong with Imad? She wants to have a few words with him that includes the use of hand and fist.

"Yeah. That I should lie about been in love with you all along and couldn't tell her and I realised that just this night. It is fucked up but we need to do this to save ourselves. He is serious about ruining us both because he told me something I never thought he would find out. I think it is better for her to go through this heartbreak because she doesn't love me than for him to use another route. It might be more malignant. What do you think though?" His eyes are glossy, he is stuck.

Thank God his parents were very understanding, he only needs Afaf's approval and the name of the bride will be changed in the mosque. This is so fucking tough!

Allah can change the most hopeless situation into the best moment of your life. He's already written the script, the length, chapters, paragraphs and ending of your movie. You just have to put up performance worthy of Jannah.

Afaf is conflicted. Her brows are pulling in, this is a tough decision. He's caught her off guard. Of all the thing she's thought would ever ruin Amirah's marriage, she never thought Imad would be there. She even thought the guy has moved on now and forgiven the past but he is just being a sneaky little stupid adolescent Prince.

If he won't allow his sister to marry, then he is going to have to take her back!

Tashin sense! Imad don lass my power abeg😹 The guy is messed up.

I love Afaf's energy o. The last statement got me like, ouuuu.

Wetin you think will happen now?

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